333. I
`33:3-_ -
`_ _*_SeciIoolofP_h3arn1a¢y3_ __
`.Uni:versity.0f.Wiscansin .
`- Madiso-mwisconsin .
`_ _”fC9l1¢ge_Qf1i’?i3F'?‘;“‘?¥3_ __
`.Rt.1tge_i'S~..TiI¢ S$3¢§.UfliV¢F$i¢.§‘.
`. .Piscataway,New.,!.ers$y.
`'c'alIy'a,ctin'g'.dtug,'ihz:3cff“i¢:i¢=n<3:y3a:'Ed a1s_o't,he'
`' sate bf-itS?a'bsoipti-on in'tt:>'ih;::'c;ir<:z:;la€i¢vn ‘are’ '
`- -of primary i-mpo3n.ance.- E)-u-ring the .1-ast. 10.
`3 years there'has-been-a pmliferati-on of litera-
`'tu':*.e.'reIated taths:'bi30logica;1availability; or 3
`1f::c:egx§i:z:e§i'that {ha in‘t:':r'1.-'
`3ity3 anfi duratiezmef pha-rmacél'n'g'i<': éffeét bf '
`3- sy*stemica1iy3a¢tEng drt1g_arefun_c:1;iar:s,-‘not -
`may cf the intrizisic aéztivity '0?“ 3tha dr3ug,3'b132,t
`_ .from.a _gr_aiw_i3ng .a.warca¢Ss_ among. ¢1i131_i¢3i_a_I1S_ _
`‘=?'extent- that-will-_p'rodu<:c-adequate drug can.-.
`.and biinlagicai scien'tists.o.f.a raEatianship_b;c_«_ _
`:m;csjonsjaaj the sirerwj io.fia%£%ti<>fni ajursjnsjaj j
`jtj»veeh3 drug bwavailabiiity
`theravmm 3
`mm. timepmi-:xd._The r¢1ationshi?_b8.t3W¢¢n_ 3
`.e.ffe.¢.t..aI.1d _ss:«<%<irIfidfi1s§afif;r-é>irIfifiiefife%=é>'3“? i:r:j<:=j~ejajs3e3 3
`concentratian at the and. .
`. _in_t_h_e.n_u_mb;er Of IT1lJ1iiIJ1€.'3£?1I1.'¢%3i3=f1¥.g.3P1T€fd‘.
`ipharzna.-cnisagical effsct depends 3180- 01'! -the-
`- nets and ai<.;o.the.expiratE0n 03f pate_n1§i-en,-ma_ny_ _
`propri-etary dmg3formuIati6ns..The ccimbined.
`Fer’ example‘, ‘present3krwwiedge3suggcst§3 '
`' “effectof'thesc-perhaps -divcr-s;e-inter,eSts-has- -
`"that the bgétériécidél. a'c'tio3n; at‘ antibieticslisl 3
`3 3'been33 to: 'g€:III'€.rjafit¢
`_a_ vfazsi .a.nm131:1t3 ‘if. @333» mi. 3
`tectly-related-to-the drug levels .
`. .a.1so.rhetoric, on drug biaavaiiabiiity.mid-.itS; .
`¢3.i3nf,ect;i0n,3a;r:d the Tua_ctcri0cida1'effet:t-is3- -
`- -irnpartance in therapy.
`s:.wh:-.nantibiotici1svcIs'fa31-beiawthe-m-in» '
`- 3T§‘1€
`:term-bie'ava3i-lability -h-as-been-defined-
`i:f:k:ii_b:ifi;z'1fjv-izézfxceintratiajri of th¢'i'nva?:iin1g3 3
`3 in the3'U31fl3i.tedStates Federai-Register-Q1-}-as -
`gaggsms, (Jr; t}ge:¢th¢::1§;g;1;d,f:h¢gfffe¢:;§fthe'
`' "“t,he"r'a'1:o': 'a'ndext'ent towhich {ha actimdrug3
`ticnagulant warfarin .011 $1966 Clfittingninsu '
`'Er£gréd.i3ei1t3or'thé:fap-¢u'tic' m'oi:é.'ty'iis'abs0r'be;d '
`ixsiderably delayed rafiafive to the Ciffitllflting
`fmm a drug product and becomes available at
`the site of _a.ctim1”'—~norma_113z-estimated by-its -
`. tlm m:e.Qf.pharmac010giCa_1 _1?ft:sp(}_nSI3 hava bccn _
`3 d33¢‘”*~b"d- f0’-m335“‘i“g drug bi°aV3i33bi§‘3’a -
`. 31¢ '?‘3.393’.i?3.’ 9? 5‘“‘“333 is bascd 9“ ‘he-chemi”
`Dr}TS¢'i.§z£'ThéC2£z¥1égk;:é)fIP§iarma¢y; R'utger‘$;Th¢'
`tat: University;¢atai~a3u N3. 0;8.854-.
`1 embet_0ct9bQ.’.I98Q§v9i..34gHas:
`. 439.
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2108 p. 1
`Mylan Pharms. Inc. V. Astrazeneca AB IPR2016-01324

` "
`" Jommi e:>f'thc' ?amntara1'I}r'ug Associafiéa
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2108 p. 2
`-9 __ ..... 4-..
`"Figure i-'?."fz;‘j: lipid-giébuiar prmein J'r$&.szzi‘c''m6i::feE 3?
`-- ofrzéiembrzzns sma:~2ure: ;rcf2en2a£ir arms: xsectiauaf .z2iéw;j
`"The pkosphoiipizis ‘are’ dépikrtea axis‘ ciz dfszte-n:'irz;éo:z.§ T?
`'"b:'1ayer wfrfa zfzeir palzzr heads arfehféit‘ -aaiwarad. Tire: ff
`"irlie-grai"pr£I£€Z'n$ are shown" as giabeaiar mzwiemfefi ii
`--partial3ly emimided in mm‘pmzruzfirtgfraziz the meme jj
`---brarze-, 12-epr-azm‘-uaceci, by;perm:‘ssian,fmm-Sciense 17% :3
`--structu-re--ia -a disconii-nwxus bilayer €3f'ph1):':+='
`"phn1ip§ds_, mrientcd sea thartiheir pe1'a'r'héeads are‘ E?
`fifl ::00?1'i$Ei‘{ Wifli W6 éxtfifiiai aiiufiieléfi énéiréfifii
`:n'1é:_1t§'. Aséociiaied xééitiz like": ifpiél Eiiziyiér éirfi. ;;
`giobular pmtciris., "which. are embeddéd inm LL
`-and pr<m'udef-r@m- the biiayer, in some-easw
`--passing from ant: side uf the hilayer ti) thé: :2
`"‘1’*§‘3§- The ::’3h§:a3'$3§ 1?‘9‘§“fi¥7.’“::@f. 1f16::P?0t:¢§*i§
`% T‘pr+:otr:u¢es::r::¢n:; thci:mém.bfan:é-éh1€faé¢iifiiiifii
`zithe: 1u.ncha'rg6d .p_oz-tion is emb'¢dde§<l.:wiithiri thai ;;
`lipaidal portian cf the membzane.--Aitho-ugh;
`-there are other-thwréfizs regarding mcrribfatieii Q:
`-structu:re,"t:h;c mafia] propofifié .$ii;;_ge_r-agrédgg 3§
`if Mic-11ff<>-Féeréé -ah-pféaés fie fibeff eénéisijenjit -with élécié Si
`:r61jative.Ine:I1:bIane pcne;tra;t'ic:n charactgristicszz ;;
`.of.Ii.po.phiIi€.a;n.d hydmphiiic malccuicsn
`-The mechanisms ef drug absorptien inchzée-; 55
`passiv:e- dizffusi-on" and spe<';iaii.z:€:€1"traI33p€3i‘?t1:
`"bf-i'm?5S§>'&-» Iihé féI*I%I€% bieiiig faiifiééré -eéuéméé-22
`:1:-h__e «f;as_e— {pf ;pajssi3ze__c1i'ffL;si9n, the .jé ;;
`aquiaaus s.01utio:.1..a‘;.theahsarpiian site =dis/~22 2;
`séiares in t§1e.1ipid..r3'nateria1 inf the n3em'brar%¢§sE; 5
`- and passes through the-membrane to mac}: -an: if
`ézqiteimé ehvirohrtiérii tin iihé aihér éiééx
`ii %5f¢¢§5-"52 -éb$%Irhii%>Iii is; févcéreéi iédtféniiaiiérngz: ii
`.. nwlcétuke has bisih li15Q§3h.i1i_fC ané. hydtephiiicll ;;
`_. properties. Mam. d;":1gs..'*g'azii<’: wcakii 3?,
`- élecirolytes, -whose ionized -forms 3.'l"€"S(}iI1h1f§
`in water l:"u't'al:‘rmst"inSolIub;1e'in"1i;§ids, égvhilb
`ihé uhibnizeid fe.ri1‘::é'§1§v§ t_:iw::c<-jinxferée
`féiliti-‘éis--(:3-)§ Tiweiefiaré,-ti:e.pI§a.9f__1h¢-dwg ask!
`E?! ::fié:':t.6I:‘§I11:i;11=§1i*§3f'1...<i4éf‘. drug qr r.n€._tab0_i..ites
`in ..
`-- While-the bioavgila-biiity 'of"dru.-gs adm=i21~ "
`" istered via the oral‘ or jen'1erai'r.'o1it'e'hzis been "
`" iiiveéstigaied td a "gréai ezitézxt," few étudiés haxie "
`ii afttéfiiétéd ii 12¢
`fiiéavéiiéhifiifiy ii
`.. prfiblcms associatsd . with .drugs-- which are --
`-- deified parenta-rally {hugs -give-H by parenteral --
`-- i‘Qu’£€S"fi'I‘;E not subject ta exuzymc degrad'atio'n "
`" if: the gastruintestinal tract Ctr in he;fi»a€ic3mé~ "
`" *3'561i5"iH"f1U"1‘3f%s ifi%if:f‘f'é:rS:i§-19:?-15%” fihfiéééhi 11'-£6 ii
`:: i_1é9éat6—'phrial.system.. .Nev€;r.theIess,..wit'h.
`the --
`.. "pass-i§]e exeeptien -of -iniravenous -dsases,-drug --
`-- ahsorptien from--parenteral -aéministration is "
`" oftan incamplcie, and bioava'ilabi'lity c*0ns‘ié- "
`::*3F3ti°€?5§i1¢T¢f0f¢ fir‘-3- fl§>0¢SS:?«1f.‘i/-
`f Thié riévievéé -aiiidkeéses t'heé';3éebiei1_afafi:th§ :_
`..sys_temic.ava.i1a'bi1i.iy.<::f..d:f1i;gs whhéh are--ad- -
`-- ministercd by -;:3an:§-1teral- reutefi.--The -review i-s-
`-- é1iv§id<:d- into me parts:The first caxxsidem drug "
`ii Ph3?‘“1?L¢9ki“¢t5¢3 $¥n€.i5_i9€lV$i1%‘3i1it3f
`ii?-1 Sari} ii
`jetfalg aj1d_: -aim} ciiug lfikfiavéaifabiliiy ifréni iri- ii
`.. travesmus _‘a.n:d. i_nt__rarnusc:;1Iar. £133.65 in partic- ..
`..L' The secon-6 -_pa-1'1: --<:(:2nsiders-- -drug bis» --
`--avai1aE3i'iity-- from --nther parc2m=:-ra}- dasage '-
`fBIas£c EhiarénécréikifézeéiciiCé>né-em":Gépé;-fling ii
`Drug Leve§s.1‘nB*!aad ..
`“Bu-tg A530!-‘pt-339?:
`--In all -except --the:
`i;::'trav9;sc:u1a_r routes 0f‘ "
`"aiimifliéifafioiix ihéffiifué “ins? 5%-ééhéiarfiaeéi-iii
`::0I?<i~*:% iv ieritar t..h<:. systzznnic. circ.uiatig:>::.. A ..
`..pre'r¢quiai;¢.Qf absmption is that t.1-;,g -be ..
`..ra::]e3as3e:d- from {he iddsagez form. --Drug -rel-ea-Se --
`--ciepe-nés an --the physieai and--ch-6mi'ca1--gpropa --
`"ertie"s Cif thé ding, iihé dfbsagé férrin iuifl élsé "
`35¢ 3 ifiniifiefiinéni aié the éitiie éf ééiféni%1is} ii
`..When .a drug solutian is, -or
`..f¥3¥I9-wing-- the --disselnti-on -of--a --s01i;d- dosage --
`‘form, drug mi)1¢¢¥31es' éiifftjéé iI:'t0' the ?:ir'ieu¥-
`Tatitniz "by" cfaésihg-"ofie0f
`:rn§H§bI§?»:nfc.s§: Théosfisé :¢ga..r.d:iI1g..the...basi«;
`‘__¥2iel:3gi;ca,l.membrancs are con.-.«
`.s=tantly...c3hanging, andene cf the -mast rezceni
`"a-né generally acceptable canccpw which has "
`'b$€:'I1'3pf¢;§1:i0Ssd"b3? .SiE1gcf ahd"NicéIsén'"('2') .i§ "
`f3}'%i‘>*‘%?*1i__5IifFi_}£:t§r*-‘ii 1}: 1%!
`i_hi$ -'i=fl%1e¥ t§¢f¥2>és'ié

`II 9,“ II
` : 3%, :
`figgtazaiamidg ..
`Ea?-befiicimn .
`.. 3.4 ..
`335 ..
`.. 845 ..
`.¥.3§I0I II
`.. 3;9 ..
`..AminQphyg1ine ..
`II -‘8I§8II
`i: 91.2:
`II 3-5 II
`3-I5 ..
`IIP%nI’Imi0¢ifiI¢ II
`..Pmcainar.nide ..
`Triflubperaziflé ..
`3;; 5.»€*;7fi}‘.3ii
`IVIinIh!éstIIinIé_ II
`... II .. .. .. .. II I73 II II II I
`the 'pI%i-a_t- the abserfptien--site will demltm-inc ..
`ihé iéxtitni of t1r*i1g"¥:3€i1?'1g"I1:"1i'r§I;i;'!e-"til"and ab; "
`é¢ib$;blI¢. IThe IpII<iaIIvé11:IIssII9.fIsérIiIe'$eiI£ii§='$fl€1
`;§asic;dmgs,-which-may-ha administered pap ..
`i;:f1te:r2;.lEy,"areIiste_d ir1"I’abIe~I {4)=whi1c-nom~ --
`inél 153 vIa3tI*e$ -#1‘ $I0fi1<’»II W13’ i.I1*-1I1IL'-‘~15-aII*"‘=;‘
`'5“-*‘-IIS I
`"333 giyg;n..i;1.'1‘ab1¢.I_III _z§.<_'_.:iIdi¥c comfiofinds Iarc II
`pmciémi-nantiy in axe unionized-farm afi pH ..
`‘i;alues'be1%'3w iheilr ;':‘:Ka W1Ii13IhE1SiC'€flm§0¥lfidS
`are preaamsnantxy uniimzjisdij ajj:
`above. their pI<'.-3, s(':-..tha.t..co1I;parisea uf xha. ..
`I»::1aia"i:1"Tab1cs land 11 willgive an-indieati-on --
`3I"1I,aIfIx1§LIIE iI.I
`IX~»i¥;>11§i£aia.1II pHIIVIa_1£1eé «if “gm II
`-Body Tis ues-an-d3F-luids (4) ..
`Bhggdg 3;--ggfial.
`_..B.1md;Y.¢mu.S ..
`IIB.1G*I:I>£I1; ¥‘rI!3tI%rIII1-'<PI~.1 iI1II‘i‘3'i1i‘3I?i1’1II
`..IYiH.:§CE.ea.Sk61eta} ..
`..?..n::stati¢ fIiuiéII
`733 .
`6.4 .
`.54 .
`.53 .
`.Va;rious.. sites. The.
`I.ipaaphili'c.. form .31;
`"pal-cc-ntagejof dzug which is uni9nized;t11e:li~-
`::p(f1pIf‘1ilf1(:i__Iy::0ffi flje :uz§ic§:zize»d.s'p'::'c§es,:'and "3136:-'
`..t:l1c adsm'pti0n of drug to tf1cI.r:i§3IrIi§}i*a1I1eIS1:Ii‘-I
`--faca, are pr?-incipai--faeters_governi:;g..d.rug~.
`II ITIhCII fat? Iof 1I;>a$si%«'eII
`'diff1i$i0IIi1 II0f
`..threugh..thc I.ipid.membrana..depcndsan the.
`uzncentra-1i;en gradient assess the mcmbra-ne-;
`:: B::z1s§:d_:0!::1 'Fi<;_1<’$ "first. law, ihe flow‘ aérciss an‘
`area A per unit time..iSII p§é'0i30I1I'€i§1I1II2‘~1IIti1II
`--conccntrat-ien gradi-c.nt,dC/dx,--such t§1a-t:.—-
`II1:*jIm§g ;.__.§;.,;I:1.. ',g¢-/3,; II
`--w-here-Dis ihadiffusmn.cocfficieantaand .t§::I
`-- negaiive-séign indies.-tea that flew 0£:G11rS down-
`IIaII“¢}§%“I‘€I?3?‘??‘¢?*-‘?"?‘3:°‘* »EII”a?“IW* II
`IIFlI0\§' % *I‘I"”£I)‘k’I4‘I{IC.I¢311I‘ItsicI:I1s: I“ $i}.sié§)I/5% II
`-- W‘-here-the-C -symbals rep:-"cs=::11t-drug_ c0I1c;€n--
`3:fia;fio£I1sm1"eithér*side bf'th>s; membrane-and}:
`.. isIt1ieiII:éImbréné-tiiiékticés. Iifbnizafssixniesitliati
`..drug is carried away frem.thememb1fas.neby.
`" thesurro.::nding'fluids as soon--as-it-has crossed,"
`M iI::-3::Soaxs-aae>>[Cmaaean%d 13:; Mn ?.‘»‘€’.."‘I’1.‘.i‘-‘¥€II‘*.
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2108 p. 3

`"?°*‘*5“*‘ 3~’€5‘e%rsié%
`ftfiés 3?
`in Whiish D,;;A,;;an_d 21 have bce=n;;camb';to
`a__.rieyv firstjo'rde_r__;pcr_m¢atig:1n mnstant lei. In
`g-§:ae__1fal,_ alqsorptiqn a'nd___n'1§cmb_ran_e pggznggtrai;
`tibn '"af'dr1i'gs "bark" bé déscfibcil
`'f‘ii"st#é:>rc.!cr 'éxpi'es§i9ri'ef"ihé' fofm of
`T5393 .§.[H:.. Plasma. Pretein Binding
`$0316 Aniimicrébial
`3. g‘fighI}g;I§.¢2.1¢rz(f zsawzaam
`2. 5gfaq'erqI.¢iy 5!0i«.U‘I_d (;50:80%) ;;
`Carbeniciflin ___Cc_p§1aioth£jn_
`% Timlreiilin
`33 V-’i’9*9i?‘*'3i;bi??€I?r¥'(*§50;%)
`" C6-fIiF0);iE1’1”¢;§
`" Cep}ia!¢$r'ic1'ine?' Tetracyclin-e
`‘f‘ C¢fdtaX'imé
`cgphaiojhin -anre _?5jS'5§% lgougjé ___t0' __p,_Ea'__5maf
`firatéins, aéid yethave1a:g¢_:appa§cn;di;$tr'
`fi‘i1itjiE‘>n "ivoliixmiéias Ziitfaéifi Exephaiéxiii a§'nd'"ee-
`_phal'<:-1*iéin$i", W'hi(3'h -.;*e'r¢"'::s'::I'y 39%" bciunfi "id
`piasma proteins. "I°his§ri:I£1ti(iinSlI17ip is shéwh iii?
`-:: Figure 2. Cigar]-y-,== t-he biiiéiag bf cbmj:>01i‘nd§‘
`ta tissue pretei-ns -ané --other -cxt1*a=vascul'ar-
`nf;ac:fo_:n_o_leg:ul¢s .a;1so;;p.1ays an importani roles;
`‘it! drug §li3t.rib_ut:ic__>n-
`Two smr wsvvernéks ~%%hi§h mnigmy
`Journal at" ihgg Par§_n£:r:§l Drpg A_ss9.cig:ian___
`p. 4
`"HA "drtuig. cntéuri-nug tile
`“‘ répidly Ziéiisifribiateis t1i:ro(igIh:Emt"thé
`“‘ _pE%a.sxiia_. ‘Thai’ driig léavés the éirciiIai§i0n"via"thé'
`éapilla-ry ‘walls; .af1<:1 p2;_sSt3S'"ii‘1t“.i> dihér
`fluids and t=issues,==d-epending 'Ofl its‘ iipophiii-‘“
`.. ci'ty,i:he.§ermeabili1y of-tissue :nf:mbrancs,- the-
`affinfiy Qf j<1::ug,_to yartjcular tissues mud; fluiés,--;
`axgidqn 1:15 yatgi a;L,w'hich.;hiQod;;is s_1I1pp_Iicd to“;
`the tissu__es.
`“fhé éxiéht 310 'i~h%<>hI§a éirufig &isté?ibv.ites[§
`t:r1i;2-ougiaéisut we may is dfteéi déés-cfibcéii -{Ere-"I
`qaicntiy iméirréctijk) iii iérrniz of Etéapbaréntm
`===v01unfie ("if disiribuiiori,
`w‘hic'h _:r'iay“be ‘é‘:ab,—"‘
`:=: tained by expreasiens =01’ t;he=fesrfn: *‘
`Amciiuni ofdrnig ii; tliée
`C0f:'oefit.r2i'tioh 9f'dr'£:gi'n p'é'ias§1a
`influgncing ithex;
`Biétrifiution characteristics pf _2__: d_g'u=g_ is ___it_s
`"'bixidiIig £6 plés-Irina. p}0t c"ins;' pri1I3arily__aI§1.:n'_:__in.
`“‘?I$§is_':_xi;a }§‘ret'éin“bIi'riHin:g isxreiizeréibié, aifni {he
`-- percent‘ of dose“ bound is!‘ d$'per'id'efit bin‘ the
`mature 9f: the drug==m0le<:ule;==thé ca‘pa<'§ity"‘of
`...the protein; and thtz -concentration of total drug
`in plasma. The-drug whichis hem-nd to piasrna
`mprcgteiggs at any timqcanno: cr_9s_s;;ihe;;c,api1.1a-ry
`is___nof; frgse to distribute i;1to',bo..dy
`mtis§ues, Therefore, for __2_1 d;jug__wI§_ich__is ext¢_n-
`"isivély ‘blaémé pf§)t.ein Hourfid,
`“%:::fi‘tra§ii<)ii of toiai Elrtiiig \=éEiI1"'E3€
`"L1;1('i"ui)é9' high
`"com;.;a"rcd‘ ticrfreé; drug in 'ei%:tréivaS*;c_ul'ar fluids,
`rrresulting in -undesrc:stimates==of‘trué diétributibn
`Alihuugh the persentage;017-ci=r<;uIa1i=ng drug :::
`:jWh__i_ch:is Zboundfita ;_p.rc§.te£ns. is iinflu-enccd rte
`fsonje gxtejm: by drug eoaczaptration, tlaefiegrjee
`0? binéi-ng by mpst g_:_iru_gs is cc)nst_a1:xt;__ov¢r ths ::
`::h01:‘:::11a.i tfi'er:i'padt%c"'rafi:ge."'
`The"bifiéifigi (if izidiviiéuétl tirugs ti‘) plésriia
`find’: refiartiéed ivanliiesbftén \?ar3?fr<iin différent
`iabci-ratoriés. it i$"c'i0i1xzeE1ieiit tijeréfoft té difl
`ferentiate“‘c<>£hpéun‘ds; intdé fh3é3s:=:i“ sa_;f;i'cE are
`highly -§eu=nd-(80-'100%)_, m-bderataiy bbu'n'fi
`(-Sfl::~80§%');:and weakly bournd (~<5f}%'). Sonia
`paranterai ;ant.imic1robial::agents--which fail. ix-12:9
`ghcgqe .catcgor£;_es_ amlistgd En Table III (3);
`A_s-c§_1_-ug_which_i.s ‘poupd :30 piastagxa pmgeins
`ié eslseniialiy réstficted ts)-the ;§_1as{na_7ve1}._1m¢j,
`the "dcgreé of iaiiiidihg mmaniny infllgenpe girizg
`2'é‘v_a£'lab:'ilitji% t<:£“e:x%§ra‘i?asc‘;ii1'I2;i- sifes."'Fo':'r mia.zéi4
`- pie,-drug'wh_ich'is'pr0tein hbunkil cannot éroséé
`the -bl:ooé~hrain barriér; ifowavef, the: 'c:m'fcé
`gap:-.dar::noticm=:that highly bmzrwl drugs eannci
`reach sites, has been shawn ta
`;Fm.. ax:
`airgpge, t_.h§ ~=‘;ap§1ailqspgr_ins cjefazolin ;;;a.m;§

`is..a fungttiqn}_y afgtiyc i__nt1'f'iné§-L:
`.. the: eliminating __e:rrgar1::
`__ dmg but :a1s;o'_:_>f___1h¢ d1fug___di$tri_§3u.’;_icm velume
`. anwndiszg <§:ha...raét6FiS1ii¢S;
`... Fgr drugs thafg age v:iim_in9fi:te<i:b3:z:
`.f"1..ii;r.a.tir>.r.:, .p'l:a§sz.n__a :;:§‘ofi§:ir1:::1:si1:f1c1i:§1g:§iel}1y$: :;11"'r.=i;r"
`.. c2:cr¢ti.<m».siII.$1€= My 11.DbS?W-$5 SW8 is fiiteféd-I"
`Simjla:'ly,_. h;§:p§.:ti<_:_: metabolism -is 'i'et:§1rc§§cd::
`.. b...ecjaus$ baund ___d:.r1;figSj: gértefaliif #3
`.. access to I11.6¥abS¥1i? Sites... ‘13..I1t.?13.f’«**??¢I‘ mid:
`plasma. ;31fg;)tcj_in t.>in§1ing- has 310 _£_iire<:t__e:-i°f¢ctf.::on:
`.. kid13a_y..tubu1ar scc;tetinn,_’oeca§ise:::of ihéfraiaid:
`.. ciissgciaziian of .d1?.1é8*I3I‘f2.1€‘«i§!1
`"-‘<.‘.311”%P3§X Wing
`Withinthe usual ra__n_g_e: of t-hér2;i:;)eI.:1ti<:1t:§§«i*el§
`for __ma_ny__clr_u.gs_, eliminjgtign __i;s gg firstferficy
`. concentration of. dr.u' plasma. and__gu_verped_
`by t:he.eii:ninati;<_::n__rate ccnstant :‘c__¢;. §0I_‘__€i1'_}.\g$
`v§'hi__(:h__a_re; cIea;fed__whol§y' qr p_arj;i-aiuly _‘_*;>y he-
`paftic metabolism however, .satn:ation Qf éifué
`metaboiizing enzymes may ..0c:<:ur...a'i ?li%§”I'*1.1"1$;
`<:0nCentr§ti€’@I1S«.. UI1.d¢.¥...‘5.'1$1'1 .:¢iF.?i1¥i1S§;311.93S2
`met_.abplji:«f_.m is gpvgrugd by Mighaelis-Menten
`k£net'ies..a.s:: ..
`.. gzmarg ..
`(E4; 53
`where. the cQnc§:nt__ratior_1_ Qf d1f_ug___at___th§:
`mstabelic site,...Vmax is the .ma.xi:nuI?I *:¢1<¥.¢iW
`at.whi.c1‘j1.a particfa1ar.meIa‘D§0liQ step ican_c:g<a__cur_,
`.a_z;d Km .13 .the.. M.icha6.:1is<M§nt__e.t1__copst;m§.
` ..e:quati.a_-n_it_ is _fc1_e_ar t._ha;, 3.; ¥.o_§:v' cjrug
`.com:.en‘.£.rations. the rate. 0f..In¢ta.b01ji$fI: is... 313*
`[§m..or_k3;aC,__w1;er§ kg}
`[1 :..V;mx/§Km-, is", at .psenjdo.fi_rst~Q.rd¢r xjatq. {gt
`..h£g.h drug carjaccntrations .h.0wavt.:r,, _t;he___rai_;e Ctf
`metabolism.i:s..IapprQX.imé1t’-3d...bY.Vmaxc/C ?
`is...t'h.<’: maximum i.?.e..1<9<=i¥.}:’
`..;wIh-ic1::. 31.? 1‘:.1eta';b;<j.JI.i¢f«. 51?? SW}. 0€j§cu;.r. gné. the
`..pracess becomes ...I1a.11.1f‘.§‘~ W-'..€’
`;n.ds ..tha.t und¢?:rgo.this mp: af sagpuxfable
`.-elimination; in_;t=h_e .thera;>eut§.<:. <_;<;n§:<:I§.ttz_a;ticgn
`mange and sailicylate.
`==Th%9iasma-Ipmfilcnfars aamgnssxezeaarug. L
`Ast::ra2e}1eéa Ex. 2108 p. 5
`2.20.. 4.EG..5‘? $9.. W...
`§°U.0d...*<% ¥.°*'%?*“.. P?°*§“‘?’*
`.. F’.§"¢9"‘.1..
`re: 2»_»¢éThe §_f¢:Zc_z¥i.ar2s.fz§p b_;etw_-_eer:'m__ pnfozein
`‘mizfng agd (Ire z_i£sgtib;_:xic§g2- valume E§ff}s:-e 3dm"g fér
`9urd§{fz7"eEen:'ceg&¥31a¥£)3pé}xiri;i‘. CFZ * E‘ep}$a;<iIfnf‘CL'T “‘
`é €:eg:r&a'!ét!'zih_ C'LD'——-1: ée;;fi'c21ciri_d£::e.":znd {L_YN'w -ca»
`_}::rI'exin.---Correiartion coefficiamr--~—» +6.99%“ Reprg-.
`Iitféd, by.permi£.s‘£<:In, from CLin.__Fh_a_rmaoo§ci_n§L., __2;
`252w2§3 .(19?’?)_.__
`iaascnlat tissues and fluids-. Changes-::in-::drug
`finding; due---to" drug--drag 3int€:ra.c£i.c:ns -or
`idisaase---condiiions, --may causa - drug -redistri~
`titm in the===bcsdy; T-ixese types; of changes, :::
`gnificance --on-Ey- for
`3t':}wever,_ are-of C}-iaicai $1
`ly --high-Iy boa-nd --tn-H
`iizugs which -I-are normal
`Erug E!z‘m1‘=nat'ion--
`_ mugs are--ciiminaied--fmm---the body pri-...
`'arily==by=he'patic -=m<:-tabolism and/or:::ren5.1...
`fex¢:,re£i<;n.- Qthar mechan-isms, usuaily less-
`_important,- include excretion -via--the bi1e,.iungs,...
`wsat, sa1iva,='a;:1d breast miik. ’I?he.eiiminati0n:::
`gciaaracteristics of each drug -depend !argc1y-r.m---
`its phys§co~chern-icai -pmpcrties. --1:1---genéral,
`ate:-wluble drugs are r-eadi1;y=<:?.!aare/é by the-:
`ikidneys, whiie --lipid--soiuble compounds are-
`rimarii_=y'met=aba1ize£i§n the-1-i-v-an
`"T-’hc“'rate at which dmg eiiminatien seems-:
`pzén:bé£;~.o¢t¢bé;:. a§so,"v_m;"34, No. '5

`ia.:r”$‘-lag Y
`_. increasing kgj"
`) rregreosina ...k...
`ecrenséng F‘
`.:jffjeqted_ b3:__tI1<:_1%a,;;e.2-.né éxtent of absorption,
`___th:=;_ra_t__c c_:__f el_imination__an_d _al§o ghc gimg rigs»
`mtrifiutiinn éolémé: Th}: tfirpeé af effects th-a__i_: mgy
`mmjzciitr érehudimérizéd in Figuit 3: Décreasing
`“the“ab$Q1§pj£ién faié: will" fésuit. iii 'l5wt:i* .afié.
`-more pmtongejd drug 'ievc_z_Is', with :10 chafagein
`--the--overa-it -area---isrzdw the 'r1ru'g=l'e_vei‘ cu'rV£:.
`Simiiar variations in drug p=rofi=le:s=== may be ===
`flbtained with variable .abso1;'.pti.en mics -when
`§;irug'appe;_aLra;1ce__:is ze_rc_>«ory:1e=r,in niaéure. As in
`111-e___ fiif$t'~_§_)I’d_§._3I‘ gas; $](}'¢_»fiE:§’ ::.zjc_:zj;<3«o_._:-d_e.:-, 91'
`Ezmiétant rate, release of_dr1_;g oj_ver___a _p_:_*01Qjnge&
`"éfiri:od'ia/ilni zcéultunin iower but mmjg2_p;foic;§;zgc;d
`‘%bircii1}a‘iiI35g" driixg iévéis‘ Dec§ea§ing"thé'fr2ictir§n
`“F -of flrugwhich is" 'a'vail'abI& td't‘hé cifculéitién
`rhewaver, -res;-11ts'= i-n===lewe-r="clrt1=g levels 2l'nd“‘a “‘
`mduced are-a-==under=-=the drug-levei curvé, the
`re.du<_:£<:ct1-y propmti-anal to the
`frac;ti.op of bij9a\:ai‘lahie_ drug.;;A= z:3£1ucti;on in
`thv3___e1ixj_1f1in__atic;§r1 r_;1te;;fconsta_nt 32¢; wiii __ms.1:11jt in
`increases? and mqre pro}__ong_ed §irug1eye¥s_, and
`wfiicfi 1:e1é%els3:ar€§: inéreéseéi 31$}
`fiecéiumés Zigréétei? viéitlii
`répeéitcd? dbseé. A
`c?ia'nge'ir_1i:l:1i;g dis.t'r'ibn'iior'i may‘ 3'i'ffe'€:t
`Eating drug -levels,-tiie :=:on<:':entrat'ion“‘oJf ‘idi:"'u"g
`in plasma--being in-versely rel-ated-to distribu-
`_t_it:~I1_ v0.l.uI11e.;. §f*1owm=fcr,..the cl-inieal implicaw
`tion__s afitixis gape of change depend-;;on whether
`§_he _$i'tc*_:__ of__dn_1g a'_c,£i<')n is within the Vascuiar
`compatj_trn_g.:nt___an§i those bQciy__;flu;i_6_s in equi-
`Iib.rfuni'wiih the iéaséulér-cijmffiariiriéhi, hr ilh
`éthér tisfsI.i%:s."‘Tjhé .a§pa'1'a11'i .4;iiCStri'buf‘i0-n"'v0§—
`ximé‘ <:f“‘digc:'xf12“iir"z man is aiapx-?nxih1ai‘e‘Iy“‘SO§§
`liters, due ta extensive tiss1i1e:'bindiin;_g. In sevcre
`urarnia-- howev-er,---the distributi-cm volume dc»
`¢rcase;s;;;1,o ;;2{)G liters.-; However.-, the -a-ct-io:n of
`C1igo.xi.nj .011. the tziyocardium. appzaars to be as.-
`svciateé with.. tissue: .d1jU,g,1é?\€§:1.s,:: sq, that a
`siimijarjalaifimgfi digezéin level i'n__a Lufengjc inndij
`xéidulai {#3 t'§1at'"in )2"-,1 gxérsén xiritfi nermal renal
`'f§1m:':'Itioii 1fiay"'be"'asé<>ci"ate&i
`Wnithua ifdficed
`'r%Eafive“théra}§euii¢ éffékct. ":
`"Of fihe four parametjers cnnsidcred it: Figure
`3.5, the two values mm:;wniy- affected by drug
`::: bioavailability: charaeterisfic-s==:are the effi:
`.c;ijem:y of a.bsorp;icm,.F, andnt-ha rate. constant
`for apmaraxwe cifiiiémg into ghc g;i_;rcu‘lag_Liou km
`-0} kg aréhefi a§pearapce__is __zer9«0:_fdczj_ in___r:_a_7
`"3- Ci
`as33''“Ni 2‘:39;32 53! *3Q
`2*‘ii“§3%9:? 9-2»3
`: ferqetiéficini kg: {£;‘»}.' the eiimigzatigam. rare €;‘0!lS-itktll-::1£¢«l {:5
`she fractién cf doss absorbed F, and ‘M3,’ Ike dirt;
`di§tri6'u':ién zzifiluizréée V on"éircé:la£Eng firm? pré2)‘E£e;é.
`:::I:utredueing =:he==d-rag diréctly into the '12::
`nous circulatign results in; campictewkflgfbi
`av.aiIab_il.ity,..b;z1t thc shape of--the--plasma drug
`ptfgfiige §S;;fi}c;.€1:I,¥;1in.;ed by the rate af;injecti0n
`3.501.315 i._Ri¢?ti0__fl (Fig: 4)..givcs an aimmat in
`stantagncvqus may pyasnjaa lavel, and tifgis
`roittcis tisefixi
`-r§;spcfnse__i§ Lieu =
` ties”
`as I
`tfme t2‘1{?U_€ far
`...F13?‘? .4-— 235.9 Pf0$.??20.c&nce2:trytian
`a drug which is adrmmstered by balus intrazzezzoggs
`“'ii?,ié‘i'I¥‘:fii??, aiéxi :1? eiiézinéitéd Exzjfrst —‘£ardé;- m2:%nné%."'T§;z
`..i!?S€?Fi skews -the ,san;e..z‘:;me plortéd an-:9--sem-flag «
`fswrimi 9|?‘-<:% P.8I9n§ers1.!3wa.Ass§m
`AsfraZe§f1e¢fiEx. 218 p. 6
`if 434 f

`sireé. A -good- example of this §I§n6.€h(?§!5. qf a:.d~
`ministration is the. use of imraxzcznous. iiciucaine
`n -the ..emergsms;y ..treaI$1:n.cnt.... of .3a§;
`arrhy-fi.1.m§as,... gacounterszd d;.1r'i:;:ig cardiac...
`surgery or. resulting fmm myugardiai .'i:_:_fa_1;c;-...
`The duratien sf actiam uf a
`3;-ef 3-si=ng1e-intrave.nons.d0se GE-thiapcntai {ti 5;»...
`-- == 49 min (6)1 -sfii.sappears.wi$hin .minutes. The...
`anjtir.-cancer agp-n.t :: §~f1u0mIurac'il;. is... an.ot£1_::r...
`férug with-an--extremeiy s}1ort.ha;'lf.-life {2‘.1.;g. ==...
`1-£3. {'I).] On -kite uiher '.h.and,.d.1*.ugs with.
`long haifiiives such as d.-igasxiin it.-; ;.3.;==
`§8)fg- have -a proionged dufatinn of action.
`3;: While the d-urationaf.21 dung in the bndy is.
`not nemessarily refkaimxta its h£eavai1a¥:-ili£y,1he..-
`H drug haif-E-ifs: does affcet E-he--area undemthe
`plasma -coneantraiiun -vs. tima cur-*ve.,..AUC;
`__ which---is a parametar -cesmmcmly used" as. an
`if : ‘index of mag bi-oavaiia-hility. The-miatianship
`"between -the A£1C- -value---and -0:’Eh©;'.. phat.»
`-macakinet-is-parameters is..s-hgwn iii Eq. 6:.
`-wh-ere:-1;; is the drug biolcegissai .hai.f21Ii.f8.§:1fl§1
`tiéfirépéfiiié iédéx» .3“? ..
`.§*=‘l§%.5...W§.%h .? !i..&r%0\%€
`__wh_-en___thy:f. eff-‘e.§t-i\§fe §§1o§d 'iev:§1s"aré': V6611" éé} "
`__f&n§d,__'a§ in t___hs case of" araififipfiyliiné in
`__ftre;1ti_1§1g___asI;ht1:1a.:A§e¢juaie§1eéii[aticé1 "
`SM?“ ..§m§¥1iI§1B¥¥1 ?ed‘.f6T$'= ..¢ff?°‘..8 §.5
`__;a;clji_e_\_ge§_ vefitfiia
`amifiofihyfilifie 'pl'a.'srn"a
`_;;:ag1cent:_f;1ti;u;z___rargg;e'958- t"<1'2"U ,u',g_i1il"(39').
`:'_I‘-hs: £:i_rct_1l-aginug stfzaéiy-$ta:§e.
`lével C33.
`___s.;_;1gi¢;§ 3-s;jja,c;1i;e§;ai__d1;jx-ixiag;ihtravenoas fnfxisicin
`___is __rel_gt<_:_»_:l
`‘go the infuéiietéu mite "kg; tfie iirlig H
`___distri_buiio:__1 xgoilfimé
`its :bi:§)!ogic§1 "
`...ha.1f—i3if’e..; aé in§..E<i- 7i}
`...(13q,'z) ..
`'i.0..b.<?i§.1...1h¢ dfug. i"¥.f“§i°’¥ £3.13 ‘ind "he ‘drag
`fi=ii.1f*§.if§.~ 3339* J15 i¥“’¢..F3§1¥_Pi'€i91:30%%'€i.éIié.1
`t? 13515 ..
`digtribuiiagx v_p1u_.;m¢__. Clcarljf,
`{fie ¥._nf1}si{:§n
`ram er the ..€1:.*1.:!».g'bi019giFa1.h31f'1if‘3..iS §°'“b1¢jd» __
`t_he_lgt1_e__r .beiqg du¢__pe.f_;*ha_,ps_te saturéblé me-
` 07!“ c9m'pe:iti9n b::'..-‘..‘»eréé1<=.§fl§.f‘-1‘..*’=ii'!.é«.1g ..
`for eiiminaiiop.mec¥Im!iSr§1s.__ih§n C23; j§>vi1_l aijso __
`hr: in¢r¢.a.s¢é. 12.0 t.Wi<.:% the Grigiilial Val”
`\?§{.h'i1;: t§1c§:tea3.dy;-stgteggdryg ficvél égchjevfid
`by an 'ix;_tr2;ve;g191gs_ ip§1;_siQ_n_;i§ §I§us::_ir1i‘1ue:ncéd
`by s»::__v§_r__a_1 __fa__cj;o_r§, Q16 iinfge tfiken ifs: 1*_aac$h- the
`stfiariy-—§ta§: ES °§<;>nt:roE.1ec1.b:+%.0Ii1:9?.sm% iféctér. ..
`the drug h.aif+i-ifs
`ifiégafidiéssfof "
`ihée r.a1:¢.a.t..\6z¥;i<:1Te at sinégz is in_,fus_ed,_i: wili take. "
`.appr?$>;t¢1.y 4.25 W23 hflf-.:liv¢s :10--€.\.'13P§0a§§h ..
`$tcady-.state §_ew:ls.___'fh_is
`iInp«:;§rt2I1l2t._ far §i;'1_1__gs___ wj§th___ 323.3...
`=halCf=.1iV?§=3- ..F»:>.r .::>..<a.n.3p1.§. <~.‘s*1?:I”1..1.I?’3.?i".S. the £Ws..S ..
`a1ready..men_tionad in the inttavcnojus _injaé,cti}>n
`ream. $1§3'3Y*.S.Itat6 l§ Qf ‘5.rf11am":9n;:acil.“_{i11__
`he achicvfié §Wi’€.h.iI§. Dire 1191;? 9f s't§rt...of..
`infusion, whilg: it iavili
`take... up t«_:_x_ -s;__daysjjjmjj
`.achi¢ve:. steaéywstaité Qirqu-Rating 1__$‘3V§1S 9f fii-__
`‘which are_giv__cn _int§;rnj;itt§:3t§y_, for___ex§mi3le::_by::
`rflpfisatéé i.ntl..'.a.v;enqus___qr_int;:fa1;1u$;:u_§ar__inj§«:-
`tian... .R;e-g%rd1¢S$ 95 111.? *»‘*ifxi3’...i“ ¥Vhi.‘3h...a 3mg is?
`ad..mi:.1is§e;rt7<i,__it wij.11.tja§g¢: fczsur :0 Eiszé drfixgiibié:
`eglagical .ha'1fg§iv_es icz. seagh $_:ea,d,y_g—s:;xtr;_ls;£g{els__
`in £%;:: biopdgtrqam.
`I?0:.many...4:i_ru~gs..whic1..1 h;vafil0zfi1ig_
`h£3;_lf'HY€g3, §o.a§ing...c1es¢s. ha:v.c__to__bc__ad1r:i:}isi_
`t._:n:_d' at thg §tart, qt‘ t..k_1e_=Ija.p;y ix; oxggiegf tq a\{§)%::§
`2108 p. 7
`-that, besides its dependence an F, D, and 316,
`--this get-U’-C isa-159 p:Qpo:tion..a.3 10 :1 ;z,
`that any.::v-ari-aiians in t.ih.i3. Valium rr_1us;$;'b§:
`--takxan--into cans-idcsatinn when .the.A €'x' used ..
`The -intravemous mute ;.us<:d I39
`"deliver drugs ---with. -iaw aqueous salubiliiy,
`pr-mi-pitate in. .h§m;>d azsd came ..
`===emb01ism. Agatha: major disadvanmge ei.‘ the ..
`"'int'raven0us- mats is. that-once .i:zj.c<:tsd,.. the ..
`---dose mane: be wit-§1d;:a.wn..Iit. £5 tiaercfarfi inr
`jecztefi s1<),--aver ea fieriod 0f‘ 1; E12 min, air
`=:=14';.mger§ ta :aveid::e.xc£ssiwai}§. hig-h;;tran§im_1t
`---fioneergtragtiuns ex}? di‘=1.l.g in g3.-asma.,.which.may ..
`puaoduce -u-ndeséirahie; ca.rr2iiovascu§a.r. and.§:$n~ ..
`"P-1'i?.GfiS6' -and continuous dx:ug- therapy is ..
`providaci by intravenaus infusion ata. mnstant ..
`:;~ate_;,==whir;;h. can be-oemroiled by using a.;£;1.I'i§1-<
`t.-raveneaus drip or an-infusian pumg...Ge.neta.iE._*.,r,
`Elaw--rat-as-ef--Q ta. 3 ml p§r...mi;:mta.- at.e,..qm— ..
`piiayazd, '=F-his; mcstrhod is::pa:‘tieu1a,r1y u§¢?fu1.f;9r ..
` -in bioavailabiii-:32 assessment...
`$§§t§nibsr«Os:1élhgr;'193'0,'VéI;,_34, Ni-. 5'"

` WE
` 1
`" Figufe 5%Pla:i}rz;:"coé§ceri'tra'ifé2n' LLVL" tithe éitrzéés féar "
`II drug; wiiilz (32),-=22-.skort==bio1ogZcz2I'ha§f«Izj{e, éirid“(é 3} ('1'
`-- fang biolagicai fxalf-life usiutfrzg mntirzaézus imravenou-,5 --
`.inj1gsia;z.__Tizg frzfzzsfon Z?a._t€S are adjustedacczmdixgg 5;;
`.. 59" 71¢? 95?f¢?ifl {he .Sr?ff."It? C55‘ Iialues.
`flint: cieléy i:'r:-2i'ri:h§<2iri;":1:g"thc:::: dés-ir%d Eirzgg l}2)V!;:‘::IS
`" hi the Body. Tyfzafcéi p asma profilas éuring __
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