`APR 4”" 4”‘-
`12? captures
`2007 2008 2014
`25 oer: 05 — 8Jan1fi
`Management Bodies
`$@ Project
`Specifications Membership Meetings Emai|Lists
`3GPP Frequentiy Asked Questions
`1. Membership I 2. Mailing Lists J 3. Legal Matters I 4. Specifilations I 5. Tediniczl Specification Grauplworking Group I
`| 6. Documents and Meetings [ 7. Miscellaneous | 8. Technical topics
`1. Membership
`1.1 Who can become an Individual Member of BGPP and how much does itcost? Answer»->
`1.1.1 How do Ibecome a rnemberof3GPP? Answer>>>
`1.2 Who may participate in 3GPP meetings? Answer:->>
`1.3 Who should fill in the 3GPP membership application fonn’? Answer>>>
`1.4 What should I do if the details of a 3GPP member company or official contact change? Answer:->>
`1.5 What are the difierent membership categories? Answer>>>
`1.6 Who may become a BGPF’ Observer? Answer:->>
`1.7 who may become a Guest Member and do guests have to pay any fees? Answer:->>
`1.3 Who can apply for Market Representative Partnership? Ansvmr>>>
`1.9 Can an ETSl Observer become an Individual Member of3GF’P? Answer>>>
`1.10 Can ETSI Applicant appty for I-SGPP Membership’? Answer:->>
`1.11 My company is already an ETSI Member. whatdo 1 have to do lojoin 2-GPP and do lhave to pay any fees‘? Answer:->>
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`2. 3GI'-‘P email exploder lists
`2.1 Are there discussion archives for the 3GPP exploder lists? Answer>>>
`2.2 How do I subscribe to the 3GPP explode: lists? Answer>>>
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`3. Legal matters
`3.1 What is the 3GPP IPFt Policy? Answer:->>
`3.2 What is the SGPP policy on licensing? Answar>>>
`3.3 What is me 3G Patent Platform? Answer>:->
`3.4 is ittrue thata number SGPP members are looking at setting up a patents cooperative, with the aim of reducing the royalties they pay each other forthe
`use of patented technology in third—generation mobile systems? Answer->>>
`3.5 who owns the Technical Specifications and the Technical Reports approved by 3GPP‘? Answer»:-
`3.6 Does a company implementing a product based on the 3GPP specifications have to pay any royalties to the 3Gl'-‘P organization? Answer:->>
`3.7 is permission needed to use the 3GPF' logo in marketing collaierats or on a web site ‘? Answer>>>
`3.3 Can Euse computer code included with a SGPP TS to implement a product? Answer>>>
`SAM SU NG 1029-0001
`SAMSUNG 1029-0001
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`4. Specifications
`4.1 Where can the rules. protocols or software needed to develop applications for UMTS be found? Answer»)
`4.2 What is the correlation between Stage ‘l,Stage 2 (GSM 3.90 and GSM 02.90) and Phase 1. Phase 2? Answer>>>
`4.3 Is there any simple guide to the difterentCAMEL specifications? Answer>>>
`4.4 Where are the specifications which identify the Vcc voltages for the SIM interface? Answer:->3
`4.5 Are the SGPP specifications produced only in word? An5wer>>>
`4.6 Which group works with specifications covering the use ofthe GSM codec [either in C or Java based)? Answer»->
`4.7 Does the ETSI GSM standard documentcollection also include GSM standard documents produced by the GSM Association and exactly what kind oi
`GSM standards does ETSI produce? Answur>>>
`4.8 Where would I find a document (e.g, UMTS 3003 version 3.1.0) which does notappearon the 3GPP Status list? Answier”-=v
`4.9 Where are ali the Change Requests (CR5) located? Answer>>>
`4.10 Where are all the current ETSI SMG specs located? Answer»:-
`4.11 Which group works on the W—CDl\ilA and the Physical Layer of W—CDMA? Answer:->>
`4.12 Where can I find the list of Abstract syntax notation (ASN.1) object identifiers? Answer»->
`4.13 Where can I find the 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity algorithms? Answer>>>
`4.14 What is a Release — how does specification version numbering work? Answer:->>
`4.15 Where can I find information on the current status of3GPP specifications? Answer>>>
`4.16 What is the system for numbering specifications? Which specifications contain information on specific topics? Answer>>>
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`5. Technical Specification Gruupfworking Group
`5.1 Who are the TSGIWG Officials and Support team and Where can Ifind their contact details? Answer>>>
`5.2 Where can ! find the Terms of Reference for my TSGtWG? Answer»->
`5.3 When did the Officials begin theirTen'n ofoflioe‘? Answar>>>
`5.4 Mayl become an Official? Answer>>>
`5.5 Where are my TSGt‘WGs documents stored? Answer>>>
`5.6 Is the ETSI Secretariatresponsible for the management of the Application Provider Codes for 3GPP ? Answer»->
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`6. Documents and Meetings
`6.1 How do I register for a meeting? Anew-ar>>>
`6.2 How do I submit a contribution for a meeting? Answer»->
`6.3 How do I obtain a document numberfor my contribution? Answer»)
`6.4 Where can I download documents foran upcoming meeting? Answer>>>
`6.5 Where can lfind a temporary document template? Answar>>>
`6.6 Whathappens if I am unable to attend a meeting? Answer:->>
`Work items and Detlverabies
`6.7 What is my role when my TSGIWGs has to approve a deliverable? Answer>>>
`SAM SU NG 1029-0002
`SAMSUNG 1029-0002
`6.8 What are the different types ofdeliverables? Answer»:-
`6.9 Can I write an 3GPP Document myself? Answer‘:->>
`6.10 Do I and my company have to support my TSGIWGS Work Items? Answer>>>
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`7. Miscellaneous
`7.1 How do I resolve the problem with the corrupt file warning in MSWord. Note thatthis only applies to MSWord2t'_lDCl’? Answar>>>
`7.2 Do I need a password and user name to access the 3GPP Web site ? Answer»->
`7.3 Can you give me information aboutwhich companies manufacture particular types of equipment. Or aboutwhat services are available on particular
`networks? Answer>>>
`7.4 Can you give me information about which companies manufacture particular types ofequipment. Or aboutwhat services are available on particuiar
`back to top
`8 Technical topis
`8.1 Where can Ifind a list of technical terms and abbreviations used in 3GPP documents? Answe-r>>>
`8.2 What is the difference between a SIM and a USII‘-'1? What is a UICC? Answe-r>>>
`8.3 What is an R-UIM? Answer>>>
`8.4 I have transferred a movie file from my phone to my PC. where can Ifind a player for 3gp files? Answer:->>
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`1. Membership
`1.1 who can become an Individual Member of 3GPP and how much does it cost ?
`individual Members are by definition members ofthe Organizational Partners of 3GPP. This means that members of standardization bodies such as ETSI,
`ARIB, TEA. TTC. T1 and CCSA have a right to take part in 3GPP. There are no fees payable directiyto 3GPP. However, the funds required for the running of
`3GPP are collected from the Organizational Partners and you may be required to contribute in some way through that route.
`if you are nota member of one of the above Standardization bodies then you can find links to these bodies from the 3GPP home page.
`Ff you require further guidance on how to participate in 3GPP activities you should contact the Mobile Competence Centre.
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`1.2 who may participate in 3GPP meetings ?
`To attend a 3GPP meeting, you must be a 3GPP Individual Member (i.e. you must be a Member ofone ofthe Organizational Partners involved in the
`project; ARiB. CCSA. ETSl,T1. TTA or ‘ITC. A non—member company should seek membership with one ofthe above partners to be eligible to oontribute
`and participate at 3GPP Meetings.
`1.3 who shall fill in the 3GPP Individual Member Application fun-n ?
`The person legally responsible for the requesting company shall fill in the form.
`1.4 What shall I do if a 3GPP company or official cnntacl: details change?
`All changes of correspondence should be notified to 3GPPContact@etsi.org
`1.5 Different membership categories ?
`The different membership categories of 3GPP are described in Section E ofthe 3GPP Working Procedures.
`1.6 who may become an observer ?
`SAMSUNG 1029-0003
`1.? who may become a Guest Member and do guests have to pay any fees ?
`The Guest Status is for potential individual Members who may be granted permission to participate in 3GPP fora maximum period of6 months. Guest
`status is granted on a case-by-case basis by me Organizational Partners (see also Working Procedures Article 10). lfyou like to apply for a Guest status,
`please send an email to 3GF’F'Contact@elsi.org
`No membership fees are requested for Guestapplicaljons.
`back to top
`1.8 who can apply for market representative Partnership?
`can an El'!5I Observer become an Individual Member of 3GPP ?
`N0. an ETSI Observer may "observe" all activities, but their participation is limited to the ETSI General Assembly only. Therefore, ETSl Observers have no
`participation rights in BGPP, ETSI Observers have access to ETSI documentation and of course to 3GPP documentation since thatis openly published on
`the web.
`3l3PP does have it's own category called "Observer" but that is entirely different and is used for potential Partners.
`1.10 Can an El'5I Applicant apply for 3GPP Membership ?
`YES. an Applicantmeans that your request to become an ETSI Member will be approved at the next General Assembly. You can participate in 3GPP as
`soon as the ETSI application has been processed and you are flagged as a Candidate Member (ie. there is no need to wait until the next GA).
`1.11 My company is already an E|'SI Member, what do I have to do to join 3PP and do I have to pay any f ?
`As an ETSl member your company is eligible for a 3-GPP Individual Membership and you will be able to attend any ofthe SGPP Meetings, Please fill in the
`on-line SGPP Application form and your company will be then listed on the 3GPP Website (add link to the form)
`There are currently no additional costs involved for participation in 3GPP [the membership fees for ETSI covers the cost of 3GPP participation).
`backto top
`3GPP email exploder lists
`2.1 Are there discussion archives for the 3GPP exploder lists ?
`The home page of Iistserv is at: httpzlilist.3gpp.orgiscriptsi'wa.exe
`Then. iustlollow the links to the archives. For example, the archives forthe main RAN email list can be found at:
`http :lllist.3gpp.o rgre rchivesi'3g pp_tsg_ran .htm|
`2.2 How do I subscribe to the 3GPP exploder lists ?
`follow the instructions found on this page: hltprlM'ww.3gpp.orgl'Discussion_Lists.Fmai|ing.htrn
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`legal Matters
`3.1 What is the 3GP? IPR Policy ?
`The SGPF Organizational Partners have agreed thattheir IPR policies should be respected and that their respective members should be encouraged to
`declare “their willingness to grant licenses on fair reasonable terms and conditions and on non discriminatory basis" (Article 3.1 of the Third Generation
`Partnership Project). For more information Look Here >>>
`The abovementioned principles are further reflected in Article 55 ofthe 3GPP Technical Working Procedures which request that each Individual Members
`should declare "at the eariiest opportunity, any IPR which they believe to be essential. or potentially essential, to any work ongoing within 3GPP".
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`3.2 what is the 3GPP policy on licensing ?
`Some aspects of3GPP systems are covered by essential Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) - that is, patented technologies without which equipmentcannot
`be implemented. The IPR vests in — i.e. the patents are held by — individual companies, and not by 3GPP itself or any ofits Organizational Partners (OPS).
`All Individual Members of 3GF'P abide by the IPR poiicies ofthe UP to which they belong; all such policies are broadly similar (see FAQ 3.1),arid require
`lPR holders to make licences available to all third parties, whether or notthey are BGPP individual Members, underfair. reasonable and non-discriminatory
`(FRAND) terms.
`Neither 3GPP nor its component 0P5 offer an IPR search service.
`own licences from the individual IPR holders.
`It is the responsibility of each manufacturer I system implementor to seek and obtain its
`For more information. and a guide to the |PRs declared to each SGPP OP. look here >>>
`(Answer drafted 2005-09-12 by JMM.)
`SAMSUNG 1029-0004
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`3.3 what is the 3G Patent Platform ?
`On the fringe of standardization activities some telecom companies have set up a voluntary arrangernentfor the licensing ofessential patents required to
`meet the standards published For 36 systems has emerged.
`Please find a historical recap of the creation ofthe 3G PatentP|atfonn. Thank you to note that Phase 3 has nolstarled yet.
`1. Discussions started in the UMTS IPR working Group (1998).
`2. The UMTS IPR working group operated within the UIAP (UMTS Intellectual Property Associabbn) to define the functions ofthe 3G Patent Platform.
`The 3G Patent Platform will provide services for:
`I —Evaluating.
`- Certifying and.
`essential patents for 3G Mobile communications.
`3. Implementation ofthe 36 Patent Platform scheme.
`The 3G Patent Platform will operate within a new profit service company governed by the members (essential patent holders and licensees}. As of today this
`NEW 00 is notoperational since his waiting for the approval of the US.'ECfJapanese competition law authorities in orderto launch the above-described
`More information is to be found at hltp'_flwww.3gpatents.oomi
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`3.4 Is it true that a number 3GPP members are looking at setting up a patents cooperative, with the aim of reducing the royalties they
`pay each other for the use of patented technology in th|rd—general:ion mobile systems ?
`- Discussion started in the UMTS IPR working Group (1998).
`- Creator: of the UlAP (UNITS Intellectual Property Association)which has performed the function of the definition the 3G Patent Platform scheme
`(Evaluation ofa patent. certification of essentiality. licensing arrangements. etc.) and which is the legal owner ofthe 3G Patent Platform Specification.
`Implementation ofthe scheme:
`As oftoday NEW CD (implementing the 3G Patent Platfomi) has not be incorporated and the Patent Platform scheme is not operational as it is awaiting for
`the approval oi‘ the USIEC competifion law authorities.
`ETSI follows the development oftl1e 3G Patent Platform but. as a neutral standard body. cahnottake an active participation in this market initiative.
`3.5 who owns the Technical Specifications and the Technical Reports approved by 3GPP ?
`According to the Article 3.2.2 ofthe Third Generation Partnership Projectfitgreement, the 3l3PP Organizational Partners jointly own copyright on the
`Technical Specifications and the Technical Reports approved by 3GPP.
`3.6 Does a company implementing a product based on the 3GPP specifications have to pay any royalties to the 3GPP organization ?
`The Third Generation Partnership Projectis not a legal entity but a Partnership Project between different standardization organizations in the field of
`back to top
`3.7 Is pennission needed to use the BGPP logo in marketing oollatierals or on a web site ?
`ETSF (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) is the sole owner of the Following acronyms:
`3GPP and
`as well asthe ETSJ, TIPHON and SGPP logos. ETSI Members shall use these Trade Marks in accordance with Collective Letter 1943. Authorization is
`needed to use the above mentioned acronyms and logos.
`For further infon-nation please contact: 3GPP Legal
`back to top
`3.8 Can I use computer code included with a BGPP TS to implement a product ?
`and some include test
`Yes. Some SGPP Technical Specifications include computer code such as ASN.1 or XML (protocois), C language (codecs),
`patterns (codecslfor verifying implementations. These are published to allow users ofthese T85 to implement rea|—woI1d products. No permission is
`required from 3GPP or its Organizational Partners [OPs)to use this code in the design ofproducts - e.g. to compile the C to implementa codec in machine
`Nevertheless,there may be essential IPR involved with such a design, and implementors are obliged to seek Iicencesto use thattech nology. See FAQ 3.2.
`Moreover, the copyright ofall 3GPP TSs and TRs vests jointly by all the EGPP OPs. Other than for in-house copies for the purpose offurther development of
`the 3GPP standard or for product design purposes. etc. you may not reproduce any part of a BGPP T8 or TR without seeking permission: use the form
`available here. This means that you must not provide verbatim copies of source code (or lightly modified copies) withoutseeking permission from 3GPP.
`SAMSUNG 1029-0005
`Finally, you are reminded that 3GPP TSs and TRs have no legal status, and you should notdesign products directly to them. See the advice notice on the
`cover page of every SGPP TS and TR. Instead, use the technically identical publication of one ofthe OF's.
`(Answer drafted 2005-09-12 by JMM.)
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`4. Specifications
`4.1 where can the rule, protocols or software needed to develop applitions for UMTS be found ?
`Agood place to start is on the 3GPF’ website htlp:ii‘www.3gp.p.org, and particularly the specifications listat httpzillwwwflgpp,orgispecsispecs.htrri.
`Look at the titles otthe specs for those which are appropriate. Perhaps 21.1 1 1 , 31.102 and 31.111 might be relevant.
`4.2 tllihat is the correlation between Stage 1, Stage 2 (GSM 3.90 and GSM 02.90) and Phase 1, Phase 2 ?
`The "stage" nomenclature was an ancient CCITF invention, related to ISDN standardisation. "Stage 1" refers to the service description from a service—user's
`point of view. "Stage 2" is a logical analysis, breaking the problem down into functional elements and the information flows amongst them. "Stage 3" is the
`concrete implementation ofthe protocols between physical elements onto which the functional elements have been mapped.
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`4.3 Is there any simple guide to the different CAMEL specifications ?
`Initial plans were published in ETst ETR 244 in 1995. though this is
`Unfortunately there is no single document acting as a guide to the CAMEL standards.
`so old as to be more or less useless now. GSM10.78is the CAMEL projectplan. and this is probably the best thing. This may have been avaliabie as a
`temp doc to SMG meeting no. 25, but is still only in draft tom, and has never been made publicly available.
`in the SS? arena,
`GSM 02 .?'B l UMTS 22.0?3 is the Stage 1 (requirements) document.
`GSM 03.781’ UMTS 23.0i'8 is the Stage 2 (functions, conceptual data flow)
`GSM 09.78 I UMTS 29.0113 is the Stage 3 (protocol) - CAMEL Application Part (CAP)
`CAP has been released in several phases:
`Release 1996 = Phase 1
`Release 1997 = Phase 2
`Release 1998 = Phase 2
`Release 1999 = Phase 3 (GSM and UMTS common spec)
`For UMTS, 21 .9?3 isa feasibility study on CAMEL controt of Voice over IP.
`in the Intelligent Network area, CAMEL is an extension ofCore iNAP, under the control of ETSI SPAN3 (formerly SPS3) — ignore for simplicity the Stage 1
`and Stage 2 specificationswhich were under ETSI SPAN6 (formerly NAB). Core lNAP was released in several phases:
`CS1 = ETS 300 374 series,
`CS2 = EN 301 140 series,
`CS3 = EN 301 931 series.
`it had originally been intended to split CS3 into two releases, and also to produce a (384. These plans now seem to be on hold. Tthe ETSI phasing otthe
`various Capability Sets was not strictly aligned with the |TU—T "equivalents". and this was a source of some confusion. Forfurther information on SPAN
`please contact : spansupport@etsi.org Very recently, SPAN has been reorganised, and SPAN3‘s work is now to be found within SPAN12.
`is an enhancementof Core INAP CS1. The protocol is defined in the ETSI EN 301 152 series. which is a "delta" to ETS 300 374. and
`EN CAMEL phase 1
`assumes a CAP according to GSM 0938 v5.5.x (Phase 2+, Release 1996).
`IN CS3 includes CAMEL aspects (which were ignored for IN CS2).
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`4.4 where are the specifications which identify the vac voltages for the SIM inteifaoe ?
`3V and 1.8 V Slltls for GSM are specified in GSM 11.12 [phase 2) and GSM 11.18 (release 98} respectively.
`However, in SGPP we have developed a new specification (136 T8 31.101 ) which combines the physicalieiectricaltlogical aspects of GSM 11.11,GSM 11.12
`and GSM 11.18 into a single specification. The electrical and physical aspects have not really been changed compared to the GSM specification mentioned
`above (the logical and security aspects have been enhanced). It is recommended thatyou use this new specificafion as the basis for any new work.
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`4.5 Are the 3GPP specifimtions produced only in word 2
`The 3GPP spew are published as ETSI deliverables, and these are available in PDF from http:tiwww.etsi.orgikey. But you can download a free Word
`viewer (ie read only) from the Microsoft web site. PDF is inherently secure (more so than html, in fact), and because Wordviewer is very simple [it can not
`handle macros, for example), it is pretty safe too.
`ETSI has no plans at presentto publish specifications in plain textor in htrnl.
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`SAMSUNG 1029-0006
`4.6 which group works with specifications covering the use of the GSM oodec (either in C or Java based] ?
`The SMGt1 and 3GPP SA4 specifications available trom http:.'.lwww.3gpp.org respectively deal with this. It gives you a list of specifications via the status list
`(took for the GSM specs in the MS-Access database at:
`and you can then download the specs you need. If you do not have an ETSI EOL account, you can download the ETSI equivalent standards from
`http ul.lwww.etsi.orglkey .
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`4.7 Does the ETSI GSM standard document collection also include GSM standard documents produced by the GSM Association and
`exactly what kind of GSM standards does El'SI produce ?
`The GSM specifications were originally started in committee GSM ofCEPT. There (as "CEPT Recommendations") they were allocated a reference number
`otthe form nn.nn. for example GS-M 06.12. Even after transferto ETSI about ten years ago, the GSM community (in Technical Committee SMG) continue to
`use these spec identifiers.
`The specifications are grouped into 'Releases‘. The original specifications were published by ETSI in 1994 and are now known as ‘Phase 1'. The next
`release was known as ‘Phase 2', and the next one as
`‘Phase 2+’. Within Phase 2+, there have been annual releases since 1996, which are known as
`R96, R97, R98 and R99. You can find the specifications on the SMG file server htlp:lldocbox.etsi.org!tech-orglsmgllilocumenllsmgrspecsl grouped into
`directories by Release.
`(You need an accounton the ETSI serverto have accessto this directory.) Looking at a spec, you can tell which release it belongs
`to by the version number:
`version release
`Phase 1
`Phase 2
`Phase 2+. R96
`Phase 2+, R97
`Phase 2+, R98
`Phase 2+, R99
`There will (probably) not be a Release 2000. since the work has been subsumed by the third generation specifications under 3GPP.
`All (nearly) the specs ofall releases are published as ETSI deliverables, and most have undergone several revisions in each release.
`GSM spec number and version with the corresponding ETSI deliverable, you should go to htlp:r’Nlrww.etsi.orglkeyl.
`In order to match a
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`4.8 Where would I find a document (e.g. UMTS 30.03 version 3.1.0} which I! not appear on the 3GPP Status List?
`Look at httpjrldocboxetsi.orgr'tech-orglsmg!Document.'smg!specsr‘lJMTSl'3003_32tJ.zip but, an ETSl server account is needed to access this. It is a document
`stemming from the initial TC—SMG studies on UMTS, not a product of3GPP. It was, in fact, published as an ETSI deliverable, TR 101 112, and this may be
`downloaded via ’nttp:llpda.etsi.orgr'pda.
`in general, the cross-referencing between GSM and ETSI deliverables, and between 3GPP and ETSI dellverables may be found at http:llwww.etsi.orgi|<ey
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`4.9 where are all the Change Requests (clls) located ?
`The information on CR5 is available via the SGPP website at this address:
`http aliwww.3gpp.orgrflpfSpecs.lhtn'll-info!
`The information is classed by series so it is very easy to locate the particular specification which interests you.
`lf,for example, you are looking for CR3 on GSM 08.18 then you would use this link:
`http ;lri.irww.3gpp.orgrltplSpecslhtmI-infolos1El-CRs.htrn
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`4.10 Where are all the current ETSI SMG specs located ?
`All the archives for the GSM documentation may be found here:
`http Jldocbox.el;si.orgr'zarchivelSMGl
`An ETSI On—Line account is needed to access these documents. You can apply for an ETSI online aocountvia: http:.ll'webapp.etsi.orglcreateaccountl
`in general, the cross-referencing between GSM and ETSI deiiverables. and between 3GPP and ETSI deliverables may be found at:
`http :li\rvebapp.etsi.orgfi<eylqueryforrr1.asp
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`4.11 which group works on the W—CDMA and the Physical Layer of W-CDMA 1'
`The radio aspects are standardised in TSG-RAN. The technical work is done in the 4 Working Groups of RAM (WG1 radio layer 1,WG2 radio layer 2l3, WG3
`interfaces. WG4 RF measurements]. to say you are interested in TSG-RAN WG1 then. Their specifications are numbered 25-.2xx.
`The temporary documents (meeting documents etc.) ofWG1 are stored on ltptlfltpflgpp.orgl'|'SG_RANNllG‘l;RL1 and the latest specifications (December
`99) are or will be provided on flpJ/fip.39pp.orglSpecslDecember_99f25_series.
`SAMSUNG 1029-0007
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`4.12 where can I find the list of Abstract syntax notation (ASN.1) object identifiers?
`The expandable list of object identifiers is available here >>>. To see the formal definition ofthe object identifiers. see the document cited on the right. The
`tree is not necessarily complete: further extensions may be included in the referenced document, For more information look here ‘»>
`back to top
`4.13 where can I find the 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity algorithms?
`The SGPP Confidentiality and Integrity algorithms F8 & F9 (KASUMI) have been developed through the collaborative efforts ofthe SGPP Organizational
`Partners. For more information and in order to download the algorithms look here >>>
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`4.14 What is a Release - how does specification version numbering work?
`To meet new market requirements, SGPP specifications are continually being enhanced with new features. in order to provide developers with a
`stable platform for implementation while at the same time allowing the addition of new features, the 3G-PP uses a system of parallel "releases".
`For more information look here >>>
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`4.15 Where can I find information on the current status of 3GPP specifications?
`New versions of many BGPP specifications are made available shortly alterlhe BGPP TSG plenary meetings which take place four times a year (March,
`June. September and December).
`In orderto identify whatthe currentversion is or and how to find information about older versions of specifications look
`here >>>.
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`4.16 what is t:l1e system for numbering specifications? Whidt specifications contain infonnation on specific topics ?
`All 3G and GSM specifications have a 3GPF' specification number consisting of 4 or 5 digits. (e.g. 09.02 or 29.002). For a more cornpiete
`description and examples look here >>>
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`5. Technicat Specification Group] Working Group
`5.1 who are the TSGIWG Officials and Support team and Where can I find their contact details?
`Each TSGIWG has a Chairman. up to two \r'ice—Chairmen (three 'v'ice—Chairmen) in the case ofTSGs). a secretary and a member of die support team. From
`the 3GPP structural organization page. click on the TSG or WG otinterest to reach its home page. From there, click on the "List of elected officials“ entry in
`the table,
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`5.2 where can I find the Temas of Reference for my TSGJWG?
`The current Terms of Reference for each TSGNVG appear on the web pages of each TSGJWG.
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`5.3 when did the Officials begin their Tenn of Office?
`The four Technlcal Specification Groups (TSGs) have elected their 3GPP TSG officials at the Fort Lauderdale (FL) meeting in March.
`The meeting reports for each TSGIWG will indicate the electionfre—e|ectioni'resignation ofan official. A complete list of TSGIWG officials is available on the
`3GPP web site.
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`5.4 May I become an Official?
`The TSG Chairman and Vice Chairmen are elected by the Technical Specification Group from amongst the individual Member representatives. Each TSG
`can electa maximum oftwo Vice Chairmen. Once etected, these candidates are proposed to the PCS for appointment.
`The Working Group Chainnan and Vice Chairmen are elected by the Working Group from amongst the individual Member representatives. Each Working
`Group can electa maximum oftwo \.-‘ice Chairmen.
`A candidate for TSG or Working Group election shall provide a letter ofsupport from his Organization and nominations may be made up to the pointwhen
`an election takes place.
`The TSG Chainnan and Vice-Chainnen shall be appointed by the PCG on the proposal ofthe TSG.
`The Chairman and the \i'ice—Chairmen shail be appointed fora two year term of oflice. The Chairman and Vice—Chainnen may be appointed for one further
`consecutive term. If, at the end of a Chairman or Vice Chairmans second term, no other candidates are available, the Chairman or Vice Chairmen may be
`appointed for a further term.
`Chairman and Vice Chairman should not be from the same region, Organizational Partner, orfrom the same group of companies, unless no other candidate
`is available.
`SAMSUNG 1029-0008
`Successive Chairmen should not be from the same Organizational Partner, the same region orfrom the same group of companies, unless no other
`candidate is available
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`5.5 Where are my TSGIWGS documents stored?
`Each TSGANG has a specific area allocated on the 3GPP ltp server.
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`5.6 Is the ETSI Secretariat responsible for the management of the Application Provider Codes for 3GPP ?
`The ETSI secretariatdoes notactually allocate these number — unique number are obtained by the coding scheme that is defined in 31.1 10. Application
`identifiers lorconsistoftwo parts - a RID and a PIX.
`The RID is simple; ISOIIEC have allocated the number 'AO0OD0[iCI8?‘ to the SGPP. This was allocated to ETSl on behalf otthe 3GPP_
`The coding ofthe PIX is specified in annex B of31.1 10. There are three different sorts ofPlX'.
`- 3G UICC.
`. 3G US||’vl,and
`I 3G USIM toolkit
`Each ofthese requires the use of the "Card issuer code" as defined in lTU—T recommendation E.1‘l8 [3].'ihis is a unique code given to each card issuer (for
`example. each GSM operator in the world has requested a card issuer code) So, any 3G operator thatdoes not have a 2G system that uses SlMs will have
`to apply to the ITU-T in accordance with the procedures in E.118.
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`6. Documents and TSGIWG Meetings
`6.1 How do I register for a meeting?
`if you are a TSGFWG member you will receive information about forthcoming meetings via the e—mail exploder. This will indicate the path on the ftp server
`where the invitation and related documents may be found. You may also consultthe Meetings area on the 3GPP Web where the latestinvitations of each
`TSGNVG are stored together with the calendar ofmeetings.
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`6.2 How do I submit a contribution for a meeting?
`Each meeting invitation will contain details of how to register contributions for mat meeting and who to send your contributions to,
`6.3 How do I obtain a document number for my contribution?
`Each meeting invitation will contain details of how to register contributions for mat meeting and who to send your contributions to.
`6.4 Where can I download documents for an upcoming meeting?
`Each meeting invitation will contain details ofwhere the documents are stored for the meeting. It is advisable for delegates attending a meeting to download
`the documents available prior to the meeting from the ftp server and onto theirpersonal computers.
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`6.5 Where can I find a temporary document template?
`The documenttemplate is made available by each TSGNVG in the meeting respective folder on the ftp server.
`6.6 What happens if I am unable to attend a meeting?
`You should contact your chairman and the meeting host indicating when you will be absent.
`work Items and Detlverables
`6.7 What is my role when my TSG/WGs has to approve a deliverable?
`Approval ofTechnic:a| Specifications and Technical reports by a TSG shall normally be by consensus,
`Where consensus cannot be achieved in the TSG a vote may be taken.
`When Technical Specifications and Technical Reports become sufficiently stable, they shall be put under change control ofthe relevant TSG, The further
`elaboration of these Technical Specifications and Technical Reports shall be achieved by Change Requests (CR3) to be approved by the TSG