Ulllted States Patent [19]
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Jul. 11, 2000
`OO85518A1 1/1983 European Pat. Off. .
`O626634A2 11/1994 European Pat. Off. .
`[75] Inventor: Louis B. Rosenberg, San Jose, Calif.
`gallrggeflupat' O?' """ 95/32459 11/1995 WIPO ............................. .. G06F 3/00
`[73] Assignee: Immersion Corporation, San Jose,
`6/1997 WIPO _
`8/1997 WIPO .
`[21] Appl. No.: 09/103,281
`[22] Filed?
`Jun- 23! 1998
`Int. Cl. ..................................................... .. G09G 5/00
`[52] US. Cl. ............................................................ .. 345/156
`[58] Field of Search ................................... .. 345/156, 157,
`345/161, 163
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`Aforce feedback mterface and method 1nclud1ng an actuator
`in a non-primary axis or degree of freedom. The force
`feedback interface device is connected to a host computer
`that implements a host application program or graphical
`environment. The interface device includes a user manipu
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`F’bJeCt' The aqua/Or outpllts a hnear force on the user Qblect
`1n non-prlmary hnear ax1s or degree of freedom that 1s not
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`of freedom is preferably not sensed by sensors. The axis
`extends through the user Object, and there are preferably [10
`other actuators in the device, thus alloWing the force feed
`back device to be very cost effective. Force sensations such
`as a jolt, vibration, a constant force, and a texture force can
`be Output on the user oblect Wfth the actuator‘ .The force
`sensat1ons can be output 1n a d1rect1on perpendlcular to a
`planar degree of freedom, radial to spherical degree of
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`45 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 1

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`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 3

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 11,2000
`Sheet 1 0f5
` _nIn.DIHH4__._N..H_....._T_..........--.H................1O1H.........IH_HHH%RH%HHwR-._HHmHEHHMKwHHHm............asHRV:HmeasHHN6mm.Em.HSm_HCWYURHWPHWC0_.L.OP.RTPIu_l_Dunwu
`FIG. 1
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 4
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 11,2000
`Sheet 2 0f5
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 11,2000
`Sheet 3 0f5
`FIG. 3
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 6

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 11,2000
`Sheet 4 0f5
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 7

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 11,2000
`Sheet 5 0f5
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 8

`The present invention relates generally to interface
`devices for allowing humans to interface With computer
`systems, and more particularly to computer interface devices
`that alloW the user to provide input to computer systems and
`alloW computer systems to provide force feedback to the
`A computer system in typical usage by a user displays a
`visual environment on a display output device. Using an
`interface device, the user can interact With the displayed
`environment to perform functions and tasks on the
`computer, such as playing a game, experiencing a simulation
`or virtual reality environment, using a computer aided
`design system, operating a graphical user interface (GUI),
`etc. Common human-computer interface devices used for
`such interaction include a joystick, mouse, trackball, steer
`ing Wheel, stylus, tablet, pressure-sensitive sphere, or the
`like, that is connected to the computer system controlling the
`displayed environment. Typically, the computer updates the
`environment in response to the user’s manipulation of a
`user-manipulatable physical object such as a joystick handle
`or mouse, and provides visual and audio feedback to the user
`utiliZing the display screen and audio speakers. The com
`puter senses the user’s manipulation of the user object
`through sensors provided on the interface device that send
`locative signals to the computer. For example, the computer
`displays a cursor or other graphical object in a graphical
`environment, Where the location of the cursor is responsive
`to the motion of the user object.
`In some interface devices, tactile and/or haptic feedback
`is also provided to the user, more generally knoWn as “force
`feedback.” These types of interface devices can provide
`physical sensations Which are felt by the user manipulating
`a user manipulatable object of the interface device. For
`example, the Force-FX joystick controller from CH
`Products, Inc. and Immersion Corporation may be connected
`to a computer and provides forces in the degrees of freedom
`of motion of the joystick to a user of the controller. One or
`more motors or other actuators are coupled to the joystick
`and are connected to the controlling computer system. The
`computer system controls forces on the joystick in conjunc
`tion and coordinated With displayed events and interactions
`by sending control signals or commands to the actuators.
`The computer system can thus convey physical force sen
`sations to the user in conjunction With other supplied feed
`back as the user is grasping or contacting the joystick or
`other object of the interface device. For example, When the
`user moves the manipulatable object and causes a displayed
`cursor to interact With a different displayed graphical object,
`the computer can issue a command that causes the actuator
`to output a force on the user object, conveying a feel
`sensation to the user. Other force feedback controllers
`include a force feedback mouse that provides forces in the
`degrees of freedom of motion of the mouse, and a steering
`Wheel controller outputting forces in the rotary degree of
`freedom of the Wheel.
`One problem With current force feedback controllers in
`the home consumer market is the high manufacturing cost of
`such devices, Which makes the devices expensive for the
`consumer. Alarge part of this manufacturing expense is due
`to the inclusion of multiple actuators and corresponding
`control electronics in the force feedback device. In addition,
`high quality transmission components such as linkages and
`bearings must be provided to accurately transmit forces from
`the actuators to the user manipulandum and to alloW accu
`rate sensing of the motion of the user object. These com
`ponents are complex and require greater precision in their
`manufacture than many of the other components in an
`interface device, and thus further add to the cost of the
`device. A need therefore exists for a force feedback device
`that is loWer in cost to manufacture yet offers the user force
`feedback to enhance the interaction With a computer appli
`The present invention is directed to a loW-cost force
`feedback interface Which provides a linear actuator along a
`non-primary axis or degree of freedom. This con?guration
`can provide a simpler, loWer cost force feedback device,
`especially When motion in the non-primary axis is not
`sensed and no other actuators are used.
`More speci?cally, the present invention relates to a force
`feedback interface device that is coupled to a host computer
`system Which implements a host application program. The
`interface device includes a user manipulatable object, such
`as a mouse or joystick, contacted by a user and movable in
`physical space in at least one primary degree of freedom. At
`least one sensor detects the movement of the user object in
`the degree of freedom and outputs sensor signals represen
`tative of the movement. An actuator is coupled to the user
`manipulatable object and applies a linear output force along
`a non-primary axis extending through the user manipulat
`able object, Where the force is output in a degree of freedom
`not sensed by the sensor. Preferably, there are no other
`actuators in the device. Force sensations such as a jolt,
`vibration, a constant force, and a texture force can be output
`on the user object With the actuator.
`In preferred embodiments, the actuator outputs the force
`directly on the user manipulatable object, such that no
`transmission system is required to be provided betWeen the
`actuator and the user manipulatable object, thus greatly
`reducing the cost of the device. In addition, the actuator can
`include a physical spring or other spring device for biasing
`said at least a portion of the user manipulatable object
`toWard an extended position. The actuator can take a variety
`of forms, such as a linear voice coil actuator, a linear
`solenoid, or a voice magnet. A microprocessor local to the
`interface device can be provided to receive host commands
`from the host computer and output force signals to the
`actuator for controlling the output force on the user object.
`The microprocessor can receive sensor signals from the
`sensors and report locative data to the host computer indica
`tive of the movement of the user object. Alternatively, a
`sensor can be coupled to the actuator to determine a position
`of the user manipulatable object in the degree of freedom of
`the actuator.
`In one embodiment in Which the user manipulatable
`object is moved in a planar degree of freedom, the output
`force of the actuator can be provided in a direction approxi
`mately perpendicular to the plane of motion. For example, in
`a mouse embodiment, the force is applied about perpendicu
`larly to the planar mouse Workspace and is applied to an
`entire portion of the mouse that is grasped or rested upon by
`the user’s hand. In a particular mouse embodiment, the
`actuator is coupled to a housing of the mouse and moves a
`portion of the housing in the perpendicular direction. Such
`a moveable portion of the housing can be a cover portion of
`the housing that is movably coupled to a base portion of the
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 9

`housing, for example by a hinge, Where the cover portion is
`moved by the actuator With respect to the base portion. The
`output force can be correlated With a graphical representa
`tion displayed by the host computer, Where a position of the
`mouse in the planar Workspace corresponds With a position
`of a cursor displayed in the graphical representation. For
`example, a jolt force can be output When the mouse crosses
`a boundary of a WindoW or icon. Or, the output force can be
`correlated With an elevation of a portion of a 3-D graphical
`representation having different elevations on Which the
`cursor is displayed. In a different embodiment, the user
`manipulatable object can be a stylus; or a Wheel, such as a
`steering Wheel, that rotates in the single plane, and Where the
`axis extends approximately through a center of the Wheel.
`In a different embodiment, the user manipulatable object
`is moved in tWo sensed rotary degrees of freedom With
`respect to a ground, Where the degrees of freedom approxi
`mately de?ne a portion of a surface of a sphere. For
`example, the user manipulatable object can be at least a
`portion of a joystick handle that is typically moved in such
`rotary degrees of freedom. The actuator of the device applies
`an output force in a linear degree of freedom that is
`approximately radial to the sphere, Where preferably no
`force is output in the tWo primary sensed degrees of free
`dom. The force is applied along a lengthWise axis of the user
`manipulatable object.
`In another embodiment, the user manipulatable object is
`movable in physical space in a plurality of degrees of
`freedom With respect to a ground, and a linear actuator
`applies a linear output force only along a lengthWise axis of
`the user manipulatable object and not in the plurality of
`degrees of freedom. One such embodiment provides a stylus
`as a user manipulatable object, Where the sensor can be
`included in a tablet Which is contacted by the stylus. In one
`embodiment, the stylus includes a rigid tip for contact With
`the tablet, Where the actuator outputs a force to move a body
`portion of the stylus relative to a tip portion of the stylus. In
`a different stylus embodiment, the stylus includes a ball in
`a tip of the stylus, Where the ball rotates in place When the
`stylus is moved across a surface. The actuator can force a
`brake pad against the ball to output a resistive force on the
`The present invention advantageously provides a force
`feedback device that is signi?cantly loWer in cost than other
`types of force feedback devices and is thus quite suitable for
`home consumer applications. A single actuator can be pro
`vided that directly applies force to the user manipulatable
`object, thus saving cost by the elimination of multiple
`actuators and complex force transmission and control sys
`tems. The actuator does not output force in a main sensed
`degree of freedom of the device, thus alloWing sensors to
`read the position of the user object Without substantial
`interference from forces and also simplifying the control of
`output forces. Furthermore, the actuator of the present
`invention can provide a variety of different types of force
`sensations to enhance the user’s experience and interface
`With a computer application.
`These and other advantages of the present invention Will
`become apparent to those skilled in the art upon a reading of
`the folloWing speci?cation of the invention and a study of
`the several ?gures of the draWing.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a system including a host
`computer and a force feedback interface device of the
`present invention;
`FIG. 2 is a side elevational vieW of a linear voice coil
`actuator suitable for use With the present invention;
`FIG. 3 is a perspective vieW of a joystick embodiment of
`the force feedback device of the present invention;
`FIG. 4 is a side elevational vieW of a mouse embodiment
`of the force feedback device of the present invention;
`FIG. 5 is a perspective vieW of a steering Wheel embodi
`ment of the force feedback device of the present invention;
`FIG. 6 is a side elevational vieW of a stylus embodiment
`of the force feedback device of the present invention; and
`FIG. 7 is a side elevational vieW of a different stylus
`embodiment of the force feedback device of FIG. 6.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating a force feedback
`interface system 10 of the present invention controlled by a
`host computer system. Interface system 10 includes a host
`computer system 12 and an interface device 14.
`Host computer system 12 is preferably a personal
`computer, such as a Pentium-class (IBM-compatible) PC or
`Macintosh personal computer, or a Workstation, such as a
`SUN or Silicon Graphics Workstation. For example, the host
`computer system can a personal computer Which operates
`under the WindoWs, MS-DOS, or Linux operating systems.
`Alternatively, host computer system 12 can be one of a
`variety of home video game systems commonly connected
`to a television set, such as systems available from Nintendo,
`Sega, or Sony. In other embodiments, home computer sys
`tem 12 can be a television “set top box” or a “netWork
`computer” Which can be used, for example, to provide
`interactive computer functions to users over netWorks, or
`other appliance having computer functions.
`In the described embodiment, host computer system 12
`implements a host application program With Which a user 22
`is interacting via peripherals and interface device 14. For
`example, the host application program can be a video game,
`Web broWser, scienti?c analysis program, operating system,
`graphical user interface, medical simulation, or other appli
`cation program that utiliZes force feedback. Typically, the
`host application provides images to be displayed on a
`display output device, as described beloW, and/or other
`feedback, such as auditory signals. The application program
`and host computer provide a graphical environment With
`Which the user may interact. For example, the graphical
`environment may display graphical objects, such as icons,
`WindoWs, or 3-D objects; or entities, such as a player
`controlled simulated vehicle or character.
`Host computer system 12 preferably includes a host
`microprocessor 16, a clock 18, a display screen 20, and an
`audio output device 21. The host computer also includes
`other Well knoWn components, such as random access
`memory (RAM), read-only memory (ROM), and input/
`output (I/O) electronics (not shoWn). Host microprocessor
`16 can include a variety of available microprocessors from
`Intel, AMD, Cyrix, Motorola, or other manufacturers.
`Microprocessor 16 can be single microprocessor chip, or can
`include multiple primary and/or co-processors. Micropro
`cessor preferably retrieves and stores instructions and other
`necessary data from RAM and ROM, as is Well knoWn to
`those skilled in the art. In the described embodiment, host
`computer system 12 can receive locative data or a sensor
`signal via a bus 24 from sensors of interface device 14 and
`other information. Microprocessor 16 can receive data from
`bus 24 using I/O electronics 21, and can use I/O electronics
`EXHIBIT 1018 - PAGE 10

`to control other peripheral devices. Host computer system
`12 can also output a command to interface device 14 via bus
`24 to cause force feedback for the interface device. Clock 18
`is a standard clock crystal or equivalent component used by
`host computer system 12 to provide timing to electrical
`signals used by microprocessor 16 and other components of
`the computer system.
`Display screen 20 is coupled to host microprocessor 16 by
`suitable display drivers and can be used to display images
`generated by host computer system 12 or other computer
`systems. Display screen 20 can be a standard display screen,
`CRT, ?at-panel display, 3-D goggles, or any other visual
`interface. In a described embodiment, display screen 20
`displays images of a simulation, game environment, oper
`ating system application, etc. For example, images describ
`ing a point of vieW from a ?rst-person perspective can be
`displayed, as in a virtual reality simulation or game. Or,
`images describing a third-person isometric perspective of
`objects, backgrounds, etc., or a 2-D image of a graphical
`user interface can be displayed. User 22 of the host computer
`12 and interface device 14 can receive visual feedback by
`vieWing display screen 20. Herein, computer 12 may be
`referred as displaying computer or graphical “objects” or
`“entities”. These computer objects are not physical objects,
`but is a logical softWare unit collections of data and/or
`procedures that may be displayed as images by computer 12
`on display screen 20, as is Well knoWn to those skilled in the
`Audio output device 21, such as speakers, is preferably
`coupled to host microprocessor 16 via ampli?ers, ?lters, and
`other circuitry Well knoWn to those skilled in the art. Host
`processor 16 outputs signals to speakers 21 to provide sound
`output to user 22 When an “audio event” occurs during the
`implementation of the host application program. Other types
`of peripherals can also be coupled to host processor 16, such
`as storage devices (hard disk drive, CD ROM drive, ?oppy
`disk drive, etc.), printers, and other input and output devices.
`An interface device 14 is coupled to host computer system
`12 by a bi-directional bus 24. The bi-directional bus sends
`signals in either direction betWeen host computer system 12
`and the interface device. Herein, the term “bus” is intended
`to generically refer to an interface such as betWeen host
`computer 12 and microprocessor 26 Which typically
`includes one or more connecting Wires, Wireless connection,
`or other connections and that can be implemented in a
`variety of Ways. In the preferred embodiment, bus 24 is a
`serial interface bus providing data according to a serial
`communication protocol. An interface port of host computer
`system 12, such as an RS232 serial interface port, connects
`bus 24 to host computer system 12. Other standard serial
`communication protocols can also be used in the serial
`interface and bus 24, such as RS-422, Universal Serial Bus
`(USB), MIDI, or other protocols Well knoWn to those skilled
`in the art. For example, the USB standard provides a
`relatively high speed serial interface that can provide force
`feedback signals in the present invention With a high degree
`of realism. An advantage of the microprocessor-enabled
`local control of system 10 is that loW-bandWidth serial
`communication signal

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