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`IP Bridge Exhibit 2021
`TSMC v. IP Bridge
`Page 0001
`IP Bridge Exhibit 2021
`TSMC v. IP Bridge
`Page 0001


`Editor in Chief
`IPR2016-01379 Page 0002


`$5 $11 fi it $15 fl
`Thirty-fifth Impression 1997
`IPR2016-01379 Page 0003


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`IPR2016-01379 Page 0004


`Editor in Chief
`Koh Masuda
`Editorial Directors
`Masaichi Hashiba
`Junsaku Ozawa
`Kazuo Yamada
`Executive Editor
`fié if? EB
`Shigejiro Ichikawa
`Masachiyo Yokoi
`Kunigoro Wada
`Associate Editors
`Kazuo Hinata
`Taroh Kakehi
`Minoru Kaneko
`Editorial Consultants
`Gene Lehman
`Tsunemi Chiba
`Masaichi Hashiba
`Kazuo Hinata
`Shigejiro Ichikawa
`Yuzuru Iwata
`Taroh Kakehi
`Minoru Kaneko
`Koh Masuda
`Seitaro Mizuno
`Michihiro Niijima
`Kiyoshi Omura
`Junsaku Ozawa
`Manabu Sasaki
`Zentaro Wada
`Kazuo Yamada
`Choji Yamaga
`#%fi$%%‘fifi§ UJ
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`IPR2016-01379 Page 0005


`IPR2016-01379 Page 0006


`may be; humble as my share may be; in my small way.
`'[~ Sfififibiba’). I will do what little lean. I I will render
`what little service I can. / I will exert myself in your behalf to
`the best of my ability. / Humble as it may be, I will contribute
`my share. I I will help though in a humble measure.
`olyobi Na} conj. (1.)) and; as well as. canarabi-m'.
`olyobi-goshi ENE 11.
`a bent back [loin] ; a prone posture.
`[ZZUEIZ] NUDE: lean over. 1l~ toot with one's back bent.
`liEEIII-vfifiwliéfliaitbfc. He half rose from his chair and
`leaned [bent] forward to reach for the book. [Hm ~ mmfiagu
`fiflt‘fémi. Such an irresolute attitude will not do if you are to set-
`tle this matter. / You need to be more decisive to resolve this prob-
`exert [exercise] [influence upon); cause
`ofyobosu Eli? v.
`«harm»; extend «benefits, sway over)); make ((itself)) felt.
`[lisp ‘
`i3£°8~ do [cause] much harm ((1.0)).
`[l ...t:fi§7§[’fi}fifi~ have
`an injurious action on....
`luiflibrfiififié N 358015; have 3“ ef-
`fect on....
`fl§<0§§3ziibti§m1 a belief that has wrought much
`[I mummies; damage to the fields.
`olyobu Rs: v.
`1 [iifldreacluattain to;m'ount up to;amount
`to; come to; run to; come up to ((the standard) ; [fiéfiaffll] visit;
`befall; happen [to a person»; [177:5] extend ((to, overl); stretch;
`reach; range over [the whole county, wide subjects»; [Ek'flv]
`refer ((to)).
`ilE’Llikh‘lEbtb‘l be unattainable; be ungetatable; do
`not amount (to) ; do not reach; fall short (lofl); be beyond one‘s
`lfiglfibfifiml be beyond (the bounds of) imagination;
`stagger the imagination.
`[I-T'Eifldimi do not come up to one’s
`[I filitflkttfilifim be beyond description ; defy
`[bafiie, beggar] description; elude the efforts of ((a translaterl).
`[I tarmac/seal) (0%)) barking at [against] the moon.
`fl (fiéml) E
`[2 ~ happen to (la person] ; befall ((a person). [#E‘EIZ ~ reach
`[range] into the millions.
`il~ m00¥§tttmwt utilizing every
`possible means.
`11 jja) ~ [EU as much as lies in one’s power ; to
`the best of one’s ability.
`‘l’émiflmiE fiifbkhfwa. The land reaches the frontier.
`FEB: 100 filefit/ufi. The expenses amounted [ran up] to a million
`yen. 1] mega 200 fitEL/rif. There were as many as two hundred
`‘llfifilil 353%: ~ 3%. The session will extend over a
`period of three weeks.
`ll :‘rfi’fgiififiKit/1.1:". The damage extended
`to the next village.
`1 fitikitwfiizfihfi. It happened that our
`conversation ran [turned] on the subject. IHe happened to touch
`on that subject.
`[l$CCER/ufi1lf7ifiiélwfiijfilm‘. The thing
`having come to such a pass, there is no help but to give it up.
`[I Ifl€Hi§thfifittfihffitififii$oh Hc fell ill just as he was about
`to start.
`[flifiiigiifil’timoofz I was not farsighted enough to
`think of it. [~ BE‘JfliIE‘EEIJUi’g’. I will help you all I can.
`11 ~
`FE‘JIDCHJLIUD'Cfill. finest. I did every possible thing that lay in
`my power, but (it was) in vain.
`[I tofiofififigi‘ififi .750 MICK
`Si. At top speed the car touches 250 kilometers per hour.
`it I“) fiillti: ~ N-Ii-Iiy flfllfifiéT17; Paperbacks to the number of
`one million were published this year.
`2 [@3535] [Alt] match; equal; be a match for; rival ((another))
`in ; come up with; [73K] lie in one’s power [ability].
`[[Z’d‘mln be
`inferior to; be no match [equal] for; be [fall] behind; trail (are
`llRUb'm‘m‘ be not (at all) equal to; not begin to ap-
`proach ; be in no way equal. 1[ fiQ’dfitm be far behind ((another) ;
`be not a patch upon (another) ; be not nearly [be nothing like]
`so good ((as)); fall (by) far short of [anotherll; be not in the same
`street with [(another).
`ifitfiifltm [$7fiifi] be beyond one’s
`power [ability, capacities, reach]; [Mr-£33] be unequal ((to the
`taskl) ; be incompetent ((to do, for doing).
`[[~ moan have no
`equal [rival] ((inll ; stand unrivaled ((inl ; be second to none.
`Ifiigfllfiiz~filimx No one can match him in English.
`He stands unparalleled in English. I He is without an equal in
`English 'll [EO%‘]¢%OETKERI£RL‘. He is a giant among his
`comrades. I No one can even remotely rival him. I Nobody can
`in any way equal him.
`11 T-fl-Mlufifilflimfifiiflfiififil fififib
`E<lemth The cheetah’s powers of acceleration cannot be ap-
`proached by even the fastest racing car.
`ifih. It is not nearly so pretty as it was before.
`ll, Ewkittittfiltdbvatifl/n When it comes to mathematics, I
`cannot [am not fit to] hold a candle to him. 1i-‘twiiE’S’PUM‘Jtfl
`’C, flwjlfiiklim‘tfiofc. I set out to do the job and found in no
`time that it was beyond me [was beyond my powers, was out of
`my power, exceeded my strength]. I As soon as I launched out
`on the business, I knew I was out of my depth.
`1' B Iliiifilhllo$
`[Cb‘llfliit'fiifitiiifiliktx Iapan is behind European nations in
`matters of printing. 11a—umanommwwn«finesfiam
`I cannot hope to visit Europe, but at least I wish to see China.
`ll Wfiflmott ~ Bambi. There is nothing to touch [beat] a hot
`bath when you are tired.
`l new All?! I} 7 By remake—)1: 2 ext»:
`M‘DICISITIS. His time was only two seconds outside the Olympic
`[I A fiflfidfidi B Eonnizuuamcmimok. A’s time was
`(is) precious; dear; expensive.
`amething more than mere friends.
`became warm [thick] with each
`ll~§§§ a good-night
`mini 4]
`ay. =yasumr‘.
`a special bargain sale.
`lking bargain sale. [IE-WNW” ~
`2 goods. ~ suru v.
`sell at a
`: [dog] cheap.
`l~ fiEA a foreigner in Govern-
`kBfii a (foreign) teacher [instructor]
`ion [three—o’clock] tea ; (afternoon
`; a snack between lunch and sup-
`]:lc'x7y lffi’ié have biscuits for
`ock is our teatime.
`); the big finger; [lfiiél a pollex ((pl.
`3; [W] a hallux (pl. —luces)).
`he thumb.
`il~ NEE? a thumb»
`itance from a parent; heredity;
`:rn one's parents; running in the
`ll ~ 031% a patrimony; family
`inherited from one’s parents.
`ourage in his blood.
`1[ [Emailfli
`'om his father. I His genius is an
`lfiflfi‘sfiu ~ )5. His prodigality
`40 flat.
`geheartedness; liberality; catho-
`';magnanirnity. ~na a.
`; generous; openhanded; catho—
`; [git-t] lordly.
`il~ REA an
`:figg an air of magnanimity ; free
`{"356 be liberal [generous, lordly]
`urse ungrudgingly ; have an open
`:rously; openhandedly; magnan—
`easy circumstances. [[~ izfiia
`[put on] airs.
`ll ~ tfiflifi‘ come
`11807:". He is as generous as may
`arre’s son.
`actical) application; [E15] adap-
`nprovement ($231110).
`tion of new scientific knowledge
`)¥Ffifi'~]~ economic application
`fine arts. l~ @Eélilfii.
`:ry, science, economics]. 1I~ E
`[IN ESE =6y6-mondai.
`[[~ 5];
`tion. “~52? applied [mixed]
`ily ((science to industryl); adapt;
`3 practice.
`1] ~f36lfémfl ap-
`i‘i ~ 36 adapt a new invention.
`v principle.
`[I’Emflifillé‘ASHC ~
`of life.
`llfirfr‘é Fl till-EEK ~ #6
`E daily life.
`llfii‘iéififlhi: ~16
`E23351]: ~ to make a practical
`< ~ 1‘35 have wide application.
`irious uses.
`[[~ 0T71l522 have a
`. Navigation is an application of
`kh‘fi’éfi‘ffié. This is a case in
`l team ~ maxim. The
`:ation. [litifi'itctiié'gttiztt
`ove applies to men as well as to
`obu 3.
`' to do it [go to that extent]. [It
`I You don’t have to do it.
`1] a?
`by you should decline the offer.
`asion to get angry.
`[litrfils‘éizti N. There is [You
`lfi’nflfla ~. There is no hur-
`ll Q‘Efil‘rt ~ 35:". It is
`l arraignment: ~. One
`nily being poor.
`hr. with my poor ability; to
`; inadequate though my power
`I~wb5bl1 as
`well off B’s record.
`3 [Efi] =9 oonm—mn'.
`[Ill/"I, thiflifiditt/u. No, thank you. I That is not necessary. I
`Don't trouble about that. / It‘s really not worth while.
`'[ (3&8
`mercasnmoam Do not trouble to remove your shoes.
`cannon; ~ In. What is the use of: shouting so much?
`oFyogil ficé’ n.
`swimming; a swim.
`[[~% a swim-
`ming place [hole] ; [fi)) a bathing place.
`1] ~ 333 a swimmer. 1—‘
`~ 3'5 have a swim [dip, [£3 bathe].
`[[~ (653.6 have a swim-
`ming .race; swim a race._ [~ 11% ¥L\[’\I:7il be a good [poor]
`swimmer. 1[~ icfi< go swimming ((in a river»; go [(to a lake»
`for a swim.
`[new] N (Digit: strong-swimming «animal». ‘[~ mii‘fifgjt
`an excellent [a strong] swimmer.
`[Him ~ L‘Cfi‘dmvo. Can’t you stay and have another swim
`[fill bathe]? [NEW‘KR Teach [Show] me how to swim. /
`Give me swimming lessons.
`fifiafifi~ Croft‘s”. He swims
`like a fish.
`I HOPE] swim; have a swim; sail (fit-7k.%7;5
`olyolgu $3“ v.
`ll.“ ~ swim well; be a good swimmer; be good at swim-
`ming; swim like a fish. Mfidflttr] ~ swim on ones’s side
`llfiflfi<§§< swim to the shore.
`[lfi’i’fiflltté swim a
`horse [across a river)].
`[536:3st swim upstream [against a
`lfiffilé swim about.
`1] E Haiziska'flatmofi a free-
`swimming fish.
`11 fié’fibtfis‘l swim across [a riverll.
`ll ~9fiti"). Let us take [have, go for] a swim.
`[I 53395351? ~ (I)
`[akmtczji Swimming is good here the year through. sinuous
`firlfmi. I can’t swim a stroke.
`1] fliificlfam’llftfiflifib‘tm. I am
`a weak swimmer. tnoueunaarr u —/vr'n‘<§ul:ot. They struck
`out to the shore with a crawl stroke.
`[[iikmffill'ém Can you
`swim it?
`ilb‘sfifii ~ lose one’s balance.
`2 [iébq totter.
`Manama/mm yli‘aiizitbibimi kea‘ar an fidfif Lawsuit.
`The little boy wanted to wear his father’s slippers but he [his
`feet] swam in them.
`[[tli'QIPE ~
`3 [Hilfififiil] swim; keep oneself afloat; get along.
`get along in the world.
`ilflfififikfifc [ion‘CIc-r swim with
`[against] the current.
`lfi$0¢§fi<h\ffi( wade [thread] (one’s
`Way) through a crowd. Mammary leave the culprit at
`6-yokolbai [oIo—] kifii‘au n.
`[E] a green leafhopper. 1[~$[
`byo-molndai [ofoyoo-l fifiifififi n.
`a question to test
`students’) ability to use the already acquired knowledge in prac-
`tice; [figflfifil exercises.
`o-l'yorokobi 5E0- n.
`[=> yorokobi, shukuga]
`a token of congratulation.
`[[~ Efiijfl‘fi’d'. I wish you joy (of the occasion). I Let me con-
`gratulate you ((on your success). I Please accept my sincere con-
`gratulations [on your recovery from illness).
`have called to offer my congratulations.
`6-y0lrokobi [olo-l till n. exultation ; a transport; an unal—
`layed delight.
`[I ~ '6 in high glee (lat) ; in rapture [overl ; highly
`delighted; with great
`joy [delight];
`in high delight; much
`pleased; full of glee; gleefully; overjoyed ;
`tickled to death.
`~ suru v. be overjoyed ; be transported with joy; be (as)
`pleased as Punch; be tickled to death.
`[xtfioi‘mffll‘iii ~ fin
`f:. He was all jubilation over another victory.
`ol'yolru 8E5 v. ((A)) =neru fie.
`Frocephalus arundinaceus.
`6-yolshikiri [oio-l ficfifiw n.
`[351] a great reed warbler; Ac—
`ofyoso Rf, oyoso [oloyoso] #01. 11., ad.
`1 [flfirmfl gener-
`ally [broadly] (speaking); as a (general) rule; on the whole; [it‘ll
`roughly ; approximately; in round numbers [figures] ; about; just
`about; [iét'] nearly; almost.
`1] ~ {it 10 4332f in a matter of
`ten years.
`'[‘c N 5315115 may be roughly gathered from....
`[791.03] ~0) rough; approximate.
`[l~ one a rough guess.
`‘l~ (Bight) a rough estimate.
`ll~ Akabmlflifl<§d§$9flfio All men have their duties.
`ll Eofiifitt ~ imitation. What is the approximate extent of your
`liabilities? [I £%w&$i ~ 75 71’ Flt/fa“. The actual figures are in
`the neighborhood of [about] $750,000.
`11 ~ fitn‘cuc. That's
`about right.
`[335, ~ ’é/uttcfi. That's about (the size of) it.
`flfifivfil’fiw ~ fllfibé. It gives a fair idea of his plan.
`[[38 [new
`~ $§§ 2 fibtmo. The 38th parallel just about splits the penin-
`sula in two. 1]~ 200 Mfijifi‘iifit'. An estimated two hundred
`persons are missing.
`11 {NEDA Elli ~ 3 7111511“? The population
`of the town is about [in the neighborhood of] 30,000. IThe town
`has a population of some 30,000 [30,000 or so].
`#6 ~ 40 (Slop-st. Their ages, I should say, were round about
`forty. figufifizefiait ~ wfififéléfz. I’ve come here, thinking
`this a likely place to find you in.
`1 ...u; ~ {a
`2 [£0 quite; entirely; altogether; ((not)) at all.
`min altogether unrelated to... ; it is a far cry [
`[[ ‘é/uuctébtot ~ Eskimo. It is quite meaningless to do so. I
`IPR2016-01379 Page 0007

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