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`S I_004_§_m_iiE:
`1‘ 0
`/1} '_/r Ida Wueb r
`i;‘(II1l'(.‘[)[ WIIOSC time C|c;IrIj.' has come, and. zirylzick finch‘. Out this
`.\‘ct\mi‘k Suctirity is '.l
`Iunnth. DSNT Chief .Ht'ik‘l1li.'-‘ul HI-it Bozoki is in the thick of things, Sectirity wise.
`by .'lH!()Ui.' B().\‘.\‘(’/(i'L’.'_\‘. Hem: I)rJt'JlJerr:'II. and Bar? Pivizcael
`lI;I.~h |1IIICtiuIIS are an eSSenti:Ii huilding block for ;ippl1't':IIionS [hflt rcquirc
`tl;It;I iztlcizrity. In this ;:itI'CIC. our autliurs propose that the RIPEMD~l()U hash function is :1
`Nct'tII‘L- I‘L*p|2IL'CtltL‘IIt fut‘ MD-‘i and TVIDS.
`by ling!) L_1j)j)eI:,\'
`DUI’ :III_\‘ Iitiiiihcr Oi‘ I‘C;IStIn.S. RCCd—S0lOIIIon error Correction is Commonly intpleiuented in
`|]:II‘(i‘\\':1I‘L‘. Here. Hugo p|‘t'?»t.‘!1lS ‘.1 higlily optiiiiizetl software iiiipieiiiuntation Of Reed-
`Suicmitnii error C0l“1‘L‘L‘litII1, writteii in C++ and I1S:st:IIIl)ly langtizigu.
`b_ 1' .'lIan’.? A’. I-‘\'c»!.\'mI
`.\i;iI'k CN;iI1IIIIt-S zhli. ll iiliiury of C routines that can he usecl to t'OnIpr<:SS Or exp;Imi files
`Iireiitu thc szinie deflate :I1gnrithm popularized by PKZIP ZU.
`by ‘'1 15111? RII5SI'nrI:'fcl7 mm’ Btjyce Cugswe/1'
`:1 tool that lists
`I\I;Irk and Bi'_VL'€ present the design and i1'I1ph:'[l]t'I‘II1l[iOI'i Of NTRL‘§.’,I11()n.
`hnu]-ting to Show dt-tailed iiifnritizition about <'.".lL'h and every registry ‘.lt‘C<.‘SS [hut tl(‘k'l|r€~
`On Q!
`\\"'i.'It|nt\'.~: .\'T S_\'NtcIII.
`J31‘ AlciII_]o.hiISmI
`5tcg;IIIc:gI;IplI§' is ;I hr;IIIClI OI‘ an-'pt0gmplI)' that deals with ctmCt';I|ing I:IcSs:IgcS.
`I)eIIvCr :tt|'[)()I1 :ItItnItI;ttCd Iiziggzige fiasco. er. .. SINICIII.
`by Edrflr QHf(.‘»(15‘(I” mm’ Kw: Gfbsorr
`T0 C'.I.-C the pr<>CCSS of writiiig ticvice drivers for ncw lI:1r(l\\';Ire tic~igII.~.. our ;I1IthOI.~
`present :1 Sinitilzttinn L‘I1\-’il'(.)nmL'l'll. To i|lu.~:tr;ttC its Lise, they use the mznplu Adapter
`AHA-'l‘:=i() S(ZSI minipoit dI'i\‘t.'I' that writes with the \\7’iIIc|0w~; _\II' [)1 )i\'.
`b_1'_[ubn Swartz
`john llHL‘.‘a Xlisp to i[I1Plt‘n1(‘fll 1! Ctmiputer Siintihitinii OI‘ the essential Ctmiponcnts Of thr
`Dr. [)r;bi'7'.\‘_[rI1.n'ImI’,_](mmI.vj' IOU
`N I
`by Les Tbaler
`The Extended Messaging Application Programming Interface 1.0, not to be confused
`with the previous— generation “Simple MAPI," was created to standardize the interfaces
`between messaging applications and the underlying ntessaging systems.
`__~i”M"°*__'" ' Om"
`by Lauren Higbtower
`Allaire‘s Cold Fusion is a development tool that provides access (via the Web) to any F,
`database the web server can access using ODBC. Cold Fusion runs as a multithreaded
`Windows i\'I' system service and works with any ODBC-compliant database.
`lg; Dino 1‘-Lsposiro
`The Fractal Development Kit from Iterated Systems is a libntry that makes it possible for
`you to embed fr:tctal—irnaging capabilities into C/C++ Windows and Macintosh applications.
`F 0 R U M
`74 L‘;
`”fV»’°”"”’“" M550"
` j Nawssvmws
`”-”""’”D’ ‘W
`by Michael Swame
`Michael looks at paradigms past, focusing this month on spreadsheets.
`by Al 5“-"’5’"5
`by Michael‘ Stuame
`Users expect standard Windows Help for all applications, no matter how small or how
`intuitive the procedures. To that end, Al updates a property page dialog-based
`application to include context-sensitive help for the controls on the dialog pages.
`C 0 D E
`S 0 U R E E
`by Cjyjfggy-g
`Cliff examines how you can use java to implement :1 CORBA application that is
`representative of the way CORBA is likely to be used. In doing so, he revisits the chat
`application introduced in a previous column.
`Heaps are usually implemented via binary trees. with the property that for every subtree,
`the rootismthe minimum item. Here, John describes how to implement exceptionally fast
`F1b0nd“-ll h‘5lP5-
`by Robert R. Comm‘
`Robert launches an examination of the Intel System Management Mode (SMM), cornpanng
`the SMM's RSM instruction to the ICE mode‘s undocumented LOADALL instruction.
`As a servioe to ottr readers, all source
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`Online. a free service accessible via direct
`dial ‘-11 415-5533357 04-4 W305. 3'N'1)~
`by Ron van der Wat‘ and William Stallfngs
`Ron examines Stanley i.ippntan‘s Inside the C++ Ol;y‘ectModef, while Wflfiain looks at
`Peter \V:ty=ner's Disappearing Ct}ptograpby: Being and Nothingness on the Net.
`Dr. Dobb sfournal, January 1997
`N E X T
`M 3 N T H
`Soflwm. qu._,hW_ debugging‘ and [wing
`are in the sp(,.[igh, in our ;.~ebmm, i_..,.,ue_
`Steganography for
`DOS Programmers
`Hiding a tree
`inside (I forest
`Alan Johnson
`;t brunch nl cryp-
`tugrztplty that {le';ll5 with C()l1CL‘.'lll1‘1_L{
`It has unique [’>U§3.<il)ililiL'.\'.
`p.ll'llL'lllt1l'l}' \\‘hen _mL1 h;t\'e lel';1l7}'lL'>3
`ml" inlc II'l]1;lIiHn — mLlL'l1 of it rnundzme ur
`1I]l'l'L‘(ll|L'I1Il}' ;;eee~.~»e(l — that oll'et' hiding
`pltlees‘ l-()I' ilnpcntmrtt inlt>1‘111'.tlinn. The leth-
`niqtles I pI'e.~:en[ here will engtlwle you In
`ell‘eeli\el_\' hide CI'l'flC:ll iitltxrtltzilintt \\'itl1—
`in ;t
`l'.I]'f_1L* minute of data.
`Text Versus Binary Files
`The dil'let'enL‘e hL"t\\'een DOS text :1]1Ll hi—
`I1:tt3‘ l"ile.~. is :1[ [he l1e;u1 (ll. [l1i.- ;1pp[‘n:lCl]
`In .a[e_::.tt1r>_et';iplty. A l)< )5 text lile is gen-
`ei';tll_v euittpnsc-(l of text. euntri 1| e|1;I1';te—
`ters. and m:ty'he g_v,:';tpltie.~; L‘l1‘.lI".1L'lL'l'.H,
`:1 "l2l5[-J'et'nI'(l—el‘Jeel<" l_\-'pe of llle.
`ing that the last record i~ :1 ll;tg nr senliltel
`ll1:tt n1;n'|<.~ the end ml" the file.
`opened for listittg or re;tdin_t_r,. the h'_\-'fileI11
`keeps reading r.l;1t:1 until
`it hits Ihe end—
`,vllrr1t_[olJ1Lmi: [ms .»‘.ftm’."ed at Ho1'1'mrr/ I lmle
`Cl‘Ji'?1[)f'('lJt’H.\'l£'(’ in Imzr/r»i:. I-.'ng.’rnrr/. and
`[ms been m’m‘a!e(4' 1'.-r erm2,'mIerprrgtgmtm
`tizfiig at Himrbulcli .S'!cr.fe {='trit'c'r5i'l_l' in
`.-’\'r,2r1.f.tertr (.'at'gf('»'tIr'(i. He liars rc>c'wti'.f1' w.ut—
`[).’t»1‘ed (I lnrirtile on j)rt’.r'rrt'e L!e_1'-c-m'i_‘1',I)Ifr:r.'
`lint‘ an ur-
`ml‘-lile (Ii()l"l ll;rL:_ then .N‘[(J])\.
`din:n'_\' IJUS le.\I Iile.
`this IZUI’ IlI;lI‘l-\L'I'
`e:mlI'<>l—7. (.t\S(Il| _’(1l.
`A l3iI1;lI‘_\‘
`lile. on the other hnntl, um
`cnnlztin t'lt;u':teIeI'.~e in ;m_\' carder. ~‘inee
`lhere in" nu l§()l’ |l'.I\-.1 in Iain-.u'_\ nlude.
`I-lnd—c>l'-lile is t';Il(‘lll;ll(_‘(_l frmtl the d1'ret‘—
`|'L".lLl.‘~2 the lile spL'C.\ It)
`hill"). The a_\'.~:tent
`in the lile
`See hem‘
`l1'e:‘t)I'LlL‘Ll;llllle l;L~'l \\'rilL'luEllL'l'ilL'i:II1d
`atups re;uiin}_{ \\ hen il ll;l\ rend ll1.ll nt.tn_\
`lilea ;I1'e Iteeeaa;tr\'
`I} )1‘
`|'ilL'.s. as
`l:t1tglL;Igt' files |Il:l_\' end up lt;t\in_L{ illl
`tlt:I|".teIe|' _’() fur :1n_\
`(tiller Lll.ll'-
`:teler> ;tn_\'\\ltere.
`:\ |'i|e U11 klllilx um he upeltetl l(lt' t'e;td—
`in either lain-.1r.\ or text
`|'L'_L‘.ll'(ll\'P~,\' ml" \\'|telhe1'
`its inlern:t|
`is text
`in’ ltiIt'.t1'y. Yntl
`i':In I‘e;Id :1
`te.\I llle in l1lI‘I'.lt'_\'
`I]1IJLlL'. H1‘
`|>it1;II'}' file
`in lexl mnde.
`Enter DOS
`H'inL'L' l)()S u.-«tlzllly stores liles \\iiit.:t.
`;In li()l’ l11'.l|'l\'l.‘|'. Ilte ()pU|'illll1g eg\'~li'|:
`must: c:1|ett|;tle 1"-.01’ lmin the Clll'L‘t'lHE".
`lln\\'e\'eI'. I11;ttt\' IJOH L|llllllL'.H ;ll>i() alter-
`linr L‘tml:‘nl-Z.
`'l'l1e HUS 'I'Yl’T,.
`and l"ll\'l) I.'( lJl]Il]1lI1LlP~‘ open files lot‘ i‘t'.:t‘.—
`int,’ in text mode. (JUPY. X(?()l’Y,
`.\'I()\'l-1. on the other lt;1nd_ open :1 file ll‘
`l1ll'l'.ll’_\' mode (they 111:1)’ he cnp_\'inj_'n=‘
`Int>\‘iI'Jg :l
`.(I().\l in‘ .I:..
`if file). The 0 W1
`'.l A .\\\'ll('l1 It)!‘ L‘np\'1n'.
`:\.\(Zll (te.\lI l’ile.H. hut L|eI';tu|l.~5 to hinnr.
`lile is en‘:-.nt=t,
`nmde— except when :1
`t1~i11_£: the (Z( )|’\' ent11n1;tnd {mm [lie L-‘f'.'
`Milt t(I(_)I’\' (II J\ _filt-mirmil. This e:~;*.Lt~
`lrcnn [he ke_\lWtr.1rd (.\‘i'd1'Ji‘J to the file ur-
`til euntrnl-7.
`is typed.
`.S'.'rI1'H and sitlwni
`:tI'e lext l-iles.
`ii" _\'uu \\'et'(:* to open -.1 text llle r
`|w1n.tr}‘ nu ule. and appentl ;1nnt]1ert'ilt't
`the end ml‘ lhe first \\'hile e.\'pliCitl)'
`in_4 the l-If )1’ llilfi at Lite end till the ll|'.~l
`The 1'e-uh is lint [he ‘-1C('U[1Ll text is llitl
`clen l)L‘}'()[1Ll the EOF llzig, The only \‘..:i
`In }_',e[ In it
`is In rc-Ad [he lile ;l}_{;1in in l‘
`nun‘ mcrde. Remember. 'l'Yl’1-I I‘e‘.id\ in to.’
`Il]Il(lL’. The dam l)t’_\'(Ji1Ll
`l-i()F is ltiddn“
`in un '.lI'l_\'< me l 2: nking ;ll'tJllI1Ll in _\'()lll'
`II’ yutt LI,\'e this leeltttiqtle In .il.l\I
`;ll11()LlI3[ nl'd;1['.l. .~:;t}‘
`] or 2 }{lS_1~.
`lill'_L£l.‘ lile (H;1_\'
`Int) KBI. the L‘.‘{[l".l
`\\ill likely not he t1()liL‘eLl
`if‘ [he file 1'
`'|'\'|’l'Ied In the sereen. For ex en l7-:[1e:‘ ~k
`eurily. _\'t>tJ um ene:'_\'pt the hidden p.
`and it will
`lr)Hl\' like ttmdntn f_’Ll['l7:I:_[L‘
`the end of the text file. .\']mt people \\'cut.lL
`umsider tltis just ‘.1 syalettt nr di,-l< eiwi
`men if they 1} mnd il.
`lile ll1.il r
`in heat In eltnoeae 1| [ext
`tI.-ed only Iin‘ |'eJLlitt3_‘{. ll Jnnllter pr: i_qi.itt'
`1):‘. l)c:hi';'_s'_/r)1rr'H(:/. _/(HHi'(I.'_‘}'
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`‘®QQQO_7________________________ y //
`end of the host file. The reason is th};
`(Continuedfrom page 48)
`text file. If you read from a file opened
`opens the host file in text mode for up-
`as text, and write to a file opened as bi-
`if you are encrypting with pS€I.lClOl."aI1~
`dating, the hidden data will likely be lost.
`na1'y— as LWRITE does— you must man-
`dom numbers to generate a random c-.—
`Use reference files as the host files, and
`ually convert each newline to a CR-LF
`pher byte for each byte of cleartext
`consider using ATTRIB to make them
`sooner or later an encrypted byte tvi|_
`fall on control-Z. If just one such cipher
`file is hidden beyond EOF, LSPLIT vril.
`find it, as an EOF precedes all the ci-
`pher. lf LSPLIT is used to try to separate
`appended cipher files, eventually it xvi.
`split a cipher file. If your encryptior.
`scheme disallows a value of integer 2+’:
`(control-Z), then hidden cipher files car.
`be directly stacked beyond EOF. Other-
`wise, LAPPEND all the files to be hidder.
`while they are still text. then encrypt [l’1EI‘l'.
`as one file—EOFs and all — then LAP-
`PEND that one cipher file to the host file.
`When using [SPLIT and decrypting, all the
`files will be cleartext and IAPPENDed to-
`gether. Subsequent files will still be bid-
`den beyond EOF, even though they are
`decrypted. If the actual data to be kept
`confidential is in one of the following
`hidden files, it may remain undiscovered.
`even if decrypted. You can leave the fol-
`lowing ones as hidden, or split them off
`with LSPLIT.
`The purpose of Listing Five, FIND]-I.C, is
`to find hidden data, in Case you forget which
`is the host file{s). FINDI-l.C looks for con-
`trol-Z in the file at a point before the phys-
`ical end of the file, and prints the filename
`to the screen. The wildcard characters
`can be used, and all the files in a
`directory can be scanned for possible hid-
`The difference
`between a text and
`binary file is at the
`heart of this
`approach to
`The Source Code
`Because XCOPY and COPY do not sup-
`port the kind of appending We just de-
`scribed, you must write special programs
`to implement this technique under DOS.
`Listing One (listings begin on page 51) is
`LLIST.C, a program that lists binary files
`to the screen. (LLIST stands for “l0ng—list,"
`implying a long listing beyond EOF.) LLIST
`will list a text file, then list the hidden data
`after EOF.
`Listing Two, LAPPENDC (short for “long-
`append") tacks a second file onto the first
`wim a control—Z between them to keep the
`second file hidden. Be aware, however, that
`the second file is not automatically delet-
`ed from the disk. You must manually delete
`it, or a copy of the hidden data will be left
`in the open. (Or, you can Lise the option-
`al removef) command supplied in a com-
`ment line in LAPPEND.)
`Listing Three, LSPLIT.C, copies the hid-
`den data to the temporary file TElV[P.1 This
`can be modified to place the data in a file
`supplied by the user as the second com-
`mand-line argument. Change the fopen
`statement for tbedata to use params[2}' as
`the filename, and change zf(n == 2) to
`yo: == 3 ). Remove the #define statement
`and Change the error-message printfs to
`show the new command format [split
`<sorrrce> <desn‘narz'on>.
`Hidden data can be removed from the
`host file by redirecting the output of TYPE.
`For example, tjpe host > drnnmy. To re-
`turn the data to the host, copy dummy
`host. Then delete dummy. The same re-
`sult can be obtained using the COPY com-
`mantl with the /A switch, except that the
`EOF flag is retained. Of course, you
`should do this after recovering the bid-
`den data with LSPLIT.
`Listing Four, LVI/RITE.C, allows the writ-
`ing of data from the keyboard to the far
`end of EOF of the target file, and requires
`21 bit of extra explanation. DOS uses two
`characters — a caniage return (ASCII 13,
`CR) and a line feed (ASCII 10, LF)— to
`separate the lines of a text file on disk.
`In contrast, when you type on a key-
`board, you obviously only press one key,
`the Enter key. To make things consistent,
`and to simplify the processing of text files,
`the C library getcO function converts all
`line separators to newline characters
`(ASCII 10, LF). This ensures that whether
`you read text from the keyboard or a disk
`file, you’ll see one newline character at
`the end of each line. This conversion is
`only performed if you open the file as a
`den data. Each directory must be searched
`individually. If you use “*.*", any .COM or
`.E)CE file may show up as a false possibil-
`ity if it happens to contain a control-Z at
`some point.
`To read the directory, FINDH uses the
`ffna'firsI() and fr‘ndnext() functions.
`These are not completely standard, so
`you may have to rewrite them to work
`with alternate compilers.
`I am using
`PowerC 1.1.6 from MIX Software. Most
`compilers should support some equiva-
`lent of these two functions; Microsoft
`QuickC, for instance, has _d0.s_finafirSt()
`and _dos_fz‘ndnext(').
`LAPPEND and LSPLIT offer another in-
`teresting possibility. You are not limited
`to placing only one hidden file beyond
`EOF; they can be stacked tip behind each
`other. LAPPEND will keep adding new
`hidden files onto the end of the host file,
`and LSPLIT splits off everything behind
`the FIRST EOF to TEMP.1. You can have
`a hidden part, hidden on the end of an-
`other hidden part, which is hidden itself,
`and so on. To recover the next layer of
`hidden data, use LSPLIT on a renamed
`You cannot stack up hidden files if
`they are individually encrypted with
`pseudorandom numbers.
`I advise LAP-
`PENDing multiple files together, then en-
`crypting, then placing the cipher at the
`You also could super encipher mes-
`sages by using LAPPENI) to join a cipher
`file to a text, encrypting both, then LAP-
`PENDing the cipher to a host file. The
`first cipher file is now super enciphered.
`possibly with a different key the Second
`time. This could be used to give en-
`crypted instructions for using the first ci-
`pher file to an intermediary, without the
`intermediary necessarily knowing the key
`to the first cipher. Be careful, however.
`that your plans and protocols don't be-
`come too complicated.
`Other steganography techniques hide
`data by altering one bit-per-pixel-record
`in a high-resolution graphic, or one-bit-
`per-sound record in digitized music or
`speech. You can hide data that‘s on your
`own system, sent over phone lines. or
`mailed on a disk. These methods can be
`used to distribute keys for more-rapic
`encrypted communication and are use-
`ful for couriers.
`Remember to encrypt the hidden Cl.:1t;l
`for me best security. and to erase the LAP-
`PENDed Files. or program LAPPEND to dc
`so automatically by including the remote! -
`statement supplied with LAPPEND. Don't
`forget that an erased file on disk still con-
`tains data until something new is written
`over that portion of disk, so creating an
`overwrite-erase utility is advisable. Or, just
`work on a Ramdisk, and keep the cipher
`on the hard drive.
`Dr Dobb’sjournal, January 1997 I
`J: printf("\ncannnt open a Ei]e..\n"):
`print{(’'\nprnper format is:\n1split <datafi1e>\n"):
`prin:{["hidden data [if any) will he in :enp.l\n"):
`hshng F00!‘
`If lwritellc
`1"‘ "5
`{ char *parsms[]-:
`me Hhefile:
`:_Lnt ch=B:
`1f(l “ Z 1 l
`purs§"rype cnnrro1—z to £innish")=
`Th“-‘h :.£°p?'_1( P“'m$“]'
`"Eh" }‘
`‘-f[': 3395119
`' NULL 3
`fseeklthefile. B. 2}:
`."'<-add new EDI’. ..':'
`wh.[ile E {ch = 5etc(stdin))
`!= ED? 3
`if l
`‘H " 13 l
`puI:|:(l3.l:hefi1e): it explicitly add CR.*.’
`printf(“\ru:ennor. open f:i.1e..\n"):
`prinl:§l"\npr:Iper fannat
`is:\x1.lvrite (filenaIe)\n"l:
`listing Five
`Ir findh.c
`“include "stdia.h"
`Enclude :d""°F_'h"
`“"1‘"_iE d'f5'h
`téhat *f:.1ens.neH:
`_ u
`::::;?:::;:.,;t:::*:;£‘:%%"s:::2:23’gs uf
`filelength = ftelliresdingthisl :."*<-find filelength
`fseek(readingtl1is.0l..U)z/'<-return to hegiuing: Ru-rind!‘-’
`(mbyte = getchendxngthasl
`if (inbyte == 26 554
`( “om-°opH__
`printf("\n:-‘s has possible hidden data ". filenemel:
`/1d bytes from the begining. ..".coum:):
`!= E0!‘ 55 Estoploop )
`( ceum: < filelengtlrl )
`sin (mperamsl
`char tpezems H:
`struct ffblk fldnte:
`int (:1:
`if ( n }= 2 3*
`I‘ ‘H
`if (findfirstiparumn [c1].M'1c1s:e.[FA,NORHAL : FA_RDUN'LYll
`I-d1i1e( findnexttéuflduul
`|= -ll
`printf("\n..no matching file(sl for -'s\n".psrans[cl]):
`findh filenuehl \n"):
`pn'm:t'("\npmper farm: is:
`pr:intE(" vildcsrds ‘I’ and '1'‘ may be ueed.\n"):
`gm *\:hefile.*thed,a:a:
`?§‘(°H_’i J )
`1 [
`" "
`thefile = fupem’ pnran:u[ll. "ab" ):
`thedata = fopen( p.arnms[2], "rb" ):
`if ( thefile 2: NULL 55. rhedate l= NULL )
`(3). 2):
`while (
`(cl: = getdthedetall
`!= E0? )
`Primf(..\r,_cMmm We" a fi1E__\n..):
`option to erase the source of the hidden data ‘I’
`ie:\n1append (file appended cc» ")1
`printf("\npr:oper tomat
`J pr1ntf( (fxle to .1ppcnci>\n ).
`1 l
`isting nu-ee
`In 1ep1it.c
`‘include "sl:diu.h"
`‘define TEHPFILE "ramp. 1''
`int n:
`{ char fiperamsll;
`FILE U|:hefi1g_ttheda(a;
`in: ch=B.hiddendsza=D:
`if ( n == 2 )
`thefile = fopenl psrsnelil. "rb" )2
`thedata = fopen: TE)1?FII.E. "uh" );
`if { Ehefile != NULL l
`!= EDP’
`(ch = getchht-§i1e))
`uhile [
`if (ch == 26 J hiddendets”:
`if (hiddendata)
`(ch = gecctcm-£i1e))
`while (
`!= EDP )
`Dr. Dobb sjournal, jcmzumjy I997
`....this pro ram lists a file in binar mode:
`ALL chergcters are shown.
`!= E0?
`C" fl) l
`"° Em 1”
`‘d d‘
`1-1. W 1
`remove these comment marks to
`if ( byte |= 26 )
`§K§i1—z‘§5 Z{d§ut°?§fmin.:e§ §§2‘
`program on soue systems‘
`Llshng one
`1"‘ 11ist.c
`.*-include "stdiu.h"f
`char *ergv[]:
`‘mt byte:
`gig :c_=uf(_I§=91:
`if ( arse == 2 )
`infl = fopen(er3v[l] ."rb"l:
`if ( infl
`!= NULL 2»
`" 1 °{
`H "
`cannot open input file
`V "
`llshng Two
`."* lappend.c M’
`finclude "s1:dio.h"
`int n:
`char *param5[I:
`p:intf("\n\n‘ ...must supply one file name. . .\n"):
`DUHJAN U8 .2‘
`Automated Phone Renewal (24-hour): (530) 752-1132
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