`$cience and
`$econd [dition
`* il[nby Trylü ¡l Fæ¡ Cmp, t¡C
`IP Bridge Exhibit 2018
`TSMC v. IP Bridge
`Page 0001


`OP:l'IflÀI. SCIIlNllIl i\ ND $lì\GIN kiFlRING
`l"rwnding liditr¡r
`Itrian .f " Thompson
`ljrir,¿rr.ii ¡-y o.l' ll o t'lte s rc r
`Il o t: h t s I e' ¡ .r\¡rN, ll¡¡ /c
`1. Ëlectron anrJ lon Microscopy ancl Microanalysis: Principles i:nd,n,pplicaticns,
`Lawrence E. Murr
`2. Ac<rusto-Optic Signnl Processing: Theory anrl lnrplement¿ìlion, edited by
`Norman J. Berg and Jahn N. l-ee
`3. Ëlectro-Optic and Acousto-Optic Scanninç¡ and Deflectíon, Mittcn ßoLtlíeb,
`Clive L. M, lreland, and J(]hn Martín Ley
`4. Single'Mode Fiber Optics: Principles and Applicatìons, l"r.rc 8, Jeunl'¡omne
`ä. Pulse Cqde Fornrats for Fiber Optical Dafa Cç¡nrnunication: Basic Principles
`and Applications, David J. Morrís
`6, Optical Mate¡ials: ,An lntroduction to Selection and Applicatinn,
`"9olomon Musikant
`7. lnfrarecl Mcthods fc¡r Gaseous Mcasurcnrenls: Thcory and Prar:ticc, crlítt:t{ tty
`Jçda Wormhaudt
`8. Laser Beam Scanning: Opto-Mechanical lJevices. SystÈms, ¡rnd D;,rta Storage:
`ûptics, edited by Gerald F. Marshall
`9. ûpto-Mechanical Systems Desiç¡n. Faul fl. Ytsder, Jr.
`10. Optical Fibcr Splìccs ¡ncl Conncctors: Thcory anrl Mcthods, üa/vin M. Míller
`with Stephen C. Mettl¿:r anc! lan A. White
`11. Laser Spectroscopy and lts Applícations, edited by l-eon J. Rar/:renrski
`Sithard W. Sctarz, and Jeffrey A. Paísner
`ln{rrrprl f)ntnplprf rnni¡c, fìpr¡i¡pc rnrJ Ànnli¡ntiañc
`an¿l J. Scoll ßecl¡tel
`13. lntegrate<1 Õptical Circuits an<1 Com¡lonenls: Design and Ap¡rlications,
`edited by l.ynn D. Hutchesan
`14. Handbook af Molecular Lasers, edíleeJ by Peter K. Cheo
`lS. HanrlL:ook of O¡rtical Fihers and Cat:lcs, Hiroshi Mutâta
`16. Acor¡sto-O¡rtics, Artrian Knrpt:l
`17. lrroceclr-trcs irr A¡r¡rlied O¡rtics, -loltrr Sfrong
`18. Hanclboak c¡f Solicl-StatÊ LôserÊ, etJiled by Peter K, Chr;o
`19. CIptical Corn¡:utin¡¡; Oiç1ilal lnel fìynrbolic. ctdi¡¡:r/ by ßaynttnd Arrathc¡çn
`?0, Lascr A¡iplìcatiorr:; irr Pirysìc;rl Citt;rrrislry, t:ditt:tl by O. ,{, Av..rrr:;
`1ì1. l-aser-lnduceri Plnsrnas and Ap¡rlications, editetl |.ry !,ertn J, Ra<Þistr¡ski
`and David Á. Cre¡rre¡s
`22. lnfrarecl Technoloç¡y Fundarne ntals, /rvln.c¡ J. Spiro ;tncl Mçnroe Scfilessirrg¡er
`23. Single-Mocle Fíbor Optics: Princi¡rle* and Applications, Se¡;ond Ëdi1ion,
`flevised arrd lx¡ranrled, Luc 8. Jeunhorn¡ne
`24. lmage Analysis Applicaliann, editetl by Rançlachar Kasturi
`and Mçhan M, Trivedi
`?5, Photcrconduclivity: ,Art, Science, arrel ï'echrrology. N. 11 "/oshi
`26. Princirrlcs of OÞtical Circuit f nilirrcerin(1, Mark A. Mcttl¿t:r
`27. Lcns Design, Miltan l-aikín
`\Ãlil lín ¡tr À.fu ¡¡r/er¡
`l,rl¡'1,r l',rl ¡ .i l¡ ,,,., tir,,rr,. I 1 (
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0002
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0002


`28. Optical Components, Sys{ems, and Measurement Techniques, Raipal S. Siroåi
`and M. P Kothiyal
`29. Electron and lon Microscopy and Microanalysis: Principles
`and Applicatians, Second Editíon, Revised and Expanded, Lawrence E. Murr
`30. Handbook cf lnfrared tptical Materials, edited by Paul Klocek
`31. OpticalScanning, edíted byGeralrf F. Marshall
`3?. Folymers for Lightwave and lntsgråled Optics: Technology and Applications,
`edited by Lawrenca A. Hornak
`33. Efectra-üptical Displays, edited by Mohammad A. Karim
`34. Malhemalical Morphology in lmage Processing. adited by
`Edward H. Daugherty
`35. Oplo-Mechanlcal Systems Design: Second Ëdition, Revìsed and Ëxpanded,
`Faul Ê, Yoder, Jr.
`36. Folarized Lìght: Furrdamentals and Applications, Ëdward Collett
`37. ffare Ea*h Doped Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers, ediied by MichelJ, ñ Digannaf
`38. Speckle MÈtrslogy, edited bV RaipalS. Sirchi
`33. Organic Photcrereptors for lmaging SYstems, Paul M' Eorsenberger
`and Davíd S. Wer'ss
`4t. Photonic Switching and lnterconnects, edited by Abdeltatif Marrakchi
`41. Design and Fabricatíon of Acousto-CIptic Devices, editecl by A,tt's P 3outzoulis
`and Dennis R. Pape
`42. üigital lmage Processing Methods, edited by Edward R. Ðougherty
`43. Visual Science and Engineering: Models and Applications, editecl by Ð. H, Kelly
`44. Handbook of Lens Design, Daniel Malacara and Zaçarias Malacara
`45. Photonic Devices and Systems, edíted by Êoåerl G. Hunsberger
`46. lnfrared Technology Fundamentals: SBcond Edition, Hevised and Expandod,
`edited by Monroe Scålessinger
`47. Spati¿l Líght Modulätor TcÈhnÕlogy: Materials, Oevices, and Applieations,
`edited by Uzi Efron
`48. Lens Design: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Miltan Laikin
`49, Thin Films for Optical Systems, edited by Francorse R' FlarV
`50, Tunable Laser Applicalions, edited by F. J. O#arte
`51. Acousto-Optic Signal Processing: Theory and lmplementâtitn, Second Editicn.
`edifed by Norman J. Eerg and John M" Pollegrino
`52. Handbook of Nonlinear Optics, frichard L. Sutherland
`53. Handbsok of ûptìcal Fibers and tables: $ccond Editìon, Hirashi Murata
`54. Optical Storage and Fletrieval: Memory, Neural Networks, and Fractals,
`edited by Francis I S. Yu and Suganda Julamulía
`55. Sevices for Optoelectronics. Wallace L Leigh
`56, Practical Design and Production of OpticalThin Films, Ronald R. Witley
`57. Acousto-Opt¡cs: Second Edition, Adrían Korpel
`58. Ðiffraction Gratings and Applìcations, Ërwln G, Loewøn and Evgeny Popav
`59. Organic Photoreceptors for Xerography, Paul M. Borsenberger
`and tavìd S, Weiss
`60, Characterizatìon Techniques and Tabulations for trganic Nonlinear Ûptical
`Matsrials, çdited by Mark G. Kuzyk and CarlW' Dirk
`61, lnterfe rÕgram Analysie for Optical Tetting, Daniel Malacara, Manuel Servin,
`and Zacarias Malacara
`6?" tomputational Modeling of Vision: The Role of Combination, Wíltíam R. Uttal,
`ftamakrishna Kakarala, Spiram Ðayanand, Ihonras Shepherd, Jagadeesh Kalki,
`tharles F, Lunskis, Jr,, and Ning liu
`63. Microoptics Tþchnolagy: Fabrication and Applications of Lens Arrays
`and Devices, fficf¡a/as Eorrelli
`64. Visual lnformation Representalion, Gommunication, and lmage Processing,
`edifed by Chang Wen Chen and Ya-Oin Zhang
`65. Optical Methods of Measurement, RaipalS. Sirohi and F. S. Chau
`. l(Xll by Tü' h'r & l--rúl(ri {;(ùf. II(j
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0003
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0003


`tì6. lntegrated Optical Circuits anrl (ìorn¡:orìcnts: Dcsirrrt anel Ap¡rlit:ations,
`¡trli!ttr! lty l'.tlrrtont! J. *4ttt¡tlr',,
`tì'/. Aclaptivê Opt¡ts Erruineorirrr¡ l-landbook, crJi¡er/ by {lolsert K.'lysrtrr
`{){}. llrrtro¡-ly rncl lnfornr¡ltion 0¡rtic:;, lr¡rn¡,'¡s I" S. }1.r
`69. {Jorrr¡rutatir:nal Mcthorls for Flcctron¡aç¡rrctic irnd Optir:al .5yslr:t.ns,
`.Joh¡t Ít4../ar*¡l anr/ Ë¿rtha P" Bancrjec
`70. Laser Beam Shapinç¡, Freri M. Oickey ¡rndScoff C. Holswade
`ll. f:ì¿rc-Ë¡rth-Dopecl Fiber Lasers ancl Ampliliers: Seconel Ëclition.
`Revised anrl Expanded, edil€d
`tty Míchel .1. F" Ðiç¡r:nrtet
`72. Lens Desiqn: l.hirtJ Ëdìtir¡n. [ìevised ¡nd IxÊanclctl. Mil¡*¡r f,¡¡iki¡r
`l.l. llan<ll,¡otk ol Oplìcal {.ngini:critii¡, t:ditetÌ lty ûitirit:l {,1a1¡tt:ar;¡
`and Brian .i. Ihonr¡rsr.rn
`'/¡1" ll;.¡ndhook o{ lrnaçling Matt-.rials: Secorrrl [:rlitit¡n, lìevisetl antl Ex¡raridctl,
`rt¿líl<t¡1 htt
`/5^ fJanclbook af lm;rç¡r-. Ounlity: Char;roteri¿alir¡n nnd Prccliclion, Brian W. Kr.'cl;¡t¡
`/{ì. fribr¡r Õptic $citso¡s, ¡:¡Jil¡;cJ lty [:rnnt:i:; ]. 5'. )/¿¡ ¿¡r¡rJ .91¡i¡ñv¿¡ l'in
`./7, {Jptical SwitchinglNclvrorkirrç1 arrrl Conr¡rrrtirrç¡ íor fulultir¡lerlia Systr,-rrl;,
`etlitcrl by Mrshscn Guiz¿ni antl Alstlt:lla flattott
`/[ì. lmage Rccognition ancl Cl¡rssifit;ation: ,{lgorìlhrrrs;, Systerns, a¡ttl /r¡l¡:licaliorrs.
`r:r/ifi;rJ l:y 8ahrant .Jat,idi
`'/ii. Plactic¡rl Design ¡nti Procluctir:rr of O¡rtical Thirr Filnr:;: Sr:cc¡nrl Eçlition,
`Revisr¡el ¡¡n.l Ëxpðnrlcd, 8on¿¡/rl R. Willey
`80. t.Jltrafast l-asers: Têchnolcrgy artrl A¡r¡rlicaticris, r:difed tty Martin Ii, F¡:r'r¡ui¡¡¡¡,
`.¡trlnr¡rnt¡¡.ç 6¿/yan¿uskas, ¿r¡lcJ G reg g Suc/l¿
`81. Light Pto¡:agatiott in Pcriotlic Media: Diffcrcntial Thr:ary and Or:siç¡rr,
`Mícl¡cl Âlcviòr¿l trrtl {vottry Po¡;ov
`¡12. l-{¡ndbook ol Nonlinear O¡rlir:s, .$ecand [ l]eviscd and Ëx¡tnnrler],
`F¡ch¿rd l-, Sr¡fher/¡nrl
`83" Folari¿ecl Light: Scconcl Ëdition, lleviserJ .ìnd Ixpandcd, Dennis r]o/¡Ìsrcin
`84. ûptical [ìnmotr: Scnsintt: Scicncc anrl '[echnology, Walter E1¡an
`f'l5" l.i¡rrrtli¡onk of O¡rtìr:al Dcsiilrr: Ser:onrl Irlitit¡n, ûa¡tir:l Malacara
`a t t ¡l Za r:;¡ r i a s lv'Í ;t I ¿t c a r¿t
`Bti. Nonlìn¡rar O¡:tics: Thr:ory, Nurnr:ric¿il Mock:lìng, atrrl A¡rplir:ationr.;,
`lla rt h a l). I) a rt t rj e tt
`tll. Sr.'nriconductor and Melal Nanocrystals: SynÌhcris ¡nd Hr:ctrr.rrric ancl {Jplical
`lrr¡ l/i¡'¡¡¡r,
`U8. l-ligh-Perforrnonr:e B¡ckbone Nelwork fer:hnr:k:gy, erlitercl by rV;roaki *¡¡¡r¿¡¡¿Å'¿r
`fì9. Se¡¡lÌcorlductor L¡ser [:uncJarrlrrntals. Tosltiaki Suhara
`tì0. lianclbook tll Optical and L¡scr Scanning, i;¿/i¡r:rJ by Gcr¿ld ñ À,1¿¡sh¿ll
`Ë)1" Orçlanic I i¡¡lit-Ërtrittirrl¡ Diotle s: Princi¡rles, {lharacterisli¡;s, nnrl Proccsst-.s.
`"Jar¡ Kalínawskí
`flir" Mir;rr¡ {)¡rtorttrrr;lt;iirorrrr;:;, l!irt¡:;{ti ltos;tk;t, Yt¡:;ltit;ttl;¡ Kaiaqiri, lrtru¡¡;tt¡ ilitr¡tit,
`¡¡nr/ Kil¡oshi /faa
`93. Microo¡rtic:; -l'cchnolor¡y: Sccond [:dition, Nr¡:l¡¿rl;rs F. Í]orrclli
`.94" Orçarric l: Ieclx¡I r r¡¡rirrrìs0r:ncû/ r:rJilcc/ lty /,akya Ka {a {t
`1)ir, t-rrt¡irirrr..rinç1 thin l:ilnrr; ¡lr¡rl i'Janol;lnrctr¡rcs r¡¡illr lon lJ¿r;ulr:;, !..rttilc krty:;Í;tttla:;
`9i:i" lrr{rrrfr;rriçrritrrt Artalyr:is for Oplicol Tcslingl. Sccorrrl F.rlitìcn, [,]a¡ti¡>l lç1¡¡l¡¡t:;tr¡¡,
`lt4 ;t t t t t tt I .ri¿rr¿;in, ¡t ¡ t t 1,1 ;¡ a: a r i a :; M ¿t I ¿ t.: a t a
`l)7. 1..:rst¡r Rcrnote Scnsirrr¡. r:t!ílcrl bt' ¡;r*n"r,t f:ujii itrrtl Tirl¡,'çri {:Ltkt¡clti
`lifì, ilassivc Micro-Optical Ali¡¡nrncnt Mcthoti:r, r:ditotÌ lty {lot:crl {t. EourJta¡tt¡
`¡¡rri .'ih¿¡rc¡n M. [ilt¡t ttl r¡:att
`Í11). t.)rçtanic llhotovoltair:s: Mcclìilnirinr. Materi¡l:;, ¡nr{ l-)r:r¿ico¡;, r'rlilr:rl ltlt
`.'ì,'tr t t. .r^lt;4lrlr:t {ì t t t t ¿ ¡ ¡ t t J N i y a : i {ì e r r I ¿¡ r Sa¡..rrr l¿¡:j
`'ìu0, llandl¡¡lr:k of Opliclal lrrtc¡¡:o¡rnccls, r:rlifcri lty Slti¡¡cru {.;tv¡¡í
`ìt) i.(ìMfi :i'let:ltrrtilol¡ir;:;: llro;¡tf l.¡;rr¡rl {l¡rr:kItorrr: fnJ¡rlwork¡; ;rrirl lì.¡:ilcnr;.
`Ntt¡taki l1¡¡¡¡¡l¡¿rk..r. K¡rll¡:¡ Shio¡¡l¡¡fr¡, ¡¡¡¡¡l í:iii {Jkí
`\l ¡¡ J¡ ,,'. ai,,.,i,.Il{
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0004
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`1t2. Laser Beam Shaping Applicaticns, ediferl by Fred M. tickey,56ûfl C. Holswade
`and ûavid L. Shealy
`'103, Electrcnrðgne{ìc Theory and Applications for Pholonic Cryslals,
`Kiyotoshi Yasunrpto
`104.Physics of O¡:toeleclronics, Mìchael A. Parker
`1t5.Opto-Mechanical Systems Design: Third Edition, Paul R. Yoclec Jn
`106.Color Desktop Printer Technology, erCifed bV Mitchell Fosen and Nobaru Ohta
`107, Laser Safety Managenrenf, Ken Barat
`108.CIpiics Ìn Magnetic Multilayers and Nanostructures. Sfefan FISåovs*¡l
`109,Optical lnspection of Microsysle ms, er/iferl by Wallgang Osten
`110.Applied Microphotonics, ¿'difed ðy Wcs fr. Jarnrcz, åc¡rnan Krttzelecky,
`anr/ Fr¡;i1e t. Haddad
`11 '1. Organic Light-Emitting Materials and Devices, edited by Zhigang Li
`and llong Meng
`112.Silicon Nanoelectronics, edited by thunritda and Ðavid Ferry
`113. lmage Sensors and Signal Frocessor for Digital Still Cameras,
`Junichî Nakamura
`114, Encyclopeclic Handbnak r¡f lntegratetl Circuìts. edíted åy Keniciti Iga
`anrj Yasus Kok¿¡b¡ln
`1 15, Ouantunr Cçmmunications and Cryplography. editecl by
`Alexander U, Sergrlenko
`116. Optìcal Code DivÌsion Multiple Access; tundamentals and Applications,
`edifed by Paul fr. Frucnal
`117.Polymer Fiber Optics: Materials, Fhysics, and Applications, Mark $. lu¿yk
`1lS, Smart Biosensc¡r Tenhnology, erfireel by George K, Knopf and Amatieet S' Bassi
`119.Solid-Statç Lasers and Applications, sdifed by Atphan Sennaroglu
`120. ûptical Waveguides; From Theory to Applied Technologies, edited by
`Marìa L. CaÍvo and Vasudevan Lakshimínarayanan
`121, Gas Lasers, edited by Masamori Ëndo .?nd Êollerf F. Walker
`'122" Lens Design, Forirth Editirn, Milton Laikin
`123. Photonics: Frinciples and Practices,,Abr1ffi Å/-Azzawí
`124. Microwave Photcnics. edifed by Chi H, Lee
`1?S.Physical Properties and Data of Optical Materials. Moriakí Wakakù Keíçi Kur|o,
`and lakehr'sa Shibuyo
`l26.Microlìthographyr Science and Technology. Second Edition, edited by
`K¿¿¿¡aki Suzuki and år¿¡ce W S¡nifÈt
`, :(xlf b) T!! k r & ¡-¡u(iì {;rrvr, LL(:
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0005
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0005


`Science and
`Second [dition
`edited by
`Kazuaki $uzuki
`Bruce W. $mith
`CRC Press
`Taylor &Francis Õroup
`8trå &¿ton Londort New York
`CRf Fresr ¡r an ¡ñprint ôf the
`Talor & Francis Group, an ìnform¡ bu¡ìness
`, :tÐ7 b! T¡)1.'. & ljrurri; {inu¡i, LL(ì
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0006
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0006


`(lR(l Prcss
`'I'aylor' & Irrirncis Glottp
`6000 llrokcn Soutrd Prrkwav NW Suitc ll00
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`p. cln. -- (Optical scienr:e an<l engineerinq selies)
`'A ClìC titlt¡."
`InclLrctcs bibliographical leferences ancl irldex,
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`lSlìN-10: O - Í\'),\7'9024 -3 (rrlk. papcr)
`1. Microlithogrâplìy--ln(lustriiìl üpplir:ltions. ll. Irìtcliratc.l c:itr:uits-'Mlsl<s. ll. lVlctal oxidc'
`semiconctuctors, Complcrnentrry--l)esign and <:onstnrction. 21,. ÌVllnnf ircturing 1>r'ocesses. L Suzulii,
`I(¿rzuirki. IL Snlith, Ilrur:c \V., 1959-
`'l'l(78:l().M525 2007
`61r-l.lìtìl 5'lì I --<lcl2
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`?-()060:ì 1 5 ¡6
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0007
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`Pref øce
`Over the last three decades, accomplishments in microlithographic technology have
`resulted in tremendous advances in the development of semiconductor integrated circuits
`(ICs) and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). As a direct result, devices have become
`both faster and smaller, can handle an ever increasing amount of information, and are used
`in applications from the purely scientific to those of everyday life, With the shrinking of
`device patterns approaching the nanometer scale, the wavelength of the exposing radiation
`has been reduced from the blue-UV wavelength of the mercury g-line (436 nm) into the
`mercury l-line(365 nm), deep UV (DUV), vacuum UV (VUV), and the extreme UV (EUV).
`The krypton fluoride (KrF) excimer laser at 248 nm was adopted as an exposure source in
`DUV regions and has been used in volume manufacturing since 1988.
`Since the first edition of this book, advances in 193-nm argon flouride (ArF) excimer laser
`lithography have allowed for the pursuit of sub-90-nm device fabrication and, when
`combined with high NA technology, polarized illumination, and immersion imaging,
`may be capable of imaging for device generations at 45 nm and beyond. The next generation
`of lithographic systems for 32-nm device technology will likely come from candidates
`including F2 excimer laser (157 nm) lithography, EUV (13.5 nm) lithography, electron pro-
`jection lithography (EPL), nanoimprint lithography (NIL), or maskless lithography (ML2).
`Among these candidates, ML2 such as electron-beam direct-write system has been used for
`small-volume device production with quick turn around time (QTAT) because a mask is not
`necessary. Factors that will determine the ultimate course for a high-volume device pro-
`duction will include cost, throughput, resolution, and extendibility to finer resolution.
`The second edition of this volume is written not only as an introduction to the science
`and technology of microlithography, but also as a reference for those who with more
`experience so that they may obtain a wider knowledge and a deeper understanding of
`the field. The purpose of this update remains consistent with the first edition published in
`1998 and edited by Dr. James R. Sheats and Dr. Bruce W. Smith. New advances in litho-
`graphy have required that we update the coverage of microlithography systems and
`approaches, as well as resist materials, processes, and metrology techniques.
`The contributors were organized and revision work started in 2003. Additional content
`and description have been added regarding immersion lithography, 157-nm lithography
`and EPL in Chapter I System Oaeraieus of Opticnl Steppers and Scanners, Chapter 3 Optics for
`Ptntolithograph, Chapter 5 Excinrcr Laser for Adaanced Mícrolitlrcgraphy, and Chapter 6
`Electron Bearn Litltogrøphy Systenrs. Because the topics of EUV and imprint lithography
`were not addressed in the first edition, Chapter 8 and Chapter t have been added
`to discuss these as well, A detailed explanation of scatterometry has been incorporated
`into Chapter 14 Critical Dinrcnsional Metrology. Chapter 1.5 Electron Beam Nwrclithography
`has also has been widely revised. In order to maintain the continuity of this textbook, that
`proved so valuable in the first edition, these topics and others that may be less obvious, but
`no less significant, have been tied into the other corresponding chapters as necessary. As a
`result, we are certain that this second edition of Miuolithograplry: Science nnd Technology
`will remain a valuable textbook for students, engineers, and researchers and will be a
`useful resource well into the future.
`Kazuski Suzuki
`Bruce W. Snútlt
`o 2007 by Taylor & Frarcis Group, LLC
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0008
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`Kazuaki Suzuki is a project manager of Next Generation Lithography Tool Development
`at the Nikon Corporation. He has joined several projects of new concept exposure tools
`such as the first generation KrF excimer laser stepper, the first generation KrF excimer
`laser scanner, the electron-beam projection lithography system, and the full field EUV
`scanner. He has authored and coauthored many papers in the field of exposure tools
`and related technologies. He also holds numerous patents in the areas of projection lens
`control systems, dosage control systems, focusing control systems, and evaluation
`methods for image quality. For the last several years, he has been a member of
`program committees such as SPIE Microlithography and other international conferences.
`He is an associate editor of The Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS
`0M3). Kazuaki Suzuki received his BS degree in plasma physics (1981), and his MS
`degree in x-ray astronomy (19S3) from Tokyo University, japan. He retired from a docto-
`rate course in x-ray astronomy and joined the Nikon Corporation in 1984.
`Bruce W. Smith is a professor of microelectronic engineering and the director of the
`Center for Nanolithography Research at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He is
`involved in research in the fields of DUV and VUV lithography, photoresist materials,
`resolution enhancement technology, abetation theory, optical thin film materials,
`illumination design, immersion lithography, and evanescent wave imaging. He has
`authored numerous scientific publications and holds several patents. Dr. Smith is a
`widely known educator in the field of optical microlithography. He received his MS
`degree and doctorate in imaging science from the Rochester Institute of Technology.
`He is a member of the International Society for Photo-optical Instrumentation Engin-
`eering (SPIE), the Optical Society of America (OSA), and the Institute of Electrical and
`Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
`ro 2(X)7 by l rylor & Francis Group, LLC
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0009
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0009


`MikeAdel KLA-Tencor,Israel
`Robert D. Allen IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California
`Zvonimir Z. Bandiê. Hitachi San Jose Research Center, San Jose, California
`Palash Das Cymer, Inc., San Diego, California
`Elizabeth A. Dobisz Hitachi San Jose Research Center, San Jose, California
`Gregg M. Gallatin IBM Thomas j. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights,
`New York (Current Affiliation: Applied Math Solutions, LLC, Newton, Connecticut)
`Charles Gwyn Intel Corporation (Retired)
`Maureen Hanratty Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas
`Michael S. Hibbs IBM Microelectronic Division, Essex junction, Vermont
`Roderick R. Kunz Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington, Massachusetts
`Gian Lorusso IMEC, Leuven, Belgium
`Chris A. Mack KLA-Tencor FINLE Divison, Austin, Texas (Retired, Currently
`Gentleman Scientist)
`Herschel M. Marchman KLA-Tencor, San jose, California (Current Affiliation: Howard
`Flughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, Virginia)
`Martin C. Peckerar University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
`Douglas J. Resnick Motorola, Tempe, Arizona (Current Affiliation: Molecular Imprints,
`Austin, Texas)
`Bruce W. Smith Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York
`Kazuaki Suzuki Nikon Corporation, Saitama, Japan
`Takumi Ueno Hitachi Chemical Electronic Materials R&D Center, Ibaraki, Japan
`Stefan Wurm International SEMATECH (Qimonda assignee), Austin, Texas
`Sanjay Yedur Timbre Technologies Inc., a division of Tokyo Electron Limited, Santa
`Clara, California
`O 2007 by Taylor & I;r¡ncis Group, I-LC
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0010
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0010


`Part I Exposure System
`1,. System Overview of Optical Steppers and Scanners
`Michael S. Hibbs
`Optical Lithography Modeling
`Chris A. Msck
`Optics for Photolithography
`Bruce W. Smith
`Excimer Laser for Advanced Microlithography
`Pr¡lssh Dns
`Alignment and Overlay
`Gregg M. Gallntin
`Electron Beam Lithography Systems
`Knzttaki Sttzuki
`X-ray Lithography
`Tøkunti Ueno
`EUV Lithography
`Stefan Wurm snd Chnrles Gwyn
`Imprint Lithography
`Douglns l. Resnick
`Part II Resists and Processing
`10. Chemistry of Photoresist Materials
`Takumi Ueno and Robert D. Allen
`11, Resist Processing
`Bruce W. Smith
`1.2. Multilayer Resist Technology .........
`Bruce W. Sntitlt and Mnureen Hønratty
`L3. Dry Etching of Photoresists
`Roderick R, Kttttz
`(O 2007 by I'aylor & Fr¿rncis Group, LLC
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0011
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0011


`Part III Metrology and Nanolithography
`14, Critical-Dimensional Metrology for Integrated-CircuitTechnology
`Herscltcl M. Msrchutan, Ginrt Ll)rtLsso, Milcc Adcl, antl Sonjny Ycdttr
`15. Electron Beam Nanolithography
`Eliznbcth A. Dobisz, Zuonintir Z. Bnndió, nnd Mnrtitt C. Pcckernr
`'1 llr)l h)' liì)'lt,r ,i lì.ìnLi\ (lr,rìp. l-1,('
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0012
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0012


`Multiløy er Resist Technol o gy
`Bruce W. Smith and Maureen Hanratty
`I2.1 Intloduction
`12.1.7 Ilesist Sensitivity..
`72.7.2 Depth of Focus
`12.1.3 l.imitations of Resist Aspect Ratio...........
`1,2.1,.4 Reflerction and Scattering Effects
`12.1.5 Reflective Standing Wave Effects...,....
` Plasma-Etch Resistance
`12.1.7 Planarization.................
`72.'1.8 Multilayer Resist Ploccsses as Alteruatives
`to Conver"rtional Resist Patterning
`1.2.2 Multilayer Planarizing Processes-Wet Development Approaches.....
`1"2.3 Wet-Development/Dry-Pattern Transfer Approaches to Multilayers.
`72.4 Resist Reflectivity and Antireflective Coatings ....
`12.4.1 Control of Reflectivity at the Resist-Substrate Irrterfacer: Bottom
`Antireflective Coatings
`72.4.7.I Olganic l3AIì.Cs
`12.4.1..2 Inorganic BAIì.CS
`72.4.2 Top Antireflective Approaches.........
`The hnpact of Numerical Aperture on Reflectance Effects
`Contrast Enhancement Materials
`Silicon-Contairrirrg Resists for Multilayer and Surface hnaging Resist
`tsilayer Proccss with Silicon-Containing Resists
`12.7.7.'I Silicon Chemical Amplification of l(esist Liues Process
`12.7.1,.2 Other llilayer Techniques Involving
`Silicon Incorporation ....
`Silylation-Based Processes for Surface Imagirrg
`12.8.1, The l)esire Plocess
` The Exposure Step
`1, 'Ihe Presilylation Bake
`1, Silicon lncorporation Step: Vapor Phase Silylation.....
` Liquid-Phase Silylation
`o 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0013
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0013


`Microli tlrcgrnplry : Sciutcc añ'leclurologr¡
` Dry Htclr Developnrerrt ...,.............
`12.8.2 'I'hr: Positive Resist ìmagt: by Dry l1tclrirr¿1 (PRfME) Process
`12.8.3 The SilyJatcd Acid l-Iarclerred Resist (SAI{ll) Process
`12.8.4 Other Sut'facer hnaging Techrriqucs
`12.9 Usc of Altclnatir¡e Pattern Technology in Manufactrlfi11g....................
`12.9,1 Advantages and Disaclvantages of Multilayer atrd Surf¡rce
`hnagin¡; Tcchniqrres
`12.9.2 Pntguosis for Mr,rltilayr-:r aud Strrfacr: hnaging Techrrologies
`12.'7 Introduction
`As higher-r'esolution apprclaches to microlithography are pursued, conventional single-
`layer resist materials may fail to meet all process requirements. Multilayer resist tech-
`niques have been investigated for several years, but advances in single-layer technology
`have gencrally posþoned their irrsertion into irigh-vc'rlume productiorr operatiorrs. As lorr¡;
`as singlc-layer resist matcrials can meet requirements for high-aspect-ratio rcsolution,
`plrotosensitivity, plasma-etch resistance, planarization, depth of focus, reflection control,
`and critical dimension (CD) control, they will be preferred over most multiple-layer or
`pse ndo-mrrltiple-layer techr-ric1ues. Tl-ris l¡ecomes increasingly difficult and, at some point,
`the lithographer needs to consider the advantages of dividing the functions of a single-
`layer resist into separate layers. Fewer layers are better and the ultimate acceptance of any
`multiplayer technique will be determined by the simplicity of the overall process.
`To understand the potential advanta¡;es of multiple-layer lithographic materials and
`ptocesses, the general requirements of a photoresist should first be addressed. Although
`most resist requilements have existed for many generations of integrated circuit ploccs-
`sing, thc' importance of a numbcr of issues has recently increased dramatically.
`12.1.'l Rcsist Sensitivity
`Bccause resist sensitivity directly affects process throughput, it is a fundamental consider-
`ation for thc cvaluation of resist process capability. In general, resist sensitivity can be
`shown to be proportional to thickness. For a direct photochcmical (not chcmically ampii
`fiecl), nonbleaching resist matcrial, this is an exponential relationship dctermined by resist
`absorption and chemical qr-rantum efficiency. lloweveL as resist bleaching mechanisnrs are
`considcrccl (as with the photclchcmical conversion of diazonapthoquinone to irrderre
`calboxylic acicl), clynarnic .rbsorptiotr exists, whiclr iniloduccs sor¡re addititxral consider-
`ations to this exponentiai decay. With chemically amplificd resists, quantum cfficierrcy is
`sufficicntly high that the depenclence of ser-rsitivity on resist thickness becomes less of an
`issuc and other considerations becomc. of more concern.
`12.1.2 Dc¡rth of Focus
`'l'he dependence of depth of focus orr lens numericai apcrture and wavelength can be
`ìçpr ] ;ìq'
`DOIr llcz
`r¡)'1,\' t )l, r,\ I' rì.t.(;,,,ìl.. l l(
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0014
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0014


`Multilny er Resist Teclntology
`where ì is wavelength, NA is numerical aperture, and k2 is a process-dependent factor
`determined by process specification and requirement (a typical value for k2 for a single-
`layer resist may be near 0.5, as shown in Chapter 11). As optical lithographic technology is
`pushed toward sub-200-mm wavelengths at numerical apertures greater than 0'6, DOF
`may fall below 0.5 pm. This presents an interesting challenge for substrate topography and
`photoresist thickness issues. With such a small useful DOF, and without the use of some
`method of planarization, it is not easy to predict exactly how large a fraction of this range
`could be consumed by photoresist thickness.
`"12.1.3 Limitations of Resist Aspect Ratio
`The physical and chemical nature of a polymeric resist material will determine its limi-
`tations for high-aspect-ratio patterning. Additionally, the complex nature of development
`and process chemistry will influence limitations. As aspect ratio less than 3:L is common
`for conventional single-layer resists. The limit to how fine the resolution can be for
`a single-layer resist of a given thickness is influenced to a large extent by polymer flow
`properties including glass transition temperature (Tr) and melting point (T-). Because
`iheimoplastic polymeric behavior is desired during processing, in which photoresist
`materials can go through cycles of heating, flowing, and cooling, they generally possess
`T, values in the 70'C-180"C range. Materials of lower T, will inherently be capable of
`lower-aspect-ratio imaging.
`'12.1.4 Reflection and Scattering Effects
`Imaging over reflective substrates such as metal or polysilicon can allow significant
`intensity variation within a resist film. High levels of reflectivity may produce overexpo-
`sure, manifested not only as a bulk effect over the entire imaged file, but also at pattern-
`specific locations such as line boundaries and corners. This is often referred to as reflectiue
`lùte notchbtg or neckíng, which is a result of the scattering of radiation to unwanted field
`regions. Substrate reflection will affect the overexposure latitude and ultimately lead to a
`reãuction in focal depth, limiting the amount of tolerable image degradation. To under-
`stand the impact of exposure latitude on depth of focus, consider imaging a feature with
`poor modulation. If a resist process is capable of resolving such a feature, it is likely to be
`possible only within a limited range of exposure dose. For a positive resist, overexPosure
`èan result in complete feature loss and underexposure can result in scumming. There is
`an intimate relationship, therefore, between depth of focus and exposure latitude.
`Decreasing the demands on focal depth increases exposure latitude. For a reflective
`substrate, if a large degree of overexposure latitude must be tolerated, the useful
`depth of focus will be reduced significantly. It is desirable to reduce any reflected contri-
`bution to exposure to eliminate feature distortion from scattering and to reduce
`detrimental effects on focal depth, This can be accomplished in a single-layer resist by
`several methods. First, because absorption is dependent on resist thickness, a thicker
`absorbing resist layer will decrease the impact of reflection. Other requirements drive
`resist toward thinner layers, however, reducing the practicality of this method. A second
`alternative is to increase the absorption of the resist so that little radiation is allowed to
`penetrate to the resist-substrate interface and then reflected back through the resist. The
`àddltiot-t of dyes into a resist will accomplish this, but at the cost of resist-sidewall
`sensitivity, and resolution, The beneficial dynamic bleaching mechanism of the diazo-
`naphthaquinone (DNQ)/novolac materials is undermined by the addition of an
`absorbing dye that makes no direct contribution to the photochemical process, An
`LO 2007 by 'l'âylor & Frdncis Group, I-LC
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0015
`IPR2016-01376 Page 0015


`M icrolitl rc g r npilty : S c í cn ce ord Tcchnttl o gt¡
`alternative approach to reduction is the use of

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