Yon Visell
`Hap(cid:415)cs, Robo(cid:415)cs, Human-Computer Interac(cid:415)on, VR
`Santa Barbara, CA, USA
`+1 267 800 8960
`PhD Electrical and Computer Engineering
`MA Physics
`BA Physics
`McGill University
`The University of Texas, Aus(cid:415)n
`Wesleyan University
`Assistant Professor
`Media Arts and Technology Graduate Program
`Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`Department of Mechanical Engineering (affiliate)
`California NanoSystems Ins(cid:415)tute
`Assistant Professor
`Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`Postdoctoral Researcher
`Ins(cid:415)tute of Intelligent Systems & Robo(cid:415)cs
`Research Fellow
`Interac(cid:415)on Design Program
`Interac(cid:415)ve Art + Technology
`Large scale ar(cid:415)s(cid:415)c installa(cid:415)ons
`Industrial Research and Development
`Sonar, Speech recogni(cid:415)on, Audio DSP
`University of California, Santa Barbara
`Drexel University
`Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6
`Zurich University of the Arts
`FoAM (Belgium), Zero-Th (Croa(cid:415)a)
`Ableton, Loquendo (Nuance), ARL (Aus(cid:415)n)
`Interac(cid:415)on Design Ins(cid:415)tute Ivrea
`Research Highlights
`Author of 50+ ar(cid:415)cles in journals, conferences, and books in science and engineering, and two hap(cid:415)c technology patents.
`Awarded more than $2M in research funding, including more than $1.15M as PI.
`h-index: 16 (Google Scholar). More than 500 cita(cid:415)ons since 2010.
`Published in: Proceedings of the Na(cid:415)onal Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Applied Physics Le(cid:425)ers, Europhysics Le(cid:425)ers (EPL), Smart
`Materials and Structures, PLoS one, J Acous(cid:415)cal Society of America, IEEE Transac(cid:415)ons on Hap(cid:415)cs, and others.
`Editor of two books on virtual reality, including Human Walking in Virtual Reality, Springer Series in Engineering, 2013.
`Google Faculty Research Award, 2016.
`Two best paper awards at IEEE Hap(cid:415)cs Symposium (2010 and 2016). One best paper runner up (2016).
`Best paper finalist at EuroHap(cid:415)cs (in 2014) and IEEE Hap(cid:415)cs Symposium (four (cid:415)mes)
`Lead DSP designer and programmer for mul(cid:415)ple award winning music so(cid:332)ware Ableton Live (millions of users).
`Exhibi(cid:415)on, performance, and outreach at major interna(cid:415)onal venues including Centre Pompidou, SIGGRAPH Emerging Tech-
`nologies, Ars Electronica, La Gaité Lyrique, Design Biennale St. E(cid:415)enne, Philadelphia Science Fes(cid:415)val, and others.
`Radio Host, The Unknown Territories, a weekly program on contemporary science and music, broadcast via KCSB FM and online.
`Professional Service Highlights
`Lead Guest Editor, IEEE Transac(cid:415)ons on Hap(cid:415)cs, Special Issue on Ac(cid:415)ve Touch Sensing (2015).
`Program Chair, EuroHap(cid:415)cs Conference, the primary hap(cid:415)cs conference in Europe (2016).
`Local Arrangements Chair, IEEE Hap(cid:415)cs Symposium, the primary hap(cid:415)cs conference in the USA (2016).
`Organizer of the IEEE/RSJ IROS 2014 Workshop on Ac(cid:415)ve Touch Sensing in Robots and Animals, and the ACM CHI 2013 Course
`on Walking in VR, and several other academic workshops and symposia.
`Teaching and Mentoring
`Advisor to four current PhD students. The first will defend in 2016. Mentor to mul(cid:415)ple graduate and undergraduate students.
`Teaching experience in linear and nonlinear control systems, hap(cid:415)cs, human-computer interac(cid:415)on, interac(cid:415)ve arts, AI, robo(cid:415)cs.
`Highly rated as an instructor in eight courses taught at Drexel University, with a mean instructor ra(cid:415)ng of 4.7/5.0.
`Immersion Ex 2007-1
`Apple v Immersion

`Yon Visell
`Curriculum Vitae
`Y. Visell, M. Hartmann, V. Hayward, N. Lepora (guest editors), Ac(cid:415)ve Touch Sensing in Humans, Robots, and Other Animals. IEEE
`Transac(cid:415)ons on Hap(cid:415)cs, 2016.
`F. Steinecke, Y. Visell, J. Campos, A. Lecuyer (eds.), Human Walking in Virtual Environments: Percep(cid:415)on, Technology, and Appli-
`ca(cid:415)ons. Springer Verlag Series in Engineering (January, 2013). ISBN: 978-1-4419-8431-9.
`F. Fontana*, Y. Visell* (eds.), Walking with the Senses: Non-visual perceptual techniques for walking in simulated environments.
`Logos Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-8325-2967-3, 2012. (* Equal contrib.)
`Journal Ar(cid:415)cles
`Y. Shao, V. Hayward, Y. Visell, Spa(cid:415)al Pa(cid:425)erns of Cutaneous Vibra(cid:415)on During Whole-Hand Hap(cid:415)c Interac(cid:415)on. Proc Nat Acad Sci,
`March, 2016.
`B. Li, Y. Gao, A. K. Fontecchio, Y. Visell, So(cid:332) capaci(cid:415)ve tac(cid:415)le sensing arrays fabricated via direct filament cas(cid:415)ng. Smart Materials
`and Structures, To Appear, 2016.
`B. Li, A. K. Fontecchio, Y. Visell, Mutual capacitance of liquid conductors in deformable tac(cid:415)le sensing arrays. Applied Physics
`Le(cid:425)ers 108, 2016.
`M. Janko, R. Primerano, Y. Visell, On Fric(cid:415)onal Forces Between the Finger and a Textured Surface During Ac(cid:415)ve Touch.
`Transac(cid:415)ons on Hap(cid:415)cs, 2016.
`Y. Visell, Fast, physically accurate rendering of mul(cid:415)modal signatures of distributed fracture in heterogeneous materials. IEEE
`Transac(cid:415)ons on Computer Graphics and Visualiza(cid:415)on, 2015.
`Y. Visell, G. Millet, Fracture in Disordered Heterogeneous Materials as a Stochas(cid:415)c Process. (Submi(cid:425)ed) arXiv:1408.5303 (cond-
`B. Giordano, Y. Visell, H.-Y. Yao, V. Hayward, J. Cooperstock, S. McAdams, Iden(cid:415)fica(cid:415)on Of Walked-Upon Materials In Auditory,
`Kinesthe(cid:415)c, Hap(cid:415)c And Audio-Hap(cid:415)c Condi(cid:415)ons. J Acous(cid:415)cal Society of America 131 (5), 2012.
`Y. Visell, Fric(cid:415)onal s(cid:415)ck-slip oscilla(cid:415)on as a first passage problem. EPL Europhysics Le(cid:425)ers 95 (6), 2011.
`Y. Visell, B. Giordano, G. Millet, J. Cooperstock, Vibra(cid:415)on Influences Hap(cid:415)c Percep(cid:415)on of Surface Compliance During Walking.
`PLoS ONE 6 (3), March, 2011.
`G. Lemaitre, O. Houix, P. Susini, Y. Visell, K. Franinovic, Feelings elicited by auditory feedback from a computa(cid:415)onally augmented
`ar(cid:415)fact. IEEE Transac(cid:415)ons on Affec(cid:415)ve Compu(cid:415)ng, 2012.
`Y. Visell, A. Law, J. Cooperstock, Touch is Everywhere: Floor Surfaces as Ambient Hap(cid:415)c Interfaces. IEEE Transac(cid:415)ons on Hap(cid:415)cs,
`2 (3), July-September, 2009. (Issue Cover Image)
`Y. Visell, F. Fontana, B. Giordano, R. Nohrdahl, S. Serafin, R. Bresin, Sound Design and Percep(cid:415)on in Walking Interac(cid:415)ons. Int J
`Human Computer Interac(cid:415)on Studies, 67 (11), Elsevier, 2009.
`Y. Visell, Tac(cid:415)le Sensory Subs(cid:415)tu(cid:415)on: Models for Enac(cid:415)on in HCI. Interac(cid:415)ng with Computers, 21 (1-2), Elsevier, 2009.
`G. Lemaitre, O. Hioux, Y. Visell, K. Franinovic, N. Misdariis, P. Susini, Toward the Design and Evalua(cid:415)on of Con(cid:415)nuous Sound in
`Tangible Interfaces. Int J Human Computer Interac(cid:415)on Studies, 67 (11), Elsevier, 2009.
`Y. Visell, Spontaneous Organiza(cid:415)on, Pa(cid:425)ern Models, and Music. Organised Sound 9(2), Cambridge Univ. Press, 2004.
`Peer Reviewed Conference Publica(cid:415)ons (Selected)
`Y. Shao, Y. Visell, Learning Cons(cid:415)tuent Parts of Touch S(cid:415)muli from Whole Hand Vibra(cid:415)ons. Proc. IEEE Hap(cid:415)cs Symposium, 2016.
`Best Paper Award, Runner Up.
`M. Char(cid:415)er, N. Thomas, Y. Shao, Y. Visell, Toward a Wearable Tac(cid:415)le Sensory Amplifica(cid:415)on Device: Transfer Characteris(cid:415)cs and
`Op(cid:415)miza(cid:415)on. Proc. IEEE Hap(cid:415)cs Symposium, 2016. Best Paper Award, Work-in-Progress Category.
`Immersion Ex 2007-2
`Apple v Immersion

`Yon Visell
`Curriculum Vitae
`R. Lerch, H. Cui, S. Patwardhan, Y. Visell, C. Sims, Exploring Hap(cid:415)c Working Memory as a Capacity Limited Channel. Proc. IEEE
`Hap(cid:415)cs Symposium, 2016. Best Paper Award, Finalist.
`B. Li, Y. Visell, Design, Analysis, and Fabrica(cid:415)on Methods for Highly Compliant Tac(cid:415)le Sensing Arrays. Proc. IEEE Hap(cid:415)cs Sympo-
`sium, Work-in-Progress, 2016.
`H. Cui and Y. Visell, Linear and Nonlinear Subspace Analysis of Hand Movements During Grasping. Proc. of IEEE Engineering and
`Biology Conference (EMBC), 2014.
`H. Nagano, Y. Visell, S. Okamoto, On the Effect of Vibra(cid:415)on on Slip Percep(cid:415)on During Bare Finger Contact. Proc. of Eurohap(cid:415)cs
`Conference, 2014.
`M. Janko, R. Primerano, Y. Visell, Scale dependence of force pa(cid:425)erns during the scanning of a surface by a bare finger. Proc. of
`Eurohap(cid:415)cs Conference, 2014. Best Paper Award, Finalist (Rank 4 of 200+)
`Y. Visell, K. Duraikkannan, V. Hayward, A Device and Method for Mul(cid:415)modal Hap(cid:415)c Rendering of Volumetric S(cid:415)ffness. Proc. of
`Eurohap(cid:415)cs Conference, 2014.
`J. Kahn, D. Peretz, J. Tangorra, Y. Visell, Touch Sensing in a Robo(cid:415)c Fish Fin. Living Machines: Intl Conf on Biomime(cid:415)c and Biohybrid
`Systems, 2013.
`Y. Visell, V. Hayward, An asymmetry in force percep(cid:415)on con(cid:415)ngent on mo(cid:415)on reversal. Proc. of the IEEE World Hap(cid:415)cs Confer-
`ence, 2013.
`A. Berrezag, Y. Visell, V. Hayward, Compressibility and Crushability Reproduc(cid:415)on Through an Amorphous Hap(cid:415)c Interface. Pro-
`ceedings of the Eurohap(cid:415)cs Symposium, 2012.
`Y. Visell, J. Cooperstock, Design of a Vibrotac(cid:415)le Display via a Rigid Surface. Proceedings of the IEEE Hap(cid:415)cs Symposium, 2010.
`Best Paper Award.
`Y. Visell, S. Smith, A. Law, R. Rajalingham, J. Cooperstock, Contact Sensing and Interac(cid:415)on Techniques for a Distributed, Mul(cid:415)-
`modal Floor Display. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI’10), 2010.
`Y. Visell, A. Law, S. Smith, J. Ip, J. Cooperstock, Interac(cid:415)on Capture in Immersive Environments via an Intelligent Floor Surface.
`Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality (VR’10), 2010.
`R. Rajalingham, Y. Visell, J. Cooperstock, Probabilis(cid:415)c Tracking of Pedestrian Movements from In-floor Force Measurements.
`Proceedings of the 7th Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV’10), 2010 (accepted).
`A. Law, J. Ip, B. Peck, Y. Visell, P. Kry, J. Cooperstock, A Mul(cid:415)modal Floor for Virtual Environments. ACM SIGGRAPH, Emerging
`Technologies, 2009.
`Y. Visell, A. Law, J. Cooperstock, Toward Iconic Vibrotac(cid:415)le Informa(cid:415)on Display via Floor Surfaces. Proceedings of World Hap(cid:415)cs,
`A. Law, B. Peck, Y. Visell, P. Kry, J. Cooperstock, A Mul(cid:415)-modal Floor-space for Experiencing Material Deforma(cid:415)on Underfoot in
`Virtual Reality. Proc. IEEE Intl. Workshop on Hap(cid:415)c Audio Visual Environments and Games (HAVE’08).
`Y. Visell, J. R. Cooperstock, K. Franinovic, B. L. Giordano, S. McAdams, K. Jathal, A. Law, F. Fontana, A Vibrotac(cid:415)le Device for
`Display of Virtual Ground Materials in Walking. Proceedings of Eurohap(cid:415)cs, 2008.
`B. L. Giordano, S. McAdams, Y. Visell, J. R. Cooperstock, H. Yao, V. Hayward, Non-Visual Iden(cid:415)fica(cid:415)on of Walking Grounds. Pro-
`ceedings of Acous(cid:415)cs’08. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123 (5):3412, 2008.
`R. Bresin, S. Della Monache, F. Fontana, S. Pappe(cid:427), P. Polo(cid:427), Y. Visell, Auditory Feedback from Crumpling Sound Synthesis. ACM
`CHI 2008 Extended Abstracts.
`Y. Visell and J. R. Cooperstock, Enabling Gestural Interac(cid:415)on by Means of Tracking Dynamical Systems Models and Assis(cid:415)ve
`Feedback. Proceedings of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cyberne(cid:415)cs (IEEE SMC’07), 2007.
`K. Franinovic, Y. Visell, New Musical Interfaces in Context: Sonic Interac(cid:415)on Design in the Urban Se(cid:427)ng. Intl. Conf. on New
`Instruments for Musical Expression (NIME’07), 2007.
`Y. Visell, K. Franinovic, Recycled Soundscapes. ACM Designing Interac(cid:415)ve Systems (DIS’04), 2004.
`Immersion Ex 2007-3
`Apple v Immersion

`Yon Visell
`Book Chapters
`Curriculum Vitae
`Y. Visell, S. Okamoto, Vibrotac(cid:415)le Sensa(cid:415)on and So(cid:332)ness Percep(cid:415)on. Chapter in: Mul(cid:415)sensory So(cid:332)ness, ed. Massimiliano di
`Luca. Springer Verlag Series on Touch and Hap(cid:415)c Systems, 2014.
`Y. Visell, R. Murray-Smith, S. Brewster, J. Williamson, Con(cid:415)nuous Auditory and Tac(cid:415)le Interac(cid:415)on Design. Chapter in: Sonic
`Interac(cid:415)on Design, eds. K. Franinovic and S. Serafin. MIT Press, 2013.
`Y. Visell, F. Steinicke, J. Campos, A. Lecuyer, Introduc(cid:415)on: Human Walking in Virtual Environments. Chapter in: F. Steinecke, Y.
`Visell, J. Campos, A. Lecuyer (eds.), Human Walking in Virtual Environments: Percep(cid:415)on, Technology, and Applica(cid:415)ons. Springer
`Verlag Series in Engineering, 2013.
`Y. Visell, S. Smith, J. Cooperstock, Interac(cid:415)on with Computa(cid:415)onally Augmented Floor Surfaces. Chapter in: F. Steinecke, Y. Visell,
`J. Campos, A. Lecuyer (eds.), Human Walking in Virtual Environments: Percep(cid:415)on, Technology, and Applica(cid:415)ons. Springer Verlag
`Series in Engineering, 2013.
`M. Marchal, G. Cirio, Y. Visell, F. Fontana, S. Serafin, J. Cooperstock, A. Lecuyer, Mul(cid:415)modal Rendering. Chapter in: F. Steinecke, Y.
`Visell, J. Campos, A. Lecuyer (eds.), Human Walking in Virtual Environments: Percep(cid:415)on, Technology, and Applica(cid:415)ons. Springer
`Verlag Series in Engineering, 2013.
`Y. Visell, S. Smith, J. Cooperstock, Distributed human-computer interac(cid:415)on with augmented floor surfaces. Chapter in: Walking
`with the Senses, eds. Y. Visell and F. Fontana. Logos Verlag, 2012.
`Y. Visell, R. Rajalingham, J. Cooperstock, A review of nonvisual signatures of human walking with applica(cid:415)ons to person tracking
`in augmented environments. Chapter in: Walking with the Senses, eds. Y. Visell and F. Fontana. Logos Verlag, 2012.
`G. Cirio, Y. Visell, and M. Marchal, Mul(cid:415)sensory and Hap(cid:415)c Rendering of Complex Virtual Grounds. Chapter in: Walking with the
`Senses, eds. Y. Visell and F. Fontana. Logos Verlag, 2012.
`V. Hayward, Y. Visell, S. Serafin, F. Fontana, M. Civolani, Novel hap(cid:415)c displays for walking interac(cid:415)ons. Chapter in:Walking with
`the Senses, eds. Y. Visell and F. Fontana. Logos Verlag, 2012.
`B. Li, Y. Visell, Stretchable Tac(cid:415)le Sensing Array. (Drexel University), USPTO (Pending).
`Y. Visell, K. Franinovic, A. Law, J. Cooperstock (McGill University), Floor-Based Hap(cid:415)c Communica(cid:415)on System. USPTO 9041521.
`Invited Presenta(cid:415)ons
`Jul 2016 IEEE Image, Video, and Mul(cid:415)dimensional Signal Processing (IVMSP) Workshop, Bordeaux, France
`Apr 2016 IEEE Hap(cid:415)cs Symposium, Transac(cid:415)ons on Hap(cid:415)cs Special Session, Philadelphia, PA
`Jun 2014 Eurohap(cid:415)cs Workshop on Mul(cid:415)sensory So(cid:332)ness, Versailles, France
`Nov 2013 Psychonomic Society, Tac(cid:415)le Research Group Workshop
`Oct 2008 Design Symposium Pecha Kucha, Montreal
`Oct 2007 Design Symposium Pecha Kucha, Montreal, 2008
`Department Seminars
`Oct 2015 University of California, Santa Barbara, Mechanical Engineering Department
`Mar 2015 New York University, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace
`Mar 2015 University of California – Santa Barbara, Departments of Media Arts & Technology and Electrical and Computer Engi-
`Feb 2015 Princeton University, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace
`Immersion Ex 2007-4
`Apple v Immersion

`Yon Visell
`Curriculum Vitae
`Feb 2015 Ohio State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
`Feb 2015 Temple University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`Feb 2015 University of Massachuse(cid:425)s – Amherst, School of Computer Science
`Feb 2015 Virginia Polytechnic Ins(cid:415)tute and State University (Virginia Tech), Mechanical Engineering Department
`Nov 2014 University of Pennsylvania, Ins(cid:415)tute for Research in Cogni(cid:415)ve Sciences
`Oct 2014 University of Florida, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
`Oct 2013 Drexel University, School of Biomedical Engineering
`Apr 2012 Ecole des Beaux Arts de Strasbourg
`Dec 2010 NTT Research Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan
`Jul 2009 University of Verona, Department of Computer Science
`Mar 2008 McGill University, CIRMMT Workshop on Mul(cid:415)modal Integra(cid:415)on
`Mar 2008 McGill University, REPARTI Network Workshop
`Nov 2008 McGill University, Workshop on Mul(cid:415)modal Influences on Perceived Self Mo(cid:415)on
`Jun 2007 University of Zurich, AI Laboratory
`Jul 2007 Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), BIRG Laboratory
`Immersion Ex 2007-5
`Apple v Immersion

`Yon Visell
`Curriculum Vitae
`Current Funding Awards
`Google Faculty Research Award
`VTouch: Virtual sensa(cid:415)ons of direct touch from focused cutaneous vibra(cid:415)ons, 2015-2016
`University of California, Santa Barbara
`Budget: $65,000
`Role: Principal Inves(cid:415)gator (Sole PI)
`Submi(cid:425)ed: 2015-10-15
`NSF CISE - Informa(cid:415)on & Intelligent Systems - Cyber Human Systems
`CHS: E-TOUCH: Electronically Amplifying the Sense of Touch, 2015-2018
`University of California, Santa Barbara
`Budget: $500,000
`Role: Principal Inves(cid:415)gator (Sole PI)
`Submi(cid:425)ed: 2015-01-14
`NSF Cyber Physical Systems
`CPS: Breakthrough: From Whole-Hand Tac(cid:415)le Imaging to Interac(cid:415)ve Simula(cid:415)on (ID 1446752), 2015-2017
`University of California, Santa Barbara
`Budget: $500,000
`Role: Principal Inves(cid:415)gator (Sole PI)
`Submi(cid:425)ed: 2014-06-02
`Independence Blue Cross, Medical Simula(cid:415)on Grant
`Wearable So(cid:332) Electronic Sensing for Palpa(cid:415)on Simula(cid:415)on, Assessment, and Documenta(cid:415)on, 2015
`Drexel University
`Budget: $50,000
`Role: Principal Inves(cid:415)gator, with D. Sco(cid:425) Lind, M.D. (PI)
`Submi(cid:425)ed: 2014-09-04
`Proposals Under Review
`Past Funding Awards
`EU FP7 ICT-FET Cogni(cid:415)ve Robo(cid:415)cs Ini(cid:415)a(cid:415)ve, 2013-2017
`WEARHAP: Distributed robo(cid:415)c interfaces for wearable hap(cid:415)c interac(cid:415)on
`UPMC Univ. Paris 06, U. Sienna (IT), U. Pisa (IT), TU Munich, 6 others
`Budget: 7M Euro (Local budget: 500K Euro)
`Role: Coauthored proposal, Local project coordinator
`Submi(cid:425)ed: 2012
`EU FP7 ICT-FET project NIW: Natural Interac(cid:415)ve Walking (no. 222107), 2008-2011
`Addi(cid:415)onal funding from Quebec Ministry of Economic Development (Separate grant)
`Partners: McGill Univ. (CA), INRIA-IRISA (FR), UPMC Paris 6 (FR), Aalborg Univ. (DK), Univ. Verona (IT)
`Budget: 1.8M Euro
`Role: Conceived project, Lead author of proposal, Coordinated research (McGill Univ.)
`Submi(cid:425)ed: 2007
`EU ESF/COST Ac(cid:415)on (no. IC0601), 2007-2011
`SID: Sonic Interac(cid:415)on Design
`Budget: 1.6M Euro
`Partners: 25 countries represented (approx.)
`Role: Coauthored proposal, Management commi(cid:425)ee member, Na(cid:415)onal delegate (Canada)
`Submi(cid:425)ed: 2006
`EU FP6 NEST Pathfinder (no. 029085), 2006-2009
`Immersion Ex 2007-6
`Apple v Immersion

`Yon Visell
`Curriculum Vitae
`CLOSED: Closing the Loop of Sound Evalua(cid:415)on and Design
`Partners: Zurich Univ. of the Arts (CH), IRCAM (FR), TU Berlin (DE), Univ. Verona (IT)
`Budget: 1.5M Euro
`Role: Conceived project, Lead author of proposal, Research, coordina(cid:415)on, financial admin. (Zurich)
`Submi(cid:425)ed: 2005
`Letters of Intent, Accepted
`Intui(cid:415)ve Surgical, Technology Grant
`Wearable So(cid:332) Electronic Sensing for Palpa(cid:415)on: Assessment, Documenta(cid:415)on, and Diagnosis, 2015
`Drexel University
`Budget: $50,000
`Role: Principal Inves(cid:415)gator, with D. Sco(cid:425) Lind, M.D. (Co-PI)
`Submi(cid:425)ed: 2014-06-01
`Immersion Ex 2007-7
`Apple v Immersion

`Yon Visell
`Curriculum Vitae
`Professional Experience
`9/2015–Present Assistant Professor
`1/2013–6/2015 Assistant Professor
`Postdoctoral Researcher
`Research Fellow
`Graduate Researcher
`Faculty Lecturer
`2006 – 2009
`Visi(cid:415)ng Professor
`2005 - 2006
`Adjunct Professor
`Founder and Co-Director
`2001 – 2003
`Visi(cid:415)ng Researcher
`Principal DSP Engineer, Audio
`1999 – 2001
`Research Scien(cid:415)st, Speech recogni(cid:415)on
`Graduate Researcher, Sonar
`1997 – 1999
`Graduate Researcher
`Summer 1995
`Summer Research
`Summer 1994
`Engineering technician, Robo(cid:415)cs
`Univ. of California, Santa Barbara
`Media Arts and Technology Program
`Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`Dept. of Mechanical Engineering (Affiliate)
`Drexel University
`Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`Dept. of Biomedical Engineering (Affiliate)
`Université Pierre et Marie Curie -- Paris 6
`Inst. Intelligent Systems and Robo(cid:415)cs (ISIR)
`Prof. V. Hayward, PI
`Zurich University of the Arts
`Interac(cid:415)on Design Program
`Dept. of Design and ICS
`McGill University
`Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`Center for Intelligent Machines & CIRMMT
`Prof. J. Cooperstock, PI
`McGill University
`Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`Nuova Accademia di Belli Ar(cid:415)
`Department of Design
`Concordia University, Montreal
`Intermedia and Cyberarts Program
`Department of Studio Arts
`Zero-Th Associa(cid:415)on (h(cid:425)p://
`Interac(cid:415)on design and arts prac(cid:415)ce
`Interac(cid:415)on Design Ins(cid:415)tute Ivrea (IDII), Italy
`Ableton (h(cid:425)p://
`Award-Winning Music So(cid:332)ware
`Berlin, Germany
`Loquendo Inc.
`Now: Nuance Inc. (by aquisi(cid:415)on)
`Formerly: Vocal Point Inc. (by aquisi(cid:415)on)
`San Francisco, USA
`Applied Research Laboratories
`Sonar Development Division
`Aus(cid:415)n, TX
`University of Texas-Aus(cid:415)n
`Center for Par(cid:415)cle Physics
`Prof. Yuval Ne’eman, PI
`University of Texas-Aus(cid:415)n
`Center for Rela(cid:415)vity
`Hine Design (now Lam Research)
`Redwood City, CA
`Immersion Ex 2007-8
`Apple v Immersion

`Yon Visell
`Curriculum Vitae
`Google Faculty Award, 2016.
`Best Paper, IEEE Hap(cid:415)cs Symposium 2010. Ranked 1st from more than 100 submissions.
`Finalist for Best Paper, EuroHap(cid:415)cs 2014. Ranked 4th from more than 200 submissions.
`Nominated for EuroHap(cid:415)cs Society best PhD thesis award, 2011.
`Mul(cid:415)ple industry awards for Ableton Live music so(cid:332)ware, including: Keys magazine, Macworld, Keyboard magazine, Future
`music, MacAddict, Mac Life, Remix, Computer Music, Electronic Musician, DJ Tech, PC World, and MusicTech. The so(cid:332)ware is
`used by many notable ar(cid:415)sts, including several Grammy and Oscar award winning musicians, composers, and producers.
`Intel Corpora(cid:415)on Galileo 2 Development Board Grant for Educa(cid:415)on ($1200)
`NSERC Industrial graduate fellowship, Electronic Arts 2009 (declined for administra(cid:415)ve reasons).
`Entrance fellowship (compe(cid:415)(cid:415)ve) Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University.
`Student research award Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Music, Media, and Technology, McGill Univ., 2006.
`Student research award Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Music, Media, and Technology, McGill Univ., 2007.
`Graduate research support Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill Univ. (J. Cooperstock).
`Graduate research support Department of Psychology, McGill Univ. (D. Levi(cid:415)n).
`Graduate fellowship (3 years), Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Aus(cid:415)n.
`1st Place, Hughes Corpora(cid:415)on High School Physics Compe(cid:415)(cid:415)on.
`Top 5% placement in the American High-School Invita(cid:415)onal Mathema(cid:415)cs Examina(cid:415)on (AHSME), qualifying for the American
`High-School Invita(cid:415)onal Mathema(cid:415)cs Examina(cid:415)on (AIME).
`Na(cid:415)onal Merit Scholarship finalist.
`Na(cid:415)onal French language examina(cid:415)on compe(cid:415)(cid:415)on, 3rd place in Arizona, Top 10 in Southwest USA.
`Mathcounts, Junior high school mathema(cid:415)cs team contest, State champion team member (Arizona).
`Professional Service
`Lead Guest Editor IEEE Transac(cid:415)ons on Hap(cid:415)cs, Special Issue on Ac(cid:415)ve Touch Sensing (announced).
`Organizing commi(cid:425)ee & local arrangements chair for IEEE Hap(cid:415)cs Symposium 2016, the primary hap(cid:415)cs conference in the USA.
`Organizer of the IEEE/RSJ IROS 2014 Workshop on Ac(cid:415)ve Touch Sensing in Robots and Animals
`Organizer ACM CHI 2013 Course on Walking in VR
`NSF Reviewer, Division of Informa(cid:415)on & Intelligent Systems
`Journal Reviewing
`PLoS one
`IEEE Transac(cid:415)ons on Robo(cid:415)cs
`Interna(cid:415)onal Journal of Robo(cid:415)cs Research (IJRR)
`IEEE Transac(cid:415)ons on Hap(cid:415)cs
`IEEE Transac(cid:415)ons on Mechatronics
`IEEE Transac(cid:415)ons on Systems, Man, and Cyberne(cid:415)cs
`IEEE Transac(cid:415)ons on Human-Machine Systems
`Behavioral Brain Research
`Journal of Experimental Psychology
`Immersion Ex 2007-9
`Apple v Immersion

`Yon Visell
`Curriculum Vitae
`Acta Psychologica, Elsevier
`Interna(cid:415)onal Journal of Human-Computer Interac(cid:415)on Studies, Elsevier
`Assis(cid:415)ve Technology (Journal), Taylor & Francis
`Conference Commi(cid:425)ees
`Organizing Commi(cid:425)ee, IEEE Hap(cid:415)cs Symposium, 2016
`Editorial Commi(cid:425)ee, IEEE World Hap(cid:415)cs Conference, 2015
`Awards Commi(cid:425)ee, EuroHap(cid:415)cs, 2014
`Conference Editorial Board, IEEE World Hap(cid:415)cs Conference, 2015 (IEEE WHC)
`Program Commi(cid:425)ee, IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, 2015 (IEEE VR)
`Program Commi(cid:425)ee, Sound and Music Compu(cid:415)ng Conference, 2011 (SMC)
`Program Commi(cid:425)ee, ACM Interna(cid:415)onal Conference on Mul(cid:415)modal Interfaces, 2007 (ICMI)
`Conference Reviewing
`ACM Conference on Human Factors in Compu(cid:415)ng Systems (ACM CHI)
`IEEE/RSJ Interna(cid:415)onal Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
`IEEE Hap(cid:415)cs Symposium
`IEEE World Hap(cid:415)cs Conference
`IEEE Interna(cid:415)onal Symposium on Robots and Human Interac(cid:415)ve Communica(cid:415)on (Ro-Man)
`ACM Conference on Mul(cid:415)modal User Interfaces (ACM IMUI)
`IEEE Interna(cid:415)onal Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI)
`Interna(cid:415)onal Symposium on Hap(cid:415)c and Audio Interac(cid:415)on Design (HAID)
`Interna(cid:415)onal Computer Music Conference (ICMC)
`Laval Virtual - Interna(cid:415)onal Conference on Virtual Reality (VRIC)
`Interna(cid:415)onal Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD)
`Sound and Music Compu(cid:415)ng Conference (SMC)
`Organiza(cid:415)on of Courses and Workshops
`2014 IEEE/RSJ IROS Workshop on Ac(cid:415)ve Touch Sensing in Humans and Robots, Chicago, USA
`2013 ACM CHI Course on Interac(cid:415)ve Walking in VR, Paris, France
`2012 Hands-on Hap(cid:415)cs, point Atelier, La Gaité Lyrique, Paris
`2012 Workshop on hap(cid:415)cs and movement, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Strasbourg
`2010 Interac(cid:415)ve Sonifica(cid:415)on Workshop, Deutsch Telekom Labs, Berlin
`2009 Interac(cid:415)ve sound, OBORO Center for the Arts, Montreal, Canada
`2009 CIRMMT Workshop on Mul(cid:415)modal Interac(cid:415)on, Montreal
`2008 ACM CHI Workshop on Sonic Interac(cid:415)on Design, Firenze
`2008 Workshop on Tangible Auditory Interfaces, Oboro Centre, Montreal
`2006 Tangible and auditory interac(cid:415)on design, Advanced Sound (II) Course, Concordia University
`Immersion Ex 2007-10
`Apple v Immersion

`Yon Visell
`Curriculum Vitae
`2006 Tangible human-computer interac(cid:415)on and Ubiquitous compu(cid:415)ng, HCI Course, McGill University
`2004 X-Med-K Workshops (experimental media art), FoAM vzw, Brussels
`• denotes a course that was newly designed and taught
`♢ denotes significant revisisions to material of a course that was taught
`ECE 490/690: Hap(cid:415)c Engineering (Spring 2013•, Spring 2015)
`ECES 511: Fundamentals of Systems I (Fall 2013♢, Fall 2014)
`ECES 512: Fundamentals of Systems II (Winter 2013-4♢, Winter 2014-5)
`ECES 513: Fundamentals of Systems III (Spring 2014♢, Spring 2015)
`ECSE 526: Ar(cid:415)ficial Intelligence (Spring 2006♢)
`Interac(cid:415)on Design (Spring 2009•)
`IMCA 221: Interac(cid:415)ve Programming for Ar(cid:415)sts (Fall 2005♢)
`Drexel University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`McGill University, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
`Nuova Accademia di Belle Ar(cid:415) Milano, Design Department
`University of the Arts (ZHdK) Zurich, Interac(cid:415)on Design Program
`Interac(cid:415)on Design (Summer 2006)
`Concordia University, Montreal, Intermedia and Cyberarts Program
`The University of Texas-Aus(cid:415)n, Department of Physics
`PHY101L: Laboratory for Mechanics (Instructor)
`Advisor to two PhD students in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Drexel University:
`Bin Li
`Thesis Title: So(cid:332) tac(cid:415)le sensing for medical palpa(cid:415)on.
`Expected gradua(cid:415)on in 2016
`Marco Janko
`Thesis Title: Recovering surface microgeometry through ac(cid:415)ve touch.
`Expected gradua(cid:415)on in 2017
`Advisor to two PhD students in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Drexel University:
`Yi(cid:415)an Shao
`Thesis Title: Mechanical waves accompanying whole hand hap(cid:415)c interac(cid:415)on.
`Expected gradua(cid:415)on in 2018
`Zachary Wells
`Thesis Title: TBD.
`Expected gradua(cid:415)on in 2020
`Advisor to three Master’s degree student in the ECE Department at Drexel University:
`Zhengqiao Zhao
`Project Title: Time-resolved fric(cid:415)onal forces felt by the finger when sliding on a textured surface
`Graduated in 2016
`Ye Shi
`Immersion Ex 2007-11
`Apple v Immersion

`Yon Visell
`Curriculum Vitae
`Project Title: Instrumenta(cid:415)on for so(cid:332) tac(cid:415)le sensors, with biomedical applica(cid:415)ons
`Graduated in 2016
`Keerthi Duraikkannen
`Project Title: Simula(cid:415)ng so(cid:332)ness with force-con(cid:415)ngent vibra(cid:415)ons
`Graduated in 2014
`Advisor to two interdisciplinary senior engineering design teams at Drexel University, 2014-2015.
`Advisor to one visi(cid:415)ng PhD student in the ECE Department at Drexel University:
`Hikaru Nagano (Nagoya Univ.)
`Project Title: Vibra(cid:415)on signatures of incipient slip in bare finger contact, 2014
`Advisor to one undergraduate summer research coop student in the ECE Department at Drexel University:
`Bengisu Ozbay
`Project Title: The perceptual space of hand movements
`Summer 2014
`Current supervisor and mentor to six addi(cid:415)onal graduate and undergraduate student researchers, and more than a dozen former
`graduate and undergraduate students.
`University Service, PhD Commi(cid:425)ees
`Roger Luo, University of California, Santa Barbara, Media Arts and Technology (Advised by Prof. G. Legrady)
`Jeffrey Kahn Jr., Drexel University, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (Advised by Prof. J. Tangorra)
`Heather Culbertson, University of Pennsylvania, Mechanical Engineering (Advised by Prof. K. Kuchenbecker)
`Brandon Morton, Drexel University, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Advised by Prof. Y. Kim)
`Alyssa Batula, Drexel University, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Advised by Prof. Y. Kim)
`Jeff Gregorio, Drexel University, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Advised by Prof. Y. Kim)
`Jeff Sco(cid:425), Drexel University, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Advised by Prof. Y. Kim)
`Michael Caro, Drexel University, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Advised by Prof. Y. Kim)
`Ma(cid:425)hew Prockup, Drexel University, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Advised by Prof. Y. Kim)
`David Grunwald, Drexel University, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Advised by Prof. Y. Kim)
`Jared Coyle, Drexel University, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Advised by Prof. A. Fontecchio)
`Zhihuan Wang, Drexel University, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Advised by Prof. B. Nabet)
`University Service, MS Commi(cid:425)ees
`Owen Campbell, University of California, Santa Barbara, Media Arts and Technology (Advised by Prof. Cur(cid:415)s Roads)
`University Service, General
`2015-6 Faculty Senate Representa(cid:415)ve, Media Arts and Technology, University of California, Santa Barbara
`2015-6 Admissions Commi(cid:425)ee, Media Arts and Technology, University of California, Santa Barbara
`2014-5 Award Commi(cid:425)ee, Antoine(cid:425)e Westphal College of Media, Westphal Crea(cid:415)vity Fund, Drexel University
`2014-5 Senior Design Commi(cid:425)ee, ECE Department, Drexel

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