`Exhibit 1017
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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Webster’s third new international dictionary of
`the English language, unabridged.
`Includes index.
`1. English language——Dictionaries. I. Gove,
`Philip Babcock, 1902-1972. 11. Merriam-Webster Inc.
`ISBN 0—87779-201-1 (blue Sturdite)
`ISBN 0—87779—206—2 (imperial buckram)
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`pi-so-tfi \p::~‘s6d-E\ n -s [ArnerSp plzote, pisote, fr. Nahuatl
`‘piss \'pis\ vb -ED/-ING/-EAS _[ME_zJ_i5$en, fr. OF pissier, fr.
`(assumed) VL pisriare, of irnit.
`r_>riginV] vi
`: URINATE — usu.
`considered vulgar ~ vi 1 : to urinate in or on (~_the bed) —
`00 — USU. COYISI EYE VU gar
`gin. Egflsldfirfid vulggr E : tlo discharge as or as if urine (~
`ipiss \“\ n -55 [ME pisse, fr. pissen. v.] 1 : URINE -—~ u_su. con-
`LISU. considere
`V11 gar
`sidered vLAIlgard2 rlan act of urinating —- often used with lake;
`pissant \'a =\ n Elpiss + ant] chiefly dial : Am‘
`piss away vt, slang : to let flow as if of no account : fritter
`—Mil ar
`away 1(erI1o]ugli m?1l;€y to piss away from now until the day I die
`1 slang : ANGRY, DISGUSTED 2 slang
`pissed \'pist\ adj
`pissed on adi, slang : ANGRY. DZSAPPOINTED, VDISGUSTED (a lot
`E Y
`of u s .
`. . are irsed off at me ‘cause I came in after them and
`made corporal _VNoi;rrian Mailer)
`-odes -— more at PITCH : a
`0 arctic genus 0‘ sum weevi s
` \po o(,)dez\] n, cog €NL,A fr. Gk pis_:a pltfill +
`that feed on coniferous trees ~ see wnrrc PIN; weeviLA
`pisgsoir \(‘)u1:Vswiir, (')pE{s-\ n —s [F, fr. MF,_fr. pzrrer to
`urinate, fr. 0} pissier V— more at PlSS] : £1 public urinal usu.
`located on the street in some European countries and sur-
`rounded by a shield or screen
`pisspour \‘=:=\ adj Eipiss + poor] slang: utterly inadequate or
`thoroughly unsatisfactory : DEPLORABLE, WREICHED (Just plain
`Joseph Landon
`~, mean and shiftless —Jamcs Jones) (that‘s 2. ~ attitude —
`pis-tache \pa'stash, (')pi:s-\ n —s [F, fr. L pisraciuml : PIS-
`pis-tach-io \pé'stashé.6, -taash-,-taish- also ~th’sli- or -tash- or
`-(.)shU\ n -s [It pisracchin, fr. L piirracium, fr. Gk pistakion
`a (l) : a sma
`istacfa vera o sout em Europe an
`istachio nut, ililim. of<;iszak§ pista)chifo trei, fr. Per pisrahg
`Asia Minor having leaves with 3 to S broad leaflets, greenisli
`brown pariiculate flowers, and a large fruit
`(2) : the edible
`green seed of the pistachio tree 1)
`: WITCH HAZEL 2a(l) 2 or
`pistachio green : a light yellowish green that is yellower and
`and duller t an crayon green
`paler than aéiple green, deeper than ocean green, and yellowcr
`pistachio nut n : the nutAof the pistachio trcc containing a
`single oblong greenish edible seed used esp. as a flavoring
`tuztaz‘-is ls °-?‘:“°¥““‘l—°‘l“‘\°°‘*°e“l°a
`f Gk
`pistachio tree] 1 cap : a small genus of trees (family AnacarVdi-
`aceae) native to southern Europe, Asia, and No. America
`having simple or pinnate leaves, small dioecious apetalous
`flowers, and drupacecvus fruits — sec MASTIC TREE, PISTACHIO,
`'rl=.ItI«:aINVri«I 2 V-s : any tree of the genus Plstacia _
`D15-lja-cite \'pIste,sit\ n -s [G pislazit, fr. L pistacmrn + G -11
`pis-ta-reen \:pista§rEn\ n A-s Eorob. modif. of Sp p_cSel'z_1— more
`at PESETA] : an old Spanish 2-real piece circulating In Spain,
`o eio t or
`cents an in t e
`. a ter
`ttée Weizist Indfiias, and thegj. S.§t lg? dsebafed r1a8t3_?f1/3tlli7e piece
`piste °\-pesn n -s [F, fr. MF, fr. OIt pista, fr. pi5‘IaAre to trample
`_: a at pac E
`s Itrai or_coLAIrse
`down I— anore it Pl.i$TON]]( 11: ibcatitn track or trail made by an
`pis-tia \'pistéa\ n [l\_IL, fr, Gk pistes hquid §— NL -m] 1 cup
`: a genus of
`free-floating aquatic herbs
`-s : an 1) ant o t
`e genus Pistia
`Araceae) having fgfled leaves land fefw-Aflowered spadices - see
`pis_-tic \‘pistik\ azfi [LL ypisticus,
`fr. Gk pistikps, fr. piriis
`faith + -ikos -ic; akin to Gk pcitheszhai to believe. b_e_pAer-
`éuaged, obey —- more at RIDE] : of, relating to, or exhibiting
`pis-til \'pist’l sometimes -stil\ n -5 [NL pistillum, fr. L, pestle
`— more at l’E§TL!V-2] : the ovule-bearing organ of a seed plant
`pare GYNOEClUM' see Fl.QW_ERl ustration V
`: the ovary with its appendage?‘ (as style and stigma) — com-
`plSI1ll- combfornl [l:lL pzstzlluml : pistil (prsrlllinc) <plSllAllOld>
`-late \’piste.1at, —_lét\ adj [pI'sII'II- + -1122] 1 : llavlrtg or
`producing a pistil — sec AMENT illustration 2 : having pistils
`but Ario _stuInens — compare STAMINATF.
`trig 0 a 1715 I
`pisoul A_ no \f—,lin, -A_Al1:';n\ adj [pI‘stI'll- + -ine] : of, relating to, or
`pfs-I11-lode V\‘pisto,l‘6d\ also is-til-lo-di-um \,=:'l6dEarn\ rt
`: a ru imentary pisti
`-S [Nla,_pI:lI1IodI'urA1i, Vfr. pI'stil- + Gk »6dEs -ode + NL -Ium]
`pis-til-lo-_dy \‘pista.l6dE\ (I -ES [_pI‘;lilI- + —ody] : the meta-
`morphosis of other organs Into pistils
`pis-til-loid \'pista.leid\ adj [pisziIl- + -aid] : resembling or
`r 0 E7! 0 fl
`171.? O 6
`u;‘§t‘s’dl.f§f“{«‘,§l‘s?=f\“,lS‘§‘ $7 ‘“‘?§"-‘Z [MF - r 2
`fr c; fr MHG
`dial. (Silesia) pischulle, pisclzol, pisclzczal, fr. ’Czeeh’pI'5zal, lit.,
`pipe; akin to Russ pischal shawm, shepherd‘s_pipes, _h_ar-
`qucbus, pishchat’ toplay the pipes, prob. all of_ imit. origin]
`1 : a short firearm intended to be aimed and fired with one
`hand : REVOLVER ~ see AUTOMATIC PISTOL 2 :Aa_han_d un
`Whose chamber is integral with the barrel - distinguis ed
`from revolver.‘ se_e SINGLE-SHOAT PISTOL
`Ipislol \“\ vt pistoled or pistolled; pistoled or installed;
`pistoling or pistolling; pistols : to shoot with a pistol
`is 1. ere ore capa e 0
`cing use
`as a pisto 01' as a car inc
`p_1st(}>Al cgrblne n :bii pI§t%l that hats} a rcmoyab%c butt pieceband
`pistol casehearer ri : a casebcarer that makes a curved case;
`rpecij : one that is the larva of a small No. American moth
`various ruit trees
`(Co_IeopI}orz_: malivarella) and that feeds on the foliage of
`pi -tole \p:'>'st’o'l\ n -S [ME prob. back-formation fr. pistolez]
`1 . an old gold 2-cscudo piece of Spain 2 : any of several old
`gold coins of Europe having about the value of a pistole
`pisto ; exp 2 a so ter arme ptlnctpa y wit
`a pisto
`131$-‘loll-eel‘ \Ipistti:jli(o)r\ n as [lpisgol 1-1+ -cqrg : one wlho uses a
`pistolet n -5 [MF, perh. dim. of pistole pistol] obs : any of
`several gold coins of European countries; exp 2 i>IsroLe
`pistol gnp rt 1 : a grip of a shotgun or rifle shaped like a pistol
`pistonhead \'ss_s\ 22 : the part of a piston that is made fast to
`the piston rod
`pistonlike \';:,e\ adj : resembling a piston
`pis-ton-phone \-.f6n\ n [piston »'r -phone] : an instrument for
`measuring acoustic intensity by the displacement of a piston
`resulting from the sound pressure upon it
`piston pin 11 : \VRlS'1' PIN
`piston pump rz : a pump having a reciprocating piston operat-
`ing in a cylinder so as to impart motion and pressure to the
`fluid by direct displacement
`piston ring n : a metal ring for sealing the gap between a
`piston and the cylinder wall
`piston red It : a rod by which a piston is moved or by which It
`Communicates motion
`piston spring n : a spring for a piston ring
`piston Valve n 1 : a reciprocating valve consisting of a piston
`or connected pistons working in a cylindrical case provided
`with ports that are traversed by the Valve 2 : PISTON 2a
`pi-sum \'pisam, -izom\ rt, cap [NL, fr. L, pea —— more at PEA]
`: a small genus of Eurasian herbaceous vines (family Legu-
`minosae) distinguished from Lzzthyrus by the enlarged summit
`of the style — see PEA
`‘pit \'pit, um -id~+V\ n -3 [ME pill, pit, fr. OE pyrr; akin to
`OS putt: well, OHG pfuzzi, pfuzza well, ON pyrtr well,
`pit, pool, cesspool;
`a prehistoric WGmc-NGmc
`word prob. borrowed fr. L puleus well, pit; perh. akin to
`L puzare to prune -— more at PAVE] 1 a : a hole, shaft, or
`cavity in the ground formed naturally (as by erosion) or
`artificially (as by digging): as
`(l) : a usu. open deep excava-
`tion or shaft that has been dug for taking a rnirieral deposit
`from the ground or for quarrying stone (a. gravel ~) (a coal
`(2) : a scooped-out place used for burning something (as
`charcoal, lime)
`(3) dial chiefly Eng : GRAVE (thou hast kept
`me alive, that I should not go down to the ~ —Ps 30:3 (AV))
`(4) : a hole in the ground usu. covered over with something (as
`brushwood) and designed to serve as a trap into which wild
`animals may fall and so be captured (5) : a covered excava-
`tion (as in a field) used for storing produce
`(6) : PROPAGA-
`TING PIT (7) : an area dug out or sunk into the ground as a
`place of imprisonment
`: an excavation (as beneath a
`furnace) for receiving cinders or ashes
`(9) : an area dug out
`as a shelter against gunfire b : an often sunken or depressed
`area designed for a particular use or purpose with reference to
`the surrounding or adjacent floor area: as
`(1) : an enclosure
`in which animals are kept or are made to fight each other as a
`sport (2. beat ~) (like a couple of garnecocks in a ~)
`chiefly Brit: the ground floor of a theater; esp: the part of this
`area at the rear
`(3) : ORCHESTRA err
`(4) : a usu. rectangular
`sunken area in a garage or service station designed to permit
`more convenient greasing of and repair work on the underside
`of a car — called also grease pit
`: DROP I>Ir
`(6) : a
`sunken area in a foundry floor designed to catch cast metal
`(7) : a small area at one end of a bowling alley behind the pins
`that is designed to catch the pins when they are knocked down
`(8) : an area alongside an auto speedway used for refueling or
`repairing the ears
`(9) : an area in a securities or commodities
`exchange typically surrounded by a circle of steps in which
`members of one or the other branch of the exchange do the
`actual trading (the wheat ~) (10) : an area covered or filled
`with sawdust or similar soft material designed to cushion the
`impact of one (as a pole vaulter) landing on that spot after a
`(ll) : an area in which gaming tables are placed in a
`casino 2 : an abyss conceived of as the abode of evil spirits
`and the damned : HELL (a demon from the depths of the ~ —
`John Morley) 3 : a. hollow or indentation esp. in the surface
`of an animal body or plant body : a surface depression: as
`a : a natural hollow in the surface of the body; exp 2 a hollow
`below the lower end of the breastbone — usu. used in the
`phrase pit of the i-ramach ‘b (1) : one of usu. several or many
`small more or less round indentations left as scars in the
`skin typically as a result of disease : POCKMARK (2) : a usu.
`developmental imperfection in the enamel of a tooth that takes
`the form of a small pointed depression c : one of the small
`depressions left in a surface (as of metal, stone) as a result of
`some eroding or corrosive agent dripping or sputtering on it
`11 : a minute depression in the secondary wall of a plant cell
`that is formed where secondary-wall material has not covered
`the primary wall and that has a function in the intercellular
`movement of water and dissolved material
`e : one of the
`small depressed lesions left in the surface of a plant by disease
`4 : a
`lant disease that produces pits in the plants affected‘
`fipit YR vb pitted; pitted; pitting; pits [ME pmcn, fr. pizz,
`pit, n.] vi 1 a: to put Into or as if into a pit; up: to store (as V
`vegetables) in a pit D : to make pits in (the field had been
`pitted by the explosions); esp : to make small indentations (as
`pockmarks) in (a face that had been pitted by smallpox)
`(packed sand that had been pitted by the heavy rain) 2 a : to
`set (as gamecocks) into or as if into a pit so as to fight (pizzeria
`pair of cocks against each other)
`1) : to set into opposition or
`rivalry : match against an opponent or competitor : OPPOSE
`(pitting his courage and his will against terrific odds —-E.O.
`Hauser) (we will be pitted against each other ~T.B.Costairl)
`(pitting one prizefighter against another) ~ vi 1 : to yield to
`pressure (as of the finger) and temporarily retain the indenta-
`tion so made (tissue affected by edema will usually N)
`2 : to form small indentations : become marked with pits (a
`metal that pitted after contact with acid)
`3])it \“\ It —s [D, fr. MD pitta, pit - more at Prr‘I~l] : the stone of
`a drupaceous fruit (as a cherry) ——- compare ‘PIP l
`4111! \"\ vt pitted; pitted; pitting; pits : to remove the pit
`from (a fruit)
`5p1t \“\ chiefly Scot var of PUT
`pi-ta \'pEd-a\ n -3 [Sp & Pg] 1 : any of several fiber-yielding
`plants: as
`: a Central
`American wild pineapple (Ariana: magdalcrzac)
`2 a : the
`fiber of a pita b : any of several other fibers; esp : MAURITIUS
`pit-a~liau-e-rat \.hid-a'hai'ia.rat\ n, pl pitaliaiierat or pit-
`ahauerats usu cap 1 : a people of the Pawnee Confederacy
`2 : a member of the Pitahauerat pcoplc
`pit-a-haya \,pid-o'hio\ or pi-laya \pé'tia\ r1 -5 [Sp, fr. Taino
`pitahaya] 1 : any of several cacti (as Lemaireocereus thurberi
`or Acanthocereus perztagonur) of the SOllll]\.V6Sl6l'll U.S_ and
`adjacent Mexico that have edible juicy fruits; esp : SAGUARO
`2 :
`the highly colored fruit of a pitahaya that often is as
`large as a peach and has bright red juice
`pi-tan-ga \pé‘tauga\ n -5 [Pg, fr. TupAil : SURXNAM cncimy 2
`pi-tan-gjua \,pi,tai3‘gw’a\
`-5 [Pg pzrarzgud, fr. Tupi] : a
`large-billed flycatcher
`(Megarhynchus pitangua) of Central
`America and So. America
`pi-tan-gus \po'taI3ges\ rt, cap INL, fr. Pg pitangud] : a genus
`stock 2 : a handle (as of a saw) shaped like a pistol stock
`of tyrant flycatchers inhabiting chiefly the warmer parts of
`pis-to]-o-gy \pé'stéilaJE\ n -55 [Gk piszis faith + E -0- +
`pit annulus n [1pill : the thicker outer rim of the membrane
`;lo_gA;Ar ~— more at PISTIC] : a branch of theology dealing with
`of some bordered pits
`pistol prawn or pistol shrimp n : SNAPPING SHRIMP
`pistol shot n 1 : the approximate distance a pistol will shoot
`lpit—a_-pat \:pid-je:par, vlfl, [l:pV— sometimes le:p-; usu -ad-+V\
`or send a bullet or shot (came within pistol shot) 2 : one
`or pit-pat
`\'pit,p-\ also
`\Ii'ke VI>rr-A-i=Ar\ or
`skilled in or accustomed to pistol shooting
`pitty—patty \§s:§pad-IE, -at}, i\ adv (or adj) [Imit.] 1 : with
`a succession of strong rapid beats (as of the heart) : Pl’I‘l'ERa
`pistol-whip \'
`vt : to beat with a pistol; specif : to beat
`PA'I'l'ER (heart went pi‘:-a-par) 2 : with a succession of light
`the head or face of with the side of a pistol
`pis-ton \'pisten\ n -S [F, fr. MF, large pestle, fr. Olt pislorze.
`rapid pats (as of footfalls)
`(came running pit-a-pat down
`the corridor in her bare feet)
`fr. pistare to beat, pound, trample down (fr. ML pirrare, fr. L
`pistus, past part. of pinxere to pound, crush) 'l- -one, aug. suffix
`2pit—a—pat \"\ rt 1 : a pattcring sound : FFITER-l=A‘l’l'l3R (the ‘
`— more at PESTLE] 1 : a sliding piece moved by or moving
`pit-a—pat of rain on the roof) 2 : an onset of palpitation (as
`against fluid pressure and usu. consisting of a short cylinder
`ry en
`fitting within a cylindrical vessel along which it moves back
`gomd elI>lOtl0I‘l)
`(the pit-a-pat of two young hearts -John
`Spit-a-pat \“\ vi
`to go
`and forth — compaVre_ CYLINDER 2b,2c, SLIDE VALVE 2 a or
`: PTJTER-PAT’I‘ER (love
`pit-a-patted In their hearts — onn Byme)
`piston valve : a sliding valve moving in a cylinder like an
`engine piston in a brass wind instrument and serving when
`; pit aperture 21 [Ipiz] :
`the opening from the lumen of a cell
`''Into a pit cavity in a plant
`depressed by a finger knob to add a crook to the tube and ‘
`hence to lower its pitch la or piston R110]: 2 a push button on
`‘ pi-ta-rah also pabta-ra \pé'tara\ n -s [Hindi pi_I‘z7l'r£7, para‘
`akin to Skt pita/ca pitarah] : a basket or box for carrying
`an organ console for bringing in a preselected registration
`the clothing of a traveler by palanquin
`piston displacement fl : the volume displaced by a piston in a
`cylinder (as in a pump or an engine) in a single stroke : the
`pi-tau \'pe,tau\ n -s [Maori] : SILVER mes FERN
`product of piston travel and cross-sectional area of the con-
`pit band n : a theater or opera house orchestra (the bright
`taining cylinder
`surface excitement of a Broadway pit band -New Yorker)
`piston drill I1
`: a pneumatic percussion drilling machine in
`pifbird \'=,;\ n ['!’it + bird] : iAzi~:I-:I:> WARBLER
`which the drill forms a continuation of the piston rod
`pit border )1 [lpir] : the extension of the secondary cell wall
`piston engine 21
`: an engine utilizing pistons working in
`that forms a rim and ovcrarches the pit cavity of a bordered
`cylinder and usu. involviilg reciprocating motion
` pistol grip of a keyhole saw
`pit 13055:: 1 ; a foreman in charge of workers in a given section
`of a coal mine or one in charge of all operations at a strip
`coal_mii-Ie —~ compare snirr Boss 2 : one that supervises the
`gaming tables in a casino during play
`pit bull orV pit bullterrier n : BULLTERRTER
`pit-cair-ma \piI'Aka(a)rneo\ It, cap [NL, fr. William Pitcairn
`‘[1791 Eng. physician and botanist + NL -ia] : a large genus
`of tropical often epViphytiVc herbs (family Bronieliaceac) that
`gave fleshy leaves with spiny margins and flowers with showy
`plVt canal n [‘pI‘l] : the passage in at bordered p_it that is between
`the cell lumen and the pit chamber and that is esp. prominent
`when both secondary wall and pit border are thick
`pit cavity}: [‘pi1] 2 the space within a plant cell pit
`lpitch _\'pich\A n -55 _[ME pick, fr. OE_pI'c, fr. L pie-, pix; akin to
`GkApxssa, pitta pitch. OSlaV pI'kuIi7 Dl_tCll. L opiml/.3 fat,
`copious -A more at FAT] 1 2 any of Various black or dark:
`colored viscous semisolid to solid substances obtained as
`residues in the distillation of tars or other organic materials:
`a_ :_ a. soft to hard and brittlesubstance that is obtained
`by distilling coalVtar, contains principally‘ aromatic resinous
`compounds together with aromatic and other hydrocarbons
`and tl’lCll'Vdel'lVa1lVBSV, and is used chiefly in waterproofing,
`impregnating, and binding 13
`: a bright lustrous substance
`that V15 obtained byV distilling wood tar, contains resin acids,
`and is used chiefly in plastics and Insulating materials and in
`caulking seams
`c to usu. soft substance that is obtained by
`distilling fats, fatty oils, or fatty acids (as from the Inaniifacture
`of soap or candles), contains polymers and decomposition
`products, and 15 used chiefly In varnishes and paints and in
`floor coverings —V called also fatty acid pitch, srearin pilch
`2 : any of various Vbituminous substances (mineral ~)
`_3 : a resin that is obtained from various coniferous trees and
`is_ often of medicinal value (pine ~)A 4: : any of various arti-
`ficI_al mixtures (as of rosin with oils or waxes)
`resinous or bituminous pitches; specif : a mixture of crude
`pitch, powdered resin, plaster of paris, and tallow used in
`metalcraft to form a base for supporting and fixing work while
`eing wor e on
`tgooling orktodfurnish a supporting filling for a hollow object
`1p1_tcll \“\ vt —ED/—lNG/-ES [ME pichen,
`fr._ OEApicz‘an, fr.
`w_it piic
`: app I pitc
`pz_c,hn.;[ :hto CO\;€l’ or gmear with or as If with pitch :
`3pltcl'1V\"_\ vb pitched or Varcllaic pight \‘pit\ pitched or
`archaic pight; pitching; pitches [ME pzcchen. picherz; _pcrh,
`akin to Ol_5 pzcung pricking — — more at PICK] V! 1 a archazc : to
`fix firmly in or on_ something : make secure (built of the round
`sea pebbles ~er_1In mortar —Joseph Jekyll) b (1) : to erect
`(a tent) and fix firmly in place (decided to ~ their tents
`there for the night)
`(2) : to set up (a camp) by erecting tents
`(moved the camp away from where it had been ~ed_) _(3) V: to
`set up (a wicket used In the game of cricket) by driving into
`the ground (the wickets are ~ed opposite and parallel
`each other)
`c archaic: to spread out (as a net, a snare) and
`make secure (~'2s toils_ to stop the flight »—._lohn Dryden)
`2 a_rehaI'c a :
`to locate in or move Into a particular place or
`pOSl[l0n so as to cause to be situated securely or permanently
`(the abrupt hill on which the town . .. is ~ed —William
`'0 : to turn (as_ the eyes, thoughts) toward something
`: DIRAI-:Cr (~Ing her mind among the cruoymcnts of Corinth
`—Leigl'i Hunt) 3 2
`‘II-IROW, 1-‘LING: as a :
`to take up {as
`hay) with a pitchfork and toss to a particular area (watched
`the farmers /virzg hay) b (1)
`: to bowl (3 Cricket ball) to a
`particular point
`(2) : to deliver (a baseball) to a batter <’_"€d
`a fast ball to him and he struck out) (3) : to toss (as coins)
`so ask) cause to fall at or near a particular mark (boys ~I'rIg
`pennies)V (liked to ~ horseshoes)
`c : HURL (~ed the spear
`over their heads) 4 21 ab: : to furnish with things that are
`stuck in or placed on (~ing the top with multitude of stakes
`—Henry Holcroft) b archaic : to set (as a road, path) with
`a_la_ver of pebbles or stones 5 a chiefly Brit : to set out or
`display (goods) for sale esp. in a market b : to sell, peddle,
`or advertise (goods) esp. in a high—pressure way (~ir:g a new
`line of refrigerators) 6 obs : to state or establish as definite
`they ~ their conclusion, and then hunt about for
`premises —'Joseph Hall)
`'7 a (l) : to cause to be at a par-
`ticular level (~ea’ their aspirations too high) or of a particular
`overall quality (~ing the conversation along idealistic lines)
`(2) : to cause (as the voice) to have a particular highriess or
`lowness of tone : give a particular musical pitch to (~ed her
`voice too high)
`(3) : to set In a particular musical key (~ed
`the melody In the key of A)
`1) : to cause to be set at a par-
`ticular angle (~ed the roof too steep)
`8 chiefly dial :
`ut into the ground to grow : PLANT 9 :
`to cause to be
`Aoosened and lost (the ship was in danger of ~ing her masts
`in the heavy sea) 10 : PIT 2h 11 a chiefly Brit : NARRATE,
`TELL {~ a yarn that not even a child would have believed)
`b 2 to utter, state, or deliver with a glibness typically marked
`by exaggeration, artificial fervor, insincerity, or deceptiveness
`(was disgusted with the line she ~ed) 12 : to start fermenta-
`tion in (as wort) by adding some substance 13 a : to lead
`(a card of a specified suit) in some games
`'0 :
`to establish
`(trump) by such leading 14: : to make a pitch shot with (a
`golf ball) 15 2.
`: to choose and put into a particular ball
`game as a usu. starting pitcher (the manager had a hard time
`deciding which player to ~) I) : to play (a game of ball) in
`the position of
`itchcr (~cd a perfect game) (Ned the first
`three innings)
`6 :
`to chip (a stone) so as to have straight
`lines and a flat surface: SQUARE 17 : 5Fl’I‘ 2d(6) ~ vi 1 a : to
`fall precipitately : fall headlong heavily 2 plunge headlong
`1) (1) of a ship 2 to have the bow alternately plunge precipitately
`down and rise abruptly up (~ and roll in a rough sea) (2) of an
`airplane : to turn about a lateral axis so thar the nose rises or
`falls in relation to the tail (3) of a missile or spacecraft : to turn
`about a lateral axis that is both perpendicular to the longi-
`tudinal axis and horizontal with respect to the earth c : to
`plunge forward with a movement suggestive of a pitching ship
`6. : BUCK l 2 a : ENCAMI’ (~ed on the other side of the_h_ill)
`'h (l) archaic : to settle down in a particular place or position
`(the first settlers ~ed here —J'eremy Belknap)
`(2) : to make a
`choice of something usu. in a rather casual way : fix on some-
`thing —— used with on or upon (the place which he Ned upon
`for his trading post —Washington Irving) 3 : to incline for-
`ward and downward : §L0i>E, DIP A(a vein of ore ~ing 36
`degrees east) 4 a : to pitch something; esp : to pitch a base-
`ball or softball (a pitcher that really knows how to N) b : to
`play ball as a pitcher : have the position of pitcher (~e_d for 10
`years before retiring)
`c 2
`to make a pitch shot in golf
`5 cricket, of a bowled ball : to strike the ground before being
`played by a batsman (the ball ~ed short of a length) 6 : to
`exert oneself energetically against odds : fight courageously
`against difficulties and opposition (no matter what hap-
`pened, he stayed in there ~irIg) syn see PLLINGE, THROW *
`pitch into 1 :
`to attack or assail with blows or words :
`EELABOR, SCOLD (got mad and pitched into him with both fists)
`(said his mother would pitch into him when he got home)
`2 : to set to work on energetically (decided to pitch into the
`job and get it over with) —— pitch woo : to make love : NECK
`4pitch \“\ n -es 1 a (1) : the action of pitching (2) : a car_
`ticular manner of pitching b Brit
`: a quantity of goods
`displayed for sale 2 a : degree of_slope : SLOPE‘. as (1) : the
`inclination of a roof as determined by the ratio of
`height to the span (2) : the inclination of a flight of stairs
`as determined by the angle of
`the nosing line with the
`(3) : the angle of setting (as of a plowshare, a carpen-
`ter’s plane iron, or a propeller blade)
`(4) : the angle that the
`cutting edge of a saw tooth makes with a line parallel to the
`points of the teeth (5) : the angle of a shotgun barrel from _the
`vertical when the butt of the gun is at right angles to the vertical
`(6) : the angle at which finger holes are bored in a bowling
`(7) :
`the angle at which a heel is attached to the sole
`of a shoe (8) : the dip or inclination of a vein or bed of a
`mineral; E517 : t>l.tINGE 4 b : the distance between two points
`of a mechanical part or between two such parts: as (l) : the
`distance between a point on a gear tooth or sprocket tooth and
`a corresponding point on the next tooth (2)
`: the distance
`between a point on one of
`the threads of a screwand 2-.
`corresponding point on an adjacent thread (3) : the distance
`between a pair of paddles on a wheel
`(4) : the distance be-
`tween a pair of rivet holes
`(5) : the distance between a pair
`Page 3
`Page 3 of 4

` sleeveboard
`sleepy hollow chair
`sleepy hollow chair \}= , :-\ 7:, 14514 cap S&H [fr. Sleepy Hol-
`low, valley near Tarrytown, N.Y.] : 2
`deep upholstered chair designed for
`sleepy lizard n : STL'MP—'I‘AIL
`sleepy sickness 22 1 Brit : szesrrzco
`2 Brit
`LETHARGICA 3 NewZeal : pregnancy
`disease of sheep
`sleepy staggers n pl : FORAGE POISON-
`sleer \'sli(o)r\ vi
`-ED/-ING/-S falter.
`influenced by 3:Zur) of sneer]
`dial Eng : MOCK, SNEER
`lsleet \'slEt, usu -Ed-+V\ r:
`-5 [ME
`slate: akin to MHG S152, sléze hail-
`stone, ON slow to hang down, ME
`Sleepy Hollow chair
`rlaor mud — more at sLu'R] 1 2 pre-
`cipitation in the form of frozen or partly frozen rain : fine
`driving icy particles 2 : GLAZE la 3 2 a mixture or combina-
`tion of rain and snow
`5 BEE
`Islleet \“\ vz‘ -ED/—!NG/-S [ME rleien, fr. sleie sleet] : to shower
`sleety \'slEd-IE, -Er], |i\ ad] -ER/-EST [lrleet + -y] : consisting
`of, accompanied by, or of the nature of sleet
`lsleeve \'slEv\ n -5 often attrib [ME slefe, slave, fr. OE slfeje;
`akin to OE sléjan to slip (clothes) on, MD rlove covering,
`apron, OE rlfipan to slip, OHG sliofan, Goth sliupan to slip
`in, L Iubricus slippery] 1 3 : a part of a. garment covering an
`arm sometimes tied on at the shoulder or usu. set in by stitch-
`ing at the armscye or cut with a body section of the garment
`(as a raglan or kimono sleeve) b : sI.EEvEi.I-:r (postmistress in
`her brown paper ~s —James Stern) 2 a : a tubular part
`designed to fit over another
`art: as
`(1) or sleeve axle : a
`hollow axle or quill having re ative movement to a shaft inside
`(2) : a long bushing or thimble
`(3) or sleeve coupling
`: a piece of pipe or a thimblc for covering a joint or for cou-
`pling two lengths of piping (4) :a longitudinally split quill
`or hollow mandrel for temporarily gripping a part
`: a
`double tube of copper having a cross section like a figure 8
`into which the ends of bare wires are pushed so that when the
`tube is twisted an electrical connection is made
`: a
`prongcd tubular spring used in a watch with a negative setting
`mechanism to set the stem in position (7) : a collar of coarse
`mesh wire screening placed around the base of a young tree or
`shrub to prevent injury by rodents
`(8) : a collar usu. of heavy
`paper placed around the base of a young plant (as a tomato)
`l) : an open-ended 1
`to prevent injury by grubs or cutworms
`flat or tubular packaging or cover (light bulbs in a ~>: as I
`(l) : JACKET 3f (4)
`: a protective cover usu. made of
`paper, cloth, or leather over board and slipped over a book to
`cover all but the fore edge and backbone 3 : MANTLE 7a
`4 : SLEEVE TARGET — up one’s sleeve : hcld secretly in
`reserve (has an emergency plan up his sleeve)’
`Zsleeve \“\ v: —ED/-ING/—S [ME sleven, fr. sleve sleeve] 1 a : to
`furnish, cover, or surround with a sleeve b : to place (a. part)
`as a sleeve upon another 2 z to wipe off or away with the
`sleeve (sleevirzg the sweat off his face —N.C.McDonald)
`sleeve bearing 22
`: a machine bearing in which the axle or
`shaft turns in a sleeve that is often grooved to facilitate dis-
`tribution of lubricant to the bearing
`sleeveboard \'=,:\ It
`9. small
`ironing board for pressing
`sleeve brick n : a tubular
`fircbrick used to line slag
`sleeve button It
`: 2: button
`fastening a cuff; esp
`sleeved \§slEvd\ adj [lsleeve
`+ —ed]
`1 2 made with
`sleeves (~ garments)
`2 : having sleeves of a particular type — usu. used in combina-
`tion (sliort-sleeved) (puff-sleeved) (long-sleeved’)
`sleeve dam rt
`: a canvas dam for diverting part of the water
`from an irrigation ditch while the remainder flows through a
`sleeve whose opening can be regulated
`sleeve dog n : a dog (as a Pekingese) small enough to carry
`inside the sleeve or in a muff
`sleeve garter ri
`: CARTER lc
`sleevehancl n, obs : CUFF
`sleeve-less \'slEvlés\ adj [ME sleveles, fr. OE slieflias, fr.
`sliefe sleeve + -léas -less] 1 : having no sleeve 2 a : PROFIT~
`rU'rii.I-: (the errand they were on was ~ —Virgilia
`Peterson) b Brit : PETTY, FRIVOLOUS (the ~ butterfly world
`—Llewelyn P0Wys> -— sleeve-less-ness n -as
`sleeve-let \-lét\ ri -S [‘sleeve 4- -let] : a fitted covering for
`the forearm worn for protection or warmth
`sleevelike \'s,s\ adj : resembling a sleeve
`sleeve link n - curr LINK
`sleeve nut n
`a right-and-lcft nut
`sleev-cr \'slcve(r)\ n -S [lsleeve + -er] 1 a : a garment worker
`who sews in sleeves
`_b : a laundry worker who presses sleeves
`and ncckbands of shirts on heated forms 2 : a worker who
`reinforces the pouring openings of paper bags
`sleeve target rt
`: a tubular cloth target towed by an airplane
`for use in air and ground antiaircraft gunnery practice
`sleeve valve P1‘: an admission and exhaust valve on an in-
`ternal-combustion engine that consists of one or two hollow
`sleeves fitting around the interior of the cylinder and moving
`as. the piston moves so that openings in them come into line
`with inlet and exhaust ports in the cylinder at proper stages in
`the cycle
`sleev-ing \'slEvfi3\ n -5 Uslreve -3- -ing] : a braided, knitted,
`woven, or extruded tube used to slip over bare or weakly
`insulated conductors in an electronic assembly —- called also
`sleezy var of SLEAZY
`slelded adj Ealter.
`(prob. influenced by sleyed, past part. of
`1:12)’) of sleaved, past part of lsleave] obs, of silk : UNTWISTED
`lslelglt \'s1§\ n -s [D 3159, alter. of slede, fr. MD — more at
`SLED] 1 a : a vehicle on runners used for transporting persons
`or goods on snow or ice — called also sledge b dial : a child‘s
`sled ' 2 :_the part of a gun carriage that supports the cannon,
`recoils with it, and guides it along the slides upon which the
`cannon moves in recoil
`fisleigh \“\ vi -I-:1)/-ING/~s : to drive or travel in a sleigh
`iisleigh var of SLEY
`Sleigh bed 21 [‘sIei‘gh] : a bed common esp. in the first half of
`the_ l9th century having a headboard and footboard that are
`solid and roll outward at the top
`Sleigh bell n : any of various bell

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