Vijay K. Madisetti
` 2 ____________________________________________
` 5 Petitioners,
` v.
` 6
` 7 Patent Owner.
` 8 U.S. Patent No. 9,019.83
` Case No. IPR2016-03197
` 9
` 10 U.S. Patent No. 8,155,012
` Case No. IPR2016-01389
` 11
` 12 U.S. Patent No. 8,942,107
` Case No. IPR2016-01391
` 13
` 14 U.S. Patent No. 8,902,760
` Case No. IPR2016-01399
` 15
` 17 The deposition of VIJAY K. MADISETTI
` 18 was taken before Greta H. Duckett, Certified
` 19 Court Reporter, Registered Professional
` 20 Reporter, and Certified Realtime Reporter, as
` 21 Commissioner, on Wednesday, June 21, 2017,
` 22 commencing at approximately 9:11 a.m., in the
` 23 Law Offices of Duane Morris, 1075 Peachtree
` 24 Street NE, Atlanta, Georgia.
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 * * * * * * * *
` 2
` 4
` 6
` 7 Talin Gordnia, Esq.
` 1800 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 900
` 9 Los Angeles, California 90067
` (310)277-1010
` 10
` 11
` 13
` 14 Matthew S. Yungwirth, Esq.
` 1075 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 2000
` 16 Atlanta, Georgia 30309
` (404)253-6935
` 17
` 18 Christopher J. Tyson, Esq.
` 505 9th Street N.W., Suite 1000
` 20 Washington, D.C. 20004
` (202)776-7851
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 2
` 4
` 5 Thomas A. Lewry, Esq.
` 6 Mr. Frank Angeliri, Esq.
` 1000 Town Center, 22nd Floor
` 8 Southfield, Michigan 48075
` (248)358-4400
` 9
` 10
` 12
` 13 Mr. Cole Burnett
` 14 Mr. Ian Crayford, by telephone
` 15
` 16 * * * * * * * *
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 * * * * * * * *
` 2 I N D E X
` 3
` 5
` 6
` 7 BY MS. GORDNIA 235
` BY MR. LEWRY 380
` 8 BY MR. TYSON 386
` 9
` 10
` 11
` 12
` 13
` 14
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 * * * * * * * *
` 2 I N D E X
` 3
` 5
` 6
` 7 BY MS. GORDNIA 235
` BY MR. LEWRY 380
` 8 BY MR. TYSON 386
` 9
` 10
` 11
` 12
` 13
` 14
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 * * * * * * * *
` 3
` 1 Witness notes 83
` 4
` 5
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9
` 2 Belden Technical Papers 110
` 1001-012 U.S. Patent No. US 8,155,012 19
` 1001-107 U.S. Patent No. US 8,942,107 19
` 1001-760 U.S. Patent No. US 8,902,760 19
` 1001-838 U.S. Patent No. US 9,019,838 19
` 1003 International patent 98
` 10 application number 96/23377
` 11 1004 U.S. Patent No. 5,089,927 130
` 12 1005 U.S. Patent No. 4,173,714 216
` 13 2038 Declaration of Madisetti in 20
` '107, '760, and '838 patents
` 14
` 2038-12 Declaration of Madisetti in 20
` 15 '012 patent
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 * * * * * * * *
` 2 MS. GORDNIA: Hi. Good
` 3 morning, Dr. Madisetti. Before we
` 4 get started, we'll just pronounce
` 5 our names for the record. I'm
` 6 Talin Gordnia here with Irell &
` 7 Manella, representing Petitioner
` 8 Juniper Networks.
` 9 MR. YUNGWIRTH: I'm Matt
` 10 Yungwirth, Duane Morris, on behalf
` 11 of Netgear and Ruckus Wireless.
` 12 And with me is Cole Burnett.
` 13 MR. LEWRY: Tom Lewry on behalf
` 14 of ChriMar Systems from Brooks
` 15 Kushman, and Frank Angileri is here
` 16 with me as well.
` 18 the witness, having first been duly
` 19 sworn to speak the truth, the whole truth and
` 20 nothing but the truth, testified as follows:
` 23 Q. Dr. Madisetti, please state
` 24 your full name and home address for the
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 record.
` 2 A. It's Vijay K. Madisetti, and my
` 3 address is 56 Creekside Park Drive, Jones
` 4 Creek, Georgia 30022.
` 5 Q. I thank you.
` 6 Dr. Madisetti, you understand
` 7 that you've just taken an oath to tell the
` 8 truth; correct?
` 9 A. Yes.
` 10 Q. And you understand that this
` 11 oath is of the same force and effect as if
` 12 given in a court of law before a judge and a
` 13 jury; right?
` 14 A. Yes.
` 15 Q. And is there anything
` 16 preventing you from giving your full and
` 17 accurate testimony today?
` 18 A. No.
` 19 Q. Are you taking any medications
` 20 that would impair your ability to testify
` 21 today?
` 22 A. No.
` 23 Q. Have you been deposed before?
` 24 A. Yes.
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 Q. If you do not ask me to clarify
` 2 a question, I will assume that you understand
` 3 the question; is that fair?
` 4 MR. LEWRY: Now, I object.
` 5 That's not fair. If he doesn't --
` 6 if there's a miscommunication, it's
` 7 not fair for you just to assume
` 8 that he understood the question.
` 10 Q. Let me repeat the same
` 11 question. I think it will clarify counsel's
` 12 question.
` 13 I said if you do not ask me to
` 14 clarify a question, I will assume that you
` 15 understand it; is that fair?
` 16 MR. LEWRY: I object.
` 17 A. Yes.
` 18 Q. And are you represented by
` 19 counsel today?
` 20 MR. LEWRY: We represent
` 21 ChriMar. He has been retained by
` 22 ChriMar for purposes of this
` 23 matter, or these matters. And,
` 24 therefore, he's represented in the
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 sense that he is an employee or a
` 2 contractor for ChriMar.
` 4 Q. So just so I can get
` 5 Dr. Madisetti's answer on the record, are you
` 6 here represented by counsel? Is counsel in
` 7 the room representing you?
` 8 A. Based on the guidance from the
` 9 counsel, my understanding is that, yes.
` 10 Q. And you understand that you're
` 11 under oath even if we take a break during
` 12 your deposition; correct?
` 13 A. Yes.
` 14 Q. And you understand that if we
` 15 take a break this evening and continue your
` 16 deposition tomorrow, you will remain under
` 17 oath during that time?
` 18 MR. LEWRY: Object to that.
` 19 We've had a discussion offline
` 20 yesterday, and we've asked for
` 21 clarification from the Board on
` 22 that.
` 23 It's ChriMar's position that
` 24 you're entitled to go for seven
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 hours on one matter, and then, at
` 2 that point, the questioning ends.
` 3 He's free from the restrictions at
` 4 that point, and then you can begin
` 5 another matter at that point. And
` 6 so, in between, he is not under any
` 7 obligations or restrictions with
` 8 respect to being under oath and so
` 9 forth.
` 10 MR. YUNGWIRTH: So is it your
` 11 position that until the Board
` 12 rules, you have an intention of
` 13 talking to him at breaks, or are
` 14 you going to wait until the Board
` 15 rules to make a --
` 16 MR. LEWRY: After seven hours,
` 17 that will be the end of the first
` 18 matter, and then we will be at a
` 19 point where we can talk to him
` 20 again.
` 21 MR. YUNGWIRTH: Okay. It is
` 22 our position that you will be
` 23 violating the rules if you do that,
` 24 and then we will bring the
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 appropriate request for relief from
` 2 the Board, should you violate the
` 3 rules until you get relief from the
` 4 Board. Simple as that.
` 5 We understand your position.
` 6 We disagree. If you choose to
` 7 violate the rules, that's your
` 8 choice.
` 9 MR. LEWRY: You've noticed four
` 10 separate depositions. We got four
` 11 separate deposition notices, one
` 12 for each matter.
` 13 MR. YUNGWIRTH: Actually, you
` 14 got one deposition notice that was
` 15 served in four matters, but it was
` 16 the same deposition notice across
` 17 all four.
` 18 MR. LEWRY: The language may
` 19 have been the same in terms of the
` 20 text of the language of the notice,
` 21 but each one had a different
` 22 caption, each one was for a
` 23 different matter, and so there are
` 24 four separate depositions. We've
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 agreed that we will condense them
` 2 into three days. That's fine. But
` 3 each matter is taken up
` 4 sequentially. That's our position.
` 5 If you have a different view,
` 6 that's --
` 7 MR. YUNGWIRTH: We disagree.
` 8 It's our position that should you
` 9 talk to him on a break, you're
` 10 violating the rules, and we'll ask
` 11 for relief from the court.
` 12 MR. LEWRY: To be clear, we do
` 13 not intend to talk to him at
` 14 breaks, such as normal breaks, like
` 15 lunch or whatever, until the seven
` 16 hours has run. At that point, we
` 17 are free to talk to him, is our
` 18 view. So we can --
` 19 MR. YUNGWIRTH: You do so at
` 20 your own risk. It's your license.
` 21 MR. LEWRY: I don't believe
` 22 that, but that's fine.
` 24 Q. Okay. Dr. Madisetti, leaving
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 that discussion aside, I represent to you
` 2 that, under the rules that we're operating
` 3 under currently, under the default rules,
` 4 until ChriMar gets any sort of relief from
` 5 the Board, the rules require that you not
` 6 speak to your counsel during breaks. And as
` 7 you heard, it's our position that that break
` 8 could be at the end of the day today as well.
` 9 So I'll represent that to you.
` 10 And I'll just ask that you
` 11 confirm you heard what I said.
` 12 A. I heard what you said.
` 13 Q. So given your counsel's
` 14 statement that they do not intend to speak
` 15 with you during normal breaks, you understand
` 16 that during those breaks you are under oath
` 17 and so you may not speak with your counsel
` 18 regarding the subject matter of the IPRs or
` 19 your deposition.
` 20 Do you understand?
` 21 A. I do.
` 22 Q. And you understand that during
` 23 your deposition, your counsel cannot instruct
` 24 you not to answer a question unless it's
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 necessary to preserve privilege?
` 2 Do you understand that?
` 3 A. I do.
` 4 Q. And you understand that unless
` 5 your counsel instructs you not to answer a
` 6 question due to a privilege issue, you must
` 7 answer the question?
` 8 Do you understand that?
` 9 A. Yes.
` 10 Q. Okay. Before we proceed, I'd
` 11 like to go over some abbreviations, just so
` 12 that, if I refer to something, you understand
` 13 exactly what I'm speaking about.
` 14 If I refer to the '012 Patent,
` 15 do you understand that that's U.S. Patent
` 16 Number 8,155,012?
` 17 A. Yes.
` 18 Q. And if I refer to the
` 19 '107 Patent, you understand that that's
` 20 U.S. Patent Number 8,942,107?
` 21 A. Yes.
` 22 Q. And if I refer to the
` 23 '760 Patent, you understand that that refers
` 24 to U.S. Patent Number 8,902,760?
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 A. Yes.
` 2 Q. And if I refer to the
` 3 '838 Patent, you understand that that refers
` 4 to U.S. Patent Number 9,019,838?
` 5 A. Yes.
` 6 Q. And if I refer to "ChriMar" for
` 7 short, I'm referring to ChriMar Systems, Inc.
` 8 Do you understand?
` 9 A. Yes.
` 10 Q. And "the ChriMar patents," if I
` 11 use that term, or the four patents, I'm
` 12 referring to Patent Number -- the '012, '107,
` 13 '760, and '838 Patents.
` 14 Do you understand?
` 15 A. All of them?
` 16 Q. Together, yes. If I refer to
` 17 "ChriMar patents," I'm referring to those
` 18 four numbers.
` 19 A. Okay.
` 20 Q. And if I use the abbreviation
` 21 IPR, I'm referring to an inter partes review.
` 22 Do you understand?
` 23 A. Yes.
` 24 Q. And if I refer to "the IPRs" or
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 "these IPRs," I'm referring to the four IPRs,
` 2 numbers IPR2016-01389, -01391, -01397, and
` 3 -01399. Do you understand that if I say "the
` 4 IPRs" or "these IPRs," I'm referring to those
` 5 four?
` 6 A. Yes.
` 7 Q. Dr. Madisetti, you've reviewed
` 8 the ChriMar patents in preparation for
` 9 today's deposition; correct?
` 10 A. Yes.
` 11 Q. And do you agree that the
` 12 ChriMar patents all have the same
` 13 specification?
` 14 A. I would have to look closely at
` 15 the specification. They are very similar.
` 16 Q. Are you aware of any
` 17 differences, having reviewed them?
` 18 A. I would have to look at them
` 19 again, but they're very similar.
` 20 Q. Okay. And how about the
` 21 figures? Do the four ChriMar patents all
` 22 have the same figures?
` 23 A. I would have to look at them.
` 24 Q. Are you aware of any
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 differences?
` 2 A. I would have to look at them.
` 3 Q. And the ChriMar patents, they
` 4 all claim priority to the same provisional
` 5 application? Are you aware of that?
` 6 A. Generally, yes.
` 7 Q. Dr. Madisetti, you're aware
` 8 that certain claims of the four IPR -- the
` 9 four ChriMar patents are being challenged in
` 10 these IPRs; right?
` 11 A. Generally, yes.
` 12 Q. And you've reviewed -- and you
` 13 have reviewed the challenged claims of the
` 14 ChriMar patents in preparation for your
` 15 deposition; correct?
` 16 A. Yes.
` 17 Q. And you've provided testimony
` 18 in these IPRs regarding who a person of
` 19 ordinary skill in the art would be in
` 20 relationship to the ChriMar patents; is that
` 21 right?
` 22 A. Yes. I would like to look at
` 23 my declaration.
` 24 Q. But you do believe that you
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 have provided some opinion as to who a person
` 2 of ordinary skill in the art would be; right?
` 3 A. Yes. I would like to look at
` 4 my declaration to confirm the precise
` 5 wording.
` 6 Q. Do you believe that you,
` 7 yourself, are a person of ordinary skill in
` 8 the art in relation to the ChriMar patents?
` 9 A. Yes, at least.
` 10 Q. And how about by about the end
` 11 of 1997, at that time, were you a person of
` 12 ordinary skill in the art with respect to the
` 13 subject matter of the ChriMar patents?
` 14 A. Yes.
` 15 Q. As a person of ordinary skill
` 16 in the art, when you read the specification
` 17 and figures of the ChriMar patents, do you
` 18 believe that they teach a person of ordinary
` 19 skill in the art how to practice the
` 20 challenged claims --
` 21 MR. LEWRY: Objection.
` 23 Q. -- of those patents?
` 24 MR. LEWRY: Objection. Form
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 and relevance.
` 2 A. As I said, I would like to look
` 3 at my declarations.
` 4 Q. Okay. We can do that.
` 5 A. And also the patents.
` 6 MS. GORDNIA: So we'll mark a
` 7 few things for the record. So
` 8 please mark this as
` 9 Exhibit 1001-012.
` 10 (Exhibit 1001-012 was marked
` 11 for identification.)
` 12 (Exhibit 1001-760 was marked
` 13 for identification.)
` 14 (Exhibit 1001-838 was marked
` 15 for identification.)
` 16 (Exhibit 1001-107 was marked
` 17 for identification.)
` 19 Q. Okay. Dr. Madisetti, you have
` 20 in front of you four exhibits marked
` 21 1001-012, -107, -838, and -760.
` 22 Do you see that?
` 23 A. I do.
` 24 Q. And these are the four ChriMar
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 patents in the IPRs; correct?
` 2 A. Yes.
` 3 (Exhibit 2038 was marked for
` 4 identification.)
` 5 (Exhibit 2038-012 was marked
` 6 for identification.)
` 8 Q. And you also have in front of
` 9 you Exhibit 2038 and Exhibit 2038-012?
` 10 A. Yes.
` 11 Q. And these are the two
` 12 declarations that you've provided in the
` 13 IPRs?
` 14 A. Yes.
` 15 Q. And, Dr. Madisetti, are you
` 16 aware of any differences between your two
` 17 declarations? Or strike that.
` 18 Are there any differences
` 19 between your two declarations, aside from the
` 20 headings on each page and the cover page
` 21 referring to different IPR numbers?
` 22 A. There are some citations that
` 23 are numbered differently.
` 24 Q. Okay. But substantively, they
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 contain the same arguments; is that right?
` 2 A. Again, it depends on -- I would
` 3 refer to each of these documents as separate
` 4 documents.
` 5 Q. But outside of citations, are
` 6 there any substantive differences in what
` 7 you've provided as your opinions in these two
` 8 exhibits?
` 9 A. I mean, they're generally
` 10 similar, but I would defer to any particular
` 11 specific question to the declaration in
` 12 question.
` 13 Q. Okay. So going back to my
` 14 question before we marked the exhibits, if
` 15 you were to look at the patents, the four
` 16 ChriMar patents, is it your testimony, as a
` 17 person of ordinary skill in the art, that
` 18 these patent specifications and figures teach
` 19 one of ordinary skill in the art how to
` 20 practice the claims of the patents?
` 21 MR. LEWRY: Objection. Form.
` 22 Relevance.
` 23 A. I don't believe I have opined
` 24 on that issue in these declarations, so I
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 would request you to point me to a particular
` 2 portion of my declaration that you're
` 3 referring to.
` 4 Q. So I'm asking specifically
` 5 about the four patents. And we can go to
` 6 the -- the '107 Patent, Exhibit 1001-107. If
` 7 you could flip to Claim 1 of that patent,
` 8 please.
` 9 A. Okay. I am on Claim 1 of the
` 10 '107 Patent.
` 11 Q. And you've read the language of
` 12 Claim 1 of the '107 Patent; correct?
` 13 A. Yes, I did.
` 14 Q. And you've provided an opinion
` 15 as to the validity of Claim 1 of the
` 16 '107 Patent; is that right?
` 17 MR. LEWRY: Objection. Form.
` 18 A. I have provided in my
` 19 declaration a rebuttal to the grounds raised
` 20 by the petition.
` 21 Q. Is it your opinion that Claim 1
` 22 of the '107 Patent is valid with respect to
` 23 the prior art that's at issue in this -- in
` 24 these IPRs?
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`Vijay K. Madisetti
` 1 MR. LEWRY: Objection. Form.
` 2 Relevance.
` 3 A. As I describe, I wouldn't
` 4 categorize it using the term -- terms that
` 5 you have used. The way I would categorize my
` 6 declaration and the opinions thereof as
` 7 rebutting and disagreeing with the assertions
` 8 made by the petitioner and their expert, that
` 9 the two grounds render the claims obvious.
` 10 Q. Having read Claim 1 of the
` 11 '107 Patent and having read the '107 Patent
` 12 itself, as you testified you have done, is it
` 13 your opinion that one of ordinary skill in
` 14 the art would know how to practice Claim 1
` 15 given the disclosures in the specification of
` 16 the '107 Patent?
` 17 MR. LEWRY: Objection. Form.
` 18 Relevance.
` 19 A. As I answered earlier, my
` 20 declarations do not provide such an opinion.
` 21 If you could

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