
`Weatherford Proceedings
`IPR2016-O1517 (US. Pat. No. 7,134,505)
`IPR2016-O1514 (US. Pat. No. 7,543,634)
`IPR2016-O1509 (US. Pat. No. 7,861,774)


`Unless otherwise noted, all citations herein are to the exhibit
`list for |PR2016-01509 (774 patent). This exhibit list is available
`in the Patent Owner Response, Paper 32.
`All page citations are to the page numbers added for these
`proceedings, not the native page numbers ofthe article,
`document, etc.


`Q. Well, what I'm asking is this
`hypothetical person of skill in the
`art, would they have thought it was
`obvious prior to 2001 to do open hole
`multistage fracturing?
`A. The -- the obvious part throws me
`because I don't what you mean by it
`was obvious. If somebody wished to do
`multistage fracturing, then -- then
`they could read Thomson. And Thomson
`did -- Thomson did multistage
`fracturing. So there was literature
`available to the POSITA to do such a
`thing, but the motivation by and
`large was not there.
`Ex. 2101, V. Rao Depo. at 13:11-24.


`Q. Prior to November 2001, what was
`the goal of multistage fracturing in
`horizontal wells?
`A. The same as it would be today, but
`prior to 2001 there was not much of a
`call for it and so there was not much
`work done in that space. In part
`because the vast majority of the
`horizontally stimulated wells,
`horizontal fractured wells, were in
`the Austin Chalk. . .
`Ex. 2044, V. Rao Depo. at 31:14-32:3.


`So I'll go back to the Austin Chalk.
`These are naturally fractured
`vertical fractures, and some of which
`were slightly filled with minerals,
`and the fracturing required to open
`it up further was not as intensive as
`-- the pressures required were not as
`great, so it was not needed.
`Ex. 2044, V. Rao Depo. at 32:7-12.


`Q. And there's some wells that, prior
`to 2001, a person skilled in the art
`would say you know what, plug and
`perf is a better way to frac this
`well, as opposed to open hole
`multistage. You agree with that,
`A. No.
`Q. You would not agree with that?
`A. No. See, prior to 2001 there was
`not much impetus to do any zonal
`isolation fracturing; because if you
`look at the history of the – of the
`years before 2001, for the -- say the
`decade before 2001, the vast majority
`of the fracturing was done in Austin
`Chalk. . .
`Ex. 2101, V. Rao Depo. at 11:8-20.




`Production and Stimulation Analysis of Multiple
`Hydraulic Fracturing of a 2,000-ft Horizontal Well
`by AB. Yoet IL U.S. DOEIMETC, and W.K. Overbey Jr.. BDM Engineering 3.
`SFE Members
`This paper was prepared lur preeanletlnn eta-e 5F! Gee Technology Sympwium held in Dallas, "rem .June
`This paper was eelec1ed For pueeenllllon by an BPE Pacifism Gomnillee “lowing mlewoi lnlormatlon curate]
`as automated. have not been reviewed by Ina Socloiy of PoiroJeUrn Engineers end are subplot Incorrodlon byi
`ewy poelllen uflhe swlelyal Petroleum Engineer-e, he dildo-e. armelnhale. Papers preeemed at SPE meellngee
`olF'olrolaurn Engineers. Permleelunlo oopyiamlricled lean abstract or no: more than out: words. Illuflmllone me)! n
`pl where and by Mom lhe paper I: presented. Willa Publications Manager. SPE. FD. Box assess, filcneld-
`The Federal Government
`the application of high angle and horizontal drilling
`for more
`than ED .years.
`The U.S.
`of Wines.
`cooperation with Eolumhia Gas and Consolidated Natural
`Gas. drilled inclined wells
`in the Devonian shales
`of West
`These well
`The performance of multiple hydraulic Fracturing
`treatments along a ZUOO-foot horizontal wellbore was
`completed in a gas bearing, naturally-fractured shale
`in Wayne County. West Virginia.
`The st
`flow and pressure data, hydraulic Fracturing
`treatments, and post-stimulation flow and pressure
`and again in 19:51“
`liirginia in Isaalfll
`where theh
`form the
`from which
`adequate ec-
`analysis was
`field production
`from 1'? wells was
`used as baseline data For
`Such data was used to show the significance
`enhanced production from a horizontal well
`These wells obtained inclinations of #3"
`fine“ to pI
`a field that was partialUr depleted.
`E]: FEE-151...?
`The post-frat stabilized flow rate was 95,000
`history and
`from 2000
`feet of
`results were mined
`horizontal borehole. Under current reservoir pressure
`Fluids can .
`the horizontal well
`produced at
`times greater
`than the field current average of
`13 mcfd for stimulated vertical walls. This increase
`gas production suggests
`that horizontal wells,
`in strategically placed locations within partially
`completi E: n
`intervals or
`completion use
`The Federal Government
`to avoid the problems of formation damage associated
`the application “f high angle and horizontal drilling
`than ED J‘EETS-
`tubing-conveyed perforating of
`"Ii-'9 of high angle drilling and multiple ”dram“
`for maximizing production was
`recognized in 1959.
`fracturing From an inclined or horizontal borehpfi
`Ex. 1002 at 1, Ex.
`stimulations‘ were
`de- EX 1002 at 1 EX
`The first test of the concept was performed by Mobil
`open and propagate the many anWn natural
`Oil Corporation in the Austin chalk in which a well
`len gth of
`2081, McGowen
`that existed along the 2000 foot
`inclined to 6 °
`through the Pay zone was stimulated
`2081, McGowen
`times. 2
`The _LI.S.
`0f Mines,
`1“ wellbore.
`stimulations were
`cooperation with Columbia Gas and consolidated Natural
`the fomation as
`Decl. at 15, Paper
`Decl. at 15, Paper
`Gas, drilled inclined wells
`in the Devonian shales
`propagate “WT-a]
`fractures by manipulatin-
`and injection rates.
`32, POR at 45
`32, POR at 45
`References and i lustrations at end 0? paper.
`01% 14


`Sodetp or Petrdeum Engineers
`SPE 1909i
`Production and Stimulation Analysis of Multiple
`Hydraulic Fracturing of a 2,000-ft Horizontal Well
`by AB. Yoei ll. U.S. DOEIMETC, and W.K. Overbey Jr.. BDM Engineering Services Co.
`SFE Members
` Hell Stimulation Summary
`This paper was prepared lur ereeenleum. more are due Technology sympeeiurn held in oeuee, "Texas. June 7-5. rose.
`This paper was asiec1ed For puesenlllipn by an BPE Pacifism Gomnillee “lowing mlewoi lnlprmafion contained In an absirectauhmlllsd byl
`as crawled. have not been reviewed by Ina Socloiy of Polmieurn Engineers and are subieol Incomdlon by the authorisi. The malarial. as pr.
`any paelllon uflhe ecclelyai Petroleum Engineers, ire chicane. armelrihola. Papers press-wed at SPE maellnga are sublet-.1 to publication Malawi:
`oiF'olrolaurn Engineers. Parmlealunlo oopyiemlricled loan abstract or not more than :lotl words. llluflnsllone may notbeccpied. The obmcl mid-
`ol where and by whom the paper ls presented. Wilts Publications Manager. SPE. RD. Elm: 533835, Richardson, Tilt repossess. Telex, 'rauea
`in the
`stimulation research.
`The objective of
`to determine the recovery
`horizontal wellhcrc was
`efficiency of
`the natural
`fracture system and the
`of west Virginia in 1mm ;
`These wells obtained inclinat
`from hydraulically
`the well whenever multiple Fractures would
`The stimulation aspects 0
`To determine the most effective wellhore
`technical challehg
`where the horizontal wellbore
`adequate economic production.
`the mar
`literature exists
`stimulation under
`those conditions. it was necessary
`fracturing of horizontal wet
`are complete
`horizontal wells
`to use a systematic approach to examine the effects
`liners to preserve hole integr
`this type of completion is
`of pulling the liner at
`history and re—running and cem-
`factors. which
`fluids can be accomplished.
`{1} type of fluid {c.g.. gas,
`liquid} foam};
`accomplished by the installatil
`and port collars
`fluid injection rate;
`1.rulumc of
`a casing String in the horiz
`intervals with ready-made perFo
`This was
`to me
`completion used
`in this
`2000 foot horizontal well
`to avoid the problems of formation damage associated
`tubing-conveyed perforating of
`Ex. 1002 at 3, Ex.
`Ex. 1002 at 3, Ex.
`2081, McGowen
`2081, McGowen
`Decl. at 15, Paper
`Decl. at 15, Paper
`Ex. 1040 at 3, 5
`32, POR at 45
`32, POR at 45
`References and i lustrations at end oi paper.
`01% 14
`The performance of multiple hydraulic Fracturing
`treatments along a ZUOO-foot horizontal wellbore was
`completed in a gas bearing, naturally-fractured shale
`‘in Wayne County.
`liest Virginia.
`flow and pressure data, hydraulic fracturing
`treatments, and post-stimulation flow and pressure
`form the
`from which
`analysis was
`field production
`from 1'? wells was
`used as baseline data For
`Such data was used to show the significance
`enhanced production from a horizontal well
`a field that was partially depleted.
`The post-frac stabilized flow rate was 95,000
`from 2000
`feet of
`horizontal borehole. Under current reservoir pressure
`the horizontal well
`produced at
`times greater
`than the field current average of
`13 paid for stimulated vertical walls. This increase
`gas production suggests
`that horizontal wells,
`in strategically placed locations within partially
`The Federal Government
`the application of high angle and horizontal drilling
`for more
`than ED years.
`Value of high angle drilling and multiple hydraulic
`for maximizing production was
`recognized in 1959.
`fracturing From an inclined or horizontal berth?”
`The first test of the concept was performed by Mobil
`Oil Corporation in the Austin chalk in which a well
`inclined to 6 °
`through the pay zone was stimulated
`of Mines.
`cooperation with Columbia Gas and consolidated Natural
`Gas, drilled inclined wells
`in the Devonian shales
`stimulations‘ were de
`open and propagate the many known natural
`that existed along the 2000 foot
`length of
`stimulations were
`the formation as
`propagate natural
`fractures by manipulatin-
`and injection rates.


`DOE Publishes
`Ex. 2075
`DOE drills
`Yost well


`E-nx-ultir Petmleurnh-garu-sa
`SPE 17759
`in a Naturally Fractured
`Hydraulic Fracturing of a Horizontal Well
`Reservoir: Gas Study for Multiple Fracture Design
`by AB Ynsi II,
`'J S DOE METC: WK, Dverbey Jr.. BDM Corp: D A. Wllkii‘li-I.
`Grace. Shursen. Moore 6. Asziuns. and C D Locke. BDla' Curr,-
`SPE niv'nbe:s
`inls swim was maps-vol Iar larqsamauun nl ilw SPF an; Technology layinmuum, linld n. Dares, TX, June in 15,
`'- a“ a: r'xl 2
`in a
`low permeability reservoir
`fluid design
`to minimize
`the capillary releiitmn
`approach to stimulation-i design using 52, E02.
`fig—foam was
`one which
`is must
`E?fltll}l’it. Stimulation rodeling was used to evaluate
`fracture geometry with particular
`concern for
`minimum pressure r'se above parting pressure required
`zones s'o
`rr‘r‘zo .a'
`are availatle for
` L 2
`A Hg
`rJZ—icarr data
`frac was
`'llg. C02. and rig—foam
`treatments were
`a GOG-foot
`evaluate the Effectiveness of
`[02 versus
`productive intervals in order
`to use the preferred
`the best
`in the
`post-treatment decline :urvEs for H2 and 1‘02 indicati-
`a CUE-based
`in the most productive interval
`to can ave maximum
`are presented along with discussion of
`and potential utility to other horizontal
`drilling nrojects.
`'I‘IL‘ stimulation aspects of horizontal drilling
`in tight
`technical C‘zllengfi.
`Nellbore nay not
`always pi'ovldr
`adt‘ouate econcnic
`References and illustrations—at end or paper.
`l-ydraulic fracturing
`mechanics of
`hori zon ta]
`of horizontal Hells.
`p reperf LITE: led
`C ‘ sac'ventege
`is the
`Sate: “is!
`tarot: of
`:Iulling the liner a:
`late." stage of Jrocuctior
`history and
`selective placement of
`string such that
`fluid: Can
`instailation of external
`casing packers
`and port
`casing string
`part. of
`$u:h a completion
`run along the hor’zontal sect-Ton.
`rea dy—sade perfo re: -' 315
`r: "actu—ing “uics
`this was
`the method
`fuo‘. horizontal wall
`to avoid the
`assocrated with
`tubing—conveyed perforating of numerous
`Erergr's Morgantowr.
`The U.S.
`Fnergy Technology Center
`‘Gr more
`g". angle wells
`the merits of
`than 20 years,
`7:": high angle well: were
`in the Devonian Shale at 43 and 52°
`Recent emphasis has been on
`the use of
`ciehc‘v in
`to enhance
`recovery effi
`fractured Devonian
`l’iopalachien flasin involved selection of a
`fo‘loued by
`full-'ielo reservoir
`.2 Once
`site was
`Lemon‘s:- U
`arc was
`to eamiro
`I—Iz'll'IIIHIIrI III-- I=-'| I'm-hip IiIrII-nlI-Ii I'rlltlur" |'I'I.'-rrI Mill-Pill] mi"!-
`Sign bottonro'e assembes.
`str" 9
`during drilling.
`in this ua ;
`long horizontal well discussoc
`5023 f
`was air-drilled to a measured depth of
`Ex. 2075 at 8, Ex.
`ll. Vic;
`and a
`true veraicai depth or
`3-103 reat.‘
`2081, McGowen
`2081, McGowen
`Decl. at 15, Paper
`Decl. at 15, Paper
`32, POR at 47-48
`Ex. 1040 at 3, 5


`Societu of Petroleum Engineers
`Lflmhom mmnun'csn
`SPE 18249
`inducing Multiple Hydraulic Fractures From a Horizontal Wellbore
`by W.K. Overbey Jr.. BDlvl Engineering Services Corp: AB. Yost ll, US. DOE; and
`Dal. Wilkins, Grace, Shursen. Moore it Assoce.
`SPE Members
`This papg' wag momma ioi prose-"Mien 31 lh(- 534d knit-gal Techriiail Conference and Enh'cillio-i oi the Society oi Petroleum Engineers held in
`housron. T'Jl. Delmar 2-5. 1988.
`This parlor was seleclnd Iui prosaniaiian by an SPE Program Emlimilim laili'nrillg rlvilw oi iniormaliov. nonleilud in an ansllatl suhminsd by the
`auii‘iwm. Cor-toms o! the papal. as presenled, IIBV. not been reviewed hy the Society oi Felroleuln Engineers and are subject to caractiori by lhe
`auinoqu. The material. as presented. does noi niCISE-Billy reflect any poeillon ol the Society n‘. Pavaleum Engine-a
`cars. or members. FIDO—'5
`and at SPE hearings are subject to publication INIEW by Edlioncl Committees ol 1w so
`1-,: of Parole
`are. P
`to copy is
`reolrlolad to an nbolrIcl of no'. marathon and worn. lllusirai'ona may not as copier]. The ebslrac'. should comm camp-cums
`adgmenl of
`while and b'r'mn'. the paper I: Drlsaniad. Writs Fuolntallona Manager. SPE. PI). Box assess. Richardson. TX linen-34w, Tale
`stimulations were
`exist along a
`ZIJEIO foot horizontal well
`in Wayne
`County. Nest Virginia.
`stimulations were
`also designed to induce fractures in the formation
`as well
`as propagate
`the natural
`number of radioactive tracers were used to determine
`injection rates.
`tracers were found
`in fractures
`in zones other
`than the one
`a fact considered prima facie evidence that
`fractures with
`two or more orientations
`had been opened and propagated.
`Pressure testing
`sampling of
`isolated zones
`that fracture communication was accomplished along
`nearly 1000
`feet of borehole
`stimulation of
`one 400 foot long section.
`A technique for inducing
`with multiple
`orientations was demonstrated.
`Horizontal wells
`recovery efficiency from a particular
`It is believed that the original concept of drilling
`horizontal walls was
`to contact more
`reservoir which was
`a particularly
`outstanding producer. or which had other production
`the earliest
`at horizontal drilling in the United States was
`that done
`in the 'u'enango
`sandstone from a shaft
`The particular
`problem being addressed was
`to produce
`the heavy crude oil which
`its solution gas
`because of
`shallow depth
`the formation (less
`than 500
`and thus
`was produced at slow rates.
`References and illust
`tions at end of paper.
` conducted
`to tight,
`Later efforts addressed themselves
`low penneahility shales
`sandstones which were
`fractures which
`ideal way
`efficiency is to increase the t
`fractures which can be connecte
`is to present evidence
`reported on in this paper
`(to to 90 degrees) wa-
`supporting our conclusion that two sets of natural
`efficiencEEtr-‘lll‘d inflineligflprlonrfifl'ig
`fl‘a E t Ll 13E 5
`a naturally fractured reservo
`senndoowas stimulation
`can best
`be accomplishe
`l?%£$fihmifi; along a
`third direction controlled or the reoional
`inflated fractu
`propping the
`$123233; fl§“'inili"a°sll’;
`5 I; PE 5 5
`f1 ET d i
`approach :1
`recovery from the Devonian the
`type of operation can be accomplished
`can he found. That-condition is geivioralljiI associated
`with normal or block faulted areas where multiple
`fracture directions
`are generated in
`with the faulting. Other conditions where multiple
`are generated
`associated with
`faulted areas.
`were selected in Hayne
`and Lincoln Counties, Nest
`lii'rginia. which were. known to have multiple fracture
`function of
`the ore-Cambrian rift-type
`faulting which produced the Rom
`and the test well was drilled in one of them
`Ex. 1040 at 2,
`EX' 1040 at 2!
`relationship of
`Paper 39, Reply
`horizontal or inclined wells with respect to Paper 39, Reply
`a_nd f octuri
`at 10
`Exhibit ll at 10
`Weatherford International LLC et ai. v. Packers Plus Energy Services. |
`|PR20l6-01509, Page l-oi 15


`Lumber! mmnmsn
`Suclebg or Petroleum Engirreere
`SPE 18249
`inducing Multiple Hydraulic Fractures From a Horizontal Wellbore
`by W.K. Overboy Jr.. BDlvl Engineering Services Corp; AB. Yost Ii, US. DOE; and
`Dal. Wilkins, Grace, Shursen, Moore rt Aesoce.
`SPE Members
`Thlfl DBPS' was orooareo [or prosenlalioat al lhe Bard Annual Technical Conference and Exhbllim ol the Society oi Petroleum Englneers helrs Irn
`houston. Till. Dclobel' 2-5. 1988.
`aulhmle}. Conbenli ol the paper. as preaenled, have not been reviewed by the Society ol Felroleuln Engineers and are subject to correction by lhe
`This pea-r was selecled Iur pmsanlaiian byan see Program currurrinna lollrming review or informality. contained in an aluminasubmillnd by the
`eu:ncr[s:. Tne inaierlal. as presented. does nol I'IICISEBlll): reflect any posillon ol IIhu Society a“. Petroleum Engineers. no editors. or members. Papwe
`Presented at SPE meetings are subject republication JWIEW by Editonel Committees ol the Society of Pet‘oleunn Engineers. Penniasion to copy la
`reoirlomd no an nbalrIcl or not momthan eoo woma. llluairai'ona may not as copier]. me abalrrac'. should contain aunapiououa ochnowladgmanl or
`where and bi! mm the paper Is presented. Write Fuel-cations Manager. SPE. PI). Box 533536. Richardson. TX loam-3336, Tales: HOEEQSPEDAL.
`to tight.
`Later efforts addressed themselves
`low penneahility shales
`sandstones which were
`fractures which
`ideal way
`to improve
`efficiency is to increase the total number of natural
`fractures which can be connected to a single wellbore
`for drainage.
`the concept of drilling a well
`in a particular direction and attaining an inclined
`(to to 90 degrees) was
`logical means of
`improving upon the recovery efficiency of a vertical
`stimulations were
`exist along a
`ZIJEIO foot horizontal well
`in Wayne
`County. Nest Virginia.
`stimulatidns were
`also designed to induce fractures in the formation
`as well
`as propagate
`the natural
`number of radioactive tracers were used to determine
`fractures were
`injection rates.
`tracers were found
`in fractures
`in zones other
`than the one
`a fact considered prima facie evidence that
`fractures with
`two or more orientations
`had been opened and propagated.
`Pressure testing
`sampling of
`isolated zones
`that fracture communication was accomplished along
`nearly 1000
`feet of borehole
`stimulation of
`one 400 foot long section.
`A technique for inducing
`with multiple
`orientations was demonstrated.
`Horizontal wells
`recovery efficiency from a particular
`It is believed that the original concept of drilling
`horizontal wells was
`to contact more
`reservoir which was
`a particularly
`outstanding producer. or which had other production
`the earliest
`at horizontal drilling in the United States was
`that done
`in the 'v'enango
`sandstone from a shaft
`The particular
`problem being iddf‘ESSEd was
`to produce
`the heavy crude oil which
`its solution gas
`because of
`shallow depth
`the formation (less
`than 500
`and thus
`was produced at slow rates.
`References and illustrations at and of paper.
`Weatheriord International LLC et al.
`A method
`inclined or horizontal wellbore
`efficiency of
`a naturally fractured reservoir
`is to extend the
`geometry and
`flow capacityI of existing fractures
`as well as create new induced hydraulic fractures.
`can best
`be accomplished by stimulating the
`fractures which
`inflating them with a
`non-damaging fluid and
`inflated fractures
`to maintain
` ”EVE
`enhanced flow capacity and
`fractures by increasing the
`injection rate.
`approach used to stimulate gas
`recovery from the Devonian sholes in the horizontal
`Harunni. Fnocrunes r".'——-— naT‘E
`type of operation can be accomplished
`can he found. That-condition is generally associated
`with normal or block faulted areas where multiple
`fracture directions
`are generated 'in
`-'-'-'-—"—' Hil-EPE
`with the faulting.
`other conditions where multiple
`are generated
`associated with
`faulted areas.
`were selected in Hayne
`and Lincoln Counties, Nest
`Flu. ll—nill'll'll'l'l Ilium-inn momentum-of III'I'III diam-II III-Ill IIILiIJIII—
`liirginia. which were known to have multiple fracture
`function of
`the -re-Camhrian rift-t ue
`faulting which. pro
`Ex. 1040 at 10,
`and the test well was drilled EX. 1040 at 10,
`Paper 39, Reply
`herizontal or inclined wells
`Paper 39, Reply
`I no _of
`._ulI_--_ o_nd f a
`at 10
` v. Packers Plus Energy
`|PR2016-01509. Page l-of 15


` 301w: nf Vania m1 [my-users
`SPE 18255
`insights Into Hydraulic Fracturing of a Horimntal We” in a
`Naturaliy Fractured Fermation
`[1-,- AW. Layne. LLS 50E, and PL]. Siriwardzme. Wesi V1rginia U,
`QPE Lien-bays
`{'1} hr necessary in fmflm-
`'iiarlzacta} wells are thought.
`5111...: with 14"nl-peeflmal:
`:1.- Euc': as the uevunian singles
`immatiganions at. ube IL5. nelvartmeui 0!
`1:9 inc-mm: nauzrai 3:56 recovery am? L13 Izduce the
`Ramsay‘s Magnum-tn Eur:
`char-lag}: Center have
`523.13: at drilling a cry mm,
`11>. a kwsi'mnm! well.
`. Um.
`imxn hale chSes Null-i131: natural fractures in the: addrgsgga tim patenual .1? mar-.'.:wntal well:
`£t'1mulsr.ion 112:. 11-... x 2,900 it.
`(6129.15 1..)
`new-11..» 1.5.: gas xccct'ai'y from law-[5exneahili
`1 “9.5 1:13
`ho izuntai m:
`....£ um;
`1 dnL‘ued into t3..- Uevnuian fihalcfi in
`A 400') n:
`Euii WEE pumyfifi dfiwn
`Whfifl high-prefiaure L
`:11TEHt J
` U11- "-=1":]= $231-
`‘_fl-_ I.
`yak-11.: County. mm- Viz-3:11:15. wax Luz-ed in 1111: study.
`‘ d iato Lac Btvanian shale formation in Wayne
`h -
`I _
`. 15-3.:I
`1|. I-
`imam», up... vets...“ to a swank-ed ‘13qu 11:55:20 E.
`“alum... ;_1s;|1em and mung part collars 11ml. user}
`-o that Ladlvadm}. zones: muld ha tested or 4.3111111111me “(.1 5_~51 a] ma 11-1
`t.- e 1:qu verti .13. £81351] vi
`.‘.-1113 it
`11.9111; the uylii1cn1.:(i,U3? m).
`£15.11; have 11L'I1L111r.'r-1.-."E_ hut HI-id ‘-I-'.-rilk
`§Ti1is paptr focuses on an .'maly
`1. af hydraulic fractal/2?), slchemutxc :f the “11 :onfisufatfifin is 311mm 11, 5511'"
`ificsign ané 3129;12ng F .dxcMon.
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`I .
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`lilic fur urn? modeling theories pachcn mutt determmefi with a downhole video camera
`I —
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`taggers and port calla-r3 as part 11f [he 124751215 -
`am} induced ire-assume ge natty for :ach naxurai fracture
`part :ollazs and packeru were used to zsaiate
`sPimtliatinn intervals
`.isl'ing perforations.
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`ithe nature? fr. chu-nn 95-}.rue!!!
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`stimulatmna were perv
`Itch? threw-dimer.“ .
`i1: emit-(.3 preragat-m; fznm 8 horizontal weal
`nLd in 2.0211:
`I {see Figure 2} with nitrogen, carbon
`ran-11115,; staged—fem saluting v.2: 11921213926 51- pre-
`.zirSs, an“ sand-laden :5.“ 0313: tom Lc- dfi.fl”—Tfiifl$‘
`:1... press-arc and {Ram rate distrihatwn along U11.-
`in: 11.931. effeclive firm-1...:iag {mi-J1 {.11 the 51.11.:
`lateral extent. a! 1.11: “clung-1.1.
`Prad1c:ad msnltx wrrc compared with in situ fracture
`_ after. armaments. Raflloanive—tyace! w: :31 spec tral"
`iagnostics Era-m gas (11291-113211. mm {‘03} 11nd ‘7 11111 awn-Ami
`chic-mess of Um
`determine the raw-Query 5-?
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`mi sires: per“
`ulav to the {raw-awn affect the
`:111-1' Each-.11, 2:73.41: and the impact 31‘ stimulzting
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`gme 1.12:}. by hydrauiz. 1m. m-ing. Fivr slinuLatLuma
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`- Me.» gag-firmer]. Mu
`.ple‘: fractures was prnp-a-
`‘ or fracture secmatw Frfifiicn ..:z= :11.
`gate-.1 simultanscnsly flux-mg than stimulation treat--
`13.11: sinulaticn
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`Irretlixtians based on Lhasa models 31K}. tracer
`The well 935 :1: 115% in the '-
`11311 urtbog" ‘ w the 13.13..
`,s. TLgal 51:23::
`L‘Jngs confirm that ..
`.- siuglr: crack theory fol: fracture
`1111311119 fax stmnlaLiams the“.
`r0 3 51:10:! is not 3
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`' natural {future
`twrjzcmta]. .rsr-Jutzstlnns were irientifierl with the dgunhaiv w'fico
`Eare initiaLed along an isolate-.6 part 01' a
`. “-1-.- am: geophyai..a] 11.111 1:13:3- Fiaum 2 depict:
`[he mum-*1]. 1m:Lure pactena and amentatiuns in
`'i was pumgefi down the:
`.\__-~_ sugar-31
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`J". I: I- 1.1.3 1. urf I:I.
`'I. fawn H
`cl 1. r.
`_. .'-r
`Ex. 2076 at 1-2, Ex.
` Ex. 2076 at 1-2, Ex.
`2081, McGowen
`2081, McGowen
`Decl. at 21, Paper
`Decl. at 21, Paper
`32, POR at 48
`DEF'NW 32, POR at 48


` Entire“: nf Wie- m-‘I [Hy-$5
`SPE 18255
`insights Into Hydraulic Fracturing of a Horimntal We” in a
`Naturaliy Fractured Farm-31mm
`[1-,- AW. Layne. 1L3 50E, and 1-H. Siriwardzme. Wesi ngnia U,
`QPE Lien-bays
`{'11 hr necessary in fmflm-
`'iiarlzacta} wells are thought.
`ions with Lampeerfi-mab '
`t3.- Euc': as the L‘evtmian 3:131:15
`:a inn-cm: muwai 32:: recovery am: La :zduce the
`immatigations at. cm 11.5. 391.11“ng o!
`Margy-‘1: Magnum-t1: E113:
`323.13: at drilling a cry mm,
`11>. a kwsi'mnm! well.
`chuclagy Center have
`. Um.
`imxn 1103.9. chSes Null-i131: natural fractures in the: addrgsgga tim patenual 13f nuts-5.251321 well:
`fit'mlulstion 12:; {mm x 2,900 in (6129.6 n}
`inCXraar: Lhc gas xccct'ai'y from law-[Jermahili
`ho i.2L-ntaJ m:
`...£ um;
`1 driL‘u-d into tiw Murmur: 1111111119. in

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