`Exhibit 1142
`Page 1 of 9


`United States Patent
`{11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent: Mar. 19, 1996
`Surjaatmadja et a1.
`Inventors: Jim B. Snrjaatmadja; Timothy W.
`Hellon; Hazim H. Ahass, all of
`Duncan, Okla.
`Assignee: Halliburton Company, Duncan, Okla.
`Appl. No.: 284,961
`Aug. 2, 1994
`Int. Cl.6
`US. Cl.
`Field of Search
`.Ezln 431114
`1661298 1661308; 166155
`1661298, 308,
`166155, 222
`References Cited
`”111968 Goodwin
`.. 1661298 X
`9119?"?' Tagirov et al.
`1661298 X
`61198? Nussbaurner .....
`911983 Yie
`1111933 Dickinson, 111eta}...-
`. 175167
`411989 Mueller”
`..... 175125
`611990 Turin et a1..."..
`811990 Szadtaet al.
`1211990 Szarkam...“
`.. 1661240
`211991 Sehwegman .
`211991 Brande]! et al.
`2.11991 “filkes,1r.etal.
`711991 Saarkaet a1.
`5, 1'14,340
`311992 Clark..
`1211992 Peterson et a1"
`311994 Verditto e1. :11
`.. 1381110
`511937 Russian Federation
`Hallibunon Services Sales & Service Catalog No. 43, p.
`2575 (1985).
`Primmy Examiner—William P. Neuder
`Attorney, Agent. or Firm—Stephen R. Christian; Neal R.
`A coplanar jetting head for well perforating. The apparatus
`comprises a housing defining a plurality of jetting openings
`therein. The jetting openings are substantially coplanar and
`are angular-1y disposed with respect to a longitudinal axis of
`the housing. Each of the jetting openings has ajetting nozzle
`disposed therein. In the preferred embodiment, the angle of
`the plane of the jetting openings is such that the plane may
`be positioned substantially perpendicular to an axis of least
`principal stress in a well formation adjacent to the well bore
`when the housing is disposed in the well here. A method of
`fracturing a well is also disclosed and comprises the steps of
`positioning a jetting head in a well bore and directing a
`plurality of fluid jets from the jetting head at an angle with
`respect to the longitudinal axis of the well bore.
`15 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
`56 a.
`5 2
`1 1
`“*- x53!7/;g/IHKUEHHE
`“1111-11,?! (1&3! {new / sex/.1 QRV/ a”, fly Lay/m...
`Page 1 of 9
`Page 1 of 9


`US. Patent
`Mar. 19,1996
`Sheet 1 of 4
`. a“: (Qwégahggf'fi/WH$Wax/{x
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`“fl“fiflwn 3:3 Nixmm {/fHH!//~...\'§’f/;r‘t~‘fl/{qhwmfi
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`Page 2 of 9
`Page 2 of 9


`US. Patent
`Mar. 19, 1996
`Sheet 2 of 4
`397/99: fawn m‘f/f sic/z” ax Jwr’ £394?ka 3&9}? if
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 19, 1996
`Sheet 3 of 4
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 19, 1996
`Sheet 4 of 4
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`1. Field of the invention
`This invention relates to apparatus and methods for per-
`forating wells, and more particularly, to a jetting head with
`a plurality of coplanar jets which are used to penetrate the
`well casing.
`2. Description of the Prior Art
`There are a number of methods used in perforating wells
`which are well known. The present invention overcomes
`problems associated with these prior methods and provides
`an apparatus and method which is particularly well suited
`for, but not
`limited to,
`the special situations which are
`presented in the completion of deviated wells. A brief
`discussion of several different techniques currently used for
`the completion of deviated wells follows.
`A first, very common manner of completing a deviated
`well is to case and cement the vertical portion of the well and
`to leave the deviated portion of the well which runs through
`the production formation as an open hole, i.e.. without any
`casing in place therein. Hydrocarbon fluids in the formation
`are produced into the open hole and then through the casing
`in the vertical portion of the well. The problem with this is
`there is no case to prevent collapse of the well here.
`A second technique which is commonly used for the
`completion of deviated wells is to place a length of slotted
`casing in the deviated portion of the well to prevent me open
`hole from collapsing. A gravel pack may be placed around
`the slotted casing. The slotted casing may run for extended
`lengths through the formation, for example, as long as one
`A third technique which is sometimes used to complete
`deviated wells is to cement casing in both the vertical and
`deviated portions of the wolf and then to provide commu-
`nication between the deviated portion of the casing and the
`producing formation by means of perforations or casing
`valves. The formation may also be fractured by creating
`fractures initiated at the location of the perforations or the
`casing valves.
`In this technique, the formation of perforations is often
`done using shaped charge methods. That
`is, explosive
`charges are carried by a perforating gun, and these explosive
`charges create holes which penetrate the side wall of the
`casing and penetrate the cement surrounding the casing.
`Typically. the holes will he in a pattern extending over a
`substantial length of the casing.
`A problem with the use of explosive charges to perforate
`is that this method generally creates high damage in the
`formation by increasing skin and also creating high localized
`stresses in the formation. By doing this, fractures created by
`stimulation processes tend to become very tortuous and
`restrict the production of oil and gas. This problem of
`tortuosity, literally meaning "marked by repeated twists and
`bends" reduces the potential production rate of the well
`because even though the rock moves to open the fracture,
`severe restrictions still remain.
`Tortuosities thus are generally caused by the situation
`wherein the initial fracture does not coincide with the
`maximum stress plane. Under such a circumstance.
`fracture will
`twist or bend to finally direct itself to the
`maximum stress plane. This can be caused by incorrect
`fracture initiation procedures or high localized stresses
`which prevent the fracture from initiating properly. An
`additional problem closely associated with tortuosity is the
`creation of multiple fracntres which will increase leakoifand
`hence cause screcnouts.
`When the communication between the casing and pro-
`duction formation is provided by easing valves, those valves
`may be like those seen in US. Pat. No. 4,949,788 to Saarka,
`et al., U.S. Pat. No. 4,979,561 to Saarka, U.S. Pat. No.
`4,991,653 to Schwegman, U.S. Pat. No. 5,029,644 to Szarka
`et al., and U.S. Pat. No. 4,991,654 to Brandell et al., all
`assigned to the assignee of the present invention. Such
`casing valves also provide a large number of radial bore type
`openings communicating the casing bore with the surround-
`ing formatiou.
`When utilizing either perforated casing or casing valves
`like those described, fracturing fluid enters the formation
`through a large multitude of small radial bores at a variety
`of longitudinal positions along the casing, and there is no
`accurate control over where the fracture will initiate and in
`what direction the fracture will initiate. As mentioned, this
`lack of proper fracture initiation results in tortuosity.
`Fracture initiation is largely influenced by the shape and
`orientation of the initial cavity, maximum and minimum
`stress direction. near well bore conditions such as localized
`stresses, or other irregularities that may be encountered such
`as natural fractures, fossils, etc.
`To solve the problems of these prior methods, hydrajetting
`has been developed. Generally, hydrajetting does not result
`in skin damage, and no residual stresses occur since jetting
`is performed at pressures below the yield strength of the
`rock. Moreover, the jetting tool is positioned in the correct
`direction for proper fracture initiation. Thus, tortuosities are
`reduced or eliminated. This is because in hydrajetting, holes
`are formed by removal of material, rather than compaction.
`Removal is performed below the compressive strength of the
`rock1 and thus there is no highly stressed area formed.
`Further, hydrajetting is a slower process. Therefore, tempo-
`rary deflection or reflection by abnormal positioning will not
`jeopardize the quality of the cutting process. The main intent
`of hydrajem'ng perforating is to be able to position a cavity
`such that the shape is basically flat and located in the
`direction of maximum principal stress. By doing this, frac-
`tures will start at the edges of such cavities, and tortuosities
`will therefore not occur.
`Examples of hydrajetting perforating tools are disclosed
`in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,249,628 and 5,325,923 and U.S. Pat.
`application Ser. No. OSIZOGJGO, all of which are assigned to
`the assignee of the present invention. Each of these discloses
`apparatus and techniques designed to create a cavity which
`promotes fractures to initiate perpendicular to the well bore,
`thus being particularly suitable for deviated wells or very
`shallow vertical wells. These devices are designed for wells
`drilled in the direction of least principal stress and to create
`a cavity perpendicular to the well bore.
`letting parallel
`to the casing also may be done and
`involves the movement of the jetting tool up and down the
`casing. In order to make a cut which is suficiently deep, the
`jetting tool must move at a very slow speed. To introduce a
`good slot in deviated wells, an in-line, multiple jet system
`must be used.
`While such hydrajerting tools substantially reduce the
`problem of tortuosities in the fractures, tortuosity can still be
`a problem. This is due to the fact that many operators place
`their holes randomly, and thus initiate fractures which are
`uncontrolled. The apparatus and method of the present
`invention are designed to solve these previous problems by
`Page 6 of 9
`Page 6 of 9


`5 .499,678
`placing the perforations in one plane which is preferably
`perpendicular to the least principal stress. This is accom-
`plished by placing jets coplanarly and positioning them such
`that the jets make a cutting angle that is at the steepest
`possible angle at
`the contact point in the casing. This
`improves cutting efliciency through the casing wall.
`The present invention includes an apparatus and method
`for jetting a plurality of coplanar fluid jets. The apparatus
`and method are used for well perforating and provide such
`perforation with a minimum of tortuosity problems in the
`fractured well formation.
`The jetting apparatus of the present invention comprises
`a housing defining a plurality of jetting openings therein.
`The jetting openings are preferably substantially coplanar
`and are angularly disposed with respect to a longitudinal
`axis of the housing. Each of the openings has a removable
`jetting nozzle disposed therein. Each jetting nozzle has an
`orifice, and jetting nozzles with one orifice size are inter—
`changeable with jetting nozzles having different orifice
`The angle of the plane in which the jetting openings are
`disposed is preferably such that the plane may be positioned
`substantially perpendicular to an axis of the least principal
`stress in a well formation adjacent to the well bore when the
`housing is disposed in the well bore.
`In one embodiment, the openings are substantially radi-
`ally oriented. That is, they are oriented in directions which
`substantially originate from. and therefore intersect, the
`longitudinal axis of the housing.
`In another embodiment, at least some of the openings are
`Oriented and originate from a direction spaced from the
`longitudinal axis. At least Some of the openings in [his
`second embodiment may be substantially parallel.
`However, the invention is not intended to be limited to
`one with only parallel openings. Thus.
`in still another
`the nozzles are evenly angularly disposed
`around the housing of the jetting apparatus, and the nozzles
`generally face to one side. However, the nozzles diverge
`slightly at angles which can be calculated as functions of the
`cut angle through the fracture formation, the outside diam-
`eter of the jetting tool, and the inside diameter of the casing
`string. This third embodiment is similar to the second
`embodiment, except that the nozzles are not parallel. A
`preferred orientation of the jetting openings is such that they
`are at the steepest possible angle at the contact point of the
`jetted fluid in the well bore.
`The present invention also includes a method of fracturing
`a well formation comprising the steps of positioning ajetting
`head in a well bore and directing a plurality of coplanar fluid
`jets from the jetting head at an angle with respect to a
`longinidinal axis of the well here. Basically. the method is
`carried out using the apparatus described.
`Numerous objects and advantages of the invention will
`become apparent as the following detailed description of the
`preferred embodiment is read in conjunction with the draw-
`ings which illustrate such embodiment.
`FIG. 1 illustrates a well formation exhibiting the problem
`' of tortuosity.
`FIG. 2 shows a prior art hydrajctting tool using jets
`perpendicular to-the axis of the tool.
`FIG. 3 illustrates the coplanar angular jetting head for
`well perforating of the present invention shown in position
`in a substantially horizontal portion of a deviated well.
`FIG. 4 is a cross section taken along lines 4—4 in FIG. 3.
`FIG. 5 shows a cross section of an alternate embodiment
`also taken along lines 4—4 in FIG. 3.
`FIG. 6 illustrates a third embodiment of the invention
`shown in position in a substantially horizontal portion of a
`deviated well.
`FIG. 7 is a cross section taken along lines 7—? in FIG. 6.
`FIG. 8 is a schematic version of FIG. 7 illustrating a
`specific example of the apparatus with divergent nozzles.
`Referring now to the drawings, and more particularly to
`FIG. 1, the phenomenon of tenuosity in a well formation
`will be discussed. A subterranean well formation 10 is
`shown with a fracture 12. Fracture 12 provides a flow path
`as shown by arrow 14 and is created by rock movement
`indicated by arrows 16.
`Tortuosity occurs when the flow path is twisted or has
`bends which can result in the flow path being at least
`partially closed oil" by restrictions, such as 18 and 20. It will
`be seen in such instances that even as the rock opens the
`fracture. restrictions 18 and 20 still remain. This reduces the
`potential production rate of the well.
`Tortuosities are normally caused by the situation where
`the initial fracture does not coincide with a maximum stress
`plane. Under such a circumstance, the fracture will twist or
`bend to finally direct itself to the maximum stress plane. As
`previously mentioned. this is generally caused by incorrect
`fracture initiation procedures for high localized stresses
`which prevent proper fracture initiation.
`In the hydrajetting tools of the prior art, no real attempt
`has been made to align the jetting with the plane of maxi—
`mum stress. For example, referring to FIG. 2. a prior art
`jetting tool 22 is illustrated in a well bore 24. Well bore 24
`has a casing string 26 disposed therein and cemented in
`place by cement 28.
`Tool 22 comprises a plurality of jetting nozzles, such as
`jetting nozzles 30, 32 and 34, which are disposed perpen~
`dicular to the longitudinal axis of tool 22.
`letting with such a prior art tool 22 provides a plurality of
`jetted holes, such as holes 36 and 38. which are also
`perpendicular to the axis of well bore 24. The jetting nozzles
`jet these holes through casing string 26, cement 28 and into
`formation 40. Such radial holes will cause fractures to
`initiate and initially propagate outwardly in radial planes,
`such as indicated at 42 and 43, and will then turn in a
`direction generally perpendicular to the least principal stress
`axis 44 as indicated at 46 and 48, respectively. This type of
`jetting results in holes which are not in the same plane. so
`multiple fractures will occur. These multiple fractures and
`the turning to the direction generally perpendicular to the
`least principal stress axis 44 can result in tortuosity, although
`it is generally not as severe a problem with jetted holes as
`with perforations using explosive charges.
`Referring now to FIG. 3. the coplanar angular jetting head
`of the present invention is shown and generally designated
`by the numeral 50. As with the prior art jetting tool 22
`previously described, jetting head 50 is positioned in a well
`bore 52. Well bore 52 has a casing string 54 disposed therein
`which is cemented in place by cement 56. wen bore 52 as
`Page 7 of 9
`Page 7 of 9


`illustrated is a substantially horizontal portion of a deviated
`well which intersects a subterranean formation 58, although
`the invention is not limited to this application. It will be
`understood that “deviated" wells include those without
`horizontal sections. “Horizontal" wells are just a specific
`type of “deviated" well.
`Referring also to FIG. 4, jetting head 50 includes a
`housing 60 with a plurality of jetting openings 61 therein. In
`each jetting opening 61 is a jetting nozzle, such as 62, 64. 66
`and 68. letting nozzles 62. 64, 66 and 68 are attached to
`housing 60 by any means known in the art, such as the
`illustrated threaded engagement. Each jetting nozzle 62, 64.
`66 and 68 has an orifice 70 defined therein through which the
`jetting fluid is jetted.
`It will be seen that all of nozzles 62. 64, 66 and 68 are
`coplanar. That is. they are all disposed on a single plane
`which is in angular relationship to the longitudinal axis of
`jetting head 50. Ideally, the plane of jetting nozzles 62, 64,
`66 and 68 is substantially perpendicular to the least principal
`stress axis 72 of formation 58. In this way, jetting tool 50 is
`used to jet a plurality of jetted holes 74 which are also
`substantially coplanar. These holes ‘74 in turn cause substan—
`tially coplanar fractures 76 to occur. It will be seen by those
`skilled in the art that fractures 76 are on the plane of
`maximum principal stress. This results in a consistent and
`even fracture formation which does not have the turns of the
`prior art methods and therefore eliminates, or at least greatly
`minimizes, the problem of tortuosity.
`In the first embodiment of FIG. 4. all ofjetting nozzles 62,
`64, 66 and 68 are radially disposed from the central axis of
`housing 60. That is, the direction of each of jetting nozzle
`originates from the center of jetting head 50.
`Referring now to FIG. 5, a second embodiment jetting
`head 50‘ is shown which comprises a housing 60‘ with two
`sets of jetting openings 78 and 80 defined therein facing in
`opposite directions. In this embodiment, there are two sets of
`substantially coplanar jetting nozzles 82 disposed in jetting
`openings '78 and jetting nozzles 84 disposed in jetting
`openings 80. letting nozzles 82 and 84 have orifices 86
`therein and may be attached to housing 60‘ by any means
`known in the art, such as the threaded engagement illus-
`The orientation of jetting nozzles 32 and 34 in second
`embodiment jetting head 50‘ difier from that of first embodi-
`ment jetting head 50 in that the direction of the jetling
`nozzles in the second embodiment do not all originate from
`the center of the jetting head. As illustrated in FIG. 5, each
`of jetting nozzles 82 is substantially parallel and coplanar,
`and they are positioned such that jetting nozzles 82 make a
`cutting angle that is the steepest possible at the contact point
`in the casing. This greatly increases cutting efficiency
`through the casing wall. This in turn results in better fracture
`formation extending from a corresponding parallel plurality
`of jetted holes. letting nozzles 84 are similarly disposed, but
`generally face in the opposite direction from nozzles 82.
`The number and orientation of jetting nozzles 82 and 84
`may be varied as desired depending upon the well formation.
`so long as they are coplanar. The plane on which the jetting
`nozzles are coplanarly disposed may also be varied to
`correspond to the angle of the axis of least principal stress
`so that the plane is substantially perpendicular to that axis.
`Referring now to FIGS. 6 and ‘7, a third embodiment
`jetting head 50" is shown which comprises a housing 60"
`with aplurality ofjetting openings 88, 90, 92 and 94 defined
`on one side thereof, and a substantial identical set of jetting
`openings 88, 90, 92 and 94 disposed on an opposite side
`thereof. A plurality of coplanar jetting nozzles 96, 98. 100
`and 102 are disposed in each set of jetting openings 88, 90,
`92 and 94. respectively. As best seen in FIG. 6, jetting
`nozzles 96, 98, 100 and 102 lay in a cut plane 104. Cut plane
`104 is disposed at an angle 106 with respect to a substan~
`Lially vertical plane 10':lr perpendicular to the axis of the well
`letting nozzles 96, 98, 100 and 102 have orifices 108
`defined therein, and the jetting nozzles may be attached to
`housing 60" by any means known in the art, such as the
`threaded engagement illustrated.
`Third embodiment jetting head 50" is similar to jetting
`head 50' except that jetting nozzles 96, 98, 100 and 102 are
`not parallel to one another as are the jetting nozzles in the
`second embodiment The orientation of jetting nozzles 96,
`98, 100 and 102 is mathematically calculated as a function
`of out plans angle 106, the outside diameter of jetting tool
`50” and the inside diameter of easing string 54.
`Referring also to FIG. 8, the orientation of jetting nozzles
`96, 98, 100 and 102 will be discussed. Basically, FIG. 8 is
`a schematic version of FIG. 7 in which the jetting nozzles are
`indicated by points on an ellipse representing a section
`through housing 60".
`letting nozzles 96, 98, 100 and 102 are equally angularly
`spaced. Therefore, for a total of eight jetting nozzles, the
`jetting nozzles are 45° apart. Preferably, jetting nozzles 98
`and 100 are located at a 229i” angle from minor axis 110 of
`the ellipse, and jetting nozzles 96 and 102 are thus 61%"
`from the minor axis. This gives two sets of jetting orifices
`generally facing in opposite directions from major axis 111.
`In the following example. angle 106 is approximately 60°.
`the outside diameter of jetting tool 50" is approximately four
`inches and the inside diameter of easing string 54 is approxi-
`mately five inches. In FIG. 8, the jetted spray from nozzles
`96, 98. 100 and 102 are designated by arrows 112. 114, 116
`and 118,
`respectively. By mathematical calculation to
`achieve the steepest possible angle of contact with casing
`string 54. the preferred angle of jetting nozzles 98 and 100
`is approximately 21.137” from a line extending through the
`jetting nozzle and the center line of the ellipse toward minor
`axis 110. It will thus be seen in FIG. 8 that jetting nozzles
`98 and 100 will direct slightly divergent jetting streams 114
`and 116 therefrom, respectively.
`Also by mathematical calculation to achieve the steepest
`possible angle of contact with casing string 54, the preferred
`angle of jetting nozzles 96 and 102 is approximately 4196"
`from a line through the center of the nozzle and the center
`of the ellipse toward minor axis 110. The maximum angle of
`contact for jetting nozzles 98 and 100 for this example is
`approximately 53“ from vertical.
`Those skilled in the art will thus see that nozzles 96 and
`102 diverge from one another. nozzles 96 and 98 diverge
`from one another. and nozzles 100 and 102 diverge from one
`another. That is, the jetted streams 112, 114, 116 and 118 are
`not parallel to one another as in the second embodiment, but
`rather all diverge slightly.
`In this example, the cutting angle is the steepest possible
`for each jetn‘ng nozzle at the contact point of the jetted fluid
`with casing string 54. This greatly increases cutting effi-
`ciency through the casing wall and results in better fracture
`formation extending from the jetted holes.
`With this mathematically calculated embodiment,
`number and orientation of jetting nozzles may be varied,
`thus resulting in a variation in the angular location of the
`jetting names around the elliptical cross section through the
`housing with a corresponding variation in the angles of
`Page 8 of 9
`Page 8 of 9


`divergence of the jetted streams. As with the other embodi-
`meritsI the main requirement is that all of the jetting nozzles
`are coplanar.
`It will be seen, therefore, that the coplanar angular jetting
`head for well perforating of the present invention is well
`adapted to carry out the ends and advantages mentioned, as
`well as those inherent therein. While presently preferred
`embodiments of the apparatus and method of use have been
`described for the purposes of this disclosure, numerous
`changes in the arrangement and construction of parts in the
`apparatus and steps in method may be made by those skilled
`in the art. All such changes are encompassed within the
`scope and spirit of the appended claims.
`What is claimed is:
`l. A jetting apparatus for use in perforating a well bore,
`said apparatus comprising a housing defining a plurality of
`jetting openings therein, said jetting openings heing sub-
`stantially in a single plane which is disposed at an angle
`other than perpendicular with respect to a longitudinal axis
`of said housing, such that fluid is jetted in said plane from
`said jetting openings.
`2. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein each of said jetting
`openings has a jetting nozzle disposed therein.
`3. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the angle of said
`plane is such that said plane may be positioned substantially
`perpendicular to an axis of least principal stress in a well
`formation adjacent to the well bore when said housing is
`disposed in said well bore.
`4. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said openings are
`angularly disposed on said plane.
`5. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said openings are
`oriented in directions which substantially originate from said
`longitudinal axis.
`6. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the direction of at
`least some of said openings originates from a direction
`spaced from said longitudinal axis.
`7. The apparatus of claim 6 wherein at least some of said
`openings are substantially parallel.
`8. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said jetting openings
`are disposed at the steepest possible angle with respect to the
`well bore when said housing is disposed in said well bore.
`9. Amethod of fracturing a well formation comprising the
`steps of:
`selecting a jetting head with a plurality of fluid jets
`positioned in a single plane at an angle other than
`perpendicular with respect to a longitudinal axis of said
`jetting head;
`positioning said jetting head in a well bore; and
`directing fluid from said plurality of fluid jets on said
`jetting head in said plane at an angle other than per-
`pendicular with respect to a longitudinal axis of said
`well here.
`10. The method of claim 9 wherein said angle is substan-
`tially perpendicular to a plane of least principal stress in the
`well formation.
`11. The method of claim 9 wherein said fluid jets are
`directed from locations angularly disposed on said plane.
`12. The method of claim 11 wherein at least one of said
`fluid jets is oriented in a direction which substantially
`intersects said longitudinal axis.
`13. The method of claim 9 wherein at least some of said
`fluid jets are substantially parallel.
`14. The method of claim 9 wherein said angle is the
`steepest possible at the contact point in said well here.
`15. The method of claim 9 wherein said fluid jets are
`directed from jetting nozzles disposed in said jetting head.
`Page 9 of 9
`Page 9 of 9

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