
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2016-01479
`Patent No. 9,006,224
`Par v. Novartis, IPR2016-01479
`Page 1 of 216


`Qualifications ................................................................................................... 1
`Legal Principles ............................................................................................... 4
`Person Of Ordinary Skill In The Art ............................................................... 7
`IV. Summary Of Opinions ................................................................................... 10
`State Of The Art ............................................................................................. 14
`In November 2005, PNETs And Carcinoid Tumors Were
`Known To Be Distinct Types Of Neuroendocrine Tumors ................ 14
`In November 2005, PNETs And Pancreatic
`Adenocarcinomas Were Known To Be Distinct Types Of
`Tumors Of The Pancreas ..................................................................... 22
`In November 2005, Advanced PNETs Were Known To
`Be More Aggressive And Harder To Treat After Failure
`Of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy ............................................................... 27
`In November 2005, Intracellular Signaling Pathways
`Were Known To Be Complex And Incompletely
`Understood .......................................................................................... 31
`In November 2005, The Role Of mTOR Inhibition In
`Cancer Treatment Was Uncertain ....................................................... 35
`In November 2005, It Was Not Reasonably Predictable
`Whether A Tumor Would Respond To mTOR Inhibition .................. 39
`In November 2005, The Etiology Of PNETs Was Poorly
`Understood .......................................................................................... 42
`Alterations To PTEN Would Not Have Suggested
`That PNETs Would Be Responsive To mTOR
`Inhibition ................................................................................... 45
`The PTEN Expression Data Reported In Wang
`Would Not Have Taught Or Suggested That
`Par v. Novartis, IPR2016-01479
`Page 2 of 216


`PNETs Would Be Responsive To mTOR
`Inhibition ................................................................................... 47
`Dr. Ratain Has Provided No Evidence That PNETs
`Lacked Functional PTEN Expression ....................................... 48
`The Prior Art Suggested That Other Unknown
`Tumor-Suppressor Genes Could Be Involved In
`PNET Oncogenesis And Progression ....................................... 49
`VI. The ’224 Patent .............................................................................................. 51
`VII. Ground 1: Claims 1–3 Of The ’224 Patent Are Not Obvious
`Over Öberg 2004 In View Of Boulay 2004 And O’Donnell ........................ 56
`A. A POSA Would Have Considered Multiple Different
`Agents In Developing A Potential New PNET Therapy .................... 58
`Öberg 2004 Would Not Have Motivated A POSA To
`Select Rapamycin, Much Less Everolimus, To Treat
`Advanced PNETs After Failure Of Cytotoxic
`Chemotherapy ..................................................................................... 63
`Öberg 2004 Would Not Have Motivated A POSA
`To Select Rapamycin ................................................................ 64
`Öberg 2004 Also Would Not Have Motivated A
`POSA To Select Everolimus ..................................................... 72
`Boulay 2004 Would Not Have Motivated A POSA To
`Select Everolimus Or Provided A Reasonable
`Expectation That Everolimus Would Be Effective To
`Treat Advanced PNETs After Failure Of Cytotoxic
`Chemotherapy ..................................................................................... 74
`CA20948 Is Not A PNET Cell Line ......................................... 75
`CA20948 Is Not A Model For The Efficacy Of
`Everolimus To Treat PNETs ..................................................... 81
`Boulay 2004 Did Not Suggest That All mTOR
`Inhibitors Are Interchangeable ................................................. 89
`Par v. Novartis, IPR2016-01479
`Page 3 of 216


`D. O’Donnell Would Not Have Motivated A POSA To
`Select Everolimus Or Provided A Reasonable
`Expectation That Everolimus Would Be Effective To
`Treat Advanced PNETs After Failure Of Cytotoxic
`Chemotherapy ..................................................................................... 91
`O’Donnell Did Not Teach Or Suggest That
`Everolimus Was Used To Treat Advanced PNETs
`After Failure Of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy ............................... 92
`O’Donnell Did Not Teach Or Suggest That
`Everolimus Was Effective To Treat All Tumors
`Disclosed ................................................................................... 93
`O’Donnell Did Not Teach Or Suggest That
`Everolimus Would Be Effective To Treat
`Advanced PNETs .................................................................... 100
`O’Donnell Did Not Teach Or Suggest That
`Everolimus Would Be Effective To Treat
`Advanced PNETs After Failure Of Cytotoxic
`Chemotherapy ......................................................................... 107
`Claims 1–3 Of The ’224 Patent Are Not Obvious Over
`The Combination Of Öberg 2004, Boulay 2004, And
`O’Donnell .......................................................................................... 108
`VIII. Ground 2: Claim 2 Of The ’224 Patent Is Not Obvious Over
`Öberg 2004, Boulay 2004, And O’Donnell In View Of
`Tabernero ..................................................................................................... 111
`Tabernero Would Not Have Motivated A POSA Select
`Everolimus Or Provided A Reasonable Expectation That
`Everolimus Would Be Effective To Treat Advanced
`PNETs After Failure Of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy ........................... 113
`Claim 2 Of The ’224 Patent Is Not Obvious Over The
`Combination Of Öberg 2004, Boulay 2004, O’Donnell,
`And Tabernero ................................................................................... 120
`IX. Ground 3: Claims 1–3 Of The ’224 Patent Are Not Obvious
`Over Boulay 2004In View Of O’Donnell And Duran ................................ 121
`Par v. Novartis, IPR2016-01479
`Page 4 of 216


`A. Duran Did Not Teach Or Suggest That Temsirolimus
`Was Used To Treat Advanced PNETs After Failure Of
`Cytotoxic Chemotherapy ................................................................... 123
`Duran Did Not Teach Or Suggest That Temsirolimus
`Was Effective To Treat Advanced PNETs After Failure
`Of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy ............................................................. 126
`Duran Did Not Teach Or Suggest That Everolimus
`Would Be Effective To Treat Advanced PNETs After
`Failure Of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy ................................................. 131
`D. No Other Reference Cited In Connection With Ground 3
`Taught Or Suggested That Everolimus Would Be
`Effective To Treat Advanced PNETs After Failure Of
`Cytotoxic Chemotherapy ................................................................... 134
`Dr. Ratain’s Other Prior Art References Did Not Teach
`Or Suggest That Rapamycin And Its Derivatives Would
`Have Similar Anticancer Activity ..................................................... 137
`Claims 1–3 Of The ’224 Patent Are Not Obvious Over
`The Combination Of Boulay 2004, O’Donnell, And
`Duran ................................................................................................. 143
`X. Ground 4: Claim 2 Of The ’224 Patent Is Not Obvious Over
`Boulay 2004, O’Donnell, And Duran In View Of Tabernero ..................... 146
`XI. Claims 1–3 Of The ’224 Patent Are Not Obvious Over The
`Remaining Prior Art Relied On By Dr. Ratain............................................ 147
`XII. The Methods In Claims 1–3 Of The ’224 Patent Have
`Demonstrated Unexpected Results .............................................................. 156
`XIII. The Methods In Claims 1–3 Of The ’224 Patent Satisfied A
`Long-Felt Unmet Need For A New, Safe And Effective Method
`Of Treating Advanced PNETs After Failure Of Cytotoxic
`Chemotherapy .............................................................................................. 164
`In November 2005, There Was A Long-Felt Unmet Need
`For A New, Safe And Effective Method Of Treating
`Par v. Novartis, IPR2016-01479
`Page 5 of 216


`Advanced PNETs After Failure Of Cytotoxic
`Chemotherapy ................................................................................... 165
`Therapies Were Available To Reduce Symptoms
`But These Therapies Were Rarely Effective To
`Treat Advanced PNETs .......................................................... 166
`Cytotoxic Chemotherapy Had Demonstrated
`Efficacy In Advanced PNETs But Was Toxic And
`Tumors Eventually Progressed ............................................... 167
`The Methods In Claims 1–3 Of The ’224 Patent Satisfied
`A Long-Felt Unmet Need For A New, Safe And
`Effective Method Of Treating Advanced PNETs After
`Failure Of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy ................................................. 172
`XIV. Others Tried And Failed To Develop New Methods Of Treating
`Advanced PNETs After Failure Of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy .................... 174
`XV. Conclusion ................................................................................................... 177
`Par v. Novartis, IPR2016-01479
`Page 6 of 216


`Abbreviation Paragraph(s)
`U.S. Patent No. 9,006,224, titled
`“Neuroendocrine Tumor Treatment”
`’224 Patent
`10, 20, 25, 32,
`38, 100-109,
`180, 185, 186,
`204, 205, 224,
`240, 245, 246,
`248, 261, 263,
`267, 279, 286
`File History for the ’224 patent
`Declaration of Mark J. Ratain, M.D.
`in Support of Petition for Inter Partes
`Review of U.S. Patent No. 9,006,224
`20, 22, 23, 34,
`35, 38, 40, 41,
`52, 53, 70, 79,
`87, 88, 89 n.9,
`92, 95, 103
`n.10, 105,
`109, 110, 114-
`117, 122-126,
`129, 131, 135,
`136 n.13, 137,
`138, 142, 146-
`148, 153, 156,
`172, 174, 176,
`186, 187, 202,
`205, 206, 213,
`214, 220, 224-
`231, 235, 238,
`246, 248-251
`(n. 24, n.25),
`255, 257, 263,
`268, 270
`1004 Curriculum Vitae of Mark J. Ratain,
`Par v. Novartis, IPR2016-01479
`Page 7 of 216


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`239-246, 251,
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`29, 2012), Pages 778-79, 950, 995
`Ratain Trial
`Tr. I
`Excerpts of Transcript of Trial
`Testimony of M. Ratain, Novartis v.
`Breckenridge, Roxane and Par (C.A.
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`31, 2016), Pages 769-772, 957, 993-
`94, 1003, 1010, 1012, 1014
`Excerpts of Transcript of Deposition
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`Nos. 14-1043-RGA, 14-1196-RGA
`and 14-1289-RGA) (D. Del. Apr. 11,
`2016), Pages 1-5, 34, 156, 340
`Ratain Trial
`Tr. II
`Ratain Dep.
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