`My name is Ali Daneshy. I am over the age of twenty-one (21) years,
`of sound mind, and capable of making the statements set forth in this Declaration.
`I am competent to testify about the matters set forth herein. All the facts and
`statements contained herein are within my personal knowledge and they are, in all
`things, true and correct.
`I have been asked by Baker Hughes Incorporated (“Baker Hughes”) to
`submit this declaration in support of its challenge to the validity of certain claims
`of U.S. Patent No. 9,303,501 (“the ’501 Patent”).
`Education and Experience
`My curriculum vitae is attached as Exhibit 1.
`I received a Master of Science Degree in Mining Engineering from
`the University of Tehran in 19641, a Master of Science Degree in Mineral
`Engineering (Rock Mechanics) from the University of Minnesota in 1968, and a
`Ph.D. in Mining Engineering (Rock Mechanics) from the University of Missouri-
`Rolla in 1969.
`1 At that time, the University of Tehran did not offer a bachelor’s degree in
`Exhibit 1005
`- 1 -
`Page 1 of 68

`I have more than 45 years of industry experience as a geo-mechanical
`engineer primarily in technology and operations of hydraulic fracturing. I began
`my career with Halliburton Company in 1969 and held numerous technology and
`management positions at Halliburton for the next 29 years in areas such as well
`stimulation, geo-mechanics, produced water management, software development,
`fluid mechanics, intelligent completions, under-balanced drilling, on-site data
`acquisition systems, etc. Each of the management positions I held at Halliburton
`was created as a result of the growth of my previous projects.
`I started at Halliburton’s Duncan, Oklahoma Research Center in 1969
`as a research engineer performing research related to hydraulic fracturing. During
`this time, I developed a fracture design software named PROP that became a
`widely used fracture design program. PROP was used thousands of times annually
`to assist operators all over the world in planning and executing successful
`fracturing treatments.
`In 1972, I was promoted to Group Leader of a new research group.
`As Group Leader, I led a team of 15-20 engineers in research related to hydraulic
`fracturing and other related fields (e.g., reservoir engineering, fluid mechanics).
`The success of this research justified greater resources and, in 1975, I was
`promoted to Section Supervisor, where I led a team of 30-50 engineers. During
`this time, our team focused on several main projects: (1) on-site fracturing data
`- 2 -
`Page 2 of 68

`acquisition software development, (2) engineering research, (3) computerized
`equipment used in the oil and gas field, (4) reservoir engineering, and (5) hydraulic
`The third of these projects was considered by many to be
`revolutionary at the time. It involved on-site, computerized data acquisition and
`analysis during hydraulic fracturing operations, primarily in oil and gas-bearing
`wells. The results of this data analysis could be given to the customer at the well
`site. No other company was performing this service at the time. In addition to
`these developments, I helped develop curriculum and materials for training
`regarding hydraulic fracturing and stimulation at Halliburton, which were used to
`train engineers primarily in the field.
`In 1983, I was promoted to Department Manager of Reservoir
`Research and Engineering, and was responsible for the performance of 40-50
`engineers who were in my department. Much of the research performed by my
`department during this time related to improving the technology of hydraulic
`fracturing, and the use of computer technology, in order to increase production of
`oil and gas wells and the efficiency of fracturing operations. For example, my
`team developed equipment for automated mixing of fracturing fluids—composed
`of additives and other chemicals—via computer control rather than manually.
`- 3 -
`Page 3 of 68

`These developments increased the effectiveness and decreased the cost of
`fracturing treatments.
`I also worked with Halliburton during this time to advise and develop
`technologies used by oil and gas companies in performing the first commercial
`hydraulic fracturing operations in horizontal wells, including the very first—drilled
`by Maersk Oil in 1987. In this capacity, I became familiar with the pioneering
`“Perforate, Stimulate, Isolate” (“PSI”) system developed by Baker Oil Tools,
`which reduced the time to create multiple fractures in a single wellbore from weeks
`to days.
`In 1989, I formed and led Halliburton’s European Research Center
`dedicated to oil and gas operations in the Eastern Hemisphere. While in this
`capacity, I continued to develop technologies used by Maersk and others to
`improve the production and efficiency of hydraulic fracturing of horizontally
`drilled wells, including those used to overcome logistical challenges.
`In 1993, I became the Regional Technical Manager for Halliburton in
`Europe and Africa, while I also advised customers in the Middle East and Asia
`Pacific regions. As Regional Technical Manager, I worked directly with
`operations engineers and personnel to help them implement various Halliburton
`services, including services related to stimulation methods in horizontal wells.
`Some of my responsibilities included ensuring that new engineers were properly
`- 4 -
`Page 4 of 68

`trained and had access to the most up-to-date technology and resources, and
`promoting development of new technologies and methods to increase production
`from oil and gas reservoirs.
`In 1996, I was promoted to Vice President of Integrated Technology
`Products and moved to Houston, Texas. While in this capacity, I was responsible
`for integrating leading-edge technologies into the oil and gas services business,
`including underbalanced drilling, multi-lateral wells, advanced data management
`techniques, intelligent completions, water control, and more.
`I retired from working at Halliburton in 1999, and formed a private
`engineering consulting company where I continue to work as a technical advisor
`and consultant to oil and gas companies, and oil and gas services companies,
`throughout the world. My services include consultations regarding production
`stimulation and hydraulic fracturing of vertical and non-vertical wells, well
`completions, unconventional and
`low permeability reservoir planning and
`development, and reservoir stimulation.
`Shortly after retiring from Halliburton, in 2004 I became director of
`the Petroleum Engineering Program at the University of Houston and, while in this
`position, initiated the establishment of an undergraduate petroleum engineering
`curriculum. I continue to teach as an adjunct professor at the University of
`Houston to this day. I have also been a guest lecturer on topics related to well
`- 5 -
`Page 5 of 68

`completion and fracturing at many universities in the United States and abroad, and
`have served on Ph.D. advisory boards and committees.
`16. During my career, I have authored more
`than 45
`publications and 15 papers related to technology management and creativity, which
`are listed in my attached curriculum vitae, as well as book chapters, on the subject
`of hydraulic fracturing. I am also the publisher and co-Editor-in-Chief of a
`quarterly journal called “HFJ” (Hydraulic Fracturing Journal) dedicated entirely to
`the dissemination of the latest hydraulic fracturing technologies.
`I have also received several awards and served in various positions—
`including multiple chairman positions—on a large number of committees and
`boards related to petroleum engineering. These positions and awards are listed in
`my curriculum vitae. Notable positions include Director At Large on the Society
`of Petroleum Engineers’ (“SPE”) Board of Directors, including two chair
`positions, and Chairman of the Journal of Petroleum Technology Roundtable.
`Notable awards include both the SPE Distinguished Member Award and the SPE
`Distinguished Service Award for contributions to hydraulic fracturing, as well as
`being named a SPE Distinguished Lecturer in 2004.
`18. Having the above knowledge and experience, I am well qualified to
`offer the opinions I express in this declaration.
`- 6 -
`Page 6 of 68

`In consideration for my services, my work on this case is being billed
`to Baker Hughes at an hourly rate of $562.50 per hour, independent of the outcome
`of this proceeding. I am also being reimbursed for reasonable expenses I incur in
`relation to my services provided for this proceeding.
`III. Legal Considerations
`20. My understanding of the law is based on information provided by
`counsel for Baker Hughes.
`I understand that a claimed invention is obvious and, therefore, not
`patentable if the subject matter claimed would have been considered obvious to a
`person of ordinary skill in the art at the time that the invention was made. I
`understand that there must be some articulated reasoning with some rational
`underpinning to support a conclusion of obviousness. I further understand that
`exemplary rationales that may support a conclusion of obviousness include:
`(1) simply arranging old elements in a way in which each element performs the
`same function it was known to perform, and the arrangement yields expected
`results, (2) merely substituting one element for another known element in the field,
`and the substitution yields no more than a predictable result, (3) combining
`elements in a way that was “obvious to try” because of a design need or market
`pressure, where there was a finite number of identified, predictable solutions,
`- 7 -
`Page 7 of 68

`(4) whether design incentives or other market forces in a field prompted variations
`in a work that were predictable to a person of ordinary skill in the art, and (5) that
`some teaching, suggestion, or motivation in the prior art would have led one of
`ordinary skill in the art to modify the prior art reference or to combine prior art
`references to arrive at the claimed invention, among other rationales.
`IV. Task Summary
`I have been asked to review the challenged U.S. patent: the ’501
`Patent. I have been asked to provide my opinions from the perspective of a person
`of ordinary skill, having knowledge of the relevant art, as of November 19, 2001,
`and the opinions stated in this declaration are from that perspective. The
`qualifications and abilities of such a person are described in paragraphs 44-53
`below. I have also been asked to consider whether any of my opinions would
`change if this date was November 19, 2002 instead of November 19, 2001. They
`would not. I am not aware of any developments in that intervening time period
`that would have meaningfully altered how a person of ordinary skill, having
`knowledge of the relevant art, would have viewed the issues I address.
`In preparing this declaration, I have considered this patent in its
`entirety and the general knowledge of those familiar with the field of oil and gas
`completion and stimulation, and specifically systems for completion and
`stimulation, as of November 19, 2001.
`- 8 -
`Page 8 of 68

`I have also reviewed the references in their entirety that form the basis
`for Baker Hughes’ challenge to the ’501 Patent, including the publications listed in
`the following table:
`Short Title
`’501 Patent
`U.S. Patent No. 9,303,501
`D.W. Thomson, et al., Design and Installation of a Cost-
`Effective Completion System for Horizontal Chalk Wells Where
`Multiple Zones Require Acid Stimulation, SPE (Society for
`Petroleum Engineering) 37482 (1997)
`Halliburton Completion Products, Second Edition (1997)
`B. Ellsworth, et al., Production Control of Horizontal Wells in
`a Carbonate Reef Structure, 1999 Canadian Institute of
`Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Horizontal Well Conference
`U.S. Patent No. 5,375,662
`U.S. Patent No. 4,099,563
`U.S. Patent No. 6,257,338
`U.S. Patent No. 4,279,306
`R. Coon, et al., Single-Trip Completion Concept Replaces
`Multiple Packers and Sliding Sleeves in Selective Multi-Zone
`Production and Stimulation Operations, SPE 29539 (1996)
`U.S. Patent No. 5,947,204
`U.S. Patent No. 5,181,569
`Ringgenberg U.S. Patent No. 6,230,811
`U.S. Patent No. 3,306,365
`- 9 -
`Page 9 of 68

`Field of Technology
`The ’501 Patent describes a method and apparatus for selectively
`stimulating or treating multiple segments of an oil well using ball-actuated sleeves
`to open and close ports through a tubing string. See ’501 Patent at 1:29-32, 2:47-
`3:15. Stimulation or treatment of a well generally involves injecting fluid at
`sufficiently high pressure into a well to create fractures in the formation, which
`increase the flow of oil and gas from the formation into the wellbore.
`A. Wellbore Construction and Completion
`26. A well is formed by drilling a hole into a geological formation with
`oil or gas reserves to form a “wellbore.” Such wellbores include at least one
`vertical portion descending downward from the earth’s surface, and may include
`one or more horizontal portions that extend outward from the vertical portion to
`maximize the length of the wellbore that is within and able to receive oil and gas
`from an oil-bearing formation.
`27. Horizontal drilling became widespread in the 1990s and has been one
`of the primary drivers behind the increased production of oil and gas in the United
`States over the past two decades. Oil and gas reservoirs (e.g., shale plays) are
`typically found in horizontal strata. Horizontal drilling allows drillers to reduce the
`footprint of oil and gas field development and increase the length of the “pay zone”
`that is intersected by the wellbore so that the overall production of the well would
`- 10 -
`Page 10 of 68

`increase. Horizontal drilling is particularly useful in shale formations, which do
`not have sufficient permeability to produce economically with a vertical well.
`28. After a wellbore is formed, it is often lined with pipe or “casing” that
`can help to protect the wellbore from erosion and maintain its stability during
`various well operations, such as when oil and gas are extracted from the formation
`and/or when fluids are injected into the wellbore as described in more detail below.
`In cased completions, casing (or liner) is cemented—the annulus between the
`casing and the wall of the wellbore is filled with cement—to (i) protect the
`environment and near-surface formations from leakage of reservoir fluids,
`(ii) improve wellbore stability, (iii) control the location of fracture initiation, as
`described below, and (iv) provide greater well serviceability, among other benefits.
`Casing also provides a smooth, round surface that devices called “packers” can
`seal against to isolate segments of the wellbore, as also described below. After
`casing is installed in a wellbore, openings through the casing are created within
`hydrocarbon-bearing strata—in a process known in the art as “perforating”—to
`allow oil and/or gas to flow from the formation into the wellbore. See, e.g., ’501
`Patent at 1:40-42 (Background of the Invention section).
`In some applications, a portion of a wellbore in a production zone is
`not cased. Such an uncased wellbore is often referred to as an “open hole” and,
`due to the absence of casing, provides direct access to a hydrocarbon-containing
`- 11 -
`Page 11 of 68

`formation. As explained in the Background of the Invention section of the ’501
`Patent, the lack of casing “expose[s] porosity and permit[s] unrestricted wellbore
`inflow of petroleum products.” ’501 Patent at 1:36-40. At least as early as 1999,
`such “[o]pen hole completions ha[d] been the accepted practice for horizontal
`wells” in at least some areas. See B. Ellsworth, et al., Production Control of
`Horizontal Wells in a Carbonate Reef Structure, 1999 Canadian Institute of
`Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Horizontal Well Conference (“Ellsworth”) at
`p. 1, Abstract; Echols at 1:25-34. In certain formations, the zone might be left
`entirely bare, or alternatively include some sand-control and/or flow-control
`equipment. See, e.g., Echols at 1:25-34. Unlike cased-hole completions, open-
`hole completions generally do not require perforating the wellbore wall prior to
`stimulation operations. Such open-hole completions tend to be popular in
`horizontal wells, in which cemented installations are more expensive and
`technically more difficult. See Echols at 1:25-34; Ellsworth at 8 (“The goal of cost
`effective use of horizontals can be enhanced with the ability to segment, and
`control production without the need to run and cement liners.”).
`It is common in both cased and “open hole” completions for a small-
`diameter pipe generally referred to in the art as “production tubing” or “liner” to be
`installed or “run” into the well to provide a path for petroleum products to flow to
`the surface.
`- 12 -
`Page 12 of 68

`31. Historically, petroleum products were produced from a formation
`thanks to the formation’s high natural formation pressure and permeability. More
`recently, when natural formation permeability is not high enough, a well may be
`stimulated to enlarge or create new channels within the formation to allow oil and
`gas to flow through the formation and into the wellbore. See ’501 Patent at
`B. Well Stimulation and Treatment
`32. A well may be stimulated by pumping a mixture of fluid and
`additives, such as acid, into the wellbore under pressure. At sufficiently high
`pressures, the stimulation fluid fractures or “fracs” the formation, which forms
`cracks radiating outward from the wellbore into the formation. In “frac’ing,” the
`stimulation fluid typically includes a “proppant” to “prop” open the cracks. Sand
`is one type of proppant. Other proppant types include ceramic particles. In a
`related technique for well stimulation, which may be referred to in the art as
`“acidizing,” an appropriate acid is pumped into the formation which chemically
`reacts with the formation to create similar conductive channels.
`33. A wellbore will typically intersect or cross multiple sections or
`“zones” of a formation. Not all intersected zones include oil and gas. See, e.g.,
`Ellsworth at Figures 7 and 11. Some zones include fluids like water that can be
`problematic if they enter the wellbore. Ellsworth at 2-3 (“[W]ater or gas
`- 13 -
`Page 13 of 68

`breakthrough can be a problem for some of these wells. . . . The ability to establish
`long term isolation of segments within the reservoir is key to controlling and
`optimizing production from these horizontal wells.”). Some zones may be too
`small to justify the expense of attempting to produce oil and gas from the zone. It
`is therefore often better to isolate the wellbore from these types of undesirable
`zones and stimulate only desirable zones.
`34. One example of a stimulation technique that is commonly used in
`horizontal wells with cemented casings is known as “Plug & Perf.” This technique
`involves pumping down the wellbore a bridge plug and perforating guns to a
`targeted location in the well, typically starting near the bottom or “toe” and moving
`toward the “heel”—where the wellbore transitions from horizontal to vertical. The
`perforating guns are fired to punch small holes in the casing to allow fluid
`communication between the casing and the formation. The perforating guns are
`then removed from the wellbore, and a ball is pumped down to close the pre-set
`bridge plug. Once the plug is closed, fracture stimulation fluid (including
`proppant) is pumped into the wellbore, where the plug seals lower portions of the
`well and diverts the fracture fluids through the perforations to create fractures in
`the formation. After each zone (or stage) is completed, the operation is
`sequentially repeated up-hole until all desired wellbore zones are fractured. The
`bridge plugs and balls are then milled to open the wellbore and allow oil and gas to
`- 14 -
`Page 14 of 68

`flow to the surface. In this “Plug & Perf” approach, the bridge plugs are used to
`isolate zones within the wellbore.
`35. Other approaches use “packers” instead of bridge plugs for isolating
`zones. Packers are tools that seal around production tubing or liner in the wellbore
`(whether cased or uncased) to direct stimulation fluid into a desired zone and
`prevent its entry into other zones. A single tubing string can include multiple
`packers as it is run into the wellbore, making it easier to isolate multiple zones at
`once and then stimulate those zones.
`36. One example of a system for stimulating or treating zones of a
`formation using packers is described in U.S. Patent No. 4,099,563 (“Hutchison”).
`As shown in Hutchison’s Figures 2 and 4, inset below, Hutchison injects treatment
`fluids through sleeves 20, 21 [blue], each of which includes a seat 44 [purple] that
`is designed to mate with and be sealed by a specific sized ball [green]. Hutchison
`at 3:64-4:59. The sleeve 20 is opened by “dropping” the correspondingly sized
`ball 48 into the tubing string to seal against seat 44. Hutchison at 4:49-59. This
`seal prevents fluid from passing through the seat, and the resulting buildup of fluid
`pressure shifts the lower sleeve 20 down into the open position, as shown in Figure
`4, to open the port (annular chamber 36) and allow stimulation fluid (steam) to
`flow into the tubing string. Hutchison at 4:49-59.
`- 15 -
`Page 15 of 68

`Sleeve [blue]
`Seat (44)
`Seat (44)
`Ball (48) [green]
` Sleeve [blue]
`37. As shown in Hutchison’s FIG. 1, inset below, upper and lower sleeves
`20 and 21 are positioned to inject stimulation fluid into corresponding zones that
`are isolated with cup-type packers 22, 23, 24, and 25 to isolate zones within the
`formation. See Hutchison at FIG. 1 and 2:51-58.
`- 16 -
`Page 16 of 68

`38. A ball is first dropped into the
`tubing string to open lower sleeve 20
`[blue] to allow stimulation fluid to be
`injected into the lower zone that is isolated
`between packer cups 22 and 23 [red].
`Once the lower zone is treated, a larger
`ball 48 is dropped into the tubing string to
`open upper sleeve 21 [blue] (which differs
`from sleeve 20 only in that sleeve 21
`includes a larger diameter seat 44) to allow
`the upper zone between packer cups 22
`and 23 to be treated. Hutchison at 4:60-
`6:17. A person of ordinary skill in the art
`would have recognized that this process
`can be repeated for any suitable number of
`zones, limited only by the number of
`different sized balls that can fit into the
`tubing string. In this way, Hutchison
`permits zones to be selectively treated one
`at a time.
` Sleeve
` Packer
`- 17 -
`Page 17 of 68

`39. Halliburton developed another example of this system in the late
`1990s in which multiple sliding sleeves were isolated between packers that could
`be simultaneously run into the wellbore. See, e.g., D.W. Thomson, et al., Design
`and Installation of a Cost-Effective Completion System for Horizontal Chalk Wells
`Where Multiple Zones Require Acid Stimulation, SPE (Society for Petroleum
`Engineering) 37482 (1997) (“Thomson”). Relative to approaches like Plug & Perf,
`described above, Thomson’s ball-actuated, sliding-sleeve “technique provided a
`substantial reduction in the operational time normally required to stimulate
`multiple zones and allowed the stimulations to be precisely targeted within the
`reservoir.” Thomson at 97, Abstract.
`Types of Packers
`40. While Hutchison used cup-type packers to isolate zones within a
`formation (Hutchison at 2:51-58), other types of packers have also been known for
`many years. For example, inflatable packers have long been used in both open
`hole and cased completions. See, e.g., Echols at 1:43-44 (“Inflatable packers are
`preferred for use in sealing an uncased well bore.”); see also ’501 Patent at 1:49-51
`(Background “[I]nflatable packers may be limited with respect to pressure
`capabilities as well as durability under high pressure conditions.”).
`41. Other alternatives include various “solid body packers.” Solid body
`packers (SBPs) extrude one or more resilient packing elements outward by
`- 18 -
`Page 18 of 68

`compressing the packing element(s) along the length of the tubing string, thereby
`causing the packing element(s) to be squeezed radially outward to seal the annulus
`around the tubing string within the wellbore. As explained in Ellsworth,
`“[a]lthough the expansion ratios for [solid body packers] are [not] as large as for
`inflatables, the carbonate formation in Rainbow Lake generally drills very close to
`gauge hole, and effective isolation is possible with these SBP’s.” Ellsworth at 3.
`In another example, U.S. Patent No. 6,257,338 (“Kilgore”) explains that its
`packers, “sealing devices 30, 32, 34 are representatively and schematically
`illustrated . . . as inflatable packers . . . [o]f course, other types of packers, such as
`production packers settable by pressure, may be utilized for the packers 30, 32, 34
`. . . .” See Kilgore at 4:35-42. Such solid-body packers were often hydraulically
`“set” via the application of hydraulic pressure to compress the packing element(s).
`See, e.g., Ellsworth at 3; Kilgore at 4:35-42.
`Ellsworth also explains that even though “[h]istorically, inflatable
`packers were used for water shut-off, stimulation, and segment testing,” “[m]ore
`recently, solid body packers (SBP’s) (see Figure 4) have been used to establish
`open hole isolation.” Ellsworth at 3. Ellsworth’s solid body packers “provide a
`mechanical packing element that is hydraulically activated. . . . to provide a long-
`term solution to open hole isolation without the aid of cemented liners.”
`Ellsworth at 3 (emphasis added). “Although the expansion ratios for these packers
`- 19 -
`Page 19 of 68

`are [not] as large as for inflatables, the carbonate formation in Rainbow Lake
`generally drills very close to gauge hole, and effective isolation is possible with
`these SBP’s.” Ellsworth at 3. The description of “very close to gauge hole” means
`that the borehole is round instead of oval, and very close in size to the drill bit,
`which characteristics can be achieved in formations that are mechanically
`competent. In addition to providing isolation during production, Ellsworth uses its
`SBPs for stimulation, specifically, acidizing. Ellsworth at 5 (“Prior to running the
`production assembly, SBP’s were run to acidize the toe of the well.”) and 6 (“The
`initial acid job using SBP’s indicated that the tools successfully provided isolation
`during the job.”). Ellsworth illustrates a principle that had been known and applied
`in the industry for decades, that tools—such as solid-body packers used in the
`historically more-prevalent cased holes—can also be used, and often are tried and
`used successfully, in open-hole completions as they have become more common.
`Coon includes another example of packers being set directly against the formation
`in an open hole for stimulation operations such as “acid[izing] or low-volume sand
`fracturing.” Coon at 912, FIG. 1.
`In tubing strings that include inflatable or hydraulically set packers
`that are activated with pressure within a tubing string, a “plug” is often included at
`a point in the tubing string below the lowermost packer. These types of plugs
`- 20 -
`Page 20 of 68

`block fluid flow to allow fluid in the tubing string to be pressurized to set the
`packers and isolate zones in the wellbore to be stimulated. After setting the
`packers, these types of plugs typically must be removed to permit well treatment
`and/or production through the tool string. Some such plugs are removed by
`milling the plug with a tool carried by wireline or coiled tubing that is lowered into
`the tubing string. Alternatively, such plugs may be designed to be “pumped out”
`or expelled from the bottom of the tubing string after the packers have been set.
`Such a “pump-out plug” typically uses shear pins that prevent the plug from being
`released before a threshold pressure is reached. A “cycle plug” is one variation of
`a “pump-out plug” that requires the threshold pressure to be applied a certain
`number of times or “cycles” before the plug is released. Upon release, such
`“pump-out plugs” are typically expelled from the lower end of the tubing string
`into the wellbore, and “may cause problems during the life of the well.” See
`Barton at 1:29-44. One other type of plug, discussed in more detail below, is a
`“pump-open plug.” See generally Halliburton. Unlike pump-out plugs, a pump-
`open plug shifts to uncover ports without being expelled from the tubing string.
`VI. A Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art
`It is my opinion that a person of ordinary skill in the art as of
`November 19, 2001 is a person who earned a bachelor of science degree in
`mechanical, petroleum, or chemical engineering, or similar degree and had at least
`- 21 -
`Page 21 of 68

`two to three years of experience with downhole completion technologies related to
`Such a person would have been familiar with the options and
`considerations described in Section V above. Such a person would have further
`understood that certain of these options were better suited to some formation or
`wellbore types than others, and would have known to consider different types of
`completions, tools, and configurations depending on formation or wellbore types
`and characteristics, such as the ones described in Section V above. Such a person
`would have understood the various stimulation methods, and types and uses of
`packers to perform selective fluid treatment of wellbores—and the use of those
`methods and techniques in combination with or as substitutes for one another. For
`example, a person of ordinary skill in the art would have appreciated the possibility
`of using acidizing systems to fracture certain carbonate formations, and would
`have recognized how tools and components could function and that certain
`components, such as hydraulically set solid-body packers, may work better under
`certain conditions than other components, such as inflatable packers.
`Such a person would have usually worked in a team environment and,
`in addition to his or her own skills and experiences and those of other team
`members, would also have had access to (and been trained and encouraged to seek
`out) other technical experts, libraries of tools and systems, descriptions, catalogs
`- 22 -
`Page 22 of 68

`and technical information relating to well completion technology and fracturing.
`Such a person would have also routinely accessed, understood, and applied such
`information in a variety of projects and applications, each with its own unique
`characteristics and challenges, and would have routinely consulted with team
`members (and others outside the team) with diverse educational backgrounds and
`technical experiences to address these unique characteristics and challenges.
`Such a person would have been a person of ordinary creativity as well
`as skill and would have innovated, and interchangeably used systems and tools,
`based on the technology developed for different but related applications. For
`example, as described in Thomson, persons of ordinary skill in the art developed a
`“multi-stage acid frac tool” for stimulation operations based on a sliding sleeve
`used for circulating operations. See Thomson at 97 (“key element . . . is a multi-
`stage acid frac tool (MSAF) that is similar to a sliding sleeve circulating device
`. . . .”). In fact, sliding sleeves have been used in many applications of completing
`a wellbore and a person of ordinary skill would have understood their value when
`approaching any new completions-related challenge. See, e.g., Hutchison (used f

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