`Kasper Braunwald

`16th Edition

`16th Edition
`William Ellery Channing Professor of Medicine.
`Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics,
`Harvard Medical School; Dircctor.Chz1nning
`Laboratory. Department of Mediciiic. Brigham and
`Women's Hospital. Boston
`Chiizf. Laboratory of lmmunoregulation; Director,
`National Institute of Allergy and lnfeclious Diseases.
`National lnsliliues of Hcalili, Bethesda
`Scieniilic Director, National liistitule on Aging,
`National lnstilutcs of l-lealih.
`Bethesda and Baltimore
`Distinguished Hersey Professor of Medicine.
`Harvard Medical School: Chairman. TIMI Study Group.
`Brigham and Women's Hospital. Boston
`Robert A. Fislirnan Distinguished Professor and Chairman.
`Deparlrnent of Neurology,
`University of California San Francisco. San Francisco
`Irving S. Cutter Professor and Chaimian.
`Department of Medicine.
`Norihwesiem University Feinberg School of Medicine;
`Physician-in—C|1ief, Nonhwestern
`Mizmorial Hospital. Cliicz-lgo
`New York
`Mexico City
`New Delhi
`San Francisco
`San Juan

`The McGraw-Hill Companies
`Note: Dr. Fauci’5 and Dr. Longo‘s works as editors and authors were performed outside
`the scope of their employrnent as U.S. government employees. These works represent their
`personal and professional views and not necessarily those of the US. govemment.
`Sixteenth Edition
`Copyright © 20tl5.20[11. 1998. 1994. 1991. 1987'. 1983. 1980. 197?. 1974. 19'i‘0. 1966. 1962. 1958 by The
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Harrison's principles of internal medicine—l6th ct].i'editors. Dennis L. Kasper .
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN tJ—t)'i—139l40—1 (set)—lSBN D-111139141-Xt_v. 1_t—ISBN 0-07-139142-8 (v. I1)#lSB1'\Jt1«()7—
`14023571’ (combo)
`p. cm.
`[et 31.].
`I. Inteinal medicine. I, Title: Principles ofinlernal medicine. It. I-Casper. Dennis L. III. I-Iarrison,
`Tinsley Randolph. 1900- Principles of internal medicine.
`[DNLM: 1. Internal Medicine. WB 115 H322 2005]
`RC4o.H333 2005
`2[l()-404493 1

`Part One
`.iNTRflDUCl'iflH T0 ELINIEAI Mffliflflf
`The Practice of Medicine
`The Edirors
`Decision-Making in Clinical Medicine
`Drmici H. .-lrf0r.i(
`Principles of Clinical Pharmacology
`Dan M. Rotten
`Screening and Prevention of Disease
`Gor'_y..-’. Mmurin
`Women's Health
`.-‘miner: flrrnog‘
`Medical Disorders During Pregnancy
`Robert L. Ba:-!;u'e:'r' I Joim T. Repke
`Medical Evaluation of the Surgical Patient
`Gerald W. Smemum
`Geriatric Medicine
`.\'er'l M.'r‘.l' I Dm-fr! Dom
`Palliative and End-of-Life Care
`EIFJKFEF J. E.-imrmei r' Liriciu L. Ermtmuzi
`Complementary and Alternative Medicine
`Smpiieri E. Swain-
`Part Two
`Pain: Pathophysiology and Management
`Ht:m'm'r." L. F:'(‘i':i.l‘ .-’ ,.’o5('_::Iir B. Mr.=i'tiH
`Chest Discomfort and Palpitations
`T.vlitJHl'(l.E‘ H. Lee
`Abdominal Pain
`ll‘:'tliarm Sifen
`Neil H. Rns.t'm
`Back and Neck Pain
`Joli}: F". Engsrrom
`SI-i<"I‘m'< 2
`.-\1.‘l‘1«'.R.-\'rtu.\:-; Ix Hum‘ 'l'§-;.\IH«;i<.x'I'l. kl-;
`Fever and I-Iyperthermia
`Charles 2!. Dninreiin I J'.r_;j’re_\' xi. fieifiiiid
`Fever and Rash
`Ehiirré T. K£.r_\'u:I T .K'i.'n:r¢‘nlI M. Ku_\'.r_’
`Fever of Unknown Origin
`.f9fii‘£‘_\' A. Geiffirrizf E rl-f:'r'imer' 1-". Cm’.I'(.rh(in
`Hypothermia and Frostbite
`Daniel F. Danzi
`I tlJ'\ 3
`.\‘l-;Iu-oi 5 S\'>4I'I-;\i Ilysi-‘L .\r"rm_\'
`Syncope. Faintness, Dizziness, and Vertigo
`R01l‘H.’J‘:f B. Dom-,1j"a’ M'z:.r.l‘ D. Carlmii
`Weakness, Disorders of Movement. and Imbalance
`Rirsfrnmt K. Oim’_\'
`Numbness, Tingling, and Sensory Loss
`A:-mm K. Asbnry
`Aphasia, Memory Loss. and Other Focal Cerebral
`M.—Mm'sei Mesiiiriin
`Sleep Disorders
`Circmles F1. C'::*r',\'l(*r #' Jolrri W. H-'t'n.{‘t>irJ::'r.=i I
`Gm',\' S. Rir'iicr:'dsor:
`SI-'.("'I'lt}!\‘ -I
`1)].-.nItI)I«;it.s til-' lit I-.5. E \R.‘-6, I'\'U.‘il'1...\\lI'I‘I||{{I.-\I
`Disorders of Ihe Eye
`J(:m'm'n:m C’. .'.’(.-rim:
`Disorders of Smell, Taste, and Hearing
`.=l.m'F K. .Lm’ii‘¢'i:rl I .i'::trm'.i B. Smiir. Jr.
`Infections ofthe Upper Respiratory Tract
`ll-iirirnef A. Rubr'rH Roflrnii Go:r:ril‘(‘.s' I Mt-He A. Suiicie
`Oral Manifestations of Disease
`Smiiiwi C. Dmzm
`.'-ii‘-:("I'In\ S
`-\|.'['I~'.R.-\'I'l()l\.\' IN l_'.IRl"L‘l.r\'l'UR\'
`RIC?-FI’lI{.-\'IT'tR\’ Fl'.VC'['I{)."\'S
`Dyspriea and Pulmonary Edema
`Ro.~’m:nt H. ingmni. .:'i'. I £-.‘ii__L:Ic=;ic Brnrmi.u':'iiri
`Cough and Hemoptysis
`SN.-‘\'.{=u E ii’:-'i.=Ibci‘_1;eJ"
`Hypoxia and Cyanosis
`Eiigc-iii’ Bmmiii riizi
`.’?H_2r*.ru* .’3:':.'I.-.-iii‘:-"M
`F-I4{"I'!t1N 6
`.-\[.'l'l-T|{.-\'l'l(l.\'H l;\ ti.-xsriun>4'i'i-:s'riN,xi. I-‘1'.‘s'i"'rIoN
`Raj Ix". Go_\'ni
`Nausea, Vomiting, and Indigestion
`E-l-‘imam L. Hn.\'irr
`Diarrhea and Constipation
`[Jrn‘in’ zl. rl.Ii.iqir:.s'! .9’ I|rfr'('1r.m'i Cumliierv
`Weight Loss
`C'i.I‘r.3i' M. Rt'l_',I'iL’
`Gastrointestinal Bleeding
`Loren Laim’
`.4-1'. Krzpfair
`Dame! 3. Pratt :' .'l'.fm'stmit'
`Abdominal Swelling and Ascites
`RtJtl‘:':’i'.l M. Gtrtkrritiii
`SI«'.("1'mV 7
`.-\I.'|'l-IR.-\'I'1tJN.\4 ix R1=:.\..=u. ,\\Ia l—Ri\,\R\-' ‘I'n.\:"'1'
`Ft '\t_I'|'lt}\.
`Azotemia and Urinary Abnormalities
`.’J.-'d'.rHt’_\' M. Demter I .-E>’rm'y M. Bi'(’iH‘I("l'
`Fluid and Electrolyte Disturbances
`Cory,‘ U. .S':'rigw' J Bm'i‘_\' M‘. b'.I'mm’i'
`Acidosis and Alkalosis
`Thom-as D. Du."?u.t'.~. Jr.
`51'] :‘rm.\' 8
`:\|.IJ£.R-\'llU_\S l.'\ SI-;xi M. Fl.'.\.'{‘lIl.}\ .\.\n
`Sexual Dysfunction
`K('n':'n T. Mt'lr"m‘_\'

`Hirsutisrn and Virilization
`Dcit-ta‘ .-“i
`Infertility and Fertility Control
`Juliet E. Hail
`SI-Z{"!‘]t)N ‘J
`AI.'t't'.n.\‘t'mx.~; LN‘ ‘rm-'. 3-nus
`Approach to the Patient with a Skin Disorder
`Thomas J. Lou-te_\'
`.’ Kinr B.
`Eczema, Psoriasis, Cutaneous Infections. Acne. and
`Other Common Skin Disorders
`C‘oJ'i=in 0. Mrfott‘ I i"iminn.s'.I Ltnrttn
`Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease
`.t'eon L. Boir:_t'gm'u' 1' h‘n'ttt M.
`Immunologic-ally Mediated Skin Diseases
`Kim B. }'am_‘e_\- .-’ Thmmt.\‘ J. Lu‘!-t'.it‘_t'
`Cutaneous Drug Reactions
`Dim";-r M.':ton' .' Robert S. Stern W Bruce U.
`Photosensitirity and Other Reactions to Light
`Dr.-virf R, BiL'il':'r.t'
`S1-:v.."r1o.\. Ill
`lir;.\1.\'r:)I.o(:1c i\1.'t'I=.n.-n‘tu.\.~.'
`Anemia and Polycythemia
`.lm'm ll-". Attomson F Don L. I .£1l't_t’ti
`Bleeding and Thrombosis
`Ruin-:'t i. Hortrfin
`Enlargement of Lymph Nodes and Spleen
`Patrt'ci‘c H. Hcm'_\-‘I Dim L, Loirgo
`Disorders of Grannlocytes and Monocytes
`§t(’t‘L’H M. Huiirtird t’ Join: I. Gctifirr
`Part Three
`Principles of Human Genetics
`J. i'.nrr_\' .i'rnne.s'nn 2' P:-rer Kopp
`Chromosome Disorders
`Terry Hu.\'_~‘oin'
`." Strum .S'cftn'in't:
`The Practice of Genetics in Clinical Medicine
`Sttsrm :1-ticsji-id: I J. Lorry Jariiirsori
`Stem Cell and Gene Transfer in Clinical Medicine
`Dario‘ Bnrhnr! I ..n'.
`i_rm‘_\= .i'atm‘.s'on 1‘ Run M4:'Kctj'
`Part Four
`Nutritional Requirements and Dietary Assessment
`..I'oi1't'm:tu .|Dw_\-‘er
`Vitamin and Trace Mineral Deficiency and Excess
`Robert M. Rm-_<c’ii'
`Malnutrition and Nutritional Assessment
`Cironies H. Holster!
`Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Therapy
`Lyn Howard
`.5 Eicffiiieriu :‘r4’rrn':tr:_-.--Fir'»:'r
`Jejj‘r‘L{\‘ 5. t"'Hc':'
`Eating Disorders
`.3. Tt'tnr.:.tit_r Wiiiflt
`Part Five
`St-:t."I'Iox I
`;\'t;nr1..—\s't':{‘ lnsnnm-'.ns
`Approach to the Patient with Cancer
`Don L. Lorigo
`Prevention and Early Detection of Cancer
`Otis W. Bt"un'.it'_\'
`i" Bm'm*tt S. Kramer
`Cancer Genetics
`For J. Man» i
`.tr.'fii'c_\' M.
`Ben l-"ogct.s‘m'i:
`Cancer Cell Biology and Angiogenesis
`Robert G. Ferrron Don L. Lriiigo
`'i''rc*nt : Fm.-rri.s' 3. CnHin.\- 3
`Principles of Cancer Treatment: Surgery.
`Chemotherapy. and Biologic Therapy
`.’?¢im.=i'o‘ xi. S'ou.t1‘t'Hc I i'):m L. Lortgo
`Principles of Radiation Therapy
`Stcpfrcrr M. Hahn
`t:'it' Ginr.\'irr'n
`Infections in Patients with Cancer
`i’tohw't I-‘:'nJ'm',e
`Cancer of the Skin
`Kim.-J-mo G t"itiHr';'
`e Cor.’ ii"n.\'iirncni:i I .:‘o'rinn-.t. 5r.>bt':'
`.Nr1n':tJ't.iK K.-uh
`Head and Neck Cancer
`E rerett E .
`Neoplasms of the Lung
`Johr: D. iii-i'i.-mt":
`Breast Cancer
`:lri'r.=rr E. Lippmmr
`"iastrointestinal Tract Cancer
`Rotter: J. .»‘viu_\'t-J-
`Tumors ot'thc Liver and Biliary Tract
`..I‘m’c.r .-'_._ Dir-irs-ta_~.:
`r" Kiri-(.1.
`Pancreatic Cancer
`l\‘uin'n‘ ..I'.
`Bladder and Renal Cell Carcinomas
`Hrnt'm'rt I. 5r‘itt'i‘ .’
`.rl'tJi.?r’t‘i J .
`I-Iypcrplastic and Malignant Diseases of the Prostate
`H-c:u'm‘rt i. .S'r'.itt't'
`Testicular Cancer
`i'?ohen ..-’. Mur:er .’ Gcur_ce ..’. Bras-i
`Gynecologic Malignancies
`Robert C. }’mm,s:
`Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcomas and Bone
`Shrc’_t'r.'skttnmr R. Pmet J‘ ."i’ui:-err S Ht’n_jmr:m
`Metastatic Cancer of Unknown Primary Site
`Ricirnrr! M. .S.'ouc’
`Paraneoplastic Syndromes: Endocrinologic I
`.t. LttJ't'_i‘.tittth‘t'.ItJtt I Brmce LT Jotinson
`Paraneoplastic Nenrologic Syndromes
`Ju.rc;: Doimrm -' M'Iw'.I:u R. Rrr.\‘cnft=i:i
`Oncologic Emergencies
`Rosin: Gumtp Jmti:‘r.* IJnir‘im-
`Late Consequences of Cancer and Its Treatment
`.-iti't':'Fruci C. P:*rr'_\' I Dan L.
`5}-'.t"t'lt‘JN 3
`HEM ~.'mvmt~‘.'t1(_‘ |)i_~;mtm:I.ts
`Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative
`John H".
`.iLh'm:rr.’ J. Brit:
`Megaloblaslic Ancmias
`Bci'm.=rri M. Bninor f H. .I'-rumttin Bmm
`Hcrnolytic Anemias and Acute Blood Loss
`H. i"'m:rkhu Bonn I Ii-i"-E’t'l':-|i('” itosw
`Aplastic Anemia. Myelodysplasia. and Related Bone
`Marrow Failure Syndromes
`Nero’ 5. }’rJmt_v:
`-56-'44 LN
`Polycythernia Vera and Other Myeloproliterative
`Jer.-‘_r L. .'S,:n'\'u't.-

`Acute and Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
`.-Writ‘ l‘Ir'}’.r:fr’:' .' ..’n.ini C. B_\'rc.I' I Citric: D. B.I’(Jrmtfir’l(l
`Malignancies of L_\r'Illpl‘ltJl(I Cells
`Jum(’.i O.
`.‘.l‘ml'|’t’l‘L';'(’ 2’ Dan 1..
`Plasma Cell Disorders
`Dan L. I.tm_4o Kemaeth C. zlilclwxmlr
`Transfusion Biology and Therapy
`..t.‘_,{f('t'_\’ 5. D:t'm":k:Jnt's'.i(l'
`2' K't'r1Ht’!.ir C .-lnrl£'l'wm
`Hcmatopoietic Cell Transplantation
`Frt'dt'J'n it’ it. ri.l'llt'.'rI't'lht."l'tJ'Jl'
`.‘-ilft "I'lt1\.' J
`IlI.\tit<1)l'.|:.‘~.' lair III-..\ltJ.\"l .\.~4I.<
`Disorders of the Platelet and Vessel Wall
`ltnhrr.r .-‘. !f.'rri.-tin
`Disorders of Coagulation and Thrombosis
`Antiplatelet, Anticoagulant. and Fibrinolytic
`Slriwr R. Dt'fl':‘.im'
`Part Six
`5|-‘.t"l'ItJN I
`ll \stt' (.‘cirxslm-2I<.\'I'Im.r-. I.\ I\IVI-'.t"l'ttll 5. lllsl-..-\.~4I-is
`Introduction to Infectious Diseases: I-Iost—PatIiogen
`lJe::m.\' L. Kusptu‘
`t'.un'r1'm‘e C.
`Molecular Mechamisms oI' Microbial Pathogenesis
`C('l't.'M B. Pl’-t.'l"
`Approach to the Acutely III Infected Febrile Patient
`Tomm‘ F. Bm‘i'rm: .’ Dwm:'.\' L k'u.1p:’r'
`Immunization Principles and Vaccine L‘se
`Gemltl T. KeH,m'i I Krmirrlr ..". Burr I Marl" a‘rl‘l'llt-:-
`Health Advice for International Travel
`J 5. l\’:*_v_-.‘mm'
`.r' !’.l_".
`HI-_l"I'|n_\ 3
`t.'I.l\'lt'.\l. 3-it-\|1Im.\tt-.s: t‘n.\-tut-~.|'I'\-'-.\t'<,>l uu-Ln
`Ix:-1-;c -'1 l:}.‘\h
`Infective Endocartlilis
`.-‘ldo.i,(' ll’. Kt.'r¢‘l'mtt’r
`Infections of the Skin. Muscle. and Soft Tissues
`Dewar} L. S:it‘l'¢".|'l'.\'
`.ft13fii't'_\' Pt'Jl'.\'r.illllt."I .' .Imne.\' H. .-laftrerrire
`Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses
`Dcm::'.r L. It"u.t',r.rrr .’ Dori F. Zcrft-::::'l;
`Acute Infectious Diarrlieal Diseases and Bacteria!
`Food Poisoning
`Jutm R. B:rl'tc'r'twl 3 Sta-'pIrL'H H. Cu.irlt*i'ii'r:rn'l
`Closrritlittn: d.ffl‘icile-Associated Disease. Including
`Pseudornemhranous Colitis
`Duh’ N. Gt-‘:’dfr.'_:,r .-‘
`Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Overview and
`Clinical Approach
`Ki.-r_'.{ K. Hulrmw
`Site: "I ION 5
`('l.t\'lt'\I. Hi: \I>It¢a.\ll~I.k': Nt!Nl)t dJ\lI..\l. l\I-3-it "I It:\.--.
`Hospital-Acquired Infections
`Roller: rI.
`Infections in Transplant Recipients
`.’i’r.Jbt-'r't Fll‘i:IJt.‘l'_1f .-' ft}/\'t't‘ Fl".u‘,t;‘t’i‘r:tl:
`Hi-.r "l'ltI\ 4
`.\I't'tm.\t ‘II ‘In '|'nu.z<.-\I*\
`lht"I'1-.'t»-.I.\I. |)l.\l:.-\hI-..H
`Treatment and Propltylaxis of Bacterial Infections
`Ciurzlml L. rIa'('tl('r -" R:-Jrrllrl E. PLIM
`."il~'.t‘ I‘m.\ 5
`Inst-;..\sI-zs t.‘ \t st-:1; In‘ t§R«\\-l~Pt)‘-il'I'l\'I-I ItM"I'I«'.tu.-\
`Pneumococcal Infections
`l)um'el M.
`Staphylococcal Infections
`F'mm’.'l:'n D. Lmr_\'
`Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections
`.Jl—l'r'ctmcl R .
`Diphtheria and Other Ctll"_‘¢'n(-!I'I3ClEl‘i:ll Infections
`R('Ur:.I:tt'I’ K. Ht.'l’lllt‘.\
`Infections Caused by Listeria morrricytogeucs
`;'u:m' St-lim'.l:u; I C!rn‘n- I-". Brrwme
`Elirrs .*l.tnm_i'n
`.E't:'n.\ .4 hmnu
`Gas Gangrene and Other Clostridial Infections
`Den.-rib‘ L. .’t’:rspcr I Ltl'l1’l'£‘l'l't"£’ C. Mrrttnfi
`lltsl-;.\.si‘:.s t’.-it":-at-:Ii In" I}R.\!\I-N|Cti.\'i'l\'l-L ltM"I'1«tttt..\
`Meningococcal Infections
`Dm'm’S. 5.r.«'_olmr.s'
`t" Rahal‘! S. Mm1'_,fi:rzl'
`Gonococcal Infections
`5nnj:.:_\' Ram Pc>r:=r .13.. Rm’
`Moraxetlo cnrarrhatis and Other Moraxclla Species
`Dowel’ M. Mamet‘
`J" Lee M. l'r"ct:I"£*r
`Hoerttopftfltts I ntect ions
`I'r'mnt!J'_\' F. Mu.-',rrir_\'
`Infections Due to HACEK Group and
`Miscellaneous Gram-Negative Bacteria
`Dcmuflu L. Kn.-.';1r.'l
`.-’ Ttlmnr F. Brrrtrun
`l'_cgt'mtcHo Irtleclitm
`l7t'li;:-I'M‘ I'."."u'.*r:.:_.,'
`.t' I-’l'('tm' L To
`Pertussis and Other Bordetella Infections
`S't‘o!.f .-1.
`Diseases Caused by tfirant-Negative Enteric Bacilli
`T.IIirrHltl_$ .»'l. Rlmirs
`Helfcobncter pylori Infections
`Jtnfm C. /£*:'l.r.m .-‘M’-:'r:'!m J, Sld.s'c.r'
`Infections Due to Pseudomomts Species and Related
`Cn':r‘i5tn,r_1ll¢’.-‘ ,-l. Out 2' Mm‘rhctt'
`Ctmmne F. .’_e_<.s'er »" Samuel‘ J. Miller
`t'_Ferolrl "I". Ke::.n'l'i Demuls .1. Kupetxto
`Infections Due to Campytatmcrer and Related
`Mo:'r:'n .t. Bt'ri.vw-
`Cholera and Other Vihrioses
`-lrllarrlrmr K. H'm’dur r’ Genital T. Keusrh
`.l-lt'(*llr:t'l' J. Coral’! J l\."ft'lmlm' J’. 8t*e:.'l::'ng
`l?tt'hm'c.r' F. .!t:t'nl'n'
`Plague and Other I’erst'n£a Infections
`Do:-r'rl I‘. Dt*rrm's t" Grmtt L. Ctrrltpliell
`Bnrtonello Infections, Including Cat-Scratch Disease
`.l_m'_t' Stmttt Tu:.u;Jkt'r:.\'
`Colin Hurt
`I II t'\ T
`Ml.“'|'1l.I..\M'LtIt't-i Ii.-\t"l'I".I{I.-\l. I.\'I"l‘2('I'ItJN.‘i
`Grelem'_\' st. Fih't‘c
`,-1. RH.\'.s'rJ

`Infections Due to Mixed Anaerobic Organisms
`Demn'.v L. Ko.\‘per
`.*s‘I«:< "l‘It)\: 8
`Ah Halt.-u"1'I-'.nI.\1.
`Antimycohacterial Agents
`Rf:-lion.’ .3. I-1/rriioc-c. Jr. I flr.r1‘in' E. t’ir'.-flirt:
`i?.5ci'ia:‘ci' .u’. 0'B:‘ié‘rJ
`i'|-'fm‘:'n C.
`Leprosy [Hansen's Disease)
`i'v?oht'r.r H. Grima-
`Ncmtuherculous Mycobacteria
`C. Fp1'a:iJi:J.o: can .it’t*_\'n
`.H‘|~'.r":'InN U
`.S'.I':L'Ht.- A. ."_.Hkciir1H
`Endemic Treponernatoses
`S.i:r'r'ia' «-1. t’'r
`Peter Sprcior.-1::
`Relapsing Fever
`Dal-Id LI". Demrfis‘ f 1':'i.’n'm'.o’ B, H:'.*_\'e‘.\
`Lyme Borreliosis
`Alien (7. Siraere
`5i5("I‘In\' HI
`lltsl-1 xsiis (_'.\t "such in‘ RICA‘-l:'l"I‘SM. M rcor1.a.s'.w.
`.-\ .\.' I) (.'.ru.4MrD:A
`Rickettsial Diseases
`David H. 1i"m'A‘e:' I Diciaer it'uoin‘r i" J. Smp.-‘Jen .’):roH'er r
`T!n'.=.-Hu.\' J’. :'|Jm'rr'r’
`Infections Due to Mycoplasmas
`l-Viiiiatii M. .‘J:'Cm'.-:r:2r'k
`Chlamydia] Infections
`1-I-"m’.w E. Smrom:
`Rapiiriei Doifn
`I.\|-‘I-;r'i'm.\..~«' In I-. ‘:11 lll'.\[.\.\ I.\-l.\1l"~£Illll£l"l(.'II-LTVI'\"
`\-'n<1.~.' .\.\'n ()'rmA:n l-ll'\-|.—\.*~.' RFI] It{)\'IRl'H[-Z.‘-I
`The Human Retroviruses
`Dan L. Lorrgo I Aritiiony 5. Faun"
`Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease: AIDS and
`Related Disorders
`:lnr.'nm_1= 5.
`.F(.‘.ltC‘.i 2' H, CM]tJr'd Lum-
`S:«'.4_"I'In.\ I5
`'i'tJ RNA \'uu-an-;.-4
`Viral Gastroenterilis
`i'x'm('.\‘-‘I D. [’ur‘a.\har I’ R‘.-igcr i’. G'i’u.s'.i'
`Enteroviruses and Reoviruses
`..’cffrc_r I. Coiren
`Measles tRuheola)
`Aron‘ Gt-r.\'imn
`Rubella (German Measles]
`form! t3er3.l:on
`Mu mps
`z1}'l'H£’ Ger.rJ'm.'r
`Rabies Virus and Other Rhahdoviruses
`Corlifetur A. Hc.rm‘on Lam-en:-e Corejr
`Infections Caused by Arthropod- and Rodent-Borne
`Ciurm1't‘(' J. .""(Ji‘er‘s
`Ebola and Marburg Viruses
`Ciarc=m:e J. Pt'ter.s'
`$l.l"I'ltJ\ to
`F1 Vt}-\l. .-\\-n x\I,t;.-\l. IVI-‘lat "I'1nN.'-;
`Diagnosis and Treatment of Fungal Infections
`Juim E. Brmmr
`.io.’m E. Be:'um'!t
`Joint E. b'.<:nne-It
`SI-;i'r|n~. ll
`\'I||{)\[. lllH'I{.\k'I-Z.‘-4:
`l'.‘I-:\'I-Lniu t..'<axstln-;n.-\'I'|uxs
`Medical Virology
`F.r‘i’t." Wt.-n_:; 3' Eiiitrtf KiLf[,7'
`Antiviral Chemotherapy’, Excluding Antiretroviral
`1.:'nrl.n{r R. Baden I Rrrpirucf Dofin
`SI-'.<."I'It1\.' ll
`IN]-'I{L"l'l(J.\'.H' Du-; ‘ru l).‘N'A 'v'I|t.l=.'-il~'..*-'
`Herpes Simplex Viruses
`Lao 'rs.':n"e Core_\
`Varicella-Zoster Virus Infections
`Ririnn-d J.
`Epstein-Barr Virus Infections. Including Infectious
`..’£f[}‘i‘t’_\-‘ 1". C'oF:e’n
`Qvtomegulovirus and Human Herpesvirus
`Types 6, 7, and 8
`.'1a.’:'J:'mI S. ."i':'r.*.'r‘i'r
`Molluscum Contagiosum and Other Poxviruses.
`Excluding Smallpox Virus
`Fred Wmrg
`."\’cr'i R. Bi‘t:t'.(‘i‘rm-
`Human Papillomavirns Infections
`i'i’i':.‘h'm’(‘:’ C. l'?c’tt'r’Hnuii
`3'-ir';{"IlU.\ I3
`I~.'1- +.{“r'1r:.'~.s l'Jl'l-'. 'I't'1 mu‘.-\
`..\.~<'I.1 R.-NA Rt»:sI=rIe.-vmlu
`Colnmon Viral Respiratory infections and Severe
`Acute Respiratory Syndrome (BARS)
`Rap ham’ :')ot’m
`Jo.-‘m E. Bcmmt
`Join: E. Bemwrr
`.f-Jim E. Bemmr
`.l'oim E. Be.-mm
`Miscellaneous Mycoses and Algal Infections
`John E. B<~‘:rm’fl'
`Pnenmoc_}'st:'.s‘ Infection
`l’-‘war D. lifcifzci‘
`.‘a'i-.("lm.\' 17
`I’nn'I‘n;I,n-xi. .-\\‘n l‘ll-‘.l...\|I.\"l'll[(' l.\l-‘I-'.t"i'lt].\.‘a':
`(:1i\I~;I: u. (_.‘1>.NsIr:1«'n.-n‘t<rws
`Laboratory Diagnosis of Parasitic Infections
`Chm‘ic=s E. Davis
`Agents Used to Treat Infections Due to Parasites
`and Prietirriocystis
`Timmrrx A. Moore
`5il-'.("I'lUN IN
`l’ltt}l't)?.t).-\I. l.\l-'I".L"i‘|(JT\.‘~'
`Amebiasis and Infection with Free-Living Amebas
`.'iiao:-on L. Rem.’
`Malaria and Babesiosis: Diseases Caused by Red
`Blood Cell Parasites
`Nirlioltrs J. I-Write .-’ Joel U. Breman

`B.::rlJt:m L. Herwtmi:
`Lotrit V. Ki.=‘t'M1Qfi'
`Toxoptosmo Infection
`Lio_m‘ H. Kt:.qm'
`Protozoal Intestinal Infections and Tricliomoniasis
`i"t't<':' F. llH't'.’ic’i‘
`St-:: "rIn\' I9
`HI-'.I.\ll.‘.']'lllt“ |\'t~‘l-:tI'l'lU\'.H
`Tricitineua and Other Tissue Nematodes
`Peter F lr'r":"itt'r
`I ntesti nal Nematodes
`Pr.’-‘er F. Wrflrrt Thor.-m.t B. Nmmtm
`Filarial and Related Infections
`Ti:r)mm; B. Nimmm r’ Peter F. Writer"
`Schistosomiasis and Other Trematode Infections
`Adel A .I‘ . Molirrrood
`.-’t. Ciirttcirr ll’J'H'tt’. Jr. I Peter F. l’VeHc’r
`Part Seven
`8iili"EllRtJRi5M AND Ctlflifllt MEDlCllt'E
`Microbial Bioterrorism
`H. C'itfi'ont' Lime I Antir(m_\' 5. Form"
`Chemical Bioterrorism
`CJ‘rtIrlt:.s' G. H.-wsr t .lono!iIoo N:-u'mor.t I .fm.-my A. Rtaonoio
`Radiation Dioterrorism
`2cli_r; xi. Tndinc-r e’ Ofcr Leiirn-i J I-Iii Sims-.rrin
`Pan‘ Eight
`.‘a'F.I"l‘It')N 1
`l)lP\(;N().\“|H in-‘ (I \Rl1[t!\'.-\.'~'('l‘!..-\I( lltsosmt-Ins
`Approach to the Patient with Cardiovascular
`El[_{{(’H.t‘ Br'om:n’u.’n‘
`Physical Examination of the Cardiovascular System
`Robert A. O'h'o:.-rkr .3
`.';'trq:mz= Brmtrnraid
`.''u'_\' L. G:JMh:’:'gc*t'
`Noninvasive Cardiac Imaging: Echocardiogrnphy.
`Nuclear Cardiology. and MR] I CT Imaging
`Rick A. Ni.xhr'mtrm .’ Run-rwitirrd J. Gibbons I
`.J'cmm.v I". Gi0c'km.'r I A. Jtmiil Tojr'.l'
`Diagnostic Cardiac Cathcterization and
`Angiograph y
`Donald S. Boim I lvlfifliwu Gmxmao.-r
`.'-it-‘.t"I'I:J.\.' l
`Ill:-s‘t)l'(l)l-I|{h‘ m- I-llI\"I'lIM
`The Bradyarrhythmias: Disorders of Sinus Node
`Function and AV Conduction Disturbances
`Mort; E. .I'rJ.\‘t’J'?il.'c'()H' I Pcrcw Zimrtb.rorJ::
`The 'I'achyarrhytIunias
`Mark E. Jr.>st;r.rirsuo t Pelt-r Zimcrhmtm
`S1~'.t"t'ItJ\ J
`t)|.sonm-:n.~: or "no: I-lt~:..\tz'r
`Normal and Abnormal Myocardial Function
`£;'tt,qwrr .‘>'nor.«nrr:td
`Heart Failure and Cor Pulmonale
`-.F.tt_£{£‘Ht’ Brmt.!’d
`Cardiac Transplantation and Prolonged Assisted
`SIrum.': .4. Hunt
`Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult
`Join: 5. t’."!rr'ir.‘ I Witiitmi F. FJ‘ie<i::r<:r:
`Valvular Heart Disease
`EiIg£'fI(’ Bromm-tn'ri
`Pulmonary Hypertension
`.'imm't Rirlr
`I 272
`to '44as
`N novs
`I 367
`Cardiornvopathy and Myocarditis
`.lo.t.irm.r l»l"_t'mw I E:r::cm= Ha-t.-niitrrtitt
`Pericardial Disease
`.-E-.'.=.*_t:rm- Bmom-1;tu'
`Cardiac Tumors, Cardiac Manifestations of
`Systemic Diseases, and Traumatic Cardiac Injury
`W:' S. Cotm'r't' I Dmitri T. Pricr
`E-it-2L"I'lt.~.\ -‘I
`\-'.\st:1.t..\iz Di!-ii-;.~\.‘-il-.
`The Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis
`:"t’t't’r Lt'hiJ_\'
`Prevention and Treatment of Atherosclerosis
`i’ctc=r LibI.1_\'
`Ischemic Heart Disease
`.-‘ut:l.I‘tur P. .S'ct't:'yn I Eh‘,L'£’l'i£’ B:'an.=nm)‘o'
`Unstable Angina and Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial
`Clo-.-'s'm;J!:w' P. Ctmnuu I El'.‘_t,':"iit’ Bmrmm::F<'i
`ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction
`Eflmrt M. Antmrm r’ Eu_gc.=tt’ Bt'mmw.'.'i.rt'
`Percutaneous Coronary Revascularization
`Dtmr.':"d 3. Balm
`Hypertensive Vascular Disease
`Miami D,L. F:‘.s'im‘ I Grmrlon H. lir'if!'ic:nt5
`Diseases of the Aorta
`1|-'t'('lm'..’. Drrm r’ r'l4w‘A' A. Ci’(‘(!_t{(‘J'
`Vascular Diseases ofthe Extremities
`Mort.“ A. Creagw I
`l".-'rrc.=r' J. D::m
`Fan More
`I)|.»\{:‘~'t).'-G1}; m-‘ It:-‘\'t‘ua\-' i)ts:1RIJt~:t:.*.-i
`Approach to the Patient with Disease of the
`Respiratory System
`..Ftjfi’re_r M. Dmrm I Stmen E.
`Disturbances ol' Respiratory Function
`Steven E. llv’:>:'',err I Jefli‘t=_\' M. Ui‘tJZt‘Jl
`Diagnostic Procedures in Respiratory Disease
`Stm'wr E. Wcr':u‘m'_t:er I Jc;,(_,'f'rt'_\' M. Dl'tl‘It'J'l'
`5il<'.("lIt1.‘\' 2
`Iitsmst-zs nu-' ‘nu-L RI-2.‘-illllt.-\l'()ll\
`ER. M:'Fotide-tr. Jr.
`Hypersensitivity Pneurnonitis and Pulmonary
`Inliltrates with Eosinophilia
`.a'm=t N. Kline 1 Cory W. Htiirraiugtmicc-'
`Environmental Lung Diseases
`Fr.rJ.':i't' E. .S'pe.-Em"
`Ttimaurs J. Morrir F G. Dt:n,s_3!r:.\- Ct.‘.''H:"
`.‘)m-':':! H . W(t.’.l’c’t' I Dtrnaitl E. Low
`Stmru E.
`Cystic Fibrosis
`.’\'fr'Itm'rI' C. Bolt:'1'lt'J'
`1 420

`242 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
`Joim J. it‘ei'H_\', Jr. J" Eo'u'in K. Sii'\'er:.?t.rm ."
`.S‘tm-an D. Siiupim
`Interstitial Lung Diseases
`TrtitJ:ad;:L' E. Kfttg. Jr.
`Pulmonary Thromhoembolism
`Sammn’ Z. Goi(iim.iJc’J"
`245 Disorders of the Pleura. Mediastinum, Diaphragm,
`and Chest Wall
`.’i’:'t'h(n'd ll". Light
`246 Disorders of Ventilation
`Eliot ii. Pi:Hh';J.smt
`Sleep Apnea
`Eiiot .4. Pl::'il:'psu:r
`248 Lung Transplantation
`Elbe:-I P.
`'i'}':.-laid: .' G. r'‘.\'GJ'1'£J't‘.’t‘ Pottt':'sun -’
`.l'oet D. Comm‘
`Part Ten
`RI"..’s'PIR»\'l‘t}R\' i.‘R['l‘[t‘.-\l. C.-\Rl-I
`Principles of Critical Care Medicine
`Julio P. .’('i'es.-.'
`H" ..’e.-.'se B. tint!
`250 Respiratory Failure
`Cmfg LfH_y t Eci'n'ur.u‘ P. t’n_:.{w::'m I Stelwr D. S:il(l'pit't’F
`251 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
`Brm‘c D. Levy F Stewn D. Shcipim
`252 Mechanical Ventilatory Support
`Edntzrrt P. t'Jr;;t*i-tits.» F ..'efli-t-_\' M. Dmmn
`264 Glomerular Diseases
`Hitgil R. Brar.l_\' Yvonne M. 0'Mearu I Btm'_v M. Brermer
`265 Tubular Disorders
`Joint R. 1i.\'pi'i.u I" t"J'€t'1't't't" L. Cue
`'l‘ulJulointerstitial Diseases of the Kidney
`Mam S. L. Yu J’ Bm‘J‘_\' M. Brwmer
`267 Vascular Injury to the Kidney
`Kain-at F. Sadr I Bm'r_\‘ Ari‘. Brenm-r‘
`263 Nephrolithiasis
`i'r'fl'tt'l"t1_V.' J. Fm'n.\'
`Jtlitn it‘.
`I’ i"t'm't't't' L. Cut'
`269 Urinary Tract Infections and Pyeloncphritis
`l-Vmlter E. Stumm
`2711 Urinary Tract Obstruction
`Jillian L. Se:'jier E Sm-r_\' M. 3t'£’tItt<i’t"
`Pm Twelve
`.‘iI~‘.t."l'l(JN I
`l.)1st)RIJ1-IRH tll-' ‘mt-L .-\|.l.\ll-'..\"l'.\R‘r' TR \t."I‘
`271 Approach to the Patient with Gastrointestinal
`llr’i!l:‘am L. Ho.ric=r I C'}::m5,r O1v_\‘ang
`272 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
`Mark Topujm:
`273 Diseases of the Esophagus
`Raj K. Gf_J_\'r.ti
`Peptic Ulcer Disease and Related Disorders
`..’oi‘m Um" 1-"Mic
`S-ii-;t"r1m.' 2
`Stltltis .\.\'I) t?.mI)1..\t' .-\RI<I-;.s':'
`253 Approach to the Patient with Shock
`l". Mmer
`Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock
`Robert S .Ilr.I':mfc.wl'
`255 Cardiogenic Shock and Pulmonary Edema
`..’t.'dirir 5'. Hnrlmimi I Dm'r':.l ingiwi‘
`2.56 Cardiovascular Collapse. Cardiac Arrest, and
`Sudden Cardiac Death
`Roi):'i't .1. M_\'erbm'_L: E .‘i_t:rt5lin i':'ci.ttL'iim:t'J.t
`St«:c"rI0\ 3
`l\'EL1ImI.n(;It.‘ CRl'I'lt_.'Al. t_?,\I<|-:
`257 Acute Confusional States and Come
`Aiitm H. it.-),opt’r
`253 Critical Care Neurology
`J. Citttttic‘ He'h*ipitli.i
`Part Eleven
`259 Adaptation to Renal Injury
`R0-’?r_’r'.f M. Bremier I Ban-_\‘ M. BJ"t’J'J'itt'J"
`260 Acute Renal Failure
`.t"ft:_t3.i: R. 8m.:t_\' I But'i'_\' M. Bt'E’tll'lt’i'
`26] Chronic Renal Failure
`Kru"t' SkrIt‘t’t'kf -" ..i'm'ub (Erect: i 3uJ‘t'_r M. Bl"t.’Hil(-‘t'
`262 Dialysis in the Treatment of Renal Failure
`Ajay K’. .!iingii I Brmy M. 3!'(‘tt.It(’t'
`263 Transplantation in the Treatrnent of Renal Failure
`(,'ho.I'ies B. C(.u'p.:=.=i.rer J Edgar‘ L. Miifaifl I
`Mnitrrnrcri H. Sr:_\'t'5:ft
`275 Disorders of Absorption
`.’1|'um'_r.i' Bl:r(tm-
`Inflammatory Bowel Disease
`Sumo Fricu'rin'r:r I i'i‘:'r'in::m' S. Blmnheqz
`Irritable Bowel Syndrome
`Ciumg t?t1'_\‘t.'.*Lt.’
`Familial Mediterranean Fever and Other
`Hereditary Recurrent Fevers
`Dzmitui i'_. Kr.-.\'tnt'r
`279 Common Diseases of the Colon and Anorectum and
`Mesenteric Vascular lnsufficiency
`Strmti L. G(’tl'J':ilC-'J'! :’ Gr‘e,em'_v BirH:lc'_i'
`2811 Acute Intestinal Obstruction
`lrl'ii."ir::n .S'’Fl
`381 Acute Appendicitis and Peritonitis
`l‘l"t'iii::m sii(‘l'i|
`.‘-iI~;:~1'|ur\' 2
`I,I\-‘l-Ill wn I§n.t.-tar ‘l‘R.xc"I‘ l)i5:ilvIAH!~.
`282 Approach to the Patient with Liver Disease
`Murc U:it(.tH_\‘ I .-’d_\' H. Huc;’I.'u,L_>ie
`283 Evaluation of Liver Function
`Dmtfci S. Prim‘ I Mt.-rsimii M. Ktruir.-n
`284 The I-Iyperbilirubinemias
`eliian W. Pi'r:.’t’m}j’
`285 Acute Viral Hepatitis
`Jrrim L. Dt£‘tt.5':'a§: I" Ktr1‘rJ.
`286 Toxic and Drug-Induced Hepatitis
`.tuie,°.' L. t)icirs'tr:;; J‘ Kim J. t.t.rt’il1crt‘iaer
`28? Chronic Hepatitis
`..ittr’(‘.s' L.
`.|'.)i.wnt.r.Ig e’ Kurt J. J".h‘.tc'ibm‘he’t'
`288 Alcoholic Liver Disease
`i’lrI(.-ii" E. Mr:iil:'m-ct »‘ Mr}-lzuei F. Sormli
`239 Cirrhosis and its Complications
`Ru_\'mt3tI'.rJ' T. Cil!lJ.t_tf I Dtttttci K. P.miui.t'.i'_\‘
`lniillratice. Genetic, and Metabolic Diseases
`Affecting the Liver
`Dttrttfi K. Ptm'rIi.ui'_\'
`185 :-

`Liver Transplantation
`Jttle.s- L. Dtem.~:ag
`Diseases of the Gallbladder and Bile Ducts
`Nortrm J. Gt'eetttJet'_e-ct‘ t Gustav Potttttgarmrt-
`Si-:(:'I‘t0.\' 3
`i)Ist)R 1.11:1-12:: 0!-' Till-1 P.-\.\'t_‘.Ri-‘_.-\.‘G
`Approach to the Patient with Pancreatic Disease
`Pt:t't‘l‘t'p P. Toske.-; J Norton J. Gt‘tf’(’ttbt!’t‘g(’t'
`Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis
`Norton J’. Greet'tberger t Pttitltp P. Tosttes
`Part Tltitteea
`Tm: i:\"l?\.-Il.’\'l-1S\’!«i‘l‘l-J!\1 IN HEALTH .A3\'l) Dismsta
`Introduction to the immune System
`Barton F. .HtJ_\'llti’.\' t Antttmt_v S. Frtttrt
`The Major Histocompatibility Gene Complex
`Gerald T. Nepottt t’ Joe! D. Tottrog
`Primary Immune Deficiency Diseases
`Max .0. Cooper t Harry W. Sc!tt'oettet'. Jr.
`Sl£(_"l'ltJN 2
`DI.'5(}R1}F.R§i or l3n-u:n;t2-!\1I:n|A'rI€t)
`Allergies, Anaphylaxis, and Systemic Mastocytosis
`K .
`t~'t‘(ttik Attstett
`Autoimmunity and Aut

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