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`mcrltdm] of Elliott: protozoans that have an elongate body round-
`Iho anterior and and an oblique funnel-shaped buccal groove
`. w the mouth at ihc extremity
`J fl‘dmddc Mpnr—a-‘Ine—dilfl also
`ru-mcd-I-cal \-th-kol\ n [1967)
`I .,
`I no)" who works In a health chi In an auxiliary capacity to h phy-
`_.F p" (a, by giving Injections nucl taking X row]
`2 : a specially trained
`¢dicu| technician licensed to provide ll wide range of emergency ser-
`(ns ileilbrillaltion and the intravenous ndmlnisu-alion oi di‘UttSl be—
`”: duri
`transportation to a hospital — compare HM‘J'
`_med.|.nasl \.oiir-:s~'me‘di~k:|\ aim porn-muII-Ic Hill-ti. my (1921}
`"earned with supplementing the wort-t ot highly trained Inedlcni
`. car‘s-aloud; (m aides and technicians)
`informwl \‘pnr—a-Iuanfi n [M13I
`ir. ML pammem'um. fr. param to
`W I." fr, L. to prepare — more at I'AREI (15¢) : an ornamental ecclesi-
`“dgfll' hanging or vmtmcnt
`43.“.- \po—‘rnmvaetafi n |_NL, l'r. pom- + Gk matron meanter —
`Fa'ncmm MEAHUREI (1656}
`l a I an arbitrary caniilaiit whose value
`r- aiuulorizos n membnr of :1 system (as a family of curves): also I a
`Emmi]? [as a nliean llrrilljlilflilcctililnl describe; :1 slutfiitirn] populnlion
`Ind: 1cm em war a
`i: use
`to express t e coor unites o a vari-
`lélgaint And functions of them — compare PAMMB’T‘RE EQUATION
`any of it not of physical properties whose values determine the char-
`5-1 ’Ierisiles or behavior of something (In-w of the atmosphere such as
`.ufi pal-“tuft. pressure. and density} 3 : something represented by a
`I'm“ meter : a characteristic elmnont: broadly ': Ct-IAMCTBmmC, BLE-
`-'9§‘m_ new (political dissent as it ~ of modern lire)
`.1 = mm.
`=".Mmmnttiw —- usu. used in pi. (the mix ol‘ science fiction) — porn-
`'-:w,.m \‘pt’ir-o-‘me—ll'ik\ (idf— para-meiorl-(‘aI-Iy \~lri~|t'{a-lli‘.‘\ adv
` \pa-‘rn-mn-ta- riic, -mav UTA or mmm-e-lrizc \-'rit-
`ma. “AL-A vi Jar-ind or -
`; flr-lz- II; or -
`dug (I940) : to ex-
`'$ in terms oi parameters -— pmrnm-evtenI-m-flon \“,I‘B»lfla~l3*l‘3-
`"Bfihm‘ -ma-tr:i~\ or pa-mm-e-tri-zu-llon \—ma-t.ra-\ u
`“fanatic equation n (1909) : any of a lie! of equations that express
`Tm: coordinate! of the points of a curve as functions of one parameter
`[for that express the coordinates of the points of a surface as functions of
`'n ilrntmclcrs
`'l“ guild-an \.pnr~a"mi~lo—.ter-é\ mil “935] : oi, relating to. being.
`Ll. mi mry once n w you or
`n ro ~ raining
`(or chfiflfiturlal load a [Evita [igrmciil on ? milittariir>p2ttern cap. a; n poten-
`\.'né-zh:, min-K 1: Phil... l‘r. pai'fl— + Amnesia {as in
`uflmnmgn [139.3 : a disorder of memory: esp : DEM VII 1
`.n-mount \‘pnt-a-lmaunfi orti [AF parameter. fr. OF par by (fr. L
`'pgr) + t‘flnmli above. ir. a to [[r. L ad) + motif mountain — more at FOE.
`AT. MOUNT] ([519) : superior to all other?! : SUPREME syn see DOMI-
`'. . munl- o o v
`-Nm -—]‘\pt:fr-usmnunl-cy \-.rnai'intt}-u.é\ n — par-u-mount-Iy
`mint nilfilfi) : Mini-item: ruler
`phantom \‘pnr-a—.milt\ :1 [ME, fr. par amour by way of love. fr. MF]
`.my- um pu- rumma- am it
`r. pumi- +
`amy um starc —
`{14¢}: natiflirlt lover
`[NL I
`more at AMYL-
`[1897) x a reserve carbohydrate that is found in various
`protozoans an al
`c and resembles starch
`par-aA'mlk-Sa-lvi-rom n [NL] (1962) : any of a fami-
`ly-{Puaunyxoviridac} of single-stranded. RNA viruses (as the mumps,
`mansion and Newcastle disease viruses}
`pmrang \‘piir-mm n [Malay] [1339) : a short sword, cleaver, or machete
`common in Malaysia and Indouosm
`guru-1min \mar-n-‘noio‘. n [NL, fr. Gk, madness. fr. pamnrms dement-
`-_¢(I, fr. para- + nous mind] (ca. 1811)
`l : n psychosis characterized by
`trmniizod delusions of persecution or grandeur usu. Without hallu-
`- nations
`2 : a tendency on the part oi an individual or group toward
`excessive or irrational nus ioiouxness and distruxtl‘uiucss of otlicrii —
`para-not-ac \-'nol~.iill;. -'n Hid also para-nah: \~'noit—i)k, -'no-ik\ adj
`par-a-mn i a m nru-no
`.par—a— n -
`.orn -— flaw-unheal-Il ‘\-';lfii[-l}-k(a-)llt_ia-'i‘1f.\l-l-k{a-).légla:li;i\ w “904
`liuhumcterizcd by or resembling paranoia 1 : characterized by suspi-
`-— phi-nun
`ciousness. dBl'WCuan' trends, or nicgnlumnnin 3 : extremer fearful
`paranoid schlzophrenla n (I940) : SCIIlZDDhI'Cnli'I characterized esp. by
`e ulnar
`geometry or grandiose delusional or hnllucinntionu or by delusional
`Dara-henna] \.par—a«'nor‘mai, 'pnr~a‘.\ ml} (ca. [920} : not scientifical-
`li‘ “alumni-’1: :stn'ukNATURM. —- pmormnl n — para-nor-mnl-i—
`par-nan In 13')
`. warmlymp ms,
`I: may! mt.
`\‘Pflf-a-lfltlill'JlTlra-la-vEE-‘(fl K pflrfl-nor-maI-I
`\-‘?olamn-lé\ (on!
`.pam- +.nymplré bride — more at Not-'le i 1600]
`i :mrieodngpoilig
`wltli :i bridegroom to fetch home: the bride in ancient Greece; aim : llii:
`bgdcsmnid conducting the hrlth: to the bridegroom 2 n : uns’r MAN I:
`liar-ml)“ \'pu:r-a-pat.\ n [It pumpma, fr. puma: to siiiolcl tfr. L. to
`frcpflrtl + perm cheat, fr. L perms — move at FARE. PECTORALI (1590]
`“I ti wall, rampart. or elevation of earth or stone to protect soldiers
`.d low wall or railing to piotect the edge of it platform. roof. or hi1ng
`'-‘ trailed also We! Will — aha-pelred \—.pc—t:id\ [try
`ie on a
`stigma n:
`$211133???“. 13:3??? 31
`fr. L paragrapka parasrnphI “534.1 : a
`nu‘fi'llllcr-nn-[Ia hpiir-a-l‘airlJm'al-yu n pl hut. sing or
`i in camrr [ML
`Ullllli._rr. Gk pm'nplmrna bride‘s property beyond her awry. Inpflm— +
`Jiltdrflc dowry, {anaemia lo bein- -—- inon: at BEAR} {1651)
`1 : the flop-
`fll'fltc real or personal property of n married woman [but she eiu-i dls~
`POSS of by will and sometimes according to common law during her life
`= Personal belongings 3 a : articles of equipment : FURNISHINGS b
`,' mtmry items : .AFPURTHNANCHEI
`nm'phl'asc \‘pni’§z\ u IMF. fr. L porimhmh'. I'r. Gk, fr. para—
`_-pltmzei'n to paraphrase, tr. par-m + phrazctn to pohn out] (i548)
`1 :
`Emmcmont of a text. passage. or work giving the meaning in annlhcr
`Foil ton
`the uso or process of pnrapluuslng In studying or teaching
`Phrase vii ~pllrasod; -phras.-ing vi [1596] : to mnkc a Foraphriuc
`“V W i to make II paraphrase: ol' — para-phmx-ulllu lunar-a- irfi-ita-bah
`. h
`[F pamphrasrlque,
`ir. Gil: pam—
`J'? rui'flkos, l'r.paraplirci:v.em1{en. 1623) : hinting U‘lo nature of or belug it
`Pamhhrruie A para-phrns-fiacnl-IY \-ti-k(a-ilé\ adv
`paramedic o parasympathomimetic
`po-ruph-y-sls \po—‘t" -f9-sos\ n, pl -y-ses \-.séz\ [NL, fr. Gk, sucker, off-
`-5h00t. fr. pamphwiu to produce at the side, fr. para- + phyein to bring
`forth — move at BB] (1857) : one of the slender sterile filaments borne
`among the spomsenous or gnmetngenous organs in cryptogamic plums
`parnqllo-gin \.pnr-o"plé~]{é~}=l\ fl [NL fr. Git parruiligié herniplegia, tr.
`pum- + -
`fégr‘a plush] (ca. 1657} = mu‘nlysu ur in: lower half or the
`body wl
`involvement or both leg: — [urn-ple-glc \-]lk\ and or u
`pnrn-po-di-mn \Jpo—dé-ann n. pl \-dE-=\ [NL] (187'?)
`1 : either of
`a pair of fleshy lateral processes borne by most segments of a polycha-
`etc worm 2 : a lateral expansion on each side of the foot usu. forming
`‘1 J
`afroad swimming organ in some gastropods — para-po-diqfl \—dé-9]\
`para-pm-fes-sion-al \-pro-'fcsh-n91, —'fe-shs-nal\ n (1965) : a trained
`aide who assists a professional person (as a teacher or doctor) — para-
`professional adj
`pum-psymhnl-n-gy \.para-{,Jfl-‘kii—ta-jé\ n 115V] [1925)
`: a field of
`xiiidy-eonccrnud'with the Investigation of evidence {or paranormal psy—
`chological phenomean (its telepathy. cinlrvoyanec, end psychokinesis)
`— Wa-psy-cho-Iog-I-cnl \—.:+i'~_ka— fi-jimkah my — para-psy-chol-o-
`gilt! \it'.)fii-'kii-i:-jist\ n
`para-quot \'par-e-.kwéit\ n [para- + quaternary] (ca. 1961) : a highly tox-
`ic contact herbicide containing a salt of a cation [C12H14N2]2+
`paraoros-an-l-line \.par—o-.r6-'za-n°l-on\ n [ISV] (ca. 1879)
`: a white
`crystalline base C19H19N30 that is the parent compound of many dyes;
`also : its red chloride used esp. as a biological Stain
`Pa-ra rubber \'par-s-, p9—‘ra-\ n [Parzi Brazil] (1857) : native rubber
`from So. American rubber trees (genus Hevea and esp. H. brasili'ensis)
`ljora'rilbher tree n (1930) : a So. American rubber tree (Hevea brasi-
`para-sail-ing \'par-a-.sé-lin\ n (1967) : the recreational sport of soaring
`in a parachute while being towed usu. by a motorboat
`par-a-sang \'par-9-.san\ n [L parasanga, fr. Gk parasangés, of Iranian
`origin; akin to Per farsung parasang] (1594) : any of various Persian
`unit)s of distance; esp : an ancient unit of about four miles (six kilome-
`para-sex-u-al \-'sek-sh(a-)wol, —sh91\ adj (1954) : relating to or being re—
`production that results in recombination of genes from different indi-
`viduals but does not involve meiosis and formation of a zygote by fer-
`tilization as in sexual reproduction (the ~ cycle in some fungi) ——
`para-sex-u-al-i-ty \-.sek-she-'wa-la-té\ n
`pa-ra-shah \'par-o—.sha\ n [Heb pdrfishfih, lit., explanation] (1624) : a
`passage in Jewish Scripture dealing with a single topic; specif: a section
`of the Torah assigned for weekly reading in synagogue worship
`par-a-site \'par-o—.Sit\ n [MF, fr. Lparasitus, fr. Gk parasitor, fr. para- +
`sitos grain, food] (1539)
`1 : a person who exploits the hospitality of the
`rich and earns welcome by flattery 2 : an organism living in, with, or
`on another organism in parasitism 3 : something that resembles a bio-
`logical parasite in dependence on something else for existence or sup-
`port without making a useful or adequate return — par-a-sit-ic \.par-
`o—‘si—tik\ also par-a-sitoi-cal
`\-ti-kal\ aalz' — par-a-sit-i-cal-ly \-ti-
`k(9-)ié\ adv
`syn mummy, 51'COPHANT. WADY, LEECH, SPONGE mean a usu. 0b-
`.sequious t'intteror or self-seeker. PARAS‘ITE applies to one who clings to
`a person of \Veallll, power, or hil'lucncc or is useless to society (a jet:
`setter with an entourage of Wraiflrs). SYCOPHANT adds to this a
`strong suggestion of fawning, flattery, or adulation (a powerful prince
`surrounded by sycophants}. TOADY emphasizes the serviiity and snob-
`bery of the self-seeker (cultivated leaders of society and became their
`ready). LEECH stresses persistence in clinging to or bleeding another
`for one's own advantage (a leech living off his family and friends).
`SPONGE Stresses the parasitic laziness, dependence, and opportunism
`of the cadgcr (a shiftless sponge, always looking for a handout).
`par-a-sit-i-cid-al \ par-S-ISl-tQ-ISl-da“ adj (1892) : destructive to para-
`par-a-sit- -clde \-'si-ta-.sid\ n
`par-a-sit-ise Brit var ofPARASITIZE
`1 : the behavior of a par-
`par-a-sit-ism \'par-o-so-.ti-zom,\ n (1611)
`2 : an intimate association between organisms of two or more
`kinds; esp : one in which a parasite obtains benefits from a host which
`it usu. injures
`par-a-sit-ize \-so-.tiz,—\ vt -ized; -iz-ing (1890) : to infest or live on or
`with as a parasite — par-a-sitoi-za-tion \.par-e-sa-ta-'z§-sh9n,\ n
`par-a-sit-old \'par—o—so-.toid,—\ n (1922) : an insect and esp. a wasp
`that completes its larval development within the body of another insect
`eventually killing it and is free-living as an adult — parasitoid adj
`[Jar-unil-ltJIm-ggir hmr-n—ua-‘tii—lo-jé,
`-‘si-\ n [L parasitus + ISV -logy]
`among animals — pnr-a- aid-lug. seal \
`—kal,—\ aim par-
`[1382) : it branch ol’ bloln y dealing with para '
`s and parasitism esp.
`nosinto-Iog-ic \— |k\ mil —. par-n-iil-Io-iog-i-cal-ly \—ji—k(a-)ié\ adv —
`l \-sa-‘kii-la-jisl.\ n
`par-nosit-o-sis \—so-'t6-sas,—\ n, pl -o-ses \-.séz\ [NL] (ca. 1899) : in-
`festation with or disease caused by parasites
`par-a-sol \'par-s-.s()1, -.sal\ n [F, fr. OIt parasale, fr. parare to shield +
`sole sun, fr. L sol — more at PARAPET, SOLAR] (1660) : a lightweight
`umbrella used as a sunshade esp. by women
`1para-sym-pa-thet-ic \.par-o-.sim-po—'the-tik\ adj [ISV] (1905) : of, re-
`lating to, being, or acting on the parasympathetic nervous system
`2parasympathetic n (1925)
`1 : a parasympathetic nerve 2 : PARASYM-
`parasympathetic nervous system n (ca. 1934) x the part of the auto-
`nomic nervous system that contains chiefly cholinergic fibers,
`tends to induce secretion, to increase the tone and contractility of
`smooth muscle, and to slow heart rate, and that consists of a cranial
`and a sacral part — compare SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM
`para-sym-pa-tho-mi-met-ic \.par-e-'sim-pa-(ché-mi-‘me-tik, -m9—\ adj
`ica effect
`[ISV] (1942) : simulating parasympathetic nervous action in physiolog—
`\9\ abut \‘\ kitten, F table \or\ further \a\ ash \i\ ace \éi\ mop, mar
`\at'1\ out
`\ch\ chin \e\ bet
`\E\ easy \g\ go \i\ hit
`\i\ ice
`\i\ job
`\0\ sing \6\ go \6\ law \6i\ boy \th\ thin \th\ the \1'1\ loot \u\ foot
`\y\ yet \zh\ vision \a, k, “. cc, 5, to, E, y\ see Guide to Pronunciation
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