`The price schedule below applies to all the products that are given the M-21 price code.
`Catalog items with their assigned price codes appear in the Alphabetical Listing of
`Products beginning on Page 21.
`Products are sold in lots of 25, 50, and 100 pellets.
`Doses ofpellets reflect the total amount ofnet active product released over 21 days.
`SI) pellets
`'25 pellets
`Total Dose
`l('_|{} pellets
`A combination of multiple dosages in one lot, for any specified
`product, is also available. PLEASE INQUIRE.
`W W W.! N N UV RS R C H. C O M
`We Deliver What You Expect With Confidence
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2044 p. 74

`The price schedule below applies to all the products that are given the M—60 price code.
`Catalog items with their assigned price codes appear in the Alphabetical Listing of
`Products beginning on Page 21.
`Products are sold in lots of 25, 50, and 100 pellets.
`Doses of pellets reflect the total amount of net active product released over 60 days.
`Total Dose
`25 pellets
`S0 pellets
`lill} pellets
`A combination of multiple dosages in one lot, for any specified
`product, is also available. PLEASE INQUIRE.
` /OSE
` \ \n~
`FOR Al}I}FID (I()NV|*lNlENC‘E f'I..=\(.‘E \"'(}UR (1 RDER ON LINE AT
`Reduce Experimental Variables
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2044 p. 75

`Total Dose
`25 pellets
`51} pellets
`101} pellets
`The price schedule below applies to all the products that are given the M-90 price code.
`Catalog items with their assigned price codes appear in the Alphabetical Listing of
`Products beginning on Page 21.
`Products are sold in lots of 25, 50, and 100 pellets.
`Doses ofpellets reflect the total amount ofnet active product released over 90 days.
`A combination of multiple dosages in one lot, for any specified
`product, is also available. PLEASE INQUIRE.
`W WW.I.'\lNO\-“RS RCTH.C0.’\rl
`Increase Data Reproducibility
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2044 p. 76

`The price schedule below applies to all the products that are given the N-21 price code.
`Catalog items with their assigned price codes appear in the Alphabetical Listing of
`Products beginning on Page 21.
`Products are sold in lots of 25, 50, and 100 pellets.
`Doses of pellets reflect the total amount of net active product released over 21 days.
`50 pellets
`25 peliels
`Total Dose
`100 pellets
`A combination of multiple dosages in one lot, for any specified
`product, is also available. PLEASE WQUIRE.
`More Time For Creative Research
`W W WJ N N (}\''''R S RC H .(.‘0 M
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2044 p. 77

`The price schedule below applies to all the products that are given the N-60 price code.
`Catalog items with their assigned price codes appear in the Alphabetical Listing of
`Products beginning on Page 21.
`Products are sold in lots of 25, 50, and 100 pellets.
`Doses ofpellets reflect the total amount ofnet active product released over 60 days.
`S0 pl.-llcls
`25 pellets
`Total Dose
`I00 pellets
`A combination of multiple dosages in one lot, for any specified
`product, is also available. PLEASE INQUIRE.
`We Put Management In Time
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2044 p. 78

`The price schedule below applies to all the products that are given the N-90 price code.
`Catalog items with their assigned price codes appear in the Alphabetical Listing of
`Products beginning on Page 21.
`Products are sold in lots of 25, 50, and 100 pellets.
`Doses of pellets reflect the total amount of net active product released over 90 days.
`Total Dose
`50 pellets
`I00 pellets
`A combination of multiple dosages in one lot, for any specified
`product, is also available. PLEASE INQUIRE.
` Time flu-[mar Pnlldg
`We Help Manage Time
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2044 p. 79

`Please View pages 81 and 123 for trochar and pellet
`implantation information.
`(Trochar can also be used for tissue transplantation.)
`. H
`‘\ l I Hi.
`Pellets Capture The Change In Research
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2044 p. 80


`Astrazeneca Ex. 2044 p. 82

`It has been established that the growth and regression of estrogen-dependent
`tumor tissue in mice is dependent upon three factors:
`1. The tumor tissue itself.
`2. A healthy and untraumatized mouse.
`3. Exogenous estrogen or anti-estrogen ready-to-implant pellets
`from Innovative Research of America.
`The most commonly used 60-day and 90-day pellets in mice are listed below in these charts:
`Total Dose
`60-Day Release Pellets
`17 ls-Estradiol
`17 ls-Estradiol
`17 B-Estradiol
`‘I7 lS—Estradio|
`(free base)
`These pellets are designed for simple subcutaneous implantation in mice with a 10 Gauge Precision Trochar (Catalog
`No. MP~l82 - $240.00 each). NOTE: Other products and dosages that can also be used in mouse studies are found
`throughout this catalog.
`90-Day Release Pellets
`-rota, Dose
`17 r$.—Estradio|
`17 ls-Estradiol
`1? rs-Estradiol
`17 I3-Estradiol
`(free base)
`These pellets are designed for simple subcutaneous implantation in mice with a 10 Gauge Precision Trochar (Catalog
`No. MP—182—$240.00 each). NOTE: Other products and dosages that can also be used in mouse studies are found
`throughout this catalog.
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2044 p. 83

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`Additional references for 178-Estradiol on pages 112-117
`AstraZencca Ex. 2044 p. 84

`170-ESTRADIOL (cont)
`1?!)-ESTRADIOL (cont.)
`Cancer Research. 65 (9): 38 I 5-3822. 2005
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`Cancer Research. 67 (7): 3412-3421. 2007
`Cancer Research. 67: 3062-207i . 2007
`Cancer Research. 67 (30): 9929-9936. 2007
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`Cancer Research. 67 (IT): 3032-8042. 2007?
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`International Journal of Oncology. 22 (4): 835-341. 2003
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`Jnumal of Applied Physiology. [02 (S): I337-1393. 2007
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`Journal of Biological Chemistry. 277 (42): 39853-39866. 2002
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`Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279 (10): 8602-8607, 2004
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`Journal of Cardiovascular Electropsysinlogy. I3 (3): 276-280. 2002
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`Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolisnt. 89(3): I039-I095,
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`AstraZeneca Ex. 2044 p. 87

`It has been established that the growth and regression of androgen—dependent tumor
`tissue in mice is dependent upon three factors.
`1. The tumor tissue itself.
`2. A healthy and untraumatized mouse.
`3. Exogenous androgen or anti-hormone ready~to-implant pellets
`from Innovative Research of America.
`The most commonly used 60-day and 90-day pellets in mice are listed below in these charts:
`60-Day Release Pellets
`{See Conlrollecl Substances Page 3]:
`5o; -Dihyclrotestoslerone
`[Sea Controlled Substances Page 8]
`Cyproterone Acetate
`90-Day Release Pellets
`Total Dose
`{See Controlled Subslances Page 3}
`(Sea Controlled Substances Page at
`Cyproterone Acetate
`Note: Other products and dosages that can also be used in mouse studies are found throughout this catalog.
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2044 p. 88

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