`Open Architectural Car Multimedia Platform
`Shoichi Minagawa, Yoshiki Chubachi and Yoshiaki Murakami
`Clarion Co., Ltd.
`Reprinted From: Vehicle INFOTRONICS:
`Enabling the Integrated Mobility Experience
`Convergence 98
`International Congress on
`Transportation Electronics
`Dearborn, Michigan
`October 19-21, 1998
`400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 U.S.A.
`Tel: (724) 776-4841 Fax: (724) 776-5760
`Exhibit 1013, Page 1

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`Exhibit 1013, Page 2

` 98C026
`Open Architectural Car Multimedia Platform
`Shoichi Minagawa, Yoshiki Chubachi and Yoshiaki Murakami
`Clarion Co., Ltd.
`In the near future, car multimedia systems will be essen-
`tial to enable emerging digital media and cater to expand-
`ing business opportunities utilizing various information
`contents. Since a strong demand for the standardization
`to be ready and beneficial for both the customers and the
`manufacturers exists today, an open platform is the most
`desirable. Clarion has co-developed an open architecture
`in-car multimedia system in a 1DIN form factor for instal-
`lation in the dash of a vehicle. This open architecture,
`known as Auto PC, is powered by the Microsoft® Win-
`dows® CE 2.0 operating system. This in-car multimedia
`system will provide solutions for the major tasks required
`of next generation in-car information systems.
`Car audio devices, as in-car entertainment equipment,
`are going through metamorphoses in their configurations
`from the conventional combination of an AM/FM radio
`and a cassette tape player to digitized music sources
`such as CDs. Moreover, navigational systems are enjoy-
`ing booming popularity, especially in Japan. Navigational
`systems, along with LCD display devices, are further
`refining themselves and are now considered to be the
`vehicle’s information center.
`Data storage and delivery is also evolving. With improve-
`ments in both storage technology, most recently wit-
`nessed in memory and DVD technologies, and wireless
`technologies, digital data will become more prevalent.
`The biggest benefits of digitized information are: 1) ease
`of creating content, 2) easy handling, 3) data integrity
`(lack of data degradation) during transmission, 4) easy
`automatic control, and 5) lower product cost to the end
`user. It is obvious that media utilized in the car environ-
`ment will become even more versatile and digitized. Also,
`recent trends suggest vehicles to become a tool to pro-
`vide not only transportation but also enable productivity
`in a mobile information environment.
`In the near future, a car will be expected to process new
`digital media information on a real-time bases. The infra-
`structure of such digital media information is currently
`taking shape by social demands. In order for in-car multi-
`media systems to process this multimedia information, it
`will be necessary to integrate all the potential technolo-
`gies into a platform, similar to how its counterpart, the
`personal computer, has been combined. In this paper,
`the importance of an open architecture concept and the
`benefits experienced by both consumers and manufac-
`turers are explained.
`packaged media, such as high-density optical discs like
`DVD, will become increasingly popular in the automotive
`environment to provide visual information or to store high
`quality audio information. With the introduction of DVD-
`RAM, new applications such as re-writable map data-
`bases for navigational systems are expected to become
`available. Also, IC memory, with its increased capacity,
`will be used as a major information medium.
`broadcasting is currently being investigated to replace
`existing worldwide analog audio broadcasting (e.g., AM,
`FM). Some hybrid services (e.g., RDS in Europe, RBDS
`in the United States, VICS in Japan) have already been
`implemented with digital information being broadcast on
`FM subcarrier channels. DAB is the first true digital audio
`broadcasting system and is being rolled out in Europe
`and Canada. Digital TV broadcasting which can be
`received in a moving vehicle is currently being examined
`in Japan. Mobile communications reception via broad-
`casting satellites is being studied. As a result, broad
`bandwidth downloading of digital information into a vehi-
`cle via a digital broadcasting will soon become a reality.
`wireless communication realm, digitization is also the
`trend for increased radio spectrum efficiency. Digital tele-
`phone systems are already widespread at a global scale.
`New systems have already been proposed in an effort to
`increase the data transmission speed. The establishment
`of ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) has been
`examined worldwide. Wireless communication is consid-
`ered as a key technological function of ITS to exchange
`information between roadside infrastructure and the vehi-
`Exhibit 1013, Page 3

`stated above,
`advancement of technologies is driving versatile new
`media to enable the transmission and reception of multi-
`ple types of digital information. At the same time, consoli-
`dation of functions among each medium will take place.
`With these advancements, information systems will no
`longer be dependent on only one medium, and will in fact
`rely on multiple media forms for the delivery of informa-
`tion. For example, Japan's VICS system utilizes simulta-
`neous reception of data via several media types. In VICS,
`FM subcarrier broadcasting and infrared/microwave bea-
`con are used to receive real-time traffic information, and
`the map database in the CD-ROM is used to display the
`best route based on traffic conditions. Cases such as
`illustrate how the borderlines between the communica-
`tion realm and the broadcasting realm are disappearing.
`In fact, competition between packaged media and wire-
`less media will soon occur. For example, map data for
`navigational systems are contained on a CD-ROM in
`today's implementation. In the future, downloading the
`same data from a satellite will be possible.
`The principal function of automotive electronics is to pro-
`vide the user a comfortable space that is fun to drive,
`convenient and safe. In order to achieve this goal, real-
`time digital information that utilizes communication infra-
`structures (e.g., emergency service, traffic information,
`route guidance, general information service) are aggres-
`sively being introduced into the auto environment. Con-
`tent delivery services are drawing strong attention as
`potential profitable business opportunities. Route guid-
`ance or traffic information will be crucial for the driver to
`reach to his/her destination in a timely manner. In some
`countries, emergency communication systems are
`already in operation to better handle life-threatening
`emergency situations.
`This indicates that the driver no longer collects informa-
`tion passively. Rather, he/she can now aggressively col-
`lect information via external network resources. The car
`interior can be transformed from a cabin where the driver
`sits to get from one place to another to a place where the
`driver can collect vital information such as route guidance
`or POIs (Point of Interest) from an information service
`provider or via the internet. Such environments are
`becoming a reality in many places all over the world.
`The result is the possibility for the automobile to shift its
`existing role from a mere commuter tool to an "informa-
`tion space" with global-scale connections.
`New functions are required for the in-vehicle equipment
`to cater to the evolution of the digital media environment.
`Since the infrastructure is making major progress daily,
`corresponding devices should follow to keep up with
`these changes. Technically, simply applying existing
`products' technologies will easily enable the functionality
`for each new medium. However, numerous difficulties
`such cost, installation or operation issues remain.
`HARDWARE COST – In the past, new devices were
`added for each medium. This practice is believed to raise
`the cost of the whole system due to the duplication of fun-
`damental functions such as operation, display or calcula-
`in the vehicle will cause inevitable problems as long as a
`device must be added each time a new medium is intro-
`duced. In order to avoid space problems, possibilities of
`combining black box type equipment and infrared remote
`controls exist. If several remote controllers are required,
`each remote controller will only operate a single function
`resulting in safety hazards of verifying the proper remote
`controller while driving. Verifying the switches on a mov-
`ing vehicle will also cause a serious safety hazard.
`mate solution for all the problems described above is the
`establishment of a computer-base multimedia system. In
`reality, almost all media are digitized in today's world. As
`experienced with the PC, achieving personal, function
`goals by using software that is application specific on a
`common platform enables efficient input, processing and
`output. By implementing a common HMI (Human-
`Machine Interface), space savings, cost reduction and
`cohesive tactile feedback are easily achievable. If key
`components such as ICs can be carried over from a PC,
`the cost of hardware can be drastically reduced.
`Segmentation of hardware and software – The common
`practice of separating hardware and application software
`in the computer industry could happen to the AutoPC.
`This factor could cause revolutionary changes in the
`existing business structure.
`Expandability – Multimedia systems allow customers to
`build configurations to best suit their desired functionality.
`Customers are not forced to make a major investment
`during the initial purchase. They can easily start with a
`basic system and gradually expand the system with both
`hardware and software upgrades in the future.
`Lack of compatibility among manufacturers – In the past,
`target functionality was achieved primarily by hardware.
`Recently, embedded microprocessors have been devel-
`oped, with the hardware controlled by proprietary soft-
`ware. More major-scale hardware products such as
`navigation systems with computerized hardware configu-
`ration are available now. However, the compatibility and
`the connectability are not guaranteed between manufac-
`turers because of the lack of an established standard.
`Customers are forced to select one manufacturer to com-
`Exhibit 1013, Page 4

`pose an entire system that may consist of several pieces
`of equipment.
`Barrier among proprietary systems – In the retail market,
`each manufacturer builds a barrier when a customer pur-
`chases its product as the main unit. This situation
`restricts a customer from selecting potentially better
`products from competitors.
`Car manufacturer's own standard – Similar to the situa-
`tion in the retail market, there is virtually no existing stan-
`terms of system compatibility among car
`manufacturers except the physical layer on some exter-
`nal buses.
`Difficulties in introducing after-market products – In the
`case of analog audio systems, a user can easily modify
`his/her system by replacing the radio/cassette player or
`adding amplifiers. Enthusiastic users who are not content
`with the original manufacturer's original parts are at least
`given opportunities to upgrade the system.
`In the case of multimedia systems, adding or connecting
`new functions to the standard equipment system is diffi-
`cult unless room is provided during the vehicle manufac-
`turer’s development phase, or the vehicle manufacturer
`prepares a solution themselves. Due to the lengthy devel-
`opment period necessary for a new vehicle, timely intro-
`duction of a new function is rather difficult.
`Model year compatibility – Guaranteeing compatibility,
`even among products from the same manufacturer, is dif-
`ficult due to the different development period these prod-
`ucts went through.
`SYSTEM – As discussed above, standardization for in-
`car multimedia has not yet been implemented. The fol-
`lowing merits are expected to become reality once a new
`industry standard for both hardware and software that
`guarantees connectability and compatibility of the entire
`system is established:
`System expandability –
`• Users are not forced to replace main units when a
`new function is introduced.
`• Users can gradually build up the entire system by
`upgrading hardware and software.
`• Users can be tailor their systems to their desired
`level of functionality.
`• Upgrading the entire system will improve perfor-
`• Improved functionality can be achieved via software
`• Functions can be expanded by adding peripheral
`Manufacturer choices –
`• Users can choose optional equipment from among
`numerous manufacturers.
`• Users can select among abundant application soft-
`ware provided by third parties.
`• Users can enjoy a wide range of software and hard-
`ware solutions made possible because they are
`developed on the same reference standard.
`Uniform Operation – Once the user interface is standard-
`ized, users can easily learn the operation of each newly
`added function based on past experiences.
`even major manufacturers find it difficult to create large-
`scale systems using only internal resources. For propri-
`etary system development, a manufacturer must develop
`all the hardware and software on its own. It is easy to
`image how hard a timely development can be depending
`on the available resources. It is also possible that a man-
`ufacturer has no choice but to develop devices with differ-
`ent specifications
`for each system. Development
`expenses could skyrocket, resulting in a higher price to
`the end users or a delayed product delivery. By adopting
`an open platform, the manufacturers building systems
`can achieve the following merits:
`Timely market introduction – Once a common platform,
`especially one with an OS that operates application soft-
`ware, becomes widely adopted, development times can
`be dramatically shortened. This is because existing soft-
`ware providers can be used to implement new functional-
`ity, and the hardware manufacturer can concentrate
`solely on designing and developing hardware.
`Creation of a new market & market share expansion
`Once a common platform is publically accepted, manu-
`facturers will be able to reach potential customers who
`have traditionally been reluctant to invest in proprietary
`systems. Easy-to-use and user-friendly systems with
`proper price settings are achievable. Some small markets
`were previously ignored for many reasons such as an
`uncommon language spoken in a particular market. With
`the permeation of the common platform, it is now possi-
`ble to yield lucrative business opportunities from these
`small markets.
`Development cost allocation – A manufacturer no longer
`needs to develop the entire system on its own. It can
`focus its developmental efforts on its most capable area.
`The entire system development cost can be reduced.
`CAR MANUFACTURERS – Today, the multimedia infra-
`structure is on such an aggressive growth path that the
`most recent system cannot be incorporated into a new
`vehicle model. The open platform provide bridges the
`gap by enabling the addition of new functions constantly
`by simply updating the software and hardware. With an
`Exhibit 1013, Page 5

`open platform, it is possible to compose a system by
`using existing modules to reduce the developmental
`costs. Parts can easily be carried over to reduce hard-
`ware costs. If a standard module of a different manufac-
`turer is adopted, there is no need to rely on a single
`NEW BUSINESS CREATION – The separation of hard-
`ware and software allows third parties called IHVs (Inde-
`pendent Hardware Vendors) or
`ISVs (Independent
`Software Vendors) to enter the business together with
`existing system manufacturers. Moreover, new services
`utilizing this common platform are expected to emerge as
`application software becomes more refined to allow infor-
`mation access, emergency services and efficient vehicle
`such as ISO take a long time to complete standardization
`processes. In rapidly growing industries such as PC or
`multimedia, the actual industry standard supported by
`many manufacturers functions as the official standard.
`This standard is called a "Defacto" standard. A defacto
`standard among in-car multimedia platforms has never
`existed. The standardization of this system requires the
`following conditions:
`among devices
`• Guaranteed compatibility among application software
`• Guaranteed
`exchange content
`• Guaranteed compatibility among peripheral devices
`• Highly common operations
`• In many cases, OS manufacturers take the initiative
`in setting the standards for computer-based systems.
`This is because the OS itself plays a major role to
`connect hardware and application software while
`managing the interface of each of the modules.
`Clarion has co-developed, together with Microsoft, the
`Clarion AutoPC which utilizes a vehice optimized OS
`based on an open architecture. Microsoft Windows CE
`2.0 is the base OS for this system.
`The Auto PC includes vehicle navigation, digital enter-
`tainment, wireless communication and other application
`software. It provides a safe and efficient user interface
`including voice recognition and text to speech for hands-
`free, eyes-free operation. With the optional cellular inter-
`face, the user can instruct the in-car multimedia system
`to dial a contact contained in the Address Book, a contact
`that could have just been transferred from the user’s
`Handheld PC via infrared data transmission. The user
`can receive wireless content, such as real time traffic
`updates, can be pushed to the vehicle via various wire-
`less carriers. A high-end digital audio system with full dig-
`ital audio processing results in high-quality sound.
`Figure 1.
`HARDWARE ARCHITECTURE – The in-car multimedia
`system consists of three modules, a faceplate module,
`CPU module and support module. The CPU and support
`modules are connected via the PCI bus.
`The CPU module primarily consists of the microproces-
`sor, PCI controller, DRAM and ROM memory, and ASIC.
`The support module consists of the following:
`• PCI devices including an IDE controller, USB control-
`ler and one ASIC. The CD-ROM device is connected
`to the IDE controller.
`• Input ports for audio source and processing compo-
`nents. The audio path for the tuner is as follows:
`• The AM/FM tuner is connected to the Codec’s A/
`D converter.
`• The digitized signal goes to the DSP for sound
`• The digital signal returns to the Codec for D/A
`The audio path for the CD is as follows:
`• CD music data goes to the DSP for sound pro-
`cessing via the PCI bus by DMA transmission.
`The DSP equalizes the sound and enhances the
`sound by adjusting the bass, and treble, volume
`and adding surround sound effects.
`• The processed digital signal is transferred to
`• Synchronous SRAM data buffering of sound data
`enables real time sound output without skipping.
`• UART for connection of a GPS receiver.
`The third module is the faceplate module that controls the
`user Interface. It includes a color LCD with 256 x 64, 3 bit
`resolution. It incorporates an IrDA input that enables the
`“squirting” of data between other Handheld PC or Palm
`Sized PC devices. It is connected to the support module
`via an high speed serial bus.
`This system incorporates industry standard bus architec-
`tures for digital data transmission including a PCI bus,
`I2C and SPI busses for controlling audio source compo-
`nents such as the tuner, DSP, and Codec, and I2S for dig-
`ital audio data transmission.
`SOUND DATA PROCESSING – The AM/FM tuner is con-
`trolled via the I2C bus. The signal from the tuner goes to
`the A/D converter. Each audio channel is digitized with
`20-bit resolution at a 44.1kHz sampling rate. The digi-
`tized data goes to the Support ASIC through a 32 bit for-
`Exhibit 1013, Page 6

`mat serial bus and is truncated into 16 bits for each
`channel. This data goes into the SRAM for buffering and
`to the DSP for sound processing through the serial bus.
`CD music data comes tno the Support ASIC though the
`PCI-IDE bridge controller and is sent over the PCI bus by
`DMA transfer. After buffering in SRAM, this data goes to
`the D/A converter via the DSP.
`A monaural signal is used for microphone input for
`speech recognition. The analog input is digitized with 20-
`bit resolution in 44.1 kHz. This data is truncated into 16-
`bit and decimated down to 11 kHz in the DSP.
`USB in the car environment – Various kinds of peripher-
`als are available for the Auto PC. The primary system
`expansion for these peripherals will be through Universal
`Serial Bus (USB). Cellular phone interfaces for wireless
`communication, security systems, and CD changers will
`be connected by USB to the Auto PC.
`Vehicle USB system – Clarion’s Auto PC is using a differ-
`ent type of USB connector from the one defined in the
`USB specification. This is because the vehicular environ-
`ment poses unique challenges such as a 12V supply,
`environmental reliability against shock and temperature,
`and installation ease. The Vehicle USB connector con-
`sists of eight pins, four pins of which are identical to the
`existing USB connector including Signal +, Signal -, 5V
`and ground. The other four pins are defined for 12V,
`ground, and wake up, with one pin not used. To preserve
`battery life, the USB host controller is powered off in
`stand by mode in the present architecture. The main unit
`host side will be woken up by the device side through the
`host up line in the event of an emergency. The term host
`up line is used instead of wake up line to differentiate the
`implementation used in the Auto PC from the wake up
`function defined in USB specification.
`Development of the USB CD changer – The first device
`which will be shipped to the market is an USB CD
`Changer developed by Clarion. This CD Changer incor-
`porates an ATAPI interface, with data and commands
`translated into USB format in an ATAPI-USB interface
`(AUI) ASIC. Isochronous data transfers are used to
`stream music data from the CD changer to the Auto PC
`Wake up system of Vehicle USB – Currently, the USB
`controller is powered off to preserve battery life when the
`user turns off the vehicle. Critical USB peripherals such
`as security systems should wake up the host system in
`cases of emergency. The USB specification defines the
`wake up procedure through the data lines to wake up the
`USB host controller from a sleep mode; however the
`specification does not define the procedure to wake up
`the host controller from a powered-off situation. For this
`reason, Clarion implemented the host up line that is con-
`nected to a non maskable interrupt of the CPU.
`Figure 2. System Diagram
`Fundamental in-car application software – The OS will
`bundle several application software such as radio, CD
`player, simplified navigation (directions), and Address
`Book applications.
`Interoperability – PIM information (i.e. address book) is
`useful anywhere, especially in the vehicle. With the Auto
`PC, PIM information can easily be input in the user’s
`desktop computer. This information can then be trans-
`mited wirelessly to the vehicle so that the user can
`always have the most recent information. Furthermore,
`the Auto PC allows all application software to use this
`centralized database. Therefore, the cellular telephone
`application can use the phone numbers to dial a contact,
`the navigation application can retrieve an address from
`the database, and the e-mail appication can address an
`e-mail from this address book.
`ous application software can run in the open architecture
`system as long as they comply with the OS requirements.
`It is possible to guarantee the quality of software that are
`originally bundled to this product by conducting pre-ship-
`ment tests. For after-market software and hardware,
`users must install them, cognizant of the fact that com-
`patibility issues may exist. If software or hardware cause
`problems, it is often difficult to pinpoint the source of
`Exhibit 1013, Page 7

`PLATFORM – Would an open platform replace every sin-
`gle system? For information communication systems, it is
`possible for a few systems to satisfy a large portion of the
`market by combining their influence.
`Open architecture fi
` Growing numbers of corresponding
`systems by multiple manufacturers fi
` Growing numbers
`of platforms fi
` Growing numbers of participating third
`party software vendors fi
` Enhance strength of a system
`in the market fi
` Defacto standard
`CONVENTIONAL PRODUCTS – An open architecture
`computer will not replace all existing systems, but it will
`certainly create new markets. Conventional systems that
`are specifically developed with certain focal points and
`less-cost effectiveness will still exist in a business arena
`where the abilities to expand, or compatibility are not
`DRIVING CONTROL – Mission critical driving controls
`(e.g., engine, brake, steering) require extremely high reli-
`ability, and auto manufacturers should be completely
`responsible for these elements. Open architecture will not
`be implemented even in the near future for these areas.
`Almost all media, packaged media, broadcasting media
`and communication media will be digitized. Computer
`based in-car multimedia system will play a major role to
`process the digital data in the dashboad. AutoPC is intro-
`duced as the first open-architectural car multimedia plat-
`form. Open architecture has many merits for users, retail
`manufacturers and car manufacturers and creates new
`businesses. Although some issues of concern regarding
`the open platform exist, it is expected to be key in the
`development of future automotive electronics, entertain-
`ment, and information systems.
`problems. Therefore, certification programs or similar
`efforts must be considered. Also, in order to avoid confu-
`sion at the time the unit is sold, easy accesses to infor-
`mation concerning the connection of peripherals for
`users and dealers must be available.
`INSTALLATION – The major difference between the Auto
`PC and the desktop PC is the installation into a vehicle
`that the Auto PC requires. Specially trained installation
`technicians are required to ensure safe and effective
`COMPUTER VIRUS – Computer viruses must be consid-
`ered. For this area, the existing computer industry must
`be leveraged to ensuer that effective countermeasures
`are in place before this becomes a problem.
`CONNECTION TO IN-CAR LAN – Expanding the system
`by connecting the Auto PC to an information-base type or
`a simplified control type in-car LAN in the future is highly
`probable. When this is implemented, the connection
`method of the Auto PC to a BUS which might be only
`unique to a certain auto manufacturer must be consid-
`ered. In addition, firewalls must be in place to ensure that
`“mission critical” functions cannot be accessed by the
`Auto PC.
`increase productivity,
`information (e.g., traffic information, road condition infor-
`mation) must be received and processed in an easy-to-
`understand and use format. To further enhance effi-
`ciency, the vehicle must also communicate with the exist-
`for ETC
`(Electronic Toll
`Collection), which will be implemented in the near future.
`Although each communication system has its own radio
`frequency allocation and wireless interface, the ultimate
`goal is to have data exchanged via the same digital for-
`mat. The Auto PC platform, which processes this data by
`software can be the foundation of a system. Internet
`access is also desirable in the future. The open platform
`concept also has an inherent advantage for this function-
`media open platform is applicable for commercial vehi-
`cles and has a high potential for success. Cargo vehicles
`that must be constantly exchange data while on the
`move, commercial vehicles that need to access the data-
`base of an in-house computer network, and emergency
`vehicles are all equipped with computers today. All these
`vehicles are ideal candidates for the open architecture
`platform because of the cost (price and maintenance)
`Exhibit 1013, Page 8

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