`GEP Power Products, Inc.
`Arctic Cat Inc.
`Patent Owner
`Patent No. 7,072,188
`Inter Partes Review No. 2016-01385
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(b)(2), Patent Owner hereby timely provides
`supplemental evidence in response to
`Dated: April 21, 2017
` Respectfully submitted,
`By: __ /Jason S. Jackson/_____
`Jason S. Jackson
`Reg. No. 56,733
`Counsel for Patent Owner
`I hereby
`Response was served on April 21, 2017 via e-mail to counsel for Petitioners at the
`Michael Griggs
`Eric Lalor
`Sarah Wong
`Boyle Fredrickson
`840 North Plankinton Ave.
`Milwaukee, WI 53203
`Dated: April 21, 2017
`/Jason S. Jackson/
`Jason S. Jackson
`Reg. No. 56733
`Attorney for Patent Owner
`GEP Power Products, Inc.
`Arctic Cat Inc.
`Patent Owner
`Patent No. 7,072,188
`Inter Partes Review No. 2016-01385
`Arctic Cat
`Exhibit 2036
`I, Darrel Janisch, declare as follows:
`I have personal knowledge of the matters set forth herein, and if I am called
`to testify, I could testify competently thereto.
` Exhibit 2004 is a true and correct copy of an email that I
`sent to Ken Boyd and others
`2001 regarding the
`on May 30,
`I designed at Arctic
`2005 is a true and correct copy of an email that I
`sent to Ken Boyd and others on June 29, 2001 regarding my PDM design.
`6 is a true and correct copy of an email that I
`sent to Ken Boyd and others on June 29, 2001 regarding my PDM design.
`initiated on August 20, 2001 regarding my PDM design.
`from Tyco dated October 10, 2001 reflecting my PDM design.
`from Tyco dated October 17, 2001 reflecting my PDM design.
`Tyco I reviewed dated January 16, 2002 showing my PDM design.
`Tyco I reviewed dated February 6, 2002 showing my PDM design.
`my PDM design that existed at least as early as April 1, 2002.
`sent to employees of Tyco and others on April 1, 2002 regarding my PDM
`Tyco I reviewed dated April 2, 2002 showing my PDM design.
`5 is a true and correct copy of an email that I
`received from an employee of Tyco on April 29, 2002 regarding my PDM
`sent to employees of Tyco on June 29, 2001 regarding my PDM design.
`sent to employees of Arctic Cat on May 17, 2002 regarding my PDM design.
`received from an employee of Tyco on May 21, 2002 regarding my PDM
`participated in regarding my PDM design.
`t copy of an email thread I
`sent to employees of Tyco on June 26, 2002 regarding my PDM design.
`sent to employees of Tyco on August 16, 2002 regarding my PDM design.
`rect copy of an email that I
`received from Tyco dated October 18, 2002 reflecting my PDM design.
`Exhibit 2023 is a true and correct copy of an email that I
`received from an employee of Tyco on October 28, 2002 regarding my PDM
`sent to employees of Tyco on November 04, 2002 regarding my PDM
`participated in regarding my PDM design.
`received from an employee of Tyco on January 27, 2003 regarding my PDM
`received from an employee of Tyco on January 30, 2003 regarding my PDM
`email that I
`received from Ken Boyd on March 12, 2003 regarding my PDM design.
`sent to employees of Tyco on March 26, 2003 regarding my PDM design.
`rue and correct copy of an email thread
`that I participated in regarding my PDM design.
`that I participated in regarding my PDM design.
`Cat and Tyco that is consistent with my understanding of discussions
`ail thread between Arctic
`sent on September 25, 2001 regarding my PDM design.
`I declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledge are true, that
`all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true, and
`further that these statements were made with the knowledge that willful false
`statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or
`both, under Section 1001 or Title 18 of the United States Code.
`By Darrel Janisch:
`1‘ : Harm-W...)
`Date: 52112 '6 E13 £0! 2
`I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Second
`Declaration of Darrel Janisch was served on April 21, 2017 via e-mail to counsel
`for Petitioners at the following:
`Michael Griggs
`Eric Lalor
`Sarah Wong
`Boyle Fredrickson
`840 North Plankinton Ave.
`Milwaukee, WI 53203
`Dated: April 21, 2017
`/Jason S. Jackson/
`Jason S. Jackson
`Reg. No. 56733
`Attorney for Patent Owner