`Symantec 1010
`IPR of U.S. Pat. No. 7,757,298
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 15, 1997
` E:Entry from nosfj
`Exit to DOS
`Fig 1
`1. Technical Field
`This invention relates to a process of retrieving a list of
`files, based upon specified search criteria into a computer’s
`memory, and providing said list to other file processors to act
`upon selectively.
`2. Description of Prior Art
`Many computer operating system enable the computer’s
`disk storage system to be structured into directories that can
`be arranged hierarchically, relative to each other. Examples
`of such operating systems are UNIX, XENIX, DOS, OS/2.
`Such systems provide an eflicient means for organizing a
`large number of files.
`UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T Bell Laborato-
`ries. XENIX is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corpo-
`ration. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft
`Corporation. OS/2 is a trademark of International Business
`Machines Corporation.
`One of the major frustrations of working with such
`systems, is the need to specify the path to the directory to
`access any file resident therein.
`Several software products have addressed this problem by
`presenting a graphical representation of the directory hier-
`archy or the tree as it is more commonly called The user can
`roam through the tree, position on a single directory and
`access the files within it.
`Other software products have been developed based on
`the premise that the user may not always know where a
`particular file resides. Indeed, the user may not even know
`the name of the file but may need to locate files based on
`some string within the file.
`Accordingly, software programs exist that can search an
`entire disk for files matching a given file specification or files
`that contain a given string. The path and the names of the
`files retrieved may be displayed on the screen or printed.
`However, it would be highly desirable to make the files
`retrieved by the above process available to other file pro-
`cessors like edit, copy, move, delete, etc. For example, a user
`might like to gather together all files with the extension BKI‘,
`edit some as as desired and move some to a directory named
`BATCH. Or a user might like to view all letters addressed to
`Mary Jones.
`No existing program is apparently able to perform either
`of the above tasks.
`One of the more powerful commands available on any
`system is the command FIND in UNIX (Coffin 1988 UNIX:
`The Complete Reference, pgs. 169-173). FIND can retrieve
`files based on information about that file such as file name,
`size, attributes, etc. i.e. directory information about that file.
`FIND also is able to execute any command on the files
`retrieved. However, FIND lacks the ability to execute any
`command selectively only on some of the files retrieved.
`FIND also lacks the ability to retrieve files based on the
`information contained inside the file, such as a string. FIND
`is also difiicult to use.
`SEARCH is the name of an utility from PC Magazine
`(Somerson 1988 P. C. Magazine DOS Power Tools, pgs.
`1101-1102). SEARCH can retrieve files based on a file
`specification and a string, and display or print the file names.
`SEARCH cannot execute any command on the retrieved
`Searching for strings within large files can be very time
`consuming. Quite often, the string is on the first page of the
`file or can be placed on the first page or block of the file by
`building a table of contents. For example, programmers
`often need to determine which programs call a particular
`routine. The list of routines called is usually placed right at
`the top of the program. Therefore, if the subroutine is not
`found within the first few thousand bytes, it is pointless to
`search the entire file. Accordingly, it would be useful to
`provide the user the option to limit the string search to less
`than the entire file.
`Another draw back of existing products is that
`retrieved files are displayed in the order in which they are
`stored in the disk storage system. It would be desirable to
`have the list of retrieved files sorted alphabetically.
`The above review of prior art discloses that the need to
`retrieve files based on information about them or inside them
`has been well recognized. However, a need exists to make
`string searches more flexible and to fully utilize the benefits
`of the search by making the retrieved files available to other
`file processors.
`Accordingly, the objects and advantages of this invention
`1. Retrieve files based on the file’s specification and/or
`directory information or a string within the set of files
`2. Limit said retrieval to a single directory, or extend it to
`all subdirectories subordinate to said directory, or
`extend it to two or more independent directories on the
`same or different disk optionally including subdirecto-
`ries subordinate to said directories, or extend it to the
`entire disk storage system
`3. Limit the string search to less than the entire file, when
`4. Store a list of retrieved files such that said list can be
`sorted alphabetically and made available to any file
`command or processor provided on the computer, for
`processing one, more or all of the files in said list.
`FIG. I is the flow chart of the computer program, accord-
`ing to the invention.
`The Computer Program
`The invention comprises a computer program which
`performs the various functions required. Said program con-
`sists of a file retrieval program which is embeddedin a larger
`program, hereinafter called the driver, which provides a
`menu driven interface to said retrieval program as well as
`other file commands and processors available on the com-
`There are many such drivers on the market and the subject
`is well known to prior art. Details of coding of the driver of
`this invention, and its set up, will be presented to the extent
`necessary to implement the unique features of this invention
`and otherwise generally to provide a coherent picture of the
`entire system.
`There are many ways to implement a computer program
`of this invention. Some of these are dictated by the type of
`the computer and the operating system Described below is
`the preferred embodiment of this invention as implemented
`for personal computers running under DOS versions 2.0 or
`To perform its tasks, said driver needs certain
`information, e.g. the location of the various file commands
`or file processors.
`In the preferred and actually implemented embodiment of
`this invention, some commands are built into said driver.
`These are APPEND to append files; ATTRIBUTE to change
`file attributes; COPY; MOVE to MOVE files from one
`directory to another and/or rename them: DELETE; KWIK-
`LOOK to display files on the screen and perform various
`tasks. Likewise directory commands are built into said
`driver. Details of their function or coding will not be
`described further here, since the subject is known to prior art
`and is not the object of this invention. However, details of
`their execution in the context of this invention will be
`described later.
`The following DOS file commands are executed with the
`DOS exec function: XCOPY, PRINT, COMP, BACKUP and
`RESTORE. Said driver looks for said commands in a
`directory named DOS in the root directory of the boot drive.
`This drive is identified to said driver through a separate setup
`In addition, the user may name external file processors,
`such as editors, word processors, etc., through the said setup
`program. These external file processors are also executed
`with the DOS function exec. Details of this process will be
`described later.
`The setup program accepts the letter designation of the
`boot drive,
`the names of the file processors and their
`directory locations, as provided by the user, and stores them
`in appropriate locations in the object code of said driver. The
`user is asked to name one system Editor. It should be able
`to function independently as a stand alone product and the
`user is asked to store said editor in the directory DOS,
`together with the DOS commands. The default editor is
`EDLIN, the editor that is provided with DOS.
`All commands, whether internal to said driver or DOS
`commands, or external processors as described above, are
`assigned an FKEY and are invoked by pressing its respective
`fkey. The file retrieval program of this invention is an
`internal command within said driver and is assigned the
`command name SEARCH and its own FKEY.
`FIG. 1 is a flow chart of the main tasks performed by said
`driver and its command SEARCH, and are described more
`fully below:
`1.1 Creates bufiers in memory at the end of code.
`A minimum of five buifers are required:
`File List Buffer to hold information about the file, such as
`file name, extension, size, etc. In the preferred and
`actually implemented embodiment of this invention the
`buffer is large enough to hold information on 100 files.
`Each file record is 36 bytes.
`Path List Bufl"er to hold the full path of each file retrieved
`by the said command search. Each path record is 67
`DTA (Disk Transfer Address) Buffer suificient to hold 32
`DTAs. Each DTA is 43 bytes long.
`File Index Buffer to hold the oifsets of selected files in the
`file list bulfer.
`File Text Buffer to store the actual contents of a file. It is
`set to 60K BYTES.
`The file list bufi"er is contiguous with the path list buffer
`such that when file commands other than SEARCH are
`being processed, the file list buffer extends into the path list
`buffer to store additional files.
`Each buifer is assigned a start pointer and an end pointer.
`Other buflers may be created such as for directory lists or
`tree, etc. but are not required specifically for this invention.
`1.2 The end pointer to the file index buffer is set to the start
`of said buffer and the bufl’er is initialized with zeros.
`1.3 The search flag and the file counter are initialized to 0.
`1.4 The current path is read into the current path bufier in the
`driver’s data area.
`2.1 Displays commands menu.
`2.2 Prompts user for input.
`2.3 Processes the input.
`If the user presses the FKEY for the search command
`processing continues at task 3.1
`If the user presses a valid FKEY for any other file or
`directory command processing continues at task 13.
`If the user presses Alt and S keys simultaneously, pro-
`cessing resumes at task 12.1.
`If the user wants to quit, the program exits to DOS.
`If none of the above is true,
`the program issues an
`appropriate error message and loops back to task 2.2
`3.1 If search flag is 0, processing continues at task 3.2, else
`the previous search parameters saved in task 3.6 are
`restored and processing resumes at task 3.8.
`3.2 Obtains file specification and converts it to upper case.
`The file specification may contain wild cards. Terminates
`said specification with a 0 and saves its length. The default
`is the universal file specification “*.*’.
`3.3 Obtains search options based on directory information,
`as follows:
`(a) Include subdirectories in search?
`If subdirectories are to be included, the search attribute
`is set to 16 else it is set to 0. The default is no
`(b) Retrieve read_only, hidden or all files?
`The indicated action is stored in a memory variable.
`The default is normal files. If hidden or all files are
`specified, the search attribute is increased by 6.
`(c) Retrieve small, medium or big files?
`The indicated action is stored in a memory variable.
`The default is all files, irrespective of size.
`(d) Retrieve files modified upto a week ago, a month less,
`a year or less, or more than a year ago?
`The indicated action is stored in a memory variable.
`The default is all files irrespective of filing date. If an
`action is specified, the current date is obtained and is
`subtracted by a week, a month or a year as specified
`and stored as search date, in DOS date format.
`3.4 Obtains search suing specification and stores it upper
`case. Determines length of said string, saves it in a
`memory variable, sets string option to 1. If string is not
`entered, the string option is set to 0.
`3.5 Obtains search range specification. The user is prompted
`to opt for a page, a block or the entire file.
`If a page is to be searched, the number of bytes to read is
`set to 2 k, else if a block is to be searched said number
`is set to 8 k, else if the entire file is to be searched said
`number is set to 32 k. The default is a block.
`3.6 The number of bytes to read, the search string and its
`length, the file specification and its length are stored in
`duplicate, so that the search options can be restored when
`3.7 Initializes the end pointers to the file list buffer and the
`path list buffer to the start of the respective butfer.
`3.8 Initializes the end pointer to the UTA buffer to the start
`of said buffer. Sets the first DTA at the start of the DTA
`3.9 The path string is saved in an appropriate buffer in the
`driver’s data area.
`3.10 If search begins in the root directory, the path level
`pointer is set to 0 else it is set to 1. There are two path level
`pointers: one for the start level, the other for the current
`3.11 If the search attribute is 16 or above, moves the
`universal file specs to the end of current path, else moves
`the file specification input by the user to the end of current
`3.12 Issues search first instruction.
`3.13 If no files, processing resumes at task 2.2 else process-
`ing continues at task 4.4.
`4.1 If file counter=100, processing continues at task 11.1.
`4.2 Issues search next instruction.
`4.3 If no files, processing resumes at task 10.1.
`4.4 Retrieves one file, matching the file specification at the
`end of current path, from the cmrent directory to the
`current DTA.
`4.5 Checks the file attribute of the retrieved file. If the
`attribute is 16, processing resumes at task 9.1, else if the
`search attribute is below 16, processing resumes at task
`5.1 Compares the file name and extension of the retrieved
`file currently in UTA with the file specification input by
`the user. If there is no mismatch, processing continues at
`task 6.1.
`If the mismatched character in the user’s file specification
`is the wfld card ‘?’, ignores the mismatch and continues
`with the comparison from the next character.
`If the mismatched character in the user’s file specification
`is the wild card ‘*’, and the file name is being
`compared, ignores the mismatch and compares the file
`extensions, else if file extensions were being compared,
`ignores the mismatch and resumes processing at task
`5.2 Loops back to task 4.1 and retrieves the next file.
`6.1 Checks the memory variables described in tasks 3.3(b),
`(c) and (d) in tasks 6.2 to 6.4, respectively. If any of said
`variables call for default actions, processing skips to the
`next task, the final jump being to task 6.5.
`6.2 Retrieves the file attribute from current DTA. If read
`only files are specified, tests if bit 0 of the file atiribute is
`set. If set, processing resumes at task 6.3 else processing
`resumes at task 6.6
`If hidden files are specified, tests if bit 1 of said attribute
`is set. If set, processing resumes at task 6.3 else bit 2 is
`tested. If set, processing resumes at task 6.3 else
`processing resumes at task 6.6.
`6.3 Retrieves the file size from current DTA. If small files are
`specified, checks if the file size is less than 4 k, else if
`medium files are specified checks if the file size is 4 k or
`greater but less than 64 k, else if big files are specified,
`checks if the file size is 64 k or greater. If the file is within
`the range specified, processing continues at task 6.4 else
`processing resumes at task 6.6.
`6.4 Retrieves the file date from the current DTA. The file
`date is compared against the search date set up in task
`3.3(d). If the file date is within the range specified,
`processing continues at task 6.5 else processing resumes
`at task 6.6
`6.5 If search string is specified, processing continues at task
`7.1 else processing resumes at task 8.1.
`6.6 Loops back to task4.1, to fetch the next file matching the
`specified file specification.
`7 .1 Moves the file name and extension of the retrieved file
`to the end of the current path and terminates it with a 0.
`7.2 Opens said file.
`7.3 Reads the contents of said file into the text bufier
`described in task 1.1. The number of bytes to read was set
`in task 3.5.
`7.4 Converts the text to upper case.
`7.5 Searches said text buffer for the specified string.
`7.6 If string found, processing continues at task 7.8.
`7.7 If searching the entire file, loops back to task 7.3 while
`end of file is not reached.
`7.8 Closes the opened file.
`7.9 If string found, processing continues at task 8.1.
`7.10 Loops back to task 4.1, to retrieve the next matching
`8.1 Puts the current path including the drive letter into the
`path buffer beginning at the end pointer location. Termi-
`nates the path string with 0 and advances the end pointer
`by 67 bytes.
`8.2Puts the file name and other directory information from
`DTA into file list buffer, beginning at the end pointer
`location. Terminates the string with line feed character
`and advances the end pointer by 36 bytes.
`8.3 Increments the file counter.
`8.5 Loops back to task 4.1 to retrieve the next file.
`9.1 Checks the first letter of the directory name. If it is ‘.’,
`loops back to task 4.1 to retrieve next file
`9.2 Increments current path level.
`9.3 Moves the directory name and extension from the
`current DTA to the end of current path and terminates it
`with “\”. This is the end of the new current path. Moves
`“*.*’ to the end of current path and terminates with a O.
`9.4 Advances the DTA end pointer by 43 and initializes the
`new current DTA.
`9.5 Issues search first and search next instructions and loops
`back to task 4.1.
`is same as start path level,
`10.1 If current path level
`processing resumes at task 11.1.
`10.2 Scans current path backwards from the end of path and
`locates the character ‘\’ that marks the end of the previous
`directory. Moves the universal file specs to the end of the
`previous path, and terminates the path with a 0.
`10.3 Subtracts 43 from the current DTA pointer and restores
`the the previous DTA.
`10.4 Loops back to task 4.1 to retrieve the next file.
`11.1 Terrninates the path and file lists with an end of file
`mark, and saves the end of list locations.
`11.2 If the search were unsuccessful, displays a warning
`message and loops back to task 2.2
`11.3 If the number of files retrieved is one, processing
`resumes at task 11.5
`11.4 Sorts the search list by file extension then by file name.
`The same sort routine is used, whether the file list being
`sorted is a search list or otherwise. The method used is
`known as straight selection sort (Knuth 1973 The Art of
`Computer Programming Vol 3/Sorting and Searching pgs.
`139-140). At start, two sets of pointers are initialized, one
`pointing to the file list bullet and the second to the path
`Relative Position*Record Lengtl1+Start of Path List Buffer
`If the invocation is for an internal command, the current
`path is set to the path of the selected file, and the file
`specification is passed to said command.
`If the invocation is for a DOS command, the current path
`is set to the path of the selected file. Said command is
`invoked with the DOS exec function and the name of
`the selected file is passed to said command as a
`parameter string. If said command has various options,
`the user is prompted for the options which are also
`passed to the command as part of the parameter string
`following the file specification.
`The system editor is treated exactly as a DOS command,
`even though it may be an external processor.
`If the invocation is for any other external file processor,
`the current path is set to the path of said file processor.
`Said processor is invoked with the DOS exec function
`and the path and file name of the selected file are
`appended together to form a valid file specification and
`passed to said processor as a parameter string.
`13.4 After,
`the file command or processor completes
`processing, the file index buffer is initialized with zeros
`and the end pointer is set to start of said buffer. Processing
`resumes at task 2.2
`Operation of the Invention
`On entry from DOS, the search flag is set to 0, and the
`current drive and path are stored in the driver’s data area,
`with a call to DOS. The end of path is stored in a memory
`variable and is updated each time the path changes.
`If the SEARCH command is invoked, search begins in the
`current directory and may extend to its subdirectories as
`specified above. The user can invoke the CHANGE D]REC-
`TORY command to change the clnrent directory, prior to
`invoking the search command. In the preferred and actually
`implemented embodiment of this invention,
`the change
`directory command also allows the user to change drives.
`After the search completes, the user is informed of the
`number of files that meet the specified search criteria. If the
`search is successful, the search flag is set to 1 and a visual
`indication is displayed on the screen to indicate that a search
`list exists and that from now on, all file commands and
`processors accessed through said driver will act on the files
`in said search list.
`By initiating the search in the root directory, the entire
`disk may be searched. After a search completes, the disk
`may be changed and the same search continued in the new
`disk. Any new files retrieved will be added to the previous
`list. To start a new list, the user presses Alt and S keys as
`described above.
`The search list is available for processing by repeated
`invocations of the same or different commands or file
`processors, until it is exhausted by the operation of the delete
`command which deletes the file from the disk or the move
`command which moves the file to a different directory or
`until the search list itself is deleted by pressing Alt and S
`keys simultaneously, as described above.
`As the reader will see, this invention provides a versatile
`system to retrieve files based on a variety of search criteria
`about the file or a string inside the file. The search may be
`limited to a single directory, or extend to all the subdirec-
`tories subordinate to said directory or extend to two or more
`independent directories on the same or difierent disks
`list bufler. The two sets of pointers are moved in unison
`such that when a particular file record gets moved to a
`diiferent location in the file list buffer, the corresponding
`path record in the path list bufier gets moved to the same
`relative position within said buffer.
`11.5 Sets the search flag to l and displays the number of files
`retrieved. Also displays a visual reminder on the screen
`that remains on the screen until erased by pressing Alt and
`S keys simultaneously. Said reminder is the phrase “AltS”
`displayed highlighted at the bottom of the screen, in an
`area reserved for this purpose.
`11.6 Loops back to task 2.2.
`12.1 The AltS phrase is unhighlighted, the search flag and
`the file counter are reset to 0. Ifthe disk changed, it is reset
`to the original disk at the time of entry to the search
`program and the path reset from the string saved in task
`12.2 Loops back to task 2.2.
`13.1 Checks the search flag.
`If said flag is 0, the user is asked for file specification, the
`matching files from the current directory are retrieved
`and stored in the file list buifer as previously described
`After retrieval is complete, the file list is scrolled on the
`screen and the user can select one, more or all files for
`submission to the previously invoked file command or
`external processor.
`If said flag is 1, the retrieved files are already in the file
`list buffer. The search list is scrolled on the screen for
`the user to select one, more or all files for submission
`to the previously invoked file command or external
`13.2 In the preferred and actually implemented embodiment
`of this invention, the user selects a desired file by moving
`the cursor to said file and pressing the space bar.
`The offset of the selected file in the file list buifer is 3
`determined from the offset of the file at the top of the
`screen and the row number of the selected file. The file
`index buifer, described in task 1.1, is scanned for said
`offset. If not found, the offset is stored at the end of said
`bufl’er and the end of buffer pointer incremented by
`two. If found, the offset is deleted from the index by
`moving any succeeding ofl’sets in the index backwards
`by two bytes. The end of buffer pointer is decremented
`by two.
`Selection is indicated on the screen by a marker at the start
`of the selected file. Pressing the spacebar on a previ-
`ously selected file, unselects the file and erases the
`marker. If no files are selected, the user is given the
`option of selecting all files, thus eliminating the tedium
`of selecting each and every file manually.
`13.3 If the search flag is 1, each selected file is processed
`File processing proceeds in the order in which the files are
`selected. If all files are selected, processing starts
`sequentially from the start of the file list buifer, else
`processing starts from the start of the‘ index buffer.
`From the offset of the selected file in the file list buifer, the
`relative position of said file from the start of said buifer
`is determined from the following equation:
`(File Offset—Start of File List Bufl"er)+Record Length
`From the relative position of the file in the file list buifer,
`the oifset of the path to said file in the path list buffer
`is determined from the following equation:
`optionally including subdirectories subordinate to said
`directories, or extend to the entire disk storage system on
`said computer.
`The ability to limit the search to the first page (2 k bytes)
`or the first block (8 k bytes) provides the user with a
`powerful text retrieval system. Large files can be set up with
`a table of contents or an index at the top of the file. The files
`can then be selectively retrieved based on their entire
`content by searching through a small fraction of that content.
`Finally the search list is available for processing by other
`file commands or processors available on the computer.
`While the above description of the invention contains
`many specificities, these specificities should not be con-
`strued as limitations on the scope of the invention. Rather,
`they are an exemplification of one preferred embodiment.
`For example, in flre preferred and actually implemented
`embodiment of this invention, the search list is setup as the
`default list. Instead, the user could have been given the
`option to choose between the search list and the files on the
`current directory. Or the search lists retrieved through dif-
`ferent retrieval strategies could have been saved to disk
`under unique names and recalled as desired.
`Other examples: A computer program, according to this
`invention, could be set up so it retrieves files based on actual
`values supplied by the user rather than symbols signifying
`predefined ranges, for file size, filing date, or number of
`bytes to search.
`The maximtnn number of files that may be retrieved has
`been set to 100. It is an arbitrary figure that could have been
`set higher or lower.
`The search list could be sorted by other parameters such
`as file size, date, etc.
`The significant novel features of this invention are the
`ability to store the retrieved files as a list in the computer’s
`memory such that said list can be sorted in any desired
`manner and presented repeatedly to any file command or
`processor provided on the computer, for processing one,
`more or all of the files in said list, and the ability to limit
`string searches to less than the entire file, when desired.
`Other features of this invention are unique because of
`combination with other desirable features. All these features
`join together to produce a very user friendly product.
`While the greatest advantages and benefits from this
`invention will accrue to computers with operating systems
`like Unix, Dos, etc that can structure their disk or disks into
`directories that can be arranged hierarchically relative to
`each other, it should prove no less useful in any big system
`containing large number of files, howsoever arranged or
`Thus on the IBM’s VM/CMS operating system, a com-
`puter program according to this invention, could be set up to
`search one or more of the attached minidisks. Indeed, said
`program could be automated so that by default all attached
`Ininidisks are searched. The same thing could be done with
`programs designed for the personal computer. However
`there are disadvantages to providing this facility on personal
`computers which have removable disks. IBM is a registered
`trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
`VM/CMS is a multiuser system generally installed on IBM’s
`mainframe and large mini computers.
`I claim:
`1. A method of operating a computer, said computer
`comprising a dick storage system, main memory and a
`plurality of external file commands processors, to retrieve
`files from one or more directories and its associated sub-
`directories stored on one or more disks which comprise said
`disk storage system, based on search options supplied by an
`user of said computer and making the retrieved files avail-
`able as a list of said files to said user for further processing
`by other file commands or processors on said computer,
`comprising the stops of:
`(a) retrieving files based on the following:
`(1) the files’ specification;
`(2) directory information about said files;
`(3) searching through the contents of said files for a
`predetermined string;
`(b) storing the retrieved files as a list of files in the main
`memory of the computer, said list comprising the file
`specific at of each retrieved file and, optionally, direc-
`tory information about said file;
`(c) displaying said list to said user;
`(d) said user selecting and submitting any of said files in
`said list to any file command or processor on said
`(e) repeating step (d) as often as desired by said user so
`that files fiom the same list may be submitted to same
`or different file command or processor on said com-
`2. The method of claim 1 further comprising the step of
`sorting said list according to any of the information stored
`3. The method of claim 1 further comprising the step of
`limiting the search for said string to less than the entire file.
`4. The method of claim 1, wherein some or all of the file
`commands or processors available on the computer are set
`up as a menu, said menu comprising a plurality of said
`external file commands or processors, said method further
`comprising the steps of:
`(a) displaying the menu of file commands or processors to
`the user;
`(b) the user submitting selected files to any command or
`processor displayed on said menu.
`5. The method of claim 4 further comprising the step of
`sorting said list according to any of the information stored
`6. The method of claim 4 further comprising the step of
`limiting the search for said string to less than the entire file.
`7. A method of operating a computer, said computer
`comprising a disk storage system, main memory and a
`plurality of external file commands or processors, said disk
`storage system comprising one or more disks organized into
`directories and associated ksub-directories in a hierarchal
`arrangement, to retrieve files from said disk storage system
`based on search options supplied by an user of said
`computer, and making the retrieved files available as a list of
`said files to said user for further processing by oflrer file
`commands or processors on said computer, said method
`comprising the steps of:
`(a) retrieving files based on one or more search options
`selected from the group consisting of:
`(1) the files’ specification,
`(2) the directory informati