`Daktronics, Inc.
`No. 652,893.
`Patented July 3, 1900.
`(Apn!ication filed Feb. 14, 1900.)
`(No Model.)
`3 Sheets-Sheet 2.
`N~ Attorn~
`No. 652,893.
`(No Model.)
`[Application filed Feb. 14, igoo.)
`Patented July 3, 1900.
`3 Sheets-Sheet 3.
`SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 652,893, datE)d July 3, 1900.
`Application filed February 14, 1900. Serial No. 51128. CNo model.)
`To aU wh01n it n1'ay concern:
`Be it known that I, FRANKE. HERDMAN, a
`citizen of the United States, residing at Win(cid:173)
`netka, county of Cook, and State of Illinois,
`5 have invented anew and useful Improvement
`in Elevators, of which the following is a full,
`clear, and exact description, reference being
`had to the accompanying drawings, which
`form a part of this specification.
`10 My invention relates to that type of eleva(cid:173)
`tors wherein the lifting-cable is actuated by
`a drum about which the cable is wound. The
`ordinary drum is provided with a spiral ·
`groove or a series of them, which accommo-
`r 5 date the cable, and by the revolution of the
`drum the cable is wound or unwound, de(cid:173)
`pendent upon the direction in which the drum
`is turned. As the drum is stationary, this op(cid:173)
`eration necessarily produces a side motion of
`20 the cable in the shaft, or means have to be
`provided to impart to the pulleys about which
`the cable passes a side motion corresponding
`to the side motion of the cable as it. is fed
`onto or off of the drum.
`The object of the invention is to prevent
`or obviate the necessity for this side motion.
`To this end the invention consists in so con(cid:173)
`structing the drum and its actuating mech(cid:173)
`anism that the drum will have imparted to
`30 it as it revolves an endwise movement cor(cid:173)
`responding to the pitch of the cable-grooves,
`whereby as the cable winds or unwinds it
`will be constantly maintained in the same
`The invention also consists in certain de(cid:173)
`tails of the construction which I have devised
`to produce this side motion of the drum, all
`of which will now be particularly described.
`In the drawings, Figure 1 is a plan view of
`40 the drum and actuating mechanism. Fig. 2
`is an end view of the same. Fig. 3 is a sec(cid:173)
`tion on line 3 3 of Fig. 1. Fig. 4 is a section
`on line 4 4 of Fig. 1.
`A is the supporting-framework for the drum
`45 and its immediate actuating mechanism.
`B is a stationary shaft, screw-threaded to(cid:173)
`ward one end and secured at each end to the
`C is the drum, having the bearings cc', one
`50 of which, c', is internally threaded and en(cid:173)
`gages the screw end of the shaft. Both bear-
`ings are connected with the periphery c2 of
`the drum by the radial arms c3 c3•
`D is a sleeve loose on one end of the shaft B.
`E is a disk secured to or integral with the 55
`F' is an internal gear secured to the disk.
`F is a pinion secured in bearings on the
`frame and meshing with the internal gear.
`fis the driving-shaft U:pon which the pinion 60•
`is mounted; This driving-shaft has mounted
`upon it or geared to it an electric motor, (not
`shown,) or it may be actuated by any desired
`Projecting from the disk E and extending 65
`'close to and parallel with the periphery of
`the drum are the drum - actuating arms G,
`having bosses at their ends, within which are
`journaled rollers g, extending into longitudi·
`nal grooves g' in the inner side of the drum- 70
`'periphery. These rollers engage the side
`walls of the groove.
`It will be tl.nderstood that axial motion is
`imparted to the drum by the driving-shaft
`throt1gh the medium of pinion F, gear F', disk 75
`E, and arms G.
`It will also be understood
`that as the drum turns it will be fed upward
`along· the screw, the rollers g moving rela(cid:173)
`tively backward within the groove g'. The
`pitch of the screw coincides with the pitch of 80
`the spiral grooves on the drum-periphery,
`and it is obvious that as the drum rotates
`and feeds forward the unwinding cable will
`be maintained in the same line.
`To provide for automatically throwing the 85
`controlling mechanism to the center toward
`the end of travel of the drum in either direc(cid:173)
`tion._::_that is, when the cable is nearly com(cid:173)
`pletely unwound on the forward movement
`and nearly completely unwound on the hack- 90
`ward movement-I have devised the follow(cid:173)
`ing mechanism:
`II is a ring splined upon the sleeve D, so as
`to rotate therewith and be capable of longi-
`tudinal movement thereupon.
`I designates rods secured to ring H and ex(cid:173)
`tending longitudinally of the drum-shaft.
`ii are stops secured to the rods and in line
`of travel of the drum-bearing c.
`J is a collar having an internal flange pro- 100
`jecting into a circumferential groove on the
`ring H. This permits the ring to revolve
`while the collar remains stationary; but any I 4. In an elevator, the combination with the
`side motion of the ring is imparted to the cable-wound drum, provided with longitudi-
`nally-extending grooves, arms parallel to the 7c
`K is a bell-crank lever pi voted upon the drum-shaft and engaging said grooves, actu-
`5 brackets le le', extending from the frame of ating mechanism for revolving said arms
`the machine. The free ends of this lever are around said shaft, whereby the drum is ro(cid:173)
`pivoted to the collar J at its upper and lower
`tated, and means for imparting to the drum
`sides, respectively. The opposite ends of this a simultaneous movement parallel to its axis, 75
`lever are connected by a link IC2. The other a stop or stops in line of axial travel of the
`10 end of the link I\:2 is connected to an arm IP, drum, and connection between the stop or
`which is secured to the operating- shaft Z.
`stops and control mechanism, substantially
`This operating-shaft is con trolled by any well-
`as described.
`known means from the car, a sheave J'iI be-
`5. In an elevator, the combination with the So
`ing shown in Fig. 1, which may be engaged cable - wound drum, of a stationary shaft
`IS by a control-cable extending through the car.
`threaded along part of its length, the drum
`The operating-shaft, controls the motor by any having a plurality of bearings on said shaft,
`well- known mearn;, a switch - box l\I' being one bearing being internally threaded and
`shown in diagram in Fig. 1. N ocontrol mech-
`engaging the threaded part of the shaft, the 85
`anism is shown or described in detail, as the other bearing being loose on the nnthreaded
`20 invention is applicable to any form of con- part of the shaft, and means for imparting a
`trol mechanism. The shaft Z may represent movement of rotation to said drum, substan(cid:173)
`or be connected with the control mechanism
`tially as described.
`for brake apparatus instead of the main con-
`6. In an elevator, the combination, with the 90
`troller-shaft of the switch-box. As the clrum drum, of a stationary shaft threaded along
`25 nears the end of its forward travel the hear- part of its length, the drum having a plu(cid:173)
`ing c strikes the stops i, drawing forward the
`rality of bearings on said shaft, one bearing
`rods I, ring II, and collar J, and thereby tilt- being internally threaded and engaging the
`ing the bell-crank K and through the link IP
`threaded part of the shaft, the other bearing 95
`a.nd arm K 3 throwing the operating-shaft to being loose on the unthreaded part of the
`30 its central position, and thereby stopping the shaft, means for imparting a movement of
`motor or applying the brakes.
`\Vhen the op-
`rotation to said drum, the drum being grooved
`erating-shaft is thrown to the other side of spirally for the reception of the lifting cable
`the center to reverse the direction of travel or cables, the pitch of the screw coinciding loo
`of the drnm, the stop i' is in a position to be with the pitch of the spiral grooves, whereby
`35 struck and moved by the drum-bearing c,
`the cable will be maintained in a constant
`thereby through the same connecting mech-
`line during the combined rotary and side
`anism again throwing the operating-shaft to movement of the drum, substantially as de-
`its central position.
`Having now fully described my invention,
`7. In an elevator, the combination, with the
`40 what I claim, and desire to protect by J,etters cable-wound drum, of a stationary scrnw-
`Patent, is-
`shaft, an internally-threaded bearing on the
`1. In an elevator, the combination, with the drum engaging said shaft, the drnm being
`cable-wound drum and its actuating mechan-
`provided with
`longitudinally · extending no
`ism, of means for imparting to the drum a grooves, a revoluble disk, arms projecting
`4j movement parallel to its axis, the control
`therefrom and engaging said grooves, and
`mechanism, a stop or stops in line of travel means for rot,ating said disk, substantially
`of the drum, and connections between the as described.
`stop or stops and the control mechanism,sub-
`8. In an elevator, the combination, with the 115
`stantially as described.
`cable - wound drum, of a stationary shaft
`2. In an elevator, the com bi nation, with the
`threaded along part of its length, the drum
`cable-wound drnm, of actuating mechanism having a plurality of bearings on said shaft,
`for imparting to the drnm simultaneously a one bearing being internally threaded and
`movement of rotation and a movement paral-
`engaging the threaded part of the shaft, the 120
`lel to its axis, the control mechanism, a stop other bearing being loose on the unthreaded
`55 or stops in line of axial travel of the drum, part of the shaft, the drum being provided
`and connection between the stop or stops and I with longitudinally-extending grooves, a rev(cid:173)
`oluble disk, arms projecting therefrom, roll-
`the control mechanis'J1, substantially as de-
`ers carried thereby engaging said grooves, 125
`3. In an elevator, the combination with the
`the driving-shaft, and gearing between said
`60 cable-wound drum, provided with longitudi- driving-shaft and the disk, substantially as
`nally-extending grooves, arms parallel to the described.
`9. In an elevator, the combination, with the
`drum-shaft and engaging said grooves, actu-
`ating mechanism for revolving said arms cable-wound drum, of a stationary screw- 130
`around said shaft, whereby the drum is ro-
`shaft, an internally-threaded bearing on the
`65 tated, and means for imparting to the drum drum engaging said shaft, means for rotating
`a simultaneous movement parallel to its axis, said drum, the control mechanism, a stop
`substantially as described.
`or stops in line of travel of the drum, and
`connections between said stop or stops and
`the control mechanism, substantially as de(cid:173)
`10. In an elevator, the combination, with
`5 the cable-wound drum, of a stationary shaft,
`threaded along part of its length, the drum
`having a plurality of bearings on said shaft,
`one bearing being internally threaded and
`engaging the threaded pf!,rt of the shaft, the
`10 other bearing being loose on the unthreaded
`part of the shaft, means for rotating said
`drum, a stop or stops iuJine of travel of the
`last-named bearing, and)wnnections between
`said stop or stops and the' control mechanism,
`15 substantially as described.
`11. In an elevator, the combination, with
`the cable-wound drum, of a stationary screw(cid:173)
`shaft, an internally-threaded bearing on the
`drum engaging said shaft, a sleeve loose on
`20 said shaft, means whereby said sleeve and
`the drum are rotated, means permitting the
`drum to move axially on its threaded bear(cid:173)
`ing, a ring keyed to the sleeve so as to revolve
`therewith and be capable of lateral move~
`25 ment thereupon, rods extending longitudi(cid:173)
`nally of the drum and secured to sai:d ring,
`st·ops on said rods in line of travel of the
`drum, the control mechanism and connections
`between said ring and the control mechanism,
`30 whereby when the drum engages said stops,
`said ring will be moved along the sleeve and
`actuate the control mechanism, substantially
`as described.
`12. In an elevator, the combination, with
`35 the cable-wound drum, of a stationary shaft
`threaded along part of its length, the drum
`having a plurality of bearings on said shaft
`one bearing being internally threaded and
`engaging the threaded part of the shaft, the
`40 other bearing being loose on the unthreaded
`part of the shaft, a sleeve loose on the un(cid:173)
`threaded part of said shaft, means whereby
`said sleeve and the drum are rotated, means
`permitting the drum to move axially on its
`45 threaded bearing, a ring feathered to the
`sleeve so as to revolve therewith and be ca(cid:173)
`pable of lateral movement thereupon, rods
`extending longitudinally of the drum and se(cid:173)
`cured to said ring, stops on said rods -in line
`50 of travel of the last-named drum-bearing, the
`control mechanism, whereby when the drum
`nears its limit of travel in either direction,
`the said bearing engages said stops and moves
`said ring along the sleeve to actuate the con-
`55 trol mechanism, substantially as described.
`13. In an elevator, the combination, with
`the cable-wound drum, of a stationary sci·ew(cid:173)
`shaft, an internally-threaded bearing on the
`drum engaging said shaft, a sleeve loose on
`60 said shaft, means whereby said sleeve and
`the drum are rotated, means permitting the
`drum to move axially on its threaded bear(cid:173)
`ing, a ring feathered. to the sleeve so as to
`revolve therewith anJ be capable of lateral
`movement thereupon, rods extending longi- 65
`tudinally of the drum and secured to said
`ring, stops on said rods in line of travel of
`the drum, a non-rotatable collar around said
`ring and engaging the same by a flange-and(cid:173)
`groove connection, bell-crank levers secured 70
`to said collar, the control mechanism, and
`connections between the bell- crank levers
`and the control mechanism, substantially as
`14. In an elevator, the combination, with 75
`the cable-wound drum, of a stationary screw(cid:173)
`shaft, an internally-threaded bearing on the
`drum engaging said shaft, the drum being pro(cid:173)
`vided with longitudinally-extending grooves,
`a revoluble disk, arms projecting therefrom So
`and engaging said grooves, a sleeve loose on
`said shaft and rotating with said disk, a ring
`feathered to the sleeve so as to revolve there(cid:173)
`with and be capable of lateral movement
`thereupon, rods extending longitudinally of 85
`the drum and secured to said ring, stops on
`said rods in line of travel of the drum, the
`control mechanism, and connections between
`said ring and the control mechanism, where-
`by when the drum engages said stops, said 90
`ring will be moved along the sleeve and ac(cid:173)
`tuate the control mechanism, substantially
`as described.
`15. In an elevator, the combination, with
`the cable-wound drum, of a stationary shaft 95
`threaded along part of its length, the drum
`having a plurality of bearings on said shaft,
`one bearing being internally threaded and
`engaging the threaded part of the shaft, the
`other bearing being loose on the unthreaded 100
`part of the shaft, the drum being provided
`with longitudinally-extending grooves, a rev(cid:173)
`oluble disk, arms projecting therefrom, roll-
`. ers carried thereby engaging said grooves,
`the driving-shaft, and gearing between said IOS
`driving-shaft and the disk, a sleeve loose on
`the unthreaded part of said shaft and rotat-
`ing with said disk, a ring feathered to the
`sleeve so as to revolve therewith and be ca(cid:173)
`pable of lateral movement thereupon, rods r r o
`extending longitudinally of the drum and
`secured to said ring, stops on said rods in
`line of travel of the last-named drum bear-
`ing the control mechanism, whereby when
`the drum nears its limit of travel in either IIS
`direction, the said bearing engages said stops
`and moves said ring along the sleeve to actu-
`ate the control mechanism, substantially as
`In testimony of which invention I have 120
`hereunto set my hand, at Winnetka, Illinois,
`on this 7th day of February, 19QO.
`J . 0. BURKITT,