
`The UMTS Long Term Evolution
`F R 0 M TH 13. 0 RT '1‘ 0 1} R A c: "1‘
`E (1 1“.
`Edited by: Stefania Saaia * Iaaam Tuufik * Matthew Baker
`Page 1


`Long Term Evolution
`From Theory to Practice
`Second Edition
`Stefania Basia
`ET—Fn'ruarr. Frumrc'
`lssam TouliI-i
`FIST, Hame-
`Mntlhew Baker
`Alma-me. UK
`A:i:11n1'l'lll:y' 3:: Sum; lnl,lml:|i:.1tim
`Page 2
`Page 2


`This cdfinn lira: publiififil 2:11 I
`@201: 1911.1me Mm. Ltcf.
`John 'Wihy at Suva le. Th1: Atrium Smflwm Gain. Chkhfilm'. Wm Sum. P019 $31}.
`Uniltd Kinda-In
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`I'm mks-Inn m rem Ihe hwfighl mam-bl in this lam-11'. phstsee nut met-Rite a: wwm Mm.
`'Ihcligllsufflrcauljn‘mlub: ldcmfifilfilhcmhmdmhwutmbmnmwwaumnhm:
`with lhh' Cum'rigli. Dwignsalul Palm M1 EH».
`All Iighls mm. M: part ul'lhis publiwilm may 1:: Illpl'tflilfllfld. alumni imam-Irina} 535mm. m
`Imrmn'lllud. in my fcnn In" by any Hum Mic. "marital. phnmupying. mnmfing 1.1I'
`dflmmlm. mp1 :13 pcrmlltni b1.- flh: UK CW3”, Ere-sign: and Panama Ad 19%, wilhmt Ila: prior
`pnrmEEiun fifth.- publishcr.
`ngr'qlll an mrmum 0f Mann-mun. I'm It: HgC-er-t'fl LTE-aquipfid car.
`3:351 “min: mpu'nducud by permission quE} SEPP'”.
`Will-:5.- also. plhlifl-m Ha. limit in a warmly n1 dammit: {nu-1m. Same mutt-n11 El‘fl‘t ill-pm In print
`Ina]; nut In: l'Pflil-Ihll.‘ in :1ch banks.
`[Magnum med by :rmpmiee lfldiflinflfliflfi flair pmducu HIE-flfitfl claimed a n-adenurht. All
`bran! mums and pmduct mas-std ludu's haul." amtrnil: m. min: mflzitminmmis cur
`legislch tmdnmurksai'flwir respth warm:me publish is Mammaliwirhauy pruth I:Ir
`wruhr minimal in 1H: Ian-Ink. This. publicalinn is dmigmdm [um-iii: autumn mdmthmituiw:
`infn-Imutiun i1 mm] to: Ihl: Elbchmm It is sulflun Eh: Industandtng fiat 111: publifllnris
`[H.1th in Ila-Inkling Swim-.5. "plains-signal min:me “pan ass-him i:
`mqliud, d1: twins 11f: campch pmfcmi-unal Muldhcsnught.
`library q’fl'mgmu Fwdogfitgainrfidrfimfim Dara
`fitfiil. Salim-Ea.
`LTE—ih: UMTS lunglcrm mlulinn 7 I‘m [havqu 1::- pfiniwISlflmfi 5min. Issa'n Tuulik.
`Millie“: Balm-.- inlai—
`p. cm.
`InuElfllfi- hibhpipilicul mfmnm and ind-u.
`ISENflifl-U-iTfl-fimfi fifhard'blck}
`I. Ulivcmal MohflcT-ulzcnmm-inuium 5m. 2. Lang-Tm“ Emmi!!! {Tclummnmic-ui-Jluj
`I- Twl'lk. Imu- ll. Bah-I1 Mathew [Mfllhmw I'LL: III.T11I-:.
`TKilfllalEESj-d‘i' EDI I
`Frill ISBN: flTfll'fllfififlfifi {H.I'B]
`1:901:1an: mm‘mmfll
`013ml: ISBN: mam
`:puh ISBN: aTmmm-n
`Plinlfl] 1n Swat Brilm'n by CH Mam} Hui-Ire. William. Wilmin—
`Page 3
`Page 3


`The liming irritants: update cuminends are generated at Ilre Medium film-less Cutllrul
`{MAC} layer in the citinch and transmitted to the UE. as MAE camel clcmcnts which
`may he multiplexed together with data en the Physical [Lawnlinic HharechHannei {PDSCI-l}.
`Lil-re the initial timing advance command in the response to the ltanclom Recess CHaanei
`tRAti'lll preamble. the update eeetmantls have a granulfl'ity of {'sz its; in the ease til" the
`update eenimantis. the [E is required in implement deem with an accuracy at :tl}.l3 its.
`The range at the update cemmancls is .tli‘uli |ts. allmsing a step change in aplinlt timing
`equivalent to the len-glh ol' the extended CF {i.e. [6157 its}. They would typicallyI out be sent
`met-e I’rentuentljiI than aheut 2 Hr. In practice. test updates are unlike];1 tc be necessary. as
`even fer a BB tearing at 5!]! krui'h the change in reuad—trip time is not mere titan 0.93 its is.
`The cliech must balance the letterhead cf sending regular timing nuisance MIME commands
`tn all the HE: in the cell against a LlE's alJilit::.r to transmit quicklyr when clata mines in its
`transmit buffer. The eleeB dwelt-re cenligures a time: fer each UE. which "re LI'E. restarts
`each time a timing advance upiiate eetn manfl is received: iftlte UE tlnes net receive ancther
`tintingr advance update cernmartri hel'nre the timer aspires. it must then cnnsicler its uplinlt to
`lure lest 53,:rrehrt:tn.i2atil.n't.'ill In such cease. in order to avoid the rislt ofge-neraliog interference
`In uplinl Lrnrtai'nissitrlu I'rurrt ull'tecr DEE... Il1e HE. is not pennitted to make another uplinlr.
`transntissien at any sort with-rut first Iransmitting a tandem access preamble to reinitialire
`the uplinlt timing.
`fine further use el’ timing tuitrmee is In create a switching time between uplinl: reeepljnn
`at Ilse eNotleE and tlthnIinlt transmission for TDD and half-duplex FUD uperatien. This
`switching time can be generated Ia}- applying an additititta] tinting adverse: eflset te tire
`uplinlt transmissiens. tc increase lite ameuut nl liming advance hejerai what is required in
`compensate for Il'le round-trip prepagalion delay. Typically a sin-i tehirtg time of up to El [15
`may be needed. This is discussed in more detail in Section 23.4. I-
`18.3 Power Central
`Uplink transmitter newer central in a mnhilc communication system serves an impel-tan!
`it balances flie need for sufficient transmitted circular},r per hit to maintain the
`link qualityr cos-responding m the required Qualily'uur-Shiriee [Quit-Ill. against the needs to
`minimize interference te cfltrr users at the system and In maximize the battery life of the
`rnebite terminal.
`in achieving this Purpose. Ihe power certtrel has [Ll adapt to die characteristics c-ftlle radio
`prepagaliee channel. including path-less. shades-ring and fast failing. as well as ctereeming
`interference from ether users - bath within the same cell and in rseigithetrring cells.
`The requirements fer upiiult interference management iu LTE are quite tlifierettt them
`these Fer Mini-IA. In “EMMA... the uplinl: is Inaa'tcall}r n-nn-o-rtl'tueigt:inal.T and the primary
`source of inmrl'ererrec which has to be managed is i'ntta-eeil interference between dilTerent
`users in the same cell. Upliult users in WEBB-in sha'e the same time-frequency resources.
`It'Z'iInI-ntlut leest-Iuplrllr. syaeia'udfl'ree ispcssltllc littlest leacng RRC_CD1'E~JECTEDame lseefllw ill.
`TTl'IE hter releases of WL‘DM do. lira-never. Lflsudoce I greater element: ell" intimation]in into Il1e uplilt
`IflJlE'I'IIIiSE-iilfl. by means ol'lo'a-ergllefling fenders and gentler Ineslflirne-di'risiol mllipleninl: of dill'ereot lselet
`io HSI'JI‘A ud HS‘UI‘A.
`Page 4


`generate an interference rise above Ihennal miss: at the Nudefli receiver; this is
`line-ten as ‘Rise deer Tl'rertnal‘ [lieTl1 and it. haste be carefully eentrelted and shared between
`users. The primarymeetunisrn far increasing the uplinlt dataTaIeForaEi'I-ten user in WCDI'HIA
`is 1:: reduce the spreuling [Iterated increase the transmission power accordingly. consuming
`a larger praperrien ul'the tetal available iteT in use cell.
`By emitrast. in LTE the uptialt: is basicaltyeidiegeual by design. and ititaa-eell inmrt‘erenee
`management is eeasequenlty less critical than in WEDMh. The primary mechanisms fer
`varying the uplidle data mi: in LTE are varying the transmitted bandwidth and varying the
`Meduhttiea and Ceding Scheme (MES). while the transmitted Fewer Speetral Density t'E'SDi
`eeutd rypimliy remain appresimately eenstmtt fer a given MES.
`Helene-er. in WEIR-ltd lite pester centre] [5] was primarily designed fi'ifl't eeutimtees
`trai'rsrnissicn in mind fer cireuit—switel'tcd services. Iurhile in LTE fast scheduling efdiEeres'tt
`Lt'Es is applied at l ms intervals- This is reflected in me fact that pea-w metre-l ie Within-IA
`is periedie with a leep delayI et llli'T ms and a hernia] pea-er step et' el dB. 1tittltnile LTE alleles
`for larger pew-er steps [which do: nrit int-1: up he pefirid‘ic}. Iwith a minimum imp delayr et'
`ahuut 5 :ms [see Figure 13.5}-
`With these considcmfiom in mintL the punter ctJ-ntml scheme Fuvided in LTE. employs a
`eembirtatim et ripen-leap and elesed-len p eentrel. This in t'heery requires less t'eedhaelt than
`a laurel},I eln sect-imp scheme, as the elected-icing feedback is nnly needed tri- eemp-cnsale fer
`cases when 1J'ie ill-Ia mun estimate ef the required [nicer setting is not sufisfactnry.
`A typical mtJ-tle ti-l' uperatiun l'nr power etn'ttrol in LTE involves stating it cuarse opening
`]:roint. for the transmissiun FED“ by ripen-twp means. based en path-less estimaliun. This
`Itttt'telti give a suitable i‘S-D fer a referenee MES in the prevailing path-less and shattewing
`eonditjens. Faster adaptatitrn can then he applied around the open-loop operating pnint by
`closed-ltdth Flower centre]. This can ountnul inta't'ereoce arid fine-tune the poster seding It}
`suit the channel eunditjeas {including last fading). Ileweees. due as the erthegeual llilltfl'E' ef
`the LTE uplintt. the LTE elosed~leep pewer eenuel dees net need be be as fast as in WCDMA
`— in LTE. 1! would typically be expected in rip-crate sl'. t'H't- mare than a t'ett.I hundred Herbs.
`the Itdlttsl and meat frequent adaptation of the uphill transmissit‘ios is
`by means at the upliuJ-t seheeuling grants. which say the transmitted bandwidth {mid
`aecerdiagly the total transmitted pewerl. tegetlier with setting the MES. in. erder te remit
`the desired tramitted data rate.
`With this combination elf mechanisms. the power centrol scheme in LTE :in practice
`presides suppert I'er mere than one made at eperatieu. it ran be seen as a ‘taeflit‘ firm
`which difi'erent pewer ee ntrel strategist-can be ecleeted and used deft-Ending. fer etelntple, en
`the delete-merit scenario or system Iris-ding.
`H112 Ihmflhdlhwerflenhalfidmwinw
`Detailed prayer centrel formulae are specified in LTE her the Physical Uplinlt Shared [Ti-Ian-
`:nel {F‘llfilTI-l}, PhgrsEal Llplinlt {Tantra} [THam'Lel {FlltIiHl and the Ermnding Reference
`Signals {EREsJ [IS]. The farmula t'ctr each of these uplinlt signals follciws the same basic prin-
`ciples: though they appcanomples- in all cases lhcyesm he otmsitlered as a summation urtwu
`main terms: a basic epen-leep eperating peint derin tram static er semi-static parameters
`Ell LTIE. die 15D 1: set as a. prewar per item Black [Eli]: il nullipfe RBs are run-untitled b]- : LFE in I
`admit-o flepwcrperlifl'ssthcnmc fur-Italian.
`Page 5

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