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`its context. I. To exude or give all in drops or small quantities.
`tively. to turning somethin . such as the human mind or judg-
`—lntr. 1. To undergo or be produced by distillation. a. To tall
`ment. from a true course.
`nor! usually teiersto melting twisted
`or exude in drops or small quantities.
`[Middle English distil-
`or knotty in a physical sense.
`led. to trickle. drip. distill. from Old French distiller. from Latin
`dlvtor-tlon (dis-tor'shen) n. 1."I‘iie set or an instance of dis-
`druids». dirn'liiire id§—, down + “more. to drip. from stiller.
`tcriin ._ a. The condition of being distorted. a. Optics. A dis-
`drop.| —dlo-tlll'a-blo ad].
`tortc image resulting from imperlecuons insn optical system.
`such as a lens. 4. Electronics. a.An undesired change In the
`disrtil-Iaha [dla‘lo-lil'. dis-tll'lll n. 1.The liquid condensed lrom
`vapor in distillation. 2. Anything regarded as an essence or
`waveform of a signal.
`It. Any consequence of such a change;
`purified lottl'l. Also called “distillation."
`especially. dirtitnished clarity in reception or reproduction.
`dis-til-la-tlon [dls’te-Ii'slien) n. 1. Any oi various heat-depend-
`5. Psychoanalysis. The modification of unconscious impulses
`into forms aweptablc by conscious or dreaming perception.
`ent processes used to purify or separate a fraction of a relatively
`—dia-eor’tlon-ai ad'l'.
`complex substance: especially. the vaporization of a li. ttid mix-
`distr. distributor.
`ture with subsequent collection of components by di fercntlal
`cooling to condensation. 2. A distillate.
`dis-tract (die—traltt‘l rr.v. -Iraesad. «roofing. «room. 1. To cause
`to turn away from the original locus of attention or interest; to
`disullation column A tall cylindrical meta] shell intemsily
`fitted with pericrated horizontal plates used to promote separa-
`tion of miscible liquids ascending in the shell as vapor.
`dis-silica tdla-tfl'er) n. 1. One that distills. as a condenser; a
`still._ 2. A producer or maker of alcoholic liquors by the process
`ol distillation.
`fdis-tll'o—ré) n.. pl. -laa. An establishment or plsnl
`{or distill rig. especially alcoholic liquors.
`dis-tines (dis-tingltt'] my. 1. Not identical: individual: discrete.
`2.Nol similar; different: unlike. 3. Easily perceived bylthe
`senses or intellect; clear. I. Well-defined; explicit: unquestion-
`able --See 8 nonyms at evident. -Sec Usage note at dls—
`[Mi die English.
`separated. different.
`from Old
`French. from Latin dislirrerus. past participle of dnrtuguere, pis-
`flNOUlEHJ ——d.laeslnea’ly adv. —dla-1;lnes’rule 11.
`tlla-tinc-flon (dis-tingk'ahsn) r1. 1. The action of distinguialtlng;
`discrimination; differentiation. _z.T1w condition or factpf
`being dissimilar or distinct: a difference. 3.A distinguishing
`factor. attribute. or characteristic. 4. Excellence or eminence.
`as of performance. character. or reputation: a men of distinc-
`5. Recognition of achievement or superiority; honor:
`graduate with distinction. —See Synonyms at difference.
`dls-tlne-tiva fdls-tlnglt'tIVJ ad].
`1. Serving to identify: distin-
`uisliing: distinctive tribal retinas.
`.2. Characteristic: distinctive
`habits. 3.1.t'muistlcs. Phonemically relevant. -5ee Synonyms
`at charaflaslaslc. —dia~tlno‘tlua-ly ad's. ——dlo-tlnic’lle-noaa r1.
`Usage: Dirtlncrivc and distinct are related but seldom inter-
`changesble Without difference at meaning. A distinctive odor
`sets something apart: a distinct odor is an unmistakable one. A
`distinctive manner of speaking sharply characterizes a person; a
`distinct manner em hasiecs clarity. Two distincrive groups are.
`again. individualistic (with respect to all others);
`two distinct
`groups are separate ones (primarl with respect to each other).
`dis-tinge“ desfting-ga'. til-sting 3!: French dis-iais- I']
`Distinguished in appearance. manner. or bearing.
`fFrene .
`dia-tin-guish {dis-ting’gwish) v. ~gulalied.
`tubing. val-tin.
`—-tr. 1.To recognize as being different or distinct. 1.To pet-
`ceive distinctly: discern: make out. a. To detect or recognize:
`pick out. I. To make noticeable or different: set. span. a. To
`cause to be eminent or recognmd. Usually used in the reflexive:
`irked “metro-Ir q statesmen. —i’rirr. To perceive or
`"entices; discriminate. Usually used with among or
`[Middle English dimmers. lroni Old French dismi-
`gurr ( resenl_stem dirtlriguLfs-l. from Latin distinguere. to sepa-
`istinguuli. See aiatg- in Appandia.'] «witn’gulsti-a-oia
`adj. —dis-tllr’ ulshoa-bly adv.
`ized by excellence or
`Istinclion: eminenl: renowned. 2. Dig-
`(dll-tlnéfgwlsl‘lt) ad}. Abbe llllt. 1. Character-
`oified in conduct or appearance.
`islfld Conduct Medal. Alain. I19“. A British mili-
`ration for distinguished conduct In the field.
`distract you fmm|rhr real Mufflers." ((3.5. Wis). 2. To pull in
`sidetrack: divert: "Do not offer any remirémry excitement to
`conflicting directions: unsettle; bewilder.
`[Middle English dis-
`rmcrrn. from Latin dis-imbue (past participle disrmctur), to pull
`apart. draw awe . perplax :df'lu apart. aside + trailers, to draw
`a .
`Ititeewm h- in. ppendix‘lJ —dls-tr-e’ilve ad]. —dls-c-Ier’-
`dia-traet-ad (dis-trak’tld) dd}. 1. Having the attention diverted.
`2. Suffering conflicting emotions: distraught. See Synonyms at
`forgetful. —dla-traet‘ad-ly edit.
`divine-don (disvtrak’sh‘sn) n. 1. The act of distracting or the
`condition of being distracted; a diversion from an original
`locus. 2. Anything fliat compels attention or distracts; espe-
`cially. an amusement. :. Extreme mental or emotional disturb-
`once: obsession: "I
`loved Doro Spa-dew to dermcti'orr!"
`dis-train (dit-trln‘) v. malt-tad. «raining, drains. Low. -ir.
`1. To seize and hold (pro on ) to compel aymenl or repara-
`tion, as of debts. 1. To
`t e pronerty o (a person) in order
`to compel pa merit of debts: to distress.
`.-i‘nir. To levy a dis-
`tress. Mid 1e English dirtrei'nrn.
`to seize. compel. detain.
`lrom 0 d French dsslm‘sdn (present stem desirstgn-). from
`Medieval Latin distrirrgara,
`to seise. compel. from Latin. to
`draw apart. detain. hinder :dls‘. apart «1- stringers, to draw tight
`{see smlg- in Appendiit').] —dta-eraln'a.ela ad}. “dig-trait!-
`m-nr n. —eta-rr-I'nor (—tra'nor). eta-train'er n.
`dia-Irlln-u [dls'trl-ne’) n. Low. One who has been distrained.
`dla-lrllnt (dislrlntfl :1. Law. The act or process of distrainiug: a
`[From DISTRAIN (after sssmtn. RESTRAIN‘I'JJ
`dia-traughfldis-trfit’] ad]. 1. Anxious or agitated: harried; wor-
`ried. I. Crazed: mad.
`-—-See Synonyms at obauaeasd.
`dle English. alteration oi distract. distracted. from Latin dis-
`trirclits. past partimpie of dirtmltere. to perplca. Dis'i'ttac‘rJ
`dis-tress (dis-trds‘l tr. v. circa-ed. —trsaalng. «some. 1. To cause
`anxiety or suffering to: to worry or upset. 2. To bring into
`difficult circumstances. especially financial I. Archaic. To con-
`strain by harassment. a. Law. To hold the_property of (a per-
`son) against the payment of debts; to distratn. -n. 1. Anxiety
`or suffering; sorrow: unhappiness. 2. Severe strain resulting
`from exhaustion._accide_nt. or the like. 3.111: condition of
`being in need of immediate assistance: a damsel in dinner; a
`ship In distress. 6. Law. a. The act of distia‘tni
`or seizing. as
`goods. b. The goods thus seized.
`[Middle Eng isli dirimsen.
`denim-sen. irorn Old French destresrer. from desrrerse. “narrow
`passa e." strait. constraint. from Vulgar Latin dirrri’cn‘a (unat-
`teste ). narrowness. lrom Lauri dislrlriur. past participle of dis-
`tri'ngrn. "tzgrraw tight." detain. hinder. See diagram] —dlg.
`(dis—tres’ioi) air.
`1. Causing distress.
`I. Etperi-
`encing distress. —dla-esaa’lul-ly adn o—dEa-trou'lul-n-sa n.
`diluti’ibou-tar-y fdis-trlb’ye-tir’él n., pl. -Iaa. A branch of a river
`that flows away lrom the main stream and does not return to it;
`tary _
`ration awarded for heroism or_extraordinsry achieve-
`especially. such a branch on the delta of a large river. Compare
`Diotlwm Flying Croce. Abbe one. D.F.c. 1. A US. mili-
`ment in aerial combat. :. A similar British decoration awarded
`to oilioers of the Royal Air Force.
`dil-lfllym. (sills-lrlb’yafil) "5v. ~ulld. daring. -usa|. 1.‘I‘o divide
`Diathguialsadfiarvlea Croat Abbr. use. 0.8.6. 1. A US.
`and dtlpensein portions; parcel out. 2. To deliver or pass out:
`handbii’l's on the street. 3. To spread or diffuse over
`Army decoration awarded for exceptional heroism in combat.
`a. A British decoration sivarded to officers of the Royal Navy
`an area.
`ften used in the passive: a widely distributed species.
`for gallantry in action.
`4. To separate into categories: classify.
`5. Logic. To use (a
`term] so as to include all individuals or entities of a given clan.
`Dietingulahod Service Medal. Abbe oaM. 1. A U.s.
`decoration awarded for distinguished performance in a
`E. Pfinrihg. To separate (type) and replace in the proper boxes.
`[Middle English di‘stribuien, from Latin distribwrs :dig—, apart
`duty 0 great responsibility. 2. A British decoration awarded to
`noncommissioned officers and men in the Royal Navy and
`+ tribune, to allot. grant (an: tribute.“
`Royal Marines for distinguished conduct in was.
`Synonyms: distribute, divide, dispense. dole. deal. ration. These
`verbs mean to we somethin Is I portion or share. Distribute is
`Distinguished Service Order. Abbe 03.0. A British military
`decoration for gallantry in action.
`the least apcei tc. Divide imp les giving out portions determined
`die-tort fdbtbn') .lr.v. nomad. messing. -torta. 1 . To twist out of
`by plan and purpose. often equal parts or portions based on
`what is due or deserved. Dispense struses even more the sense
`a proper or natural relation ofpsrts; misshape; contort. a. To
`cast false light on: alter misleadingly; misrepresent. I. To cause
`of eareiul determination of portions according to what is con—
`to work in a twisted °." disorderly manner: to pervert.
`stdered due or proper. Dole (usually loilowed by our) implies
`careful and scant measurement of portions: often it applies to
`tot-cu re, to twist (see talisw- in Appendis').l —dla-tort’ar n.
`dirtotgur‘re (past participle distnrtus)
`.- did-i apart. aside +
`distribution of charity or something given reluctantly. Deni sug-
`Synonym: distort. twist. deform. consort. warp. gnarl. These
`gests orderiy'and e pliable distribution. piece by piece. Ration
`refers to equitable ivision of scarce items. often necessities. by
`verbs mean to change the form or character of something. usu-
`a system that limits individual portions.
`ally to its disadvantage. Dinar: applies to physical change in
`shape. as by bending. wrenching. or magerali
`cumin fea-
`dia-Iri-hu-Ilon (dls'lro-byfii’shon) n. 1. The set of distributing
`tures: to verbal or pictorial misrepresentation: an to alteration
`or the condition of being distributed: apportionment. 2. Some-
`thingdiitributed: an allotment. s. The act of dispersing or the
`has similar application ul intensifies t e idea of marked and
`or perversion of meaningof somethings okcn or written. Twist
`condition of being dispersed; a diffusion. I. The geographical
`occurrence or range of an organism. 8. Division into catego~
`deliberate change. Deform relcrs only to physical change that
`dlsi'rgures and usually depnves the object of attractiveness or
`ties: classification. I. Low. The division of an estate or prop-
`erty among rightful heirs. 1. Commerce. The process of mar-
`capacity for normal functioning. Cantor! implies violent phys-
`keting and merchandising goods. 8. Any
`atial or temporal
`ical change that produwl unnatural or grotesque effects._Wurp
`can refer to physical turning or twisting out of shape or. figura-
`array of objects or events: the distribution a theaters on Brood-
`yes I. sehra. si'sehh vision]: about. item. edible. gallop, cit-ens,l
`(it'll/N Fr. boll.
`'Folfm main vocabulary. fOf obscure orlgln.
`tttightlth thin. path/i}: this bathe/n cutidr urgelv valve w with!
`.tsrnifw Fr. fee, on. ,clwn/a Fr. m, arr. [liter/Jill
`rr. lclr.

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