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`‘EXAMINER: W‘ rt re ream considered. whether or not citalinn is In oonfmnama with M.P.E.P. § 509. Draw Em uu-gugh dtafim if not in
`coninrrnarma53:15‘; not considered. lnduda copy of this town wilh nut cornmunltallon to Applicant.

`Bennett celsa
`r 2338-10230
`Aflorna Docket Number
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`Roblnson at al.
`Cahilly al al.
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`faranca cons’ red, whether or not cflafion in In conformance Vudlh M.P.E.P. § 509. Dlaw line l:|'Il'0LI§h cilalioa I! not In
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`E- Atlome Docket Number
`Com -fete if Known
`01 71493
`mi 05*
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`931081 7
`E §
`1 0411-199
`%§?2%3E *4§{:3ME"-I
`- I
`Examiner Bonl
`Include name of lhe author (In CAPITAL l.ElTERs). title 0! the article [when appropriate]. Iltle ul Ine item (hook. megaune, Journal.
`serial. symposium. catalog. elm. dale. pageio). volume-lseuo numborto). publisher. city endlor oounlry where published.
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`ooniormance fig not considered. include copy oi’ this lonn uritn next oornrnunlcation to Applicant

`itF°RW*°N °'S°t°5"RE
`Attorne Doclretlilurnber
`Bennett ceisa
`or 338-10230
`serial. symposium. catalog. etc]. date. pagetel. iiolurrie-issue numbartel. putitieher. city andlor country where published.
`includenameorthe author(InCAPITALLETTERS). titleofthe article(whenappropriate).titleofthe item(hook.magazine.journal.
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`centorrnanoe @ not considered. lnctude copy of this form with next co:-nmunicelion to Applmnt.

`' " "°°"°" """"'°' :
`rm 2. o
`Hr;Na:::d lmmr
`Bennett celsa
`Include name at the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS). title or the artide {when appropriate). title at the Item (book. magazirte.]ourr1aI.
`serial. symposium. catalog. etc). date. pagets). vetume-Issue nurnberls). publisher. city andlor country where published.
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`Ooftlorrltance and not considered. Include copy ol this form with next cornmunlcalion to Appttcam.

`~-~ tutainrlwm IMSNPTO E IMBBIFTO
`Examiner Box
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`conformance ag not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to Applicant.
`include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS). title of the article (when appropriate), title at the item (book. magazine. journal.
`serial. symposium, catalog. etc.). date. P39e(s). volume-issue numberis). publisher. city and/or country where published.
`Dean, C.J. 1994. Preparation and characterization of monocional antibodies to proteins and other cellular
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`Goeddel. MethodsinEnzyrnology.Volume 185.AGeneExpressionTechnology(1990)(Exhibit 1077; int. No.
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`conformance am not considered. tnctude oopy of this lorrn with next oornmunicelton to Applicant

`-- llcaiion Number
`Filln Date
`Bennett Celsa
`EH5-IIE__ Marne Docket Numb“
`lndudename 01theauthor{inCAPITAL LETTERS). titleofthearticle{when appropriate),title oftheitarn(book.rnagaz1ne.louma!.
`serial. symposium. catalog. etc}. date. Bagels}. volume-issue nurnbents). publisher. city sndror country where putztlshed.
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`some —_
`is in conformance with M.P.E.P. § 609. Draw line through citation it not in
`'|NER: Initial it refers -- -. dared. whther or not
`conformance am not considered. induce copy if this town with next cornrnunlcation to Applicant.

`Ma 13. 2005
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`« samozao
`tururrnsullA.rP'roc === 9"
`STATEMENT 3* W”°i‘‘*”
`serial. symposiurn. catalog. lllc.}. date. pagetsl. volume-issue numberisi. publisher. dry andrcr country were published.
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`|sinccnformanceuithM.P.EP.§6D9. Drawlinetlrroughcllalionilnotin
`confcrrnsnce mgr, not considered. include copy ct this form with next comrnurrlcatlon to Applicant.

`- «Ilcation Number
`Fmm Date
`Hm Named Inventor
`-j Attorne Docket Number
`rt 333-10230
`Morrison et al. 1988. Production and characterization of genetically engineered antibody molecules. Clinical
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