`From :
`S ent:
`C c:
`S ub ject:
`Trials <Trials@USPTO.GOV>
`Monday, September 25, 2017 3:20 PM
`Stringham, Jared; Trials
`#ZortressAfinitorIPR; Daniel.Brown@lw.com; jonathan.strang@lw.com;
`brenda.danek@lw.com; uspto
`RE: Par v. Novartis, IPR2016-01479
`The Patent Owner is permitted to identify in its Notice where the corrected portions of the transcript are cited in the
`Observations on Cross-Examination.
`Andrew Kellogg,
`Supervisory Paralegal
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`Direct: 571-272-5366
`From :S tringham ,Jared[m ailto:Jstringham @ fchs.com ]
`S ent:Friday,S eptem ber22,20171:23 P M
`T o:T rials<T rials@ U S P T O .GO V>
`Cc:#ZortressAfinitorIP R <ZortressAfinitorIP R @ fchs.com >;Daniel.Brow n@ lw .com ;jonathan.strang@ lw .com ;
`brenda.danek@ lw .com ;uspto<uspto@ fchs.com >
`S ubject:R E:P arv.N ovartis,IP R 2016-01479
`DearP atentT rialandAppealBoard,
`P atentO w nerthankstheBoardforconsideringP atentO w ner’srequesttocorrectcertaintranscriptionerrorsinthe
`transcriptfrom theAugust28,2017depositionofP etitioner’sexpertDr.R atain(Ex.2111).
`W ew ritefurthertoinquireabouttheBoard’sauthorizationforP atentO w nertofileanU nopposedN oticeof
`T ranscriptionErrorastheyrelatetotheO bservationsonCross-Exam inationofP etitioner’sexpertDr.R ataintobefiled
`onM onday,S eptem ber25. W erespectfully request,andP etitionerdoesnotoppose,thatintheU nopposedN oticeof
`T ranscriptionError,P atentO w neralsobeperm ittedtoidentify theerrorsinEx.2111 by pageandlinenum ber,and
`w here,ifatall,thoseportionsofthetranscriptarecitedinP atentO w ner’sO bservationsonCross-Exam ination. W e
`notethatP atentO w nerandP etitionerhaveconferredandagreeduponthelistoftranscriptionerrorsthatshouldbe
`CounselforP atentO w nerandP etitionerareavailablethisafternoonorM onday until1:00 pm ET foraconferencecall
`shouldtheBoardw ishtodiscussthism atterfurther.
`Jared Stringham
`Par v. Novartis, IPR 2016-01479
`Page 1 of 3
`1290 Avenue of the Americas
`New York, NY 10104-3800
`T 212-218-2523
`F 212-218-2200
`http://w w w .fitzpatrickcella.com
`From: Trials[m ailto:Trials@ USP TO .GO V]
`Sent: Frid ay,Septem ber22,201 7 1 0:27 A M
`To: Strin gh am ,Jared ;Trials
`Cc: #ZortressA fin itorIP R;D an iel.B row n @ lw .com ;jon ath an .stran g@ lw .com ;bren d a.d an ek@ lw .com ;uspto
`Subject: RE:P arv.Novartis,IP R201 6-01 47 9
`Given Patent Owner’s representations to the Board and the fact that Petitioner does not oppose the request, Patent Owner
`is authorized to file a short Unopposed Notice of Transcription Error, in order to make of record its position regarding the
`alleged transcription errors in Exhibit 2111. The Notice should set forth each alleged error by page and line number, and
`where, if at all, that portion of the transcript was cited in the sur-reply. A motion to correct the deposition transcript is not
`required, and a corrected sur-reply is not necessary.
`Andrew Kellogg,
`Supervisory Paralegal
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`Direct: 571-272-5366
`From :S tringham ,Jared[m ailto:Jstringham @ fchs.com ]
`S ent:W ednesday,S eptem ber20,201711:36AM
`T o:T rials<T rials@ U S P T O .GO V>
`Cc:#ZortressAfinitorIP R <ZortressAfinitorIP R @ fchs.com >;Daniel.Brow n@ lw .com ;jonathan.strang@ lw .com ;
`brenda.danek@ lw .com ;uspto<uspto@ fchs.com >
`S ubject:P arv.N ovartis,IP R 2016-01479
`DearP atentT rialandAppealBoard:
`Iw riteonbehalfofP atentO w nerinIP R 2016-01479. P atentO w nerrespectfully requestsauthorizationtofileaM otion
`toCorrectExhibit2111 andN ovartis’sP atentO w nerS urreply. Exhibit2111 isthetranscriptfrom theAugust28,2017
`depositionofP etitioner’sexpertDr.R atain. P atentO w nerseeksauthorizationtofileacopy ofExhibit2111 correcting
`certaintranscriptionalerrorsinthedepositiontranscript. AsthecorrectedExhibit2111 w asnotavailableatthetim e
`P atentO w nerfileditsS urreply,P atentow neralsoseeksauthorizationtofileacorrectedP atentO w nerS urreply,in
`w hichchangesarelim itedtoupdatingcitationstocorrespondtothecorrectedExhibit2111.
`CounselforP etitionerhasindicatedthatitdoesnotopposetheproposedM otion.
`T hankyou foryourconsideration.
`Par v. Novartis, IPR 2016-01479
`Page 2 of 3
`Jared Stringham
`1290 Avenue of the Americas
`New York, NY 10104-3800
`T 212-218-2523
`F 212-218-2200
`http://w w w .fitzpatrickcella.com
`This email message and any attachments are intended for the use of the addressee(s) indicated above. Information that is privileged
`or otherwise confidential may be contained therein. If you are not the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any
`dissemination, review or use of this message, documents or information contained therein is strictly prohibited. If you have received
`this message in error, please immediately delete it and notify us by telephone at (212) 218-2100. Thank you.
`Par v. Novartis, IPR 2016-01479
`Page 3 of 3