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`assistant professor _ astern
`assistant professor n (1851) : a member of a college or university fac(cid:173)
`ulty who ranks above an instructor and below an associate professor
`assistant professorship n
`as.sis.tant.ship \a-'sis-tan(t)-,ship\ n (1948) : a paid appointment
`awarded annually to a qualified graduate student that requires part'
`time teaching, research, or residence hall duties
`as.size \a-'s1z\ n [ME assise, fl;". OF, session, settlement, fro asseoir to
`seat, fro (assumed) VL assedere, fro L assidere to sit beside, assist in the
`office of a judge, fro ad- + sedere to sit - more at SIT] (14c) 1 a : a ju(cid:173)
`dicial inquest b: an action to be decided by such an inquest, the writ
`for instituting it, or the verdict or finding rendered by the jury 2 a
`: the former periodical sessions of the superior courts in English coun(cid:173)
`ties for trial of civil and criminal cases - usu. used in pI. b: the time
`or place of holding such a court, the court itself, or a session of it -
`usu. used in pI.
`' \a-'so-she-,at, -se-\ vb -at.ed; [ME associat associat(cid:173)
`ed, fro L associatus, pp. of associare to unite, fro ad- + sociare to join, fro
`socius companion - more at SOCIAL] vt (14c) 1: to join as a partner
`friend, or companion 2 obs : to keep. company with: ATI'END 3: t~
`join or connect together: COMBINE 4: to bring together or into rela(cid:173)
`tionship in any of various intangible ways (as in memory or imagina(cid:173)
`vi 1: to come or be together as partners, friends, or compan(cid:173)
`tion) -
`ions 2: to combine or join with other parts: UNITE syn see JOIN
`' \a-'so-she-at, -se-, -,iit, -shQt\ adj (14c) 1: closely connect(cid:173)
`ed (as in function or office) with another 2: closely related esp. in the
`mind 3: having secondary or subordinate status <~ membership in a
`' \same as 2\ n (1533) 1: one associated with another: as a
`level member (as of a learned society, professional organization, or
`profession) b: EMPLOYEE, WORKER 3 often cap : a degree conferred
`esp. by a junior college (~in arts) -
` \-,ship\ n
`associate professor n (1822) : a member of a college or university fac(cid:173)
`ulty who ranks above an assistant professor and below a professor -
`associate professorship n
`. .
`as· \a-,so-se-'a-shQn, -she.\ n (1535) 1 a : the act orassociat(cid:173)
`ing b: the state of being associated: COMBINATION, RELATIONSHIP
`2 : an organization of persons having a common interest: SOcmTY 3
`: something linked in memory or imagination with a thing or person 4
`: the process of forming mental connections or bonds between sensa(cid:173)
`tions, ideas, or memories 5: the aggregation of chemical species to
`form (as with hydrogen bonds) loosely bound complexes 6: a major
`unit in ecological community organization characterized by essential
`uniformity and usu. by two or more dominant species -
` \-sh(a-)n'l\ adj
`association area n (ca. 1909) : an area of the cerebral cortex that func(cid:173)
`tions in linking and coordinating the sensory and motor areas
`association footballn (1873) : SOCCER
`·ci.a.tion·ism \a-,so-se-'a-sha-,ni-zam, -,so-she-\ n (1875) : a reduc(cid:173)
`tionist school of psychology that holds that the content of conscious(cid:173)
`ness can be explained by the association and reassociation of irreduc(cid:173)
`ible sensory and perceptual elements -
`·ci.a.tioii.jst Va(cid:173)
`sh(a-)nist\ n·ci·a.tion·is.tic \-,ii-sha-'nis-tik\ adj
`·cia·tive \a-'so-she-,ii-tiv, -se-, -sha-tiv\ adj (1812) 1: of or relat(cid:173)
`ing to association esp. of ideas or images 2: dependent on or acquired
`by association or learning 3: of, having, or being the property of pro(cid:173)
`ducing the same result no matter which pair of elements next to each
`other in a mathematical expression is used to perform a given opera(cid:173)
`tion first if the elements in the expression are listed in a fixed order
`(addition is ~ since (a + b) + c = a + (9 + c) -
` adv
`as·so.cia·tiv.j.ty \-,so-she-a-'ti-va-te, -se-, -sha-'ti-\ n
`associative learning n (1957) : a learning procesS in which discrete
`ideas and percepts become linked to one another
`associative neuron n (1935) : a neuron that conveys impUlses from one
`neuron to another
`as.soil \a-'soi(a)l\ vt [ME, fro OF assoldre, fro L absolvere to absolve]
`(Bc) 1 archaic: ABSOLVE, PARDON 2 archaic: ACQUIT, CLEAR 3 ar-
`as.soil.ment \-mant\ n, archaic
`chaic : EXPIATE -
`as·so·nance \'a-sa-nan(t)s\ n [F, fro L assonare to answer with the same
`sound, fro ad- + sonare to sound, fro sonus sound - more at SOUND]
`(1 n7) I: resemblance of sound in words or syllables 2 a : relativelY
`close juxtaposition of similar sounds esp. of vowels b: repetition of
`vowels without repetition of consonants (as in stony and holy).,¥sed as
`an alternative to rhyme in verse -
` \-nant\ adj or· n ...:.... as-
`so· \,a-sa-'nan-t'l\ adj
`as soon as corif (14c) : immediately at 6, shortly after the time that
`as·sort \a-'sort\ vb [MF.assortir, fro a- (fr. L ado) + sorte sort] vt (15c) 1
`: to distribute into groups of a like kind : CLASSIFY 2: to supply with
`an assortment (as of goods) ,...." vi 1: to agree in kind: HARMONIZE 2
`as·sort·er n
`: to keep company: ASSOCIATE -
`as.sor.ta-tive \;;>-'sor-t:Hiv\ adj (1897) : being nonrandom mating based
`as.sor·ta·tive·ly \-Hl\ adv
`on like or unlike characteristics -
`as·sort·ed \-'sor-t;;>d\ adj (ca. 1797) 1: suited esp. by nature or charac(cid:173)
`ter (an ill-assorted pair) 2: consisting of various kinds (~ choco(cid:173)
`as.sort·ment \-'sort-mant\ n (1611) 1 a : the act'of assorting b: the
`state of being assorted 2: a collection of assorted things or persons
`as·suage \a-'swiij also -'swiizh or -'swiizh\ vt as.suaged;
`[lYIE aswagen, fro OF assouagier, fro (assumed) VL assuaviare, fro L ad(cid:173)
`+ suavis sweet - more at SWEET] (14c) 1: to lessen the intensity of
`(something that pains or distresses) : EASE 2: PACIFY, QUIET 3: to
`put an end to by satisfying: APPEASE,. QUENCH syn see RELmVE -
`as.suage·ment \-mant\ n
`as.sua.sive \a-'swa-siv, -ziv\ adj (1708) : SOOTHING, CALl\1ING. ..
`as·sume \a-'slim\ vt as.sumed; [ME, fro L assumere, fro ad(cid:173)
`+ sumere to take - more at CONSUME] (15c) 1 a : to take up or in
`: RECEIVE b: to take into partnership,employment, or use 2 a : to
`take to or upon oneself: UNDERTAKE b: PUT ON, DON 3: to take
`control of 4: to pretend to have or be : FEIGN (assumed an air of con(cid:173)
`fidence in spite of her dismay) 5: to take as granted or troe : SUPPOSE
`6 : to take over (the debts of another) as one's own -
`\-,sli-ma-'bi-l;;>-te\ n -
`as·sum·able \-'sli-mQ-bal\ adj -
`\-ble\ adv
`sHAM mean to put on a false or deceptive appearance. ASSUME ofte~
`implies a justifiable motive rather th":fl an intent to deceive <assumed
`an air of cheerfulnes~ arou,:d the pati~nts). AFFECT implies making a
`false show of possessmg, usmg, or feeling (affected an interest in art).
`PRETEND implies an overt and sustained false appearance (pretended
`that nothing had happened). SThlULATE suggests a close imitation of
`the appearance of something (cosmetics that simulate a suntan)
`FEIGN implies more artful invention than PRETEND, less specific mim~
`icry than SIMULATE (feigned sickness). COUNTERFEIT implies achiev.
`ing the highest degree of verisimilitude of any of these words (an ac(cid:173)
`tor counterfeiting drunkenness). SHAl."1 implies an obvious falseness
`that fools only the gullible (shammed a most unconvincing limp).
`as.sumP'Slt \a-'sam(p)-s;;>t\ n [NL, he undertook, fro L assumere to un(cid:173)
`dertake] (1590) 1: an express or implied promise or contract not un(cid:173)
`der seal on which an action may be brought 2 a : a former common'
`law action brought to recover damages alleged from the breach of an
`assumpsit b: an action to recover damages for breach of a contract
`as.sump.tion \a-'sam(p)-shan\ n [i\-IE, fro LL assumption-, assumptio
`taking up, fro L assumere] (l3c) 1 a : the taking up of a person into
`heaven b cap : August 15 observed in commemoration of the As(cid:173)
`sumption of the Virgin Mary 2: a taking to or upon oneself (the ~ of
`a new position) 3: the act of laying claim to or taking possession of
`something (the ~ of power) 4: ARROGANCE, PRETENSION 5 a : an
`assuming that something is true b: a fact or statement (as a proposi(cid:173)
`tion, axiom, postulate, or notion) taken for granted 6: the taking over
`of another's debts
`as.sump.tive \;;>-'sam(p)-tiv\ adj (1611) : of, relating to, or based on as(cid:173)
`as.sur-ance \;;>-'shur-an(t)s\·n (14c) 1: the act or action of assuring: as
`a : PLEDGE, GUARANTEE b: the act of conveying real property; also
`: the instrument by which it is conveyed c chiefly Brit: INSURANCE 2
`: the state of being assured: as a: SECURITY b: a being certain in the
`mind (the puritan's ~ of salvation) c: confidence of mind or manner
`: easy freedom from self-doubt or uncertainty; also : excessive self,
`confidence: BRASHNESS, PRESUlI<1PTION 3: something that inspires or
`tends to inspire confidence (gave repeated ~ of goodwill) syn see
`as.sure \a-'shur\ vt as.sured; [ME, fro MF assurer, fro ML as(cid:173)
`securare, fro L ad- + securus secure] (14c) 1: to make safe (as from
`risks or against overthrow) : INSURE 2: to give confidence to <and
`hereby we know that we are of the troth, and shall ~ our hearts -1 In
`3:19 (AY) 3: to make sure or certain: CONVINCE (glancing back to
`~ himself no one was following) 4: to inform positively (I -
`that we will do better next time) 5: to make certain the coming or at(cid:173)
`tainment of : GUARANTEE (worked hard to ~ accuracy) syn see EN(cid:173)
`'as.sured \a-'shurd\ adj (15c) 1: characterized by certainty or security
`: GUARANTEED (an ~ market) 2 a : SELF-ASSURED b: SELF-SATIS(cid:173)
`FIED 3: satisfied as to the certainty or troth of a matter <rest ~ we
`got what we came for) -
`as.sured·ness \-'shiIr-ad-n'ls, -'shurd-\ n
`'assured n, pl assured or assureds (1755) : INSURED
` \a-'shur-ad-le\ adv (14c) I: without a doubt: CERTAINLY
`2 : in an assured manner: CONFIDENTLY
` \a-'shiIr-ar\ or as·sur·or \a-'shiIr-ar, a-,shiIr-'or\ n (1607) : one
`that assures : INSURER
` \a-'sar-jant\ adj [L assurgent-, assurgens, pJ;"P. of assurgere to
`rise, fro ad- + surgere to rise - more at SURGE] (1578) : moving upward
` \a-'sir-e-an\ n (15c) 1: a native or inhabitant of ancient As(cid:173)
`syria 2: the dialect of Akkadian spoken by the Assyrians - Assyrian
`As.syr.i-o} \a-,sir-e-'ii-Ia-je\ n (1828) : the science or study of the
`history, language, and antiquities of ancient Assyria and Babylonia -
`As.syr.j.o.} \-,sir-e-Q-'Ui-ji-kal\ adj - As.syr-i.ol.o.gist \-'a-lQ(cid:173)
`jist\ n
`-ast n suffix [ME, fro L -astes, fro Ok -astes, fro verbs i.n -azein] : one con-
`nected with (ecdysiast)
`astar.board \a-'star-bQrd\ adv (ca. 1630) : toward or on the starQoard
`side of a ship (put the helm hard~)
`As.tar.te \a-'sta,-te\ n [L, fro Ok Astarte] : the Phoenician goddess of
`fertility and of sexual love
`as.ta.tine \'as-ta-,ten\ n [Ok astatos unsteady, fro a- + statos standing, fro
`histanai to cause to stand - more at STAND] (1947) : a radioactive
`halogen element discovered by bombarding bismuth with alpha parti(cid:173)
`see ELEMENT table
`cies and also fonned by radioactive decay -
`as.ter \'as-tgr\ n (1664) I [NL, fro L, aster, fro Ok aster-, aster star, aster
`_ more at STAR] a: any of various chiefly fall-blooming leafy'
`stemmed composite herbs (Aster and closely related genera) with often
`showy heads containing disk flowers or both disk and ray flowers b
`: CHINA ASTER 2 [NL, fro Ok aster-, aster] : a system of microtubules
`arranged radially about a centriole at either end of the mitotic or mei(cid:173)
`otic spindle
`-aster n sujji.;r; [i\-IE, fro L, suffix denoting partial resemblance] : one that
`is inferior or not genuine (criticaster)
`as.te.ria \a-'stir-e-a\ n [L, a precious stone, fro Ok, fern. of asterios star(cid:173)
`ry, fro aster-, aster] (1903) : a gemstone cut to show asterism
` \-e-,a-tad\ adj [Ok asterios] (1816) : exhibiting asterism
`(~ sapphire)
`'as.ter.isk \'as-t;;>-,risk, esp in plural also +-,rik\ n [lYIE, astarisc, fro LL
`asteriscus, fro Ok asteriskos, lit., little star, dim. of aster-, aster] (l4c)
`: the character * used in printing or writing as a reference mark, as an
`indication of the omission of letters or words, to denote a hypothetical
`or unattested linguistic form, or for various arbitrary meanings -
`ter.isk·less \-las\ adj
`'asterisk vt (ca. 1733) : to mark with an asterisk: STAR
`as.ter.ism \'as-tg-,n-z"m\ n [Ok asterismos, fro asterizein to arrange in
`constellations, fro aster-, aster] (1598) 1 a : CONSTELLATION b: a
`small group of stars 2: a star-shaped figure exhibited by some crystals
`by reflected light (as in a star sapphire) or by transmitted light (as in
`some mica)
`astern \a-'starn\ adv or adj (1583) 1: behind a ship 2: at or toward
`the stem of a ship 3: STERNFOREMOST, BACKWARD
` 4

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