`APPL-1015 / Page 1 of 41
`Library of Congress Caraioging-in-Publication Dam
`Digital communications.
`Bibliography: 13.
`Includes index.
`I. Title.
`1. Digital communications.
`ISBN D-13-2ll939—0
`Editorialiproduction supervision and
`interior design: Reynold Rieger
`Cover design: Wanda Lubelska Design
`Manufacturing buyers: Gordon Osbourne and Paula Benevento
`; © 1988 by P T R Prentice-Hall. Inc.
`A Simon & Schuster Company
`Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632
`All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
`reproduced, in any form or by any means,
`without permission in writing from the publisher.
`Printed in the United States of America
`ISBN El-1.3-El1.“lEI‘l-El
`Prentice-Hall International (UK) Limited, London
`Prentice-Hall of Australia Pty. Limited, Sydney
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` APPL-1015 / Page 2 0f41
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`ll1 II
`Digital Communication Signal Processing,
`1.1.1 Why Digital?,
`Typical Block Diagram and Transformations, 4
`1.1.3 Basic Digital Communication Nomenclature,
`1.1.4 Digital versus Analog Performance Criteria,
`Classification of Signals,
`1.2.1 Deterministic and Random Signals,
`Periodic and Nonperiodic Signals,
`1.2.3 Analog and Discrete Signals,
`Energy and Power Signals,
`The Unit Impulse Function,
`Spectral Density,
`Energy Spectral Density,
`Power Spectral Density,
`1.4 Autocorrelation,
`1.4.1 Autocorrelation ofan Energy Signal,
`1.4.2 Autocorrelation of a Periodic (Power) Signal,
`Random Signals,
`Random Variables,
`1.5.2 Random Processes,
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`Time Averaging and Ergodicity,
`Power Spectral Density ofa Random Process,
`1.5.5 Noise in Communication Systems,
`Signal Transmission through Linear Systems,
`Impulse Response,
`Frequency Transfer Function,
`1.6.3 Distortionless Transmission,
`Signals, Circuits, and Spectra,
`Bandwidth of Digital Data,
`Baseband versus Bandpass,
`The Bandwidth Dilemma,
`Baseband Systems,
`Formatting Textual Data (Character Coding),
`Messages, Characters, and Symbols,
`Example of Messages, Characters, and
`Formatting Analog Information,
`The Sampling Theorem,
`2.4.2 Aliasing,
`2.4 .3
`Signal Interface for a Digital System,
`Sources of Corruption,
`Sampling and Quantizing Effects,
`Channel Effects,
`Signal-to-Noise Ratio for Quantized Pulses,
`Pulse Code Modulation,
`Uniform and Nonuniform Quantization,
`Statistics of Speech Amplitudes,
`2.7.2 Nonuniform Quantization,
`Companding Characteristics,
`Baseband Transmission,
`2.8.1 Waveform Representation of Binary Digits,
`PCM Waveform Types,
`Spectral Attributes of PCM Waveforms,
`Detection of Binary Signals in Gaussian Noise,
`2.9.1 Maximum Likelihood Receiver Structure,
`The Matched Filter,
`Correlation Realization of the Matched Filter,
`2.9.4 Application of the Matched Filter,
`Error Probability Performance of Binary
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`2.10 Multilevel Baseband Transmission,
`2.10.1 PCM Word Size,
`Intersymbol Interference,
`2.11.1 Pulse Shaping to Reduce IS1,
`2.11.2 Equalization,
`2.12 Partial Response Signaling,
`2.12.1 Daobinary Signaling,
`2.12.2 Duobinary Decoding,
`2.12.3 Precoding,
`2.12.4 Duobinary Equivalent Transfer Function,
`2.12.5 Comparison ofBinary with Duobinaiy
`2.12.6 Polybinary Signaling,
`2.13 Conclusion,
`3.1 Why Modu1ate?,
`Signals and Noise,
`3.2.1 Noise in Radio Communication Systems,
`3.2.2 A Geometric View of Signals and Noise,
`Digital Bandpass Modulation Techniques,
`Phase Shift Keying,
`Frequency Shift Keying,
`3.3.3 Amplitude Shift Keying,
`3.3.4 Amplitude Phase Keying,
`3.3.5 Waveform Amplitude Coefficient,
`3.4 Detection of Signals in Gaussian Noise,
`3.4.1 Decision Regions,
`Correlation Receiver,
`Coherent Detection,
`Coherent Detection ofPSK,
`Sampled Matched Filter,
`Coherent Detection of Multiple Phase Shift
`Coherent Detection ofFSK,
`3.6 Noncohercnt Detection,
`3.6.1 Detection ofD|]ferential PSK,
`3.6.2 Binary Differential PSK Example,
`3.6.3 Noncoherent Detection ofFSK,
`3.6.4 Minimum Required Tone Spacing for Noncoherent
`Orthogonal FSK Signaling,
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`4.1 What the System Link Budget Tells the System
`The Channel,
`The Concept ofFree Space,
`Signal-to-Noise Ratio Degradation,
`Sources of Signal Loss and Noise,
`Received Signal Power and Noise Power,
`The Range Equation,
`Received Signal Power as a Function of
`Path Loss Is Frequency Dependent,
`Thermal Noise Power,
`APPL-1015 / Page 6 0f41
`Error Performance for Binary Systems,
`3.7.1 .
`Probability of Bit Error for Coherently Detected
`Probability ofBit Error for Coherently Detected
`Differentially Encoded PSK,
`Probability of Bit Error for Coherently Detected
`Probability of Bit Error for Noncoherently Detected
`Probability ofBit Error for DPSK,
`Comparison ofBit Error Performance for Various
`Modulation Types,
`M—ary Signaling and Performance,
`Ideal Probability of Bit Error Performance,
`3.8.2 M-ary Signaling,
`Vectorial View of MPSK Signaling,
`3.8.4 BPSK and QPSK Have the Same Bit Error
`Vectorial View ofMFSK Signaling,
`Symbol Error Performance for M-ary Systems (M > 2),
`Probability of Symbol Error for MPSK,
`I 76
`Probability of Symbol Error for MFSK,
`I 77
`3.9.3 Bit Error Probability versus Symbol Error Probability
`for Orthogonal Signals,
`Bit Error Probability versus Symbol Error Probability
`for Multiple Phase Signaling,
`Effects oflntersymbol Interference,
`3.10 Conclusion,
`APPL-1015 / Page 6 of 41
`l I
`Link Budget Analysis,
`4.4 .1
`Two Eb/No Values of Interest,
`Link Budgets Are Typically Calculated in
`4.4.3 How Much Link Margin Is Enough?,
`Link Availability,
`4.5 Noise Figure, Noise Temperature, and System
`4.5.1 Noise Figure,
`4.5.2 Noise Temperature,
`Line Loss,
`Composite Noise Figure and Composite Noise
`System Effective Temperature,
`Sky Noise Temperature,
`Sample Link Analysis,
`Link Budget Details,
`Receiver Figure-of-Merit,
`Received Isotropic Power:
`Satellite Repeaters,
`4.7.1 Nonregenerative Repeaters,
`4.7.2 Nonlinear Repeater Amplifiers,
`System Trade-Offs,
`5.1 Waveform Coding,
`5.1.1 Antipodal and Orthogonal Signals, 247
`5.1.2 M-ary Signaling,
`5.1.3 Waveform Coding with Correlation Detection,
`5.1.4 Orthogonal Codes,
`5.1.5 Biorthogonal Codes,
`Transorthogonal (Simplex) Codes,
`Types of Error Control,
`5 .2.1
`Terminal Connectivity,
`5.2.2 Automatic Repeat Request,
`Structured Sequences,
`Channel Models,
`Code Rate and Redundancy,
`Parity—Check Codes,
`Coding Gain,
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`Linear Block Codes,
`Vector Spaces,
`Vector Subspaces,
`5.4.3 A (6, 3) Linear Block Code Example,
`5.4.4 Generator Matrix,
`Systematic Linear Block Codes,
`Parity-Check Matrix,
`Syndrome Testing,
`Error Correction,
`Coding Strength,
`5.5.1 Weight and Distance of Binary Vectors,
`5.5.2 Minimum Distance of a Linear Code,
`Error Detection and Correction, 28]
`Visualization of a 6-Tuple Space,
`Erasure Correction,
`Cyclic Codes,
`5.6.1 Algebraic Structure of Cyclic Codes,
`Binary Cyclic Code Properties,
`Encoding in Systematic Form,
`Circuit for Dividing Polynomials,
`Systematic Encoding with an (n — k)-Stage Shift
`Error Detection with an (n - k)-Stage Shift
`Well-Known Block Codes,
`5.7.1 Hamming Codes,
`Extended Golay Code,
`BCH Codes,
`Reed—Solomon Codes,
`Convolutional Encoding,
`Convolutional Encoder Representation,
`Connection Representation,
`State Representation and the State Diagram,
`The Tree Diagram,
`The Trellis Diagram,
`Formulation of the Convolutional Decoding Problem,
`6.3.] Maximum Likelihood Decoding,
`Channel Models: Hard versus Soft Decisions,
`The Viterbi Convolutional Decoding Algorithm,
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`6.3.4 An Example of Viterbi Convolutional
`Path Memory and Synchronization,
`Properties of Convolutional Codes,
`6.4.1 Distance Properties of Convolutional Codes,
`Systematic and Nonsystematic Convolutional
`Catastrophic Error Propagation in Convolutional
`Performance Bounds for Convolutional Codes,
`Coding Gain,
`6.4.6 Best Known Convolutional Codes,
`Convoiutional Code Rate Trade-015”,
`6.5 Other Convolutional Decoding Algorithms,
`Sequential Decoding,
`Comparisons and Limitations of Viterbi and
`Sequential Decoding,
`Feedback Decoding,
`Interleaving and Concatenated Codes,
`Block Interleaving,
`Convolutional Interleaving,
`Concatenated Codes,
`Coding and Interleaving Applied to the Compact Disc Digital
`Audio System,
`CIRC Encoding,
`CIRC Decoding,
`Interpolation and Mating.
`Goals of the Communications System Designer,
`Error Probability Plane,
`7.3 Nyquist Minimum Bandwidth,
`Sharmon—Hartley Capacity Theorem,
`Shannon Limit,
`Equivocation and Effective Transmission Rate,
`Bandwidth-Efficiency Plane,
`Bandwidth Efficiency ofMPSK and MFSK
`7.5.2 Analogies between Bandwidth-Efliciency and Error
`Probability Planes,
`Power-Limited Systems,
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`Bandwidth-Lirnited Systems,
`Modulation and Coding Trade-Offs,
`Bandwidth—Efficient Modulations,
`QPSK and Ofiset QPSK Signaling,
`7.9.2 Minimum Shift‘ Keying,
`7.9.3 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation,
`Modulation and Coding for Bandlimited Channels,
`7.10.1 Commercial Telephone Modems,
`7.10.2 Signal Constellation Boundaries,
`7.10.3 Higher-Dimensional Signal Conslellations,
`7.10.4 Higher-Density Lattice Structures,
`7.10.5 Combined-Gain: N-Sphere Mapping and Dense
`7.10.6 Trellis—Coded Modulation,
`7.10.7 Trellis-Coding Example,
`Problems ,
`Maurice A. King, Ir.
`Synchronization in the Context of Digital
`8.1.1 What It Means to Be Synchronized,
`Costs versus Benefits of Synchronization
`Receiver Synchronization,
`Coherent Systems: Phase-Locked Loops,
`Symbol Synchronization,
`Frame Synchronization,
`Network Synchronization,
`Open-Loop Transmitter Synchronization,
`Closed-Loop Transmitter Synchronization,
`Allocation of the Communications Resource,
`Frequency-Division MultiplexinglMultiple
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`Time-Division Multiplexinglillultiple Access,
`Communications Resource Channelization,
`Performance Comparison of FDMA and
`Code-Division Multiple Access,
`Space-Division and Polarization-Division Multiple
`9.2 Multiple Access Communications System and
`, 496
`9.2.1 Multiple Access Information Flow,
`9.2.2 Demand-Assignment Multiple Access,
`9.3 Access Algorithms,
`9.3.1 ALOHA,
`Slotted ALOHA,
`9.3 .3
`Performance Comparison of S-ALOHA
`and R-ALOHA,
`Polling Techniques,
`4'75 '
`9.4 Multiple Access Techniques Employed with
`Preassigned FDMlFMlFDMA or MCPC
`9.4.2 MCPC Modes ofAccessing an INTELSAT
`SPADE Operation,
`Satellite-Switched TDMA in INTELSAT,
`9.5 Multiple Access Techniques for Local Area Networks,
`Carrier-Sense Multiple Access Networks,
`Token-Ring Networks,
`Performance Comparison of CSMAICD
`and Token-Ring Networks,
`Spread-Spectmm Overview,
`The Beneficial Attributes ofSpread-Spectrum
`10.1.2 Model for Spread-Spectrum Interference
`10.1.3 A Catalog of Spreading Techniques,
`10.1.4 Historical Background,
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`I iI I
`Pseudonoise Sequences,
`Randomness Properties,
`Shift Register Sequences,
`PN Autocorreiation Function,
`Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Systems,
`Example of Direct Sequencing,
`Processing Gain and Performance,
`Frequency Hopping Systems,
`Frequency Hopping Example,‘ ‘ 557
`Frequency Hopping with Diversity,
`Fast Hopping versus Slow Hopping,
`FFH/MFSK Demoduiator,
`10.5.1 Acquisition,
`Spread-Spectrum Applications,
`Code-Division Multiple Access,
`10.6.2 Multipath Channels,
`The Jamming Game,
`Further Jamming Considerations,
`Broadband Noise Jamming,
`Partial-Band Noise Jamming,
`10.7.3 Multiple-Tone Jamming,
`Pulse Jamming,
`10.7.5 Repeat-Back Jamming,
`10.7.6 BLADES System,
`Fredric I. Harris
`11.1.1 Discrete Sources,
`11.1.2 Waveform Sources,
`Amplitude Quantizing,
`Quantizing Noise,
`Uniform Quantizing,
`11.2.4 Dithering,
`11.2.5 Nonumform Quantizing,
`Differential Pulse Code Modulation,
`One-Tap Prediction,
`N-Tap Prediction,
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`11.3.3 Delta Modulation,
`11.3.4 Adaptive Prediction,
`Block Coding,
`Vector Quantizing,
`Transform Coding,
`Quantization for Transform Coding,
`Subband Coding,
`Synthesis/Analysis Coding,
`Linear Predictive Coding,
`Redundancy-Reducing Coding,
`Properties of Codes,
`11.6.2 Huffman Code,
`Run-Length Codes,
`12.1 Models, Goals, and Early Cipher Systems,
`A Model of the Encryption and Decryption
`System Goals,
`Classic Threats,
`Classic Ciphers,
`The Secrecy of a Cipher System,
`Perfect Secrecy,
`Entropy and Equivocation,
`Rate of a Language and Redundancy,
`Unicity Distance and Ideal Secrecy,
`Practical Security,
`Confusion and Diflusion,
`Product Cipher System,
`The Data Encryption Standard,
`Stream Encryption,
`Example of Key Generation Using a Linear
`Feedback Shift Register,
`Vulnerabilities of Linear Feedback Shift
`Synchronous and Self-Synchronous Stream
`Encryption Systems,
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`Public Key Cryptosystems,
`Signature Authentication Using a Public Key
`A Trapdoor One-Way Function,
`The Rivest—Shamir—Adelman Scheme,
`The Knapsuclc Problem,
`A Public Key Cryptosystem Based on a Trapdoor
`Signals, Spectra, and Linear Systems,
`Fourier Techniques for Linear System Analysis,
`Fourier Series Transform,
`Spectrum ofa Pulse Train,
`Fourier Integral Transform,
`Fourier Transform Properties,
`Time Shifting Property,
`Frequency Shifting Property,
`Useful Functions,
`Unit Impulse Function,
`Spectrum of u Sinusoid,
`A.5 .1
`Graphical Illustration of Convolution,
`A.5 .2
`Time Convolution Property,
`A.5 .3
`Frequency Convolution Property,
`A.5 .4
`Convolution of a Function with a Unit
`Demodulution Application of Convolution,
`Tables of Fourier Transforms and Operations,
`Bayes’ Theorem,
`Discrete Form of Bayes’ Theorem,
`B._1.2 Mixed Form of Bayes’ Theorem,
`APPL-1015 / Page 14 0f41
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`Decision Theory,
`Components of the Decision Theory Problem,
`The Likelihood Ratio Test and the Maximum
`A Posteriori Criterion,
`The Maximum Likelihood Criterion,
`Signal Detection Example,
`The Maximum Likelihood Binary Decision,
`Probability ofBi1‘ Error,
`i I
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`_When we talk about a communications link, to what part of the system are we
`referring? Is it simply the channel or region between the transmitter and receiver?
`No, it is far more than that. The link-encompasses the entire communications
`path, from the information source, through all the encoding and modulation steps,
`through the transmitter and the channel, up to and including the receiver with all
`its signal processing steps, and terminating at the information sink.
`What is a link analysis, and what purpose does it serve in the development
`of a communication system? The link analysis, and its output, the link budget,
`consist of the calculations and tabulation of the useful signal power and the in-
`terfering noise power available at the receiver. The link budget is a balance sheet
`of gains and losses; it outlines the detailed apportionment of transmission and
`reception resources, noise sources, signal attenuators, and effects of processes
`throughout the link. Some of the budget parameters are statistical (e.g. , allowances
`for the fading of signals due to meteorological events); the budget is therefore an
`estimation technique for evaluating communication system performance. In Chap-
`ter 3 we examined probability of error versus Eb/No curves having a “waterfall-
`like” shape, such as the one shown in Figure 3.21. We thereby related error
`probability to Eb/No for various modulation types in Gaussian noise. Once a mod-
`ulation scheme has been chosen, the requirement to meet a particular error prob-
`ability dictates a particular operating point on the curve; in other words, the
`required error performance dictates the value ofEb/No that must be made available
`Communications Link Analysis
`Chap. 4
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`at the receiver in order to meet that performance. The primary purpose of a link
`analysis is to determine the actual system operating point in Figure 3.21 and to
`establish that the error probability associated with that point is less than or equal
`to the system requirement. Of the many specifications, analyses, and tabulations
`that are used in the development of a communication system, the link budget
`stands out as a basic tool for providing the system engineer with overall system
`By examining the link budget, one can learn many things about overall sys-
`tem design and performance. For example, from the link margin, one learns
`whether the system will meet its requirements conifortably, marginally, or not at
`all. It will be evident if there are any hardware constraints, and whether such
`constraints can be compensated for in other parts of the link. The link budget is
`often used as a “score sheet” in considering system trade—0ffs and configuration
`changes, and in understanding subsystem nuances and interdependencies. From
`a quick examination of the link budget and its supporting documentation, one can
`judge whether the analysis was done precisely or if it represents a rough estimate.
`Together with other modeling techniques, the link budget can help predict equip-
`ment Weight, size, prime power requirements, technical risk, and cost. The link
`budget is one of the system manager’s most useful documents; it represents the
`“bottom-line” tally in the search for optimimum system performance.
`The propagating medium or electromagnetic path connecting the transmitter and
`receiver is called the channel. In general, a communications channel might consist
`of wires, coaxial cables, fiber optic cables, and in the case of radio—frequency
`(RF) links, waveguides, the atmosphere, or empty space. For most terrestrial
`communication links, the channel space is occupied by the atmosphere and par-
`tially bounded by the earth‘s surface. For satellite links, the channel is occupied
`mostly by empty space. Although some atmospheric effects occur at altitudes up
`to 100 km, the bulk of the atmosphere extends to an altitude of 20 km. Therefore,
`only a small part (0.05%) of the total synchronous altitude (35,800 km) path is
`occupied by significant amounts of atmosphere. Most of this chapter is presented
`in the context of such a satellite communications link.
`4.2.1 The Concept of Free Space
`The concept of free space assumes a channel free of all hindrances to RF prop-
`agation, such as absorption, reflection, refraction, or diffraction. If there is any
`atmosphere in the channel, it must be perfectly uniform and meet all these con-
`ditions. Also, we assume that the earth is infinitely far away or that its reflection
`coefficient is negligible. The RF energy arriving at the receiver is assumed to be
`a function only of distance from the transmitter (following the inverse-square law
`of optics). A free-space channel characterizes an ideal RF propagation path; in
`practice, propagation through the atmosphere and near the ground results in ab-
`Sec. 4.2
`The Channel
`the system are we
`uitter and receiver?
`re communications
`:1 modulation steps,
`zhe receiver with all
`.1 sink.
`}in the development
`ut, the link budget,
`1 power and the in-
`st is a balance sheet
`Jf transmission and
`affects of processes
`cal (e.g., allowances
`idget is therefore an
`rformance. In Chap-
`having a “waterfall-
`lereby related error
`. noise. Once a mod-
`articular error prob-
`in other words, the
`LS1. be made available
`Chap. 4
`APPL-1015 / Page 17 0f41
`APPL-1015 / Page 17 of 41
`sorption, reflection, refraction, and diffraction, which modify the free—space trans-
`mission. Atmospheric absorption is treated in later sections. Reflection, refrac-
`tion, and diffraction, which play an important role in determining terrestrial
`communications performance, are not treated here; Panter [1] provides a com-
`prehensive treatment of these mechanisms.
`4.2.2 Signal-to-Noise Ratio Degradation
`The signal—to—noise power ratio (SNR) defined below is a convenient measure of
`performance at various points in the link.
`SNR =
`signal power
`noise power
`Unless otherwise stated, SNR refers to average signal power and average noise
`power. The signal can be an information signal, a basehand waveform, or a mod-
`ulated carrier. The SNR can degrade in two ways: (1) through the decrease of
`the desired signal power, and (2) through the increase of noise power, or the
`increase of interfering signal power. Let us refer to these degradations as loss
`and noise (or interference), respectively. Losses occur when aportion of the signal
`is absorbed, diverted, scattered, or reflected along its route to the intended re-
`ceiver; thus a portion of the transmitted energy does not arrive at the receiver.
`There are four primary noise sources: (1) thermal noise can be generated within
`the link, (2) sky noise (e.g., galaxy noise, atmospheric noise) can be introduced
`into the link, (3) system nonlinearities can cause spurious signals to be created
`within the link, and (4) interfering signals from other users of the same frequency
`can be introduced into the link. Industry usage of the terms loss and noise fre-
`quently confuses the underlying degradation mechanism; however, the net effect
`on the SNR is the same.
`4.2.3 Sources of Signal Loss and Noise
`Figure 4.1 is a block diagram of a satellite communications link, emphasizing the
`sources of signal loss and noise. In the figure a signal loss is distinguished from
`a noise source by a dot pattern or line pattern, respectively. The contributors of
`both signal loss and noise are identified by a crosshatched line pattern. The fol-
`lowing list of 21 sources of degradation represents a partial catalog of the major
`contributors to SNR degradation. The numbers correspond to the numbered cir-
`cles in Figure 4.1.
`1. Bandiimiting loss. All systems use filters in the transmitter to ensure that
`the transmitted energy is confined to the allocated or assigned bandwidth.
`This is to avoid interfering with other channels or users and to meet the
`requirements of regulatory agencies. Such filtering reduces the total amount
`of energy that would otherwise have been transmitted; the result is a loss
`in signal.
`Communications Link Analysis
`Chap. 4
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`. Intersymbol interference (ISI). As discussed in Chapter 2, filtering through-
`out the system—in the transmitter, in the receiver, and in the channel—can
`result in ISI. The received pulses overlap one another; the tail of one pulse
`“smears” into adjacent symbol intervals so as to interfere with the detection
`process. Even in the absence of thermal noise, imperfect filtering and system
`bandwidth constraints lead to ISI degradation.
`. Local oscillator (LO) phase noise. When an ‘L0 is used in signal mixing,
`phase fluctuations or jitter adds phase noise to the signal. When used as the
`reference signal in a receiver correlator, phase jitter can cause detector
`degradation and hence signal loss. At the transmitter, phase jitter can cause
`out—of—band signal spreading, which, in turn, will be filtered out and cause
`a loss in signal.
`. AM/PM conversion. AM-to—PM conversion is a phase noise phenomenon
`occurring in nonlinear devices such as traveling-wave tubes (TWT). Signal
`amplitude fluctuations (amplitude modulation) produce phase variations that
`contribute phase noise to signals that will be coherently detected. AM-to-
`PM conversion can also cause extraneous sidebands, resulting in signal loss.
`. Limiter loss or enhancement. A hard limiter can enhance the stronger of
`two signals, and suppress the weaker; this can result in either a signal loss
`or a signal gain [2].
`. Mnltipie—carrier intermodulation (IM) products. When several signals having
`different carrier frequencies are simultaneously present in a nonlinear de-
`vice, such as a TWT, the result is a multiplicative interaction between the
`carrier frequencies which can produce signals at all combinations of sum
`and difference frequencies. The energy apportioned to these spurious signals
`(intermodulation or IM products) represents a loss in signal energy. In ad-
`dition, if these IM products appear within the bandwidth region of these or
`other signals, the effect is that of added noise for those signals.
`. Modulation loss. The link budget is a calculation of received useful power
`(or energy). Only the power associated with information-bearing signals is
`useful. Error performance is a function of energy per transmitted symbol.
`Any power used for transmitting the carrier rather than the modulating signal
`(symbols) is a modulation loss. (However, energy in the carrier may be useful
`in aiding synchronization.)
`. Antenna efliciency. Antennas are transducers that convert electronic signals
`into electromagnetic fields, and vice versa. They are also used to focus the
`electromagnetic energy in a desired direction. The larger the antenna ap-
`erture (area), the larger is the resulting signal power density in the desired
`direction. An antenna’s efficiency is described by the ratio of its effective
`aperture to its physical aperture. Mechanisms contributing to a reduction in
`efficiency (loss in signal strength) are known as amplitude tapering, aperture
`blockage, scattering, re-radiation, spillover, edge diffraction, and dissipative
`loss [3]. Typical efficiencies due to the combined effects of these mechanisms
`range between 50 and 30%.
`9. Radome loss and noise. A radome is a protective cover, use