
`The UMTS Long Term Evolution
`F R 0 M TH 13. 0 RT '1‘ 0 1} R A c: "1‘
`E (1 1“.
`Edited by: Stefania Sesia * [55am Tuufik * Matthew Baker
`Page 1


`Long Term Evolution
`From Theory to Practice
`Second Edition
`Stefania Stain
`.H-En. Mum. J'nul.‘ r
`Halihe w Baker
`l',-."I.'I2"'-'|' {IE
`.‘kfi'Jnn IJL |"u|1|:-..Iri:'ll
`Page 2


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`ISHN‘JTII [TI 4T0 fififll‘l f: [hardbacki
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`A L'fluJLIgu: [word [ur lllih' thunk i5 ut'uJJabli: [run] I]: Erlish Library.
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`Page 3
`Page 3


`The liming advance uthdttle etunlnands are genenfled ut the Medium .-"tt:cess Curttrul
`{MAC} layer ilt the eNndeFi and transmitted tn the HF. as MAP cunntrnl elements which
`may he multiplexed together 1.I.-ittl't data en the Physical Dawniinlt Shared CHannel ILPDE'i-CH ].
`Like the inilitti taming advance eernlnand in fl'te resprrnse tn the [tandem Access CHanneJ
`tRhCII} pretenh-Le. [he upthtlt: curtnttntttls isn't: it grattul'nt'i'tj,r u-l' '15? us; in its: ease L1I' the
`update ceinniancls. the LE is required te implement them with an accutaej- at sill} us.
`The range till" the update enmmands is : Iii-.5 tts. allnttring a step change in art-fink. tinting
`equivalent la the length el' the extended CF ti.e. 16.6? us}. Theyr wettid 13']: it'uligr net be sent
`met-e freetumtiy tttett aheut 2 I12. [:1 prmliee. Inst updates are unlikely {e be necessary. as
`even fer a L'E rue-sing at 5013 klm'lt the change iu rennet-trip time is net mere than Iii-.93 usi's.
`The chlndeE Inusr halancc the escrhead nt' sending regular tinting nth-n nee update eemntsnds
`te all the IJEs in the cell against a 1.1E's ability te transmit quickly when data arrives in its
`intnsntit buffer. The eNuJeB thistle—Terr! configures 1| litt'tet' l'tu' eneh L‘E. which the UE restarts
`each time n riming an'trn nee :uprlare cent n'Innrl is received; if lite UP. dine-s n-nr receive nnelhtn'
`tinting advance update eentnta l't:'] hcfnre the timer canines.r it must then censider its uplink In
`have lensls3..-n:hrnn'inaticrt.L1 In such a case. in under tn avoid the risk eigenerating interference
`tu uplinlt lransrrtissiuns l'run't ulhet' Lilia. Lht: HE. is net pennitleti 1L1 rnaJte anethcr uplinlt
`transntiseinn rsl'nny snrl tt-ilhnnt final Ininstnilting :i rnnrlnln access prelnthle In. reinitiaiiee
`the nplinlt tinting.
`Urns l'ut'dtcr use el‘ timing advance is In create a switching time het ween uplinl: rcecplitin
`at the chic-tie]! and dewnlinL transmissinn J'tu' TL’ID and half-duplex FIJI} uperaliun. This
`-.~"e-'ilt:llin3-.1 time can he general-ed by studying an t1tEtJitit1Irta|
`tinting utI'I-‘tntee tIITsel It: the
`uplink tnms-uissiens. tn incentse lite em-euut ul' timing nth-trace h-eynntl whan is required It!
`enmpcnsate ittr Lite mund-trip prupagalien delay. 'l'ypieatly a switching, tln'te e-F up In El] |.I.:=.-
`may he needed. This is discussed in mere dettul in Sectiun 23.4. I-
`13.3 Fewer Central
`flee Winn
`Ilpiink n'mtsnlittcr pnwcr enntml
`in a mehile enmntunicatinn system serves an imttrnrtant
`pnrpese: it balances the need fer sufficient
`transmitted energy per
`|'.r'.t tn maintain the
`link quality: eerrespundir.“ te- lhe required Qualifier-Service “105}. agents-l the needs It:
`minintiae interference 1e enter users cf the system and te El-flJtinJiEt: the battery life cf the
`Iueeile terminal.
`1: achieving this purpose. the. putter central has In adapt In the characterzsu'cs tin-1' the radie
`prepagatien «channel. including path-less. shuduwirlg and l'ust fading. us well as esereetning
`:intext'erence {rent ether tusers - '1':th within the smite. cell and in neighbouring cells.
`The Iflqtiirfllt'tflt’tfi- r'er uplink interference teenagement En LTE are quite different from
`these the ‘WE‘DMA. In fi’t'flMA. the uplink is hasically Ilfln-nfli'lflgnflflllj and the primary.r
`seuree ef in:crt'crc:tce which has ta he managed is irltt'a-eeEl interference between different
`users in The stntte tell. Urn-link Liters ir'l WFDHH shtn‘e the :entie tithe-I'retfuetttrjr reest'rttreee.
`“filter that insist-elf unis-1t sjmltreaintttua fitment-1c e-nhmtt karts; RRC_EDMHE{TED nine tact-(“linens iii.
`Lilac late-r releases er i't'IIIJl-‘Ifit d». int-Inner. intrudttce : greed-er clelncld. ul en'tl'tttgtlnllilj i:IItn Ihc lip-link.
`unmissi-tms. ':I'_-.' r'neans ul'lewcr sin-ending reel-hrs. ifl'lii. greater use tII'tJrne-di't'is-iun rnulljpleting cll' rJ.iI|'ere-r|1 users
`Page 4
`Page 4


`4| 2
`and they generate an itttetl'ererlt'e rise ail-eye tIJertttttlt rreise at the Mariel]. :eeeit-er: this is
`in": men as 'Ftise airchhcmtai' tRnT}. and it has ten be carefully enntrellar] and shared l'I-ctte'em
`users. The prlntary mechanism far increasing the uphnlt data rate t'nt agisen user In WCDMA
`is 1:: reduce the spreading factclrantl increase the transmissien parser atterdtngly. eettsurnlag
`a larger tempera-en ef the tetal available I-tiJ-T itl lire sell.
`By eentrsst. in LTE the Ltt'llftiJ-t'. is hasiealij' erthegana] by design. and intra-eeli interfere nee
`management is cmtsequcntly less critical than in WETDMA. The primary mechanisms fer
`varying the uplinls data rate in LTE are varying the transmitted bandwidth tut-ti varying the
`Medelatien anti Ceding Setterue tit-ICE). 1shite the trausrrtitted Passer Spectral Density t't'SD't
`eat-Id Iypieaity remain spare simarely eenstartt far a given MES-
`Hammer, in WE'EIMA rhe [sister central [5] was primarily designed with canriaueas
`transmissien in mind fer circuit-switched services. while in LTE fast scheduling nf dili‘etcnt
`Hills :is applied at 1 rue intervals- This is relfettletl is the fart that parser eeatru] in WEBB-tit
`is perirtrjic with a ln-r-p delay at" LU}? ms and a nnrnta] [rewer step at" + | riFt, while TTF. ailaws
`far larger pewcr sreps [which de nnl have In he pet-indie}. with a minimum imp delay at
`aheat :i rnslsee Figure 13.5}.
`With these eensideratierts in mind- the puwer centre-I scheme pTiJi-‘idflt; in LZI'E erttpleys a
`rmmhirtatinn at" apt” -|:inp and aimed-lump etmtml This in lit-airy requires. less feedhaek than
`a purely elatett-Ine-l'u scheme, as the eleserl-ieen ftssdhsei: is eely Inserted tn- enrnpensele fer
`eases when the lJlE's tntrn estimate at me required newer setting is net satisl'eettt-ry-
`A typical mede tJt' tlperetien ftt-t' newer eentrel in LTli 'ill't'iJl‘rtE- setttne a etJtJt-se tipet'aUng
`paint fur the transrttissie-n PSDB by Il.'||.'tlt]1 lutrp means.
`litter-ed tIn Fault-iess estirnalien. This
`s-ntid give a suitable l‘E-D far a refs-enter: MPH in 1he aret'aiiing path-lass :srttl sharks-rise
`candilitms. Faster adaptaljttn can then he apphcd amend the ripen-leap apcrating paint by
`elesed-Itlep tum-set eentml. This can eentrel interference and line-tune the newer setting te
`suit the channel senditjens tiiuiutlirtg first fading l. Hem-ever. due te lite eltitegaual nature ef
`the LTE upiinit. the LTE eInsed-it-e-p pee-er entitle] daes net seed ta he as Fast as in WCDZt-lr't
`— in I.TF. it teeuld typically he expected ta- eperate es Iin mare than a few hundred Hertt.
`Meanwhile- the fastest and must frequent adaptatien ed the upliait
`ttartstnissiens is
`by riieaas at the uplink reliedatine grants. a-tiielt
`teary the trarts'etiittttti baaderidtit
`seeerdingty the tatal transmitted tie-wet}. tagether with averting the MES. irt elder ta reaett
`the desired transmitted data rate-
`in practice
`1t‘t'ilh. this eernbirtatiett et' mechanisms. the Fewer centre-l scheme in LTE.
`presides supp-art I'er mere than use made at aperaliert. ll eaa be seen as a 'taetitit‘ I'rem
`which different Fewer ea nt'rn-l strategies can he selceteri and ssed dcpe titling1 far example, can
`the depltsyment scettaria cut system leading.
`13.3.2 Detailed Fewer Central Behayiaur
`Titetaiied newer central t'dtmttlae are specified in LTE fer the Physic-.1] Uplinit Shared [Tl-Ian-
`tfHannei {PI [[1le and the {intending Reference
`llplini: (‘nntrni
`nei tPi [fit “H3, Physical
`Signals tSEtEis] |I.'t|. The t'etrrtula fer each of these uplinit signals follows the same basis prin-
`ciples; tl'tsJugl'I they appear multiples- in all eases lJ'teyean be ee-nsidered as a summatien uf tire
`main terms: a basic npen-ltmp aperazing paint derived t'rnm static t'rt' semi-static parameters
`the PSI} ts set as :t pineer per Restauree rile-cl: t'FlIi't: if multiple liEs an: tmauniteri by at UII in a.
`sideline the pews: +11'l‘iflI1-Il'h'tfl'llmfl1tlll Kids.
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