`Sezrest-.1 Indusliiat Par;,.81.-F4 Siud RNtd. Scc.,:tTisbv Vicr.).na 3170 At.,,,,,traiP
`n'fp fw4.4 nintntio com. u
`ry Poi",,,e0i Avenue.. Albany. 4:kfc,k'And
`Immersion Ex 2012-1, Apple v Immersion, IPR2016-01381


`Wortanty RTifion
`VS Mode
`ieT Mode
`,t Ready For The fibt Of The
`Ui tg The Controller
`The Fiirdendol.6 64 (*Wales
`iri 4.-trknift;
`14rid .hai if hus ín: our siandartis
`NiNtr. TOO tkl:S re riell?Cti tins pr-oduci
`Tnis eal is t:/0111" aSSIITY4?"
`CAAERILI,Y RE A0 *F}-1E CONSUMER i.t}:t-ArctitAT'05t4
`Ir.K GAM: r
`[ab-iruløy i
`14:boruktry. it<
`411., ç.
`fPfOrirtritiO.n in-
`enioyme.sit of your new garne Keep this instr-odicm book 43.i und, Aoarranty
`the Nintendo 64 System.
`1 hank you
`for selectina
`safe place for futur
`instruction bcokic.:11
`the Super S.rnc,..,!.;-,
`!JOWL' rtlitnert(14)
`tit:It At
`i":11(.1 4.41-CCSINil;
`ffobritittig '
`Immersion Ex 2012-2, Apple v Immersion, IPR2016-01381


`the Rumble Pak accessory
`Make sure that the Control Deck is OFF when Inserting
`Rumble Pak accessory instruction booklet carefully.
`accessory. Before using it, make sure to road the
`This game is compatible with the Rumble Pak-
`1164 Rumble paTM
`3- 0:
`4°P9i-fvF?S' carne mode-s.
`ct,iiriiÉeY6 in arde t.i,) play the
`ihfeo úrif:,,sdr
`press RESET or turn the power OFF to make the connection active.
`It you change the connection during the game. you will need to either
`Player 4. You cannot start the game it the first controller socket is empty.
`Beginning on the left. the sockets are for Player 1: Player 2. Player 3 and
`the appropriate controller socket on the front of the Control Deck,
`k, four players can play this game. Connect each playees controller to
`Connecting tíT+e. Nintendo 64 Controller
`index finger on the Z Button on the back of the
`C Buttons. Place your left
`access the A. B
`thumb. Using your right thumb. you can easily
`can operate the Control Stick freely w,vith your left
`the left. By holding the controller like this, you
`recommend you use the hand positions shown on
`WFfi!c playing aie Super Smash Bues. game, we
`flelldmng the Nintendo 64- Controlger
`he Control Stick is a precision instrument, make sure not to spill
`place any foreign obtects ;Tito it.
`holding down The L. and R Buttons.
`the picture on the left) then press START
`can return to its centre position (as shown in
`has started. let go of the Control Stick so it
`To reset the neutral ,po5ìtion once the game
`games using the Control St tk. to operate
`will be set as neutral. This will cause
`when the power ,ti turned ON, this position
`position (as shown in the picture on the left)
`II the Control Stick is held at
`Stick from its neutral position on the controller
`When fumìng the Control Deck power ON. do not move the Control
`ti:at is riot possible usino the corlvé?i'Itsorial I. Control Pad.
`.â'1g3E, and directions of its rnovesTertd. This allows prec;sstori corltri3l
`Th=' ivit'si?rir'.o 64 Ccsrstrol Stick uses an analogue syste; to read the
`Control Stick Function
`Immersion Ex 2012-3, Apple v Immersion, IPR2016-01381


`fighting stance_
`by on enemy,. press Fir us you land to resume your
`Tap efl Or right while pressing E4
`roll if thrown
`Grob enem/Droo item
`FAf 1tt
`FI Shield
`jumping for aerial attacks!
`for different attacks. Try various combinations while
`Combine fi with Tilts and Taps in different directions
`smiksh Attack
`Strong :Attack
`oWeak Attack
`!.^.6(' ett..4,11,vneenaso.,.*M,'
`the (onto! Stick.
`... .R.114
`Ouickiy Tilt and rt;i
`Tilt and hold the (orrtr,,,1
`,ese two moves form the
`nique types of Control Stick
`your characters mils.
`boss to
`functions-the Tilt and the Tap.
`Super Smash Bros. features tv
`Grab enemy/Drop item
`- -
`characies Special Attacks.
`on page 18 for each
`See Character Descriptions
`Button Spode Attaas
`Jump Down
`Mid-air Jump
`Control Stkiti'i?"61
`finishing Pse
`Immersion Ex 2012-4, Apple v Immersion, IPR2016-01381


`The baffle begins when you press START!
`to the arrows in the Time section and pressing the A Button.
`Change the time limit for each level to either five minutes ai no limit by moving the cursor
`Time Limit
`to any setting between Very Easy and Very Hard.
`scroll through the chokes. Choose to fight with up to five lives, and set the difficulty level
`Move the cursor to the yellow arrows in the Options section, and press the A Button to
`Stock Life and Difficulty Level
`character ore shown in the bottom -right corner of the screen.
`your charorter's appearance with the tï Button. High scores for the game end for each
`Button, then drop the chip on another character by pressing the A Button again. Change
`character of your choice, then pressing the A Button. To change characters press the B
`Choose your character on the Charoder Select screen by moving the cursor and chip to the
`Battle your way putt various enemies and through bonus stages to the reach the final boss.
`Bonus i Practice, and Bonus 2 Practice.
`The i P Mode offers four different options for single players: i P Game, Training Mode,
`i 3 for more details.
`Mode standings. See page
`characters as well as VS
`Get information on the
`Foi more info, see page
`Team Battle modes of play.
`Featuring Free -for -All and
`setting the ganse options.
`See page 13 for details on
`fai details.
`player modes. See page 7
`Featuring four single-
`Press START on the Title screen to reach the Made Select screen and the following four
`Mode Select Screen
`forget to defend against his attacks, or you may gel knocked off
`Meter, the easier it is to knock your opponent off. But don't
`flying off the stage. The higher the reading on the Damage
`Barrage Meter, then delivers the finishing blow to send him
`character uses his signature moves to build up his opponent's
`Smash Bros. is anything but o typical fighting game, Each
`ore on the scene and ready for the Fight of their lives! But Super
`Mario, Link.. Pikachu, and a host of all,str?r ttintendo character:
`, ';,,
`Immersion Ex 2012-5, Apple v Immersion, IPR2016-01381


`motion battle.
`Item - Stroll between items with the Control Stick. The selected item appears when
`CP -
`Set the Computer Player's action to Stand, Walk, Evade, Jump, or Attack.
`Speed - Set the speed toi/ 1 (regular speed), or 2/3. 1/2, o: 1/4 speed for slow-
`the A Button is pressed.
`Mode options:
`Press START to access the Pause sueea. from here you can adjust the following Training
`item setting.
`This displays the current
`speed setting.
`This displays the current
`current setting.
`This displays gour opponent s
`Opponent s:3ffinu
`Training Mode Options
`of marks in the last combo.
`This displays the number
`Combo Meter
`fir the last attack combo.
`Titis displays the total damage
`Anet!^. Damage Meter
`the two contestants, but it has a let more information than that!
`Like the 1- Ployer battle screen, the Training Mode screen also has Damage Meters for
`The Training Mode Screen
`character, your opponent, and the battle stage, then begin your ?raining session!
`The Training Mode is the best way to learn each character's moves. Choose your
`plenty of ways to rack up points!
`rire level without taking any damage. With more than twenty pretial bonuses, there ore
``here are also special bonuses for clearing the level quickly, not using items: and clearing
`each board, for each second remaining on the timer, and for damage done to enemies.
`High scores are kept for both the game nad for eoch character.. Receive points for (leering
`character the next time you play!
`Challenge Match with a mystery opponent. If you defeat that opponent, you con use that
`If you've met certoin conditions in defeating the boss in the 1- Player game, you will enter u
`Challenge Match!
`Darnagr Meter
`Computer Moyer
`file minute ttfFle limit
`(appears only when using
`rmc Remaining
`will run out. and the game will end.
`level you were defected on, If you choose NO. your game ends. If you don't choose, time
`if you choose YES, your point total is tuf in half, and you start from the beginning of the
`if you lose your last stock life before defeating the boss, you have the option to continue.
`though all the Íeveis to fete the final boss!
`it is 4ivr y easy to fall from some stages, so take care trot tri de yourself in fight your wuy
`enemy may be able to knock you off. Al > o:
`if your uYn ßnttge Meter reti^ he, 100%, yo r
`vows- side. Attack yeert enemy te blind up his Dotage Meier, then deliver the finishing blond;
`seven you fight more than one enemy, while to others one or more characters will fight on
`in tine i - Ployer game you must knock your enemy off the stage to dour each level. in some
`The Battle Screen
`Immersion Ex 2012-6, Apple v Immersion, IPR2016-01381


`Press the B Button to exit the Options screen.
`t ; ti1i.
`Set the damage rate for attacks. At SV1. you f.n c,tk y c,uR o ppr.otlr'rst hot
`randomly select one for you.
`Set to ON to Select the battle stage yourself or OFF to htá=fc the c:.tPriptlwiï6
`irs team battles.
`Choose whether or not learn mcmfsers um he bit by one oao6;dc=!':
`to knock him ofi.
`Player Select screen. The higher an opponent's Handicap, the easier it is
`determined by the computer.. Grange the actual Handicap setting on the
`Turn the Handicap for players ON or OR or set it to AUTO to have it
`tel,srt -
`e Team Attack
`4, f-:a~dirrtn ..
`Enier the O,. tGons screen io :'tunge settings for the following:
`"9i. cr t;;le:d ba4le, ,r
`set each character's. stock lile fr;r a stack 4c ilk.
`After the rules, use the (catrol Stick to sei th?,
`have o limited stock of lífw.
`A teen bade in which ol8 contestant -
`: The co piayo
`A free-foi-oll tattle in which ait cornte}caart.s
`have :! limited st of
`k !he winnec.

`times the' the player wns ;aotked of3 (TKO).
`i(ges.) aftec smbtrtictirtg ihG total number of
`¡tfrtyer with the highest nut,lbeP of Knack ßffs
`A timed free-for-ell haitla. The cv;nbzer is the
`1'412 following four settings by scrolling left
`pleyets_ Using the Control Stick, move the cursor to the Rules option and Çeled one ©f
`The vs mode :s on oil-out bottle .for any if)mbrACtra ab two to foar hun,otú or computer
`right with the C.ontr©1 Stick:
`Áeels ore cif ereg c áP?ctr, s e sure to check theni all 01
`; (3,cá for the bo time!
`Choose your ,;ioratter cnd test yew- skills at the ma Benus iekre}, found in the
`'r,irYr d,
`Immersion Ex 2012-7, Apple v Immersion, IPR2016-01381


`the characters, their backgrounds, and their special moves.
`This option contains proliles on each character appearing in the ;lame. Learn more about
`Mode standings and statistics.
`The Data Mode contains information about each character in the game, as well as VS
`Erase all saved data.
`Erase all prize data.
`Erase oll character statistics from VS matches.
`Erase the fastest times for the Bonus Stages.
`Erase di high scores in the i - player game.
`Erase Challenger dama. You will no ranger be be to tlse the hidden
`e Alt Data Cleo:
`', Prize:
`, VS Record:
`e Bonus Stage Time:
`1P High Score:
`s Newcomers:
`Use this option to erase the following data:
`Backup Clear
`Press the Z Button to return it to the default setting.
`to adjust the screen. Use your Control Stick to move the cross to the centre of the screen.
`if your television is not displaying the goure in the centre of the screen, use this option
`Screen Adjust
`output connections on your t464 Control Deck are connected to your te erfision.
`(hose Stereo or Mono. When choosing Stereo, check to see that both the left and right
`Select Options on the Mode Select screen to change the following game settings:
`per Smash Bros. records statistics for all VS Mode battles. Check out the VS Record screen ,
`(see page 14) for stets on all your favorite characters!
`!tannage Meier is set to 300 %. The last player standing wins the
`Sudden Depth match! Each ployer hes only one life, and his
`When a VS Mode battle ends in a tie; the winner is decided by a
`Sudden Death!
`declared the winner, even if another player had mors KOs.
`For stock matches, only the number of Knock -offs is shown. The lost ployer standing is
`with the highest net Knock -offs (KOs minus TKO) wins.
`difference between the two. In timed battles, the player or team
`times they were knocked off. and the third line shows the
`cherecter's Knock -offs, the second line shows the number of
`are displayed. For timed matches, the first line shows each
`When the battle ends, the winner is announced, and the results
`Results Screen
`fie ¡ :iF°rt slrfntilmwt54,
`! 4s;t`.
`e Te ve Mode ierrrg kale, lreee IART tr, enter the ?4m screm. the-it pt-pt-in', the e
`Press START to let the batte begin!
`When the Handicap artier) is Ott se the Hawker, f zr each hava: n player
`Set player control to human titi 4th; computer ïCP), o, none ?t /!
`®ín Tenor Rattle; os7iyn tharecter -: 70 ?ne of three tram ,Red. Crean, or fi;uei.
`* Sekr; Free for -AI: ar Team %agit:.
`*Set the rïilfìtrrity level for each =poet plave7.
`the Character Serer screen.
`Press the A Button when VS START is highlighted in the VS Some Mode screen to enter
`VS Start
`Immersion Ex 2012-8, Apple v Immersion, IPR2016-01381


`To throw an item at an enemy, press the Z and A Buttons and TAP the Control Stick.
`To drop an item, press the Z and A Buttons or press the R Button.
`To grab on item or use a grabbed item, press the A Button.
`when a carrier full of items appears. the carrier must be broken before the items con be
`the midst of bottle. When an individuel item appears it can be used immediately. btk
`Many items which characters can use to attack opponents or recover strength appear iv
`. ? 7`"41°'á:
`t ...'. " kS,fA7'''
`again to view detailed individual statistics against other
`individual statistics for all charaders, then press the A Button
`Knockoffs against other characters. Press the A Button to view
`Mode battles. The first screen shows each character's total
`This caption contains stars or each character's performance in VS
`.vtr ä '!'%u'
`VS Record
`Number. of Knock -offs against that character.
`The character e shore dicta; Knock -off, between the two characters.
`Average number of opponents in matches with shot character
`{O'd: Number of times knocked -off by that character.
`Win %:
`also kept:
`The following detailed stats for a character's performance against each oilier character ore
`Total amount of damage token.
`Total amount of damage given to opponents.
`The character's share of total play time.
`The character's overall ranking.
`*Damage Total:
`Attack Total:
`Key to Detailed Individual Statistics.
`w ,,
`The average number of opponents in the character's VS
`The character's share of total play time.
`Each character's total ploy time.
`TKO'd that were sell -induced.
`The character's Self -Destruction rate- -the percent of
`knocked off
`The total number of limes the character fell off or was
`The character's total number of Knock -offs.
`Each character's share of the KOs total.
`* rime:
`Win %:
`Key tu individual Statistics:
`whot'c inside
`miry it. Brrek it open to ideal
`Since this is sc Ii, onybody
`Pnkemon (bruise? appears.
`item inside. took for it when itt
`R Weak the egg open to get te the
`relem Hs contents.
`throw it to break rt pet and
`Attack it or pick it up sand
`son v ii around.
`Sinre it's, so heavy, only DK sen
`Ibis contains one to three items.
`Check Out These Items!
`Immersion Ex 2012-9, Apple v Immersion, IPR2016-01381


`..v.ittili 1,,,I.3.9iW ;
`forth 'of the some ou of the qrlile
`km kt honces back and
`Bask:illy the same as the Green
`deluging whore'*: a hit.
`ih p battle stoae.
`slides atoan
`%Ivan attacked or ilwavoitibis shell
`...A 4-4-1,,I...:,3.
`;:PrItiltf ott am; inc.% ly-itip,t ore 0504, %gm frgtiv 1,7..till tit/
`?Vert 7,-.740M100Win
`! UnielOS
`. H!
`Meter to C.
`returning your Damage
`reCOVI:V. 0g yoirir strength,
`iho Pearl Cantu:net
`Heart Coitinme:,
`your Nonage Meter,
`; recovers Ey to 100% gn
`This irony
`tiXtrrt T
`VOW batlie rritafT0
`,orCa,armaWw. fi
`Asa he userf as o Clabbering
`stt-s at your appqnnts. This can
`Control Stith, y04: too shoot 7.0
`With the 'A Brat:ill and the
`it's only o 11)-shooter
`range laser slittr. Unfortunately,
`born n Iiisitroce with i% tool
`The 1! Cain con hit aremicc,
`breath this bad rair't reach too
`SUM% get in dose because even
`opponent wirt flefy hFeath.
`Use :6 Fite Finmr to blast vour
`Fire Hower.
`a short whila
`bewares INVINCl.E ...but only for
`00 ..t.(00,10.
`hit a home runt
`Smash Attack you ¡UV might
`if you combine it with o
`You tan't throw ii very for, but
`ran't be *awn very
`much damage and
`However, it doesnt do
`good for quick titlarks.
`Since it's light, it's
`4 ,
`. The charade that grabs the Star
`-st, -*-1.-..:kw:
`into o clobbering frenzy!
`ChOFOCtei the; grabs it anti s.ends. them
`dap. the iiararriet enraptures any
`A favourite of Marie's in his younger
`rjohhering 1iern when
`longest ronge of all
`power fi alsn has the
`. This is an itern of grew
`Groh these items t,'ne tne diem
`a.a.t 1.1,PC
`performs its special skig then leaves.
`akin that appears is random:
`and a Paltornpe pops oat. The
`Nheu thrown. the bail opens up,
`Poke geg
`'LNG If trVt e0413,Tre,,
`its ret reaches
`Giant it will sNift` walking around wail
`etteititY, th item exoloks. bin if left
`hhei and thrown ot tU
`ti oh -ornli
`betan& e. the hamper jest might bump yin?
`pibeg allow-hut be rereful,
`Ii o opint with this item fa;
`J1 ade bomb is in far o big 'surprise!
`they loo
`Iht first &trader to Eppronch
`*Len thrown, tht:se tti artivate wherever
`i.cttvo ipti. by throwIng.thre_i,-
`th Qrtlbbed, th
`r.u.uww., .....
`Immersion Ex 2012-10, Apple v Immersion, IPR2016-01381


`the stage.
`Fox's favourite ship, Arwing, flies past and indiscriminately shoots its loser's across
`Stage: Sedor Z
`Fire Fox
`Blaster Shot
`Spetia'l Moves
`plunges head -first into battle.
`Fox Team. With his trusty blaster, he
`McCloud is the young leader of the Star
`Following in his father's footsteps, Fox
`will he severely domaged.
`Anyone who touches the ebbing and flawing sea of aid or the planet's strigcee
`Stage: Planet Zehes
`Screw Atteck
`Charge Shat
`Special Moves
`power suit.
`super -human pr7 rer of her hi-tecil
`galhxy. Somas Aren fights withihe
`The greatest bounty hunter in the
`The moving barrel beneath the stage could he your salvation if you get knocked of.
`Stage: Conga Jungle
`ttand Slop
`Spinning Kong
`Girt Punch
`overwhelming attacks.
`bestowed with tremendous pow and
`Mario`s former enemy. This mighty upe is
`you jump, or you'll get bumped sky high!
`A bumper floats above the centre of this siege. Watch where
`Stage: Peach's Castle.
`,;. -!-
`VorE ioriacio
`+ °:; Super jump Punta
`Fire BO
`Special Moves
`to his success.
`star. Mario's distinct jumping action is the key
`The internationally -famous, mustachioed super-
`Immersion Ex 2012-11, Apple v Immersion, IPR2016-01381


`they won't hold up for long.
`You can land on the clouds that float on either side of the stage, but if you do,
`Stage: Yoshi`s Island
`A tornado epos about the stage, wreaking havoc on oil that cross its path.
`Stage: I lI t4 (05:19.
`Egg Threw
`Egg by
`Special Moves
`simple egg.
`surprised what he core do with o
`on a tropical island. You'd be
`Yoshi is the cute dinosaur that lives
`Spin Atlncl.
`0 BoorllPrrin:
`Special Moves
`ace both varied .and powerful..
`in the realm of liyrule. His skills with the s°.ort!
`Link is the yciring fighter y'!hn protects the new
`Beware thewind that blows from the Wlisper Woods-it jorÌ might b teY you
`Stage: Ikea" 1.ar3t:
`0 Stone
`Find Cutter
`Special Moves
`0 Swailow
`Kirby laeEOrncs a formidable opponent.
`may look harmléss, fxit using his Copy ability,
`inl high creature from a distant star. He
`out of their way.
`Wild Pokemon appear in the middie of the citgr ta attack the fighters. ll's best just to s,toy
`thick Attack
`4::.7.) Thullder Job
`real shock to any opponent.
`name. F iloF:hu's eNectritity i;ttar.ks Ore
`forms that these days everyone knows its
`This popular C'©kémvn has bs:caille so
`Immersion Ex 2012-12, Apple v Immersion, IPR2016-01381


`Immersion Ex 2012-13, Apple v Immersion, IPR2016-01381


`Calls trom mobiles and public phones attract a higher rate. )
`190 224 1001
`Phone 1300 36 27 46
`Scoresby Industrial Park, 804 Stud Road. S.:;etey Vcton a 3179
`materials or workmanship,
`modification, tampering, or by other causes unrelated to defective
`consumer/purchaser, by negligence, accident, unreasonable use,
`if the (GAME PAK) has been damaged. after sale to the original
`The undertaking to repair or replace the product wili not apply
`To receive this warranty service. contad Nintendo's Head Office.
`the (GAME PAK) at its option, free of charge.
`covered by this warranty occurs. Nintendo will repair or replace
`be free from defects in material and workmanship. If a defect
`consumer/purchaser that this NINTENDO 64 ("GAME PAK") shall
`the origin
`Australia Pty. Ltd.
`provisions of the Trade Practices Act of Australia. Nintendo
`The product is sold subject to ail warranties implied under the
`(Nintendo) warrants
`CliCC1131.ed 1
`ot any $L:02:t)
`:..awii:¡4:1 by the
`have nt)
`Of dt:tt)aging, !tie co1n&:-:c1ors an:1
`it ..1'..11 gatie ceaSeS tO (.1pefa1 F.
`software. V$olatorS will e pos.=:culet)
`Programs). Bad(.-hip copies are not authorized arid are not required to protect yout
`Patents ACI 1988 and the 1991 EC Directive on the LegaJ Proteotion at Compute:
`and international copyright
`is onoluding section ot the Copyright, De:signs and
`Copying ot any Nintendo game is Weigel aíi iS stnctiv rirohibited by hationa), iecat
`The contenis ()I INs Caution do oat intf....riere with VtAir F:443E:J10,11 fight$
`19O2! 1007
`,(1);30 to it pler..-ise cqniacl your local
`Immersion Ex 2012-14, Apple v Immersion, IPR2016-01381

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