V O L U M E 2 6 䡠 N U M B E R 2 8 䡠 O C T O B E R 1 2 0 0 8
`O R I G I N A L R E P O R T
`From the Royal Marsden NHS Founda-
`tion Trust; and The Institute of Cancer
`Research, Sutton, Surrey, United King-
`dom; and Cougar Biotechnology, Los
`Angeles, CA.
`Submitted December 28, 2007;
`accepted May 14, 2008; published
`online ahead of print at on
`July 21, 2008.
`Supported by Cougar Biotechnology;
`the Section of Medicine is supported
`by a program grant from Cancer
`Research UK, who also fund the Centre
`for Cancer Therapeutics, where the
`pharmacokinetic studies were
`conducted. The authors were also
`supported by the Medical Reserach
`Council, the Prostate Cancer Research
`Foundation, the Royal Marsden Hospital
`Research Fund, an Experimental Cancer
`Medicine Centre grant, and the Bob
`Champion Cancer Trust.
`Authors’ disclosures of potential con-
`flicts of interest and author contribu-
`tions are found at the end of this
`Corresponding author: Johann S. de
`Bono, MB ChB, FRCP, MSc, PhD,
`Section of Medicine, The Institute of
`Cancer Research and Drug Develop-
`ment Unit, the Royal Marsden NHS
`Foundation Trust, Downs Rd, Sutton,
`Surrey, United Kingdom SM2 5PT;
`© 2008 by American Society of Clinical
`DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2007.15.9749
`Phase I Clinical Trial of a Selective Inhibitor of CYP17,
`Abiraterone Acetate, Confirms That Castration-Resistant
`Prostate Cancer Commonly Remains Hormone Driven
`Gerhardt Attard, Alison H.M. Reid, Timothy A. Yap, Florence Raynaud, Mitch Dowsett, Sarah Settatree,
`Mary Barrett, Christopher Parker, Vanessa Martins, Elizabeth Folkerd, Jeremy Clark, Colin S. Cooper,
`Stan B. Kaye, David Dearnaley, Gloria Lee, and Johann S. de Bono
`Studies indicate that castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) remains driven by ligand-
`dependent androgen receptor (AR) signaling. To evaluate this, a trial of abiraterone acetate—a
`potent, selective, small-molecule inhibitor of cytochrome P (CYP) 17, a key enzyme in androgen
`synthesis—was pursued.
`Patients and Methods
`Chemotherapy-naı¨ve men (n ⫽ 21) who had prostate cancer that was resistant to multiple
`hormonal therapies were treated in this phase I study of once-daily, continuous abiraterone
`acetate, which escalated through five doses (250 to 2,000 mg) in three-patient cohorts.
`Abiraterone acetate was well tolerated. The anticipated toxicities attributable to a syndrome
`of secondary mineralocorticoid excess—namely hypertension, hypokalemia, and lower-limb
`edema—were successfully managed with a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist. Antitumor
`activity was observed at all doses; however, because of a plateau in pharmacodynamic effect,
`1,000 mg was selected for cohort expansion (n ⫽ 9). Abiraterone acetate administration was
`associated with increased levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone and steroids upstream of CYP17
`and with suppression of serum testosterone, downstream androgenic steroids, and estradiol in all
`patients. Declines in prostate-specific antigen ⱖ 30%, 50%, and 90% were observed in 14 (66%),
`12 (57%), and 6 (29%) patients, respectively, and lasted between 69 to ⱖ 578 days. Radiologic
`regression, normalization of lactate dehydrogenase, and improved symptoms with a reduction in
`analgesic use were documented.
`CYP17 blockade by abiraterone acetate is safe and has significant antitumor activity in CRPC.
`These data confirm that CRPC commonly remains dependent on ligand-activated AR signaling.
`J Clin Oncol 26:4563-4571. © 2008 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
`Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer
`death in men in the western world1,2; this is a result
`of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC).3
`Castration blocks gonadal testosterone generation,
`but androgens from nongonadal sources are postu-
`lated to drive androgen receptor (AR) signaling.
`This is supported by recent studies, which report
`high intratumoral androgens, continued AR signal-
`ing,4 and overexpression of enzymes key to andro-
`gen synthesis, which suggests that CRPC may
`synthesize androgens de novo.5-7 Despite this, cur-
`rently available strategies that target the AR, such as
`antiandrogens, ketoconazole, estrogens, or glu-
`cocorticoids, result in modest benefit.8-13
`Cytochrome P (CYP)17 is a microsomal en-
`zyme that catalyzes two independently regulated ste-
`roid reactions key to androgen and estrogen
`biosynthesis (Fig 1A).14-16 Congenital CYP17 defi-
`ciency does not result in adrenocortical insuffi-
`ciency, as corticosterone synthesis is unaffected;
`CYP17 loss interrupts the negative feedback control
`of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which
`results in high levels of ACTH and steroid precur-
`sors upstream of CYP17.17 Abiraterone is a potent,
`© 2008 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
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`Copyright © 2008 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.Copyright © 2008 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.Copyright © 2008 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
`Mylan v. Janssen IPR2016-01332


`Attard et al
`× 5
`Positive drive
`Fluid overload
`Suppression of Renin
`Negative feedback
`× 10
`× 40
`× 1.5
`× 4
`× 2
`× 3
`< 2
`< 1 ng/dl
`< 80 pg/dl
`× 3
`< 5
`× 2
`× 2
`× 2
`× 3
`< 2
`< 1 ng/dL
`< 80 pg/dL
`Fig 1. Physiologic consequences of treat-
`ment with abiraterone acetate. (A) Steroid
`biosynthesis pathway. (B) Abiraterone inhibits
`17␣-hydroxylase (crossed out in red), which
`results in a reduction in serum cortisol and
`a consequent increase in adrenocortico-
`tropic hormone (ACTH) that drives the
`steroid biosynthesis pathway: levels of
`deoxycorticosterone and corticosterone
`increase by a median of 10- and 40-fold,
`respectively. Up to a four-fold incre-
`ase in 11-deoxycortisol is observed, but
`there is complete inhibition of C17,20-
`lyase (crossed out in red) and significant
`suppression of dehydroepiandrostenedi-
`one (DHEA), androstenedione, and tes-
`tosterone. (C) Addition of dexamethasone
`0.5 mg/d to abiraterone acetate results in
`suppression of ACTH to three-fold less than
`baseline levels, a consequent decrease in
`deoxycorticosterone levels to less than the
`limit of sensitivity of the assay used (⬍ 5
`ng/dL), and a consequent decrease in corti-
`costerone levels by two-fold. Similarly, 11-
`deoxycortisol levels decrease. Downstream
`steroid levels remain suppressed.
`selective, and irreversible inhibitor of CYP17 (IC50, 2 to 4 nmol/
`L),18-20 unlike the antifungal ketoconazole, which is a less potent and
`competitive inhibitor of several CYP enzymes.21-24 In preclinical tox-
`icology studies, it reduced the weights of androgen dependent organs
`and had minimal side effects in other organs.25 When administered as
`abiraterone acetate, it has good oral bioavailability. First-in-man stud-
`ies reported that abiraterone acetate was safe when administered daily
`for 12 days to men with prostate cancer, and it suppressed testosterone
`synthesis in noncastrate patients.26 We conducted a phase I study to
`define the safety, tolerability, and recommended phase II dose of
`abiraterone acetate when administered once daily to castrate men
`with CRPC.
`This was a single-center study conducted at the Royal Marsden Hospital
`(RMH), United Kingdom. Castrate patients who had an Eastern Cooperative
`Oncology Group performance status of 0 to 1, a histologic diagnosis of prostate
`© 2008 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
`Downloaded from on July 25, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
`Copyright © 2008 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.


`Phase I Trial of Abiraterone Acetate
`Table 1. Patient Characteristics
`PSA Doubling
`Time Prior to
`Study Entry
`Months Days
`Disease on
`Baseline CT
`of Bone
`Bone Scan
`ERG Gene
`of PSA
`Score at
`4 ⫹ 5
`4 ⫹ 5
`3 ⫹ 4
`3 ⫹ 3
`4 ⫹ 4
`4 ⫹ 5
`4 ⫹ 4
`4 ⫹ 4
`3 ⫹ 3
`3 ⫹ 4
`3 ⫹ 4
`3 ⫹ 3
`4 ⫹ 5
`3 ⫹ 4
`5 ⫹ 3
`5 ⫹ 4
`5 ⫹ 3
`3 ⫹ 5
`3 ⫹ 3
`Dex, DES
`Dex, DES,
`Dex, DES
`Dex, DES
`Dex, DES,
`Dex, DES,
`Dex, DES
`2 ⫹ Esplit¶
`⬍ 2
`ⱖ 90
`ⱖ 90
`ⱖ 75
`ⱖ 90
`ⱖ 90
`ⱖ 90
`ⱖ 50
`ⱖ 90
`ⱖ 75
`No (ⱖ 30)
`ⱖ 50
`ⱖ 75
`ⱖ 50储
`No (ⱖ 30)储
`Abbreviations: PSA, prostate-specific antigen; CT, computed tomography; DHEA, dehydroepiandrostenedione; Dex, dexamethasone 0.5 mg daily; DES,
`diethylstilboestrol 1 mg/3 mg daily; HDACi, histone deacetylase inhibitor; pan-CDKi, pan– cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor; N/A, not assessable; N, normal,
`characterized by twinned red (3’-ERG) and green (5’-ERG) FISH signals; panERBi, pan-ERB inhibitor.
`ⴱAll patients were castrate, and all patients had previously progressed on an antiandrogen therapy.
`†Evaluation of decline ⱖ 50%; response of no indicates ⱖ 50% decline was not achieved, and ⱖ 30% decline is noted additionally.
`‡Experimental agents were administered in the context of a clinical trial.
`储A ⱖ 50% decline in PSA occurred on addition of dexamethasone 0.5 mg/day.
`¶ERG gene status confirmed on castration-resistant prostate cancer sample.
`§PSA and clinical responses continue.
`adenocarcinoma, and progressive disease as defined by Prostate-Specific
`Antigen Working Group (PSAWG) criteria27 were eligible. Patients were re-
`quired to have a minimum washout period of 4 weeks after the use of prostate
`cancer therapy, except gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, and 6 weeks
`after stopping antiandrogens. Patients who had previously received chemo-
`therapy or a radionuclide for their prostate cancer were excluded. Other
`eligibility criteria included normal serum potassium and adequate bone mar-
`row, renal, and hepatic function. Patients were excluded if they had brain
`metastases or spinal cord compression, active autoimmune disease that re-
`quired corticosteroid therapy, uncontrolled hypertension, a history of cardiac
`failure class III or IV, or a serious concurrent medical illness. The study was
`approved by the ethics review committees of the RMH, United Kingdom.
`Study Design
`This was an open-label, dose-escalation study. Capsules of abiraterone
`acetate powder 250 mg were administered once daily, continuously, in 28-day
`cycles, to fasted patients in three-patient cohorts that escalated through the
`preplanned doses of 250, 500, 750, 1,000 and 2,000 mg. Any drug-related grade
`3 or 4 toxicity (excluding nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea controlled by standard
`therapies) that occurred in the first cycle—except the anticipated toxicities
`that related to a syndrome of secondary mineralocorticoid excess, including
`hypertension, hypokalemia, and fluid overload—was considered a dose-
`limiting toxicity (DLT). Toxicity related to elevated mineralocorticoid levels
`was managed with a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist (eplerenone 50 to
`200 mg/d), and treatment of dexamethasone 0.5 mg daily to suppress ACTH
`was only utilized if mineralocorticoid antagonism did not reverse these toxic-
`ities. Spironolactone was not utilized, as it has been reported to bind and
`activate the AR.28 Cohort expansion to six patients was required if one DLT
`was reported. Dose escalation would stop if two DLTs were observed, and the
`preceding cohort would be expanded to six patients. In the absence of any
`DLT, a total of nine patients would be treated to complete food-effect phar-
`macokinetic (PK) studies.
`This study also was prospectively designed to allow the addition of
`dexamethasone (0.5 mg daily) to abiraterone acetate in all patients at disease
`progression to test the hypothesis that resistance could be reversed by sup-
`pressing ACTH and by decreasing upstream androgenic steroids that could
`activate a mutated, promiscuous AR.29,30 We also hypothesized that harboring
`the androgen-dependent TMPRSS2-ERG fusion gene31,32 could indicate de-
`pendence on AR signaling and could define a tumor subgroup with a higher
`response rate to abiraterone acetate.
`Safety evaluations were conducted at baseline, weekly for the first two
`cycles, and at every cycle thereafter. All patients had a physical examination;
`complete blood count; clotting, serum creatinine, electrolyte, and liver func-
`tion tests. An ACTH stimulation test also was performed at baseline. All
`© 2008 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
`Downloaded from on July 25, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
`Copyright © 2008 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.


`Attard et al
`adverse events were graded according to the US National Cancer Institute
`common toxicity criteria, version 3.0.
`For the PK analyses of patients who were treated at 250 mg, 500 mg, and
`750 mg, a single dose of abiraterone acetate initially was administered 7 days
`before continuous dosing and after an overnight fast. Venipuncture was car-
`ried out for PK measurements at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 24, 48, and 72 hours postdose; on
`days 1, 8, and 15 of cycle 1; and on day 1 of the second and third cycles. Patients
`in the 1,000-mg and 2,000-mg cohorts were randomly assigned to receive two
`single doses of abiraterone acetate (one with high-fat content food, the other
`after an overnight fast) administered 5 days apart on days ⫺7 and ⫺3 before
`continuous dosing. PK analyses after both doses were done at the same
`time points as the lower-dose cohorts. Abiraterone levels were measured by
`liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, using a previously
`published method.33
`Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was measured at baseline and at the end
`of every cycle. High-resolution computed tomography (CT) scans and bone
`scans were performed on all patients at baseline and every 3 months. Serum
`was collected for the measurement of ACTH, cortisol, deoxycorticosterone
`(DOC), aldosterone, corticosterone, and testosterone at baseline, weekly for
`the first two cycles, and at every cycle thereafter; serum also was collected at
`baseline and at every cycle to measure androstenedione, dehydroepiandro-
`stenedione (DHEA), DHEA sulfate (DHEA-S), and estradiol. Testosterone
`was measured with a supersensitive assay that utilized liquid chromatography
`tandem mass spectrometry (Quest Diagnostics, Lyndhurst, NJ). DHEA-S,
`aldosterone, corticosterone, and DOC were measured by Quest Diagnostics,
`and ACTH, DHEA, androstenedione and estradiol, were measured by the
`RMH Academic Biochemistry Laboratories (London, United Kingdom). Flu-
`orescent in situ hybridization (FISH) that used an ERG break-apart assay34 was
`performed on sections cut from archival tumor tissue, and castration-resistant
`tumors were biopsied for research purposes before or after starting abi-
`raterone acetate.
`Data Analyses
`PK was analyzed using a noncompartmental model with WINNonlin
`Software (Model 200; Scientific Consultant, Apex, NC). The food effects were
`assessed by a bioequivalence crossover model. Rates of PSA decline confirmed
`by a second reading were reported as recommended by PSAWG criteria on an
`intention-to-treat basis. CT scans were reported as the best result by Response
`Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST)35 at least 3 months after the
`start of treatment. For ERG gene status, tumors were classified into one of five
`groups on the basis of the observed FISH patterns, described previously34
`(Appendix Table A1).
`Patient Characteristics
`Twenty-one patients (median age, 69 years; range, 52 to 85 years)
`were recruited on to this study between December 13, 2005 and
`February 22, 2007. All patients were resistant to castration and antian-
`drogens. Ten (48%) of 21 patients had previously progressed on
`treatment with continuous steroids; nine (43%) of the 21 had previ-
`ously progressed on diethylstilboestrol; and seven (33%) of these 21
`patients had progressed on treatment with both (Table 1). The median
`baseline PSA was 46 ng/mL (range, 8.8 to 354 ng/mL). At baseline, 17
`(81%) of 21 patients had bone metastasis, and eight (38%) of 21
`patients had soft tissue disease (Table 1). Five patients remain on study
`and have an ongoing clinical response to abiraterone acetate alone;
`seven patients remain on the combination of dexamethasone and
`abiraterone acetate.
`Safety and Tolerability
`Dose escalation to the maximum preplanned daily dose of 2,000
`mg was achieved. There were no treatment-related grade 3 or 4 toxic-
`ities in this study. A plateau of endocrine effects was reported at doses
`greater than 750 mg, and 1,000 mg was selected as the dose for phase II
`evaluation. An additional six patients were treated at 1,000 mg to
`complete PK/pharmacodynamic (PD) studies. Hypertension, hypo-
`kalemia, and lower-limb edema were observed in six, 10, and one
`patient, respectively. These side effects were controlled with
`eplerenone. The incidence of hypertension (one of three for 250, 500,
`750, and 1,000 mg, and two of nine for 1,000 mg doses) appears similar
`across all doses (Table 2).
`One patient in the 1,000-mg cohort who had a history of mi-
`graines developed daily grade 2 migrainous headaches after 8 weeks of
`treatment, which necessitated interruption of treatment. Physical ex-
`amination and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain found no
`abnormalities. Serial serum potassium levels were less than 3 mmol/
`dL, which were in keeping with a syndrome of secondary mineralo-
`corticoid excess. Dexamethasone 0.5 mg daily was initiated to
`Table 2. Most Common Adverse Events of Abiraterone Acetate by Dose
`Event Grade per Dose
`Adverse Event
`Peripheral edema
`Dyspnea/wheeze (exacerbation of baseline asthma)
`Hot flushes
`Testicular atrophy
`ALT/AST increased
`Skin rash
`250 mg
`(n ⫽ 3)
`1 to 2
`500 mg
`(n ⫽ 3)
`1 to 2
`750 mg
`(n ⫽ 3)
`1 to 2
`1,000 mg
`(n⫽ 9)
`1 to 2
`2,000 mg
`(n ⫽ 3)
`1 to 2
`© 2008 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
`Downloaded from on July 25, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
`Copyright © 2008 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.


`Phase I Trial of Abiraterone Acetate
`suppress ACTH, and the patient’s headaches resolved, which allowed
`the recommencement of abiraterone acetate in combination with
`dexamethasone. The cause of headache in this patient remains un-
`known, but a causal relationship with abiraterone acetate could not be
`excluded. Another patient treated at 1,000 mg who had a history of
`asthma that was controlled on inhaled ␤2 agonists developed an acute
`exacerbation of asthma that was associated with a decline in peak
`expiratory flow rate (PEFR), hypereosinophilia, an increase in inflam-
`matory markers, and a seven-fold increase in PSA 7 weeks after start-
`ing abiraterone acetate. High doses of steroids were initiated. After
`control of the patient’s symptoms, PEFR and eosinopilia normalized,
`and the PSA returned to the pre-exacerbation level. Subsequently, he
`was maintained on a combination of abiraterone acetate and dexa-
`methasone 0.5 mg daily for 22 weeks with no recurrent increase
`in PSA.
`No other adverse effects that required intervention were re-
`ported in this study. Grade 2 fatigue and anorexia were both
`reported in two patients, and three patients complained of grade 1
`hot flushes. A grade 1 increase in liver transaminases was reported
`in one patient; this abnormality resolved without treatment inter-
`ruption (Table 2).
`Plasma PK
`Plasma was collected from all 21 patients for PK analysis. Mean
`apparent clearance values ranged from 494.3 to 1,347.2 L/h. The area
`under the concentration-time curve (AUC) and maximum concen-
`tration (Cmax) increased with dose but not proportionally (r2 ⫽ 0.186
`and 0.049, respectively; Figs 2A and 2B). Up to five-fold differences
`were observed in AUC and Cmax within the 250-mg and 500-mg
`cohorts, and 2.5-fold variations were observed at 750-mg and
`2,000-mg cohorts. In the 1,000-mg cohort, the variation reached nine-
`fold. The terminal half-life was relatively consistent (mean, 10.3 hours;
`Fig 2C). When administered with food that had high-fat content, drug
`exposure was significantly increased (by 4.4-fold) compared with fast-
`ing administration (P ⫽ .049; Fig 2D). The variability between fed
`patients was comparable to that observed between fasted patients.
`There was no significant increase in Cmax, but absorption was signifi-
`cantly extended after food.
`PD: Endocrine Studies
`Circulating testosterone levels were in the castrate range (me-
`dian, 7 ng/dL; range, ⬍ 1 to 34) at baseline in all patients, and they
`rapidly became undetectable (⬍ 1 ng/dL) within 8 days at all doses
`R2 = 0.053
`Cmax (nmol/L)
`R2 = 0.203
`1,000 1,250 1,500 1,750 2,000
`Dose (mg)
`1,000 1,250 1,500 1,750 2,000
`Dose (mg)
`After fasting
`After high-fat meal
`Time (hours)
`Plasma Concentration (nmol/L)
`1,000 1,250 1,500 1,750 2,000
`Dose (mg)
`Area Under the Curve (hr*nmol/L)
`Apparent Plasma Clearance (CL/F)
`Fig 2. Pharmacokinetics of abiraterone acetate. (A) Area under the concentration-time curve versus dose in fasted patients; (B) maximum concentration (Cmax) versus
`dose in fasted patients; (C) apparent plasma clearance (CL/F) in fasted patients at all doses; (D) plasma concentration versus time profile in a patient treated with
`abiraterone acetate 1,000 mg who fasted and received abiraterone acetate after a high-fat meal.
`© 2008 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
`Downloaded from on July 25, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
`Copyright © 2008 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.


`Time After Treatment (days)
`Concentration (ng/dL)
`Concentration (ng/dL)
`Attard et al
`Time After Treatment (days)
`Time After Treatment (days)
`1,000 2,000
`Dose (mg)
`DHEA Concentration
`Concentration (ng/dL)log 10
`Time After Treatment (days)
`Concentration (ng/dL)
`Concentration (ng/dL)log 10
`Time After Treatment (days)
`Fig 3. Pharmacodynamic end points. Treatment with abiraterone acetate results in significant suppression of testosterone, dehydroepiandrostenedione (DHEA), and
`androstenedione. Median levels (error bars represent interquartile ranges) for serum levels of (A) testosterone, (B) androstenedione, and (C) DHEA at baseline and for
`the first 142 days of treatment. Abiraterone was found to cross-react with the DHEA assay used, which may explain the detectable levels of DHEA on abiraterone
`acetate. At every time point on treatment, levels of testosterone and androstenedione in all patients are less than the lower limit of sensitivity of the assay used. Median
`levels (log10 values on y-axis; error bars represent interquartile ranges) for serum levels of (D) corticosterone and (E) deoxycorticosterone at baseline and for the first
`142 days of treatment. Mean values (error bars represent 1SD) of (F) corticosterone at day 28 for every dose level (three patients who received 250 mg; two patients,
`500 mg; three patients, 750 mg; six patients, 1,000 mg; and three patients, 2,000 mg).
`tested (Fig 3A). The median value of DHEA at baseline was 282.4
`ng/dL (range, 66 to 1,299 ng/dL), at day 28 was 83.6 ng/dL (range, 60.5
`to 174.6 ng/dL), and at day 56 was 79.2 ng/dL (range, 40.3 to 103.7
`ng/dL; Fig 3B). The median baseline value for androstenedione was
`33.5 ng/dL (range, ⬍ 2 to 124.6 ng/dL); androstenedione was sup-
`pressed to less than 2 ng/dL at day 28 in all patients (Fig 3C; Table 1).
`The median baseline value of DHEA-S was 39 ␮g/dL (range, ⬍ 15 to
`117 ␮g/dL), and nine of 21 patients had undetectable DHEA-S at
`baseline; all patients had undetectable DHEA-S (⬍ 15 ␮g/dL) at day
`28. There was no increase in testosterone, androstenedione, DHEA, or
`DHEA-S levels during treatment, including at PSA or radiologic pro-
`gression. Estradiol was suppressed to less than 80 pg/dL at day 28 in all
`patients (median at baseline, 196 pg/dL; range, 117 to 548 pg/dL).
`At all dose levels, treatment was associated with an up to six-fold
`increase in ACTH levels and increased steroid precursor levels up-
`stream of CYP17, including a median 10-fold (range, four-fold to
`50-fold) increase in DOC and a median 40-fold (range, 10-fold to
`95-fold) increase in corticosterone (Fig 1B). The median corticoste-
`rone level at baseline was 133 ng/dL (range, 31 to 468 ng/dL) and at day
`86 was 6,514 ng/dL (range, 1,390 to 17,921 ng/dL; Fig 3D). The
`median DOC level at baseline was 6.5 ng/dL (range, 2 to 64 ng/dL) and
`at day 86 was 68.5 ng/dL (range, 15 to 176 ng/dL; Fig 3E). The increases
`in corticosterone and DOC increased with dose escalation from 250
`mg to 750 mg before they reached a plateau,and no significant differ-
`ence in levels was observed between patients treated at 750 mg to 2,000
`mg (Fig 3F). Administration of dexamethasone to patients who re-
`ceived abiraterone acetate resulted in suppression of ACTH and a
`decrease in upstream steroids to less than baseline levels (Fig 1C).
`Antitumor Activity
`Greater than 50% declines in PSA confirmed after 1 month
`that lasted for more than 3 months from the start of treatment were
`observed in 12 (57%) of 21 patients with CRPC. Fourteen (66%) of
`21, nine (42%) of 21, and six (29%) of 21 patients had ⱖ 30%,
`ⱖ 75%, and ⱖ 90% declines in PSA, respectively, which were
`confirmed after 1 month and which lasted for more than 3 months
`from the start of study (lasted between 69 and ⱖ 578 days, and
`censured on September 14, 2007; Table 1). Five (62%) of eight
`patients with measurable disease at baseline had confirmed partial
`responses by RECIST. Radiologic regression of pelvic and para-
`aortic lymphadenopathy was observed in three patients, and re-
`gression of soft-tissue metastasis in the pelvis,
`lungs, and
`mediastinum was observed in two patients (Fig 4). Resolving bone
`disease was observed on CT and bone scan in two patients (Fig 4).
`Eleven patients had pain that required analgesics at baseline, and
`eight of 11 had symptom improvement that allowed a reduction in
`dose or cessation of analgesic use. Seven patients had an increased
`lactate dehydrogenase at baseline that decreased to less than the
`upper limit of normal in five of seven patients.
`Reversal of Resistance
`The addition of dexamethasone 0.5 mg/d resulted in successful
`salvage in four of 15 patients who had progressed by PSAWG criteria
`© 2008 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
`Downloaded from on July 25, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
`Copyright © 2008 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.


`Phase I Trial of Abiraterone Acetate
`Fig 4. Antitumor activity. Patient 2 had a
`vertebral metastasis in T10 on baseline
`computed tomography (CT) scan (A1) that
`was superseded by bone remodeling on
`repeat CT scan 6 months after starting
`abiraterone acetate (A2). These radiologic
`changes were supported by a prostate-
`specific antigen (PSA) decline from 75 to
`5.5 ng/mL, a decrease in alkaline phospha-
`tase (ALP) levels from 357 to 112 U/L, a
`decrease in circulating tumor cell count
`from 12 to one, and complete resolution
`of back pain. This patient’s prostate-
`specific antigen response lasted 206 days.
`Fluorescent in situ hybridization on this
`patient’s archival transrectal biopsy of the
`prostate cores identified a tumor with a
`class Edel ERG rearrangement. (A3) Can-
`cer nuclei with loss of 5⬘-ERG; repre-
`sented in inset. Patient 8 had a decline in
`PSA from 36.8 to 0.98 ng/mL, a partial
`response by Response Evaluation Criteria
`in Solid Tumors (RECIST), and a reduction
`in the size of pelvic and mediastinal lymph
`nodes and lung metastases; panel 2 dem-
`onstrates an anterior lung metastasis that
`measured 13.9 mm at baseline (B1) and
`was reduced in size to 6.2 mm after 6
`months of treatment (B2). This patient’s
`PSA response continued after greater
`than 465 days. Patient 5 had a reduction in
`the intensity of bone metastasis in the
`right sixth rib and L2 vertebra on bone
`scan compared with baseline after 6
`months of treatment (C2) compared with
`baseline (C1). These radiologic changes
`were supported by a decline in PSA from
`76 to 0.53 ng/mL, of ALP from 262 to 77
`U/L, and resolution of pain. Patient 5 pro-
`gressed by PSA working group criteria after
`427 days. Patient 11 had a decline in PSA
`from 34.3 to 0.21 ng/mL and a partial re-
`sponse by RECIST with resolution of pelvic
`lymphadenopathy, which measured 20 mm
`on baseline CT scan (D1) and 4 mm on CT
`scan after 4 months (D2). This response has
`continued after greater than 406 days.
`on abiraterone acetate alone (PSA decrements by 36% [patient 10],
`ⱖ 99% [patient 14], 68% [patient 19], and 73% [patient 21] that lasted
`ⱖ 349, ⱖ 265, ⱖ 49, and ⱖ 81 days, respectively; all four patients have
`an ongoing response). Two of these four patients previously had
`progressive disease on the same dose and schedule of single-agent
`dexamethasone (Appendix Fig A1).
`ERG Gene Status
`Tumor tissue was available from 18 of 21 patients and included
`matched hormone-sensitive and castration-resistant samples (four
`prostates, one liver metastasis, one para-ureteric tumor) collected
`from six patients. Six patients had an ERG rearrangement (Table 1).
`Five (83%) of six patients with an ERG rearrangement had a ⱖ 50%
`decline in PSA (which included patient 21, who had an initial, short-
`lived ⱖ 30% decline in PSA on abiraterone alone but a ⱖ 50% decline
`in PSA after the addition of low-dose dexamethasone to abiraterone).
`The patien

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