`Filed April 9, 1928
`2 Sheets-Sheet
`Daktronics, Inc.
`Sept. 1, 1931.
`Filed April 9, 1928
`2 Sheets-Sheet 2
`2 of 4
`Patented Sept. 1, 1931
`Application filed April 9, 1928. • Serial No: 268,739.
`This invention relates to i111provements in
`carriers, and more particularly to foed and
`litter carriers for use in barns and the like.
`It is one of the objects of the present in-
`i.i vention to provide an easily operated carrier
`of the class described having improved brak(cid:173)
`ing means for holding the load in any de(cid:173)
`sired position.
`A further object of the invention is to pro-
`w vide a carrier having a double trolley truck
`arrangement which will permit the travel
`of . the carrier on a track regardless of the
`curvature of the track.
`A further object of the invention is to
`15 provide a carrier having a simple and effec(cid:173)
`tive hoisting arrangement for the carrier box
`whereby the box may be easily and quickly
`A further object of the invention is to pro-
`20 vide a carrier of the class described which
`is of very simple construction, is strong and
`durable, is easy and effective in its opera(cid:173)
`ti-0n, and is well adapted for the purposes
`25 With the above and other objects in view
`the invention consists of the improved car(cid:173)
`rier, and its parts and combinations as set
`forth on the claims, and all equivalents
`In the accompanying clrn,wings in which
`the same reference characters indicate the
`same parts in au of the views:
`F~g.1 is a perspective view of the iniproved
`Fig. 2 is a fragmentary plan view of the
`same on a larger _scale, the track and box be-
`ing omitted;
`Fig. 3 is a sectional view taken on line 3-3 .
`of Fig. 2;
`Fig. 4 is an end view of the carrier hoist(cid:173)
`ing mechanism; and
`Fig. 5 is an enlarged sectional view of a
`trolley wheel and its mounting.
`Referring now more particularly to the
`45 drawings it will appear that the nnmeral 8
`indicates the box member 0£ the improved
`carrier and the same · has a pair of arms 9
`pivotally secured to its end portions. The
`lower end pol'tions of chains 20 are attached
`50 to said arms, by which means the box mern-
`ber is suspended and latch members 11 are
`p1;ovided to normally hold the box melnber
`rigidly with respect to the arms.
`An elongated horizontal track 12 is sus~
`pended from a support 13 and tv;·o pairs of Ga
`flanged track wheels 14 are movably carried
`by trolley truck frames 15. Said truck
`frames are formed attheir lower ei1d portions
`with bearings 16and17 in which the end por-
`tion,s of a shaft · 18 are journaled.
`See:ured fast on opposite end portions of
`the shaft 18 are a pair of oppositely directed;
`screw grooved winding drums 19. The up-.
`per end portions 0£ the chains 20 are secured
`to each of said drnms 19 a.nd the lower ei1d 05
`portions of sa.id chains extend about shea.ves
`21 at the i..1pper encl portions 0£ the arms 9.
`-By this means the box member 8 is suspended
`below the .shaft 17 and when said chains 20
`are wound or unwound 'with respect to the 70
`drums 19, said box member will be raised or
`lowered, as the case may be.
`An internal ri11g gea_r 22 is secured to the
`bearing 17, as shown in Fig. 2, and mounted
`loosely on the end portion of the shaft 18 75
`and retained thereon by a collar 24,, is a
`grooved wheel 23. •· The huh portion of said
`wheel is formed with an inwardly extending
`dutch portion 25 engaging a complementary
`clutchportion 26 formed ona smallgear 27. no
`Said gear 27 meshes with a gellr 28 of the
`same size which meshes with the teeth of the
`ring gear 22, the ratio between said ring gear
`and the small gear 28 being about four fo
`one. The gear 28 is connected by means of .85
`a. wrist pin 29 with a crank 30 which is se(cid:173)
`cured fast fo the shaft 18 to tur:n the same:
`By this arrange1i1ent turu:ingm<Nemeht from
`the wheel 23 is imparted to the shaft at a re"
`dticed speed and increased. power.
`The wheel 23 is moved by means of a de(cid:173)
`pending endless •chain 31 which lies in the
`grooved .rim of said.wheel and is prevented
`from slippage by engaging lugs 32 cast there-
`in. ·The chain passes through eyed poi·tions u~
`33 of a guide bracket 34 depending from the
`intern!),! ring gear 22.
`. ·
`A brake for the wheel 23 is provided and
`~tis in the form of a weighted lever 35 pivot-
`ally connected at its inner end portion to a lGJ_
`. Gu
`3 of 4
`link 36 which is pivotally connected to an about said drum portions, a stationary r
`arm 37 extending laterally from the ring gear, said shaft being revolubly exten.
`gear 22. The medial portion of said lever 35
`therethrough, an operating wheel lom
`is formed with a U-shaped portion 38 and mounted on said shaft, there being spa
`G -the distance between the arms of said portion apart lugs formed on the rim of said whe(
`is slightly g~eater than the thickness of the depending operating chain engaged by E
`wheel 23.
`tlence, when said brake lever 35
`rim lugs, a small gear loosely mounted
`is in any position but a horizontal position
`the shaft and engaged by said wheel, a su
`the arms of the Uc portion 38 will bindingly gear in mesh with said first-mentioned g
`IG engage the wheel 23 and prevent its move-
`and also with said ring gear,. a lever mom
`fast on said shaft and co111'-iected with E
`As mentioned, each of the truck frames 15 _ second small · gear, and a pivotal brake 1
`carries a. pair of flanged track wheels 14. mally bindingly engaging a face portior
`Each truck frame is Y-shaped and the upper said wheel.
`lG end portion of each arm is U-shaped, as at 39.
`In testimony whereof, we affix our sig
`Pivotally mounted on pins 40 within each - tures.
`U-shaped portion is a cupped swivel mem-
`ber 41. The wheels 14 are disked · and formed
`with an intermediate hub portion 14' and
`rn the said hub portion of a wheel extends into
`its cupped member and is revolubly connect~
`eel therewith by means of a bolt 42. Roller
`bearings 43 ·are positioned within: the cupped
`member between the same and the hub por-
`zri tion 14'. The momiting of the wheels per(cid:173)
`mits them to revolve very easily and also the
`cupped swivel members can turn with re(cid:173)
`,spect to the trucks 15 whereby the device will
`run easily on its track 12 and it can also :fol~
`:;o low very sharp curves in a track.
`It- will thus be seen that the carrier box may
`be raised and lowered very easily and that
`the gravity actuated brake prevents unde(cid:173)
`sired downward movements. Also, _ the
`35 mounting of the wheels permits easy move(cid:173)
`ment o:f the device and its travel on tracks
`having unusually sharp curves.
`From the foregoing description it will ap(cid:173)
`pear that the improved carrier is of simple
`4-0 and novel construction, and is well adapted
`for the pmposes described.
`What we claim as our invention is:
`1. Hoisting mechanism for a carrier in(cid:173)
`cluding a depended shaft form.eel with a
`t!.5 drum portion, a stationary ring gear, said
`shaft beingrevolubly extended therethrough,
`an operating- wheel loosely mounted on said
`-- shaft, a small gear loosely mounted on the
`shaft and engaged by said wheel, a small gear
`GO in mesh \vith said first-nientionecl small gear
`and also with said _rinagear, and a lever
`mounted fast on said ~haft and connected
`with said second small gear.
`2. In combination with a windlass includ-
`rn ing an operating wheel, a brake lever pivot(cid:173)
`ally mounted adjacent said wheel and having
`a Ucshaped portion embracing an edge por(cid:173)
`tion of said wheel, there beinga binding en(cid:173)
`gagement between a portio1i of said embrac-
`co ing portion and a face portion of the wheel
`when the lever is in ai1y but a horizontal
`3. Hoisting mechanism for a carrier in(cid:173)
`duding a depended shaft formed with a pair
`G3 o:fclrum portions, cables adapted to be \Vound
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