`Compendium of Excipients for Parenteral Formulations
`Pharrm:rcear.l‘r'caI Research and Development, Geueritechy Inc. Sarrttlr San Frarrcisco, California
`The Selection of excipients in parenteral formulation
`design is often both rational and empirical. It is rational in
`the sense that certain types of excipicnts are added to alter
`the formulation properties: it buffers of appropriate pl<a are
`added to control hydrogen ion concentration at a desired pi-l_.
`ii) tonicifiers are added for biocornpatibiiity, iii} surfactants
`are added when necessary to prevent aggregation, adsorp-
`tion to surfaces. or increase solubility, iv) antioxidants are
`included to prevent unwanted oxidation of the drug, and so
`on. The inclttsion of various classes of fomtulation compo-
`nents, and the concentration used is often quite rational, in
`that their behavior and properties are known. and they are
`added to prevent specific problems that would arise in their
`absence. On the other hand, however, the selection of the
`exact excipient used is far from rational; it is empirical in the
`first order, satisfying only one question, “Has it been used
`previously in a similar parenteral formulation?"
`Many prototype formulations have been terminated be-
`cause one or more of the selected excipicrtts was not found
`in a previously approved parenteral product. In fact, there
`have been a handful of cxcipients with striking favorable
`properties, such as trehalose with its ability to confer solid
`state stabilization of several types of proteins, or EDTA and
`its antioxidants by rnetai
`ion chelation. These excipient
`compounds. and many others, have not been used widely.
`largely because of concerns with unknown toxicity, contin-
`ued production supply, or cost.
`the formulation scientist
`is often faced with a
`dilemnta—which excipients are truly available for use
`(based on what has been used previously), and which are
`not? For example, PEG 400 has been added to several
`parenteral formulations, but what about PEG 1200, or PEG
`4000‘? And at what concentrations, and by what route?
`Sodium citrate is an excellent buffet‘ for many formulations
`at 5 mM, but is too painful in most instances for subcutane-
`ous use at 50 mM. I-[igh concentrations of propylene glycol
`may be used in a slow intravenous infusion, but would
`produce unwanted hemolysis and pain if given by subcutane-
`ous or intramuscular injection. It is often the case that the
`“safe level” of an excipient may depend on the route of
`adrn.inistt'ation. Thesc are only a few examples of factors
`which must be considered when designing a formulation;
`there are dozens more based on empirical
`required for efficient formulation design. but
`thus far a
`compendium has not been published. This review was
`written to fill this void.
`Herein are listed the excipients found in most of the
`approved and marketed parenteral formulations. given sys-
`tematicaliy by excipient name. In this format it is easy to
`determine what concentrations were used,
`the route of
`the main rationale for addition of that
`cxcipient, the drug that was formulated, the mar1ufactI.11‘cr_.
`brand name, etc. The information found in this table comes
`from several sources, including package inserts, the Physi-
`cian's Desk Reference {PDR "97), as well as personal
`correspondence from the companies supplying the products.
`The published excipiettt concentration was often given in
`different units,
`:r10s_. Molar, sodium
`equivalents, biological Units, Molal, weight percent. etc.,
`and provided one of tl1t: greatest challenges in putting this
`compendium together. We sought to list all the excipients
`(where possible) in common units (i.e., m_g!mL), so that a
`rapid comparison of the different formulations could be
`made at a glance. (This is not easy to do, for example, when
`comparing Tween 20 concentrations at 0.000] M, 0.01 ‘Yr: and
`the average molecular weight
`known for most cxcipients, permitting a standardization of
`excipient concentrations}. This standardization of excipient
`concentrations is perhaps the greatest value of this compen-
`dium, but also represents one of the greatest sources of
`potential error. The recalculation of cxcipient concertrra—
`Lions, often from scant or nondcscriptive data, is not trivial
`and there may be an occasional discrepancy despite cross-
`cliccking with the original
`sources.‘ Nevertheless,
`compendium represents a comprehensive survey of paren-
`teral excipicnts used today, and is a resource for the
`parenteral formulation scientist.
`In putting together this excipient compendium. there were
`a number of points that should be noted, so that the reader
`understands the limitations and assumptions in some of the
`1) Concentrations are listed in weight:’volun1e% unless
`otherwise noted. In some cases values are listed in volume!
`volume“/n or the manufacturer did not specify what kind of
`percentage they were using (_and in this case it was assumed
`weighdvolume 96}.
`2} Sterile water for injection is included in the excipient
`list when used in solution formulations; however, in most
`Received February 16, I998.r'\cccptcd for puhlicaI.iort.l1Inc 1, £998.
`*Author to whom correspondence should he addressed.
`them to nguyen.rue@gene.coni for
`‘If discrepancies are found, e-mail
`correction to subsequent compendiums of this nature.
`PDA Joumai of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology


`cases the quantity or percentage of water in the formulation
`was not indicated by the manufacturer or identitied only as
`q.s. We have kept the same conventions here.
`lixcipients listed are present in the drug formulation
`itself, and do not include excipients present in diluent (for
`example, when a lyophilized formulation is diluted with
`bacteriostatic water containing benzyl alcohol).
`In some
`cases, a diluent is supplied that contains several additional
`excipients and,
`in the case or provided diluent,
`excipients are listed in the excipient category and designated
`with a “I)" in addition to their usual excipient type {the D
`stand for present in diluent).
`4) If no excipients are listed. it means that no exeipients
`were revealed by the manufacturer. In some cases. this is
`because there are no excipients in the formulatiort, but this
`should not be assumed.
`In some cases,
`there may be
`exeipients present but the manufacturer has not disclosed
`them to us, largely for proprietary reasons. Specific follow-
`up about these drugs should be referred to the manufacturer.
`5) The given drug concentration is usually the concentra-
`tion of the compound listed in the drug name category,
`unless identified as otherwise. For example, many drugs are
`formulated as salts such that the salt name is listed in the
`drug name category (for example, mitoxantrone hydrochlo-
`in the drug concentration category,
`concentration of the active component is usually listed (for
`example, equivalent to 2 mgjml_ mitoxantrone free base), so
`as to have a correct concentration of the active drug form.
`6) Vlfhen concentrations of exeipients and drugs are listed
`as a range it
`implies that
`these values could only be
`approximated. Frequently, a range is given because the
`product is available in a variety of storage containers. or
`having several dilution schemes. The ranges given are
`approximations only, based on the available information. In
`no way should these ranges be assumed to encompass all
`possible dilution schemes or eonfigtnations.
`7) P1'eservatives t such as benzyl alcohol) that are present
`only in one configuration of a drug (for example in the
`multiple—dose product, but not
`in the single—use product)
`may be listed as a range [{}—x%). This was to avoid making
`two or more records for essentially the same product
`8) For drugs that are given as a salt form, the counter ion
`may not be listed as an excipient. To search for counter ions
`{like sodium or potassium) one may look in the drug name
`fields (where the entire salt
`is often listed) or
`in the
`comments section (where the quantity of the counter ion per
`gram of drug is often provided) as well
`in the excipient
`9) If a pH value is listed for a lyophilized product, in most
`cases, it is the pH of the drug after its initial reconstitution
`with diluent. not the pH at lyophilization.
`10) The concentration values given for excipients and
`active drug product in lyophilized products are usually those
`present at the initial 1'cconstittttion step, and are not necessar-
`ily thc concentrations present at delivery t’_ often further
`dilution occurs). This applies to solution formulations as
`well. Further, excipient concentrations may not take into
`account additive effects from the diluent (for example, a
`drug containing sodium chloride and reconstituted with
`0.9% Sodium Chloride usually lists the concentration of
`sodium chloride present in the undiluted state).
`I I) When the excipient concentration is calculated for a
`Iyophilized product, it is usually done by dividing the weight
`of the material by the volume of liquid added. Note that this
`does not take into account the additive volume of mixing
`that occurs, so such values are to be considered only
`approximations. In cases where the manufacturer provided
`the total volume after mixing, this final volume was used for
`12) For drugs requiring reconstitutionldilution, in most
`cases a diluent recommended by the manufacturer is identi-
`fied. In cases where multiple compatible diluents are pos-
`sible. or when dilution schemes are complicated, one will
`see the note “Consult PDR for appropriate dilution." In
`some cases, often when the recommended diluent is pro-
`vided, the manufacturer would not reveal the identity of the
`diluent for proprietary reasons.
`13) Finally, most of the entries herein have been sent to
`the manufacturer for their correction and final notes. Many
`manufacturers participated in checking the data; others did
`not. We want
`to make this compendium as co1'reet as
`possible, and so if errors are found, please e-mail them to
` for correction.
`This compendium would not have been possible without
`the diligent work of Milianne Chin. She compiled much of
`the data, engineered the database, and contacted dozens of
`different companies to ensure that the listings are up to date.
`Vol.52. No.5 I September—0ctober1998


`Brand Name
`Drug Name
`pH where Administration
`FormRouteapplicable%W!V Container
`High Chemica!
`|'l'll|-llldclsc vial
`purpurea. pitcher
`plant distillate
`Provides Rose's
`recommended daily
`intake of essential
`Old ‘I‘uben:u1irt
`6.0 - 10
`1V - intraverlous
`5.4% Nephrmnine “
`RSLD Laboratc-fies
`glass container,
`7' .0
`it) ~ intradermal
`'lubett'-ulin. Old. Tine Test
`bcderle Laboratolies
`acacia (gum arabic)
`1‘ .0
`ID - intradom1aI
`tuberculin, pturilied {PPD) Tine Test
`protein derivative
`Letlede Laboratories
`IV - intmverto-us
`SC — stlhculancnus
`SC — subwtaneous
`acetic acid
`IV - intravenous
`Il1Ctl1iOl'W'l human
`L!1'|t:(R) human
`insulin zinc
`Pork Insulin Zinc
`Stlapensiort. USP
`Amgen, Inc.
`single dose vial
`Novolin to L
`Nova Nortctislt
`Lcnlc (L) Purified Pork
`Insulin Zinc. Suspension.
`Nova Nordislr
`Astra USA, Inc.
`acetic acid
`acetic acid
`3°95‘ “id
`acetic acid
`acetic acid
`SC — subcutaneous
`lcuprolide acetate
`Luprort Injection
`rnultidoae vial
`that - intramuscular
`calrsitortimsolmon Calcimlr GD injection;
`W -
`albumin (human).
`Ailaumitiar ti)-25
`6.9 = 0.5
`W — intravenous
`albumin (huinan)
`Albumimr ®—5
`3.5 - 5.5
`IV - intravenous
`vincriatine sulfate, Oneovin {El
`Eli Lilly .& Company
`Romaziccn W
`Roche Laboratories
`acetic acid
`acotic acid
`1\" - intravenous
`Q5 twrw}
`SC — subcutaneous
`acetic acid
`3.0 - 4.5
`N - intravenous
`goseretin acetate
`Zoladclt no
`Solid Implant
`rttultidose vials
`acetic acid
`acetic acid
`acetic acid
`acetic acid
`2.5 - 4.5
`IM - intramuscular
`Oxytocin Injection
`sletili: cartlirlge
`[M v intramuscular
`Phenergan Injection
`IM - intramuscular
`IM — intramuscular
`Phenergan Injection
`sterile ca.rn"idg=
`Pioatigmin Irijectable
`ICN Phsnnacculicala
`multiduse vial
`acclic acid
`0.2 25
`IM - i.ntramuac1lIar
`calciranin-aalmon Miwalcin ®
`acetic acid
`acetic acid
`6.4 - 12
`IN! - intramusculat
`N - intravenous
`tetanus immune
`globulin (human)
`onmatilv Iv.-Z}
`1-1)-‘pet-Tet ®
`Zenturon 7" Injection
`multiduse vial
`acctic acid (ampul)
`IM - intramuscular
`leuprolide acetate
`Lupron Depot 7.5
`acetic acid {glacial}
`-1.2 : 0.3
`|\-" - intravenous
`octreotide acetate
`Sandnstatin E
`single dose vials
`FDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 8. Technology


`acetic acid N1‘
`aoelic acid NF
`acelonc sodium
`acetone sodium
`acetone sodium
`aoelone sodium
`alhumin {nun-um)
`pH where
`IM - inlramu scular
`Drug Name
`Brand Name
`Manuiacttl rer
`leuprolide acetate
`Lupron Depot-Ped
`1M - inlrnmusclrlar
`oxytoci n
`Syntocinon ®
`single dose via!
`IM - intramuscular
`pentazrocine lactate
`Talwin Injection
`{cartridge needle]
`Sanofi Winthrop
`carltidgo needle
`Inultidose vials
`IM - intramuscular
`pt.-ntazocine lactate-
`Talwirt injection
`{multidose vial}
`Sanofi Winthrop
`Spinal ancslhcsia
`spinal anesthesia
`IV - intravenous
`antiljtrombin Ill
`{hum an}
`IV - intravenous
`epuctin alfa
`Sanofi Winthrop
`Pontocaim Hydruchluridc
`Hi Solution
`Sanofi Winthrop
`Thrcmhnta III 09
`IM v intramuscular
`lmavax G3 Rabies Vaccine
`Ont-to Biolv.-ch, Inc.
`Conna Light
`Laboratiea Inc.
`Baxter Heallhcare
`single dose vials
`single dose vial
`single dose vial
`single use hotiles
`single dose vial
`rabies virus
`prepared from
`{recorn binantl
`Immune Glohulln
`(human) (]0‘I\"'I
`(recon: binant}
`antihem ophllic
`factor (Human)
`anlihem ophilic
`bolulirtum toxin
`type A
`utokinase for
`cpootin alfa
`epoelin alfa
`irnmun-t: globulin
`prlmaruv Igfi
`monoclo nll
`antibody purified
`interferon beta—lb
`immune globulin
`poliovtrus vaccine
`inactivated; type I
`(Mahoneyl. tyne 2
`interferon alfa-2a.
`recombine nl
`- intravenous
`- in Lramunculnr
`IV - intravenous
`IM - intramuscular
`Helixate "4
`Corpo ralion-Biologi
`Co rporalion-Blologi
`Ly ophillzed
`single dose bottle
`single dose
`Allergen Inc.
`Abholt Laboratories
`Ly ophitizcd
`I-Ipogen {I9
`Amgen, Inc.
`fiihglc dose vial
`Epogcn CD - rnttllidusz
`Amgen. Inc.
`multidose vial
`single dose vials
`single dose vial
`Monoclnte-P IE Factor
`VIII: C PartaI.u'j:zed
`Retaseron ti:
`Belle; Laboratories
`Ly ophi Iized
`single use vial
`Cytofiam IE.‘
`Poliovax CD
`Med] mrrrune, Inc.
`Sterile Liquid
`single dose vial
`Contra ught
`Laboratories, Inc.
`Suspen sion
`Rufepon E-A
`Roche Laboratories
`albunlin (mmm,
`al'bum.iI‘I (human)
`all:-tttllttt thumg.-1}
`albumin {human}
`albumin (human)
`albumin (human)
`albumin (human)
`albumin (human)
`albumin [hut-nan}
`albumin (human)
`aibumin {human}
`albumin {nu mm}
`albumin {human}
`Vol. 52, No. 5 I September—October 1998


`B ra in ii Name
`Drug Name
`pH when
`albumin (human)
`I]. I6?
`IM - inlramusctuar
`inlerfcmn aIl'a-2a, Rofaron 0-A tpuwdelj
`Roche Laboralorias
`Powder {8lcI'ilu} vial
`albumin {human}
`albumin (human)
`IL - inlraiesional
`intufarnn aLl‘a-‘Eb,
`inlmn A
`IM - inlramuscular
`interferon a1fa—2b,
`Tum:-n A {solution}
`albumin (human)
`IV - intravenous
`Eminase ®
`albumin {human}
`0.‘? - 0.8
`IV - intravenous
`albumin human USP
`IV - intravenous
`faciar {human}
`rFacInr VIII. .-'\|II-‘}
`30.5 Lw’v%]
`3.0 - 4.0
`6.8 (wv)
`IV - inuavanoua
`6.3 - I-‘.2
`IM -inirarnusclllar
`sodium injecuon
`SmiIhK_l.1'.nn Etecham
`single dose via|
`glass boulc
`multiple dose
`amber-glass Vials
`6.1 (VN)
`3.6 1 [L4
`[M - intramuscular
`dihydroergotamine DJ-LE. 45 ®
`1M - inlI'a.m'.I.sL'.uIa.r
`sodium injealion
`Abbott Laburaloliea
`6.3 - 'l'.2
`IM - inlramuscular
`Lanoxin (Diguuin)
`Glaxo Welleotne
`IV - intravenous
`phanylain sodium Diianlin
`lnjeclic-fl, USP
`IM - inl.tarnuDclIllr
`Synmr. Labaralories
`Tubox caflridge
`alculml (Ph. Hair)
`32.9 (Viv)
`N - inlravenuus
`aloohol (USP)
`0.61 (WV)
`4.0 i 0.3
`IM —in'Lra1'rrus4:II]ar
`uoncenlrala for
`iniaclirm USP
`Sandirnmune ®
`Synlocinon ®
`alcohol (USP)
`6.] [wv%)
`3.6 5: 0.4
`IM — inlramuscular
`IM - intramuscular
`IV - intravenous
`-- T.-I
`50. I6
`[M - inlramuaaular
`1M — inlrarnuacular
`IM - intra:-ru.w:u|.ar
`1-nullidosn: Vial
`dihydroergotaminc I}.H.E. 45 ® or Dyhniergo!

`iniectioll. USP
`Diphtheria and
`Telanus Toxnids
`and Acellular
`faclor {Human}
`Diphtheria at
`Tetanus Toxoidr.
`and Accllular
`combinanlion of
`refined ma nus &
`diphlheria loxoids
`refined telanus
`diphlheria it
`manna Ioxoids &
`Perlusais Vaccine
`Le-lerle Laboralorjas
`nlultidosa vial
`Koaic ®-HP
`single dose bolllt‘
`Soluliazdsuspc Vial
`Tetanus & Diphlheria
`Toxoids miambed {Adull
`Ludarle Laboralories
`Telanua Toxoicl Adscrbetl,
`Lederie Lab:-raiurics
`Lcdcrlc Labotaloiics
`Suspcnsioniafl multidosc vials
`PDA Journal of Phannaceutical Science & Technology


`pii where Adntinlstratirm
`Drug Name
`Brand Name
`FormRouteapplicable“AWN Container
`N — intramuscular
`hepatitis A vaccine Havi-ix (Hepatitis A
`Smithlilim Bnechatn
`sing]: dose vial
`Vaccine. lnaclivatcdl
`1104 - 0.32
`EM — inlrarnuscutar
`combination of
`Diphtheria alt Tetanus
`SmithKJine Beecham
`purified lelanus 3:
`Toxoids & Pa1TLtasi.s
`IM - intramuscular
`diphtheria Sc
`tetanus tmtoids
`Diphtheria & Tetanus
`Toxoids & Pertussis
`Laboratories, inc.
`Turbid Liquid
`TM - intramuscular
`Rcoornbivax HE
`Merck & Company
`single dose vial
`IN! - intramuscular
`Smilitlilina Beechartl
`single dose I-isl
`[M — intramttscular
`tnultidose vial
`IM - intrarnuscujnr
`combination of
`Diphtheria Jr. Tolanux
`Lcdcrlc Laboratories
`refined diphtheria
`Toxoids Adaorbed.
`-it tetanus tuxoids
`£0. 11"
`IM — intramuscular
`Diphtheria &
`Terran-tune. (DTP-l[l.vOC)
`Ledelle Laboratories
`Tetanus Toxoids
`and Ftrllrssis
`IM - intrarnuscular
`haemophiius b
`Merck & Company
`single dose Vials
`conjugate vaccine
`hepatitis E
`lrepalilis B
`aluminum phosphate $0.1
`IM - intramuscular
`inactivated CV5
`Rabies Vaccine Adsorhed
`Srnilhiiiinc Beccharn
`rabies virus
`amino acid
`TM - intramuscular
`hepatitis A vaccine Havtix (Hepatitis A
`Stnithifiiine Beecbam
`single dose Vial
`Vaccine, Inactivalcd)
`W -- intravenous
`Smilliltiinc B;-oeham
`amber-glass vials
`sodium injection
`amrnorruum acetate
`IM - intramuscular
`Bumex it
`Roche Laboratories
`ammonium hydroxide
`SC — sub\:u1aneous
`anhydrous citric acid
`0.0l 1'5
`N v intravenous
`Smilliiiline Beeclaarn
`arnber--glass vials
`sodium injection
`arrhydrolrs citric acid
`6.8 -
`IM - intramuscular
`La noxin
`anhydrous citric acid
`6.8 - 12
`IM - intramuscular
`Lnnoarin (Diguxirn
`Glaxo Wclloome
`anhydrous dextrose
`3.0 - 4.0
`IV - intravenous
`Trartdato Injcedun -El
`Glam Wclioomc
`arihyclrous citric acid
`3.0 - 4.0
`N v intravenous
`D‘I'IC~Dc-me Sterile
`anhydrous dextrose
`3.0 - 4.0
`IV - intravenous
`labclolol HC1
`muitidose vial
`anhydrous dextrose
`IM - intramuscular
`Reckill & Colman
`glass .-«nap-ampuls
`anhydrous sodium
`9.5 - ILD
`[V - inlravenous
`Brevitsl Sodium
`Eli Liily & Company
`Sodium for
`LS6 v 26.0
`4.5 - 7.5
`{M - intramuscular
`aztreunam for
`."\ZiCllll'II for Injection
`ascorbic acid
`0.043 - 0.4%
`W - intravenous
`Vihramycin Irilriivertuus
`hyciatc for
`Vol. 52, No. 5 I September—October 1998


`Brand Name
`Drug Name
`pH where Administration
`FormRouteapplicable%Wr'\r' Container
`0. I
`IM - intramuscular
`ascorbic acid
`hrdrochlorirle USP
`ascorbic acid
`ascorbic acid
`ascorbic acid
`ascorbir. arid
`I .0
`1M - inrramuscuiarrsoc
`Smirh1(Iine Beecham
`1M - (soc
`Srrtirhliiing Boeoltirn
`multicloae r-gar,
`3.4 - 4.5
`SC - wbcuunwus
`Marcaine Hydrochloride
`hydrochloride and with Epinephrine
`Sus—p1'rtin.e IE
`Sanofr Winthrop
`single dose vials
`Pirnnmceuricala Inc.
`ascorbic acid USP
`0. 1
`[M - intramuscular
`malate USP
`Torecan ®
`Lahoratoriesr Inc.
`[VS - iurravesicai
`an attenuated live
`culnire preparation
`of BCG vaccine
`5.8 — 12
`ID - inlradcnnal.
`benzanosulrcnic acid
`3.25 — 3.65
`[V — intravenous
`Celcstone Soiuapan
`sodium phosphate Suspension
`Jr. belamelhaaorre
`arracuriurn besylate Tracriurn
`Wrulridose vial
`Glaxo Welloorue
`single use vial
`0.0 - 0.0i‘
`5.0 - 6.0
`EM - intramuscular
`I'aI'lro Darn‘:
`0.0 —
`it til
`EM - intramuscular
`Sradnl ® Injection
`Myers Squibb
`benzyl alcohol
`benzyl alcohol
`3.0 - 4.0
`5.0 - 7.5
`Dalalonc DJ‘. 09
`multiple dose
`5.0 - ‘LU
`Conisone Aceialc
`Cc-none Acclale
`uh. Company
`5.0 — 7.5
`Merck & Company
`6.0 - 3.0
`JAR — inlraarlicular
`Hydallra T. E. A.
`Merck & Company
`i-iydrocnnono Acetate
`Merck Jr Company
`benzyl alcohol
`benzyi alcohol
`benzyl alcohol
`0 9
`benzyl alcrrhoi
`5.0 - ?.0
`- inrraanieular
`henzyl alcohol
`3.5 -
`L'\-i - intramuscular
`Merhylpredniaalo Dcpo—Medro1
`no acetate
`The Upjohn
`single dose viai
`bonzyl alcohol
`benzyl alcohol
`IM - inlramuacular
`Mialocorl Fan: (P)
`IL - intralesionai
`Fujiaawa USA, Inc.
`benzyl alcohol
`4.3 . o.S
`IL - inlrrllcsional
`benzyi alcohol
`IV - intravenous
`uniodarone l-I.c|
`Arisroapan Suspension 5
`Fujisawa USA. Inc.
`Cordarolre Intravenous
`t‘I.'.‘ord.IrDne IV’!
`benzyl alcohol
`benzyl alcohol
`N — intravenous
`Vasotec I.V.
`Merck & Company
`-'3 .0
`IV - intravenous
`I-[olTman - ]'...trRochc
`PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 8. Technology


`benzyl alcohol
`henzyl alcohol
`bcnzyl alcohol
`benzyl alcohol
`bunzyt alcohol
`pl! where Administration
`Drug Name
`Brand Name
`1M - intramuscular
`muliidoaa vials
`5.8 - 6.5
`JIM - inlramuacular
`gold sodium
`Merck & Cur-rrpany
`3.5 - 6.0
`IM - inlramuaoulal
`nelilmtcin sulfate. Netromycin Injection
`Sizhcrlng Bioehem.
`3.9 - 5.0
`IV - intravenous
`IM - intramuscular
`Glaxo Wcllcon-in
`n1IJ.ltidoac Vial
`Haldol Dacanoale S0 and
`Solution (in
`IV — inlravenous
`hcnzyl atoohol
`benzyl alcohol
`benzyl alcohol
`benzyl alcohol
`beuzyl alcohol
`Vumon Injcclion
`Concentrate {VM-1'6)
`IV’ - inlravonuus
`trimelhoprim and
`Seplta I.\«". Infusion
`Glaxo Welloome
`rnullidose vials
`IM - intramuscular
`sterile cartridge
`IM - inuamuacuiar
`IM — inlramuscular
`melholrinreprazine Lovoprome
`as ill!
`lwdmchloride sail
`Librium injcclablc {IM}
`Roche Products. Inc.
`amber ampulc
`henzyl alcohol
`IM - intramuscular
`Lincocirt atcrilo solution
`The Upjohn
`SC - subculaneous
`ieuprolide acetate
`Lupmn Injection
`multidoae vial
`benzyl alcohol
`benzjrl alcohol
`ICN - inlraoavornoaal
`Cavelject Sterile Powder
`benzyl alcohol
`bonzyl alcohol
`bcnzyl alcohol
`I .0
`W - intravenous
`aminocaproic acid Amicar Injection, USP
`[M - intramuscular
`"Hue Upjohn
`IM - intramuscular
`Roche Labomories
`honzyl alcohol
`N v inlmmuaoular
`Clrocin Phosphate Smile The Upjohn
`bcrtzyl alcohol
`IM — intramuscular
`Valium lnjectable
`Roche Products
`benzjrl alcohol
`benzyl alcohol
`0. 35
`bcnzyl alcohol
`benzyt alcohol
`benzyl alcohol
`banzyi alcohol
`1M - inlramuscularlsnc
`5rnitlIKlino Bveocham
`multidose vials
`[M - intramuscular
`I5 I11: ediaylalc
`Sm.i'Ih[ Boecharn
`6.1 3: 0.3
`N - inlravenoua
`IM - inll1I'.|1|lSE.LIlll
`1301 -intramuscular
`5.0 — 10
`[M - :'n|.ranu:scuIar
`epoetin alfa
`(vilamin 1(1)
`I.-Ipogen ® - multidoae
`Amgert, Lric.
`mullidose vial
`Prolixin Decanmle
`Prolixin Erianlhate
`Myers Squibb
`Myers Squibb
`single dose
`Merck & Company
`Vol. 52, No. 5 I Septamber—October 1993


`Brand Name
`Drug Name
`pH where Adtninislrattinn
`Routeapplicable%\’-“IV Farm
`rnullidosc vials
`TM - intramuscular
`benzyl alcohol
`Pregnyl -39
`gonadolropin for
`infection. USP
`benzyl alcohol
`IA - inlraarlerial
`Melholrexale Sodium
`hertz)?! alcohol
`henzyl alcohol
`IV - intravenous
`IV - inlravenous
`Irimelhoprim and
`Seplra IV Infusion
`Glaxo Wollcorne

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