Editor: Donna Balado
`Managing Editor: Jennifer Schmidt
`Marketing Manager: Christine Kushner
`Copyright © 1999 LippincottW1lliams & Wflkins
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`age inserts should be reviewed for current information, including contraindications,
`dosages, and precautions.
`Printed in the United States ofAmerica
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Ansel, Howard C., 1933-
`Pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delievery systems / Howard C.
`Ansel, LoydV. Allen, ]r., Nicholas G. Popovich. —— 7th ed.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0—683—30572—7
`2. Drug delivery systems.
`1. Drugs—-Dosage forms.
`Il. Popovich, Nicholas G.
`Ill Title.
`[DNLM: 1. Dosage Forms.
`2. Drug Delivery Systems. QV 785 A618i 1999]
`for Library of Congress
`1. Allen, LoydV.
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`Astrazeneca Ex. 2097 p. 2

`Introduction to Drugs and Pharmacy
`New Drug Development and Approval Process
`Dosage Form Design: Pharmaceutic and
`Formulation Considerations
`Dosage Form Design: Biopharrnaceutic and
`Pharmacokinetic Considerations
`Current Good Manufacturing Practices and Good
`Compounding Practices
`Powders and Granules
`Capsules and Tablets
`Modified~Release Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems
`Ointments, Creams, and Gels
`Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2097 p. 3

`Suppositories and Inserts
`Section V.
`I 2
`Disperse Systems
`Ophthalmic Solutions and Suspensions
`Products of Biotechnology
`Novel Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Technologies
`Systems and Techniques of Pharmaceutical Measurement
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2097 p. 4

`Chapter at cl Glance
`Reasons for suspensions
`Features Desired in a Pharmaceutical
`Physical Features of the Dispersed Phase of
`a. Suspension Dispersion Medium
`Preparation of
`Sustained-Release Suspensions
`Exteniporarteous Compounding of
`Packaging and Storage of Suspensions
`Examples of Oral Suspensions.
`An_tu;:id Oral Suspensions
`Antibacterial Oral Suspensions
`Examples of Other Suspensions-
`Otic Suspensions.
`Rertol Suspensions
`Dry Powders for Oral Suspension
`Purpose of Brnulsions and of
`Theories of Emulsifiration
`Preparation of Emulsions
`Emulsijying Agents
`The HLB 5 tom
`Emulsion Preparation
`Continental or Dry Gum Method
`English or Wet Gum Meihod
`Bottle or Forbes Bottle Melhod
`.:‘lux:'lfory Methods
`In Situ Soap Method
`Gels and Magrnas
`Colloidal Dispersions
`Terminology Related to Gels
`Classification and Types of Gels
`Preparation of Magrnas and Gels
`Examples of Gelling Agents
`Gel Formulation Considerations
`Examples of Magrnas and Gels
`Bentonite Jvlag-mu, NF
`Aluminum Hydroxide Gel, LISP
`Milk ofll/fagnesio, LISP
`Starch Clycgrile
`Lubricating jelly Formula
`Clearzlqzzeous Gel with Dimetlzimne
`Poloxamer Gel Bose
`Proper Administraiiort and Use of
`Drsperse Systems
`Advantages of the Aerosol Dosage
`The Aerosol Principle
`Aerosol Systems
`Two-phase Systems
`T'l1ree-plmse S
`Aerosol Container and Valve Assembly
`Valve Assembly
`Metered Dose Inhalers (MDIs}
`Cold F ling
`Pressure I-‘fl
`Stabifity of Emulsions
`tion and Coalescenoe
`of Oral Emulsions
`Mineral Oil Emulsion
`Castor Oil Emulsion
`Simetlticoue Emulsion
`Testing the I-‘fl
`Packaging. Labeling, and Storage
`1' Administration and Use of
`P maoeutical Aerosols
`Topical Aerosols
`Vaginaland Rectal Aerosols
`Astraleneca Ex. 2097 p. 5

`Tl-I15 Cl-IAPTER includes the main types of liquid
`preparations containing undissolved or inuniscible
`drug distributed throughout a vehicle. In these
`preparations, the substance distributed is referred
`to as the dispersed phase and the vehicle is termed
`the dispersing phase or dispersion medium. Together,
`they produce a dispersed system.
`The particles of the dispersed phase are usually
`solid materials that are insoluble in the dispersion
`medium. In the case of emulsions,
`the dispersed
`phase is a liquid substance which is neither soluble
`nor rniscible with the liqttid of the dispersing phase.
`The emulsification prooess results in the dispersion of
`liquid drug as fine droplets throughout the dispersing
`phase. In the case of an aerosol, the dispersed phase
`maybe air that is present as small bubbles throughout
`a solution or an emulsion. Dispersions also oonsist of
`droplets of a liquid (solution or suspension) in air.
`The particles of the dispersed phase vary widely
`in size, from large particles visible to the naked eye
`down to particles of colloidal dirnension, falling be-
`tween 1.0 nm and 0.5 pm in size. Dispersions con-
`taining coarse particles, usually 10-50 pm in size,
`are referred to as course dispersions and include the
`suspetlsions and emulsions. Dispersions containing
`particles of smaller size are termed fine dispersions
`(0.5-10 um). and, it the particles are in the colloidal
`range, colloidal dispersions. Mugmas and gels repre-
`sent such fine dispersions.
`Largely because of their greater size, dispersed
`particles in a coarse dispersion have a greater ten-
`dency to separate from the dispersion medium than
`do the particles of a fine dispersion. Most solids in
`dispersion tend to settle to the bottom of the con-
`telnet because of their greater density than the dis-
`persion mediurn, whereas most emulsified liquids
`for oral use are oils and generally have a lesser den-
`sity than the aqueous medium in which they are dis-
`persed and tend to rise toward the top of the prepa-
`ration. Complete and uniform redistribution of the
`dispersed phase is essential to the accurate
`ttation of unifonn doses. For a properly prepared
`this should be accomplished by the
`moderate agitation of the container.
`The focus of this chapter is on dispersions of
`drugs administered orally or topically. The same ba-
`sic pharmaceutical characteristics apply to those dis-
`persion systems administered by other routes of ad-.
`ministration. Included among these are ophthalmic
`suspensions, and sterile suspensions for injeclrion.
`Suspensions may be defined as preparations con-
`taining finely divided drug particles (referred to
`Diapers: Systems
`as the snspeusofd) distributed somewhat unifozmly
`throughout a vehicle in which the drug exhibits a
`mirfimurn degree of solubility. Some suspensions
`are available in reacly—to-use fort-n—that is, already
`distributed through a liquid vehicle with or without
`stabilizers and other pharmaceutical additives (Fig.
`13.1). Other preparations are available as dry pow-
`ders intended for suspensions in liquid vehicles. This
`type of product generally is a powder mixture con-
`taining the drug and suitable suspending and dis-
`persing agents, which upon dilution and agitation
`with a specified quantity of vehicle (generally puri-
`fied water) results in the formation of a suspension
`suitable for adrnirustration.
`‘Figure 13.2 demon-
`strates the preparation of this type of product. Drugs
`that are unstable if rnaintained for extended periods
`of time in the presence ofan aqueousvehicle {for ex-
`ample, many antibiotic drugs) are most frequently
`supplied as dry powder mixtures for reconstitution
`at the time of dispensing. This type of preparation is
`designated in the USP by a title of the form ". . . for
`Oral Suspension." Prepared suspensions not requir-
`ing reconstitution at the time of dispensing are sim-
`ply designated as ". .
`. Oral Suspension."
`Reasons for Suspensions
`There are several reasons for preparing suspen-
`sions. For one thing, certain drugs are chemically un-
`stable when in solution but stable when suspended.
`In instances such as this. the suspension insures
`chemical stability while perrnittingliquid therapy. For
`many patients, the liquid form is preferred over the
`solid form of the same drug because of the ease of
`swallowing liquids and the flexibility in the adminis-
`tration of a range of doses. This is particularly advan-
`tageous for infants, children and the elderly.'l'he dis-
`advantage of a disagreeable taste of certain drugs
`Fig. 13.1 Examples ofseme commercial oral suspensions.
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2097 p. 6

`Dispose Systems
`Fig. 13.2 Coittnierrtictl ttntiltiotic preparation for oral suspen-
`sintrfiiilowiitg iecanstimtiuit truth purified writer On the felt is
`the dry powder mixture, and on the right the snispcnsioii riftzrr
`rirroitstitntioit with the specified amount ofpiirifieti water.
`when given in solution form is ovencome when the
`drug is adrninistered as undissolved particles of an
`oral suspension. In fact, chemical forms of certain
`poor-tasting drugs have been specifically developed
`for their insolubility in a desired vehicle for the sole
`purpose of preparing a palatable liquid dosage form.
`For example, the water-insoluble ester form of chlo-
`rampheru'coL chloramphenicol palmitate, was devel-
`oped to prepare a palatable liquid dosage form of the
`chlorarnphenicol, the result being the development
`of Chlorarnphenicol Palrnitate Oral Suspension, USP.
`By the creation of insoluble forms of drugs for use in
`suspensions, the difficult taste—rnasl<irLg problems of
`developmental pharmacists are greatly reduced. and
`the selection of the flavorants to be used in a given
`suspension may be based on taste preference rather
`than on a particular flavoranfs ability to act as a
`rnasking agent for an unpleasant tasting drug. For the
`most part, oral suspensions are aqueous preparations
`with the vehicle flavored and sweetened to suit the
`anticipated taste preferences of the intended patient.
`Features Desired in a
`Pharmaceutical Suspension
`There are many considerations in the develop-
`ment and preparation of a pharrnaccutically ele-
`gant suspension. In addition to therapeutic efficacy,
`chemical stability of the components of the formu-
`lation, permanency of the preparation, and esthetic
`appeal of the preparation~<:lesirable qualifies in
`all pharmaceutical preparations-—a few other fea-
`tures apply more specifically to the pharmaceutical
`1. A properly prepared pharrnaceutical susperuion
`should settle slowly and should be readily redis-
`persed upon the gentle shaking of the container.
`2. The characteristics of the suspension should be
`such that the particle size of the suspensoid re-
`mains fairly constant throughout long periods
`of undisturbed standing.
`3. The suspension should pour readily and evenly
`from its container.
`These main features of a suspension, which de-
`pend on the nature of the dispersed phase, the dis-
`persion medium, and pharmaceutical adjuncts, will
`be discussed briefly.
`Sedimentation Rate of the
`Particles of a Suspension
`‘lite on riousfitctors involved in the rate ofvelnciry of
`settling of the pumcirts ofrt suspension me ciiibodied in
`the eqtm tion of5tokcs‘ law, tuh id": is presented in the ac-
`companying Pitysicrti Pliarmoc} Capsule.
`Stokes’ equation was derived for an Ideal situa-
`tion in which uniform, perfectly spherical particles
`in a very dilute suspension settle without effecting
`turbulence in their downward course, without col-
`lision of the particles of the suspensoid, and with-
`out chemical or physical attraction or affinity for the
`dispersion medium. Obviously, Stokes’ equation
`does not apply precisely to the usual pharmaceuti-
`cal suspension in which the suspensoicl is irregu-
`larly shaped, of various particle diameters, and not
`spherical, in which the fall of the particles docs re-
`sult in both turbulence and collision, and also in
`which there may be a reasonable amount of afEin-
`ity of the particles for the suspension rned1’um.How—
`ever. the basic concepts of the equation do give a
`valid indication of the factors that are important to
`the suspension of the particles and a clue to the pos-
`sible adjustments that can be made to a formulation
`to decrease the rate of particle sedimentation.
`From the equation it is apparent that the veloc-
`ity of fall of a suspended particle is greater for larger
`particles than it is for smaller particles, all other fac-
`tors remaining constant. By reducing the particle
`size of the dispersed phase. one can expect a slower
`rate of descent of the particles. Also, the greater the
`Astraleneca Ex. 2097 p. 7

`Physicat Pharmacy Capsule 134
`Sedimentation Rate & Stokes’ Equation
`' "
`stokes’ Equation:
`3 _ ,:|2_
`dt _
`_ _
`dx/dt is the rate of settling,
`cl is the diameter of the particles,
`p, is the density of the particle,
`p‘ is the density of the medium,
`g is the gravitational constant, and
`-n is the viscosity of the medium.
`A number ot Factors can be adjusted to enhance the physical stability of a suspension, including the di-
`ameter al the particles and the density and viscosity at the medium. The eltect of changing these is illus-
`trated in the following example.
`-A powder has a density at 1.3 g/cc and is available as a powder with an average particle diameter at
`2.5 microns [assuming the particles to he spheres]- According to Stol:e‘s Equation, this powder will set-
`tle in water lviscosfly at i cps assumed] at a rate of:
`[25 X l0"‘[7-l'l.3 - l.C|ll980l _
`—l.Cl2>€lO ‘cm/set:
`If the particle size at the powder is reduced to 0.25 p. and water is still used as the dispersion medium,
`the powder will now settle ata rote cl:
`2.5 x 10-591.3 -1.0 9:10 = , 02 x ,0_,m/M
`l3 X 0.0]
`As is evident, a decrease in particle size by a factor of 10 results in a reduction in the rate of settling by
`a factor at IOO. This enhanced etiect is a result at the "d" Factor in Stakes Equation being squared,
`Now, if a ditlerent dispersion medium. such as glycerin, is used in place of water, a further decrease in
`settling will result. Glycerin has a density‘ at i .25 g/cc and a viscosity of 400 cps.
`The larger particle size powder {2.5 p] will settle at a rate of:
`|2.5 X iO‘4[3|l.3 — l.25[l‘P30| =
`4.25 x10 9 cm/sec
`The smaller parficle size {025 pl powder will now settle at a rate at:
`2.5 x 10-52 1.3 -1.25 93:: =42“ ,0_,,,Cm/W
`13 N -4
`A summary of these results is shown in the following table:
`Rate of Settling {cm/sec]
`2.5 p. ]:IOWdE1':i:n. water
`0.25 in. powder in water
`2.5 in powder in glycerin
`0.25 [.l.. powder in glycerin
`1.02 x 10"
`1.02 X 10“
`4.25 x 10'“
`4.25 X 10'”
`As is evident from this table, a change in dispersion medium results in the greatest change in the rate at
`settling of partides. Particle size reduction also can contribute significantly to suspension stability. These
`Factors are important in the torrnulcrtion of physically stable suspensions.
`Astraleneca Ex. 2097 p. 8

`Diapers: Systerns
`density of the particles. the greater the rate of de-
`scent, provided the density of the vehicle is not al-
`tered. Because aqueous vehicles are used in phar-
`maceutical oral suspensions, the density of the
`particles is generally greater than that of the vehi-
`cle, a desirable feature, for if the paxficles were less
`dense than the vehicle, they would tend to ‘float,
`and floating particles wouldbe quite difficult to dis-
`tn‘bute uniformly in the vehicle. The rate of sedi-
`mentation may be appreciably reduced by increas-
`ing the viscosity of the dispersion medium, and
`within limits of practicality this maybe done. How-
`even a product having too high a viscosity is not
`generally desirable, because it pcrulzs with difficulty
`and it is equally ditficult to redisperse the suspen-
`soit'1.Therefore, itthe viscosity of asuspension is in-
`creasectitis doneso onlytoamodestextentto
`avoid these difficulties.
`The visoosity characteristics of a suspension may
`be altered not only by the vehicle used, but also by
`the solids content. As the proportion of solid parti-
`cles is increased in a suspension, so is the viscosity.
`The viscosity of a pharmaceutical preparation may
`be determined through the use of a Brookfi.eld\fis-
`cometer, which measures viscosity by the fame re-
`quired to rotate a spindle in the fluid being tested
`(Fig. 13.3).
`For the most part. the physical stability of a phar-
`maceutical suspension appears to be most appro-
`priately adjmted by an alteration in the dispersed
`phase ratherthan through great changeslnthedis-
`persion medium. In most instanoes, the dispersion
`rnediuzn is supportive to the adjusted dispersed
`phase. These adjustments mainly aoe concerned
`with particle size, uniformity of particle size, and
`separation of the particles so that theynre not likely
`to become greatiylargerorto forms solid cake on
`Physical Featuxes of the Dispersed
`Phase of :1 Suspension
`Probably the mostimportant single oonsideration
`in a discussion ofsuspensions is the size of the drug
`particles. In mostgood pharmaceutical suspensions.
`the particle diarrleterisbetweefil and50 pun.
`synchronous motor
`Speed selector knob
`On-off toggle switch
`Clutch lever
`Jewel beefing support
`Spindle ooupfing nu!
`Immersion marl:
`Sphdle body
`Fig. 13.3 Schematic drawing ofthe Broolrfisld Viscomater. {Com-tesy offiioakfiald Engineering Lebomton'es'.J
`Astraleneca Ex. 2097 p. 9

`Particle size reduction is generally accomplished
`by dry-rnillingprior to the incorporation of the dis-
`persed phase into the dispersion medium. One of
`the most rapid, convenient, and inexpensive meth-
`ods of producing fine drug powders of about 10 to
`50 pm size is
`are high-speed, attrition or impact mills which are
`efficient in reducing powders to the size acceptable-
`for most oral and topical suspensions. For still finer
`pai-ticles, under 10 pm, the process-offluid energy
`grinding. sometimes referred to as jet-iiriilxiigor mi-
`crouiziug, is quite effective. By this process, the
`sheeting action of high velocity compressed air
`streams on the particles in a confined space pro-
`duces the desired ultrafine or iriictcmiaed particles.
`The particles to be rnicronized are swept into vio-
`lent turbulence by the sonic and supersonic veloc-
`ity of the air streams. The particles are accelerated
`into high velocities and collide with one another.
`resulting in fragmentation and a decrease in the
`size of the
`method maybe employed
`in instances in which the particles are intended for
`parenteral or ophthalmic suspensions. Particles of
`extremely small dimensions may also be produced
`by spray-tltyizrg techniques. A spray dryer is a cone-
`shaped piece of apparatus into which a solution of
`a drug is sprayed and rapidly dried by a current of
`warmed. dry air circulating in the cone.The result-
`ing dry powder is then collected. It is not poible
`for a community pharmacist to achieve- the same
`degree of particle-size reduction with such simple
`oomminuting equiptnent as the mortararid pestle.
`However. many
`drugs are comi:ner-
`cially available and when needed may be pur-
`rzhased by the pharrnacist in bulk
`As shown by Stolccs’eq'uatlon. the recluction in
`stability of" the suspension in that the rate of sedi-
`mentation of the solid particles is reduced as the
`particles are decreased in size. The reduction in
`particle size produces slow; more uniform rates of
`settling. However. one should avoid reducing the
`particle size to too great a degree of fineness, since
`fine particles have a tendency to form a compact
`cake upon settlingto the bottom of the container.
`The result may be that the cake resists breakup
`upon shaking. and forms rigid aggregates of parti-
`cles wliich are of larger dimension and less sus-
`pendable than the original suspensoid.'l'ne particle
`shape of the suspensoid can also after: raking and
`product stability. It hasbeen shown that symmetri-
`cal barrel-shaped particles of calcium carbonate
`produced more stable suspensions than did asym-
`metrical needle-shaped particles of the same agent.
`Disperse Systems
`The needle~shaped particles formed a tenacioiis
`sediment-caice on standingwhich could not be re-
`distributed whereas the barrel-shaped particles did
`not calce on standing (1).
`‘lb avoid the formation of a cake, measures must
`be taken to prevent the agglomeration of the parti-
`cles into larger crystals or into masses. One com-
`mon method of preventing the rigid cohesion of
`small particles ofa suspension is through the in-
`tentional formation ofa less rigid or loose aggrega-
`tion or the particles held together by comparatively
`weal: particle-to-particle bonding forces. Such an
`agegation of particles is termed afloc or aflocsule,
`with Elocculated particles forming a type of lattice
`structure that resists complete settling (although
`tlocs settle more rapidly than fine. individual parti-
`cles) end thus are less prone to compaction than
`untlccculated particles. The flocs settle to form a
`higher sediment volume than unflocculated parti-
`-cles, the loose structure of which permits the ag-
`gregates to break up easily and distribute readily
`with a small amount of agitation.
`There are several methods of preparing floc-
`onthe typeofdrugirnrolvedandtlrietype ofproduct
`desired. For instance,
`in the preparation of an
`oral-suspension of a clmg, days such as diluted ben-
`flocculating agent. The structure of the bentonite
`magnaand ofotherclaysused forthispurpose also
`assists the suspension by helping to-support the floc
`once fonnedwlienclays are unsuitable as agents. as
`in a parenteral suspension, Erequenfly at first of the
`dispersed phase can be produced by an alteration in.
`thepl-Iofthe preparation lgeiierallytotlieregionof
`cninimum drug solubility)-. Electrolytes can also act
`as flocculating agents. apparently by reducing the
`electrical barrier between the
`of the sus-
`pertsoidartdfinnnirigabridgeso as tollnkthemto-
`gather. The carefully .determioed_ concentration of
`nonionic and ionic surface-active agents (surfac-
`tants) canaisoincluce thetiocculation ofparticlesin
`suspension and increase the sedimentation volume.
`Dispersion Medium
`Oftentitnes, as with highly flocculated suspen-
`sions..the particles of a suspension settle too rapidly
`toheozmsistentudtliwhatinightbe termed spher-
`rapid settling
`hinders the accurate measurement of dosage and
`horn an esthetic point of View produces too un-
`gghtly a supernatant layer. in many of the commerr
`Ciel suspensions. suspending agents are added
`Astralcncca Ex. 2097 p. 10

`Disperse Systems
`to the dispersion medium to lend it a sI1' to
`assist in the suspension of the dispersed phase.
`Carboxymethyleellulose, tnethylcellulose, mic1'ocrys-
`talline cellulose, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, xanthan
`gum, and bentonite are a few of the agents em-
`ployed to thicken the dispersion medhirn and help
`suspend the suspensoid. When polyrneric sub-
`stances and hydmphilic colloids are used as sus-
`pending agents, appropriate tests must be per-
`formed to show that the agent does not interfere
`with the availability for
`therapeutic effects of
`the suspensions medicinal substance. These mate-
`rials can bind certain medicinal agents, rendering
`them unavailable or more slowiy available for their
`therapeutic function. Also. the amount of the sus-
`pending agent must not be such to render the sus-
`pension too visoous to agitate (to distribute the
`suspensoidl or to pour. The study of the flow char-
`acteristics is termed rheology. A summary of the
`concepts of rheology is found in the accompanying
`Physical Pharmacy Capsule 13.2.
`Support of the suspensoid by the dispersion
`medium may depend on several factors: the density
`of the suspensoid, whether it is Elocculated, and the
`amount of material requiring support.
`The solid content of a suspension intended for
`oral administration rnayvaiy considerably. depend-
`ing on the dose of the drug to be administered, the
`volume of product desired to be aclministered, and
`also on the ability of the dispersion medium to sup-
`port the concentration of drug while maintaining
`desirable features of viscosity and flow. The usual
`adult oral suspension is frequently designed to sup-
`ply the dose of the’ drug in a convenient
`measure of 5 ml. or one teaspoonful. Pediatric sus-
`pensions are formulatecl to deliver the appropriate
`close of drug by administering a dose-calibrated
`number of drops. Figure 13.4 shows commonly
`packaged oral suspensions adrnlnistered as pediatric
`drops. Some are accompanied by a calibrated drop-
`Fig. 13.4 Eramples of oral pediatric suspeusioirs showing
`package designs of :1‘ Emil:-in dropper device and a cnlibmrcd
`dropper ccwnrpxmyirrg H19 medioutiorr container
`per, whereas other packages have the drop capabil-
`ity built into the container. On administration the
`drops may be placed directly into the infanfs mouth
`or mixed with a small portion of food. Because many
`of the suspensions of antibiotic drugs intended for
`pediatric use are prepared in a highly flavored,
`sweetened, colored base. they are Frequently referred
`to by their manufacturers and also popularly as
`"syrups,"even though in fact they are suspensions.
`Preparation of Suspensions
`in the preparation of a suspension, the pharma-
`cist must be acquainted with the characteristics of
`both the intended dispersed phase and the disper-
`sion medium. in some instances the dispersed
`phase has an affinity for the vehicle to be employed
`and is rea.dily”wetted”by it upon its addition. Other
`drugs are not penetrated easily by the vehicle and
`have a tendency to clump together or to float on top
`of the vehicle. In the latter case, the powder must
`first be wetted by a so-called ”wetting agent” to
`make the powder more penetrable by the disper-
`sion medium. Alcohol, glyoerin, and other hygro-
`scopic liquids are employed as wetting agents when
`an aqueous vehicle is to be used as the dispersion
`phase. They function by displacing the air in the
`crevices of the particles, dispersing the particles,
`and subsequently allowing the penetration of dis-
`persion medium into the powder. In the large-scale
`preparation of suspensions the wetting agents are
`mixed with the particles by an apparatus such as a
`colloid mill; on a small scale in the pharmacy, they
`are mixed with a mortar and pestle. Once the pow-
`der is we-tted. the dispersion medium (to whidi have
`been added all of the formulation’s soluble compo-
`nents such as oolorants, fiavorants, and preserva-
`tives} is added in portions to the powder. and the
`mixture is thoroughly blended before subsequent
`additions of vehicle. A portion of the vehicle is used
`to wash the mixing equipment Free of suspensoid,
`and this portion is used to bring the suspension to
`final Volume and insure that the suspension con-
`tains the desired concentration of solid matter. "lite
`final product is then passed through a colloid mill or
`other blender or mixing device to insure unifonnity.
`should be included in the formulation of suspensions
`to preserve against bacterial and mold corltaminaiiion.
`An example formula for an oral suspension fol-
`lows (2). In the example. the suspensoid is the
`antacid aluminum hydroxide, the preservatives are
`methylparabcn and propylparaben. with syrup and
`sorbitol solution providing the viscosity as well as
`the sweetness.
`Astraleneca Ex. 2097 p. 11

`Disperse Systems
`U PhysicalPharmacyCapsule132
`Rheology is the study at How and involves the viscosity characteristics of powders, tiuids, and semisaiids.
`Materials are divided into two general categories depending upon their How characteristics: Newtonian
`and non-Newtonian. Newtonian tiaw is characterized by a constant viscosity, regardless of the shear
`rates applied. Non-Newtonian Flow is characterized by a change in viscosity characteristics with in-
`creasing shear rates. it-ton-Newtonian flow includes plastic, pseudoptastic and dilotant Flow.
`Newton's Law of Flow relates parallel layers of liquid, with the bottom layer fixed, when a Force is placed
`an the top layer and the tap plane moves at aonstant velocity and each lower layer moves with a veloc-
`ity directly proportional to its distance item the stationary bottom
`The velocity gradient, or rate of
`shear idv/dr], is the diiterence of velocity dv between two planes of liquid separated by the distance ctr.
`The Force {F'/Al applied to the top layer that is required to result in itaw (rate of shear, G) is called the
`shearing stress [F]. The relationship can be expressed.
`E- i
`where 1' is the viscosity coefficient. or viscosity. This relationship is often written
`where F = F’/A and G = dv/dr. The higher the-viscosity at a liquid, the-greater the shearing stress re-
`quired to produce a certain rate of shear. A plot at F vs G yields a rheogram. A Newtonian Fluid will plot
`as a straight tine with the siope at the line being 11. The unit at viscosity is the poise, which is the shear-
`ing force required to produce a velocity at i cm/sec between two parollei planes at liquid, each 1 cm3
`in area and separated by a distance of 1 cm. The most convenient unit to use is the ceniipoise, or op
`[equivalent to 0.01 poise].
`These basic oonoepts can be illustrated in the toilowing two graphs.
`Shearing Stress
`Shear Rate
`What'is the shear rate when an oil is rubbed into the skin with a relative rate oi motion between the fin-
`gers and the skin of about 10 crn/sec and the Film thickness is about 0.02 cm?
`e= =5oosm-t
`Astraleneca Ex. 2097 p. 12

`Dispcrse System
`Rheology (Continued)
`The viscosity of Newtonian materials oan be easily determined using a capillary viscometer, such as the
`Osiwald Pipet, and the iallawing relationship:
`11’ = ldcl
`where 'r|'= viscosity.
`is = a coefficient, including such factors as the radius and length at the capillary, volume at the
`liquid flowing, pressure head, etc,
`I = time, and.
`cl = density at the material.
`The official cornpendia the USP-NF, utilize Kinematic Viscosity, which is the absolute viscosity divided by
`the density at the liquid, as follows:
`Kinematic viscosity = 1179
`The relative viscosity ata liquid can be obtained by utilizing a co illory viscometer and aornparin data
`with a second liquid at known viscosity. provided the densities o the two liquids are known, as icalavvs:
`11’/11‘. = lptl/{n.t.l
`At 25°C, water has a density of 1.0 /‘cc and a viscosity of 0.8?5 -cps. The time of flow of water in a
`capillary visoometer is 15 sea. A 50 aqueous solution at glycerin has a "How time at 750 sec. The den-
`sity oi the glycerin solution is 1 .216 9/oc. What is the viscosity at the glycerin solution?
`The time at Flaw between marks an an Ostwald

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