|LL# 161499334
`Processed: 11/23/15
`* Haematologica - RESEND
`Journal Title: Haematologica.
`Volume: 84
`Issue: 8
`Trans. # 2409470
`MonthIYear: August1999
`Copy To:
`Pages: 767-8+TOC+cvrw/acq
`Article Author: Carrasco et al.,
`Article Title: Acute megaloblastic
`anemia: homocysteine levels are useful
`for diagnosis and fo||ow—up.+TOC+acq
`date stamp on cover
`ll Pensiero Scientifico,
`Imprint: Roma :
`ISSN: 0390-6078
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`Wockhardt Exhibit 1038 - 1

`Scientific correspondence
`SSC—l-elghl 400
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`1. Caballero MD, Gonzalez M, Canizo MC, Orfao A,
`Nieto MJ, San-Miguel_lF. Concomitant chronic lym-
`phocytic leukemia (CLL) and acute myeloid leukemia.
`Complete remission of CLL achieved with high—dose
`cytosine arabinoside. Leukemia 1992; 6:856-8.
`2. Conlan MG, Mosher DF. Concomitant chronic lym-
`phocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, and
`thrombosis with protein C deficiency. Case report and
`review oFthe literature. Cancer 1989; 63:1398—401.
`3. Rai KR, Patel DV. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
`Hofi‘man R, Benz Ej.Jr, Shattil SJ, Furie B, Cohen H],
`Silberstein LE (eds): Hematology: Basic Principles and
`Clinical Practice. 2nd ed. Curchill Livingstone, New
`York, 1995, p 1308.
`4. Lima M, Porto B, Rodrigues M, et al. Cytogenetic find-
`ings in a patient presenting simultaneously with chron-
`ic lymphocytic leukemia and acute myeloid leukemia.
`Cancer—Genet Cytogenet 1996; 87:38-40.
`5. Mateu R, Bellido M, Sureda A, et al. Concomitant
`chronic lymphocytic leukemia and acute myeloid
`leukemia with an uncommon immunophenotype. Am
`J Hematol 1997; 56:281.
`6. Tamul KR, Meyers DC, Bentley SA, FoldsJD. Two col-
`or flow cytometric analysis of concomitant acute
`myeloid leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
`Cytometry1994; 18:30-4.
`Acute megaloblastic anemia: homocysteine
`levels are useful for diagnosis and follow-up
`Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) and Folic acid deficiencies
`lead to megaloblastic anemia (MA), and induce
`accumulation of methylmalonic acid (MMA) and
`homocysteine (HCY).‘ The most common presenta-
`tion OFMA is classical macrocytic anemia. Other pre-
`sentations are acute megaloblastosis (AM) and
`masked megaloblastosis.“ In this report, we present
`a case OFAM diagnosed and Followed up by evalua-
`tion oFH(_Ylevels_
`A 45-year old male was diagnosed as having
`Philadelphia—positive chronic myelogenous leukemia.
`Three years after diagnosis the patient developed a
`lymphoid blast crisis and was started on a chemo-
`therapy protocol. The first consolidation treatment
`consisted oF6—mercaptopurine, methotrexate (MTX),
`VM-26 and cytarabine. MTX rescue with Folinic acid
`was performed Following standard guidelines. On day
`+14 a platelet count oF9><1 O9/L was 1°ound.Hb was
`99 g/L, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 92 FL and
`leukocyte count was 7.06><1OV9/L with 84% of neu-
`trophils with hypersegmentation. Reticulocyte count
`was 0.O53><10‘2/L (1.66%). Vitamin B12 levels and
`red cell Folate were 322 pmol /L (normal 150-1200)
`and 938 nmol/L (normal 441-1285), respectively. A
`BM aspirate revealed 30% of erythroid precursors
`with megaloblastic features and a 55% OF myeloid
`precursors with increased size and no blast cells.
`Serum HCYlevels were 38 umol/L(normal<16).The
`blaematologica vol. 84(8):August 1999
`Quad ‘/.Ga1ed
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`CD7 r-‘no
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`Figure 1. Light scatter properties of analyzed cells (top).
`The flow cytometric dot plots clearly show that virtually all
`CD19’ cells are positive for CD5 antigen and there are two
`cell populations with different HLA-DR antigen expression
`pattern. CD33 antigen ls found to be the only antigen that
`expressed more than 50% of the bells and most of them are
`negative for HLA-DR antigen.
`nosis but we do not have any doubts about the diag-
`nosis because more then 1O><1O9/L cells expressed
`CD5, CD19, CD20 and CD22 (Figure 1).
`The concomitant presentation oFAML and CLL is
`extremely rare and the use of two—color flow cytom—
`etry to diFFerentiate the cell populations demon-
`strates the utility ofthis technology in the diagnosis
`ofunusual hematologic malignancies.
`Mustafa Nuri Yenerel, * Ibrahim Hatemi, ° Huseyin Keskin*
`*lstanbuI University, Istanbul Medical School, Department of Inter-
`nal Medicine, Division of Hematology, Qapa, Istanbul; °Haseki
`State Hospital, Haseki, Istanbul, Turkey
`Key words
`CCL, AML, flow g/tometry.
`Mustafa Nuri Yenerel, MD, Istanbul University, Istanbul
`Medical School, Department of/nternal Medicine, Division
`of Hematology, Capa, Istanbul, Turkey. Fax: international
`+90.2 12.637 7263.
`9' lillockharcft E)Ei1"i‘b‘itiiii0i3!il? 2 9"
`Wockhardt Exhibit 1038 - 2

`Scientific correspondence
`Table 1. Evolution of analytical parameters during Iolinic
`acid and vitamin B12 treatment.
`Pretreatment Onset
`Day -9
`Day 0
`Day +9
`Platelets (X109/L)
`Leukocytes (X109/L)
`Hemoglobin (g/L)
`MCV (fL)
`Reticulocytes (x1O1?/ L)
`Homocysteine (umol/L)
`AM, acute megaloblastosls; MCV’, mean corpuscular volume.
`patient was diagnosed as having AM and began
`treatment with Folinic acid 12 mg iv in one single dose
`and Folic acid 5 mg/day po For 14 days and par-
`enteral vitamin B12 2 mg/day For4 consecutive days.
`After 10 days ol’ treatment
`the platelet count
`increased to 112x109/L and reticulocyte count to
`0.163x‘1O12/L(5.41%). Vitamin B12 level was 716
`pmol/L, red cell folate level 1,506 nmol/Land serum
`HCY level decreased to normal value (9 umol/L)
`(Table 1).
`Four different clinical forms of megaloblastosis
`have been described.“ The classical Form has an
`insidious onset with Frequent neurologic symptoms
`and macrocytic anemia. Vitamin Bwz and/or red cell
`Folate levels are decreased. The second form is the
`subtle MA anemia with ill—defined clinical symptoms
`and decreased or borderline vitamin BIZ and Folic acid
`levels with other abnormalities (dUST, HCY, MMA)?
`Masked megaloblastosis coexists with other defi-
`ciencies; MCV is normal or decreased.” MA ofacute
`onset is the rarest Form.‘ There are two clinical pre-
`sentations; the masked undiagnosed classical MA
`with cytopenias of abrupt onset and the so-called
`AM.“ In AM severe thrombocytopenia develops in 1
`to 3 weeks, MCV is normal or only moderately
`increased. This presentation is more Frequent
`patients with risk Factors: parenteral nutrition, infec-
`tion, dialysis or treatment with some antifolate drugs.
`Mortality is high." The reticulocyte count is low. Vit-
`amin B12 and red cell Folate levels are normal. BM
`aspirate shows megaloblastic changes. Classically,
`dUST is used as a diagnostic test. Nevertheless, HCY
`serum assays provide a sensitive test For the diagno-
`sis oFAM, especially in its early stages? In vitamin B12
`deficiences both HCY and MMA levels are high.
`Folate deficiencies only HCY concentration is
`increased.9r1‘—‘ HCY levels are also useful for AM Follow-
`up oFAM; levels return to normal after starting treat-
`ment with vitamin B1; or Folic acid. The evaluation of
`serum HCY levels is an easy and non—invasive test For
`the diagnosis and follow-up oFAM.
`Marina Carrasco, Angel Remacha, Anna Sureda,
`Pilar Sarda, Rodrigo Martino, Jorge Sierra
`Department of Hematology, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau,
`Barcelona, Spain
`Key words
`Acute megaloblastosis, fin/ic acid, cobalamin, homocysteine
`Angel Remacha Sevilla, MD, Laboratorio de Hematologfa,
`Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pan, Antoni Maria i Claret,
`767, 08025 Barcelona, Spain. Phone: international +34-
`93-29 7 9290 — Fax: international +34—93—29 7 9 7 92 ~ E-
`mail: 2 7 07@lisp. santpau. es
`1. Green R. Metabolite assay in cobalamin and folate
`deficiency. Bailliére Clin Haematol 1995; 8:533—66.
`2. Carmel R. Subtle cobalamin deficiency. Ann Intern
`Med 1996; 124338-40.
`3. Remacha A, Gimferrer E. Las megaloblastosis agudas:
`revision y reconsideracion conceptual de las distintas
`formas de presentacion de las megaloblastosis. Biol
`Clin Hematol 1984; 61167-82.
`4. Carmel R. Pernicious anemia. The expected findings of
`very low serum cobalamin levels, anemia, and macro-
`cytosis are often lacking. Arch Intern Med 1988;
`148: 1 71 2-4.
`5. SpivakJL. Masked megaloblastic anemia. Arch Intern
`Med 1982; 142:2111—4.
`6. Bennett M, Koren A, Ludacer E. B12 deficiency in (x-
`thalassemia. N Englj Med 1984; 31021058-9.
`7. Martinez E, Remacha A, Roca-Cusachs A. Acute exac-
`erbation oFfo|ate—dependent chronic megaloblastosis.
`Biol Clin Hematol. 1992; 14:223-9.
`8. Vester B, Rasmussen K. High perFormance liquid chro-
`matography method For rapid and accurate determi-
`nation of homocysteine in plasma and serum. Eur]
`Clin Chem Clin Biocherm. 1991; 29:549—54.
`9. Allen RH, Stabler SP, Savage DG, Lindenbaumj. Diag-
`nosis ofcobalamin deficiency: I: usefulness of serum
`methylmalonic acid and total homocysteine concen-
`trations. Amj Hematol 1990; 34: 90-8
`10. Lindenbaumj, Savage DG, Stabler SP, Allen RH. Diag-
`nosis ofcobalamin deficiency: II: relative sensitivities
`of serum cobalamin, methylmalonic acid and total
`homocysteine concentrations. Am] Hematol 1990;
`Tlaematologicé vol. 84(8):August 1999
`Wockhardt Exhibit 1038 - 3
`Wockhardt Exhibit 1038 - 3

`Haematologica 1999; vol. 84, no. 8
`(indexed by Current Contents/Life Sciences and in Faxon Finder and Faxon XPRESS, also available on diskette with abstracts)
`editorial, comments and views
`Favorable impact of low-dose fludarabine plus
`epirubicin and cyclophosphamide regimen (FLEC) as
`treatment for low-grade non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas
`Monica Bocchia, Catia Bigazzi, Silvia Marconcini,
`Francesco Forconi, Giuseppe Marotta, Renato Algeri,
`Francesco Laurla .
`. 716-720
`Effect of adenosine derivatives on thrombus formation
`in vitro induced by shear stress
`Marzia Menegatti, Gloria Cristalli, Luciana Gallo,
`Pier Mannuccio Mannucci, Francesco l. Pareti . 721-725
`Lipoprotein(a) concentration is not associated with
`venous thromboembolism in a case control study
`Giuseppe Lippi, Antonella Bassi, Giorgio Brocco,
`Franco Manzato, Maddalena Marini,
`Giancesare Guidi .
`. 726-729
`decision making and problem solving
`Long-term cost-effectiveness of low molecular weight
`heparin versus unfractionated heparin for
`the prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism
`in elective hip replacement
`Monia Marchetti, Nicola Lucio Liberato, Nicola Ruperto,
`Giovanni Barosi .
`. 730-737
`trends in hematology
`Placental/umbilical cord blood transplantation
`Girolamo Sirchia, Paolo Rebulla .
`. 738- 747
`the irreplaceable image
`Homozygous form of the Peiger-Huét anomaly
`Jesus Gastearena Erice, Jose Maria Arguifiano Pérez,
`Francisco Sala Pericas .
`. 748
`Bilobulated circulating lymphocytes in persistent
`polyclonal B-cell iymphocytosis
`Soledad Woessner, Lourdes Horensa,
`Blanca Espinet .
`. 749
`Atypical clinical presentation of visceral leishmaniasis
`José-Angel Hernandez, Maria Alba Bosch,
`Goretti Sauca .
`. 750
`How safe is hydroxyurea in the treatment
`of poiycythemia Vera? .
`. 673-674
`I A
`utologous bone marrow transplantation
`for chronic myeloid leukemia .
`. 674
`original papers
`Short-term, serum-free, static culture of cord blood-
`derived CD34+ cells: effects of FLT3-L and MIP-1a
`on In vltro expansion of hematopoletlc progenitor cells
`Gemma Capmany, Sergi Querol, Jose’ Antonio Cancelas,
`Joan Garcia .
`. 675-682
`Peripheral T lymphocyte cytokine profile (|FNy, IL-2,
`IL-4) and CD30 expression/release during measles
`Fabrizio Vinante, Mauro Krampera, Lorella Morosato,
`Antonella Rigo, Sergio Romagnani,
`Giovanni Pizzolo .
`. 683-689
`3q21 and 3q26 cytogenetic abnormalities in acute
`myeloblastic leukemia: biological and clinical features
`Nicoletta Testoni, Gabriela Borsaru, Giovanni Martinelli,
`Cristina Carboni, Deborah Ruggeri, Emanuela Ottaviani,
`Susanna Pelliconi, Paolo Ricci, Rocco Pastano, Giuseppe
`Visanl, Alfonso Zaccaria, Sante Tura .
`. 690-694
`cleavage of the ALL1 gene in acute lymphoid
`leukemia before treatment disappears in relapse
`Eduardo Anguita, Ana Villegas, Anna Serra,
`Fernando Ataulfo Gonzalez, Paloma Ropero,
`Trinidad Contra, Giuseppe Saglio .
`. 695-698
`Outcome of biphenotypic acute leukemia
`Sally Killick, Estella Matures, Ray L. Powles,
`Mike Hamblin, John Swansbury, Jennifer G. Treleaven,
`Athanasios Zomas, Ayad Atra, Daniel Catovsky . 699-706
`A prospective study of or-interferon and autologous
`bone marrow transplantation in chronic myeloid
`The Italian Cooperative Study Group on Chronic Myeloid
`Leukemia. Writing committee: Giovanna Meloni,
`Domenico Russo, Michele Baccarani, Nicoletta Testoni,
`Giovanni Mariinelli, Renato Fanin. Eliana Zuffa,
`Gianantonio Rosti, Giuliana Allmena, Giuseppe Saglio,
`Franco Mandelli, Sante Tura .
`. 707-715
`.7.-..;._-‘L_,-*_L-2->-.....L...,-.,s,,.__ _v.____.__ 1.-.. .
`V , .»».-
`illiockhardt Exhiiiiiitiii 0351 4 if
`Wockhardt Exhibit 1038 - 4

`scientific correspondence
`Immunosuppression due to MACOP-B does not seem
`to cure the antiphospholipid syndrome
`Piero Maria Stefani, Francesco Pietrogrande,
`Roberto Sartori, Antonio Girolami.
`. 751-752
`New technology and changing parameters
`of leukapheresis for blood cell transplantation
`Katharina Granzow, Roberta Schiavo, Inna Timofeeva,
`Gianalessandro Moroni, Armando Santoro,
`Salvatore Siena .
`. 752
`INR variability in anticoagulation with acenocoumarol:
`is it useful for identifying patients at risk of bleeding
`and thrombosis?
`Patricia Casais, Analia Sanchez Luceros,Susana
`Meschengieser, Emilse Bermejo,
`Maria Angela Lazzari .
`. 753-754
`The frequency of allele (x“”, a low expression allele of
`the gene encoding erythroid spectrin or-chain, in the
`Greek population
`Issidora Papassideri, Marianna Antonelou,
`Fotini Karababa, Afroditi Loutradi-Anagnostou,
`Jean Delaunay, Lukas H. Margaritis .
`. 754-755
`Acute myeloid leukemia occurring in a patient with
`polycythemia vera in treatment with hydroxyurea
`Emma Cacciola. Rossella Rosaria Cacciola,
`Patrizia Guglielmo, Fabio Stagno,
`Rosario Giustolisl .
`. 755-756
`Absence of p53 mutation in 15 cases of myeloid
`malignancies with structural rearrangements of 3q
`Luz Munoz, Camino Estlvill, Anna Aventin,
`Conxa Boqué, Olga Lopez, Josep F. Nomdedéu 757-758
`Invasive cerebral aspergillosis in a patient
`with aplastic anemia.
`Response to liposomal amphotericin and surgery
`Dolores Lopez Rodriguez, Carmen Albo Lopez,
`Esmeralda Benltez Cobos, Aida Jimenez Blanco,
`Ange/es Fernandez Fernandez,
`Luiz Francisco Araujo .
`. 758-759
`Transient response of myeloma clone
`to pamidronate therapy
`Alessandro Corso. Cesare Astori. Ester Orlandi,
`Patrizia Zappasodi, Luca Arcaini,
`Carlo Bernasconi .
`. 759-760
`A paradoxical side-effect of antiaggregating treatment
`with ticlopidine: the Moschowitz syndrome
`Fabrizio Fabris, Guido Luzzatto, MariaTeresa Sartori.
`llia Zanella, Antonio Giro/aml .
`. 760-762
`Flow cytometry of cell suspensions from lymph nodes:
`immunophenotype, DNA content and proliferative rate
`are strongly correlated with histopathology diagnosis
`Joaquin Sanchez, Josefina Serrano, Jose Manuel
`Garcia, Jose Roman, Javier Casafio,
`Antonio Torres .
`. 762-763
`Previous occurrence of life-threatening abdominal
`infection is not a contraindication to bone marrow
`Marco Picardi, Carmine Selleri, Gennaro De Rosa,
`Catello Califano, Andrea Camera, Bruno Rotoli . 764-765
`splenic inflammatory pseudotumor mimicking
`primary splenic malignancy
`Yeouda Edoute, Ariel Roguin, Zahava Gallimidi,
`Ofer Ben-lzhak, Pradeep Nagachandran,
`Haim Ben-Ami
`. 765766
`Concomitant chronic lymphocytic leukemia and
`acute myeloid leukemia diagnosed by two color flow
`cytometric analysis
`Mustafa Nuri Yenerel, Ibrahim Hatemi,
`Huseyin Keskin .
`. 766-76 7
`Acute megaloblastic anemia: homocysteine levels are
`useful for diagnosis and follow-up
`Marina Carrasco, Angel Remacha, Anna Sureda,
`Pilar Sarda, Rodrigo Martino, Jorge Sierra .
`. 767-768
`is a Latin adjective, neuter and plural,
`used in this context as a noun:
`it means “hematological subjects”.
`The appropriate English translation is therefore
`Journal of Hematology.
`On the cover.
` Bone marrow aspirate smear. Leishmania sp within reticu|o-
`endothelial macrophages. Note the platelet clump to
`compare with the sharper and stronger staining of
`Leishmania sp). (see p. 750).
`Wockhardt Exhibit 1038 - 5
`Wockhardt Exhibit 1038 - 5

`Wockhardt Exhibit 1038 - 6
`Wockhardt Exhibit 1038 - 6

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