`LP, et al.,
`LP, et al.,
`INC. , USA,
`Mitchell H. Cohen United States Courthouse
`One John F. Gerry Plaza
`Camden, New Jersey 08101
`July 14, 2016
`B E F O R E:
`H H
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`H :3:
`IA U1
`H 0X
`H \l
`H N
`H \0
`K) C)
`N) kl
`N) U)
`K) n
`K) U1
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2049 p. 1
`Mylan Pharms. Inc. V. Astrazeneca AB IPR2016-01326

`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`\4CC7"3C"*'.R &
`*'.NGT. SH
`John E. Flaherty. ?squite
`Ravin R. Patel, Esqiire
`Attorneys For Astrazeneca
`QY: Risa Sarois Pensabene, Esquire
`Will C. Aitz, Esqiire
`Carolyn Wall, Esqiire
`Eber'e R. Schultz, Esquire
`Daniel O'?oyle, Esqiire
`Eric S. Santoro, Esquire "n House Counsel
`Attorneys for Astrazeneca
`BY: Melissa ?. Flax, Esquire
`Christopher J. Biggy, Esquire
`Attorneys for Sagent Pharmaceuticals,
`Generics Inc., USA
`Inc., and Glenmark
`Steven J. Rizzi, Esquire
`Eiane W. Peterson, Esquire
`Debra Lange, Esquire
`{any Kizkalla, Esquire
`Attorneys for Sagent Pharmaceuticals,
`Generics Inc., USA
`Inc., and Glenmark
`Certified as true and correct as required by Title 28,
`U.S.C., Section 753.
`/S/ Theodore M.
`Formaroli, CSR, CRR
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2049 p. 2

`3 RfiCT uxpm NAT ON OH 3 VYfiSH MfiHTA %Y Ms.
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`H H
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`H U1
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`H W
`H ‘O
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`N N
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`N W
`Uhifed Sfafes Disfricf Courr
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2049 p. 3

`D%b%NJAWT fiX{ 4 Us 91X—545, 546 AND 548 Wfi%%
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`Uhifed Sfafes Disfricf Courr
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2049 p. 4

`Ti‘ DfiPUTY CLERK: All rise.
`(OLEN COURT, Jily 14, 2016, 9:08 a.m.)
`T{E COURT: Good morning.
`RESPONSE: Good morning, Your Honor.
`T I COURT: Have a seat.
`Okay. Are we ready to continue with the deposition
`MS. PI?OHHOLO—MfiLLOWfiS: Yes, we are, Your Honor.
`T E COJRT: Ms. McCleskey,
`come forward.
`5Rfi TAS: Yes, Your Honor.
`T E COJRT: Good morning.
`bR« TAS: Good morning.
`T E COJRT: Okay. Whenever you're ready.
`MS. PIROHHOLO—MmLLOW«S: We 1e”L o"" at Page 140 of
`the transcript.
`thank you.
`MS. PIROZZOLO—MjL;OWjS: And Ms. Waldron continues
`the questioning on beha’" o" de"endants.
`(Deposition read as ‘o1'ows:)
`Q. Let's get back to the documents you kept when you were at
`the Lombardi Cancer Center.
`Did I understand you to say that you did keep
`laboratory notebooks?
`H H
`K: K)
`H U.)
`H ilk
`H U‘!
`H 0\
`H \l
`H (I)
`H ‘O
`K) C)
`K) #1
`R) U)
`N ml;
`25 .A.
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2049 p. 5

`Did you have any raw data o:
`any kind?
`It was in the l
`aboratory notebooks.
`It would be pas
`ted in the lab notebooks?
`Why do you think raw data would not be on the same piece
`of paper as the lab
`i don't know one way or the other.
`i want
`know what your parti
`cular procedure was.
`A. Well, most of t
`he time, you're writing the laboratory
`If you ge
`a printout or something,
`then you
`would paste that in
`the laboratory notebook.
`H H
`Got it. Did yo
`1 keep anything on the computer?
`h: K)
`H Q)
`#1 K
`F: U1
`Q. What did you ke
`ep on the computer?
`Au Well,
`ng that computers were not as good as they
`I would have to enter it into the
`FA 0\
`F: V
`F: (D
`FA ‘O
`K) C)
`K) #1
`R) U)
`K) oh
`N W
`are now, when I got
`a graphing program,
`for instance, and
`then it would draw t
`he graph and I would print the graph.
`the —— but
`the data
`in the computer was the same as in my --
`hopefully, as in my
`lab notebook.
`You didn't crea
`files and keep them on a
`Oh, yes,
`but that's not data.
`type o
`in"ormaLion or documents, i;
`any, would you have
`saved on a computer?
`The dra"Ls o" L
`he paper,
`the —— atter
`entered the data
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2049 p. 6

`to ma
`be th
`ke a graph,
`that would be saved, o: course, but it would
`e data from the lab notebook that
`So it's,
`a copy and —— and also the graphics tile, picture a
`I don't know how you would say that, but
`the graph
`" guess you would say,
`that was saved to the computer.
`also, o: course, printed it.
`Do you have knowledge as to whether anyone in your group
`had documents saved to a computer that had originated from
`i don't have knowledge about anybody else in my group
`"I me.
`Did you have any documents originating from Astrazeneca
`related to Ms. Mccleskey l998 saved to a computer?
`Are you speaking about data?
`For example --
`Saved to a computer?
`like a sLa-emenL o_ proposed investigation --
`Oh, no --
`—— sample requests?
`—— no, no.
`Did you have data that originated from Astrazeneca saved
`Did you have any binders or personal notebooks separate
`your lab notebooks in which you kept
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2049 p. 7

`fiPOS T ON — MCWfiSKfiY
`regarding McLeskey l998?
`I had binders with the tumor data,
`e tumor measurements
`in pictures of mice.
`Any other places where you would have had information
`related to McLeskey 1998,
`that we haven't
`talked about?
`you mentioned,
`if I understood y
`ou correctly,
`believe you testified that you destroyed your technical
`documents related to Mc.
`Leskey l998 in the beginning o;
`June 2014;
`that right?
`A. Correct.
`Q. What did you mean by "destroyed?"
`How did you destroy
`i just threw them in the trash.
`Just a regular trash bin?
`Q. Where was this trash bin?
`At my school.
`Q. What school?
`The University o;
`Maryland School of
`Do you know what happened to the documents after you
`threw them in the trash bin?
`Q. When you left Lombardi Center and took your
`documents with you, was it your understanding that that was
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2049 p. 8

`okay by the rules,
`by Lombardi's policies?
`i didn't have any understanding about that.
`Did you know what document retention policies Lombardi
`would have
`had in place at the time?
`When you --
`I'll just say "you" to start,
`and then we
`will be talking about Lombardi Center.
`When you got a
`document on a project,
`a certificate o_
`service or MSDS
`or something like
`what did you do with it?
`Where was
`something like that kept?
`F1 F1
`i don
`'t know what a certijicate o_
`service is.
`K: K)
`—— we were required to keep MSDSS in
`the notebook
`#1 Q)
`in the lab
`for all chemicals that we had in the lab,
`so that's
`FA :5
`what we did.
`Dss would be kept
`in the laboratory notebooks,
`(Reading s
`3x .
`h'R,L‘ ,,TAS :
`FA U1
`FA 0\
`F: \J
`F: (D
`FA ‘O
`K) C)
`M T M
`{* COJRT: Ask it again.
`You have to read —— he
`K) #1
`tly reread the qiestion.
`R) U)
`K) at
`{E COURT: Yes.
`(Deposition read as
`So MSDSs would be kept
`in the laboratory notebooks,
`N W
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2049 p. 9

`DfiPOS T ON - McPfiSKfiY
`No, not
`in —— not where we had the data. We had separate
`notebooé for MSJSS.
`MSDSs had their own notebook?
`That's correct.
`Q. What about certijicates oj analysis?
`A. Didn't usually keep those.
`They're -- why not?
`A. Didn't feel that we needed them.
`Who retained custody of documents as they came in on the
`McLeskey l998 project?
`i don't know what you're talking about, what documents.
`Do you recall how samples got shipped into the "aci‘iLy,
`whether, say,
`they went
`to a mailroom or a specific sample
`They went
`to the mailroom.
`And then that —— that would happen?
`The mail people would bring them to us.
`Q. Would you then keep the samples in your lab?
`H H
`K: K)
`H U.)
`H ilk
`H U‘!
`H 0\
`H \l
`H (I)
`H ‘O
`K) C)
`K) #1
`R) U)
`And did I understand you correctly that at the time you
`were a postdoc in Dr. Kern's lab, you were not aware of the
`policies and procedures that Lombardi Center had in place with
`to retention o:
`is that right?
`N ml;
`Not only was
`i not aware o:
`anything they had in place,
`N W
`was not aware it —— whether they had anything in place.
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 10

`you received ancillary paperwork with samples,
`such as
`a certificate o_
`analysis or something like that,
`what would
`you hav
`r cord d th
`r ccipt o_
`that document --
`(Reading stopped.)
`"Would you."
`(Deposition read as
`Would you hav
`r corded th
`r c ipt o:
`: that document
`your laboratory notebook?
`Did Lombardi require you to make copies of anything and
`F1 F1
`send them on to a document repository or anything like that?
`K: K)
`#1 Q)
`#1 K
`To your knowledge, were the documents that you were
`keeping in your lab the only copies?
`F: U1
`As tar as
`FA 0\
`F: \J
`Are you aware of whether copies were ever made of your
`laboratory notebooks?
`F: (D
`think not.
`FA ‘O
`Who had access to your laboratory notebooks besides you?
`K) C)
`Dr. Kern.
`K) #1
`R) U)
`K) at
`N W
`Anyone else?
`A. Well,
`the other people in
`the lab would have, had they
`wanted it, but
`i don't know that they ever
`did --
`(Reading stopped.)
`So could have.
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 11

`ON — MCWfiSKfiY
`F1 F1
`h: K)
`MR. ERfi
`Pardon me.
`(Deposition read as
`the other people in
`the lab could have had they
`wanted it, but
`i don't know wha'
`they ever did —— that they
`ever did.
`In the conversation that you just referred to,
`when you
`communicated with Mr.
`what did you discuss with
`Mr. Trock?
`He -- I
`think he,
`T don't remember a whole lot about
`but he said that he had been just about
`the data
`from --
`from this paper when
`they called.
`When who ca"
`#1 Q)
`The —— the
`lawyers that were doing the Teva thing, Mary
`#1 K
`F: U1
`FA 0\
`F: \J
`F: (D
`FA ‘O
`Burke and company.
`I'm sorry.
`i believe you just said,
`"Mary 3urke did not
`ask me not
`to destroy documents."
`She did not say,
`Don't destroy documents.
`When she said
`7 do not know.
`Q. Mary
`3ur<e never told you to preserve your documents
`K) C)
`related to Mcgeskey l998?
`K) #1
`A. Correct.
`R) U)
`K) oh
`Did anyone Mary
`Burke worked with ever
`tell you not
`to --
`tell you that you must preserve your documen'
`:s related
`McLeskey l998?
`N W
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 12

`D+'.POS T ON - MCTn'.SK+'.Y
`1 Q.
`I believe you said earlier that you recall speaking
`2 with three people at Astrazeneca, Dr. Wakeling, Dr. Vose, and
`a third person whose name you don't remember;
`is that correct?
`4 A. Correct.
`5 Q.
`Do you recall approximately how many times you spoke with
`6 Dr. Wakeling?
`7 A.
`8 Q. Was this Via telephone or by some other means of
`09flJAM 10 A.
`11 Q.
`Who called who?
`12 A.
`I called him.
`13 Q.
`Both times?
`14 A.
`O9flJAM 15 Q.
`Why did you call Dr. Wakeling?
`16 A.
`The first time I called to get him to send me the drug
`and find out how to administer it to mice.
`The second time
`18 called to tell him we had used the drug he sent the first time
`and that I needed more drug.
`09nJAM 20 Q.
`Did Dr. Wakeling require you to fill out any paperwork or
`do anything in writing before you received samples of drugs?
`22 .A. Wot me.
`23 Q.
`Did he require that someone fill out some sort of
`paperwork before samples would be shipped?
`o9wJAM .25 A.
`I don't know.
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 13

`DfiPOS T ON - McRfiSKfiY
`H H
`h: K)
`H U.)
`H ilk
`Q. What did Dr. Wakeling tell you in response to your
`request that you wanted AstraZeneca to send you samples of
`He told me that
`should give it to the mice as it
`outlined in this paper and that he would ship it.
`Q. Basically, an okay—I'll—take—care—of—it
`type thing?
`{ow many times did you speak with Dr. Vose?
`Once —— that —— assume that he was not
`the second —— the
`person I don‘: know who it is, but --
`Q. Right.
`know I spoke with him once.
`Did you ever communicate with Dr. Wakeling in writing
`either by e—mail or letter?
`H U‘!
`Not that
`H 0\
`H \l
`So you said you spoke with Dr. Vose once;
`is that
`H (I)
`H ‘O
`Q. Was this on the phone?
`N 0
`K) #1
`R) U)
`N ml;
`Did you ever have any written communications with him?
`A. Wot
`to my —— not that I
`On the one incident —— one instance that you did speak
`with Dr. Vose, who called who?
`N W
`called him.
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 14

`T ON - MCPfiSKfiY
`Why did you call Dr.
`Because Dr.
`Wakeling told me to call him to get
`pre‘ormu'ated drug.
`Do i understand
`that you talked to
`Dr. Wakeling about
`receiving powdered
`189,780 and Dr.
`Vose about obtaining
`formulated C
`At separate times.
`I'm jus
`- -rying to understand.
`think " understand the
`—— that you
`talked to these guys about
`two di
`”erenL _hings.
`inderstand correctly that you talked to
`H H
`Wakeling about receiving powdered
`h: K)
`A. Correct.
`H U.)
`And the
`1 do i unders
`tand correctly that you talked to
`Dr. Vose abo
`ated C
`H ilk
`it receiving
`the pre‘ormu'
`H U‘!
`A. Much la
`H 0\
`H \l
`H (I)
`Q. Much la
`That's a good point.
`Do yoi reca'l
`approximately when,
`or do you recall the
`approximate dates on which you talked to
`Dr. Wakeling?
`H ‘O
`K) C)
`K) #1
`i don't know.
`R) U)
`But you know you talked to
`Vose much later.
`What do
`you mean by "much later?"
`N ml;
`A. When :
`talked to Dr.
`Wakeling initially,
`then he sent me
`N W
`the drug,
`then we used the drug in mice and also in in vitro
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 15

`DfiPOS 7 ON — MCWfiSKfiY
`studies and we used it all ip.
`So I don't know how long that
`took, but
`T would say a maL_er of months, anyway, maybe a
`Then we needed more drug so I called Dr. Wakeling
`that's when he told me to call Dr. Vose.
`And the powdered
`189,780 would have been what you --
`what was dissolved in ethanol and then spiked into the peanut
`A. Correct.
`Q. When you spoke to Dr. Vose, what did he tell you about
`shipping you samples o" pre"ormulated 182,780?
`F1 F1
`{e said he would.
`K: K)
`#1 Q)
`#1 K
`F: U1
`Did he say anything else?
`to my remembrance.
`Did he require that you do anything before he sent the --
`-he "iies o" pre"ormu1ate
`FA 0\
`F: \J
`F: (D
`FA ‘O
`Do you know whether anyone in your lab had to complete
`any type o: paperwork before Astrazeneca would send the lab
`preformulated l82,780?
`K) C)
`i do not know.
`K) #1
`R) U)
`K) at
`Who would know?
`Possibly Dr. Kern.
`And now the third person that you spoke to,
`this be‘ote or a‘ter you talke
`d to Dr. Vose?
`N W
`A. Aj-er.
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 16

`DfiPOS T ON - McRfiSKfiY
`Who called who?
`called him.
`Did you have any communications in writi
`ng with this
`third person?
`And what was the purpose of calling
`this third person?
`i wanted to "nd out what
`the —— what
`was in the drug
`because T was getting ready to publish a paper.
`i was getting
`ready to write the paper, actually.
`And what did he tell you?
`H H
`{e told me --
`h: K)
`Do you recall the words he used?
`H U.)
`H ilk
`H U‘!
`H 0\
`H \l
`H (I)
`H ‘O
`K) C)
`K) #1
`R) U)
`N ml;
`N W
`But he told you all of the excipients and their
`He told me what's in the paper:
`10 percent ethanol,
`10 percent benzyl benzoate and 10 percent benzyl alcohol
`to volume with the castor oil.
`(Reading stopped.)
`i think there
`was a mista<e in reading that.
`It ' S —— no,
`the court reporter took it
`down correc-ly,
`-haL‘s Line.
`(Deposition read as
`-01‘ owsz)
`You don't recall whether or not he specified the units O;
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 17

`ON — MCWfiSKfiY
`i do not recall
`How did you know to contact this third person?
`called the number that was —— that I had been given for
`Dr. Vose.
`And somebody else answered?
`i don't know if it was somebody else or if it was
`Dr. Vose.
`So there —— you're saying —— i‘ "'m understanding you
`correctly, you believe it's possible that it was Dr. Vose that
`F1 F1
`told you the makeup o:
`the formulation but you're not sure?
`h: K)
`Well, it
`was whoever answered the phone.
`That's all
`#1 Q)
`#1 K
`F: U1
`FA 0\
`F: \J
`F: (D
`FA ‘O
`K) C)
`K) #1
`can say about
`But you called
`Vose's direct
`called the same number
`had called previously
`to speak with
`Who gave you
`Vose's p
`hone number?
`Dr. Wakeling.
`Who gave you
`Wakeling's phone number?
`i don't remember.
`Do you recall generally how you knew to call
`Dr. Wakeling
`that he was
`the person to call?
`R) U)
`R) Q
`N W
`Either Dr. Lippman or Dr. Kern told me, but
`i don't know
`who or when or anything.
`But do I understand you correctly that you —— with regard
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 18

`to this third person,
`that it was a man?
`Q. When you called Dr. Vose the first time, or when you
`called Dr. Vose, how did you know it was him that answered the
`I don't remember.
`But you ‘eel conjident that you were speaking to Dr. Vose
`the first time?
`A. Well,
`" certainly believed that I was.
`the time, did you believe that the third person that
`you were talking to was Dr. Vose?
`I don't recall what
`I believed.
`. What do you believe today?
`I don't believe.
`You have no idea who you talked to?
`Did you send As:raZeneca dra ,s o
`the study protocol
`A Q A Q
`Q t
`hat you were going _o "ollow or
`-he research described in
`McLes<ey l998?
`Did you ever provide your lab notebooks or raw data to
`Did you record when you received samples from AstraZeneca
`in YOJI laboratory notebooks?
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 19

`i don't recall.
`What was your general practice with regard to recording
`receipt of samples at the time you were postdoc in Dr.
`i would unpack them and if they needed refrigeration,
`would put
`them in the refrigerator or the
`freezer as
`Did you have a separate practice as to what you would
`record about
`the samples received?
`F1 F1
`K: K)
`#1 Q)
`Q. Was it your understanding from the beginning of your
`postdoc in Dr.
`Kern's lab that Astrazeneca was the source o;
`182,780 or was that something you learned later in time?
`#1 K
`the beginning,
`i had no idea there was such a thing as
`F: U1
`FA 0\
`F: \J
`How did you come to
`find out that?
`How did you come to
`find out that AstraZeneca would supply l82,78O to the lab?
`F: (D
`:'m not sure.
`FA ‘O
`K) C)
`K) #1
`R) U)
`Q. What do yo; —— what is your best recollection?
`We had meetings of all the researchers,
`the breast cancer
`researchers and it may have come up at that, one of those
`From the Lombardi side of things, not
`the Astrazeneca
`K) at
`side of
`from the
`side o" things,
`N W
`procuring samples as simple as calling and asking for them, or
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 20

`ON — MCWfiSKfiY
`was there an internal protocol that had to be followed first?
`i was not aware of an internal protocol.
`Do you know how long it took in between the time you
`talked to Dr. Wakeling and the Lime that you received the
`think it was a matter of weeks.
`Do you recall how long it took from the time you talked
`to Dr. Vose to then receive the preformulated C
`Probably about
`the same.
`And you personally do not recall filling out any forms or
`F1 F1
`signing anything in regard to samples, correct?
`h: K)
`A. Correct.
`#1 Q)
`#1 K
`F: U1
`i want
`to make sure we're absolutely on the same page.
`So before you s-ar-ed, at any time, did you send
`Astrazeneca a statemen- o
`_ proposed investigation
`FA 0\
`F: \J
`F: (D
`Do you know whether or
`Kern had sent AstraZeneca
`a sLa_emenL of proposed investigation
`FA ‘O
`K) C)
`K) #1
`R) U)
`Wo, you do not know,
`he did not?
`i don't know.
`Did you fill out any o
`for Astrafleneca before
`you started your work on Mc_
`Leskey 1998?
`K) oh
`N W
`Do you know whether anyone else in your group filled out
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 21

`any other ‘orms ‘or Astraheneca?
`i don't know.
`?e‘ore starting the work on --
`i don't know.
`know nothing.
`Did you personally ever request any samples from
`Astrazeneca in writing?
`So you received powdered
`187,780 from Dr. Alan
`Wakeling, correct?
`A. Correct.
`H H
`h: K)
`#1 Q)
`#1 K
`F: U1
`FA 0\
`F: V
`F: (D
`Did Dr. Wakeling send the powdered samples directly to
`i don't recall.
`i got
`them, but
`don't remember who
`they were addressed to.
`You don't have a specific recollection o‘ whether they
`came directly to you or whether Dr. Kern gave them to you?
`i opened the paccage, or
`the package.
`don't know
`" got the package from a mailman or ‘rom Dr. Kern.
`' don't
`FA ‘O
`K) C)
`Okay. But you opened the package?
`K) #1
`R) U)
`Do you recall approximately when that was when you opened
`the package?
`K) oh
`N W
`Q. Was it in 1997?
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 22

`ON — MCWfiSKfiY
`Oh, no.
`It was way before that.
`Way before that?
`So 1996,
`It was before 1993.
`Refore 1993?
`How was the powder sample packaged?
`Was it in a —— a
`bottle or —— how did it arrive,
`do you recall?
`think it was just in a little jar.
`Q. Would the receipt of that sample have been logged in the
`F1 F1
`h: K)
`#1 Q)
`#1 K
`F: U1
`FA 0\
`F: \J
`F: (D
`FA ‘O
`if ' understand you correctly, Dr. Wakeling gave you
`information on administration of the drug, correct?
`A. Correct.
`Did Dr. Wakeling send you instructions on how to
`formulate the 50-milligram per milliliter concentration of
`182,780 and ethanol and peanut oil?
`{e didn't send them to me, no.
`Did he send you instructions regarding making the
`K) C)
`K) #1
`R) U)
`K) oh
`N W
`ow did you know to do that?
`e told me over the phone.
`So Dr. Waceling told you how to administer it, and
`he also told yoj how
`to make the
`formulation that's recorded
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 23

`in Mcheskey 1998 concerning ethanol and peanut oil?
`And you testified earlier,
`I think,
`that you were
`actually the person that had actually dissolved the
`189,780 in ethanol and then spiked it into the peanut oil?
`A. Correct.
`Why did you use a concentration o: 50—milligrams per
`Because that's what Dr. Wakeling said to do.
`Dr. Wakeling did not discuss any sort o
`with you --
`—— when —— when you spoke with him?
`No --
`Sorry, it needs to be verbal.
`Sorry, no.
`"‘ you'll turn to Page 698 o‘ ?xhibit 5, do you see a
`A Q A Q
`Q .
`paragraph headed,
`the title Drugs, and then about seven lines
`down, w
`s C :h
`lin d s nt nc
`for the experiments depicted
`in ?igure 1, 3 and C, 50—milligram per milliliter
`preformulated drug in a vehicle o: 10 percent ethanol,
`percent benzyl benzoate, 10 percent benzyl alcohol brought
`volume by castor oil was supplied by 3.M. Vose, Zeneca
`Do you see that?
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 24

`Is this the preformulated drug that we were just
`discussing that you procured via telephone conference with
`Dr. Vose?
`Approximately when did you receive the preformulated
`187,780 from Dr. Vose?
`A. All
`can tell you is it was before 1993.
`The preformed —— both —— you received both the powdered
`and the preformulated IC"
`before 1993.
`Is that what
`H H
`you're saying?
`h: K)
`H Q)
`#1 K
`F: U1
`FA 0\
`F: V
`F: (D
`How do you know that it was before 1993?
`In 1993,
`received a faculty appointment, and then i was
`no longer a postdoc. And at that point,
`the animal
`experiments were done.
`Q. Were you the person that opened the package of the
`preformulated C
`FA ‘O
`K) C)
`K) #1
`Do you recall how many preformulated samples were sent to
`R) U)
`R) Q
`N W
`Do you recall if those samples were in vials?
`{ow were —— how were the preformulated samples packaged?
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 25

`F1 F1
`h: K)
`#1 Q)
`#1 K
`I don't recall.
`What documentation
`accompanied the preformulated
`i don't recall.
`Do you recall whether or not there was documentation
`included with the preformulated C
`i don‘: recall.
`"f you wanted to try to remember, who would you talk to?
`i mean,
`T —— there's nobody.
`think it's lost
`to posterity.
`So do T understand correctly that at the time you
`received the preformulated IC" ‘87,780, you did not know what
`excipients were present in the formulation —— in that
`F: U1
`A. Correct.
`FA 0\
`F: \J
`Did you have an understanding that the preformulated
`182,780 could not be used in humans?
`F: (D
`Nothing we had in our lab could be used in humans.
`FA ‘O
`K) C)
`Were you given specific instructions from Astrazeneca
`that it should not be used in humans?
`K) #1
`i don't recall.
`R) U)
`K) oh
`N W
`Turning back
`to Page 698 in the drug section again,
`see the text that says,
`In a vehicle of
`10 percent ethanol,
`percent benzyl benzoate,
`10 percent benzyl alcohol brought
`volume with castor oil.
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 26

`D+'.POS T ON - MCln'.SK+'.Y
`Do you recall who actially wrote that text?
`2 A.
`i did.
`3 Q.
`Did you test or analyze the formulation in any way?
`4 A.
`09 MAM
`5 Q. Were you told that the preformulated ICI 182,780 that you
`received should not be administered intramuscularly?
`7 A.
`I was told to administer it sibcutaneously to my --
`8 Q. When the person who answered Dr. Vose's phone gave you
`the excipients present
`in the preformulated C
`l89,780, were
`09nQAM 10
`you sworn to secrecy?
`11 A.
`12 Q.
`Why did you want
`to include those details in McLeskey
`14 A.
`That's how I was instructed to write a paper when I was
`09nQAM 15
`in my predoctoral, was to include such things.
`16 Q.
`Have you searched your personal
`fiiles ‘or all documents
`relating to either the powdered
`l89,78O received or the
`18 preformulated C
`l87,78O that you received?
`19 A.
`I don't have any personal Si es about this.
`O9fiQAM 20 Q.
`Did I understand you correctly that you do not recall
`21 whether or not
`the person that answered Dr. Vose‘s phone told
`you that the percentages were in weight
`to volume or
`23 volume—to—volume?
`24 A.
`I do not recall.
`09fiBAM 25 Q.
`Did you assume that th p rc ntag s wor
`ith r in weight
`United States District Court
`Camden, New Jersey
`Astrazeneca EX. 2049 p. 27

`to volume or volume—to—volime?
`I don't think I ever thought about it one way or the
`Have you thought about it since McLeskey l998 was
`Yes, but
`I have no basis for knowing which way it was.
`So as you sit here today, you don't know whether or not
`the percentages were in weight
`to volume or volume—to—volume?
`I do not know.
`So what did you mean when you said "These studies
`indicate that estrogen independence may be achieved"?

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