Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 68-1 Filed 05/10/17 Page 10 of 302 PageID #: 970
`Case 1:15-cv—00474-RGA Document 68-1 Filed 05/10/17 Page 10 of 302 PagelD #: 970
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`Par Pharm., Inc.
`Exhibit 1 1 21
`Case IPR201 6-01 479
`Par Pharm., Inc. v. Novartis AG
`Ex. 1121 -0001
`Ex. 1121-0001


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 68-1 Filed 05/10/17 Page 11 of 302 PageID #: 971
`Case 1:15-cv—00474-RGA Document 68-1 Filed 05/10/17 Page 11 of 302 PagelD #: 971
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`Ex. 1121 -0002
`Ex. 1121-0002


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 68-1 Filed 05/10/17 Page 12 of 302 PageID #: 972
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`Ex. 1121-0003


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 68-1 Filed 05/10/17 Page 13 of 302 PageID #: 973
`Case 1:15-cv—00474-RGA Document 68-1 Filed 05/10/17 Page 13 of 302 PagelD #: 973
`Advanced PNETs After Failure Of Cytotoxic
`Chemotherapy .......................................................................................... ..32
`Claim 1 Of The ’224 Patent Is Not Obvious Over The ’541
`Å »¸«§Àƺ´²¿®ÇÄÄů«µ®¬µÈ³°½µºÉª§½¹³ºª®¶²¿®ÇÊÅÆ
`Publication Or Boulay 2004 With Tabemero 2005, In View
`Of Duran 2005 And/Or Dancey 2005 ...................................................... ..37
`Claim 1 Of The ’224 Patent Is Not Obvious Over Von
`Ê »¸«§Àƺ´²¿®ÇÄÄů«µ®¬µÈ³°½µºÉª§½¹³ºª®¶Ï½¬
`Wichert 2000 In View Of Dutcher-I 2004, The ’772 Patent,
`Tabemero 2005, Duran 2005 And/Or Dancey 2005 ................................ ..45
`Claim 1 Of The ’224 Patent Is Not Obvious Over Duran
`Õ »¸«§Àƺ´²¿®ÇÄÄů«µ®¬µÈ³°½µºÉª§½¹³ºª®¶Ñ¹¶«¬
`2005 In Combination With Dancey 2005, In View Of
`Tabemero 2005 ........................................................................................ ..50
`A POSA Would Not Have Reasonably Expected
`Ó ¨¯ºÖ¨Í½¹¸©°½µ×«ª®Ø®«³½¬«É¸¼±¾Á®­µ®©
`Everolimus As A Monotherapy To Treat Advanced PNETs
`After Failure Of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy Based On The
`Biology Of PNETs ................................................................................... ..50
`There Is Objective Evidence That The ’224 Patent Would
`Û ²¿®¶®È³ºÉÜ®­µ§ª®±ª§©®¬­®²¿«µ²¿®ÇÄÄů«µ®¬µÍ½¹¸©
`Not Have Been Obvious .......................................................................... ..52
`Ex. 1121 -0004
`Ex. 1121-0004


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 68-1 Filed 05/10/17 Page 40 of 302 PageID #: 1000
`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 68-1 Filed 05/10/17 Page 40 of 302 PagelD #: 1000
`It would have been unexpected as of February 2001 that the same claimed
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`methods of treatment would be safe and effective to treat both malignant and benign tumors of
`the kidney.
`145. No other drug as of 2001 was, or is today, approved for the treatment of
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`malignant and benign tumors.
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`The Person Of Ordinary Skill In The Art
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`The priority date for claim 1 of the ’224 Patent is November 21, 2005. West-
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`Ward has not contested this date and uses November 21, 2005 as the priority date in its analysis.
`The POSA with respect to the ’224 Patent as of November 21, 2005 would have
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`had (1) a Ph.D. in biology, biochemistry, pharmaceutical sciences, molecular biology, cancer
`biology, or other biological sciences; and/or (2) a medical degree and experience conducting
`preclinical, clinical, and/or laboratory research relating to cancer of the neuroendocrine system,
`including PNETs. To the extent necessary, the POSA would also have collaborated with persons
`having ordinary skill in areas pertinent to the above subject matter, including, for example,
`pharmacologists, formulators, and biochemists.
`Contrary to West-Ward’s assertion, a POSA would not specifically have had
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`experience conducting preclinical, clinical and/or laboratory research relating to rapamycin and its
`analogs, or intracellular signaling pathways, because that assumes that a POSA would have been
`interested in rapamycin or its analogs and/or a therapy that targeted intracellular signaling
`As of November 2005, many compounds were being studied for the development
`ÆÅö ¨³½´°½ª®ÀÉ®¶ÄÌÌÊÎÀ«¬¼­½ÀÁ½¹¬©³Ð®¶®É®§¬Ú³µ¹©§®©´½¶µ¿®©®ª®¸½ÁÀ®¬µ
`of a new treatment for advanced PNETs, including after failure of cytotoxic chemotherapy.
`Ex. 1121 -0005
`Ex. 1121-0005


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 68-1 Filed 05/10/17 Page 41 of 302 PageID #: 1001
`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 68-1 Filed 05/10/17 Page 41 of 302 PagelD #: 1001
`While a POSA would have been aware of rapamycin and its analogs and intracellular signaling
`pathways, a POSA’s experience would not be specific to rapamycin or its analogs and/or
`compounds that target intracellular signaling pathways. West-Ward’s contention to the contrary
`is based on hindsight knowledge of the invention.
`The Asserted Claim Of The ’224 Patent Is Not Obvious
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`150. Claim 1 of the ’224 Patent would not have been obvious to a POSA in light of the
`ÆÊÌ »¸«§Àƽ´µ¿®ÇÄÄů«µ®¬µÐ½¹¸©¬½µ¿«ª®É®®¬½Éª§½¹³µ½«¯ºÖ¨§¬¸§Ú¿µ½´µ¿®
`prior art as a whole as of November 21, 2005.
`151. As of November 21, 2005, a POSA would not have been motivated to select
`ÆÊÆ ¨³½´°½ª®ÀÉ®¶ÄÆÎÄÌÌÊΫ¯ºÖ¨Ð½¹¸©¬½µ¿«ª®É®®¬À½µ§ª«µ®©µ½³®¸®­µ
`everolimus for the development of a new treatment for advanced PNETs after failure of
`cytotoxic chemotherapy.
`152. As of November 21, 2005, a POSA would not have reasonably expected that
`ÆÊÄ ¨³½´°½ª®ÀÉ®¶ÄÆÎÄÌÌÊΫ¯ºÖ¨Ð½¹¸©¬½µ¿«ª®¶®«³½¬«É¸¼®¾Á®­µ®©µ¿«µ
`everolimus monotherapy would be safe and effective for the treatment of advanced PNETs after
`failure of cytotoxic chemotherapy.
`There is compelling objective evidence further supporting the nonobviousness of
`the claimed method of administering everolimus as a monotherapy for the treatment of advanced
`PNETs after failure of cytotoxic chemotherapy, in the form of a long-felt unmet medical need,
`failure of others and unexpected results.
`Background On Advanced PNETs
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`Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNETs) are a type of neuroendocrine tumor
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`(NET) that arise in the endocrine cells (or islet cells) of the pancreas. PNETs are distinct from
`other neuroendocrine tumors called carcinoid tumors, which arise in organs other than the
`pancreas, and other less common neuroendocrine tumors also arising outside of the pancreas.
`Ex. 1121 -0006
`Ex. 1121-0006

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