`Silicon Valley
`800 South Austin Ave., Suite 200
`Georgetown, Texas 78626-5845
`March 24, 2016
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`Secretary to the Commission
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, S.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20436
`New York
`Office of th;·----------- .·
`lnfl rrade Commission
`Complaint under 19 U.S.C. § 1337: In the Matter of Certain Portable Electronic
`Devices and Components Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-_
`Dear Secretary Barton:
`Enclosed for filing on behalf of Complainants Creative Technology Ltd. and Creative
`Labs, Inc. (collectively "Creative") are the following documents in support ofCreative's request
`that the Commission commence an investigation under Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
`amended. A request for confidential treatment of Confidential Exhibit 3 is included with this
`Accordingly, Creative submits the following documents:
`An unbound original and eight (8) bound copies of the verified Complaint and the
`Statement of Public Interest;
`One (1) copy of the non-confidential exhibits to the Complaint on CD-ROM;
`A letter and certification requesting confidential treatment of Confidential
`Exhibit 3;
`One (1) copy of Confidential Exhibit 3 to the Complaint on CD-ROM;
`Nineteen (19) additional copies of the verified Complaint and nineteen (19)
`additional CD-ROMs that contain the accompanying non-confidential exhibits,
`and nineteen (19) additional copies of the Statement of Public Interest for service
`upon the Respondents;
`Nineteen (19) additional copies of Confidential Exhibit 3 on CD-ROM for
`service on Respondents once appropriate subscriptions to a protective order have
`been filed;
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 1
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`March 24, 2016
`Page 2
`One (1) additional copy of the verified Complaint for service upon The Embassy
`of the People's Republic of China, 3505 International Place, N.W., Washington,
`D.C. 20008;
`One (1) additional copy of the verified Complaint for service upon The Embassy
`of Japan, Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008;
`One (1) additional copy of the verified Complaint for service upon The Embassy
`of the Republic of Korea, 2450 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.
`One (1) additional copy of the verified Complaint for service upon The Embassy
`of Sweden, 2900 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005;
`One (1) additional copy of the verified Complaint for service upon The Embassy
`of The Republic of China on Taiwan, 4201 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.,
`Washington, D.C. 20016;
`One (1) additional copy of the verified Complaint for service upon The Embassy
`of Canada, 501 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001;
`One (1) non-certified copy of U.S. Patent No. 6,928,433 ("the '433 patent"), a
`legible copy of which is included in the Complaint as Exhibit 1. Creative will
`supplement with a certified copy shortly; ,
`One (1) non-certified copy the Reexamination Certificate for the '433 patent, a
`legible copy of which is included in the Complaint appended to Exhibit 1.
`Creative will supplement with a certified copy shortly;
`One (1) non-certified copy of the assignments for the '433 patent, a legible copy
`of which is included in the Complaint as Exhibit 2. Creative will supplement with
`a certified copy shortly;
`One (1) certified copy (on CD-ROM) and three (3) additional copies on CD-ROM
`of the prosecution history for the '433 patent, which has been designated
`Appendix Al to the Complaint;
`One (1) certified copy (on CD-ROM) and three (3) additional copies on CD-ROM
`of the Reexamination history for the '433 patent, which has been designated
`Appendix A2 to the Complaint;
`Four (4) copies on CD-ROM of the references cited during the prosecution of the
`'433 patent, which have been designated as Appendix Bl to the Complaint;
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 2
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`March 24, 2016
`Page 3
`Four (4) copies on CD-ROM of the references cited during the Reexamination of
`the '433 patent, which have been designated as Appendix B2 to the Complaint;
`Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me at
`( 424) 268-5200 if you have any questions.
`Respectfully submitted,
`~~-Counsel for Complainants
`Creative Technology Ltd. and
`Creative Labs, Inc.
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 3
`Silicon Valley
`800 South Austin Ave., Suite 200
`Georgetown, Texas 78626-5845
`March 24, 2016
`The Honorable Lisa R. Baiion
`Secretary to the Commission
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, S.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20436
`New York
`Complaint under 19 U.S.C. § 1337: In the Matter of Certain Portable Electronic
`Devices and Components Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-__
`Deai· Secretary Barton:
`In accordance with 19 C.F.R. §§ 201.6 and 210.5, Creative Technology Ltd. and Creative
`Labs, Inc. (collectively "Creative") request confidential treatment for the information contained
`in Confidential Exhibit 3.
`The information for which confidential treatment is sought is proprietary and sensitive
`information not otherwise publicly available. Specifically, Confidential Exhibit 3 is a
`settlement and license agreement between Creative and Apple, Inc. ("Apple"). This is
`proprietary information of Creative and its licensee.
`The information described above qualifies as confidential business information pursuant
`to Rule 201.6(a) because:
`It is not publicly available; and
`Unauthorized disclosure of such information could cause substantial harm to the
`competitive position of Creative and its licensee.
`Please contact me at (424) 268-5200 if you have any questions or if this request is not
`granted in full. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.
`Respedfullf si.ibmiftea, ···
`for Complainants Creative
`Technology Ltd. and Creative Labs, Inc.
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 4
`I, Jonathan D. Baker, attorney for Complainants Creative Technology Ltd. and Creative
`Labs, Inc. (collectively "Creative"), do hereby declare:
`I am duly authorized by Complainants to execute this certification.
`I have reviewed Confidential Exhibit 3 to Creative's Complaint for which
`confidential treatment has been requested.
`To the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, founded after reasonable
`inquiry, this exhibit contains confidential infmmation for which substantially identical
`infotmation is not available to the public.
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the
`foregoing is true and correct.
`Executed this 24th day of March, 2016 in San Mateo, California.
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 5
`In the Matter of
`Investigation No. 337-TA-__ _
`Complainants Creative Technology Ltd. and Creative Labs, Inc. (collectively,
`"Creative") hereby submit this Statement Regarding the Public Interest pursuant to Commission
`Rule 210.8(b), 19 C.F.R. § 210.8. Issuance of the reliefrequested will not adversely impact the
`public health, safety, or welfare conditions in the United States, competitive conditions in the
`United States economy, the production of like or directly competitive articles in the United
`States, or United States consumers. Thus, this Investigation does not present an instance where
`the Commission, the parties, and the public should be required to undergo the time and expense
`of discovery and trial for a Recommended Determination by the ALJ on the public interest.
`Creative seeks a limited exclusion order specifically directed to the proposed
`Respondents and certain portable electronic devices and components thereof ("the Accused
`Products"). Specifically Creative seeks to exclude from entry into the United States the Accused
`Products that infringe one or more asserted claims of U.S. Patent No. 6,928,433 ("the '433
`Patent" or the "Asserted Patent"). Creative also seeks cease and desist orders prohibiting the sale
`for importation, importation, sale after importation, distribution, offering for sale, promoting,
`marketing, advertising, testing, demonstrating, warehousing inventory for distribution,
`solicitation of sales, programming, repairing, maintaining, using, transferring, and other
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 6
`commercial activity relating to the Accused Products that infringe one or more of the asserted
`claims of the Asserted Patent.
`The requested Investigation does not implicate a compelling public interest that might
`supersede the entry of a statutory exclusion order and a cease and desist order. The Accused
`Products do not implicate any particular public health, safety, or welfare concerns. The Asserted
`Patent is not essential to any industry standard or subject to any FRAND licensing obligations.
`Consumers do not face any potential shortage of like or directly competitive products in the
`United States. Rather, Creative's licensees and third parties can meet the demand for the
`products that would be subject to the requested remedial orders.
`Issuance of the requested remedial orders will provide effective relief in the face of
`ongoing patent infringement in the United States by the proposed Respondents. Protecting
`Creative's important intellectual property rights in the United States through the requested
`remedial orders will accordingly serve the public interest while having little or no adverse effect
`on health and welfare.
`The Targeted Articles Are Used in the United States for Mobile
`Entertainment and Communication Purposes
`Respondents' products potentially subject to remedial orders in the proposed
`Investigation are portable electronic devices and components thereof. The portable electronic
`devices at issue include mobile phones and digital media players. These devices allow users to
`place and receive telephone calls and/or to run applications, such as digital media players. The
`specific Accused Products identified in the accompanying Complaint are portable electronic
`devices that are operable to access media tracks stored on the portable electronic device by
`navigating through a hierarchical categorization. The Accused Products are used by U.S.
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 7
`consumers for mobile entertainment and communication purposes. Notably, the Asserted Patent
`is not essential to any industry standard or subject to any FRAND licensing obligations.
`No Public Health, Safety, or Welfare Concerns Relate To The Requested
`Remedial Orders
`Respondents' products do not implicate any public health, safety, or welfare concerns.
`Specifically, the products at issue are not medical or health devices, are not otherwise health-
`related, and are not essential for public safety or welfare. Moreover, as discussed below, there
`are many sources of like, directly competitive, and substitute alternatives in the United States and
`no health or safety-related features are unique to Respondents' Accused Products. Accordingly,
`there are no public health, safety, or welfare considerations that would counsel against excluding
`Respondents' Accused Products.
`Creative's Licensees and Third Parties Make Like or Directly Competitive
`Articles Which Could Replace the Subject Articles if They Were to be
`Creative's licensees and other manufacturers make like and directly competitive articles
`that could replace Respondents' products if they are excluded from the United States. Indeed,
`there are numerous suppliers of smart phones with music player functionality in the United
`States that would not be subject to the requested exclusion order.
`For example, Creative has licensed Apple, Inc. ("Apple"), which has the largest market
`share for smart phones in the United States, and the second largest market share for smart phones
`in the world. In addition to Creative's licensees, other manufacturers such as Huawei
`Technologies Co., Ltd.; Huawei Device USA, Inc.; and Future Wei Technologies, Inc. d/b/a
`Huawei Technologies (USA) (collectively, "Huawei"), Microsoft Corporation; Microsoft Mobile
`Oy (Ltd); and Microsoft Mobile Inc. f/k/a Nokia Inc. (collectively "Microsoft"), and Kyocera
`Corporation and Kyocera, Inc. (collectively "Kyocera") manufacture competing products.
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 8
`Huawei has the third largest market share for smart phones in the world, and has announced
`plans to significantly increase its market share in the United States. As such, Apple, Huawei,
`Microsoft, Kyocera, and other manufacturers make smart phone products with music player
`functionality that could replace the articles potentially subject to remedial orders in this
`Creative's Licensees and Third Parties Have the Capacity to Replace the
`Volume of Articles Subject to the Requested Remedial Orders in a
`Commercially Reasonable Time
`Creative's licensees, such as Apple, as well as third party manufacturers have the
`capacity to replace the volume of products potentially subject to an exclusion order and/or a
`cease and desist order within a commercially reasonable time in the United States. Apple is the
`largest smart phone supplier in the United States, and is the number two smart phone supplier in
`the world. In addition, other manufacturers such as Huawei, Microsoft, and Kyocera,
`manufacture competing products an~ will be unaffected by any remedial orders issued in this
`Investigation. Huawei is the third largest smart phone supplier in the world, and has announced
`plans to significantly increase its market share in the United States. Accordingly, Apple,
`Huawei, Microsoft, Kyocera, and other manufacturers have the capacity to replace the volume of
`articles potentially subject to remedial orders in a commercially reasonable time in the United
`The Requested Remedial Orders Would Minimally Impact Consumers
`As indicated above, if Respondents' infringing products were excluded, consumers and
`carriers would not be deprived oflike or competitive products and consumers would not be
`adversely impacted because Creative's licensees and other suppliers would easily meet U.S.
`market demand with devices not subject to the remedial orders. Competing products are readily
`available in the United States from other sources, including those licensed by Creative. Thus, the
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 9
`potential limited exclusion order and cease and desist order will have no meaningful impact on
`U.S. consumers. See Certain Personal Data and Mobile Commc 'n Devices and Related
`Software, Inv. No. 337-TA-71'0, Comm'n Op. at 69, USITC Pub. No. 4332 (June 2012) (noting
`that "the mere constriction of choice cannot be a sufficient basis for denying the issuance of an
`exclusion order").
`Issuing a limited exclusion order and cease and desist order in this Investigation against
`Respondents' infringing products will not negatively affect the public health, safety, or welfare
`in the United States, competitive conditions in the United States economy, the production of like
`or competitive articles in the United States, and the availability of such products to consumers.
`The Accused Products manufactured by these Respondents are not essential to public health and
`safety. Non-infringing substitute products are available and Respondents' infringing products do
`not implicate any unique safety-related features. Accordingly, there are no public interest
`concems preventing the issuance of a limited exclusion order and a cease and desist order or that
`would necessitate discovery and trial on this issue by the ALJ.
`Dated: March 24, 2016
`Respectfully submitted,
`411 Borel Avenue, Suite 350
`·····- SarrMateo-Califomia 94402· ·
`Telephone: (424) 268-5210
`Facsimile: (424) 268-5219
`Counsel for Complainants
`Creative Technology Ltd. and Creative
`Labs, Inc.
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 10
`In the Matter of
`Investigation No. 337-TA-__ _
`Creative Technology Ltd.
`31 International Business Park
`#03-01 Creative Resource
`Singapore 609921
`Telephone: +65 6895 4000
`Creative Labs, Inc.
`1901 McCarthy Boulevard
`Milpitas, CA 95035
`Telephone: (408) 428-6600
`Jonathan D. Baker
`Michael D. Saunders
`Gurtej Singh
`411 Borel Avenue, Suite 350
`San Mateo, CA 94402
`Telephone: (424) 268-5200
`Facsimile: (424) 268-5219
`ZTE Corporation
`ZTE Plaza
`No. 55 Hi-Tech Road South Hi-Tech Industrial
`Shenzen 518057
`Guangdong, China
`ZTE (USA) Inc.
`2425 N. Central Expressway #323
`Richardson, TX 75080
`Sony Corporation
`1-7-1 Kanan, Minato-ku,
`Tokyo 108-0075, Japan
`Sony Mobile Communications, Inc.
`W-building 1- 8-15 Kanan 1-chome
`Tokyo 108-0075, Japan
`Sony Mobile Communications AB
`(Mailing Address)
`Solvegatan 51,
`223 62 Lund, Sweden
`(Visiting Address)
`Mobilvagen 4,
`221 88 Lund, Sweden
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 11
`Sony Mobile Communications (USA), Inc.
`3333 Piedmont Rd NE #600
`Atlanta, GA 30305
`Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
`1320-10, Seocho 2-dong Seocho-gu
`Seoul, Republic of Korea
`Samsung Electronics America, Inc.
`85 Challenger Rd.
`Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
`Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC
`1301 East Lookout Drive
`Richardson, TX 75082
`LG Electronics, Inc;
`LG Twin Towers, 20 Y eouido-dong,
`Y eongdeungpo-gu
`Seoul 150-721, Republic of Korea
`LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc.
`1000 Sylvan A venue
`Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
`LG Electronics Mobilecomm U.S.A., Inc.
`10101 Old Grove Road
`San Diego, CA 92131
`Lenovo Group Ltd.
`Shangdi Information Industry Base
`No. 6 Chuang Ye Road, Haidan District
`100085 Beijing, China
`Lenovo (United States) Inc.
`1009 Think Place
`Morrisville, NC 27650
`Motorola Mobility LLC
`222 W. Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 1800
`Chicago, IL 60654
`HTC Corporation
`23 Xinghua Road
`Taoyuan 330, Taiwan
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 12
`HTC America, Inc.
`13920 SE Eastgate Way, Suite #200
`Bellevue, WA 98005
`Blackberry Ltd.
`2200 University Ave. E
`Waterloo, Ontario
`Canada N2K OA 7
`Blackberry Corporation
`5000 Riverside Drive, Suite lOOE
`Irving, Texas 75039
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 13
`INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. l
`COMPLAINANTS ............................................................................................................. 2
`PROPOSED RESPONDENTS ........................................................................................... 2
`ZTE ......................................................................................................................... 2
`Sony ........................................................................................................................ 3
`Samsung .................................................................................................................. 4
`LG ........................................................................................................................... 5
`Lenovo .................................................................................................................... 6
`HTC ......................................................................................................................... 7
`Blackberry ............................................................................................................... 7
`THE TECHNOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 8
`INVENTION···································································································'·················· 10
`Overview and Ownership of the Asserted Patent ................................................. 10
`The '433 Patent ..................................................................................................... 11
`Identification of the '433 Patent and Asserted Claims ............................. 11
`Non-Technical Description of the '433 Patent ......................................... 11
`Foreign Counterparts to the Asserted Patent ........................................................ 12
`Licenses ................................................................................................................. 12
`UNFAIR ACTS OF THE PROPOSED RESPONDENTS ............................................... 12
`ZTE ....................................................................................................................... 12
`Direct Infringement ................................................................................... 13
`Inducement of Infringement ..................................................................... 13
`Sony ...................................................................................................................... 14
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 14
`Direct Infringement ................................................................................... 14
`Inducement of Infringement ..................................................................... 14
`Samsung ................................................................................................................ 15
`Direct Infringement. .................................................................................. 16
`Inducement of Infringement ..................................................................... 16
`LG ......................................................................................................................... 17
`Direct Infringement ................................................................................... 18
`Inducement of Infringement ..................................................................... 18
`Lenovo .................................................................................................................. 19
`Direct Infringement ................................................................................... 19
`Inducement of Infringement ..................................................................... 19
`HTC ....................................................................................................................... 20
`Direct Infringement ................................................................................... 21
`Inducement of Infringement ..................................................................... 21
`Blackberry ............................................................................................................. 22
`Direct Infringement ................................................................................... 23
`Inducement of Infringement ..................................................................... 23
`ZTE ....................................................................................................................... 24
`Sony ...................................................................................................................... 24
`Samsung ................................................................................................................. 25
`LG ......................................................................................................................... 25
`Lenovo .................................................................................................................. 26
`HTC ....................................................................................................................... 26
`Blackberry ............................................................................................................. 27
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 15
`VIII. HARMONIZED TARIFF SCHEDULE ITEM NUMBERS ............................................ 27
`DOMESTIC INDUSTRY ................................................................................................. 28
`Licensee Activities in the United States ............................................................... 28
`RELATED LITIGATION ................................................................................................ 32
`Prior Litigation ...................................................................................................... 32
`Current Litigation .................................................................................................. 33
`RELIEF REQUESTED ..................................................................................................... 33
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 16
`U.S. Patent No. 6,928,433 Cl
`Assignment Documents for U.S. Patent No. 6,928,433
`CONFIDENTIAL License Agreement between Creative and Apple
`Claim Chart Demonstrating ZTE's Practice of U.S. Patent No. 6,928,433
`Claim Chart Demonstrating Sony's Practice of U.S. Patent No. 6,928,433
`Claim Chart Demonstrating Samsung's Practice of U.S. Patent No. 6,928,433
`Using Google "Play Music" App
`Claim Chart Demonstrating Samsung's Practice of U.S. Patent No. 6,928,433
`Using "Music" App
`Claim Chart Demonstrating LG's Practice of U.S. Patent No. 6,928,433
`Claim Chart Demonstrating Lenovo's Practice of U.S. Patent No. 6,928,433
`Claim Chart Demonstrating HTC's Practice of U.S. PatentNo. 6,928,433 Using
`Google "Play Music" App
`Claim Chart Demonstrating HTC's Practice of U.S. Patent No. 6,928,433 Using
`"Music" App
`Claim Chart Demonstrating Blackberry's Practice of U.S. Patent No. 6,928,433
`Declaration of Gurtej Singh
`Apple's 2015 10-K
`Photos of Apple iPhone 6S
`Claim Chart applying U.S. Patent No. 6,928,433 to licensed Apple iPhone 6S
`Apple Webpage on Job Creation printed on January 27, 2016
`Economic and Fiscal Impacts Generated by Apple in Cupertino - Current
`Facilities and Apple Campus 2
`Inside Apple's Plans for Its Futuristic, $5 Billion Headquarters
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 17
`Apple Campus 2 Construction Update
`Apple Campus 2 Project Description
`Apple Seems Keen on Elk Grove Expansion
`Something Big is Brewing at Apple's Elk Grove Campus
`Download iOS 9.0 - 9.2.1 Information
`Apple Security Updates
`Software Prototype Designer
`Apple Music Production UI Engineer
`Apple Music Client EPM
`Janina Kutyn Linkedln page
`Cherif Yaya Linkedln page
`Julian Ross Linkedln page
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 18
`As required by 19 C.F .R. § 210.12( c ), a certified copy of the prosecution history of the
`patent-at-issue, including the patents and technical references cited therein, is submitted in the
`following appendices:
`• Appendix Al - Prosecution history for U.S. Patent No. 6,928,433
`• Appendix A2 - Prosecution history for the reexamination of U.S. Patent No.
`• Appendix B 1 - Patents and technical references cited in the prosecution history of
`U.S. Patent No. 6,928,433
`• Appendix B2 - Patents and technical references cited in the prosecution history
`for the reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 6,928,433
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 19
`This Complaint is filed by Creative Technology Ltd. and its wholly-owned
`subsidiary Creative Labs, Inc. (collectively "Creative") under Section 337 of the Tariff Act of
`1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. § 1337, based on the unlawful importation into the United States,
`the sale for importation, and/or the sale within the United States after importation by the owners,
`importers, or consignees of certain portable electronic devices and components thereof that use
`the claimed methods that infringe claims 2, 3, 5, 7, and 17-28 of United States Patent No.
`6,928,433 Cl ("the '433 Patent" or "Asserted Patent"). The accused products include mobile
`phones and digital media players. All of the foregoing claims are asserted against all of the
`proposed respondents.
`The proposed respondents are: ZTE Corporation; ZTE (USA) Inc.; Sony
`Corporation; Sony Mobile Communications, Inc.; Sony Mobile CommunicatiOns AB; Sony
`Mobile Communications (USA), Inc.; Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; Samsung Electronics
`America, Inc.; LG Electronics, Inc.; LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc.; LG Electronics Mobilecomm
`U.S.A., Inc.; Lenovo Group Ltd.; Lenovo (United States) Inc.; Motorola Mobility, LLC; HTC
`Corporation; HTC America, Inc.; Blackberry Ltd.; and Blackberry Corporation.
`A copy of the Asserted Patent, including the Reexamination Certificate, is
`attached as Exhibit 1.
`Creative Technology Ltd. owns all right, title, and interest in the Asserted Patent.
`An industry as required by 19 U.S.C. § 1337(a)(2) and (3) exists in the United
`States relating to the technology protected by the Asserted Patent.
`Creative seeks as relief a permanent limited exclusion order barring from entry
`into the United States infringing portable electronic devices and components thereof, including
`mobile phones and digital media players. Creative also seeks as relief a cease and desist order
`SONY Exhibit 1005 - Page 20
`prohibiting importation, sale after importation, marketing, advertising, demonstrating,
`warehousing inventory for distribution, offering for sale, selling, distributing, licensing or use of
`infringing portable electronic devices and components thereof, including mobile phones and
`digital media players.
`Creative Technology Ltd. is a public company organized under the laws of
`Singapore, with its principal place of business located at 31 International Business Park, #03-01
`Creative Resource, Singapore 609921. Creative was founded in 1981 with the vision that
`multimedia would revolutionize the way people interact with their PCs. Creative rapidly became
`a worldwide leader in digital entertainment products. Famous for its Sound Blaster sound cards,
`which set the de-facto standard for PC audio in 1989, Creative continues to innovate in the
`Personal Digital Entertainment market, using groundbreaking technology and leading-edge
`designs for not just the technically-savvy consumers, but for everyone who enjoys entertainment.
`With a strong focus on user-friendly interfaces, multiple features and cool industrial designs, the
`Creative brand is synonymous with lifestyle Personal Digital Entertainment.
`Creative Labs, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Creative Technology Ltd.,
`and is incorporated under the laws of California. Creative Labs, Inc. has its primary location at
`1901 McCarthy Boulevard in Milpitas, California where operations include sales, marketing,
`product development, testing, and compliance.
`Upon information and belief, proposed respondent ZTE Corporation is a
`corporation organized and existing under the laws of the People's Republic of China ("China"),
`with its principal place of business a