`1 1BIi;I0.3}VI3i1|;3Ihil1iIY 10f: F1313-'BIlIiIt;8l‘-I3] 1D.r1ll§$:".' 1PIfl|I&:fl1_€.lI‘3|I190S€S1I9fli8f1Th3l!1
`11 II 1:
`1 1lntravana1us and lntra*muscul1ar names: 1
`1 1111 1:1 :1 1:
`:1 I
`I I:
`1 1?EII‘IEII31‘I3-1“."‘.'E1‘1-I‘.-I'."".‘§I'I1'
`11 1111 11
`11 I"I‘.‘1I7‘?";“~‘;E;° 9;fI.F‘?';3¥'¥*3¢¥11 1111 11
`- R;u.tgers~—The--State-University- -
`_-Piseaia_Wa:~N¢é«v_Jersey_ I
`...1‘.Sc¥¢y ..
`1 U1“i*9fSiI¢y_9f1WiS%WI$in1 1
`Matiisan, Wisconsin
`I SIniaI1iIvIoiuInIu:IsI (IQI53 tIoI2‘II mm: Imédicatiéhs I -
`-in --saEt;tion- form -may -be- admin:i$_t¢r¢_dI:Iby ;I
`IsLI16¢uIt:I1fie%oI;1.1~§ (hypadéftfiiéj ifijéciion, usually 3
`1§11H1;°-1 1.11? 19u¥?F13u1I'fa¢¢19f 113.1? .1iPP€F.I am, 131-:
`-though the -anterior-1surf&ce- of the thigh;
`.ab€19'm¢n,. er: 1?':i also .be.u1s¢d.‘. Th:
`-needle is-usually inserted: at1a145:~dagree angle "_
`_ to ihe_skin,_a_s_shown in Fig. L I
`1 The 1same:1factors1 aff,soti1ng1intramusc;1}ar "I
`.dr1ug absorption a1so.§govern .dr'ug .biioa.x1:ai}-.
`jabi_1ijtyfQilo§wjing $u.bcu_ta1n%'aousido1ses;'(.2).jTh¢ II
`rate of ahso'1"pti'on, R;-, of a suhcfiutanebus; deséz
`I Ief iitiig fmmIIihI& .i1!I3jI¢<‘:EIi(mI Sim‘ into" tIi'lIe:.5¥iI:u:§d II-
`is Iproportisbnal to the amount sf drug 3.: the.
`Is'iIt'é,IA,.I, as 'ciL=.s;c'r1i'11:.'e'd IbIy'IEqI, :13:
`%=W£«:> I
`The "pen-é.tIratIio;i .¢oIeIf-‘firI:iIe:I111, ji, .depéei1IdsI 1I1;;Ir,énI - I ;
`tI3:e- diffusion coefficient of the: drug in the‘:-I
`Ipa-1§tiIs:IuiIaIr Ie1I‘1'§éi1I*<5nIn*I:¢=:Ini,I thé éu?eIaIoIf II’fit3I3‘fi'1IIf.‘>II‘fi1’I!¢‘.'«1:11:
`I6->_<i?<?S;<1=<_1 $0. 3th£_S9Eu_ti@_n» -th¢_d_i-sram:_e__o;f éiffu-_ 5 15
`- sign; and the concentration gradient cf‘ drug-_--_
`;aC:f.9$S_ E136 .Ii_h$<=.r1i_>I.i?<19r1 -me-mb€an_e.. Tbs: primary. 5 I 5
`- abs-cxrptmza membrane in 'subcutanec+us con-1I11I
`_ n.c(;tE_V_e_ti_s$1_1e_ -is _th8 C€£p.i1Eary.\¥/3111(3).
`1: I;
`1 33$ W.ii?i1intrarnns<:u1a1r 1d11osc:s.1 drug 1snIuti£_n'I1sI I
`injected-snbcutaneousiy are: influenced bythe ‘II
`1 bu-ff<1:r1 <.:ap.a1eity 1e:f1:1he:snb¢utaneu1us Itis'$-1';e'sI
`-- -Jaurraainhhe Parenxeraibrug A‘.§S()C1Ia!i{i~ni
`.. In t'he'1:irevious.a:*.ticie.0f i"h'is.s«:ries basic: —
`' pharmacokineti1c1principies1gsmrning drug I
`IIc:vaI-s-in blood -were rexv-iewed,-and the-bio» -
`1 1avm11ab:i11it:y1 a'f1:p1a'r¢ntm'1 iamg ptciducisi was I
`described with pa:rt'i-cuiiar réferencc t0_iIntra—_
`I vézmIu3s 3a3ntiIi:I1tra1-nIus<I:iiIéI1rI wage Iférins? (I13);
`.1-11% this aF€i¢1¥¢:a:tt¢I:t_i0n_ is .f0?i1$¢f*‘?1-‘:31? them-__ _
`I avaiiahiiity-653-désage -férms which are a-d~-
`. n%ini$te.r;ed_by :>t;heIpare:;nt«:r.aIrout¢s1.
`1 11T1.1¢ W319? §¥'U.gS1&H.d.1-dtu_g1gr03£p$ .W.h1i¢h_1 1
`may bé administered by jparentera-1 rmztes
`1 Qthmf .Ih&n1intr§mnensa:1d i.rttr.a.rm:s1cul.atare1 1
`shown in Table I. In many instances, eI.g.,
`j subcaaiagnacus insulin land jiritjrraairt-ériajl IQ‘1'Ii11~II
`' trathecal adminis’m«1tion1 of aI1t§(I}IEI1II1fI<.’il‘II(3(1iIII‘]-?I
`. pounds and .an:ibio1;ic1s, .th1e pa.1renteral.dosage.
`1 rcizttc is1wcEE established aridC§£rii.<:2£11y'usefu'1." 1
`. In either.iinsta'nces,.'éac-H -
`I aimsandvagmaiadministrationct1estmgens11 I
`for systemic activity, the dosagé r< less
`: wena:stah;11ishea1t:mthas¢cn1sgd:s:~a§1e¢1Iini¢a1'I :
`¥?‘..’I‘_"“_‘I‘Ii2_LI]_ ‘"9? $?‘¥“?'?°.T¥‘P‘§“%n.d.S:
`'5?‘~’~’4"f‘¢“99“5 _«W¢f?2f5_Ir<zI;t10_n_
`I IIMIahy-cbImpoIn.hdé are routinely g'ivIerI1IbIyII
`suhcutanaous .inj¢ctiicm-, in particular insulirn,
`1 11.°??113“.¢$‘1h1¢¥iP$» %1.I3<.51V.a§GiI.1€f«S1~1
`AstraZenecIa Ex. 2119 p. 1
`Mylan Pharms. Inc. V. Astrazeneca AB IPR2016-01326

`TABLE I. Commands Which May -be
`Administered hy 9215.6-iiierai
`Routes {Ether Than
`in-travemms aw Intramuscular
`Bethanechéil epi.n2.phrine,
`.f'm-salable \»?itamins.,
`.. H" Inifadérmai
`j Percutaneous
`heparixi, i.nsi.1Ii:*;a 'l0c'al
`a'n£:sthetic's, vaccines
`Antigens, vacéines
`l‘-litroglycerin '0iFEtI1‘16l’}‘i,
`saffiowtr oi]
`Antiaancer agents,
`Antéhioties, ant-icarscer
`agents, lacai anesthetics
`ageiflts, insailih
`A'ne§th-étic gases,
`antibiotics, atmpirart,
`<:0rtic0s1:ercsids', cronmiyn
`smiium. cpinephrinez,
`'is0proteren0l, lidocain-'2,
`Estrogens, gprogesterone,
`and fluids (4). The rate of-absiarption 0i:suh~-
`cutaireeus iidocaine hycirochiofide, for ex-
`ample-, is :affected by pH changas at the-in‘
`ascticsn site (5). At a pH :0? 7.4;, iheilidocaine
`hydr.ochi-arlide ceincentraticn must "be lower
`than (1097-‘37’o "to avt::i'd ‘precipitation.
`A-bsarptican of drugs which are given sub-
`'<;u‘€azia0usi'y‘is 7ge'n'e:"al]y slower i'h'§n'1 ‘after’ in»
`.tramu'seulé\r adzziln-is'trati0n heeegu-/sa of iess
`effic"ier1't ‘regional 'cirn:ul2x.ti0n'-. Wnlongcd ab-
`smiptisn Of ‘metallic mercury fmm subs-.:uta~
`ncotminjections was éemonsiratgd in 3-resent
`-case ail?“ “metallic mercury pfiisaning.-£6)“
`-Mxélecules or ien-5 with law m3(}i§6€|,1i'af‘
`-weigh-ts are ahsorbéd primarily via the-ca;pil~
`Iiariés, while mcllecules having high molecular
`-‘we-ig'h-ts apgiear to be absorbed priifnaril:y'v'ia
`3'ly.mph sressais (7). .H5%a1t;'r'or'1iéase§ an enzyme
`'N'9vc:11her-'.De:c; “I 980, V433. 34-, No; 6-
`Figure 1 ~52/zbcaztariaourirzjéctianl
`which breaks down E'£1UCOpOi)iSa'CCi1aridE:$ of
`the Ccmnectiva tissua matrix, has been used :0
`promote spreading of solutions and in increase
`drug absorption rates (8).
`Drug absorptien is increased by rubbing the
`-skin-around the injection site, and also by ex-
`ercise. Berger and associates (9) reported a
`.subs1‘.anti'ai increase in the -absorption rate: of
`3H-insulén due to leg exercise following sub—'
`c'uta'ns':<:>e1s injection leading to markedly ela-
`vated ‘plasma lexmls 0f exogenous i-nsuiin. The
`affect of exercise an circulating 3H-insulin
`levels in 0316 paiiiant is shown_ in Fig. 32. Thé
`effect_ is more pmncmnced when insulin is in~
`jecteé into" an" exercised limb than when it is
`jinjected at another site (i0). This is illustrated
`in Fig. 3. which shows a. far greater ihcrease in
`"hypoglycemic efféct due it: Leg exercise when
`3'H~ lhsulin injected
`Figure 2~'Ej’fecr of mild bicyci-is exercisé an plasma
`Ievels of intact 3H»inszz!i5rt following-subcutaneous
`injectibn Of‘? X I05 azpm 3Hv~insulin-3/‘kg beefy weigh!
`Ema the leg ofa juvenile pazienr. Reproduced by per-
`missian fmm Dfaheres {Suppl 2],
`28, 53~57
`("I 979).
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2119 p. 2

`-- palI-atduesinm:-disintegra'te'bu3; slowiy dissdlfisg 3}
`:: ihfhé silbicuitaineémis fluid":e£:vir{$nifién1i:d£1ring.. .;
`-- I-he impla-nt-ation per-iosd.--Theabsarptign ;ra’_:e--
`of drug can be determéned i_:y_W_g2igh_ing §i:_3:f.f{:
`:: liéefiei
`iipéinnii 1:-£3-rixQ32;a I
`(1:2); For a ..sp:hc:ri:caI--
`.. W w.:%E.._1f1)I‘?-r-r’c1r_').3 ..
`ii affid f”§3I'iiai;f”1ét'id'i$c;i
`: ?‘”7j*[§§<*?“jj“:k%W9j%-[k€>:
`-- where W is the weight -of pelle-t-313 a-ny--ti-rm: I--
`after impianlmion, ,0 is the apparent density _'
`i: 0f Sililtfiflflig {S .th'ۤ:iriitia1::dۣ1dieief
`0.f3;”11e::3}§h¢};ré: I
`-- or disc, -12 9--i.:;- the -initiai -hfiight-of the -disc; and 3
`" {cl is'ihe{'m'ea'n ahsdrpt'ién"ra‘:t.e" conétéini. "
`j S:t1E:>ci;1.1:é.n:é-:'(>:usQifnfilahtfi hajm: béeh uséfiiiiré
`--commgrcial--prqducts fur t,h::--contin-u<:sus de«- 1:
`i: *i}’€?'3’j 0? ‘éefftfiiiflii Sfififéiii hO%‘!”é€J:r3€§$-3
`::¢.g-Q iféséi ii
`.. t(.>S«.1=.<‘:1‘.IGIrI._e. (Qm_to_.n)_, and zthc delivery of a -Va-.. 3:
`--riety of drugs, in::]ud_ing-bwzy-l 'pen-icilIi-n,-gv3I-d- "
`fsfiiitéé §9Y¥?gf¢S?6f0€ie;
`€r<iém: :
`..subcutaneous -impiams has been tested in -man--
`--or expe-rime.ntaI--anfinais (-12, -E3): Silasiic "
`"fI%b1?¢§‘iiI1i?1%IniS:ihéi\.eéi 1§¢énfe:§az§niih.c{d ifoi} ifeéi
`41.5.. 5..
`..-3 ..
`-- Insulén injacfioa --
`-' 1*‘figure--Ewirzfluence Qffnjec-zion 5115* cm pIz1sma*._g211éc'35é
`" ré3;i'a~n'3e'I0 'in.§ul'2':-z da_{rir1_g
`I Fénféséfiii ciikiéigee? 5%‘ £214-_-?m.r=I §’1%.€0:“’
`.1896’; féfmici-fl. =’=__
`SE) féilgwirgg inmlin -injecfi-an dart‘-rtg_ lefg exerc”i.s-’e”
`ii cémpakwéi H} rizai aér.a{inéd i-vfifr ééa %x.€*ré.fsé~ Tfilé area.
`.. aéraxze t}£.rme for lg-g.i'fzjem‘:2z2 .53 significarztiy. gmzzer.
`.. tfzcsn. tlioseforiuzrtfé amt (p K.-0.032}--and czbdam.imz!- {p --
`-- 4 0.-005)--injtzctiamx Repmduced by perm£s.w'0-nfrom-
`--N.-Ersgl. J. M-ed.¢ 298,- ‘-2‘?-~83-_(1978)'.
`-insulin is -injected -subcutaneously inta £t_1'c_l'e-g
`''‘=°mP3‘"ed''“5’ “*3 3m‘:"Wihi¥eii"h¢ i¢TT$é3'tf¥*’f3e.S_i
`::négi:i.gib3e:§af:tc'r ébflaiminaf .in§ection, S'«—-
`--lation--of absorp-t-ian-maid be ‘due 'to"cha§1ges:'
`"in" th-e:"irétérsLtit'ia'l pfefistfiré _c§f
`:fn.éQliS::t.iés1ie::BWifig::t-e-Contractic-ns of un-dar-
`--lying rnuszzniatureor movemefiis"0f ‘ch:
`ieilfédffiitilé. ii
`..Drug.action.may be prolonged i.fiz;jecti0:;1--
`-is -maid-e deep inte -the subcmaneeus ‘tissue, ‘mg, i:
`éltiuéotisfsoiluftiofiné {if hefiyaé-Er": aha lénig-é1_c§ii_ng._
`-insulin-s, Ceadministra-tior: of-epinephri-ne with" "
`Ema} anesthetics extends ‘their d'ur3ti0:'1 -cff lpgai ::
`éxciticiniiby prbdiuéifig irasdcdinéutriciuidh .in..the..
`zone-0-f absorption -(1-1)--. C00-ling alsa causes "
`loc':3I' vé31séc('3)né.tricii<in 3:17:31 iesiufts 'in"pf01:§m:ge§d
`j §irj1_g"absfc;r';‘a.tieiaQi
`-31%!-1?ii?1é¥1'%é'??1éa-$6ifizébkaitaiflémisiPiaéu;%:;$ T
`. Pr.Q19ngt:d .i‘$l¢a§€ of drug may be obtained --
`I'1!¢:ts un§1;‘::;‘t::11e__sl§i1j;:, 'i;_1e_aJ ::
`:2 f
`i. fai-Jaf
`. Figure 4«wCumzz[a:ive..percentage 0;" zsicoamer base ..
`re1e¢zsed‘-- fr-gm dEmaz}2yipag‘siioxa-ne-{A0-—_)--and-di~ --
`- mexhylpafysiioxane ~'!-flu0rosifi:*0ne—-lamirmtesfp(3i= "--
`' yxiiaxanti i—~O-)jt21a'>i1;g*s'iezr£>';fiI)"?.I4 b;;ff‘e? 2:12’ 37°".
`- Repxcwfuced by';t>ermiss'z'm-‘z fmm .31. Pft22:rFn.'SCi., "63,
`. 1849_.:1g.S.3.(l.:g7.:4)é
`_ 39¢-raélofxhneF§are;tie%a1Drgg{3gs9¢igli<;;:
`;AstraZeneca Ex.
`19 p. 3

`I so
`:50 zoo 250 300 350 400' 45:3 5063 I
`T3515 (mm)
`II I_iqIz4i:1_’I}’oI1'IInz'u?<fétia-rI1SII1I(+§%-} IaridIIf1(--l'IJ!.+I}.IaI?2«I1?f!‘-e7If?2
`two crystalline szxspe-as-fans. III (—A--)- and IV {-O-)
`into pH 7,3Ii.mItor1iz: phospizate buffér at 379’, Rep!‘-cII«
`-- diicad-by pwrr-sis-si0r;fr0r7I J; P51-t’.IFm_.PPifli'?1<l£3C0l.-,;23,
`II92.3*I9391{Il9.7.0}I— I
`pentagz-mr.in_ frem two _s0IIutions3(' Fermulatiqns
`3:13)] mi t3IwIo' criystatiiim-; 3s:I:s'pr3:aaI?si'ens;
`II(IIFk:::I3nII1:1i§.%1tIi<:I¥nSI[IIIIand i1V)?des:i'g1deIdIfc.ééub;
`<§uImInIi3o1.ésIi'rijé:é:It.iI<>rIa areIIdI¢rInImI1sItrIa'iad'i'd Fig‘;
`§(2)...Pf3<.>1or;agedrfiléaséQf.p¢;m ..
`III_I;1'1-13 3s1_;}:_ac_u_ta3:1e;:c_m__s.ly3inj1::c£¢c§ _c:13yst3a131i_m_33_for3~ 33
`i1n1.Wh.i¢h11bi‘31 11
`iary .exQretian- cf drug was lnwgr but mare
`.. pmlonged .fr0£'n. F0rmuI1atjQn5 1'11 and IIVI than __
`II from IF0II‘m1.ilaI.tii)IInS I alid [III
`11 1A11t1h:z-ugh11st-iiI11in th1e11ear1y sta-g1e;213~1ofé=:vei+ 11
`II'rN.I:EIt:“IrnI:i‘N IIiIhrI}II
`THAE (Weeks)
`E} figzvéré 5-}-$€%»%»-é
`. ..;'rz£'e§uerJ :1 .I00..~«;:Ig/kg am? ..
`" dose 3('O'—3--Q3435: Zflflqugfkg §tm*;far dag? (II!
`mo). 5'!‘ a 200-ugflcg 5-ubzmanemm dcrse (Q .
`I O.)
`-- ofvimmfn DP, and-izz-contra! subjects wiza-rrweia-Eed no --
`II :,ssz;m3};231(-é-1-1an;. Répé'o'dw:éd.bypénésisséahfram II
`11 J»CW43‘*?d?»*-*ri?'*?i—113*f£?=??’~1e 43:?0;63191*1..£11?7?11 1
`11 eI1sS<3£:iaIt—eEsIIhjave; de:no1ns1;u:3a1te1d1mar1ked iIzaiI1iai- 11
`{ion in the ram of drug reb;-zase Ifrom afiiffersnt
`-- si-H430-nit pely-met-s ({5}; This is-illustrated-in --
`II FiIg3.I«'-I$I,IinI xirhi¢hItIhéinIIvIit:I3d z€I<:l}r::$rsIeII::;i‘rI1i<II:oItiImI:II
`33 baséinItxix:iibHIE’I.4I1:$uIff%::%frOii1IaIdi3i1é:£hylp0l; II
`Iysiloxa-fie polymer reaches 75% in If» hr and
`331915;% i_n:1f6:=hr,:b_utth_e F.‘*3‘3"335¢I Wm ?1 f.I"*.1I“e‘.1“.3‘~°-3'12‘
`- .2-ted ?91§’-‘¥"?- _-
`-- 4 -hr and 6-5% in 16 hr. The use Qfpolymar --
`materiais with d§§ relea-se.cha.racterisiics
`is_o_f _c9nsi:d_cr:ab1-c_;10:¢n£ia1__in_the:: dI¢si_gn_é>f __
`1 11sus1ain1ed-11réJ¢a1s¢ 1411!“-{lg
`1A1-ginat;e11 1
`i;mp1e;nts3 have -been Shawn t03pr0vide3s1ow and 33
`continuous reicase of fluoride in rats (I-6),
`.. whIi.1c. —0§1y..d.epo£ .subc;1tan»aeus injesctions T3.‘ ..
`II Sultfed inIpiI1‘(}1é;I1IgII¢d £E:1::I§:1SeIQIfViItaIn§.i£1 DI (I17).
`II C€}fI‘1§)2iII‘IE.iiIi‘i!IE:ISi:t?II‘Il-lI33‘II
`(§fIth3eI fn€taIbDIli£e
`2§-fzydraxyvitamin D during a ?3—wse3k 3period
`f{)}§0Wi£1g1Qff-fl-, d€1D0i- Entr-amusciiiar; and-depet --
`11 gu1b¢1;;1a-,e,&11m;,g d'0g¢5I0§§i;';aIIfi§h 35 5-n1d1a11;5101;r1,
`11 Ccénifbi an1;_ma1s1wh¢1:¢¢¢:i1vedmg 'ééifta.IniirI1 1:>1,11
`EIIYIE SHOW in Fig .. 5 .
`1 1M%?k1v§1diff¢r¢n€¢S11int31e1in*€it1‘0re1¢as&1¢1f11
`- —.Fig1zre.7.—.Be‘-liczry. excretion-ofradicmciévizy laémlled ..
`;.é'_r1 432? 11m1b-;3z<1ra1rz¢_o.w11r.3r11m’
`.im_t.:?r_91arv 101’
`11 3f;§jjf3f}’;:f;j’Q:f3j§;f3:‘31,"1;,‘I-"(3f3;f_§‘_’;‘3‘;13‘:I3,"11,1“,1,f3{“g3f;”‘;ii';3:f
`Repraduced by per:zI¢i55ion3from.JI Phafm. Pimrrn-za<:Ial§I
`1 1131;923~929<‘97’03:1 1
`.. Nwémbaémnééembér;3§30§_vq3§334‘3
`AstraZen%:Ic Ex. 2119 p. 4

`---Pe-rcutcmea-us -A-dminis-truth:-n
`=== Th-ewontermwzast -layers cf human -ski-n cenaisa
`" (if the epidermis ané tbs--t:E-arm-is-{sea Fig.-- 1-)}-
`Illrugs -pan-e-tmte the -epidermis--at ta-tes.deim*
`-- -mined---large-ly -by---their---oil-/water partiiien
`'== eoefficien-is, ===wat:1=~s(:lublr3 == mo}:-:culv:S bttin
`-- "virtual-iy -excluded; Th-e under}-ying -darmié
`-- consists of? loosely arrangad-conraéctive tissug
`an-d==is mow freelyrpermeable.Na-riou-5 pl-13-1‘-_
`-- macd-kitm-ii'c---mod'el& haw been examineé --ta:
`-describe. -the percutaneoils absoa-ptien of a drug
`from tapitally applied vehicles (26, 27):. Th:
`- perm:-taneou-s route is -used primarily in sit»-
`-uati-urns where drug acti-on--is -L0 be--upsm an
`apm-"1 W011-Ild"0£’ upen the==superfici-al rlayersruf
`t'h¢"stratua'E1'C0rneum-; if-the pathologic acm-
`- dition -is-"in the de,-e-per layefs of the -epid§-zsmis
`{Sr in {he-dermis; topical drug therapy m-ayrbe
`ineffective. -For -example, ant-iba-ctéria-1 -and
`- afitifilngai agents are0fiéen--mere--effeetive--in
`- skin in-fecti-ous when given in-ally -or -by -injeo
`ting" than--when--applied to the skin.
`Two ex.-amplas of the--use -of percntaneoux f
`absarptio-n fear systemic effacts-are the tepical-- =
`application af safflower--011 in:s-0-m-e==y&-tienm:
`with essemia-1 fat£y--acid def"1cient;fy'wh<> c:anm;;~t--
`he desad--paren-teral-1}’, an-cl tapical n-itrogl-ya
`er,-in ointment for Eh-e==pre»-ention err-treatment
`{If angina. Accurate--titration---of"the dose-91“
`-nitreglyctzrin is achieved --by adjusting the:--
`Lamflufit of pihlment to she patient’-‘S-needs. 'Fhe-- ;
`‘usual "dase is l'—2"in;, as squeezcd-fmm--tl1e" -
`-tube‘, every 3 ‘ta 4-hr -(28-)( --
`i_:r3.C.t" has been used as a" E
`fouic (if di-ug as-1r:'a.ii<ai's%r;ai:ig:u'-l fér cénmriés find“ -
`the'l3;r'ge ‘rm-1-saber <31" £:c')ru§ou'nd§ which Ifiay be" ;
`é;drfii'nistei'ed by" this réuté ifs"indica"te.d in "Table" 2
`E. T'his"pa;:i.w<ray' consists ‘inf’ thgmouth or gage,
`jih&'"!“3'fiX,“‘trécIH‘ea;“ bI"0In'i:hi“,
`'§i'(3riCh‘i0IéS_, “‘d1-
`ill»-:;i)la.r"'du'é::t$; a'lv-*:;€)E:a"r
`séczzsg; a'i1d"1hé aiveiili.
`.e5<t.remaly"l'a':'*g2" i
`Tc»g*ethe.r;' they‘ §:>t"'m!i(i_;e"'ax1'
`§u_ri”ac:“e a“‘;-eel for ll‘-agilci“a'béQr'b§iéi>n.,E“rné-;ns;t“‘¢;sf“ ;
`il:hi&:h'i1»cci:r§in"thé' als}e'ece'§ar'duéts éné al've:I(§33;r" E
`éacé. Fc2r"a..t§t1ofe é'on:p_1e"tc 'd§S'cri_'p;t.i'im -of the’ i
`é.x;a“t9f%1y“‘3_:1“‘d fih';is£o'l0g3’ elf €he‘‘re§pif3tét_‘y
`§ys‘ti'e?rl, :the ‘ready iis"réfen’ed"'to "3. .r'k:vi:‘:w"'by" I
`Gama“ and. H..alu...(29)_.
`--0=pmen-‘E,---lipesomcs appear preami=sin-g--as-- pa-~«
`== temlal -vehicl-ea for delivering drugs fmm the :-
`--site of subcn-tane<)us- inje-C-ti-on -ta spe€i-fic--tar-
`-- gels within-the body; Liposemes---3-rs hydrated --
`-- liquid crystals--for-med when phowholigids are --
`=3-l10wed=1o swell in aqueous media. In a= recen-t
`--s=tud;y £13) -un-ilamel-lar- vesinies--c<;msist'i'ng af --
`--distearoyl -phos=ph2tidylch(:li-n;e,-- -cholesterol,
`== and Emma sugar and==amiin0»suga-r derivative-s ==
`--6f--c'h0lesteml---were--shown to be po'terItialEy-
`-- useful i-ndavelopi-ng -Eiposomc--systems capable --
`== <3f5=_provifiing-gont=r0l-la-d==rel-ease, -Gf’ therapezu-tic ==
`.. agemfi...
`===.mrradermaI A'dmirt£srr=a-zien ===
`---Intra-dermal -injecti_0n:s"'are used pre:domi— --
`-- nantly fm local effecw, -but-the patential ":3!" this --
`== route for systemic: ==act=ivity, ==1:2-attic‘-:ula:r3y -far
`-- ya-cci-nes,
`-has been illustrated in "several
`-- s-tudics.---
`---Intraderma.-1 injection is-made-into {ha u;-pper
`-- layers 0-f skin; just beneath t'hc"€pidermis. A "
`-- us-ua-1Si-ts:-forintradermal-in}:-sctia-:>nis---the 2111-
`-- {e-rio-r surface--of--the ferearm. The--volume sf --
`== s0=luticsn= -tha-t===m-ay===be== admin-is=‘zered===i;t1== this ==
`-- manner is only ab-eiiut 0.1--‘ml;
`In-trader-ma-l injection -is-freq'ue'ntly use.-d for --
`administering antigens in tests for allergic
`-- reactions (19): Alcahol-is given by intradéwmal
`-- injection far t-hetreatmen-t of pruritus vulvae --
`(20): Whil=e--system‘-ii: 31::-s=:-n-~ptio'n fun-h an im
`" tradermal--injectiowsite is u3ual_1y's1ow;this "
`-- route is---useful in--deli-verin-g agents-fori'rnrnu~ --
`nizatiofi (2-l).===An ifi'tratieI'*'m£§l iI'ij'eCti0'r”n of 031
`-- mi of an A;sia'n- influen;:a"vaccine prod-uce_s"'a "
`-- rise --in---antibody titer wmpiarab-le m "that -
`achieved w=ith==:a s%1br§uti‘i'I3e€)uS'in_§ecti0Il‘()f“1 ml
`" 0f the same -v':a¢c'ine' (22-, 23). A‘ recefit study "
`" by Halperiri er. al; -{Z2-=3) confirmed the‘ su_'pe-
`-- rinrity of £he--lmm2mog'e-nicity---0f--the int'ra- --
`ciermal =-reu'te==f43_sr='A;/Vicwri-a=/75 Vaccine‘; but
`-- failcdto shew any diffeirmrce in inlrgdérmal
`-- and --subcutaneous '"1' ‘for --A/New ".ler- --
`“ sezy/76 ‘(Swin-Le Flu)“‘v.aCc:_ihatia=n"; "‘l“-l1s'a;.11'lr1'c:»%it%s
`" izoncluded thm: in"t'lm¢s"c>fvaccine-jsh<:2r'tag€fthe
`-- intraderrnal
`r<)‘u'tci,"'V/hich i-nmlves "smaller "
`“ diisefifi, may"-be“impor1an't. In a‘:':ldi‘ti€m,_ less -lccél
`" irrltatiun -maybe‘ assqciattté with i11t'r:iéei*m'§1l
`-- ihan--with subcutan-cans"i;-1ject'ic:fis-'(2.5). "
`Jcaumzxl of me ?arc:ater::l Drag Associazion
`M lsllazeneca Exjllzi 19 p. 5

`TABLE I1. Rsgi-anal lllepesition of Unit Density Spheres in Relatiicnship to Particle: Size
`}3’e1-‘cent Aerosalflegosition fur Tiéa! Volume Gf 7511 ml
`Region Tetal
` %mm_____
`The ai-veoli are separated. from the capilia-ry
`S-ystam by the -a1veQ1ar—c3.piiiary membrane,
`which forms an aiiwblood barrier of about
`0.24 8 mm in tl1i'(:l'-mess. The proximity of the
`L:ap£.il.ary endetheiiam ta the alve-zzli permits
`very efficient esxclianga 03° sub.sta_nc$s, -and a
`;:'m_lm:.0nar'y bleed supply‘ assures ‘rapid
`' 1‘*2m0¥9;l ‘of any substance that may penetrate.
`j the alveaiamzajpillarry membrane.
`Drugs can be 'i:ntrod§1c:ed into that mspitatary
`If system -as gases or as Einhalation aeraseis. Best‘
`j-- cxampiss (if lil_1.¢ farmer are the general -anes»
`[3 tin-=:.t;i::s 31:01! 35 ttther -and chléirofcérm. Diffusitzn
`_3 aicress the-alvaol-arwcapiliary membrane does
`33 rsdt 0.fE’a.r any significant res'is'tanc::
`to the.
`:2 transfer of "gases bxatwsen tha, lung and biood,
`-T and they am jalm'ost' instantaneczusly absorbed
`3:. {'33. 31').
`fX6i‘0S€I-l$ are fine stxspensions ax’ dispcrsiam;
`I3; af solid or iiqiiifi particlizzs. in gases. Ti1.e.actii2e
`I;;'i:ngredi-eat i-s.dEis:s0'lved_ er sugpem-dad in a Ei-
`j;-quified prapeiiani sygtem, from which are
`j5: aerosol is predu-cad. Upon inhaalatien, éepm
`3 sitien. {if aerosoi -particies may occur within the
`ff -respiratory ai-rways by impactien, -iedimenr
`ii;-tatiran, er diffuéi-am €32).
`Impacticrii usually
`occurs in the ‘nasal p'h-arynx and tracheal-
`tmchial ‘tree when the airstreasn in which 3
`gaarticla is ilawing changes -direction. For 3
`given drug, -particle size. is the primazry fa-cmr
`governing the bjiaavailability Qf iniiaiatien
`emtmcribecemhesg léiffl, Vol. 34. Na. 6
`aerasals. Aerasoi particles" la.rgc:1* than 1.6" ,u.:m
`are almost compieztely deposited in tl‘s<3'n'a§(i«
`pharyngeai regicm. Smaller particles penetrate
`daeepér in the res'pi'rat0'ry tract, with same dem
`p£3$E‘ti,013'lr": the passages. reauiting in iocal ac-
`tivity. Tha mgixzsn.-al depositimi of different s-its
`particies in the respiratory tract is shew-n in
`Tahie ii (29),
`Most '§€‘A"GS0l pa_rti€i::s will adsorb -moisture
`as they pass through the respiratory traaczt, and
`the resultant growth in particle size <:o.ntrib-
`tltés to.dép0siti0n. Systemic afiscrrfiption ixtcurs
`m;ain'ly after the partieles reach ‘and deposit in
`the a.lve<:.rl.', dissolve: in the "alveolar" fluid, and
`are t;r.a'nsp0'rt'ed through the alveoiarcgpi-llary
`membrane intc the capillary blood system.
`The.optirnu:m size for this purpose is about 1~2
`The prcsancc of elcctricai cha_rg_es on pan
`ticlcsal-so has an effect on their-depcssition.
`Smaii pa-rti-cies in. particular show marked
`increases in deposition in the nasophairynx
`when they are-charged (.29).. z3iit'othe'r"fact0r
`which can affect tlie'absc3rpl:ioa*: of sul:rstan'ccs
`from an aemsel is the density of the sus;3end—-
`ing gas. A denser gas 1133 a greater buoy-ant
`effect an suspended particles, permitii-ng them
`to penetrate more -deeply 5-nte the lungs.
`An important consideration in aeresal ad-
`ministrat-i-iin is the respiration -rate and tidal
`‘volume, $33., the volume. of air inS];}l.'1‘6(i- arid.
`Astraznlenenciz Ex. 2119 p. 6

`---venmzs infusion of-the drug--in treating cerebral;
`===t¥.1irn;<31=" in‘ r_a;£s (39) A recent study -si'm_w&fi==11*_:
`'''effectiveness of sr2:lecti"ve "intyaarteri-ai wsfisjj
`it:-fusiari "in ""m~:a-tin_g--- massivv tip-pf:
`===ga=s:r©intestiné1 t‘1"ac1h'é:m'&3rr=hage §;40)."
`'l)e3pi'te the" advar1t;3*geS' mem'i<m'ed 'ab@v§,'"
`"use inf £he'intraarterml"1"0ute"c<f"d:ug: admij
`""istrat"ic:n i's""li‘mitcd by "the" pcrtcintéal dang"$1_‘s"
`*=C€>m';'=)lica_tion§ s1ic:h==a_s='em-bol=izati0‘h, 2t'*rf:&'ri;_
`occlusion, and "exC6ssi${6' locaii "drug- toxicity "are";
`"mt since-mmon, thus--requiring maxi:num'ca_:e=
`===in“d0'§¢ éd"n§inist.f:a1;i'i<3n.===
`--Imrarkeaal--Admfrfistra-rz”on --
`==Inj-eet=icta;"£ direetly in-":10" the :::e1*ebr0spi=n
`"fluid "ensures comglcie bioavailaébility-of drugs"
`"whieh otherwise may have-d-ifficrult-31=crossir":
`---the bl0od-brain ha-rriex". This-dusage route-lg;
`===tl1erefore useful in thmtreat-mernt of sale"
`---central-nervous system {CNS)- infections;-s-ugh
`"""a's--rneningi-tis--and vemric:u"l'i-tis; Intrathficalg
`===iz_1j'cctior1= i_-sused also {(3 pmduce" spinal an:
`"thes-Ea, with su"ci‘r"agem;"s -as m6piva"cai"ns "anti"
`---pri-locainc, and En" -relieving- ch-manic -pain -(all
`===Heid‘1*ich er al-; "(4=2)==sh§3wed th-at ll'1l.TSill1EC3.__
`"'ad'm-inistmtion" ofp-3min0methy"lbeaz0ic 36361"
`"is effective"""in -treating -stibarachno-id hams
`""I‘l1ages, whéle oral er-intravenaus adminism-_;
`===tio'n"o'=f the cl-rug fa;=ils toprtaduce hemestatic-al
`"effective" 'concant"ra'ti0»ns ‘in the‘ care,-b=r<:1s'pirr_ __
`""fluid;" In recen: "years.-;
`===ther;_ajpy has "_gai-n=er,;i =impQrtan=ce==i:-"3 =-the tr-ea
`"'ment"' of -meningeal" neoplasms, -which ""aIe_j
`"""1argely CNS-matasiasw fmm---systemic cane: "
`"lfirugs adminéstered by th: i"ntrath"eca_l route‘:
`"arse n"sua"1ly"injected--direcily into the lug-m-ban
`"""s=pina"l subarach=n0Ed-space, into -the su-bduraig
`===space'; or inns €he==vén1riCl-es.
`frequently via argf
`""imp']an'tev:§ reservoit" '¥‘he' site -of -inject§o"n---has
`"3 great effect--on~ the avai-labilfiy of drug-112%
`===v=a='riz)=us region's ail" gthe =CNSa.===This is demo ~_;
`""3-tra_1e;d ‘in "T-a'bl-e" 11"!
`(4-4). In-traventricul-at;
`""a'dmi"nistra1ion fif 3H~mct-ha-trexata "in 'II"I{)¥3§
`===ke‘_y"s “gave fisé =1;i:'> "sig:":'ifiéan't;l§r==h-igher drug
`"'leVe§s'at'"2-hr in whole-braimarzd c"ervical""am$ -
`"'th{)fa<:iC' spinal cord, but --lewe=r--lexke-ls in--t-hey
`lumbar "spi-n"al- cord" compared to -levels---ubé
`===t-ained fmm a'=sp¥rm=l cathet-e=r. At :4 hr pasta
`expired w"ith"e'aa:h nofmal bre'iath.""In a"n0r"maE""
`young ‘male adult, the=='rcspiratary t'*'a.t:§‘is "ea\ "1
`br";e'at:h"'s per min"ute'ar1d tidal V0i£1L;lt'f1€;:
`is _500""nr:l'"
`(33). Any in'ci‘ease' l'iI"[l'lfi “velocity 0f'i'1‘1spiired""
`2i‘il*' ”W'0‘l‘1i'd‘ df‘iVé“ Chi: 'p"'a1"tiCl'6"3 Cl‘6«'i:f:2ei1“‘ir1'l:<‘:r
`;5ulfr1of1afy' {feet ()h""tl'1e ather hafid, '1*e.d”uz:i'ng"'
`th_§:"r;s'pir'a€ory"'rate would in_ct"e_;a's¢'
`time ané "ihe" reténiion ‘of 'a"er'os0l" p'a"rtic1&:s" in"
`Inhzlatiofi aerosols" are used bC3?th"fQr l0i::3.l'"
`t"hera'py (egg; iseproierenel in acute‘ asthmatic"
`attéické) arid‘ foil" sysztémi-in .efEe%t:t (-e,g‘.3. gen‘ta~“‘
`£"’iniCin,"'pei1iCill'ii'1, and" cort_ie:os:eroids such" as”
`becio-rnethasonc diprepienate) ;"An ebstaole tn"
`thofe e;'xt¢I11si‘";re =use“of"thi§ -rduté is“'thé‘ cé'ncérn“‘
`(34): Filrthef Studies" in"
`for"'do‘se "ac€§ur3cy"”
`improve i:1ha;lation"dcviCe:sa1"e nwiteded i'rm‘rde'r""
`to iexpand"the use ‘of this effective route of drug"
`“‘ Thi§ rduté iS"‘u$£*;d forihé‘ 1"e;gi:0'haE“d€Elivt'try"‘
`Gfdrzzgs to v'ari'<3us"{>"r'"gans_, as oftén dessired in"
`ca=n"cer" chemotherapy or in ihe; us‘.'e"""0'-F""vas0—"""
`firicésiti fiisr gas;'itrc'int‘ésti'na‘i bl'ee€ii:r1g.
`ariérial infusim"; in'Cre2se?s d'fug'de'iivéry"t0 the"
`area ‘suppliedhy ‘the infus-‘ed -artery, "while "re-"
`dtzcirag the ‘access of drug tea the systemic‘ Cif-'
`Eiuilfitidn (‘3'5‘§). This .a%:lva*'nt2ig_e===is ‘pafiicizlarl-y'=
`evident iii the infus'ioTi <>f‘= g; highly c:y5t€>t0xi_<:'
`drug i"n'tes ‘an 'a"rtery"w'hich" receives" a""s'ma'l1"
`fmétioh df thezéartiiaé‘ 0u;‘tp1;':‘:. In cirdér 123 have‘
`reduced éntrjy af th:;e"to:4:'ic: 'dr1i'g i"n1;t:i' ihi: s'ys—'"
`i'ji;rc11iati(3:ri" after arterial
`hax':'¢ev'aer,===thére'==mi:s"r==b"e===1=o§s df drug Hy r':'1e—“‘
`t'ah':'31is'm;"e:x'ct:e;ti:ri1, i'3r'(:l1'cfI11ic§'21.§ '<'flcgE"radatl6_n“'
`during" its _pa$-s'a'ge;' fhzmugli the re:giar'1"""beir1g"
`perfused "by "the arter"iaE""bl0od;"
`Efiitiical x"'ie"ptxrtS‘ h':ave'= sh‘0w=n" i"I1.t1*"a'ai*t2:'*iaE-‘
`BC'Nl;'l to l§e"eff'ectix;'e fo:r"t'he ‘t'rea;tri1'e:"xt of"
`metastatic brain 121111131" frbm lung i:ar€i"r1'on2'a"
`(36),: and 1o"Cal“ (pelvic)“-ini:raér‘térié;‘l a"'c:ti';?1e—“‘
`fny't:in'"I)'"i0"he'"u'séf1Il fér r'hal'ign'an't t1'""0:ph0—"'
`blazstic cliseasc "£373, Cas'o*n""a'nd= Whal-iey £38)"
`éisdd 3“lié'21d¥‘h11"'i1té'I"'C2t:ll3‘:*£ér fbf i'nt2"a'ai'"tez"ial"
`hegfiatiit 'iI""ifuSioh of cl'1'e.m'o.ihe,r'a péutit: zagen t_s,i"
`w§1ich"3§err:‘1i't§"diret:{. perftj-§0n"0f ";*3:*in":ary- arid"
`secondfiry "liver" LuI1'r'10"1"s."Caro1id"aTt"eTy infigx-"""
`gioii of vi‘n:bl=as=tiné ma::re==sa=ti.sfact'or32 -tha"nt'=
`ii: 4539 ii:
`-Jcllixrnéil :2-fuilhe; l5ami'iterél Dflxg flissocliaiiaél
`Astrazeneca Ex. 21

`¥’~’?3=é1I% I???-fiiiafi-d SW1 ~‘i‘-érd Rési-éné *
`ram #1:;
`-- after-Intraventrécul-arand--lintratheca-1.Spina-I CaihétérIAdi;iIi.;ii$ix%:.ti<i>nI‘ccI
`I Time afffl~.1_n'ect;0,,
`I. 4hr.
`.[."’-3“-I/.’S'C I.
`I I.
`Tissue _
`Rafié I.
`I whIoI1I£e I‘b1¥ainII
`I C¢r§«if.::3;E§_;§izia1co:d '
`- Thoma-is--sp§§1aiEIc<5rt1I
`3 Lum‘ba:rsp:in3a1cord:
`3 3-0.363
`" 38;:463 3
`I 1.36
`I I283 II
`II "856?
`:3 4.29
`:3: 50.2:
`::_::_.§_-96 :_:
`.3 331.21-33 3
`3 0e:0.2::
`3 dosing, hr3ain331eve§s from tha::.i'nira.v<:ntric.uiar--
`-zzdm-inis-nation were-Sti-3i..i.E.7.ti.mes gr.eater..
`- Ithamhasa Qbztained fIrQi?1.11‘Ii.€..3I33I1<’i1C3.1h€P¢:fI=..
`ah.hQ1;gIh drug I-cvels in th: spinai cord were
`It-hézn -s§g:I1Ii3fIi.:éé1h3tIiy3 h'ighcIIr IIftI*0Irn.I
`I::.athIeE=:f zsd=r:1:ir;i.str:a:io:n='.
`-Lumbar-_pgmc1ure-eften-rtzsalts-in leak;-ge..
`- Iéf IdIr1I;IgIIIifitfi .tIheIc:p.ii:1xirIIa!II<iIr IIs::§bI::i1Ix.raI1I sIIp=§é.§:II6.II
`I A1sG,"t3fie"d'rt1g must ;1$cén'd'th'e'spina.i3-sub--33 33
`' amchnoid space-againstthc descending-"bum I
`. flew of‘..cer€.brospina1.f1i:id
`(CSF) {4.5:),__se~__ __
`s?"n ¥o.-.~=v.I¢r:&p€.>i§iC 1€=é**2.1S.i?1..*-*I?'=..
`brain (46). Fnrthermare,
`adII:Ii.:éi§t:I‘I21ti«i‘I:xt*£ is superior £IQ"i1'1ita1u'mbQr'ih«" 3
`.%es:tiI<>-:7: as::th¢..c¢r¢-braiY~?¢%¢$fir?thfisimfi‘
`- CS5? --pr-ad-uctian,.
`fr1ixi;1II§IIE1i’Ei3 é1'iStIribt£ti.0%t éf '<if§1gI'ih¥3'0IU$‘?f¥0¥*tII
`I_3 {hie CSF comp'artmen'ts-(4?)-;
`IDIriI1gIs II§n§eICtI€:d.iIn1Irei1E1éIc;éI§.l;3r
`initi3a11y 'i:nt:e::a:much '2:rr:a:!1i~i:r::~*<.fiuI11%.-{W?-I334?
`CSF) -ih-an those: admin-stared intravenousiy
`I (3 iitéré .f$1.ésinI23I)I.TheI fiI:e1“II1'nIIe;I.*.x'Iv:1-£1.tIa IthImI"I.eIf'<-5Iz‘:éI
`If 'g6ner'a11y"pro33s2ids2shigherfix-‘mgc0ncen€ra.1iQn.s3
`in-ihe-{INS with-Sass risk-ofsysteméc mxicity.
`!$ter2é _n'1e:t11_c'>_t'aif3'x5:~3.__tc_
`pr_@<_1L;_c;f:s__c§_}1f;centr21tio;:s in {he <:.erebr<>s§i

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