Newton 2.0 User Interface
`Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
`Reading, Massachusetts Menlo Park, California New York
`Don Mills, Ontario Wokingham, England Amsterdam Bonn
`Sydney Singapore Tokyo Madrid San Juan
`Paris Seoul Milan Mexico City Taipei
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 1

`Apple Computer, Inc.
`© 1996, 1994 Apple Computer, Inc.
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`Apple retains all intellectual
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`This book is intended to assist
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`Apple Computer, Inc.
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`Apple, the Apple logo, APDA,
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`Balloon Help, Espy, Geneva, the
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`ISBN 0-201-48838-8
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-MA-0099989796
`First Printing, May 1996
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Newton 2.0 user interface guidelines / Apple Computer, Inc.
`Includes index.
`ISBN 0-201-48838-8
`1. User interfaces (Computer systems)
`QA76.9.U83N49 1996
`I. Apple Computer, Inc.
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 2

`Chapter 1
`About This Book
`Who Should Read This Book
`What’s in This Book
`Related Books
`Visual Cues Used in This Book
`Developer Products and Support
`Newton and Its Users
`Understand Newton
`Know Your Audience
`What People Do With Newton
`Observe Basic Human Interface Principles
`Direct Manipulation
`See and Point
`User Control
`Aesthetic Integrity
`Design for the Newton System
`Observe the Built-In Applications
`Use the Common Pool of Data
`Keep Applications Simple
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 3

`Chapter 2
`Use Screen Space Wisely
`Check the Screen Size
`Involve Users in the Design Process
`Define Your Audience
`Analyze Tasks
`Build Prototypes
`Observe Users
`Ten Steps for Conducting a User Observation
`Container Views
`How Views Look
`View Controls
`View Title
`View Border
`Matte Border
`Striped Border
`Wavy Border
`Plain Border
`Drop Shadows
`View Fill
`Main Views
`Title or Folder Tab
`Primary Controls and Status Bar
`Separator Bars
`The Main View’s Border
`Auxiliary Views
`Notification Alerts
`Confirmation Alerts
`Status Slips
`Title and Message
`Progress Indicator
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 4

`Close, Stop, or Cancel
`User Decision
`Roll Views
`How Views Work
`Opening Container Views
`View Display Order
`The Backdrop
`What Is Active
`View Position
`Position of a Main View
`Position of Auxiliary Views
`Closing a View
`Closing a Main View
`Closing a Slip
`Closing a Drawer
`Moving a View
`Changing a View’s Size
`Scrolling With Scroll Arrows
`Universal Scroll Arrows
`Local Scroll Arrows
`Four-way Scrolling
`Automatic Scrolling
`Scrolling Performance
`Overview Contents
`Overview Button
`Switching to and from an Overview
`Scroll and Overview in an Overview
`Closing an Overview
`Nonfunctional Scroll and Overview Controls
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 5

`Chapter 3
`Text Buttons
`Text Button Sizes
`Naming Text Buttons
`Naming Take-Action Buttons
`Naming Cancel- and Stop-Action Buttons
`Picture Buttons
`Designing Picture Buttons
`Button Behavior
`Button Feedback
`Button States
`Button Placement
`Button Spacing
`Large Buttons
`Close Boxes
`Where to Use a Regular Close Box
`Where to Use a Large Close Box
`Radio Buttons
`Hot Spots
`Standard Newton Buttons
`Analog Clock Button
`Info Button
`Recognizer Button
`Keyboard Button
`New Button
`Show Button
`Filing Button
`Action Button
`Item Info Button
`Rotate Button
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 6

`Chapter 4
`List Pickers
`Elements of List Pickers
`Check Marks
`Item Names
`Table of Items
`Unavailable Items
`Organization of List Pickers
`Sources of List Pickers
`Position of List Pickers
`Using a List Picker
`Picking an Item
`User Editing of Pickers
`Index Tabs
`Hierarchical List Pickers
`Number Picker
`Date and Time Pickers
`Overview Pickers
`Contents of Overview Pickers
`Position of Overview Pickers
`Using an Overview Picker
`Picking Items
`Scrolling Items
`Creating New Items
`Standard Newton Pickers
`Info Picker
`New Picker
`Show Picker
`Action Picker
`People Picker
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 7

`Chapter 5
`Chapter 6
`Designing Effective Icons
`Thinking Up an Icon Image
`Make Shapely Icons
`Design for the Newton Display
`Avoid Text in Icons
`Make All Sizes of an Icon Look Alike
`Use Icons Consistently
`Think About Multicultural Compatibility
`Extras Drawer Icons
`Extras Drawer Icons Together
`Extras Drawer Icon Size
`Extras Drawer Icon Shape
`Extras Drawer Icon Names
`Animating an Extras Drawer Icon
`Title Icons
`Button Icons
`Icons in a Picker
`Data Input
`Input Fields
`Scrolling Lists and Tables
`Radio Buttons
`Writing, Drawing, and Editing
`Text Input
`Simple Input Line
`Labeled Input Line
`Text Input Lines that Expand
`Paragraph Input
`Structured List Input
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 8

`Shape Input
`General Input
`User Control of Recognition
`Deferred Recognition
`Forcing Recognition
`Configuring Recognition
`Selecting Text and Shapes
`Erasing Text or Shapes
`Joining Words
`Breaking Paragraphs
`Inserting Space in Text
`Inserting New Text
`Replacing Text
`Correcting Misrecognized Text
`Changing Capitalization of Text
`Changing Paragraph Margins
`Removing Extra Space from Paragraphs
`Duplicating Text or Shapes
`Changing Shapes
`Moving Objects
`Displaying Keyboards
`Keyboard Position
`Character Keys
`Arrow Keys
`Type-Ahead and Auto-Repeat
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 9

`Chapter 7
`Error Handling
`Error Correction
`Error Detection
`Routing and Communications
`The In/Out Box
`The In Box
`The Out Box
`In/Out Box Items
`Viewing Items in the In/Out Box
`Viewing Routing Information
`Routing Outgoing Items
`Action Button and Picker
`An Action Button’s Location
`Action Picker Contents
`Building an Action Picker
`Routing Slips
`Sender Picker
`Recipient Pickers
`Choosing a Printer
`Choosing Fax or E-mail Recipients
`Transport Picker
`Send Button and Close Box
`Other Routing Slip Elements
`Format Picker
`Preview Button
`Sending Out Box Items
`Routing Incoming Items
`Receiving In Box Items
`Receiving Remote In Box Items
`Disposing of Received Items
`Putting Away Received Items
`Putting Away Items Automatically
`Filing Items That Are Put Away
`Extending the Tag Picker
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 10

`Chapter 8
`Routing Status
`Stopping a Send or Receive in Progress
`Transport Preferences
`Routing Alternatives
`Routing by Intelligent Assistant
`Programmed Sending
`Newton Services
`Automatic Busy Cursor
`Notify Button and Picker
`Unacknowledged Alarms
`Alarm Etiquette
`Text Searches
`Date Searches
`The Scope of a Search
`Customizing the Standard Find Slip
`Initiating or Canceling a Search
`Search Status
`Search Results
`Filing Button and Slip
`A Filing Button’s Location
`A Filing Slip’s Contents
`Editing Folders
`Folder Tab
`Intelligent Assistant
`Invoking the Assistant
`Interpreting the Request Phrase
`Assist Slip
`Task Slips
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 11

`System-wide Preferences
`Application Preferences
`Avoiding Common Mistakes
`Info Button
`New and Show Buttons
`Screen Size
`Tapping v. Writing
`Picker Placement and Alignment
`Field Alignment
`Close Box Size
`Button Location
`Button Spacing
`Button Size
`Picker Icons
`Dismissing a Slip
`Take-Action Button
`Keyboard Button
`Punctuation to Avoid
`Extras Drawer Icons
`Date and Time Input
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 12

`Chapter 1
`Newton and Its Users
`Figure 1-1
`Figure 1-2
`Figure 1-3
`Metaphors help people quickly grasp how
`software works
`Users should feel they are directly controlling
`something tangible
`An application adjusts its size, position, and layout to
`fit the screen
`Chapter 2
`Container Views
`Figure 2-1
`Figure 2-2
`Figure 2-3
`Figure 2-4
`Figure 2-5
`Figure 2-6
`Figure 2-7
`Figure 2-8
`Figure 2-9
`Figure 2-10
`Figure 2-11
`Figure 2-12
`Figure 2-13
`Figure 2-14
`Figure 2-15
`Figure 2-16
`Figure 2-17
`Examples of container views
`Standard controls for manipulating views
`Various title styles
`A matte border indicates a movable view
`A striped border suggests routing
`An alert box has a thick wavy border
`Some views need the simplicity of a
`plain border
`Sparing use of some types of shadows is OK
`A title or a folder tab tops a main view
`A status bar anchors primary controls at the bottom
`of a main view
`Separator bars separate multiple items in a
`scrolling view
`Main views have matte or plain borders with
`rounded corners
`Examples of auxiliary views
`Users can move most slips
`Dismissing slips that complete actions
`A notification alert tells the user something
`A Snooze button enables a user to dismiss an alert
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 13

`A confirmation alert tells the user about a grave
`A status slip reports on a lengthy operation
`A sequence of status messages traces the steps
`of an operation
`A gauge in a status slip measures elapsing
`A status slip can report a condition that demands
`a user decision
`A palette provides handy access to useful
`A drawer slides open and closed
`Where to position a small auxiliary view
`Dragging a view’s drag handle moves
`the view
`Dynamically adjust a view’s position, size, and layout
`to fit the screen
`A view may change size in response to user
`Ready to scroll Notepad notes into view from
`above or below
`Scrolling by tapping a down arrow
`The universal scroll arrows at the bottom of a
`MessagePad screen
`How scroll arrows work in the Date Book’s
`Day view
`Scroll arrow color may indicate what scrolling
`will reveal
`A control for scrolling in four directions
`An alternate control for scrolling in four
`Automatic scrolling
`How an overview relates to a detail view
`The Overview button at the bottom of a
`MessagePad screen
`Getting an overview
`Figure 2-18
`Figure 2-19
`Figure 2-20
`Figure 2-21
`Figure 2-22
`Figure 2-23
`Figure 2-24
`Figure 2-25
`Figure 2-26
`Figure 2-27
`Figure 2-28
`Figure 2-29
`Figure 2-30
`Figure 2-31
`Figure 2-32
`Figure 2-33
`Figure 2-34
`Figure 2-35
`Figure 2-36
`Figure 2-37
`Figure 2-38
`Figure 2-39
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 14

`Chapter 3
`Figure 3-1
`Figure 3-2
`Figure 3-3
`Figure 3-4
`Figure 3-5
`Figure 3-6
`Figure 3-7
`Figure 3-8
`Figure 3-9
`Figure 3-10
`Figure 3-11
`Figure 3-12
`Figure 3-13
`Figure 3-14
`Figure 3-15
`Figure 3-16
`Figure 3-17
`Figure 3-18
`Figure 3-19
`Figure 3-20
`Figure 3-21
`Figure 3-22
`Figure 3-23
`Figure 3-24
`Figure 3-25
`Figure 3-26
`Figure 3-27
`Figure 3-28
`Figure 3-29
`Figure 3-30
`Tapping a button initiates an action
`A text button’s name states what the
`button does
`Leave standard margins between a button’s name and
`its borders
`Name buttons distinctively wherever possible
`Where to use a button named Cancel
`A Stop button lets a user halt an operation
`A picture button depicts what the button does
`Where to use borders with small, self-bordered
`picture buttons
`Tapping a button highlights it
`A button disappears when it isn’t available
`Where to put buttons in a view
`Group buttons by function
`Regular spacing between buttons on a
`A Close box compared to a large Close box
`Where to use a regular Close box
`Where to use a large Close box
`Only one radio button in a cluster can
`be selected
`Each checkbox can be on or off
`One checkbox vs. two radio buttons
`A slider used for data input
`Providing feedback for small, transparent
`hot spots
`How the Analog Clock button works
`Where an Info button goes
`Where a Recognizer button goes
`The Recognizer button indicates the type of
`recognition in effect
`Where a Keyboard buttons goes
`Where a New button goes
`Where a Show button goes
`Where a Filing button goes
`A Filing button reports where a data item
`is stored
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 15

`Figure 3-31
`Figure 3-32
`Figure 3-33
`Where an Action button goes
`Seeing an Item Info slip
`A Rotate button lets users change the screen
`Chapter 4
`Figure 4-1
`Figure 4-2
`Figure 4-3
`Figure 4-4
`Figure 4-5
`Figure 4-6
`Figure 4-7
`Figure 4-8
`Figure 4-9
`Figure 4-10
`Figure 4-11
`Figure 4-12
`Figure 4-13
`Figure 4-14
`Figure 4-15
`Figure 4-16
`Figure 4-17
`Figure 4-18
`Figure 4-19
`Figure 4-20
`Figure 4-21
`The parts of list pickers
`A list picker can contain a two-dimensional table
`of items
`Remove unavailable items from a list picker
`Grouping items in list pickers
`Pickers can pop up from buttons, labels, and
`hot spots
`How a list picker should align with its label
`or button
`Using a list picker from a button
`Using a list picker from a label
`List pickers that are too long to display all at once
`have scroll arrows
`A lengthy picker can include scroll arrows and
`index tabs
`How a two-level hierarchy of list pickers works
`A number picker simplifies specifying a numerical
`Time pickers specify a time, a time range, or a
`time offset
`Date pickers specify one date or a date range
`The parts of overview pickers
`Entering a new value in an overview picker
`An Info picker lists information items
`The New picker lists types of data items that users
`can create
`The Show picker lists alternate ways to see an
`application’s data
`The Action picker lists commands for acting
`on data
`A People picker excerpts items from the Names File
`and Owner Info applications
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 16

`Chapter 5
`Figure 5-1
`Figure 5-2
`Figure 5-3
`Figure 5-4
`Figure 5-5
`Figure 5-6
`Figure 5-7
`Figure 5-8
`Figure 5-9
`Figure 5-10
`Figure 5-11
`Distinctive icon shapes are easier to recognize than
`rectangular icons
`Avoid text in icons
`Small icon resembles large icon
`Use icon elements consistently
`The good, the bad, and the ugly in Extras
`Drawer icons
`Large icons crowd the Extras Drawer
`An icon’s mask either highlights or animates
`the icon
`Combining an icon with its mask to animate
`the icon
`An icon in a slip title should decorate
`and inform
`An icon can label a button
`Icons can help communicate picker item
`Chapter 6
`Data Input
`Figure 6-1
`Figure 6-2
`Figure 6-3
`Figure 6-4
`Figure 6-5
`Figure 6-6
`Figure 6-7
`Figure 6-8
`Figure 6-9
`Figure 6-10
`Figure 6-11
`Figure 6-12
`Figure 6-13
`Users enter and edit data in input fields
`How a picker works for data input
`Data input using scrolling lists with or without
`With radio buttons, a user can select one value
`for a field
`With checkboxes, a user can select more than one
`value for a field
`A slider used for data input
`How an unlabeled text-input line works
`How labeled text input lines work
`How expandos work
`Interface element for multiple-line or paragraph
`text input
`A user can rearrange a structured list by dragging
`topic markers
`Interface element for shape input
`Interface element for general input
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 17

`Figure 6-14
`Figure 6-15
`Figure 6-16
`Figure 6-17
`Figure 6-18
`Figure 6-19
`Figure 6-20
`Figure 6-21
`Figure 6-22
`Figure 6-23
`Figure 6-24
`Figure 6-25
`Figure 6-26
`Figure 6-27
`Figure 6-28
`Figure 6-29
`The Recognizer button and picker give users control
`over recognition
`Users may need to control recognition separately
`in a slip
`In an Alpha Sorter picker, users select a sort key
`for ink text
`Selecting words and shapes
`Orientations of the scrubbing gesture
`Scrubbing a little or a lot
`Joining two words
`Breaking a paragraph into two paragraphs
`Inserting space in text
`A caret marks the text insertion point
`The Caret picker lists 14 hard-to-write characters and
`three actions
`How a Correction picker works
`How a Corrector view works
`The four built-in keyboards
`A Keyboard picker lists alternate on-screen
`A keyboard can be embedded in a data-
`input slip
`Chapter 7
`Routing and Communications
`Figure 7-1
`Table 7-1
`Figure 7-2
`Figure 7-3
`Figure 7-4
`Figure 7-5
`Figure 7-6
`Figure 7-7
`The In/Out Box application displays either the In Box
`or the Out Box
`Meanings of status words in the In/Out Box
`A Show button provides access to alternative
`Viewing routing information in an Item Info slip
`An Action picker lists the transports available
`for sending
`An Action button at the bottom of a view affects the
`entire view
`An Action button above an item affects only
`that item
`An Action picker can include two kinds
`of actions
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 18

`Figure 7-8
`Figure 7-9
`Figure 7-10
`Figure 7-11
`Figure 7-12
`Figure 7-13
`Figure 7-14
`Figure 7-15
`Figure 7-16
`Figure 7-17
`Figure 7-18
`Figure 7-19
`Figure 7-20
`Figure 7-21
`Figure 7-22
`Figure 7-23
`Figure 7-24
`Figure 7-25
`A routing slip shows sender, recipient, and type
`of transport
`Changing the sender’s name or location
`Choosing a printer in a routing slip
`Choosing fax or e-mail recipients in a
`routing slip
`Switching to another transport in a group
`Setting format and content options in a
`routing slip
`Format choices vary by transport and class
`of data
`A format can get supplemental information in
`an auxiliary view
`Previewing outgoing page images
`The Out Box’s Send picker lets users send items to
`output devices
`The Receive picker lists the transports available
`for receiving
`Connection setup varies by transport
`The Tag picker disposes of currently selected
`In Box items
`Status slips apprise users of lengthy transport
`Accessing transport preferences from the In/Out Box’s
`Info picker
`Some common preference items for
`A Call routing slip sets up an outgoing
`phone call
`Routing with the Intelligent Assistant
`Chapter 8
`Newton Services
`Figure 8-1
`Figure 8-2
`Figure 8-3
`Figure 8-4
`A busy cursor indicates the system is temporarily
`The Notify button signals an ongoing action or
`deferred alert
`The Notify picker lists ongoing actions and
`deferred alerts
`An alarm notification alert’s Snooze button can
`postpone the alarm
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 19

`Figure 8-5
`Figure 8-6
`Figure 8-7
`Figure 8-8
`Figure 8-9
`Figure 8-10
`Figure 8-11
`Figure 8-12
`Figure 8-13
`Figure 8-14
`Figure 8-15
`Figure 8-16
`Table 8-1
`Figure 8-17
`Figure 8-18
`Figure 8-19
`Figure 8-20
`Figure 8-21
`Figure 8-22
`Figure 8-23
`Figure 8-24
`Figure 8-25
`Figure 8-26
`Figure 8-27
`A standard Find slip specifies what to find and where
`to look
`Specifying text or date searches in a Find slip
`Specifying a date in a Find slip
`Searching specified applications
`A custom Find slip displays application-specific
`criteria at the top
`A status slip shows the progress of a Find
`A Find overview lists items that match search
`The Find slip reports which found item is currently
`A Filing slip names available folders and storage
`A Filing button at the bottom of a view affects the
`entire view
`A Filing button above an item affects only
`that item
`A Filing slip can include storage locations, folders,
`or both
`Headings for radio button clusters in
`Filing slips
`Slips for entering and editing folder names
`A folder tab allows users to filter a view
`by folder
`A Folder picker can list available storage
`A folder tab can include a digital clock and
`A folder tab can include a view title
`The Assist button makes the Assistant try a written
`action request
`An Assist slip appears when the Assistant needs
`more information
`The Assistant’s Please picker lists known actions and
`recent phrases
`Online help has a topical outline and concise
`The Prefs application shows system-wide
`preference settings
`A preferences slip contains application-specific
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 20

`P R E F A C E
`About This Book
`Newton 2.0 User Interface Guidelines describes how to create
`software products that optimize the interaction between people
`and devices that use Newton 2.0 software. The book explains
`the whys and hows of the Newton 2.0 interface in general terms
`and in specific details.
`Newton 2.0 User Interface Guidelines helps you link the philosophy
`behind the Newton 2.0 interface to the actual implementation of
`the interface elements. Examples from a range of Newton soft-
`ware show good human interface design. These examples are
`augmented by descriptions and discussions of the reasoning behind
`the guidelines.
`This book also contains examples of how not to design human
`interface; they are marked as such and appear with a discussion
`that points out what’s inappropriate and how to correct it.
`Who Should Read This Book
`This book is for people who design and develop software for
`Newton devices. If you are a designer, a human interface
`professional, or an engineer, this book contains information you
`need to design and create software that fits the Newton model.
`It also provides background information to help you plan your
`software product’s design.
`Even if you don’t design and develop software for Newton, reading
`this book will help you understand the Newton interface. This
`understanding is useful to managers and planners who are
`thinking about developing Newton software, as well as to people
`who are studying human interface design in general.
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 21

`P R E F A C E
`This book assumes you are familiar with the concepts and
`terminology used with Newton devices, and that you have used a
`Newton device and its standard applications.
`What’s in This Book
`This book begins with a chapter that describes Newton devices
`such as the Apple MessagePad, what people do with them, and
`how they differ from personal computers. The first chapter also
`presents important principles you should keep in mind when
`designing Newton software, and explains how to involve users
`in designing the interface. The rest of the chapters define various
`parts of the Newton 2.0 interface. They describe each interface
`element in general language and show examples of how to use
`the elements correctly. For the more technical reader, the book
`specifies dimensions, spacing, and other specific implementation
`details for the Apple MessagePad. The book concludes with a list
`of common interface mistakes and a glossary.
`This book does not explain how to create Newton software with
`Newton Toolkit, the Newton development environment. For that
`you’ll need to refer to these other books, all of which come with
`Newton Toolkit:
`n Newton Programmer’s Guide. This set of books is the definitive
`guide and reference for Newton programming. This book
`explains how to write Newton programs and describes the
`system software routines that you can use to do so.
`Related Books
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 22

`P R E F A C E
`n Newton Toolkit User’s Guide. This book introduces the Newton
`Toolkit (NTK) development environment and shows how to
`develop Newton applications using Newton Toolkit. You
`should read this book first if you are a new Newton application
`n Newton Book Maker User’s Guide. This book describes how to use
`Newton Book Maker and Newton Toolkit to make Newton
`digital books and to add online help to Newton applications.
`You have this book only if you purchased the Newton Toolkit
`package that includes Book Maker.
`n The NewtonScript Programming Language. This book describes
`the NewtonScript programming language.
`Visual Cues Used in This Book
`Throughout this book you’ll see visual cues to certain types of
`n Boldfaced text indicates that a new term is being defined and
`that a definition of the word appears in the glossary.
`n This symbol indicates an example of the correct way to use a
`Newton interface element.
`n This symbol indicates an example of the wrong way to
`use a Newton interface element. It specifically calls out
`common mistakes.
`Developer Products and Support
`APDA is Apple’s worldwide source for hundreds of development
`tools, technical resources, training products, and information for
`anyone interested in developing applications for Apple computer
`platforms. Customers receive the Apple Developer Catalog, which
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 23

`P R E F A C E
`features all current versions of Apple development tools, as well
`as popular third-party development tools. APDA offers
`convenient payment and shipping options, including site
`To order product or to request a complimentary copy of the Apple
`Developer Catalog, use the following information:
`Apple Computer, Inc.
`P.O. Box 319
`Buffalo, NY 14207-0319
`1-800-282-2732 (United States)
`1-800-637-0029 (Canada)
`716-871-6555 (International)
`America Online
`If you provide commercial products and services, call
`408-974-4897 for information on the developer support
`programs available from Apple.
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 24

`C H A P T E R 1
`Figure 1-0
`Table 1-0
`Newton and Its Users
`Before you can begin to design an application, it is crucial that you have a
`clear picture of what a Newton device can do and how people will use your
`Newton software. This chapter introduces some high-level concepts that
`will help you clarify that picture. In addition, this chapter presents some
`basic principles of user interface design that apply to all types of software.
`The chapter concludes by detailing how to conduct user tests of your
`product during its development.
`Understand Newton
`Newton is a software and hardware technology designed for a family of
`products in the category of personal digital assistants (PDAs), such as the
`Apple MessagePad. The goal of Newton technology is to help people and
`businesses become more productive by simplifying basic tasks and making it
`easier for people to manage bits and pieces of information while on the
`move. Information entered on a Newton device can be moved to a desktop
`machine or a mainframe computer, where it can be manipulated in powerful
`Understand Newton
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 25

`C H A P T E R 1
`Newton and Its Users
`Newton is not a small portable computer with another graphical user
`interface. There may be similarities between portable computers and Newton
`devices, but the differences summarized below are more important than the
`similarities when it comes to designing a user interface for an application.
`Focused function
`New architecture optimized for
`mobility and communications—
`use it anywhere, any time
`Tapping, writing, and drawing
`with a pen
`Intelligent assistant
`New and custom applications
`It’s a communications assistant
`Portable Computers
`General purpose
`Derived from desktop computer
`architecture, which is optimized
`for stationary operation
`Typing, pointing, and clicking with
`mouse and keyboard
`Scripting and macros
`Existing desktop applications
`It’s a personal computer
`To take advantage of its distinguishing features and

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