
`U.S. Patent No. 8,664,231
`Patent Owner
`Case No. IPR2016-01370
`Patent Number 8,664,231
`and ERICA A. FRANKLIN, Administrative Patent Judges
`UNDER 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.62 AND 42.64


`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.62 and 42.64, Patent Owner medac Gesellschaft
`U.S. Patent No. 8,664,231
`für Klinische Spezialpräparate mbH (“Medac”) moves to exclude certain of
`Petitioner’s exhibits and cross-examination. This motion is timely filed under the
`Board’s Scheduling Order. (Paper 14: Due Date 4). Medac requests that Exhibits
`1041-45 and certain cross-examination testimony from Terri Shoemaker (Exhibit
`1040) be excluded.
`Legal Standards
`The Federal Rules of Evidence (“F.R.E.”) apply to inter partes review
`proceedings. See 37 C.F.R. § 42.62(a); Office Patent Trial Practice Guide, 77 Fed.
`Reg. 48758. Under F.R.E. 402, “irrelevant evidence
`is not admissible.”
`Furthermore, an out-of-court statement used to prove the truth of the matter
`asserted is inadmissible hearsay unless otherwise provided by a federal statute, the
`Federal Rules of Evidence, or other rules prescribed by the Supreme Court. F.R.E.
`801-05. Finally, “[t]o satisfy the requirement of authenticating or identifying an
`item of evidence, the proponent must produce evidence sufficient to support a
`finding that the item is what the proponent claims it is.” F.R.E. 901.
`II. Exhibits 1041-45 Should be Excluded
`The Board should exclude Exhibits 1041-45 because those exhibits include
`evidence that is irrelevant, inadmissible hearsay, and/or improperly authenticated.
`Medac timely objected to these exhibits, stating the precise grounds why they are


`inadmissible.1 (Paper 38).
`U.S. Patent No. 8,664,231
`A. Exhibit 1041 Should be Excluded
`Exhibit 1041 is a copy of e-mail correspondence between counsel of record
`concerning deposition scheduling for Petitioner’s expert witnesses. Medac timely
`objected to Exhibit 1041 under F.R.E. 401, 402, 403, and 37 C.F.R. § 42.61.
`(Paper 38 at 2).
`Exhibit 1041 is irrelevant to this inter partes review and should not be
`admitted under F.R.E. 401 and 402. E-mail between counsel about deposition
`scheduling does not relate to the substance of any expert testimony, prior art
`references, or any other patentability issue in this case. Moreover, admission of
`the correspondence is entirely unnecessary because it is evident from the record
`that Medac did not depose Petitioner’s experts. No transcripts of such depositions
`were filed with the Board.
`The issue, however, is that Petitioner relies on Exhibit 1041 to argue that
`Medac “refused” to take the depositions of Petitioner’s experts (Drs. Schiff and
`Miller) due to the “quality” of their opinions. Reply at 1, 3, 20. Such reliance is
`misleading and unfairly prejudicial to Medac. There are many reasons for deciding
`In its objections to Petitioner’s Reply exhibits, Medac also objected to
`Petitioner’s incomplete and misleading citations of Dr. Thomas Zizic’s deposition
`testimony. Because the Board addressed those objections during a September 29,
`2017 conference call and allowed Medac to file a sur-reply with citations to
`additional testimony, Medac does not seek exclusion here.


`not to depose an expert in an inter partes review aside from the alleged “quality”
`U.S. Patent No. 8,664,231
`of the opinion. Indeed, the deficiencies of a witness’s direct testimony may be
`evident without cross-examination. Furthermore, here Medac addressed the
`opinions of Petitioner’s experts in multiple expert declarations of its own. Given
`Petitioner’s misleading statements about Exhibit 1041, and its lack of relevance to
`any substantive issue in dispute, Exhibit 1041 should be excluded under F.R.E. 402
`and 403.
`Exhibit 1042 Should be Excluded
`Exhibit 1042 purports to be a website copy of a non-U.S. court decision
`regarding a U.K. patent that claims the same priority as the challenged patent.
`Medac timely objected to Exhibit 1042 under F.R.E. 401, 402, 403, 802, 901, and
`37 C.F.R. § 42.61. (Paper 38 at 3). Petitioner relies on Exhibit 1042 to imply that
`because a foreign trial court rejected a U.K. patent with the same priority claim as
`the ’231 patent, the challenged claims of the ’231 patent must also be invalid. See
`Reply at 1. These statements and Exhibit 1042 should be excluded.
`Exhibit 1042 is irrelevant and should not be admitted under F.R.E. 401, 402,
`and 403. The U.K. decision recited in Exhibit 1042 involved a different patent
`with different claims, different parties, different facts and witnesses, and different
`legal standards than those at issue here. Petitioner insinuates from Exhibit 1042
`that the challenged claims of the ’231 patent must also be invalid, but there is no


`legal or factual basis for this argument. Even if Exhibit 1042 had any probative
`U.S. Patent No. 8,664,231
`value here (which it does not), that value would be substantially outweighed by
`unfair prejudice to Medac because the U.K. patent or its claims and the art relied
`on in the U.K. decision are not in dispute or part of the record in this proceeding.
`Exhibit 1042 should also be excluded as impermissible hearsay pursuant to
`F.R.E. 802. Petitioner offers that exhibit for the truth of the matters asserted; i.e.,
`the validity of the U.K. patent. No hearsay exception applies, however, to Exhibit
`Exhibit 1042 should further be excluded due to lack of authentication under
`F.R.E. 901. Exhibit 1042 appears to be a printout of a webpage.
`For these reasons, Exhibit 1042 should be excluded.
`C. Exhibit 1043 Should be Excluded
`Exhibit 1043 purports to be a copy of an online third-party news summary of
`a non-U.S. court decision regarding a Netherlands patent that claims the same
`priority as the challenged patent. Medac timely objected to Exhibit 1042 under
`F.R.E. 401, 402, 403, 802, 901, and 37 C.F.R. § 42.61. (Paper 38 at 4-5). As with
`Exhibit 1042, Petitioner improperly relies on Exhibit 1043 to imply that a foreign
`trial court’s decision in the context of a Netherlands patent and its claims somehow
`makes it more likely than not that the challenged claims of the ’231 patent are


`invalid. See Reply at 1. These arguments are improper, and Exhibit 1043 should
`U.S. Patent No. 8,664,231
`be excluded.
`Exhibit 1043 is irrelevant and should not be admitted under F.R.E. 401, 402,
`and 403 for at least the same reasons that apply to Exhibit 1042. The decision
`summarized in Exhibit 1043 involved a different patent with different claims,
`different facts and witnesses, different parties, and different legal standards than
`those at issue here. Furthermore, Medac has appealed the Netherlands decision, so
`it is not final.
`Exhibit 1043 should also be excluded as impermissible hearsay under F.R.E.
`802 because Petitioner offers this exhibit for the truth of the matters asserted
`regarding the foreign tribunal’s decision as reported in the news story. Petitioner,
`however, has not provided the tribunal’s decision itself, but rather a third-party
`summary of that decision, which is thus hearsay on hearsay. No hearsay exception
`applies to either hearsay prong of Exhibit 1043.
`Additionally, Exhibit 1043 should be excluded due to lack of authentication
`under F.R.E. 901. Exhibit 1043 appears to be a printout of a webpage.
`For these reasons, Exhibit 1043 should be excluded.
`D. Exhibits 1044 and 1045 Should be Excluded
`Exhibits 1044 and 1045 are portions of the file history of U.S. Application
`No. 14/635,542, which is a continuation application that claims the same priority


`as the ’231 patent. Exhibit 1044 is said to be a copy of a November 14, 2016 Non-
`U.S. Patent No. 8,664,231
`Final Rejection, while Exhibit 1045 is said to be a copy of a June 6, 2017 Notice of
`Abandonment. Medac timely objected to both exhibits under F.R.E. 401, 402, 403,
`and 37 C.F.R. § 42.61. (Paper 38 at 6-7). Petitioner cites these exhibits to imply
`that the PTO’s non-final rejection in a related child application, and applicant’s
`subsequent abandonment of that application, indicates that the challenged claims of
`the ’231 patent are invalid. This is an impermissible inference.
`Both exhibits are irrelevant to this case and should not be admitted under
`F.R.E. 401, 402, and 403. Exhibit 1044 reflects a non-final rejection involving a
`continuation application with different claims than the ’231 patent and does not
`make it any more or less likely that the challenged claims of the ’231 patent are
`unpatentable. Indeed, the grounds for the rejection in that non-final action are not
`the grounds on which this inter partes review was instituted. Compare Ex. 1044 at
`4, 6, 7, 9, 10, with Decision Granting Institution (Paper 13) at 36.
`To the extent a non-final rejection in a related application would have any
`probative value in this inter partes review (which it does not), it is substantially
`outweighed by unfair prejudice to Medac from considering a non-final decision
`from an entirely different proceeding. Indeed, Petitioner uses Exhibit 1045
`improperly to contend that Medac “had no response” to the non-final rejection
`(Reply at 1). In fact, Medac filed a continuation application (15/592,882) with the


`same claims as in the direct parent application prior to allowing that parent
`U.S. Patent No. 8,664,231
`application to go abandoned and receiving the Petitioner-cited notice of
`abandonment, a fact that Petitioner never mentions. Accordingly, Petitioner’s
`reliance on Exhibit 1045 is misleading, inaccurate, and unfairly prejudicial.
`For at least these reasons, both file history documents from the different,
`still-pending application should be excluded.
`Improper Cross-Examination Testimony Elicited from Ms. Shoemaker
`Should be Excluded
`The Board should also exclude specific cross-examination testimony from
`Ms. Shoemaker (Ex. 1040). The cross-examination exceeds the permissible scope
`of cross-examination under the Board’s rules. Medac timely objected to that
`testimony during the respective depositions.
`Medac seeks exclusion of the cross-examination testimony at 34:9-16 and
`34:21-35:13 of Ms. Shoemaker’s deposition transcript (Ex. 1040). Petitioner’s
`counsel asked Ms. Shoemaker questions on topics that impermissibly exceeded the
`scope of her direct declaration testimony. See 37 C.F.R. § 42.53(d)(5)(ii). Ms.
`Shoemaker’s declaration addressed only the topic of a prior consulting relationship
`between Medac and Dr. Schiff, one of Petitioner’s experts. See Ex. 2011.
`However, during cross-examination, Petitioner’s counsel questioned Ms.
`Shoemaker about Medac’s marketing and development of a commercial


`embodiment of the ’231 patent, topics about which Ms. Shoemaker never testified
`U.S. Patent No. 8,664,231
`on direct (i.e., in her declaration). See Ex. 1040 at 34:9-16, 34:21-35:13.
`Compounding the problem, in its Reply, Petitioner cited to that improper testimony
`to make new arguments about supposed unpatentability. See Reply at 24 (“But
`Medac’s own CEO, Terri Shoemaker, testified that Medac itself did not consider
`developing and commercializing Rasuvo to be a low-risk undertaking. Ex. 1040 at
`34:21-35:13.”). Petitioner’s attempt to introduce new arguments about Medac’s
`products based on impermissible re-cross-examination should be excluded.
`IV. Conclusion
`For the reasons above, the Board should exclude Exhibits 1041-45 and the
`portions of deposition testimony from Ms. Shoemaker that exceeded the
`permissible bounds of cross-examination.


`U.S. Patent No. 8,664,231
`Dated: October 2, 2017
`Respectfully submitted,
`/James F. Haley, Jr./
`James F. Haley, Jr. (Lead Counsel)
`75 Broad Street, Suite 1000
`New York, NY 10004
`T: 212-973-2502 / F: 646-219-6229
`Attorneys/Agents For Patent Owner


`U.S. Patent No. 8,664,231
`The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing PATENT OWNER’S
`have been served in their entirety by filing this document through the Patent Trial
`and Appeal Board End to End (PTAB E2E), as well as providing courtesy copies
`via e-mail to the following attorneys of record for the Petitioners listed below:
`Lead Counsel:
`DeAnn F. Smith, Reg. No. 36,683
`Foley Hoag LLP
`155 Seaport Blvd.
`Boston MA 02210-2600
`T: 617-832-1230
`F: 617-832-7000
`Back-up Counsel: William Rothwell, Reg. No. 72,522
`Noroozi PC
`2245 Texas Dr. Suite 300
`Sugar Land, TX 77479
`T: 281-566-2685
`F: 844-975-7074
`Kayvan B. Noroozi
`Noroozi PC
`1299 Ocean Ave., Suite 450
`Santa Monica, CA 90401
`T.: 1 (310) 975-7074
`Dated: October 2, 2017
`By: /Crena Pacheco/
`Name: Crena Pacheco

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