`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`29 August 2002 (29.08.2002)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 02/066019 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification7:
`A61K 31/00
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date: 18 February 2()02 (1 8.()2.2()()2)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`19 February 2001 (19.02.2001)
`17 October 2001 (17.10.2001)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except A]? US): NO-
`VARTIS AG [CH/CH]; Lichtstrasse 35, CH—4056 Basel
`(71) Applicant (for AT only): NOVARTIS-ERFINDUNGEN
`Brunner Strasse 59, A—l230 Vienna (AT).
`(72) Inventors; and
`LANE, Heidi
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only):
`[CH/CH]; Lehenniattstr.
`189, CH—4052 Basel
`O’REILLY, Terence
`l)raht7.ugstrasse 51,
`CH—4057 Basel
`(CH). WOOD, Jeanette, Marjorie
`[NZ/CH]; In den Kleematten 18, CH—4105 Biel—Benken
`Agent: BECKER, Konrad; Novartis AG, Corporate
`Intellectual Property, Patent & Trademark Department,
`CH—4002 Basel (CH).
`Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU,
`CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH,
`HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK,
`LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MK, MN, MX, NO, NZ, OM, PH,
`PL, PT, RO. RU, SE, SG. SI, SK, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, UA,
`US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW.
`Designated States (regional): Eurasian patent (AM, AZ,
`BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European patent (AT, BE,
`CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FT, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC,
`NL, PT, SE, TR).
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt ofthat report
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the ”Guid-
`ance /Votes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning ofeach regular issue ofthe PCT Gazette.
`6.:5 :1 E 0>Z875 aaEZa
`(57) Abstract: Rapamycin derivatives have interesting effects in the treatment of solid tumours, optionally in combination with a
`chemotherapeutic agent.
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`W0 02/066019
`Cancer Treatment
`The present invention relates to a new use, in particular a new use for a compound group
`comprising rapamycin and derivatives thereof.
`Rapamycin is a known macrolide antibiotic produced by Streptomyces
`hygroscopicus. Suitable derivatives of rapamycin include e.g. compounds of
`formula I
`R1 is CH3 or C3.6alkynyl,
`R2 is H or -CH2-CH2-OH, and
`X is =0, (H,H) or (H,OH)
`provided that R2 is other than H when X is =0 and R1 is CH3.
`Compounds of formula I are disclosed e.g. in WO 94/09010, WO 95/16691 or WO 96/41807,
`which are incorporated herein by reference. They may be prepared as diclosed or by
`analogy to the procedures described in these references
`Preferred compounds are 32-deoxorapamycin, 16-pent-2-ynyloxy-32-deoxorapamycin, 16-
`pent-2-ynyloxy-32(8)-dihydro-rapamycin, 16—pent—2—ynyloxy-32(S)-dihydro-40—O—(2-
`hydroxyethyl)-rapamycin and, more preferably, 40-O-(2-hydroxyethyl)-rapamycin (referred
`thereafter as Compound A), disclosed as Example 8 in WO 94I09010.
`Compounds of formula I have, on the basis of observed activity, e.g. binding to
`macrophilin-12 (also known as FK—506 binding protein or FKBP-12), e.g. as described in WO
`94/09010, WO 95/16691 or WO 96141807, been found to be useful e.g. as
`immunosuppressant, e.g. in the treatment of acute allograft rejection. It has now been found
`that Compounds of formula I have potent antiproliferative properties which make them useful
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`W0 02/066019
`for cancer chemotherapy, particularly of solid tumors, especially of advanced solid tumors.
`There is still the need to expand the armamentarium of cancer treatment of solid tumors,
`especially in cases where treatment with anticancer compounds is not associated with
`disease regression or stabilization.
`In accordance with the particular findings of the present invention, there is provided:
`1.1 A method for treating solid tumors in a subject in need thereof, comprising
`administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a compound of
`formula I.
`A method for inhibiting growth of solid tumors in a subject in need thereof, comprising
`administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a compound of
`formula I.
`A method for inducing tumor regression, e.g. tumor mass reduction, in a subject in
`need thereof, comprising administering to said subject a therapeutically effective
`amount of a compound of formula I.
`A method for treating solid tumor invasiveness or symptoms associated with such
`tumor growth in a subject in need thereof, comprising administering to said subject a
`therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula I.
`A method for preventing metastatic spread of tumours or for preventing or inhibiting
`growth of micrometastasis in a subject in need thereof, comprising administering to
`said subject a therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula I.
`By "solid tumors” are meant tumors and/or metastasis (whereever located) other than
`lymphatic cancer, e.g. brain and other central nervous system tumors (eg. tumors of the
`meninges, brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves and other parts of central nervous system, e.g.
`glioblastomas or medulla blastomas); head and/or neck cancer; breast tumors; circulatory
`system tumors (e.g. heart, mediastinum and pleura, and other intrathoracic organs, vascular
`tumors and tumor-associated vascular tissue); excretory system tumors (e.g. kidney. renal
`pelvis, ureter, bladder, other and unspecified urinary organs); gastrointestinal tract tumors
`(e.g. oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, colorectal, rectosigmoid junction, rectum,
`anus and anal canal), tumors involving the liver and intrahepatic bile ducts, gall bladder,
`other and unspecified parts of biliary tract, pancreas, other and digestive organs); head and
`neck; oral cavity (lip, tongue, gum, floor of mouth, palate, and other parts of mouth, parotid
`gland, and other parts of the salivary glands, tonsil, oropharynx, nasopharynx, pyriforrn
`sinus, hypopharynx. and other sites in the lip, oral cavity and pharynx); reproductive system
`tumors (e.g. vulva, vagina, Cervix uteri, Corpus uteri, uterus, ovary, and other sites
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`W0 02/066019
`associated with female genital organs, placenta, penis, prostate, testis, and other sites
`associated with male genital organs); respiratory tract tumors (e.g. nasal cavity and middle
`ear, accessory sinuses, larynx, trachea, bronchus and lung, e.g. small cell lung cancer or
`non-small cell lung cancer); skeletal system tumors (e.g. bone and articular cartilage of
`limbs, bone articular cartilage and other sites); skin tumors (e.g. malignant melanoma of the
`skin, non-melanoma skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma of skin, squamous cell carcinoma of
`skin, mesothelioma, Kaposi’s sarcoma); and tumors involving other tissues incluing
`peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system, connective and soft tissue,
`retroperitoneum and peritoneum, eye and adnexa, thyroid, adrenal gland and other
`endocrine glands and related structures, secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of
`lymph nodes, secondary malignant neoplasm of respiratory and digestive systems and
`secondary malignant neoplasm of other sites.
`Where hereinbefore and subsequently a tumor, a tumor disease, a carcinoma or a cancer is
`mentioned, also metastasis in the original organ or tissue and/or in any other location are
`implied alternatively or in addition, whatever the location of the tumor and/or metastasis is.
`in a series of further specific or alternative embodiments, the present invention also provides
`1.6 A method for the treatment of a disease associated with deregulated angiogenesis in a
`subject in need thereof, comprising administering to said subject a therapeutically
`effective amount of rapamycin or a derivative thereof, e.g. CCl779, ABT578 or a
`compound of formula I.
`A method for inhibiting or controlling deregulated angiogenesis in a subject in need
`thereof, comprising administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of
`rapamycin or a derivative thereof, e.g. CCl779, ABT578 or a compound of formula I.
`A method for enhancing the activity of a chemotherapeutic agent or for overcoming
`resistance to a chemotherapeutic agent in a subject in need thereof, comprising
`administering to said subject a therapeutically effective amount of rapamycin or a
`derivative thereof, e.g. CCl779, ABT578 or a compound of formula l, either
`concomitantly or sequentially with said chemotherapeutic agent.
`A method according to 1.8 wherein the chemotherapeutic agent is an inhibitor of signal
`transduction pathways directed either against host cells or processes involved in tumor
`formation and/or metastases formation or utilised by tumour cells for proliferation,
`survival, differentiation or development of drug resistance.
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`W0 02/066019
`1.10 A method as indicated above, wherein rapamycin or a derivative thereof, e.g. CCl779,
`ABT578 or a compound of formula I is administered intermittently.
`CCl779 is a rapamycin derivative, i.e. 40- [3-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methylpropa-
`noate]-rapamycin or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, and is disclosed e.g. in USP
`5,362,718. ABT578 is a 40-substituted rapamycin derivative further comprising a diene
`Examples of diseases associated with deregulated angiogenesis include without limitation
`e.g. neoplastic diseases, e.g. solid tumors. Angiogenesis is regarded as a prerequisite for
`those tumors which grow beyond a certain diameter, e.g. about 1-2 mm.
`In a series of further specific or alternative embodiments, the present invention also
`2.1 A compound of formula I for use in any method as defined under 1.1 to 1.5 above.
`2.2 Rapamycin or a derivative thereof, e.g. CCl779, ABT578 or a compound of formula I
`for use in any method as defined under 1.6 to 1.10 above or 7 below.
`3.1 A compound of formula I for use in the preparation of a pharmaceutical composition for
`use in any method as defined under 1.1 to 1.5 above.
`3.2 Rapamycin or a derivative thereof, e.g. CCl779, ABT578 or a compound of formula I
`for use in the preparation of a pharmaceutical composition for use in any method as
`defined under 1.6 to 1.10 above or 7 below.
`A pharmaceutical composition for use in any method as defined under 1.1 to 1.5 above
`comprising a compound of formula I together with one or more pharmaceutically
`acceptable diluents or carriers therefor.
`A pharmaceutical composition for use in any method as defined under 1.6 to 1.10
`above or 7 below comprising rapamycin or a der'n/ative thereof, e.g. CCI779, ABT578
`or a compound of formula I, e.g. Compound A, together with one or more
`pharmaceutically acceptable diluents or carriers therefor.
`A pharmaceutical combination "comprising a) a first agent which is rapamycin or a
`derivative thereof, e.g. CCl779, ABT578 or a compound of formula I, e.g. Compound
`A, and b) a co-agent which is a chemotherapeutic agent, e.g. as defined hereinafter.
`A pharmaceutical combination comprising an amount of a) a first agent which is
`rapamycin or a derivative thereof, e.g. CCI779, ABT578 or a compound of formula I,
`e.g. Compound A, and b) a co-agent which is a chemotherapeutic agent selected from
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`W0 02/066019
`the compounds defined under paragraph (iv) or (v) below, to produce a synergistic
`therapeutic effect.
`A method as defined above comprising co-administration, e.g. concomitantly or in
`sequence, of a therapeutically effective amount of rapamycin or a derivative thereof,
`e.g. CCl779, ABT578 or a compound of formula l, e.g. Compound A, and a second
`drug substance, said second drug substance being a chemotherapeutic agent, e.g. as
`indicated hereinafter.
`A method for treating post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders or a lymphatic
`cancer, e.g. for treating tumor invasiveness or symptoms associated with such tumor
`growth in a subject in need thereof, comprising co-administering to said subject, e.g.
`concomitantly or in sequence, of rapamycin or a derivative thereof, e.g. CCl779,
`ABT578 or a compound of formula I, e.g. Compound A, and a second drug substance,
`said second drug substance being a chemotherapeutic agent, e.g. as indicated
`By “lymphatic cancer” are meant e.g. tumors of blood and lymphatic system (e.g. Hodgkin's
`disease, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Burkitt’s lymphoma, AlDS—related lymphomas, malignant
`immunoproliferative diseases, multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms,
`lymphoid leukemia, myeloid leukemia, acute or chronic lymphocytic leukemia, monocytic
`leukemia, other leukemias of specified cell type, leukemia of unspecified cell type, other and
`unspecified malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, haematopoietic and related tissues, for
`example diffuse large cell lymphoma, T-cell lymphoma or cutaneous T-cell lymphoma).
`By the term “chemotherapeutic agent” is meant especially any chemotherapeutic agent other
`than rapamycin or a derivative thereof. it includes but is not limited to,
`an aromatase inhibitor,
`an antiestrogen, an anti-androgen (especially in the case of prostate cancer) or a
`gonadorelin agonist,
`a topoisomerase I inhibitor or a topoisomerase II inhibitor,
`a microtubule active agent, an alkylating agent, an antineoplastic antimetabolite or a
`platin compound,
`a compound targeting/decreasing a protein or lipid kinase activity or a protein or lipid
`phosphatase activity, a further anti-angiogenic compound or a compound which
`induces cell differentiation processes,
`a bradykinin 1 receptor or an angiotensin II antagonist,
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`W0 02/066019
`a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, a bisphosphonate, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, a
`heparanase inhibitor (prevents heparan sulphate degradation), e.g. Pl-88, a biological
`response modifier, preferably a Iymphokine or interferons, e.g. interferon 7, an
`ubiquitination inhibitor, or an inhibitor which blocks anti-apoptotic pathways,
`an inhibitor of Ras oncogenic isoforms, e.g. H-Ras, K-Ras or N-Ras, or a farnesyl
`transferase inhibitor, e.g. L-744,832 or DK8G557,
`a telomerase inhibitor, e.g. telomestatin,
`a protease inhibitor, a matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor, a methionine aminopeptidase
`inhibitor, e.g. bengamide or a derivative thereof, or a proteosome inhibitor, e.g.
`The term “aromatase inhibitor” as used herein relates to a compound which inhibits the
`estrogen production, i.e. the conversion of the substrates androstenedione and testosterone
`to estrone and estradiol, respectively. The term includes, but is not limited to steroids,
`especially atamestane, exemestane and formestane and, in particular, non—steroids,
`especially aminoglutethimide, roglethimide, pyridoglutethimide, trilostane, testolactone,
`ketokonazole, vorozole, fadrozole, anastrozole and letrozole. Exemestane can be
`administered, e.g., in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark AROMASINTM.
`Formestane can be administered, e.g., in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the
`trademark LENTARONTM. Fadrozole can be administered, e.g., in the form as it is marketed,
`e.g. under the trademark AFEMATM. Anastrozole can be administered, e.g., in the form as it
`is marketed, e.g. under the trademark ARIMIDEXTM. Letrozole can be administered, e.g., in
`the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark FEMARATM or FEMARTM
`Aminoglutethimide can be administered, e.g., in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the
`trademark ORlMETENTM. A combination of the invention comprising a chemotherapeutic
`agent which is an aromatase inhibitor is particularly useful for the treatment of hormone
`receptor positive tumors, e.g. breast tumors.
`The term “antiestrogen” as used herein relates to a compound which antagonizes the effect
`of estrogens at the estrogen receptor level. The term includes, but is not limited to
`tamoxifen, fulvestrant, raloxifene and raloxifene hydrochloride. Tamoxifen can be
`administered, e.g., in the fonn as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark NOLVADEXTM.
`Raloxifene hydrochloride can be administered, e.g., in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under
`the trademark EVISTATM. Fulvestrant can be formulated as disclosed in US 4,659,516 or it
`can be administered, e.g., in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark
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`W0 02/066019
`FASLODEXTM. A combination of the invention comprising a chemotherapeutic agent which is
`an antiestrogen is particularly useful for the treatment of estrogen receptor positive tumors,
`e.g. breast tumors.
`The term “anti—androgen" as used herein relates to any substance which is capable of
`inhibiting the biological effects of androgenic hormones and includes, but is not limited to,
`bicalutamide (CASODEXTM), which can be formulated, e.g. as disclosed in US 4,636,505.
`The term “gonadorelin agonist” as used herein includes, but is not limited to abarelix,
`goserelin and goserelin acetate. Goserelin is disclosed in US 4,100,274 and can be
`administered, e.g., in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark ZOLADEXTM.
`Abarelix can be formulated, eg. as disclosed in US 5,843,901.
`The term “topoisomerase l inhibitor” as used herein includes, but is not limited to topotecan,
`irinotecan, 9-nitrocamptothecin and the macromolecular camptothecin conjugate PNU-
`166148 (compound A1 in W099/17804). lrinotecan can be administered, e.g. in the form as
`it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark CAMPTOSARTM. Topotecan can be administered,
`e.g., in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark HYCAMTINTM.
`The term ‘‘topoisomerase II inhibitor’ as used herein includes, but is not limited to the
`anthracyclines such as doxorubicin (including liposomal formulation, e.g. CAELYXTM),
`daunorubicin, epirubicin, idarubicin and nemorubicin, the anthraquinones mitoxantrone and
`losoxantrone, and the podophillotoxines etoposide and teniposide.’ Etoposide can be
`administered, e.g. in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark ETOPOPHOSTM.
`Teniposide can be administered, e.g. in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark
`VM 26-BRISTOLTM Doxorubicin can be administered, e.g. in the form as it is marketed, e.g.
`under the trademark ADRIBLASTINTM. Epirubicin can be administered, e.g. in the form as it
`is marketed, e.g. under the trademark FARMORUBICINTM. idarubicin can be administered,
`e.g. in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark ZAVEDOSTM. Mitoxantrone can
`be administered, e.g. in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark
`The term “microtubule active agent” relates to microtubule stabilizing and microtubule
`destabilizing agents including, but not limited to taxanes, e.g. paclitaxel and docetaxel, vinca
`alkaloids, e.g., vinblastine, especially vinblastine sulfate, vincristine especially vincristine
`sulfate, and vinorelbine, discodennolides and epothilones and derivatives thereof, e.g.
`epothilone B or a derivative thereof. Paclitaxel may be administered e.g. in the form as it is
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`W0 02/066019
`marketed, e.g. TAXOLTM. Docetaxel can be administered, e.g., in the form as it is marketed,
`e.g. under the trademark TAXOTERETM. Vinblastine sulfate can be administered, e.g., in the
`form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark VlNBLASTlN R.P.TM. Vincristine sulfate can
`be administered, e.g., in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark FARMISTINTM.
`Discodermoiide can be obtained, e.g., as disclosed in US 5,010,099.
`The term “alkylating agent" as used herein includes, but is not limited to cyclophosphamide,
`ifosfamide, melphalan or nitrosourea (BCNU or Gliade
`ITM). Cyclophosphamide can be
`administered, e.g., in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark CYCLOSTINTM.
`Ifosfamide can be administered, e.g., in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark
`The term “antineoplastic antimetabolite” includes, but is not limited to 5-fluorouracil,
`capecitabine, gemcitabine, methotrexate and edatrexate. Capecitabine can be administered.
`e.g., in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark XELODATM. Gemcitabine can be
`administered, e.g., in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark GEMZARTM.
`The term “platin compound” as used herein includes, but is not limited to carboplatin, cis-
`platin and oxaliplatin. Carboplatin can be administered, e.g., in the form as it is marketed,
`e.g. under the trademark CARBOPLATN. Oxaliplatin can be administered, e.g., in the form
`as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark ELOXATINTM.
`The term “compounds targeting/decreasing a protein or lipid kinase activity or further anti-
`angiogenic compounds” as used herein includes, but is not limited to protein tyrosine kinase
`and/or serine and/or threonine kinase inhibitors or lipid kinase inhibitors, e.g. compounds
`targeting, decreasing or inhibiting the activity of the epidermal growth factor family of
`receptor tyrosine kinases (EGFR, ErbB2, ErbB3, ErbB4 as homo- or heterodimers), the
`vascular endothelial growth factor family of receptor tyrosine kinases (VEGFR), the platelet-
`derived growth factor~receptors (PDGFR), the fibroblast growth factor~receptors (FGFR), the
`insulin-like growth factor receptor 1 (IGF-1R), the Trk receptor tyrosine kinase family, the Axl
`receptor tyrosine kinase family, the Ret receptor tyrosine kinase, the Kit/SCFR receptor
`tyrosine kinase, members of the c-Abl family and their gene-fusion products (e.g. BCR-Abl),
`members of the protein kinase C (PKC) and Raf family of serine/threonine kinases,
`members of the MEK, SRC, JAK, FAK, PDK or Pl(3) kinase family, or of the Pl(3)-kinase-
`related kinase family, and/or members of the cyclin-dependent kinase family (CDK) and anti-
`angiogenic compounds having another mechanism for their activity, e.g. unrelated to protein
`or lipid kinase inhibition.
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`W0 02/066019
`Compounds which target, decrease or inhibit the activity of VEGFR are especially
`compounds, proteins or antibodies which inhibit the VEGF receptor tyrosine kinase, inhibit a
`VEGF receptor or bind to VEGF, and are in particular those compounds, proteins or
`monoclonal antibodies generically and specifically disclosed in W0 98/35958, e.g. 1-(4-
`chloroanilino)—4-(4-pyridylmethyl)phthalazine or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof,
`e.g. the succinate, or in W0 00/09495, W0 00/27820, WO O0/59509, W0 98/11223, W0
`00/27819 and EP 0 769 947; those as described by M. Prewett et al in Cancer Research 59
`(1999) 5209-5218, by F. Yuan et al in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 93, pp. 14765-14770,
`Dec. 1996, by Z. Zhu et al in Cancer Res. 58, 1998, 3209-3214, and by J. Mordenti et al in
`Toxicologic Pathology, Vol. 27, no. 1, pp 14-21, 1999; in W0 00l37502 and W0 94/10202;
`Angiostatinm, described by M. s. 0’Reil|y et al, Cell 79, 1994, 315-328; Endostatinm,
`described by M. S. 0‘Reilly et al, Cell 88, 1997, 277-285; anthranilic acid amides; ZD4190;
`ZD6474; SU5416; SU6668; or anti-VEGF antibodies or anti-VEGF receptor antibodies,e.g.
`By antibody is meant intact monoclonal antibodies, polyclonal antibodies, multispecific
`antibodies formed from at least 2 intact antibodies, and antibodies fragments so long as they
`exhibit the desired biological activity.
`Compounds which target, decrease or inhibit the activity of the epidermal growth factor
`receptor family are especially compounds, proteins or antibodies which inhibit members of
`the EGF receptor tyrosine kinase family, e.g. EGF receptor, ErbB2, ErbB3 and ErbB4 or bind
`to EGF or EGF related ligands, and are in particular those compounds, proteins or
`monoclonal antibodies generically and specifically disclosed in W0 97/02266, e.g. the
`compound of ex. 39, or in EP 0 564 409, W0 99/03854, EP 0520722, EP 0 566 226, EP 0
`787 722, EP 0 837 063, US 5,747,498, WO 98/10767, W0 97/30034, WO 97/49688, WO
`97/38983 and, especially, W0 96/30347 (e.g. compound known as CP 358774), WO
`96133980 (e.g. compound ZD 1839) and W0 95/03283 (e.g. compound ZM105180); e.g.
`trastuzumab (HerpetinR), oetuximab, lressa, 0Sl-774, Cl-1033, EKB-569, GW-2016, E1.1,
`E2.4, E2.5, E6.2, E6.4, E2.11, E6.3 or E7.6.3.
`Compounds which target, decrease or inhibit the activity of PDGFR are especially
`compounds which inhibit the PDGF receptor, e.g. a N-phenyl-2-pyrimidine-amine derivative,
`e.g. imatinib.
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`W0 02/066019
`Compounds which target, decrease or inhibit the activity of c-Abl family members and their
`gene fusion products, e.g. a N—phenyl-2-pyrimidine-amine derivative, e.g. imatinib;
`PD180970; AG957; or NSC 680410.
`Compounds which target, decrease or inhibit the activity of protein kinase C, Raf, MEK,
`SRC, JAK, FAK and PDK family members, or Pl(3) kinase or P|(3) kinase—related family
`members, and/or members of the cyclin-dependent kinase family (CDK) are especially those
`staurosporine derivatives disclosed in EP 0 296 110, e.g. midostaurin; examples of further
`compounds include e.g. UCN-01, safingol, BAY 43-9006, Bryostatin 1, Perifosine;
`llmofosine; R0 318220 and R0 320432; GO 6976; lsis 3521; or LY333531/LY379196.
`Further anti-angiogenic compounds are e.g. thalidomide (THALOMID) and TNP-470.
`Compounds which target, decrease or inhibit the activity of a protein or lipid phosphatase are
`e.g. inhibitors of phosphatase 1, phosphatase 2A, PTEN or CDC25, e.g. okadaic acid or a
`derivative thereof.
`Compounds which induce cell differentiation processes are e.g. retinoic acid, ot—, 7» or 8-
`tocopherol or or—, 7- or 8-tocotrienol.
`The term cyclooxygenase inhibitor as used herein includes, but is not limited to, e.g.
`celecoxib (CelebrexR), rofecoxib (Vio>o<R), etoricoxib, valdecoxib or a 5-alkyl-2-
`arylaminophenylacetic acid, e.g. 5~methyl-2-(2'-chloro-6’-fluoroani|ino)pheny| acetic acid.
`The term “histone deacetylase inhibitor” as used herein includes, but is not limited to MS-27-
`275, SAHA, pyroxamide, FR-901228 or valproic acid.
`The term “bisphosphonates” as used herein includes, but is not limited to, etridonic,
`clodronic, tiludronic, pamidronic, alendronic, ibandronic, risedronic and zoledronic acid.
`“Etridonic acid” can be administered, e.g., in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the
`trademark DIDRONELTM. “Clodronic acid” can be administered, e.g., in the form as it is
`marketed, e.g. under the trademark BONEFOSTM. “Tiludronic acid” can be administered,
`e.g., in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark SKELIDTM. “Pamidronic acid”
`can be administered, e.g. in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark AREDIATM.
`“Alendronic acid” can be administered, e.g., in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the
`trademark FOSAMAXTM. “lbandronic acid” can be administered, e.g., in the fonfn as it is
`marketed, e.g. under the trademark BONDRANATTM. “Risedronic acid” can be administered,
`e.g., in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark ACTONELTM. “Zoledronic acid”
`can be administered, e.g. in the form as it is marketed, e.g. under the trademark ZOMETATM
`Par Pharm., Inc.
`Exhibit 1055
`Page 011

`W0 02/066019
`The term “matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor” as used herein includes, but is not limited to
`collagen peptidomimetic and nonpetidomimetic inhibitors, tetracycline derivatives, e.g.
`hydroxamate peptidomimetlc inhibitor batimastat and its orally bioavailable analogue
`marimastat, prinomastat, BMS-279251, BAY 12-9566, TAA211 or AAJ996.
`In each case where citations of patent applications or scientific publications are given, the
`subject-matter relating to the compounds is hereby incorporated into the present application
`by reference. Comprised are likewise the pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof, the
`corresponding racemates, diastereoisomers, enantiomers, tautomers as well as the
`corresponding crystal modifications of above disclosed compounds where present, e.g.
`solvates, hydrates and polymorphs, which are disclosed therein. The compounds used as
`active ingredients in the combinations of the invention can be prepared and administered as
`described in the cited documents, respectively. Also within the scope of this invention is the
`combination of more than two separate active ingredients as set forth above, i.e. a
`pharmaceutical combination within the scope of this invention could include three active
`ingredients or more. Further both the first agent and the co-agent are not the identical
`Utility of the compounds of formula I in treating solid tumors as hereinabove specified, may
`be demonstrated in animal test methods as well as in clinic, for example in accordance with
`the methods hereinafter described.
`In Vitro
`A.1 Antiproliferative activity in combination with other agents
`A cell line, e.g. the compound A resistant A549 line (lC5o in low nM range) versus the
`comparative Compound A resistant KB-31 and HCT116 lines (|C5o in the uM range), is added
`to 96-well plates (1,500 oells/well in 100 pl medium) and incubated for 24 hr. Subsequently, a
`two-fold dilution series of each compound (Compound of formula I or a known
`chemotherapeutic agent) is made in separate tubes (starting at 8 x the lC5o of each
`compound) either alone or in paired combinations, and the dilutions are added to the wells.
`The cells are then re-incubated for 3 days. Methylene blue staining is performed on day 4
`and the amount of bound dye (proportional to the number of surviving cells that bind the dye)
`determined. lC5os are subsequently determined using the Calcusyn program, which provides
`a measure of the interaction, namely the so-called non-exclusive combination index (Cl),
`where: Cl ~ 1 = the interaction is nearly additive; 0.85 — 0.9 = slight synergism; < 0.85 =
`synergy. In this assay, the compounds of formula I show interesting antiproliferatlve activity
`Par Pharm., Inc.
`Exhibit 1055
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`W0 02/066019
`in combination with another chemotherapeutic agent. For example the following CI values
`are obtained with a combination of Compound A and cisplatinum, paclitaxel, gemcitabine and
`doxorubicin, showing synergistic effects.
`Cell line
`Furthermore, in this assay, Compound A potentiates the loss of A549 cell viability and cell
`death when it is used in combination with gemcitabine.
`A.2 Antiangiogenic activity
`In vitro assay of the antiproliferative activity of rapamycin or a derivative thereof, e.g.
`Compound A, against human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) demonstrates lC5o
`values of 120 1 22 pM and 841 1 396, and > 10 000 pM for VEGF- and bFGF- and FBS-
`stimulated proliferation, respectively. Additionally, no significant effects of Compound A on
`bFGF-stimulated normal human dermal fibroblast (NHDF) proliferation are observed over the
`same concentration range. These results indicate that Compound A inhibits the proliferation
`of HUVECs, being particularly potent against the VEGF-induced proliferation, VEGF being a
`key pro-angiogenic factor.
`In Vivo
`In the following assays, antitumor activity is expressed as T/C% (mean increase in tumor
`volumes of treated animals divided by the mean increase of tumor volumes of control
`animals multiplied by 100) and % regressions (tumor volume minus initial tumor volume
`divided by the initial tumor volume and multiplied by 100).
`B.1 Activity in A549 human lung tumor xenografts
`Fragments of A549 tumors (approx. 25 mg; derived from Cell line CCL 185, ATCC,
`Rockville MD, USA) are transplanted subcutaneously into the left flank of BALB/c nude mice.
`Treatment is started on day 7 or day 12 following tumor transplantation. The compound to be
`tested is administered p.o. once per day from day 7/12 to day 38/55, respectively. In this
`Par Pharm., Inc.
`Exhibit 1055
`Page 013

`W0 02/066019

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