`Edited by
`Pramod K. Gupta
`Gayle A. Brazeau
`Interpharm Press
`Denver, Colorado
` ~/
`P R E S S
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2087 p. 1
`Mylan Pharms. Inc. V. Astrazeneca AB IPR2016-01326


`Invitation to Authors
`Interpharm Press publishes books focused upon applied tech-
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`Library of Congress Cataloging~in—Publication Data
`Injectable drug development : techniques to reduce pain and irritation /
`edited by Prarnod l<. Gupta and Gayle A. Brazeau.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 1-57'49‘l—095—7
`’l. Injections. 2. injections—=«Complications. 3. Drug development.
`I. Gupta, Pramod l(., 1959-
`. II. Brazeau, Gayle A.
`[DNLM: ‘i. Injections—adverse effects. 2. Pain—Chemically induced.
`3. Pain—prevention 8; control. 4. Pharmaceutical Preparations——
`administration 82 dosage. WB 354 156 1999]
`for Library of Congress
`ISBN: l—57491—09t5—7
`Copyright © 1999 by Interpharrn Press. All rights reserved.
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`Astrazeneca Ex. 2087 p. 2


`Editors and Contributors
`Challenges in the Development of
`Injectable Products
`Michael J. Akers
`General Challenges
`Safety Concerns
`Microbiological and Other Contamination Challenges
`Stability Challenges
`Solubility Challenges
`Packaging Challenges
`Manufacturing Challenges
`Delivery/Administration Challenges
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2087 p. 3


`lnjectable Drug Development
`Pain, Irritation, and Tissue Damage
`with Injections
`Wolfgang Klement
`Must Injections Hurt?
`Mechanisms of Pain and Damage
`Routes of Drug Injection
`Cutaneous/Subcutaneous Injections
`Intramuscular Injections
`Intra-arterial Injections
`Intravenous Injections
`Conclusions and Perspectives
`Mechanisms of Muscle Damage with
`Injectable Products
`Anne McArclle and Malcolm J. Jackson
`Mechanisms of Muscle Damage
`Elevation of Intracellular Calcium Concentration
`Increased Free Radical Production
`Loss offinergy Homeostasis
`Methods of Assessing Drug»Inclucec1 Skeletal
`Muscle Damage
`Microscopic Analysis of Skeletal Muscle
`Muscle Function Studies
`Leakage of Intramuscular Proteins
`Microclialysis Studies oflndividual Muscles
`Cellular Stress Response
`Techniques to Assess the Mechanisms of Muscle Damage
`Models ofMuscle Damage
`Techniques to Show Changes in Muscle Calcium Content
`Markers oflncreased Free Radical Activity
`Methods of Measuring Cellular Energy Levels
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2087 p. 4


`In Vitrn Methods for Evaluating
`Intravascular Hemolysis
`Jeseph Pi Kirzyzaniak and Sanmei H. Yaficawsky
`In Vim) Methods for Evaluating Henmlysis
`Static Meflmcfs
`Dynamfc fvietheds
`Comparisczrn of In V‘itr<:,~ and in Vivo Hemolysis Data
`Summary of In Vitzm Methods
`Lesion and Edema Models
`Steven C. Suzmn
`Edema and Inflammation
`Lesion Modeis
`Serum Gfutami::~{3Xa10aCe2‘i:: Transaminase
`Creatine Kinase
`Edema Mockeizs
`Indzzcing Edema
`E:«:udarz'w3 Moczflm of Inflammation
`Vascular Psrmeabiiity Arfodels
`Foaipad Eczfema hzI<:>c2'e?s
`Cnrreiaticn 0? Medals
`Rabbi? Lesion Versus Rabbit Henmrmage Score Mode!
`Rabbit Lésfon Versus Rabbit CK Made}
`Rabbit Lesion Versus 83% Footpad E-fZ3r.’:‘f’I}a Mafia!
`Rabbit Lesion ‘£:’e,rsus fiat CK Mode!
`Rat and Human
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2087 p. 5


`lnjectable Drug Development
`Models for Exter1ded—Release Formulations
`Predicting Muscle Damage from
`Extended-Release Formulations
`Future Directions
`Muscle Damage and CR"
`Gamma Scintigraphy
`Electron Parametric Resonance and
`Nuclear Resonance Imaging
`Effect of Edema and Lesion on Bioavailability
`Rat Paw-Lick Model
`Pramod K. Gupta
`Correiation Between Rat Paw-Lick and Other
`Pain/Irritation Models
`Application of Rat Paw-Lick Mode] to Screening
`Cosolvent-Based Formulations
`Limitations of the Rat Paw-Lick Model
`Concluding Remarks
`Radiopharmaceuticals for the Noninvasive
`Evaluation of Inflammation Following
`Intramuscular Injections
`Agatha Feltus, Michael Jay, and Robert M. Beihn
`Gamma Scintigraphy
`Gamma Cameras
`Electronics and Output
`Tomographic Imaging
`Quality Control
`Raclionuclides and Radiation
`Scintigraphic Detection of Inflammation
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2087 p. 6


`Radiolabeled Leukocytes
`Radiolabeleo’ Antibodies
`A Primer on In Vitro and In Vivo Cytosolic
`Enzyme Release Methods
`Gayle A. Brazeau
`Rationale for Utilizing Release of Cytosolic Components
`as a Marker of Tissue Damage
`Experimental Models
`Isolated Rodent Skeletal Muscle Model
`General Experimental Overview 159
`Isolation, Extraction, and Viability of‘ Isolated Muscles
`Muscle Exposure to the Test Formulation
`Incubation Media
`Cytosoiic Enzymes Utilized in Isolated Muscle Studies
`Controls and Data Analysis
`Muscle Cell Culture Methods to Evaluate Muscle Injury
`General Considerations
`General Considerations in the Optimization of Experimental
`Cell Culture Systems
`Selected Cell Lines in Screening for Drug—Ino'uced Toxicity
`In Vivo Enzymatic Release Methods
`General Considerations
`Animal Models
`Quantification of Tissue Damage
`Histological and Morphological Methods
`Bruce M. Carlson and Robert Palmer
`Basic Principles Underlying Morphological Analysis
`Techniques of Morphological Analysis
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2087 p. 7


`Injectable Drug Development
`Electron Microscopic Methods
`Histological Methods
`Histochemical Methods
`Imm un ocytoch emical Merhods
`Neuromuscular Staining Methods
`Summary of Strengths and Limitations of
`Morphological Techniques in Assessing
`Muscle Damage After Injections
`10. Conscious Rat Model to Assess Pain
`Upon Intravenous Injection
`John M. Maroek
`Experimental Procedures
`Experiment 1'
`Experiment 2
`Experiment 3
`Experiment 4
`Experiment 6
`Experiment 7
`Statistical Analyses
`Summary and Conclusions
`11. Cosolvent Use in Injectahle Formulations
`Susan L. Way and Gayle Brazeau
`Commonly Used Solvents
`Polyethylene Glycols
`Propylene Glycol
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2087 p. 8


`Bcnzya‘ macho}
`Amide Solvents
`Hiemmyti-:3 Patentia} of Saiventsfiosolvents
`In ‘Mitre/In Viva Hemoiysis Cemparfisens
`Muscle Damage
`C0s0ivent—Re}ated Pain an injection
`Casalvents Knawn ta Cause Pain
`Mefhocfs ta Minimize Pain
`Laszio Prokai and Kataiin Prakai-Ta traf
`Ire:-zign of Prodrugs
`Specific: Z.x:a:11pIes of Pmdrugs Developed to Impmve
`Water Solubility of Injectables
`Anticancer‘ Agents
`Cenfrai Newaus System Agents
`Other Drugs
`Complexatian-——~«Use (‘If Cycladextrins to
`Improve Pharmaceutical Properties of
`Intramuscular Formulations
`Marcus E. Brewster and Tharsieinn Laftsson
`Prepanation 01° Cyciodextrin Ccmpiexes
`Characterization of Cyciadextrin Complexes
`Use Qf Cyclodextrins in IM Formulatiuns
`IM Taxicfty 01“ Cycladexfrins and Their Derivafivs$
`Use G2“ Cyciadexmns ta Repface Toxic Extfpienrs
`in {M Farmufafiens
`Use at” C3/cfadexfrins to Reduce fmrinsic
`Dftzg-Refated Taxiisiry
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2087 p. 9


`lnjectable Drug Development
`Conclusions and Future Directions
`Liposomal Formulations to Reduce
`Irritation of Intramuscularly and
`Subcutaneously Administered Drugs
`Farida Kaclir, Chrlstien Oussoren, and Daan J. A. Crommefln
`Liposomes: A Short introduction
`Liposomes as intramuscular and Subcutaneous
`Drug Delivery Systems
`Studies on Reduction of Local Irritation
`Studies on the Protective Effect After
`Intramuscular Administration
`Studies on the Protective Eltect Ai°terfntraclern1al and
`Subcutaneous Administration
`Biodegradable Microparticles for the
`Development of Less-Painful and
`Less-Irritating Parenterals
`Elias Fattal, Fabiana Qua-glia, Pramod Gupta, and Gayle Brazeau
`Rationale for Using Microparticles in the Development
`of Less—Painful and Less—Irritating Parenterals
`Poly(Lactide—co-Glycoiide] Microparticles as Delivery
`Systems in the Development of Less—Painful and
`Less—Irritating Parenterals
`Polymer Selection
`Microencapsulation Technique
`Drug Release
`Stability of the Encapsulated Drug and
`Microparticle Products
`Protection Against Myotoxicity by Intrarnuscularlyl
`Subcutaneously Administered Microparticles
`AstraZeneca Ex. 2087 p. 10


`Pramod K. Gupta and John B. Cannon
`Rationale for Using Emulsions for Reducing Pain and
`irritation upon Injection
`Potential Mechanisms of Pain on Injection
`Case Studies
`Propofol {Diprivan®)
`Etomida to
`Pregnanoione (Eitanolone®,l
`Methohexitai and Thiopental
`Aniphotericin B
`Challenges in the Use of Emulsions as Pharmaceutical
`Dosage Forms
`Physical Stability
`Dose Volume
`Other issues
`Formulation and Administration Techniques
`to Minimize Injection Pain and Tissue
`Damage Associated with Parenteral Products
`Larry A. Gatlin and Carol A. Gatlin
`Formulation Development
`Focus on Osmolality, Cosoivents, Oils, and pH 410
`pH 415
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2087 p. 11


`Injectable Drug Devefopmenf
`P031:-Formulation Pmceczlurea
`pH, Additivrgs, and Eolvents
`Devices and Physicaf Manipuiarfons
`Astrazeneca EX. 2087 p. 12


`Challenges in the
`Development of Inj ectable
`Michael J. Akers
`Biophannaceutical Products Development
`Lilly Research Laboratories
`Indianapolis, Indiana
`The injection of drugs is necessary either because a need exists for a very
`rapid therapeutic effect, or the drug compound is not systemically avail-
`able by non-injectable routes of administration. Early use of injections led
`to many adverse reactions because the needs for sterility and freedom
`from pyrogenic contamination were poorly understood [Avis 1992]. Al-
`though Pasteur and Lister recognized the need for sterilization to eliminate
`pathogenic microorganisms during the 18605, sterilization technologies
`did not advance until much later. For example, the autoclave was discov-
`ered in 1884, membrane filtration in 1918, ethylene oxide in 1944, high ef-
`ficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in 1952, and laminar airflow in 1961.
`Increases in body temperature and «chills in patients receiving injections
`were observed in 1911, which were found in 1923 to be due to bacteria-
`produced pyrogens. The science and technology of manufacturing and us-
`ing injectable products have both come a long way since their inception in
`the mid-1850s. However, the assurance of sterility, particularly with in-
`jectable products manufactured by aseptic manufacturing processes, con-
`tinues to be tremendously challenging to the parenteral drug industry.
`Injectable products have some very special characteristics unlike any
`other pharmaceutical dos age form (Table 1.1]. Each of these characteristics
`offers unique challenges in the development, manufacture, testing, and use
`of these products. These will be discussed more specifically in later sec-
`tions of this chapter.
`AstraZeneca Ex. 2087 p. 13


`Injectable Drug Development
`Table 1.1. Special Characteristics of and Requirements for Injectahle
`Dosage Forms
`Toxicologically safe--many potential formulation additives are not sufficiently safe for in-
`jectable drug administration
`Free from pyrogenic (including endotoxin} contamination
`Free from foreign particulate matter
`Stable‘-not only physically and chemically but also microbiologically
`Compatible with intravenous admixtures if indicated
`From a formulation development standpoint, the injectable product for-
`mulation must be as simple as possible. As long as there are no major
`stability, compatibility, solubility, or delivery problems with the active in-
`gredient, injectable product formulation is relatively easy to accomplish.
`Ideally, the formulation will contain the active ingredient and water in a ve-
`hicle [e.g., sodium chloride or dextrose) that is isotonic with bodily fluid.
`Unfortunately, most active ingredients to be injected do not possess these
`ideal properties. Many drugs are only slightly soluble or are insoluble in
`aqueous media. Many drugs are unstable for extended periods of time in
`solution and even in the solid state. Some drugs are very interactive with
`surfaces such as the container/closure surface, surfaces of other formula-
`tion additives, or surfaces of administration devices.
`There are three interesting phenomena that make injectable drug for-
`mulation, processing and delivery so complicated compared to other phar-
`maceutical dosage forms:
`There are relatively few safe and acceptable formulation addi-
`tives that can be used. If the drug has significant stability, solu-
`bility, processing, contamination, andfor delivery problems, the
`formulation scientist does not have a plethora of formulation
`materials that can be used to solve these problems.
`In non-parenteral processing, because of the frequent potential
`for powder toxicology concerns, the process is set up to protect
`personnel from the product. In injectable product processing, the
`opposite exists—-the process is set up to protect the product from
`personnel because the major sources of contamination are people.
`AstraZeneca Ex. 2087 p. 14


`Challenges in the Development of lnjectable Products
`3. When a manufacturer releases a non—injectable dosage form to
`the marketplace, the ultimate consumer takes that dosage form
`from its package and consumes it. Because there is little manip-
`ulation of the non-injectable dosage form, potential problems
`created by the consumer of these products are infrequent. How-
`ever, most injectable dosage forms experience one or several ex-
`tra manipulations before administration to the patient. lnjectable
`drug products are withdrawn from vials or ampoules, placed in
`administration devices, and/or combined with other solutions,
`and they are sometimes combined with other drugs. The point
`here is that something is usually done to the injectable product
`that can potentially affect its stability or solubility, or another
`performance factor; such manipulations are done beyond the
`control of the manufacturer. Yet when problems occur, e.g., sta-
`bility or solubility issues, the manufacturer is responsible for
`solving them even though the manufacturer did not cause them.
`Drug products administered by injection must be safe from two stand-
`points: ['1] the nature of the formulation components of the product and
`(2) the anatomical/physiological effects of the drug product during and af—
`ter injection.
`Compared to other pharmaceutical dos age forms, there are relatively
`few formulation additives a formulation scientist can choose from to solve
`solubility and/or stability problems, maintain sterility, achieve and main~
`tain isotonicity, extend or control the release of drugs from depot injec-
`tions, or accomplish some other need from a formulation standpoint (e.g.,
`bulking agent, viscosity agent, suspending./emulsifying agent). Because of
`the irreversibility of the injectable route of aclministration and the immedi-
`ate effect and Contact of the drug product with the bloodstream and sys-
`temic circulation, any substance that has potential toxic properties, either
`related to the type of substance or its close, will either be unsuitable for
`parenteral administration or will have restrictions for the maximum
`amount to be in the formulation. For example, the choices of antimicrobial
`preservative agents for parenteral administration are very limited, and
`even these agents that are acceptable have limits on how much of the agent
`can be contained in a marketed dosage form. Similar restrictions exist for
`antioxidant agents, surface active agents, solubilizers, cosolvents, and
`other stabilizers (e.g., disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid IEDTAD.
`There are many potential clinical hazards that may result from the ad-
`ministration of drugs by injection [Duma et al. 1992] [Table 1.2]. Several of
`these hazards (e.g., hypersensitivity reactions, particulate matter, phlebitis)
`AstraZeneca Ex. 2087 p. 15


`Injectable Drug Development
`Table 1.2. Clinical Hazards of Parenteral Administration
`Air ernboli
`Limited to IV or IA (imra-arterial] usage
`Usually related to patient’s condition
`Fever and Toxicity

`Local or systemic
`Secondary to allergic or toxic reaction

`Immediate and delayed
`Can be most threatening if occurring in the vascular compartment
`Infiltration and extravasation
`Limited to IV or IA usage
`Drugs or fluids
`Particulate matter
`- Most serious in [V or L0. administration
`Can cause foreign body reaction
`Usually with IV administration
`' May be localized, systemic, or metastatic
`Limited to IV or IA administration
`can be directly related to formulation andfor packaging components. For
`example, some we11—lcnowI1 hypersensitivity reactions exist with the use of
`bisulfites, phenol, thimerosal, parabens, and latex rubber.
`There are three primary potential contamination issues to deal with. The
`first is to achieve and maintain sterflity. Sterility, obviously, is the uniquely
`premier attribute of a sterile product. The concept of sterility is intriguing
`AstraZeneca Ex. 2087 p. 16


`Challenges in the Development of Injectable Products
`because it is an absolute attribute, ie, the product is either sterile or not
`sterile. The achievement, maintenance, and testing of sterility involve chal-
`lenges that occupy the time, energy, and money of thousands of people and
`numerous resources. Sterility, by definition, is simp1e—-the absence of mi-
`crobial life. However, how does one prove sterility? Compendiai sterility
`tests use a very small sample from a much larger product population. How
`confident can one be of the sterility of each and every unit of product
`based on the test results of a very small sample size? Sterility essentially
`cannot be proved; it can only be assured. This is a huge challenge to the
`parenteral drug and device industry.
`Sterility can be achieved by a variety of methods, including saturated
`steam under pressure [the autoclave), dry heat, gases such as ethylene ox-
`ide and vapor phase hydrogen peroxide, radiation such as cobalt 60
`gamma radiation, and aseptic filtration through at least 0.2 pm filters. Dif-
`ferent types of materials and products are sterilized by different methods.
`For example, glass containers are usually sterilized by dry heat; rubber clo-
`sures and filter assemblies by saturated steam under pressure; plastic and
`other heat labile materials by gaseous or radiation methods; and final
`product solutions either by saturated steam under pressure (if the product
`can withstand high temperatures], or, more commonly, by aseptic filtra-
`tion. Each of these sterilization procedures must undergo significant study
`(process validation) in order to ensure that the method is dependable to a
`high degree of assurance to sterilize the material/product in question un-
`der normal production conditions. Great challenges exist in performing
`sterilization process validation and monitoring. There are also continuous
`efforts to find newer or better sterilization methods to increase the conve-
`nience and assurance of sterility (Akers et al. 1997).
`Injectable products must be free from pyrogenie contamination. Pyro-
`gens are metabolic by-products of microbial growth and death. Pyrogenic
`contamination must be prevented since the most common sterilization
`methods [e.g., steam sterilization, aseptic filtration) cannot destroy or re-
`move pyrogens. Prevention can occur using solutes prepared under pyro-
`genic conditions, pyrogen-free water produced by distillation or reverse
`osmosis, pyrogen-free packaging materials where glass containers have
`been depyrogenated by validated dry heat sterilization methods, and rub-
`ber closures and plastic materials that have been sufficiently rinsed with
`pyrogen-free water. The reason for Good Manufacturing Practice [GMPJ
`requirements for time limitations during parenteral product processing is
`to eliminate the potential for pyrogenic contamination, since subsequent
`sterilization of the product will remove microbial Contamination but not
`necessarily pyrogens.
`in sufficient injected amounts, pyrogens can be very harmful to
`humans. Pyrogens are composed of lipopolysaccharides that will react with
`the hypothalamus of mammals, producing an elevation in body tempera-
`ture [hence its Greek roots [pyro means fire and gen means beginningll.
`AstraZeneca Ex. 2087 p. 17


`Injecrtable Drug Development
`Depending an the amount at‘ pymgen injected, other physiological prob»
`lems can occur, including death. Compendial te$ts, both in Vivo [rabbit
`model} and in vitro {Limulus amelmcyte lysate}, are established to ensure
`that products used in humans are tested and ck) Imt ccmtain levels sf }::yro»-
`gens that will dc any harm.
`lnjectable products, if injecztecl or infused as solutlens, must be free
`from particulate matter Cantamlnatien. Particulate matter in injectables C0n~
`notates at least three important perceptions:
`The degree at" product quality and the subsequent reflection of
`the quality of the precinct manufacturer.
`The degree of product quality in the “’customer’s"‘ view (patient,
`medical professional, regulatory agency}.
`The clinical implications of the potential hazards of particulate
`The first two perceptionsmrelated to the manufacturer and to the user Gr
`cu,stomer—-are relatively well-deflnecl and understoml in that evidence of
`particulate matter will trigger a series of reactions, ranging from product
`canxplaints to product recalls and other regulatory actiuns. However, the
`third perception, that particulate matter is clinically hazardcsus, begs more
`questions and discussion. There is substantial evidence of the adverse
`physialogical effects of injected. particulate matter, but still much c::'mjec~
`ture regarding the relaticzmship between the clinical hazard and the type,
`size, and number cf particulates (Groves 1993).
`lnjectable drugs are administered either as solutions or as clispersecl sys~
`tems (suspensions, emulsicsns, lipasomas, lather micmpartlculate systems}.
`The majcarity of injectable drugs have some kind of instability problem.
`Many clruga that are sufficiently stable in readyutownse salutians have some
`stability restrictions such as storage in light-pmtectecl packaging systems
`or storage at refrigerated canditions, or there may be formulation ingredi-
`ents that stabilize the drug but can themselves undergo degradation.
`The chemical sfabilify of injectable products generally involves two
`primary routes crwf clegradationwhydrolytlc and oxiclative. Other, less pre-
`dominant, chemical degradation mechanisms of injectable drugs involve
`racemizatlon, plmtelysis, and some special types cl" chemical reactions oc~
`curing with large molecules. A majority of injectahle drug products are too
`unstable in solution to be marketed as reacly~to~use solutions. Instead, they
`are available as sterile solids praduced by lycphllization (freeze-~~;:lrying) er
`sterile czrystallizaticsnfpawcler filling technolegies. Drugs that can he
`Astrazeneca EX. 2087 p. 18


`Challenges in the Development of Injectable Products
`marketed as ready-to-use solutions or suspensions still offer the challenge
`of needing suitable buffer systems or antioxidant formulations for long-
`term storage stability. Freeze—dried products can undergo degradation
`during the freezing and/or freezedrying process and, therefore, require
`formulation additives to minimize degradation or other physical-chemical
`instability problems. Drugs sensitive to oxidation require not only suitable
`antioxidants and chelating agents in the formulation, but they also require
`special precautions during manufacturing {e.g., oxygen—free conditions),
`and special packaging and storage conditions to protect the solution from
`light, high temperature, and any ingress of oxygen. Stabilization of in-
`jectable drugs against chemical degradation offers a huge challenge to for-
`mulation scientists.
`Physical stability problems are well-known for protein injectabie
`dosage forms as proteins tend to selfaaggregate and eventually precipitate.
`Many injectable drugs are poorly soluble and require cosolvents or solid
`additives to enhance and maintain drug solubility. However, improper
`storage conditions, temperature cycling, or interactions with other com-
`ponents of the product/package system can all contribute to incompatibil-
`ities resulting, usually, in the drug falling out of solution (manifested as
`haze, crystals, or precipitate). Again, the formulation scientist is challenged
`with finding solutions to physical instability problems. Such solutions can
`he found with either creative formulation techniques or special handling
`and storage requirements.
`Microbiological issues arise with storage stability related to the con-
`tainer-closure system being cap able of maintaining sterility of the product;
`the antimicrobial preservative system, if present, still meeting compendial
`microbial challenge tests; and the potential for inadvertent contamination
`of non-terminally sterilized products and the degree of assurance that such
`products will not become contaminated. The concern for microbiological
`purity as a function of product stability has caused the Food and Drug Ad-
`ministration (FDA) and other worldwide regulatory bodies to require man-
`ufacturers of injectable products to perform sterility tests at the end of the
`product shelflife or to have sufficient container-closure integrity data to
`ensure product sterility over the shelf life of the product.
`The compatibility of injectable drugs when combined with one an-
`other and/or combined with intravenous fluid diluents can create signifi-
`cant issues for formulation scientists. Unlike solid and semisolid dosage
`forms, which are used as they were released from the manufacturer, in-
`jectable dosage forms are usually manipulated by people (pharmacist,
`nurse, physician] other than the ultimate consumer (patient) and are com-
`bined with other drug products and/or diluents before injection or infu-
`sion. These manipulations and combinations are beyond the control of the
`manufacturer and can potentially lead to an assortment of problems.
`For example, faulty aseptic techniques during manipulation (e.g., reconsti—
`tution, transfer, admixture) can lead to inadvertent contamination of the
`AstraZeneca Ex. 2087 p. 19


`lnjectable Drug Development
`final product. In addition, drug combinations and additions to certain
`intravenous diluents can lead to physical and chemical incompatibilities. It
`is a great challenge to the injectable product formulator and Quality Con-
`trol (QC) management to anticipate these potential problems and do what-
`ever can be done to avoid or eliminate them.
`Many drugs intended for injectable administration are not readily soluble in
`water. Classic examples include steroids, phenytoin, diazeparn, ampho«-
`tericin B, and digoxin. While most insolubility problems can be solved, they
`usually require a great amount of effort from the formulation development
`scientist. If a more soluble salt form of the insoluble drug is not available
`(e.g., poor stability, difficulty in manufacture, cost, etc.), then two basic for-
`mulation approaches can be attempted. One involves using formulation acl—
`clitives such as water miscible cosolvents, complexating agents {such as
`cyclodextrin derivatives], and surface active agents. If none of these addi-
`tives work, then the other approach involves the formulation of a more
`Complex dosage form such as an emulsion or liposorne. Table 1.3 lists the
`most common approaches for solving solubility problems with injectable
`Table 1.3. Approaches for Increasing Solubility
`Salt formation (~’lD00>< increase}
`pH adjustment
`Use of cosolvents (~1.000>< increase)
`Use of surfacevactive agents [~ 10D>< increase): e.g.. polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate
`(0.1 to 0.5%) and polyoxyethylene-polyozq/propylene ethers (0.05 to 025%]
`Use of complexing agents [-5OIf)>-< increase]; e.g., B—cyclodextrins and polyvinyl pyrroliclone
`Microemulsion formulation
`Liposome formulation
`Mixed micelle formulation (bile salt + phospholipid)
`"’Heroic” measures: e.g_, for cancer clinical trial formulations, use dirnethylsulfoxide
`[DMSO]. high concentrations of surfactants, polyols, alcohols, fatty acids. etc.
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2087 p. 20


`Challenges in the Development of Injectable Products
`A forrnulator can create an excellent injectable formulation that is Very sta-
`ble, easily manufacturable, and elegant. Yet the formulation must be com-
`patible with a packaging system. Currently, the most common injectable
`packaging systems are glass vials with rubber closures and plastic vials
`and bottles with rubber closures. Glass-sealed ampoules are not as popu-
`lar as in the past because of concerns with glass breakage and particulates.
`Other packaging systems include glass and plastic syringes, g

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