Am J Clin Onto! (CCT) [2(4): 353—360, 1989,
`© I989 Raven Press Ltd.. New York
`A Study of Aminoglutethemide and
`Hydrocortisone in Patients with Advanced
`and Refractory Prostate Carcinoma
`Alex Y. C. Chang, M.D., John M. Bennett, M.D.,
`Kishan J. Pandya, M.D., Robert Asbury, M.D.,
`and Craig McCune, MD.
`We have studied aminoglutethemide (AG) combined with
`hydrocortisone in 28 patients with advanced and refractory
`prostate carcinoma. All the patients had failed at least one
`endocrine therapy. Six patients received only one prior hor-
`monal treatment. Five patients were off study within 3 weeks
`due to early death and toxicity, l4 had progressive disease,
`and 9 had stable disease. No objective partial remission was
`observed, but the nine stable patients had therapeutic benefit,
`with improvement in bone pain and performance status for
`a median duration of 153 days. Three patients withdrew be-
`cause of postural hypotension, dizziness, weakness, and leth-
`argy. The median survival of the entire group was 186 days
`(range 41—606 days). Our results suggest that aminogluteth-
`emide and hydrocortisone can be an alternative treatment
`for patients with advanced and refractory prostate carcinoma.
`Key Words: Aminoglutethemide—Hydrocortisone—Prostate
`carcinoma and metastatic disease (stage D2) that had
`Patients with stage D2 metastatic adenocarcinoma
`of the prostate gland are usually managed with hor-
`monal manipulation to ablate androgen for controlling
`symptoms (1-3). Androgen ablation can be achieved
`either by giving patients additive hormones, such as
`estrogen, progestational agent
`luteinizing hor-
`mone—releasing hormone agonist (LH-RH) (5), or bi-
`lateral orchiectomy (6). Although the majority of pa-
`tients will respond to the initial hormonal therapy, al-
`most all patients will relapse with disease progression
`within 2—3 years. Then, the disease assumes a more
`rapid and progressive downhill course. The median
`in this group of patients with hormone-re-
`fractory prostate carcinoma is only about 6 months
`(2,7,8). These patients do not usually respond to sec-
`ondary hormone treatment, such as megestrol acetate,
`leuprolide (9,10), or chemotherapy (11). The mecha-
`nism of the resistance to therapy remains largely un-
`The adrenal steroid production is also a source of
`serum androgen and is not affected by most primary
`hormonal therapy directed to suppress the testicular
`androgen (12). Aminoglutethemide inhibits the syn-
`thesis of adrenal androgen (l3), and hydrocortisone
`suppresses the compensatory increase of adrenocorti-
`cotropin. It is prudent to employ secondary hormonal
`manipulation with a different mechanism of action
`from the first one. Hence, we evaluated the palliative
`effect of the combination of aminoglutethemide and
`hydrocortisone in 28 patients with advanced and re-
`fractory prostate carcinoma.
`Patients with histologically documented prostate
`From the Department of Medicine and Cancer Center, School of
`Medicine and Dentistry, University of Rochester, Rochester, New
`Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Alex Y. Chang,
`Division of Oncology/Hematology. Genesee Hospital, University of
`Rochester Cancer Center, 224 Alexander Street, Rochester, NY
`14607, U.S.A.


`TABLE 2. Toxicity of aminogiutethemide
`and hydrocortisone
`No. of patients (°/a)
`Peripheral edema
`Skin rash
`Postural hypotension
`Dizziness. lethargy
`1 (3.6)
`2 (7.1)
`3 (1 0.7)
`4 (14.3)
`4 (14.3)
`6 (21 .4)
`8 (28.6)
`patients had failed hormonal treatment. The toxicity
`of treatment is shown in Table 2. The side effects of
`dizziness, lethargy, weakness, and postural hypotension
`were severe enough that three patients withdrew from
`the study in spite of the use of mineralocorticoid (Flor-
`inef acetate, 0.1-0.3 mg/day). Dizziness, nausea, and
`vomiting were common, but tolerable, except in one
`patient who refused further therapy. Skin rash occurred
`transiently in three patients. Fourteen patients had
`progressive disease without any response. Nine patients
`had stable disease and obtained significant improve-
`ment ofbone pain and performance status for a median
`duration of 153 days (range 90—380 days). Four of these
`patients experienced less bone pain and a sense of well-
`being in the first month of treatment. Three patients
`showed dramatic improvement of their performance
`status, which changed from bedridden to ambulatory
`within the first 2 weeks on study. The mean age of
`patients with stable disease was 71 (range 63—85), which
`was the same as that in patients with progressive dis-
`No objective partial remissions were observed. Two
`patients had a reduction of serum acid phosphatase of
`more than 50% from the pretreatment level, and one
`patient’s acid phosphatase returned to the normal range
`after treatment. The median times to treatment failure
`and survival for the entire group were 80 and 186 days,
`respectively, and for the stable patients alone, they were
`153 and 331 days, respectively.
`Most of our patients had disease refractory to mul-
`tiple treatment modalities. Only six patients had failed
`from one endocrine treatment. Our results demonstrate
`the therapeutic benefit of improving bone pain and
`performance status from aminoglutethemide and hy-
`drocortisone in 9 of 28 (32%) heavily pretreated pa-
`tients. Two of six patients with prior chemotherapy
`also had improvement ofbone pain. The toxicities were
`similar to those previously reported. They were not
`negligible, but were tolerable most of the time by our
`patients. It is possible that toxicity could be less if we
`Age (range)
`Performance status (no. of patients)
`Prior therapy (no. of patients)
`Megestrol Acetate
`Disease sites (no. of patients)
`Osseous only
`Visceral only
`Osseous and visceral
`No. of prior therapies (no. of patients)
`71 (46-85)
`6 (a)'
`10 (a)
`7 (1)
`4 (2)
`1 (0)
`‘ The number in parentheses denotes patients with improvement
`of bone pain.
`All patients registered on the study were included in
`the analysis of response and toxicity. Five patients had
`an inadequate trial of treatment and were viewed as
`treatment failures (one each with subdural hemorrhage,
`cardiac arrest, and pneumonia; two patients died within
`21 days on study). The characteristics of the patients
`were shown in Table l. The median performance status
`and number of prior therapies were both 2. All the
`TABLE 1. Patients characteristics
`become refractory to hormonal management were eli-
`gible. Patients with uncontrolled congestive heart fail-
`ure, cardiac arrhythmia, or hypertension were ex-
`cluded. Prior chemotherapy was allowed for patient
`All patients received aminoglutethemide (Cytadren,
`supplied by CIBA Co., Summit, NJ, U.S.A.), 250 mg
`p.o., q.i.d., and hydrocortisone, 20 mg q.i.d., at the
`same time. After the first week of treatment, the dose
`of hydrocortisone was reduced to 10 mg q.i.d. in pa-
`tients with stable disease so as to reduce the potential
`side effects of hypercorticism. Patients were evaluated
`once a week for the first 4 weeks, with history, physical
`examination, and performance status. If the patient’s
`condition was stable after 4 weeks, he was then followed
`every 4 weeks until disease progression occurred.
`Complete blood counts, chemistry, and acid phospha-
`tase were done every month and bone scan every 3-6
`months. We applied the response criteria of the Na-
`tional Prostate Cooperative Projects (NPCP) to eval-
`uate treatment results (14).
`Am J Clin Oneal (CCT), Vol. 12, N0. 4, I989


`exclude patients with poor performance status and
`multiple treatment failures.
`Drago et al. (15) have reported that aminogluteth-
`emide had a 16% objective response and 24% stable
`disease in 43 patients with metastatic prostate carci-
`noma after initial treatment failure. Ahmann et al. (16)
`also reported a 13% objective partial remission and
`48% stable disease in 86 patients who had failed only
`from orchiectomy. Thus, both studies employed ami-
`noglutethemide and hydrocortisone as the second hor-
`treatment with moderate success. However,
`Block et a1. (17) reported no objective or subjective
`response in 23 patients, but only 4 of their patients
`were first-line failures. Our patient population is similar
`to those in Block‘s report. The observation of subjective
`symptomatic relief in our patients is different from their
`report. The reason for this discrepancy is unknown.
`Those reports by Lippman et a1. (18) and Rostom et
`a1. (19) showed subjective improvement of bone pain
`in 50% and 75% of patients, respectively, and are con-
`sistent with our findings. As only four patients in our
`study had an objectively measurable disease, we did
`not expect to observe any objective partial response.
`Bilateral adrenalectomy has also been reported to pro-
`duce 20—40% clinical response (20). Hence, we regard
`adrenal androgen ablation is an alternative treatment
`for patients with hormone-refractory prostate carci-
`noma. We believe that the combination of aminoglu-
`tethemide and hydrocortisone can be used as second-
`line hormonal therapy and in place of bilateral adre-
`It is unclear which is the best second-line hormonal
`treatment in patients with metastatic prostate carci-
`noma, although most investigators agree that second
`endocrine manipulation seldom produces objective re-
`mission (21). Considering available agents, amino—
`glutethemide and hydrocortisone olfer the advantage
`of costing less than leuprolide (9). estramustine phos-
`phate (22). or Ketoconazole (23) and are possibly more
`beneficial in relieving symptoms than leuprolide (9) or
`megestrol acetate (10). However, definite conclusion
`requires future randomized studies that should also in-
`clude a placebo control arm to accurately assess the
`therapeutic effect of second-line hormonal treatment.
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