harmaceutica Sc;ienc:r.~?: and ‘echnolegy
`J a
`Solubility Principles and Practices for Parenteral Drug
`Dosage Form Development
`Stephanie Sweetana and Michael J. Akers
`FDA J Pharm Sci and Tech 1996, 50 330-342
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2052 p. 1
`Mylan Pharms. Inc. V. Astrazeneca AB IPR2016-01325

`Solubility Principles and Practices for Parenteral Drug Dosage
`Form Development
`Phamméraettimi Susi-encas, Lilly Resasarcft Lcréarawries, Indianapalfs, Indiana
`A cammon problam experienced in the early develop-
`meat of drugs inteniled for parenteral, aspecially intrave-
`nous, administratien is the solubilization of a slightly
`solublr: or water insoluble: aclive ingredifint. Drug s0lubi—
`lization has been tha subject of many fitlénlifii: articles
`and lf:l\"ll30i3l{S {referenced tlmzaughceut ihifi. article); yet
`despita this attantirm and availabla literature, product
`develepment scientists still encounter significant difficul-
`ties in solving their strluhilily pmblems.
`Theories of solute solabilization are not easy ta
`understand. Solubilizati-an processes are amazingly cem-
`plm: and require 3 fair amount of mrpertisr:-. in phyalcal
`chemistry ta interpret and apply current thecrrratical
`moéelsl Much of the litarature deals with scrlubllization
`theory and does not afier much practical help to the
`inexperienced scieniist under a lot of pressure to find a
`ssalutlcm tn his,/her salubiliry prcblem.
`This article intends to help the scientist in early drug
`formulation design for parenterally administered drug
`prod uats by reviewing pertinent literature on a<)lul:riliza-
`titan and reducing it to simpla approaches one can use to
`solve salubillty problems. The classical ihearies of solu-
`bility, and how they relate to phannacrzutical systems of
`interest will he revicwsd and practical Etppliitallifinfi
`discussed. Because at‘ the common concerns regarding
`toxicity and accsptability by rrzeclical and
`regulator}; lmdies, we also will trea: this topic in semi:
`I. Pertinent Theory of Solubillzatian of Elrugs
`Solubility ihecries deal with ccnversion cf a substance
`fmm (‘me state is anoilxer, and the equilibrium: phen~um-
`ena that are invelved. Through pioneering war}: «sf
`Henry, Rarzault and vazft Hoff in 1211::
`lair: 13[l0§S¢, the
`propertiézs 0f varimzs solutions have been defined in
`theories. These nearly theories form the basis by which
`num: mmplex systasms, such as $1103: saxxcouutered in tlm
`biological sciences, are compared and understand.
`No singlra tlzaaury can adsquataly explain solubility
`behavior of uncharged molecules in a xrariaty of solvent
`systems. Each tlzemy is suited far select ccmbinations of
`Reaeivgd lame 253, 19933. Accepted for puhlicatinn March 21, 1996.
`‘ Authnr ta whom carrsspsmdence should be addressed: Lilly Ca:srp<2~
`ram Canter, lmzliarlapolls, IN 413383.
`solutes and solvants where: certain intsnnulscular forces
`are assumszrl to predorninate, or conversely, be absent.
`Tbs classical theorizs af selubllity have been explained
`most simply in terms of int-arrnolecular interactions.
`Ideal salutiari
`theary assumes so]ute~s:3lute,
`solvent and solute—sc3lvant interactions are completely
`uniform in strength and nature. An example of a.
`Sfillilllfill behaving ideally is a non-polar salute.
`in a
`ncsmpolar solvent such as naphthalene in benzene.
`Regular solzarrlorz zfzrcrary rzvolvrzd ta account fill‘ the imbal-
`ance czf intannolesular interactions that after: oacur
`lZIt’:lW%:':t"tl’l clissimélar systems Cal a. solute and solvent. The
`focus mf this theory are systems of low palarity mch as
`steraids in hydrocarbon solvents. Extended regular S01L£~
`ts’-arr (keen: incorporated additional parameters ranch as
`dispersian, pcalar and hyérogtemlmndlng interactions
`into regular solutian theory, Various approaches have
`been used to represent these molecular interactians,
`leading to a variety of models to predict and explain
`solubility behavior mi“ polar solutes in polar systems, each
`with dlffrzmnt apprazcimalitms and assumptions (1-4).
`In most pharmacautical systems, the routine applica-
`tlszm of tllfisifi models nix medial solubiliiy and simplify
`formulation development is complex. Most drugs of
`interest am icmizaltrle, contain polar pelyfunctional
`groups, and are capable of forming multipls hydragen
`bands. The majority of parentarally acceptable casel-
`ventsusuch as prapylanc glyrsstrl, polyethylene glyml,
`ethanol and x>rater—-are capable of self association
`through lxyclrogcti bond fDl‘DZlatiOIl. Such intezactiims
`may altar sclvenl: structure and, as a result, influence:
`solubility in an unpredictable manmzr (1). Examples of
`this phenamena arc: deviations fmm log-linear sCalubliza-
`tier; of noxipolax solutes in a polar eosolvent system {S}.
`For the madels. to ailequatsly clascribe snlubility behav-
`imr, prepay weighting must; be assigned to the mlative
`importance of competing self-associatiena and strung
`intenncalecular interactions. Currently this is being mod~
`ale-:1 by various compuzer intvzznsixre group»-ccntribution
`appmazzhesl some of which allow for the mutual interac-
`tions sf varicsus functional gr0upS ll}.
`In the biological sciences, many salutes of interest are
`capable ef acting as acids or baaes. In an ionizing mcclia
`such as water, they may dissociate intc: ions which are
`usually highly vrata-1,: salable. T0 what extent a molecule
`is iatvnizecl in an aqumus mlution is largely dependent cm
`its pléia and the pH of tha media. The Henderson»
`FDA Jamaal czf Pnarmacamlczal Salaam; 8. Technsiogy
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2052 p. 2

`Hasselbalcb. equatieu is a. mathematical expressian of
`this relationship (3). In formulation devalopment, con-
`sideration of the amcsum of un—iz)nize:d drug in solution
`is lxelpful to amid unexpccttx} precipiialiuu Uf this form.
`As the 33H of a drug solution is changed, the amaunt of
`free acid 01' has»: may increase and imzntually exceed tha
`limited salubllity all this form. 1!: is passible :0 calculate
`the pH :::rf precipitation and of maximum scllubility, if the
`pKa of the molecule and the solubility Bf lh-it un-ionized
`and ionized forms are knovm (3, 6}. Generally, two pH
`units ahrrws 03' below the pH,,m value céatalglislies the
`deslrad pH fur fonnulation. For drug molaeules with
`muliiple icmizable gmups these equations are mom
`complicated to apply and 90 experimentally generated
`solubility data are usmally callected.
`Tlamixgh um awn axparicénca, we fimfl that thwry gives;
`us some direction with respect
`to experimental ap-
`proaches, but we still need to rely on the empirical
`experimentation in screen for figgstems which ofier the
`most pmmisc in solubilizing water-insoluble drugs.
`ll. Farmulatian Design
`the first approach used In increase:
`sulubility of an insoluble drug in water is to form more.
`water soluble $211318. Barge and co—workers (7) wrote: what
`i3 new 3; mar classic :'eviaw crf salt farm straiegies
`acceptable far pharmaceuticals. If salt formation is not
`possible, mg. we unstable, or does mat nzmitézi’
`mcxlacule sulfificiesntly water saluble, 3 series s:1~ff0mmla-
`ticm approachas may be inwsstigated. Table I smmma~
`rizes tlmse general strategies. Often a useful approach to
`increase the aqueaus solubility of an io:1i::al3le drug is
`pH acfiustment. The next approach most fraquently tried
`is the use of ‘fi£3t€:§’—mlS£lbl€
`oosalvents. Other ap-
`proaches to be discussed brinzfiy includa the use of
`surfact: active: agents and camplexlng agents. Davenp-
`ment of emulaified and acnlloidal drug de ivary systems
`for intravenmzs administration are becoming more widely
`and succesgfully applied. They may cstmfer to the an-
`trapped 01’ associated drug sigzlificanily difbrcnt proper-
`Summary of Parenteral Fesmulatéon Approaches
`pH adjuslmaant
`pH 2 m 12
`Polyelhylczm: glygol
`Propylene gly-cal
`Surfacfi Active Agents.
`Cramophcxr EL
`Bile salts
`Important Formula
`Drug stability
`ions to buffer or adjust pH
`Drug, presipizatitm upém infusion
`drug crzmcerztraticm
`use sf bufferlbuflszr capacity
`infasian rate
`Fmmula irritation
`infusion rate & duration
`drug vs vehicle
`drug precipitation
`Systemic tcxicity
`tatal cusmlvent admixzistercd
`Drug pretipiiation ups-I: infusicln
`drug concentration
`infusinn rate
`Formula irritatitm
`infusion rate :9: duration
`drug VS vehiele
`drug prccipltaticn
`Hypézrserasitivity in animals
`Fnrmula irritation
`infasinn rare :9: ziurazican
`drug vs vehicle
`Complexing Agents
`Watz3r—s<>l:1bl::: vilamins.
`Purity uf epzciplents and drugs
`Fcminula irritaticm
`Dispersed Sysuzmzé
`infusiajn rate 3: duraticln
`drug vs vehicle:
`Particle size
`Useful Tests
`pH rate prafile
`pH solubility profile
`Freezing paint depreasiuzx
`In visra precipitation model
`I21 Vim phlebitis mcclel
`it: vim: cell lysis istualics
`Mixture studies for maximum
`I22 uizro precipilatinn model
`In vim phlebitis medal
`32:: vim: cell lysis studics
`in viva? phlebitis medal
`In vitm call lysis ?’§ll.llZllES
`Phase salubility diagrams
`In vEv::- phlebitis maacial
`[:1 l«’ll’P‘{3‘ cell Iyzris studies
`Particle size
`Vol. 50, N115 I Septemberwoctobar 1996
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2052 p. 3

`ties front the free form. timvitiirig the otiiztxrtttnitgg to
`prtilottg drug pl”t3SE3llCt‘:
`in the liltiotlstteaztti Gt‘ to alts;-3'
`Clisptisitltm in the ’:m<lj;;. “Her»:3i€" melhfldfi. reptmecl in
`the literature far various cancer tlrtigre. will alec:
`reviewed altlicmgh these methtidza ties: types and antmtnts
`Of exelpicnts that pmhtihly waultl
`tmt commclnly be
`cesnsidereti appmviahle for intrzaventttis adminietratitin.
`The basis for reliable ftirmuiation development
`acsttrate tletettninsititm tif solubility. Traditianal method-
`ology is the “equilibrium metlmd" (S) where excess drug
`iii adcletl
`tea the solvent system. and some means {if
`agitation is employed tmcler constant
`Samples are withdrawn. filtered. and analyzed Fm‘ drug
`mncentration over a pcritid Of time and equilibration is
`demtmstialed by Lliilfflfmlly‘ cal‘ the data enter the time
`interval. Fair eparingly soluble drugs where cquilibria are
`slow. accurate detetmittatitjns til sctluiiility may be cliffi-
`cult. Useful techniques in these instances include using
`highly speaslfic analytical metltods to detect parent (:0m—
`p{3ul}{LlS, minimizing the amount {if excess solid added,
`and assuring Sttilicieiit equilibration time {i}. Solid state
`factors and batch-ltibatch uariatien tdifierent poly-
`merphs, hydration state, crystallinity, crystal hemc:>gen::-
`ity, and impurities) may affect r<:pr(‘.:dt.1cibilit};
`ttxf drug
`solubility determinations.
`A. Mi’ xldjusintimi
`Current FDA approved marl-tetecl parenteral prod»
`ucts range in pll from 2 to 1 l. A ettmprehensitre listing of
`these products may he found in Table II. For l3lCIC1J§I‘tpal~
`ability reasons, formulatien of injectahles. within the pH
`ranges of 4 to '8 is most C{)mm{)n& However, to achieve
`sufficient drug sulubiliiy. 3 pH ttutsitle this range may be
`The pH at which a product is formulated is usually
`iietemiinecl from the pH saluhility and pH rate profiles
`of the drug (9). A recent example elf their applicgticm in
`aid parenteral
`fmmulativzm éievelttpment is CI-988. 3
`eholeeyetokinin-B receptm“ antagonist (ill).
`Additienal formulatitm variables to be coneidered are
`the necessity vi a buffer, buffer capacity. and drug
`concentration. These atan influence supersaturated drug
`concentratitzns in the blmdstream, a conditicin that may
`lead £0 in i=z'w:: drug precipitatiun. The blow is very
`cifieicnt at pH neutralization and Il0I'm3ll3' maintains a
`narrcsw pH range of 17.38 to 7.412. Far example, El law
`incifience of phlebitis was observed in the rabbit ear vein
`model when solutions over the pH range sf 3 to 1l,witlt
`buffer ccncentraiicns Gf apprtiximetely 0.3 M, were
`administered in a single small vezxlume (1 mL) bolus close
`{11}. Simple screening tests consisting {Sf a computa-
`tional nicidel where drug solubility is platted as a
`function of dilution, and in mm dilution experiments
`were shrgswn to be effective tools in evaluating the ability
`of the pllwaelubilized drug to remain in solutien dilutian
`£12, 33). Davie et al. { 14) shtiwed that if? tsive ;:=1’ti=:.“.lpita-
`tion of the pH-selubilized drug, clltekiren was dependent
`upaii drug caiicentration and infusion rate. Lew ettiicem
`tration drug solutions. which are rapidly diluted below
`saturation solubility. and rapid infusitms; were preferred
`in iiiinimiee precipitation.
`The most eemmozmly used buffet components in paren-
`teral precincts and their pKa‘s. are: citric: acid (3.13. 4.?t3_
`fix-iii), acetic acid {4.76} and phtispltorie acid (2.15, ’?.Ell.
`l2.33). when buffers are employed. the stability ill the
`mtileetile must also he t:tttts~;ldeted_ since it may be
`irtliueneed by the ions in soluiien (9). Examples of buffet
`catalyzed stztltititin degradation include faniotitlitte.
`histamine H2 receptor inhibitor (15) anti loracatbef, 3
`zwitterienie cepltalosgorin (16)
`3. Use of Cosoivents
`in recent years. surveys uf FDA-apprcwed parenteral
`pl‘0ClEICt$ (17-19) show five water-miscible CQSOWCQIE-—
`glycerin, ethane-l, propylene giyctil, pvzilyethjglene. glycol.
`and l\l,N,-dimethyiacetamidewes Cc-mptments of sterile
`formulations (Table Ill and IV). Cesalvents are emv
`ployed in approximately 10% of FDA appraised paren-
`teral products. They are useful because they may often
`prtwitle exponential increases in selubility (20) and also
`allow exclusiun af water for compounds susceptible to»
`lnvestigaticm of the salubilizing pctential of various
`cosolveitis may be approached empirically; by detcrmin»
`ing the Cnmpflunds solubility in cusolvetti campositions
`similar to marketed pmtiucts (2143), cut by one of
`several systematic approaches. such as lQg~lln€'SEll‘
`ity relationships or statistical experimental design.
`In the study of log-«linear solubility relationships,
`Yalltowsky and Rosemen (20) investigated a range at
`salutes in binary cosolvenl mixtures of ethanol, ptopyl~
`ene glycol, and glycerin in water and discussed the
`clctseness of fit of apparent selubility in a log-linear
`solubility equatitm. “Briefly. this technique involves ex1:se;t'i~
`mentally determining the selttbility of a compeund in
`increasing percentages of a eosolvent and generating a
`semi—~l0gatithmiu: plat of the apparent seltihility of the
`drug as 3 function cf the volume-fraction at’ the casel-
`vent. Using the slope and tlie solubility til the Cflmpflufifi
`in pure water, an equation may be written tti cletcribe
`the solubility in a binary system.
`Assuming that the Iogdinear increases in eelubility cf
`individual cosolvents are additive, eqttaticna may aim be
`written for ternary and quaternary mixed CGS€3lVt’:‘J1‘i
`systems (24). Mathematically, these relaticzttships are
`described by the following eqttatitzms:
`Binary msaiverzz system
`log Cx = leg (1,. + tax};
`Temztry trosoivent system
`lag C3. = leg Cu. + agfi. + 11,3;
`Quzsfemairy rrosoiverzt system
`tog Ci = mg £2. + '15} + ax. + out
`where Cw is the drug stilubility in water; ifs are the
`slopes of the semi
`logarithmic plots; C} is the drug
`solubility; f is the velume fraction 0f the msolvent; and
`the subscripts :2, £9, 2: denote the ceeolvents/l, B, and X
`FDA Jcmmal nf Pharmaceutical Science ‘St Teettnoéeggr
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2052 p. 4

`pH 4: <3
`Lactic acié, HC1
`Citric: acid
`N301-L HC?
`Cizrirs acid, Na citrate
`Lactie: acid
`Lactic acid, earthy!
`Lactic acid
`pH > 8
`Lactic acid
`Na{)H, citric acid
`Tartaric ac:-id
`Na0H, I-{Ci
`Na citram, citric acid
`Citric acid, Na citrate
`Acetic acid
`Tartaric acid, Na
`Chiordiazepcxide HC1
`Banzquinamide HC1
`Dapamine HC}
`Diitiazsam PIC]
`Boxycyciine Hyciate
`Ergmnmzine Mafrzate
`Fentanyi Citrate and
`Hamgaericiai Lactate
`Labetalal HG!
`Methjgidapate EC!
`Mfidazalam RC1
`Miirirmne Lactate
`Minacyciinc HG}
`Nalbuphinc HC]
`Nalomne. H5221
`Ondanseimn HG}
`Papavcrinc HC§
`Pyridexina Eiifii
`Tcdazeiine HC1
`Acezazwlamidc Na
`Aczysiovér Na
`A.x“m::b:5;rbi:a! Na
`Azaihicrprine Na
`Ampiciflin Na
`B&%ams:{ha:~;0I:€: Na
`Chlumthiazidc Na
`Foiic acid
`Ganciclavér Na
`Lezzcamrin Ca
`8-1 3.
`Fiuomuracii ['R0r:he.}
`Fnivite flxzderiej
`(Z153/trrvenaa {Syntax}
`Waziimvorin {lmmunezg
`Burroughs Wellmmc)
`Bravital Na (Liiiyfi
`Methahexitzfi Na
`Na carbanatc
`IM -- intramuscular, IF -- intravemtms infusian, IB -~ intravanmis dércct injacticm.
`V4158, No. 5 I Septemtze:-Gatabe: S996
`Examizies of Marketed Parentarai Prcéucts wifih Szzéution pH Dutside Range :2? 4 is 8 (18. 19)
`Trade Name
`Lame acid, Nafii-I
`Benzenesuffonis acid
`Amxinvzme Lactate
`Atrztcuréum Bssyiate
`Inumr (Sanefi Wimzhrop)
`Tracrium {Burroughs
`Librium {Roche}
`Ema-re-Con {Roxarigja
`Cipro 138?. (Miles)
`DTIC-Dome (Miias)
`Imrcpin (i}nP::>nt)
`Cardimm (Mariam Merral}
`Vibramycin IV (Rmrig,
`Inapsine fjanssen)
`Ergatrate Maleate (Liiiy)
`Solu ion
`Sow ism
`18, IF
`IM, [F
`IE, I?‘
`Sch: icm
`Sc} 11 ion
`1M, £F, £3
`Innovar {Jan3sen)
`So 1; ion
`IM, 18, IF
`Robina? {Robins}
`Haida! {McNeil}
`Normodgme gjfichezringj
`Trandaie (Giam)
`Aidomet Ester HC1 {Merck}
`Methergéne (Sande-2:)
`Varscd (Racks)
`Primacor {Sanofi Winthrop}
`Mincscin fibczdcfle}
`Nuhain (DLIPQM)
`Narcan (DuP~::~m}
`Zofran {Cemn»:;x)
`Pitocin {P2u'kc~Davis)
`Papavcrine HCE {Lilly}
`Pyridxbxinc HC1 (Sleds)
`Priscaaléns HG ifliba)
`S0 11 icm
`So 3.: ion
`So 21 ion
`So :1 ion
`So 11 ion
`Sn :1 ion
`So u ion
`S0111 ian
`S0111 ion
`So :1 ion
`S0 13 mm
`3:) 1: ion
`Sam icm
`3:3 11 ian
`IM, 1}}
`Diamox (Lcdm“I<:}
`’2’m'iraz-: {Eummghs
`Aminopilyfiizars {Abbota
`Eikins-Sim. Alzrmrican
`IrIu:1":a:1 (Bui’I"C:ugf1s
`P<3iys:.il1in~N iapoiilecun)
`T0isu;:i1}in~N (Baecham)
`Omnipen-N {"Wy::1h)
`Creiezstuné: Phnsghate
`Sodium Diuril (Merck)
`Hypurstai (Schcriag)
`Slifphustroi {F/H383}
`1'M,IB, IF
`IB, {F
`I'M, IF
`IM, I33, IF
`IE, I}?
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2052 p. 5

`TABLE ill
`COS{.‘:lVi3ni Eoncentraticarzs in Some Currently Marketed Parents:-rals $118. 19)
`Cnsalvent in
`Marketed Vehicle
`Trade Name
`per Base
`Ethanol l€l£l“—§
`BMSNU {Brism}-‘.V1j.=cr:§ Drug
`«S» Dzlucnt
`Dilute? 5110
`F'rupyln’:ne;: glyml 4fl‘}?>
`Ethyl alccrllxpl 1{)"T*§#
`Valium {Rc1»<:‘n:")
`Dirisci injezctiun
`0.34 ml
`Pmpfglene Glycol 48%
`Alcahol l€l‘:?§'
`Dire-ct injection
`1»-3 ml
`Berzztyl alcmheal 5%
`Prupylcntt glyxml 50%
`Dilute 1:10
`1 ml
`Pmpgxlcmz gl3'cc:)l 25% Esmolul NC’!
`Ethazm-J 25¢’?
`3I‘€\*’ibl£}C :{DuPv:':m}
`Dilute. 1:25
`1«-Ill ml
`Pru-pylene. glycol
`Ethamul 1114?’?
`Hydralazins HC‘l
`Aprssolinc Hi‘! (Ciba) Stzlutizin
`Direct injecticm
`0.5-1 ml
`Tczra-ilol (Syntax)
`EM cmly
`Direct injesiztiezm {M 1 ml
`Atiwan (“é/ye:l1—
`EM, 13
`IM Direct injection
`Dilute 1:1 W
`1 ml
`PEG 400 0.18 ml} ml
`Betzzyl alcolml 2%
`Propylene glycml
`Pcwidonc: 26 mg
`Dilncnt (10 ml)
`Propylene glywl 6 mi
`Ethanol 352 ml.
`Etharwl 3(l‘3?E:
`Propylene glyml 30%
`Propylene. glym! $095:
`Alcafnul 1(lԤ2-
`A1m§ml i(l"rPEv
`Propfglcnc glyml (i«’?.8‘f/1»
`Wcxpylexze glycol «'3U‘.5{:=
`Alccclml 10‘/FE
`Melphalan HCE
`Nkrcran §}3urrr:>ughs
`+ Dfiuam
`Dilute wsistitute
`:> 1:10
`1'3 ml
`Tridii (DnP<mtf)
`Dilute 1:100
`2.5-10 ml
`Penmbarbiml N3
`Nembutzil (Abbefi)
`Slow direct injvzctitm 2 ml
`Phcnoharbiial Na
`Luminalbla §S:;m-mfi
`1M. IB
`Direct injection
`1 ml
`Phcnytoin Na
`Dilemtin (Parlor: Davbs)
`IM. 13
`Dims: injecticm
`3-«:3 ml
`Fnflycthylemz glyml 50% Seczmharbitai Na
`Sccabarbital Na
`Prczpylxz-1:4: glyml ai()<“Z«~.
`Exzhannl 19%
`Trimmhnprim-S111» Septra {Burroughs
`Bacftrim (Rachel
`IM. 18,1‘? Direct injeminn
`1-5 m‘:
`Dilute 1:25
`Swill mi
`amide I{l()€¥§.-
`Amsidine Cc'mcen—
`mate 1: Parka-Dmria)"
`+ Diluczmt
`Dilute: 1:568
`1.5 ml
`W! = iréttamuscular. IF -~ inlrzwenoufi inlusicm. YB '- intravanous dizect injection‘
`" Elirvg available Qutsi-63 me Unified Stains
`rsspectively. In his fiimpiest form. determining the drug
`solubility in water and pure cosolvents wuulcl allaw
`estimatiun 0f the amount and type 01‘ rsrzsiylvent required
`ta attain a desired solubility.
`11‘: must C3323 h{JW€V<3:F..
`éeviaticms fmm log~linear increases cf s{*.»lubi1ity orrscuz in
`aqxzeous ac,-semen: mixtums as indicated by curvature in
`the solubility plmzs. The xslewiations arr-: aliributcd m
`solvent-smlvcnt imteractisns (5. 25).
`For first appmxixilaticms of solubility l‘1C)W€\«’I2i’,
`approach has been shown in be uslzful {2Ea——27}. (‘men
`(28) useé this llffllillqllfi and pwalarity indexes of C0301-
`vents ta calatulate the pmlarity of a is-uluiixm that pro-
`duced téael graatfsst solubility ef 213:: drug metronidazole.
`Aqueous/casolvent ratios c-f curresponding paiarzlty csuld.
`than be calculated for aiher casement systems ta prcvidc
`qualitative identification of smlubility maximums (29,
`3(3) Polarity indexes uf cammcnn water miscible cosasla
`wants have been iabulated and discussed by Ru}:-5:10 and
`Yallwwsky. Thsge indexes reflect the Caz:-hesive proper~
`{E63 of the Swlveni (zsulubility parameter and inierfacial
`tension}. hydrogen bonding ability {pmton dcmcxr and
`accepicu" d<z:£15ity§, and gaolarity (dielectric constam}.
`Another zmiubiliql detcrminatien appmach particu-
`larly helpful for complex mixturw i5 :5: sizzetistisxal experi-
`mental drssign {3}}. Identifying the optimum combina-
`ticrn of cosalvents fer salubilizatinn may reduce: the net
`FDA Journal at Pharmaceutical Science & Technmlogg;
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2052 p. 6

`Surfactant Concentrations in Same Currently Marketed Parenterals (18, 19}
`Suinbilixer in
`Marketed Vehhtle
`;\lN~dimethylacetamide: :60
`Cremxjphm EL 50?)
`mg! ml
`Dehydrated alcolml
`lkalysmlzate Si} 293 mgiml
`?ropylene glycol 28.7
`mg} ml
`Cramophor EL 52’?
`Ethzzrml 49.?‘?'§>
`Propylcnc glyml 30%
`Polys<)r1:a2ue SE 1.6%
`Polysorlzxatrz 2G 0.028%
`Polysmbate SB 4%
`?r<:>pyl<:::1e glyml 2{3‘}’£:
`Cxcmuplwr EL 6139
`Alcohnl 32.9%
`Ewtyethylene: glyml 3042!
`650 mgiml
`Ethyl alcohol 30.5% V3‘?
`Pnlysrzzerbzxie Sf; 3%
`Falyoxyethylated fatty
`acid 7.52%
`Generm Name
`Trade Name
`per Dose
`Vumrm (Brisml-Myers
`Dllaxte 1:10 or 1:l{}ffl
`5-9 ml
`Knnakion (liachaj
`IM cinly
`Etirect injestian IM
`l~2.:S ml
`Taxol (I3rists;~l~lv1yc:rs
`M.V,I.~l2. (mltra)
`Ell ute 1:5 var 1:20
`28 ml
`Di utter. 1:300 m‘ ‘1:5{“,l{3
`5 ml
`Chiordlaztpaxide HCI
`Librium (Rachel
`[M maly
`Di cct injczzrtiam IM
`2 ml
`Sarlclimmunt: {fianalsazj
`Di um: l;2€l«l:l£3£3
`5 ml
`VePesid (firéstol-Myers
`Di at: 12300
`5 ml
`TM, IE:
`Elircsct inject IM,
`I-2,5 ml
`Zll ml
`PEG:1U aasmr 0510.] 15
`Mcmistat ix. (llanssezn)
`Dilute 112:3
`Polysflrbate 88 12%
`"Vitamin A
`Aquasol A Parenteral
`Polysorbatc SC: 0.088%
`Activase (Gencntmh)
`Na dcsnxycholatrz £l.41‘}"o
`Amphmrszricin B
`Fungizonu: (Apathecm)
`Polysmrbaic 213 0.49%
`Polysarbates 813 0.04%
`Cafazolin Na
`Calatijex {Abbott}
`Kafzal {Lilly}
`Am:-zf (fimithlillnc
`Pixlysorbate SB 0.094%
`Neupngéra (Amgen)
`Sodium clodecyl wlfaie
`(3.18 mgjml
`Prnleuldn (Cetus
`Polysorbaie SE 10%
`Corclarone X IV (Szmofi
`EM = intramuscular? IF = intravcncsus infusiwm. I8 = intrzwezxczus direct injection,
`" Drug availabia imltxlfie ills: Unitraci Slams
`Amiadamne HCI
`Direct injectizm EM
`l-2 ml
`Qircct infusion
`20-10% ml
`Dilutt; 1:59
`Direct ixsjection
`$23 ml
`9.54 ml
`IM, EF, IE Direct mjrzction
`Direct injeetlnn
`ll.Z§—3 ml
`Dilute 1:42
`Dilute 1:50
`1.2 ml
`3-? ml
`amount (Bf msolvent in the formula (2215). They aim
`facilitate the study ef systems characterized by nor»
`linear increases in snlubilityl Optimization techniques in
`formulation have racently been rev
`viewed (32). Pm example uf their use is a aitnplex araarclx
`for swalvsnt blends producing maximum drug solubility
`Ameptabie levuelg cf cosolvent in parenteral formula-
`tions. are not casily dcfinasd. A review of cuzrentrly
`marlzated parenteral pmdu-2:5 shezswa thaz percantagas
`range frtsm {O to I089: {Table Hi and IV). Appropriate
`product szmmzmts are often a mama: of uxmsidaring a
`diverge set of factors such as; 1) administration condi~
`tlons, Z) {Mal dose, 3) target pcxpulation and 4) duration
`cf therapy.
`’I‘e:}xicit3,r and adversse clinical affects saf
`common cawlvents are summarized (33-34). Recent
`safety assessment reviews of propylene glycol (35) poly-
`ethylanc glyml (36) and glycerol (3?) have been pub-
`Vol. 5%, No. 5 I Septemberwflciohar 19533
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2052 p. 7

`some Currently Marketed Paremeraia Utilizing Ccsmplexéng
`Agents, Mixed Miaelles, or Lipid Systems
`Complexing Agents
`gclatin !Zl.?<?é-
`Amphmcticln B
`Amphotcrlcin B
`DMPG and
`DMPC lipid
`Na tthctltzstcryl
`sulfate, 1;-ml»
`luidal clispe t'-
`Mixed Micelles
`Glymcholic arid- Diazcpam
`Cilymchctlics ax:is:l— Vitamin K
`Emalsiuns tn‘ Liposomeé;
`Lipid trmulsinn
`Trade Name
`Athcar (Rl1tm<:~
`Pczulenc Rater)
`{r\l::t)c:z-it. Ell<'.fm3-
`Sim, American
`Alsslctcl {The Lipa-
`same Cult’
`Amphctcil {Lipo-
`some Tszcrhw
`Valium MM
`Kunakimns‘ l2O
`Lipid tzmulsiim
`Lipid cmulssicm
`Amphctttiricitt B
`Diézat‘ lfihmedal
`Diptivzm {Zr:nr.:«:a)
`Flucmml-DA (Alma
`llvi ~ intramuscular. IF - iniravennut: infutai-zml 1B - intravcntxuis
`direct it1js:::t§onl
`" Drug available mnsittc the Unitesi Statasl
`L;‘t‘;vSUl‘se't§:§1l vehicles in
`toxicity of several
`lislzed. Lacal
`animals is: xummz-triyed in Table V].
`C. {J56 of Stzrface /lctit-2:’ Agertts
`Surface active agents are usually inczyrp-stated inta
`patantutetls to prtwitle on: of stwtzral desirable proper-
`ties; 1) increase drug solubility thtmtgh micellizzttian. 2.)
`to ptcvsnt drug pteclpllatlun uptm dilltlitm £38)‘ 3)
`impmzwc» the aatability of 3 drug it“; Sfllullflfl by incorp02*a-
`titm of th:: drug mm a mimllar EKTUCIUTQ (Rm. and -ill in
`prmein tkgrmulationt. prevent aggregation duct Ii) liquidf
`air or liquidfsoliil intarfacial interactions.
`Tablr: IV prozwides exantplfis of FDA—appmv<":<:l parc':I1-
`txaral products containing surface active agents. While
`many different types uf surfactants mist l',~i€3l~ only an
`extreme few have precedence that use in parenteral
`;}1“0iluCtS. Fm example, for zatatwiiizatiorx of proteins
`against "_;3ml°3lem5 0f aggrcgatimn. (ml); polymiyethylefie
`sorbitan monooleate {ptalyserbatc SD’)
`is an FDA-
`agprmsed surfactant (I8); Olhfll” surfactants which have
`bfitifl used in parenteral products are pulcuxamer 188
`{poiyoxyethylt:né:~pc>lyuxypropylet§:3 ct>pc,siymer}, pt}IyssJr—
`bate 20 and 40 {p0lyC)X}tCEl'l}'lCt}'l€3-pi?«l3iDX:g'p{0p}?l€tIl3
`axyazhylaane sotbitan momfatty acid xzstars). Crcmapimr
`EL??? and Emulphor EL 3'31)?‘ {pE3lyB£hi)X)'lZHtZd fatty acid
`sisters; and oils). Which surfactant is mtaat effective as a
`smlubilizer or sttabillzcr £3 rcsften a matter of empirical
`ll‘1\'{3Stlg3ll0I1 («=ll”;~. Detailed mwzws of micslle struc-
`tures. characterization techniques, and phattnacetattcal
`applicatians have been publisheé {42, 43}.
`The toxicity Gf surfactants repmtett in the literature
`print to P983 are summarizecl by Attw«::n::>d and Florence
`{:13}. Reviews on that pharntaczsrslez-g}* of polysmbate 80
`{:44} anti the incidence of clinical aide effects at Creme-
`phcrt ZZZL3
`(42) have: {teen published. Children and
`newborns may be particularly selnsitiva to these agents
`and administraticm to this populatitm is disctmsed (46).
`£:‘5e=* of Campiansséng Agents
`Cemplexation ml’ water insoluble drugs usually in-
`volves tha irscorpmatitm at Ihfi drug within tha inner
`core sf the complexing agent so that the outer hydro»
`philic gmups of tha mmplexing agent interacts with
`water rendering the complex soluble.
`An example: cf successful applicatimt of this techncl~
`ugy is sxmphecilfl a lipid complex formed between
`amphotericin B and sodium chalesterjl sulfate, 3 nam-
`rally occurring cholesteml metahalitre (»-1?’). In solution,
`ttn: cczmplex is postulated to be a stable r;lisc—like
`structure that remains intact in the systemic circulation.
`«Comparative Sltitlifis in animals with micellt: solubiilzecl
`ampltateticin B (Fungi:mne:®) have Shawn a significant
`reductian in systemit:
`toxicity as a result Of altered
`systemic distribution and elimination c:hat"acte1“isti4;:s (48).
`Naturally occurring Cyclodextrins, partiziularly l3—cycI:)—
`clextrin, are able to complex water l§lS0lt3blE drugs and
`reznds.-:r them mlttbltz in water. However. $3-cyclcaclextrin
`have bean associated with rmtal EOXiCli‘j.'t1pII)n parenteral
`administtatianl The taxicity has been attributed the low
`acgumus soltzbility of B-cycladextrin and precipitation in
`the: kidney. Newer cyclodaxtrins are chemically modified
`tn irnprtwe water solubility and increase their usefttlness
`{:19}. Brewster at al. {SQ} have described the preparation
`anti successful use of cltrsmically modified tryflltldexlrins
`such as 2-hydroxypropyl-fiwcyclcdextrin in sttlubilizing
`anti even stabilizing various praising and ptsptidtss.
`An example where the drug was nut
`within same kind at matrix. but combined with an
`adéitivc to obtain basically a solubls salt complex
`itwolveci ascorbic acid (51). Similarly, trometttamine has
`been repurtvzd to strllubilize ztameplrac. an anionic drug,
`by micelle {asscsciatitm colloid) fozrmation {$23, The
`aquwus solubility of metronidazale was reported to be
`enhanced by the water scluble vitamins nicotinamide,
`ascerbic acid or pyridoxine EC] (32). A cage;-ilk: struc-
`ture tamed by the vttarninsz armgmcl muleculex nf merm-
`rzidazole was pzagtulatedl
`E. Emulsiztlrz Systenzs
`If a molecule has sutficicnt lipid soltzbilitjyg rzmulsions
`may be employed. Typical emulsions contain triglyceride-
`rich vegetable ails and lecithin and may also contain
`tmrzionic surface active agents as emulsifying agents.
`Inmluble drugs may be incarparated into commercial
`fat cmulsitatts car
`through emulsificaticgn 0f the sail-
`solu‘-zailized drug. The farmer is uaually not successful
`PDA Jaurnal of Phannaceuticat Science 3. Technulogy
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2052 p. 8

`because drugs influence the stability of these Ct3l‘t‘l.l‘l’it3I‘-«
`trial emulsions (53+).
`Emulsion formulas have shown advantages (Wet high
`coeolvent levels by reducing local venous irritation (54).
`While emulsions hold potential as carriers for lipoollllic
`drugs, great eltallenges exist in; 1} eificient incorpora-
`tion of the drug into the oispersed phase, 2} validatio

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