`DSL Forum TR-033
`ITU-T G.992.2 (G.lite) ICS
`March 2000
`The DSL Forum is a non-profit corporation organized to create guidelines for DSL network system
`development and deployment. This Technical Report is a draft, and has not been approved by members
`of the Forum. Even if approved, this document is not binding on the DSL Forum, any of its members,
`or any developer or service provider involved in DSL. The document is subject to change, but only
`with approval of members of the Forum.
`©2000 Digital Subscriber Line Forum. All Rights Reserved.
`DSL Forum technical reports may be copied, downloaded, stored on a server or otherwise re-distributed
`in their entirety only.
`Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the DSL Forum makes no representation or warranty,
`expressed or implied, concerning this publication, its contents or the completeness, accuracy, or
`applicability of any information contained in this publication. No liability of any kind shall be assumed
`by the DSL Forum as a result of reliance upon any information contained in this publication. the DSL
`Forum does not assume any responsibility to update or correct any information in this publication.
`The receipt or any use of this document or its contents does not in any way create by implication or
`otherwise any express or implied license or right to or under any patent, copyright, trademark or trade
`secret rights which are or may be associated with the ideas, techniques, concepts or expressions
`contained herein.
`Page 1
`Exhibit 1030, Page 1

`Table of Contents
`1. REVISION HISTORY ...............................................................................4
`2. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................4
`3. SCOPE.....................................................................................................4
`4. A GUIDE TO THE USE OF THE ADSL ICS PROFORMA ......................5
`Abbreviations and conventions............................................................................................5
`Instructions for completing the ICS Proforma...................................................................6
`5. REFERENCES.........................................................................................7
`6. LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................8
`ANNEX A: PHYSICAL LAYER ADSL ICS...................................................10
`Identification of the implementation .................................................................................10
`Date of the statement ..........................................................................................................10
`Implementation Under Test (IUT) identification .............................................................10
`System Under Test (SUT) identification............................................................................10
`Product supplier Name .......................................................................................................10
`Client (if different from product supplier) Name.............................................................11
`Identification of the reference standard............................................................................11
`Global statement of conformance ......................................................................................12
`Initialization sequence .................................................................................................... ....12
`Activation and acknowledgment ...................................................................................12
`Transceiver training ..................................................................................................... .14
`A.9.2.1 Method of loop timing acquisition ................................................................................14
`Tones used in REVERB................................................................................................14
`Used tones during SEGUE............................................................................................15
`ECT Signal............................................................................................................. .......15
`R-QUIET3/R-REVERB2 symbol alignment.................................................................16
`Channel analysis......................................................................................................... ...16
`A.9.3.1 MSG1 messages ............................................................................................................16
`Page 2
`Exhibit 1030, Page 2

`RATES1 messages ........................................................................................................ 17
`Tones used in MEDLEY...............................................................................................19
`A.9.4.1 MSG-RA messages .......................................................................................................20
`RATES-RA messages ...................................................................................................20
`A.9.4.3 MSG2 messages ............................................................................................................20
`RATES2 messages ........................................................................................................ 21
`B&G tables....................................................................................................................22
`Steady state PSD ...........................................................................................................23
`Framing .........................................................................................................................23
`Embedded Operations Channel (EOC) .........................................................................24
`ADSL Overhead Channel (AOC)..................................................................................25
`Indicator bits, ADSL line related ..................................................................................26
`Indicator bits, ATM data path related ...........................................................................27
`Failure counters.............................................................................................................27
`ADSL line related failures.............................................................................................28
`ATM data path related failures......................................................................................28
`Performance monitoring................................................................................................29
`Test parameter Support .................................................................................................30
`Page 3
`Exhibit 1030, Page 3

`1. Revision History
`Major Changes.
`Creation of First draft - Bill Tim/Jim Carlo.
`Made changes to format and references
`Editorial changes.
`Editorial changes and editing notes. Note: section references and
`message names for G.992.2, G.994.1, G.997.1 for tables have not been
`updated, but needs to be done; 9/9/99: further editing (version
`Changes made to update Section references to the ITU-T March 1999
`versions of the G.992.2 and G.994.1 documents. In addition, minor
`editorial changes were made.
`Changes made according to contribution 036, Annex B and C were
`deleted. Editing errors were corrected. Correction of changes made
`according to contribution 036, editing corrections.
`Minor editing (cover page, version number, use of proforma, spacing,
`italics, page breaks, grammar). Deletion of editing notes for references
`(addressed during 11/99 and 2/00 meetings).
`Date (M/D/Y)
`9/1/99, 9/9/99
`2. Introduction
`The DSL Forum testing and interoperability working group is working on the development of an ADSL
`ICS (ADSL Implementation Conformance Statement).
`The ADSL ICS can be used for several purposes:
`1. As a starting document used by two equipment vendors to qualify their respective implementations
`and to determine their degree of interoperability.
`2. As a guide for selection of the appropriate test cases to build a test suite.
`3. For self-verification or certification of compliance with a specific standard, when comparing to an
`ADSL ICS filled out with the requirements of this standard.
`When this proforma list is filled out by both parties and a match is obtained, then interoperability
`should be possible. Having a match for Interoperability does not imply that the systems are [ITU-T
`G.992.2 (G.lite)] compliant.
`3. Scope
`This Working Text presents an ADSL ICS list targeting an [ITU-T G.992.2 (G.lite)] compliant system.
`This ADSL ICS contains an ICS for an ATM based implementation.
`The format of the ADSL ICS is according to the guidelines specified in [ETR212]. [ETR212] also
`references [IEC9646].
`ANNEX A contains the Physical Layer ADSL ICS.
`ANNEX A can be used as a Proforma.
`Page 4
`Exhibit 1030, Page 4

`4. A guide to the use of the ADSL ICS Proforma
`4.1 Abbreviations and conventions
`The information in this document is comprised of information in tabular form in accordance with the
`guidelines of [ETR212] and [IEC9646]. A detailed description of how to create or fill out the ICS can
`be found in these documents.
`Item column
`The item column contains a number, which identifies the item in the table.
`Item description column
`The item description column describes in free text each respective item (e.g., parameters, timers). It
`implicitly means "is <item description> supported by the implementation?".
`Status column
`The following notations, defined in [IEC 9646], are used for the status column:
`mandatory - the capability is required to be supported.
`optional - the capability may be supported or not.
`not applicable - in the given context, it is impossible to use the capability.
`prohibited (excluded) - there is a requirement not to use this capability in the given
`qualified optional - for mutually exclusive or selectable options from a set. "i" is an
`integer which identifies an unique group of related optional items and the logic of
`their selection which is defined immediately following the table.
`NOTE: In the case where items of the group do not always belong to the same table, all o.i shall be
`defined in the last sub clause of the ICS Proforma.
`conditional - the requirement on the capability ("m", "o", "x" or "n/a") depends on the
`support of other optional or conditional items. "i" is an integer identifying an unique
`conditional status expression which is defined immediately following the table.
`Reference column
`The reference column makes references to [ITU-T G.992.2 (G.lite)], except where explicitly stated
`Support column
`The support column shall be filled in by the supplier of the implementation. The following common
`notations, defined in [IEC 9646], are used for the support column:
`supported by the implementation
`not supported by the implementation
`no answer required (allowed only if the status is n/a, directly or after evaluation of a
`conditional status).
` Y
` or y
`N or n
`N/A, n/a or -
`Values allowed column
`The values allowed column contains the type, the list, the range, or the length of values allowed. The
`following notations are used:
` range of values: <min value> .. <max value>
`example: 5 .. 20
`Page 5
` -
`Exhibit 1030, Page 5

` - list of values: <value1>, <value2>, ........, <valueN>
`example: 2 ,4 ,6 ,8, 9
`example: '1101'B, '1011'B,
`example: '0A'H, '34'H, '2F'H
` - list of named values: <name1>(<val1>), <name2>(<val2>), ...., <nameN>(<valN>)
` example: reject(1), accept(2)
` length: size (<min size> .. <max size>)
` example: size (1 .. 8)
` comment: one can give additional useful information an item in the form “ -- <comment>“
`For example in case of a list of values, a unit of measurement can be added
` example: 1..63 -- dB
` -
` -
`Values supported column
`The values supported column shall be filled in by the supplier of the implementation. In this column,
`the values or the ranges of values supported by the implementation shall be indicated.
`References to items
`For each possible item answer (answer in the support column) within the ICS Proforma, a unique
`reference exists, used, for example, in the conditional expressions. It is defined as the table identifier,
`followed by a solidus character "/", followed by the item number in the table. If there is more than one
`support column in a table, the columns are discriminated by letters (a, b, etc.), respectively.
`EXAMPLE 1: A.5/4 is the reference to the answer of item 4 in table A.5.
`EXAMPLE 2: A.6/3b is the reference to the second answer (i.e., in the second support column) of item
`3 in table A.6.
`4.2 Instructions for completing the ICS Proforma
`The supplier of the implementation shall complete the ICS Proforma in each of the spaces provided. In
`particular, an explicit answer shall be entered, in each of the support or supported column boxes
`provided, using the notation described in clause A.1.
`If necessary, the supplier may provide additional comments in the space provided at the bottom of the
`tables, or separately on sheets of paper. More detailed instructions are given at the beginning of the
`different sub clauses of the ICS Proforma.
`Roles: The supplier should only fill in the items depending on the role of his implementation (e.g.,
`ATU-R vendors should fill out the tables marked ATU-R and ATU-C vendors should fill out the tables
`marked ATU-C). When a table contains both roles, then only the appropriate role should be filled out.
`4.3 Examples
`Following is an example of an optional item. The answer can be ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Both are allowed and
`the system can still be compliant.
`Table X.1: ATU-C send C-tone
`Following is an example of an mandatory item. The answer can be ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The answer must be
`‘yes’ for the system to be compliant.
`Page 6
`Exhibit 1030, Page 6

`Table X.2: ATU-R receive C-Tone
`Following is an example of a mandatory item including a range of values. The answer can be ‘yes’ or
`‘no’. The answer must be ‘yes’ for the system to be compliant. Supported values must be the complete
`range or a subset of the range for the system to be compliant. In the case of table X.3 the full range is
`needed for the system to be compliant. In the case of table X.4 a subset of the range is sufficient for the
`system to be compliant. Refer to the indicated reference to determine if the full range or subset of the
`range is required.
`Table X.3: ATU-C detection & response to R-ACT-REQ
`Reference Status
`Table X.4: ATU-C C-SEGUE used tones
`Following is an example of a qualified optional item. The qualifier is mentioned below the table.
`Table X.5: ATU-R response to C-ACTx
`o.2: The ATU-R shall transmit only one of these signals.
`Following is an example of a conditional item. The answer depends on the response to the question put
`under the table. For example if in table A.23 item 2 OR in table A.23 item 3 have been answered ‘yes’,
`then this item is mandatory, ELSE it is prohibited.
`Table X.6: Downstream sub channel support
`c2401: If Table A.23/2 A.23/3 THEN m ELSE x.
`5. References
`ITU-T, Splitterless Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Transceivers, Draft
`G.992.2, March 1999 (G.lite).
`ITU-T, Handshake Procedures for Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Transceivers, Draft
`G.994.1, March 1999 (G.hs).
`ITU-T, Physical Layer Management for Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Transceivers,
`G.997.1, June 1999 (G.ploam).
`Page 7
`Exhibit 1030, Page 7

`Methods for testing and Specification (MTS). Implementation Conformance
`Statement Proforma style guide. ETR 212 December 1995 (DTR/MTS-00004).
`ISO/IEC 9646-1 (1991): Information technology - open systems interconnection -
`conformance testing methodology and framework.
`6. List of Tables
`Table X.1: ATU-C send C-tone ________________________________________________________6
`Table X.2: ATU-R receive C-Tone______________________________________________________7
`Table X.3: ATU-C detection & response to R-ACT-REQ ____________________________________7
`Table X.4: ATU-C C-SEGUE used tones_________________________________________________7
`Table X.5: ATU-R response to C-ACTx __________________________________________________7
`Table X.6: Downstream sub channel support _____________________________________________7
`Table A.1: Carrier Set A43 for the 4.3125 kHz Signaling Family_____________________________12
`Table A.2: CL Capabilities List _______________________________________________________12
`Table A.3: CLR Capabilities List Request _______________________________________________12
`Table A.4: MR Mode Request ________________________________________________________12
`Table A.5: MS Mode Select __________________________________________________________13
`Table A.6: ACK(1) Acknowledge, Type 1 _______________________________________________13
`Table A.7: ACK(2) Acknowledge, Type 2 _______________________________________________13
`Table A.8: NAK-EF Negative Acknowledge, Errored Frame ________________________________13
`Table A.9: NAK-NR Negative Acknowledge, Not Ready ____________________________________13
`Table A.10: NAK-NS Negative Acknowledge, Not Supported ________________________________13
`Table A.11: NAK-CD Negative Acknowledge, Clear Down _________________________________13
`Table A.12: REQ-MS Request MS Message _____________________________________________13
`Table A.13: REQ-MR Request MR Message _____________________________________________13
`Table A.14: REQ-CLR Request CLR Message ___________________________________________13
`Table A.15: ATU-C C-PILOT1 duration ________________________________________________14
`Table A.16: ATU-C C-PILOT1A duration_______________________________________________14
`Table A.17: ATU-C C-QUIET3A duration ______________________________________________14
`Table A.18: ATU-R R-QUIET duration _________________________________________________14
`Table A.19: ATU-C C-REVERB used tones______________________________________________14
`Table A.20: ATU-R R-REVERB used tones ______________________________________________15
`Table A.21: ATU-C C-SEGUE used tones_______________________________________________15
`Table A.22: ATU-R R-SEGUE used tones _______________________________________________15
`Table A.23: ATU-R support of C-ECT__________________________________________________15
`Table A.24: ATU-C support of R-ECT__________________________________________________15
`Table A.25: Shortened R-QUIET3_____________________________________________________16
`Table A.26: ATU-R R-REVERB2 duration ______________________________________________16
`Table A.27: C-MSG1 configuration____________________________________________________16
`Table A.28: R-MSG1 configuration____________________________________________________17
`Table A.29: Transport type __________________________________________________________17
`Table A.30: ATM latency support _____________________________________________________17
`Table A.31: Downstream sub channel support ___________________________________________17
`Table A.32: Upstream sub channel support _____________________________________________17
`Table A.33: ATU-C ATM bit rate support _______________________________________________17
`Table A.34: ATU-R ATM bit rate support _______________________________________________18
`Table A.35: ATU-C FEC coding support _______________________________________________18
`Table A.36: ATU-R FEC coding support________________________________________________18
`Table A.37: ATU-C C-Medley used tones _______________________________________________19
`Table A.38: ATU-R R-Medley used tones _______________________________________________19
`Table A.39: ATU-C exchange tones____________________________________________________19
`Table A.40: ATU-R exchange tones____________________________________________________19
`Table A.41: C-MSG-RA configuration _________________________________________________20
`Table A.42: R-MSG-RA configuration__________________________________________________20
`Table A.43: Expanded exchange rates support ___________________________________________20
`Table A.44: C-MSG2 configuration____________________________________________________21
`Page 8
`Exhibit 1030, Page 8

`Table A.45: R-MSG2 configuration____________________________________________________21
`Table A.46: R-RATES2 configuration __________________________________________________21
`Table A.47: C-RATES2 configuration __________________________________________________21
`Table A.48: Bits and Gains message support ____________________________________________22
`Table A.49: ATU-C C-B&G support ___________________________________________________22
`Table A.50: ATU-R R-B&G support ___________________________________________________22
`Table A.51: ATU-R steady state PSD (Non-overlapped spectrum) ____________________________23
`Table A.52: ATU-C steady state PSD (Non-overlapped spectrum) ____________________________23
`Table A.53: ATU-R steady state PSD (Overlapped spectrum) _______________________________23
`Table A.54: ATU-C steady state PSD (Overlapped spectrum) _______________________________23
`Table A.55: Framing structure support _________________________________________________23
`Table A.56: ATU-C Network timing reference support _____________________________________23
`Table A.57: ATU-R Network timing reference support _____________________________________23
`Table A.58: ATU-C byte boundary preservation between T-R and U-R interface ________________23
`Table A.59: ATU-C byte boundary preservation between V-C and U-C interface ________________24
`Table A.60: EOC support (bi-directional messages)_______________________________________24
`Table A.61: EOC support (ATU-C to ATU-R) ____________________________________________24
`Table A.62: EOC support (ATU-R to ATU-C) ____________________________________________24
`Table A.63: AOC message support ____________________________________________________25
`Table A.64: bitswap request message support____________________________________________25
`Table A.65: ADSL line related near-end anomalies _______________________________________26
`Table A.66: ADSL line related far-end anomalies_________________________________________26
`Table A.67: ADSL line related near-end defects __________________________________________26
`Table A.68: ADSL line related far-end defects ___________________________________________26
`Table A.69: ATM data path near-end anomalies__________________________________________27
`Table A.70: ATM data path far-end anomalies ___________________________________________27
`Table A.71: ATM data path near-end defects ____________________________________________27
`Table A.72: ATM data path far-end defects______________________________________________27
`Table A.73: Other _________________________________________________________________27
`Table A.74: ATU-C Failure count parameters ___________________________________________27
`Table A.75: ATU-R Failure count parameters ___________________________________________27
`Table A.76: ADSL line related near-end failures _________________________________________28
`Table A.77: ATU-C ADSL line related far-end failures ____________________________________28
`Table A.78: ATU-R ADSL line related far-end failures_____________________________________28
`Table A.79: ATM related near-end failures______________________________________________28
`Table A.80: ATU-C ATM related far-end failures _________________________________________28
`Table A.81: ATU-R ATM related far-end failures _________________________________________29
`Table A.82: ADSL near-end related performance counters _________________________________29
`Table A.83: ADSL far-end related performance counters ___________________________________29
`Table A.84: ATM data path related near-end performance counters __________________________29
`Table A.85: ATM data path related far-end performance counters ___________________________30
`Table A.86: Near-end test parameter support ____________________________________________30
`Page 9
`Exhibit 1030, Page 9

`ANNEX A: Physical Layer ADSL ICS
`A.1 Identification of the implementation
`Identification of the Implementation Under Test (IUT) and the system in which it resides (the System
`Under Test (SUT)) should be filled in so as to provide as much detail as possible regarding version
`numbers and configuration options.
`The product supplier information and client information should both be filled in if they are different.
` A
` person who can answer queries regarding information supplied in the ICS should be named as the
`contact person.
`A.2 Date of the statement
`A.3 Implementation Under Test (IUT) identification
` IUT name:
` IUT version:
`A.4 System Under Test (SUT) identification
` SUT name:
`Hardware configuration:
`Operating system:
`A.5 Product supplier Name
`Page 10
`Exhibit 1030, Page 10

` Telephone number:
` Facsimile number:
` E-mail address:
` Additional information:
`A.6 Client (if different from product supplier) Name
` Address:
` Telephone number:
` Facsimile number:
` E-mail address:
`A.7 Identification of the reference standard
`This ICS Proforma applies to the following standard:
`ITU-T G.992.2 (G.lite) ATM based implementation
`Page 11
`Exhibit 1030, Page 11

`A.8 Global statement of conformance
`Are all mandatory capabilities implemented? (Yes/No) ........................................
`NOTE: Answering "No" to this question indicates nonconformance to the [ITU-T G.992.2 (G.lite)]
`specification. Non-supported mandatory capabilities are to be identified in the ICS,
`with an explan

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