`About 3GPP
`Specifications Groups
`3E-PP Calendar
`News 3. Events
`Delegates Corner
`Same general infonnatjon about areas of interesttr) 3-GPP delegates.
`Information about TSGs or WGs
`Table :11 con lens
`Teach yourself IIGPP
`How do I connect to the meeting server’?
`Registration and participation
`Participant lists —why are they important‘?
`Change at employer, restructurhg or organization, etc
`Automatic Document Numbering (ADM)
`""5°""9 °°°“"‘°‘""T*’”‘F"‘5"i“
`Draiting Technicai Specifications and Technical Reports
`Responsible behaviour
`Cenlraieed editing tools
`3(;pp Website; Search for...
`See-n:h and download specs. docs. CR5 and’ more liram
`the JGPP FTP Server.‘
`Aovmiceo FTP SEARCH
`M079 "9W5- --
`' yth to R?
`' HOB-ILE ekonunno
`. WINE cnmmjmcm-Ions
`‘E’; ' rRELli\BLE.i'LlJ'n‘ LATENCY
`In the Specifications Group section ollhis site. you will see the Structure ofthe Technical Specification Groups {TSGs). Each oi’
`the tour TSGs is made up ofseveral Working Groups [WGs] which deal with specific parts of the TSG's work.
`All of the important information and documents relatin to each TSG or WG can be round via the homepage forthatgroup.
`Teach yourself 3GPP
`The first 3GPP methodsseminarwas held at ETSI headquarters In June 2009. The presentatons QIVBFI there are Still relevant
`and are freely available from the SGPP web site - [Click here) - Covering tl'ie following topics:
`EGPP |nti'o, Basics, Meetings, Rules, Following the wont, Preparing meetings, Organizing and ohairing meetings, Work Plan,
`Work items, WID improvement. Spec nurrIbei1ng,Dratt3ng specs. Change Requests, Chairman's Role, Elections. Voting.
`Electronic meetings, Funding, Legal aspects.
`News Feeds
`3G!‘-‘P News
`BGPP tweets
`The presentations were filmed - see the movie
`Who can participate as a delegate?
`Representatives ofrnembers oi participating Organizational Partners (is. Il'ldlVidLl3| Members)
`Representatives ot’Clrgan'2attona| Partners
`Representativfi cifliilarlret Representation Partners
`Representatives of Observers and Guests
`How do I connect to the meeting server?
`Ali is revealed here.
`Registration and participation
`Delegates must register - in advance of the meeting - their intention to participate. Regitration Is by internet, using the URL
`given in the meeting invitation. Ensure you register under the correct company or other organization. See below for how to
`proceed if you change employer or if your employer restruclures its business
`SAMSUNG 1022-0001

`On arrival at the meeting venue, delegates must confimi their presence by signing the attendance list Unless you sign ttte list,
`you will not be deemed to have participated, and yourorganization may lose voting rights,
`If you have forgotten to register in advance,
`your name will not appear on the participation list (so you will have to add it. and your Contact coordinates. manually. before siglnfiigifi.
`you wiil not receive a delegate baclgeon arrival;
`you rnuststili register on line, even alter the meeting has started.
`Note that registering tor the meeting is quite independentof booliing hotel accornmoclationl
`when you registerfor a meeting, you will have to identify yourself, either by your ETSI On—Line account coordinates orby your
`name and email address. if you have recentiy changed employer. or have a new email address. DO NOT CREATE A NEW
`PERSON RECORD during the registration process, but follow the link to update yourexisting record first
`By default. you will be registered as representing your employer at the meeting. as long as that employer is a SGPP Individual
`Memberorganization. lfyou wish to represent any other organization, select it front the appropriate list when representing an
`organization otherthan your emptoyer, at the momentyou confirm your registration, an email will be automatically sent to both
`the TSGNVG Secretary and the otficial contact person otthe represented organization infomtlng them of the fad.
`Participant lists — why are they Important?
`Participation in TSG and WG meetings is recorded by the Support Team based on signatures on the participants list. An
`Individual Memberorganizaiions rightto vote in a paritculargroup (TSG or WG) depends on its delegates‘ participating — and
`being recorded as participating — in meetings of thatgroup. Your participation in a meeting is confirmed by yourslgning the
`attendance sheetduring the course of the meeting [and updating any coordinates which may have changed}. The ctlicial
`participation record appears in the secretary’s report of the meeting, and the individual Member organization you represent
`will acquire I maintain the right to vote altttatmeettng
`If you [Or 3 CDIIBEQLIB TTDETI the same organization} {I065 I101 attend a QFOIJQ |‘Ol' Il"|I'BE "Ol'd|!'la|'}"' i'l'|E6tll‘i§5. W18 IM Will I056 the
`It you do not sign the participants list, you Will be deemed notto have participated in the meeting!
`Each TSG has a Chairman and up to three Vice-Chairmen who are from memberorganazaticns. and a secretary who is
`usually born the SGPP support team. The arrangements for WGS are similar, butWGs may have a maximum of two Vice-
`Chairmen. Contact details of the omciais can be obtained Item the homepage ofthe individual TSG or WG.
`See the Elections section ofthe site for details of the imminent elections and recent results.
`For more infomation on the election ofotficials; see the 3GPP Working Procedures.
`Atthe start of every meeting, the chairman shall read out the IPR text. He shall also rriention the conditions of LAN and internet
`usage (cited below).
`Change of employer, restructuring of organization, etc
`If you change employer. you are or course no longer eligible to represent the old employer, unless it is within the same group
`cfcompanies. lithe new employer is a 3GPP Individual Member (or OF. MRP. etc] you are immediately able to attend
`meetings representing that new organization.
`Ifa member organization restructures itself, its delegates may find that they are no tongremptoyed by their original
`organization. However. changes in 3GPF' membership normally occurrather later. and the original memberships will persist
`for some time. Until the new structure becomes refieciied in the 3GPP membership, you may continue to attend meetings
`representing yourtormerorganization
`ll’ you change employer or there is any other modification to yourconlecl coordinates. you should immediately take steps to
`update yourF'erson record held by SGPP, Ifyou have an ETS|—On-Line (EOL} account, you shoutd update yourciwn
`coordinates by visiting this page and correcting your own record. lfyour email address has changed. you should take
`partjcularcare to tick the check box to force ail exploder lists managed by SGPP to be updated to reflect that new address If
`you do not have an EOL account. you should send an email to SGPP Contact with full details ctyour new coordinates. and
`M36 will update the record for you.
`when a company reslructures, or is involved in a takeover or merger, the company may itselfintorm the appropriate OP[s}i of
`the change and in due course the 0Ps will infomt 3GPP_ In this case, SGPP will make appropriate changes to all atiected
`employees of the organizations concerned. and delegates need take no explicit action (other than to check that their new
`coordinates are correctly recorded).
`Documents area
`Each TSG or WG has a specific documents area allocated on the BGPP ftp server. This is where you will find the all meeting
`documents including invitations, agenda. reports. contributions and Change Requests relating to that group. Delegates are
`advised to download and read all documents prior to the meeting.
`SAM SU NG 1022-0002
`SAMSUNG 1022-0002

`During the meeting, new documents are made avaiabie on the local meeting server. The secretary may copy them to the main
`pubtic server from time to time during the meeting lttime permits. Alter the end otthe meeting_ the secretary will ensure that
`the public serveris Drought up to date with all dowments created during the meeting.
`Downloading meeting documents individually using HTTP is very time—consuming. and delegates are strongly encouraged to
`use FTP. Some organizations configure employees‘ PCs to inhibit the use of l-‘PP: delegates may wish to ask their IT
`department to relax this restrtclion to enable more etficient meeting participation.
`Archeological note; Written contributions are referred to as TDocs tortdom). This is an abbreviation of “temporary document”
`and in the long-ago era of all-paper meetings. signified that such documents’ lifespan was limited to the meeting at which they
`were presented. Following the meeting. TDocs were destroyed. Ifanv information presented in a TDoc was to have continuing
`Validity atterwards, it had to be captured in a ‘pennenantdocumenf or in the meeting report. For this reason, itwas not
`legitimate for a publishaole deliverable (T5 or TR in SGPP context] to use a TDoc as a reference. 3GPP lrasalways operated
`100% electronic (0% paper) as fares contribution doouments are oonoerned Documents are not deteted following the
`meeting, but are retained on the public server indefinitely, Neverthess. the term ""|'Dcc" persists. But SGPP has no Concept of
`"permanent documents‘.
`Any 3GPP Individual Member or0P or MRP may rnalce a contribution to a 3GF'P meeting. Each meeting invitation will contain
`details of how to register and provide contributions for that meeting. See the Meetings pages for more details.
`Organizations which have been granted temporary Guest or Observer status are not allowed to make technical oontributions.
`Organizations which are not lndividuai Members or 3GPP (or are not OPS or MRFsi must not appear as the "source" of a
`technical contribution other than those oleariy identified as Liaison Statements. There is no restriction on organizationswith
`which 3GPF' may exchange Liaison Statements other than outgoing LS5 to the ITU. as identified in the 3-GPP Working
`M05! 3GPP meetings are held in countries I regions in which EGPP Individual Members are based [EufDp$, NOl‘l‘i'I America.
`Asia.) Meeting locations tend to reflect the geographical diversity oftne TSG and WG participants. Meetings may occasionally
`be hosted outside these regions oy agreement or the delegates and, itneoessaiy. the PCS.
`Any 3GF‘P Individual Mamberorgroup thereot may host a meeting. For more information on hosting requirements See hBt‘B.. .
`Invitations for SGPP meetings and the neoessary logistical information are to be distributed atleast 21 days before the
`meeting to the TSG or WG membership list via e-mail. and also posted on the 3GPP website.
`You may also consult the homepage torindividual T36 or W65 where you will tind the archives of past meetings. and
`information relating to any iutiure meetings for that group.
`Document Numbering
`Each TSG or WG meeting has a structured numbering scheme for its documents. Delegates wishing to make contributions
`must first obtain a document number either from the secretary or automatically via an on—Eine application {see below]..
`Automatic Document Numberl ng (ADN)
`some groups use an on-line tool for atlocating document numbers. This will be clearly stated in the meeting invitation.
`Meeting Document Templates
`Several templates exist for submitting contributions to meetings These can be found on the respective meeting folder on the
`lip server. based on generic templates available in the information directory
`Skeleton of Technical Specification and Technical Report docurnents
`TEITR presentation to T56 cover sheet
`Change Request {CR} cover sheet
`Liaison Statement {LS}
`Wort: item Description (Will)
`Work item status report
`Work ttern exception sheet
`3GF'P presentation
`Proxy vole form
`Visa application letter template
`Configuring WrFi access (presentation)
`Drafting Technical specifications and Technical Reports
`SAM SU NG 1022-0003
`SAMSUNG 1022-0003

`USE I'l'|E SKElEtOl'i dOGL|l'I'IB|"ItS DFDVWEU {Via the SECtiD1'l EDDVB}.
`Follow the guidance cit the on-line rapporteurs' tutorial.
`Follow the drafting rules tall ofthemll given in 3GF'P TR 21.801.
`Also follow the procedural rules given in the 3GFP Working Procedures and the TSG procedures in aGF'P TR 21.9t:l:l.
`Use oommon sense. If that fails, ask your group's Support Team Project Manager.
`Responsible behaviour
`Delegates are reminded that they share the meeting IT resources with their fellow delegates. You should not abuse the
`service by using bandwidth—hogging applications such as movie downloads, streaming video, web—baaed gaming. etc during
`the meeting. Use the internet service in your hotel rooms for this!
`Delegates must respectthe law of the hosting country, and should not visit prohibited internet sites.
`In cases of persistent abuse of me inlernet bandwidth, MCC may fES1l'lC1it‘IdiVldLIaI'S use otthe service.
`In particular. the PCB has laid down the following network usage conditions:
`1. Users shall not use the network to engage in illegal activities This includes activities such as copyright violatton. hacking.
`espionage or any other acfivity that may be prohibited by local laws.
`2. Users shall not engage in nonvwork related activities thatare consume excessive ldandwidth or cause significant
`degradation ofthe perromiance ofthe network.
`Since the network is a shared resource. users should exercise some basic etiquette when using the ISGPF’ network at a
`meeting. It is understood that high bandwidth applications such as downloading large files or video streaming might be
`required for business purposes, but delegates should be strongly discouraged in perfonning these activities for personal use.
`Downloading a movie or doing something in an interactive environment forpsrsonal use essentially wastes bandwidth that
`others need to make the meeting effective. The meeting chairman should remind end users that the network is a shared
`resource: the more one user grabs. the less there is for another. Email and its attachments already take up significant
`bandwidth {oertain email programs are not very bandwidth efticient}. In case of need the chair-can ask the delegates to restrict
`IT usage to things that are essential forthe meeting itself.
`1. DON'T place your\NH device in ad-hoo mode
`DON’Tset up a personal holspot in the meeting room
`D0 lrv E-02.1 1a ifyour WiFi device supports it
`DON'T manually allocate an IP address
`DON’T be a bandwidth hog by streaming video, playing onllne games, or downloading huge flies
`DON'T use packet probing software which ciogs the local network le.g., packet snitters or port scanners)
`Delegates are encouraged to provide feedback on their SGPP meeting experience via a short web—l:iased survey. The URL of
`the survey will be made known to partioipanw.
`Centralized editing tools
`Certain T55 contain ‘fonnal SDL diagrams, MSC diagrams. and tests using ‘l'l'CN. These require specialist tools to edit (see
`EGPP TR 21.801anne>r H .5 and annexl.‘E11ese tools are expensive to purchase or license, so ETSI graciously makes a
`centralized instance of the tools available for the use of SGPP delegates.
`In orderto use such tools, referto the guideline document, then contact ETSI Helpdesls to obtain a personal account.
`2015-I 0-20: New template for LS5 [JMlvl).
`201-1-06-03: addilio nal Powei-Point skeleton added, 16:9 aspect ratio [JMM}.
`2014-05-21: Hyperlink to 3GPl'-‘ PowerPoint presentation updated [JMl'v1).
`Page updated:
`23-27 May 2016
`Release 14
`SAM SU NG 1022-0004
`SAMSUNG 1022-0004

`New Orleans
`New Orleans
`New Orleans
`13-14 Jun 2015
`13-16 Jun 2016
`15-17 Jun 2015
`22-26 Aug 2016
`1920 Sep 2016
`1942 Sep 2015
`21-23 Sep 2016
`14-13 Nov 2016
`05-05 Dec 2016
`05-05 Dec 2015
`01-09 Dec 2016
`1a_1? Feb 2111?
`05.07 Mar201?
`was |\«'lar201T
`oa—1o Mar201T
`Release 13
`Release 12
`Release 11
`Release 10
`Release 9
`Release 3
`Release 7
`Release 5
`Release 5
`Release 4
`Release 1999
`Carrier Aggregation Explained
`HelNelJ'Srna|| Cells
`The Evolved Packet Core
`©3Gpp 2516
`SAM SU NG 1022-0005
`SAMSUNG 1022-0005

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