Editor: Donna Balado
`Managing Editor: Jennifer Schmidt
`Marketing Manager: Christine Kushner
`Copyright © 1999 LippincottW1lliams & Wflkins
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`dosages, and precautions.
`Printed in the United States ofAmerica
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Ansel, Howard C., 1933-
`Pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delievery systems / Howard C.
`Ansel, LoydV. Allen, ]r., Nicholas G. Popovich. —— 7th ed.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0—683—30572—7
`2. Drug delivery systems.
`1. Drugs—-Dosage forms.
`Il. Popovich, Nicholas G.
`Ill Title.
`[DNLM: 1. Dosage Forms.
`2. Drug Delivery Systems. QV 785 A618i 1999]
`for Library of Congress
`1. Allen, LoydV.
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`Astrazeneca Ex. 2083 p. 2

`Introduction to Drugs and Pharmacy
`New Drug Development and Approval Process
`Dosage Form Design: Pharmaceutic and
`Formulation Considerations
`Dosage Form Design: Biopharrnaceutic and
`Pharmacokinetic Considerations
`Current Good Manufacturing Practices and Good
`Compounding Practices
`Powders and Granules
`Capsules and Tablets
`Modified~Release Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems
`Ointments, Creams, and Gels
`Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2083 p. 3

`Suppositories and Inserts
`Section V.
`I 2
`Disperse Systems
`Ophthalmic Solutions and Suspensions
`Products of Biotechnology
`Novel Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Technologies
`Systems and Techniques of Pharmaceutical Measurement
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2083 p. 4

`Chapter at a Glance
`General Principles of Drug
`Passive Dzfifilsion
`Specialized Transport Mechanisms
`Dissolution and Drug Absorption
`Surface Area
`Crystal or Amorphous Drag Form
`Salt Forms
`Other Factors
`Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
`FDA Bioamilability Submission
`Blood 1'or Serum or Plasma) Cmtcentratiom
`Time Curve
`Routes of Drug Administration
`Oral Route
`Dosage Fcmms Applicable
`Rectal Route
`Parenteral Route
`Dosage Forms Applicable
`Subcutaneous Injections
`Intraxnuscular Injections
`Inn-avenous Injections
`Intzmderrnal Injections
`Epicutaneous Route
`Ocular, Oral and Nasal Routes
`Other Routes
`Parameters for Assessment and Comparison
`Peak Height
`Time of Peak
`Area Under the Scrum ConceI1t1'al:ion Time
`Bioequioalerrce of Drug Products
`Fate of Drug After Absorption
`Drug Metabolism (Bfotransformation)
`Excretion of Drugs
`Pharrnacolonetic Principles
`Concept of Clearance
`Dosage Regimen Considerations
`AS DISCUSSED in the previous cltapten the biologic
`response to a drug is the result of an interaction be-
`tween the drug substance and functionally impor-
`tant cell receptors or enzyme systems.'I'he response
`is due to an alteration in the biologic processes that
`were present prior to the drugs adrm’nistralion.'Ihe
`magnitude of the response is related to the con-
`centration of the drug achieved at the site of its ac-
`I:ion.This drug concentration depends on the dosage
`of the drug adm:i.n.istered, the extent of its absorp-
`tion and distribution to the site, and the rate and ex-
`tent of its elimination from the body. The physical
`and chemical constitution of the drug substance-
`particularly its lipid solubility, degree of ionization,
`and molecular 5ize—detem'u'nes to a great extent
`its ability to affect its biological acfivity. The area of
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2083 p. 5

`study embracing this nelationship between the
`Physical, chemical, and biological sciences as they
`must be transported by the body fluids, uaverse
`the required biologic membrane barriers, escape
`metabolic attack, penetrate in adequate concentra-
`tiontothesitesofection, andioteracthmaspecific
`fashion, causing an altemtion ofoellular fum:tion.A
`simplified diagram oefthis complexseries of events
`between a drug's adnamistraflortarldits e]J':o1inn-
`tlon is presented in Figure 4.1.
`The abeorptiotx, dis!-.-ibution, blotranefiomtaflon
`(metabolism), and elimination ola drug from the
`processes ooourafiect the onset.
`duration ofthe drugs activity within the body.The
`area of study which eluctdatea the time course of
`drug concentration in the blood and tissues is
`termed m. It is the study of the ki-
`netics of absorption, d1'sl:n'bufion, metabolism and
`excretion (ADMB) of thugs and their L‘OIl'E$pDtld-
`ing phaxmacologic, therapeutic, or toxic response
`alter the absorption, distrzihution, metabolism or
`excretion of another drug. ph also
`Onoe adrugis admi.nistseredarIddJ:ugabsorp-
`bodylocaticm. but ratheris distributed Eh.tougl'1.out
`the body until its ultimate eiixnination. For in-
`and its entry into the gastrointestinal tract. a por-
` Oral
` Excretion
`Fig.4.}. Sd:mmfiowruamtmofmwq'dmrmmnmehEm;ad.naemefidm§qflaflm&odnhb#mmbyw-
`Astraleneca Ex. 2033 p. 6

` 'md Pkcmuwkfncfl‘: Camidemfiwu
`body fluids, tissues, and organs. From these sites
`flaednlsmayremm to the-circulatorysystemand
`may be metabolized by the liver or other cellular
`sites and be excreted cs metabolites. As shown
`in Figure 41. drugs’ce:ed by intravenotx
`sysheny {hereby
`the absorption process-,
`'I'1xeva:icusbodyl'ccations:o whidzadxugtraw
`glsmeybe viewed aseeparate counparixnentmeech
`containing some fraction of the administered dose
`e£’I'he |:I:ansfercfdrugE|'omtI1e bloodto other
`bcdylccations is generallya mpidpmcess andis
`new.-wible; thatis. the drug-meydiffuee backinto
`thedrcuiaficn.'Ihe drugintheblcod therefinre ex-
`isisin Mm the drugfi'H:heot11.ercom-
`part:ner.1irs. However, in this equiflbfium state, the
`concentraflon otthe drug in the bloudmay be quite
`diffiezent (greaterorleaser) than the ccncerauauon
`ofthe clrugin I-he ctl-n.erccrnpar|men!s.Thi.q isdue
`large.lytofl1ep1iysiocl1e1t1ica1properfles ofthe-d:u_g
`leavethe circulatorysysnemrapidlyand mmpletebg.
`ficu1ty.A. number of drugs become bound to blood
`proteins, panicclarlythe a1h11mins,andcn1ya mall
`Eracfion of the dmgadrrlinistered may acluallybe
`at a-given ti1ne.‘l‘he transferoidrugfzcm one
`comparlment to enotlier is mathenleflcafly asso-
`I:'iatedwit.'n aspedficrate constant deacribingthet
`parfinzlar transfer. Generally. the tale of transfer
`of a drug from one ccrmpartrnent to another is
`proportional to the concentration 01’ the drug in
`the mmparhnent front which it Eidis: the greater
`the conceniration, the greater is the amount of
`may be
`tive or
`both the drug
`aubslance and lie m.etabo]ite(s) areactive and exert
`phanznamlogic elfecrs. For example, the
`azepam (Serax), which also has antiaxuéely efieem
`Insome irnstancesaphanrnacolqgicallyimclivednzg
`{tetmedaprcdrngimzybe admirfisteredforiiie
`known efifects of its active metabolites. Dipivcfric,
`the eslaerification of epinephrine and pivalic acid.
`Clhis enhances the
`characber ofthe drug,
`nndasaccnsequenceits penetration intotheani:e—
`riot chamber of the eye is 17 I':imes that-afepineplb
`usuellyan iiievetsfble pxocesswhich r:I.t|mi.mtesJ'n
`the may calculate an
`efi:nir:a.tionra1eccnatant(termcdk.,) faradmg
`to describe its rate of eiimincfion from the body.
`The term elftrnimlim refiets to both metabolism
`tmrencusly, and foe:-e£cr_e involve no absorption
`process, the task is much less. complex than f_ur
`lion are occurring simttltaneously but at different
`General Principles
`of Drug Absorption
`ofacrlon in effective concentrations, it must sur-
`mount a number of barriers. These barriers are
`chiefly a succession of biologic membtanes such
`as those of the pet:oin1es1i:1a1 epithelium, Jung,
`classified as th:_ee main types: (41) those composed
`instances adrugsubstance mustpascmore than
`oneo£tI1.esem_.embnne tglpesbefoceitread-nesim
`fizstixaverecthegasttointestirlalmernlranes (storm
`withwhich ithas afini1y,gainentI:anceincoihat
`Although the chelznistry of body men-nbranes
`differs on_e- from another, the membrarles may be
`viewed in -general "as a. bimolecuiar lipoid (fat-
`contain1'.ng)!ayeIa:ltached unhoth sides to apro-
`teinlayer. Drugs arethoughttopcnetrace thse bi-
`ologic membranes in two general ways: 1)bypas-
`more cleazdydefined pxuceeseshevebeenascctbed
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2083 p. 7

`Passive Diflilsiou
`The term passive drjfiirsionis used to descdbe the
`passage of (drug) molecules through a membrane
`whichbehaveeinertlyin thatitdoesnotactively
`participate in the process. Drugsabcorbed accord-
`ingtotl'Iismethoda:E saidtobepasaiodyabsotfied.
`The absorption prooeaeis driven by the concentra~
`lion gradient (is, the
`in conoenhafion)
`Eldfitlng across the membrane, with theoassage of
`drug molecules oocuning_p1in1arilyfromtheside of
`high drug conoentratiommost drugs pass through
`biologic membranes by diffimion.
`Paaorve‘ drfiusr‘‘on is described by.FicIt’afimt km
`which states that the rate of difluslon or transport
`across a membrane (dddt) is
`to the
`difference in dnrg concentration on both sides of
`the membrane:
`lnwhich Q and Cgrefierto the drugoonoentratloria
`on each side of the membrane and P is a perme-
`ability ooeflicient or constant The term C, is cus-
`tomarily used to represent the compartment with
`the greater concentration of drug and thus the
`transport Of drug proceeds from oornparunent one
`(e-.3., absorption site) to ootnpartment two (e.g.,.
`Because the concentration of drug at the site of
`abmlpfion {C1)isueuallymuchgreaterthanon the
`otheraide offlxe membrane, due to therapid dilu-
`tion ofthc drug in the blood and in subsequent
`distribution to the tissues, for practical purposes
`thevalue of'C, — C, maybetaken simplyas thatof
`C1 and the equation written in the standard fiorm
`for a first orderrate equation:
`The gastroirttesfizul ahsoqifion of most drugs from
`solution occursitlthis rnarmcrinaccovdancewith
`therateis enton
`drug concentration, i.e_., doubling the dose doubles
`the transfer rate. The magi-etude of the pen:neabil~
`ityconstaznt. dependaonthe diffusioncoeficlentof
`the drug. the thiclcneas and area of the absorbing
`membrane, anclthe penneal:-ility offl‘r.emeInb1a.r1e
`to the parficular drug.
`Because of the lipoid nature of the cell mero-
`braneitiahighljrpernteablemlipid solublesulr
`etances.'I'he rate of'di.ffua'1on ofa drugmos the
`menibrane depends not only upon its r._'onoentm-
`for lipid and rejection of water (hhigh lipid partition
`ooe$denI:)."l'he':b-nity for lipid" and the
`penetration into the lipidvrich membrane. Er)r|11ro-
`rnycin base, for example, possesses a higher parti-
`e.g.. estolatc, gluceptate. Consequenfly, the base is
`tltcpneferredagentfortlne topicaltreaorrentofamc
`wd-tare penctrafion into the skin is desined.
`Because biologic cells are also permeated by
`water and lipid-inoohlble substances, it is thought
`that the membrane also contains water-filled pores
`orcltannelstliatperniitthepassage ofthese types
`o£subatances.AswaterpaasoainbuIkao'ass a
`porous membrane. any dissolved solute molecu-
`larlyarnall enouglttotcaversetheporespassesin
`hyfiltmtion. Aqueous pores wryinfle from mem-
`branetomiembzaneandtl-nusin theirirtdividual
`perrneability r:hatactefistica for certain drugs and
`other substances.
`acids or bases. Knowledge of their individual ion‘-
`iaafion or
`clraracteristica is important.
`tent M theirdegtoes ofionization astheya.repre-
`sented to the membrane-barriers. Cell membranes
`are more permeable to the unionized forms of
`drugs than to their ionized forms, mainly because
`ofthe greaterlipid solubflltyofthe urdonizedforms
`andto the highly charged nature of the cell mem-
`brane which results in the binding or repelling of
`the ionized drug and thereby decreases cell pene-
`traliort Mao, ions become hydrated through asso-
`ciation with water molecules. resulting in larger
`particles thantlmeundissodatedmolecule andagain
`decreased penetrating capability.
`on the pH ofthe solution inwhich it is presented
`to the biologic membrane and on the pic, or dis.-
`socialion constant, of the drug (whetheran acid-or
`base-).The concept o£pK,is derived Erornthe Hen-
`derson-E-iasselbalch equation and is:
`Farm: acid:
`' nixed
`PH ' PK" J" mg u1llilomaed°;1r:h(Eadd)
`Ibra bass.”
`= £m
`PH PK‘ + 103
`ionized cone. (salt)
`Since tl'LepHofbody£luidsvariec(stomacl1,pH_1;
`lumen of the lntestlrte. pH 6.6; blood plasma. pl-I
`type of dosage form and the route of adminis1ra-
`Eon preferred fora given
` Ex- 2083 p. 8

`Dcs@PonnIJzsfgr1:Bio;1iw1nauuflcm|dPhmw:ncakine!ic Cousidemlims
`Byteanangingthe equaticmforan acid:
`mncentra 0 1
`PK’ H PH #105
`one-can thematically deteunine the relative extent
`conditions ofpI'L'I1JisIs.p_a:11:L1la:ly119efulwhen
`applied In condilzloras nfhudy fluids. For instance, if
`leftside oft11ee:[ualiunwouIdyie1dti1enuml:Iat3,-
`iorlizeddrugpatficleswutxldbeaboutlflflfl mi",
`blood the dmgwouldbe lawly-in the ibruized
`£ug:m.'lhb1e 4.1 presenls the :Efi-.ctnEpI-[on th¢iun-
`izafion of weak eleclmlytes, and Table 4.2 offers
`some representafive pK, values of nomxmn drug
`value. which is equal to its p.K,.ThuspK. may be de-
`e_:arnple. phenobarbital has a 9K, Value of about
`'7.4,andinplasma (pH 7.4] itiapmaentasionized
`anduniaru'zedfi:m'm'n-aqualammmts. I-Iaweven a
`drugsubstance nannotreach thebloodplaamafor
`Vnrably absorbed from 5 site alongiis mute of mix):
`as the gaslrointwtional tract, and allovwed ta paaa
`phenobarbital, a weak acid, with: pfi, of Hwauld
`wgak E|nI‘.l:ro_lyfl.'8' pl‘.-1:1: as Unirmized
`‘Repdnhadwflh pennlasinn from Duluisio yr." Swin-
`t0aky‘N.Am]1’ 1965;137:149.
`III‘. Values fllrfiumemtldlc and
`Tabla 0.2.
`Aoetyisalizylk add
`Bari: add
`belargely undissodateditxthegaslricerwixozunexat
`cernmfions if membrane penetraticm is easily ac-
`pH of-the drug’: cturent environment influences the
`me and the degree ufiis further
`flute more or1esslipid—pet1eJtrafi'ngLu-Lderaome can-
`and I'.E'.n'I.a.i1'\ unionized in the new
`one.Hi:wevenifinfhenewemfrnnmaentitisg:eafly -
`with its former ability. Tfms a concentmiou gradi-
`ent of a drug usuallyis neached at equflibfium on
`each side eta-meunbmne dueru diffexantdegteesnf
`concepts ofdieasuciationliorzizafioruis fmmdinthe
`physical pharmacy capsule Errlitleii "pKa.¥Dimo<':ia-
`Itia often desirabie Eorphazmaceutical scientists
`to make structural modifinaiions In organic drugs
` Ex- 2083 p. 9

`Dsssgsfom Design: Biephamua-nlicandPh Considerations
`and thereby favorably alter their lipid solubility.
`partition ooeficienlz, and dissociation oonstsnts
`the same basic phannecologic
`acfivity.'I'hese effiorts frequently result in increased
`absorption. better therapeutic response,a.ud lower
`.Spet.-ialized Transport Mechanisms
`to the passive transfer of drugs
`In contrast
`' and other substances across a biologic membrane,
`logic metabolites are conducted across a membrane
`through one ofseveral poshilated specialized trans-
`port mechanisms. This type of transfer seems to
`ringas amino acidsandglucose, thataretoo lipid-
`port is thought to involve membrane components
`agent} atthesu:Eaeememhrane,.aEte:whichthe
`oomplexrnovee auossthemembranewhere=the
`dmgisreleaaechwitltthe ca.'o.'ierretuIningtothe
`original s1_.u:Eaoe. Figure 4.2 presents. the simplified
`scheme of this process. Speeializedlzanspert maybe
`difierenliated from passive tranéerinthat the for-
`completely boundwiih thatsubetanceresultingin a
`ieamresofspecialized trsnspoxtinclude the speci-
`armature so that if two substances are transported
`by the samemechanism.onewi]1 competitively in-
`hibit the transport of the other. Furtheo the trans-
`port mechanism is inhibited in general by sub»
`stance that interfere with cell metabolism. The
`tennactivcimnsport. asasul:u:lassificationofspe—
`cialized transport. denotes aprocesswiththeaddi-
`tionsl feature of the solute or drug being moved
`across the membrane against a concentration gra-
`dient, that is, from a solution of lower ooncentra-
`tion to one ofahigher concentrafiononiftlie solute
`is an ion, against an eleclzochenlicsl potential gra-
`dient. In contrast to active transpot-_I,_,Fsc;'litated dif-
`fi.:s:'¢m'J'.s a specialized transport mechanism having
`all of the above characteris1:’cs' except that the -solute
`is .not_1.-ransierred against a concentration gradient
`andmayattain thesameooncentration inside the
`cell as that on the outside.
`Manybody nutxients, as sugars and amino acids,
`are transporhscl across the membranes of the gas-
`trointestinal tract bycarrierprocessss. Certain vita-
`mirIs,as tl1iam'111e,niacin,1'iboE[avin andvitarnin B5,
`and drug substances as methyldopa and 5-fiuo1=-
`ouracil, require active transport mechanisms for
`their absorption.
`Irlvestigalions of intestinal lranspoel have often
`uti1izedi:1si&4(attt1esite)erI'1Itrioo (in-tl-1ebody)an—
`imal models oraroitaa (oulfldethebody) transport
`models; h€l'W2V’Ei‘_.l'ECE1'IIIYOE.l.1 cu1!1.meu1oclelsofhu-
`man small-intestine absorptive cells have become
`available to investigate traruspout across intestinal
`epifi1elium(1).Bofl1passivea.nd t1‘anspurt—mediated.
`studies havebeen conductedto irlveeligate mecha-
`nisms as well as rates of transport.
`Dissolution and Drug Absorption
`Foradrugtobe a.bsoi'bIed,I'i mnstfi.rstbedis-
`solved in the fluid at the absorption site. Fox in-
`are dissolved by thefiulds at-some point within the
`ubflity Dis drtrgis dependent upon either anaddic
`thestomaeh orintet.-tinestespectively (Flg.4.3).The
`procm bywhidtadrugpartidedissnlvesistemled
`As a drug particle tmdecgoes-di$o1ution, the
`into solution creating a satmated layer of
`solutionwhich envelopsthesnrfaoeofthesolid
`Astraleneca Ex. 2083 p. 10
`I I
`o—a-fc >ro
`Fig.4.! Actiuetransporlvnsckauism.Dreprssmfsedrug
`fitnu O'R£lHy W!AusUPhs:-m I9m¢?:56flJ

`Biaphwmamuicmtdflmmflmfiufic Cmlsiilentiimts
`fotho-1D hours. although thereissubstantia1vari-
`usedto determine gastlic entptying time and the
`gastcoixwtestlnal passage ofdrug from various oral
`dosay forms, including the
`of dosage
`lhmugh gmtrna sclnligtaphy (2; 3). The gastric
`errlptyingtinteforadrugismostmpidwith a fast-
`ingstomach. becoming slower as the food mutant
`Changes in gastric emptying time
`andfor in intestinal motility ‘can affect dmg transit
`time and thus the-oppcuiunity ford:u_g-dissolution
`Thesecharqges ::anbe.a£fectedbydrugs thepa-
`e-.g., ditryclominc HCL am.itl.'ipty-
`line HCI, have the ability to slow-dawn gastric
`ofdmgsrlonnallyahsorhetl fromthe stomach, and
`reduce the rate of absorption of drugs that are'p:'i-
`maxily absorbed from the small
`tively, drugs which enhance gastric motility, e;g.,
`Enough the
`system past their
`absorptive siteatsuch ante toreduce-thssmount
`of drug actually absorbed. This effect has been
`demonstrated with digoxim whose absorption is
`significantly decreased by sccelemfing gastroin-
`The agingprooess itselfmayalsoirufluence gas-
`hointurtina] absorption. In the el'd.et1y. gastric acid-
`ity, the number ofahsorpfive oells, intestinalblood
`flow, the rate of gasuie emptying and irttesiinal
`motility are all decreased. However, drugs in which
`absorption depends on passive processes are not
`affecredbyfinesefactmts asmuchas those'thatde-
`pend on active transport"m a.g., cal»
`.3;-id degradation, alga,
`Elythfalrlyti-11, or
`inaclivalaedbystmriach enzymes, e.g..L-dopa.
`The dissolution of a substance maybe fies-cribed
`bythe modififid Noyes-Whitney equation:
`inwhich clddtis the rate ofdissolution, kis media-
`solid, C, is the saturation oonoentnstion
`ofdruginthe diftusionlayat (which maybe ap-
`proximated by the maximum -solubility of flte drug
`Astraleneca Ex. 2083 p. 11
`Sfflfllll IIH I III}
`‘ uuclnx
`hrscénltluo mm
`-I.IuIUIl In (It
`1313.63 iatamndofildiags-mxshatoivwgflwdlgadoesysmn
`to leave the difiusionlayer, the layer '3 nzplenishcd
`primarily dependenmpon its ability to ‘traverse the
`membrane barrier. HGWEVEI; ifthe rate ofdissohr
`p characteristics of the dmg sub-
`stmccortitedosagefornafimdissoluiion process
`itself wouldbe a rate-limitingstep in thenbsotp-
`lion process. Slowly soluble drugs such as digwdrt,
`mnynot nnlybe absorbed ataslow rate, theymay
`be incompletely absorbed. or, in some cases largely
`unabsorbed following oral adtrlixiishafion, due to-
`the natural limitation of time that theymay remain
`within the stomach or the irltestinal tract. 'i'hu.s,
`poorly soluble drugs or pooriy Eozmulated thug
`products-mayresult in a drug's incon1ple'ta-a1:'I9orp-
`Iionand itspassagemnchanged. outoflfna system
`pected to remain in the stomach for 2 to § hours

`and Pbarriwrokfitefic
`in the solvent since the diffusion layeris considered
`theelissoluti.onmediu1nsttimet{c, — c,isthecon-
`centmtion gradient).'I‘he rate of dissolution is gov-
`erned iry the rate of diffusion of solute molecules
`through the ditfuslonlayerintothe bodyoftheso-
`lution. The equation reveals that the dissolution
`rate of a drug may be increased by increasing the
`surface area (reducingthe particle size} ofthe drug.
`by increasing the solubility of the drug in the diffu-
`sion layer, and byfactors embodiedin the dissolu-
`lion rate constant, it, including the inrensityof agi-
`the dissolving drug. Fora given drug, the diffusion
`ccefiticient and usually the conceritration of the
`ing temperature. Also, irzcreasing the rate of estra-
`tion ofthe dissoluingrnedtumwill'i:ncreesetherste
`vent employed is another means which mayheused
`tliepl-Iortltenshlne ofthe solventwhich influence
`in increasing dissolution rate. ‘B£fervescent,.buffered
`aspirintablet fcrrnulatiorisuss some of these princi-
`ples to their advantage. Due to the alkaline adju-
`enhancedwitliln thedifii.Isior!slleyet.and t11eevolu-
`Lion of carbon dloadde agltates the solvent system,
`i.e.. gastric juices. Consequently, the rate of aspirin
`aboorbedlnto thebloodstreamisfastertltantlut
`achieved from a- conventional aspirin tablet formu-
`Iatlcllfl. Ifthls defies! fmmis accept8l:.Ile'to the pa.-
`gainrelieffirom atroublescme headst:he.Many
`m will utilize a particular ernorphous,
`ctyslnlline, salt oresterltrrm ofadmg thstwill ex-
`lnihitthe seluhilitycharacterisfics neederlto achieve
`the de5J'redd'mscilutio.n Mm ad.l1'Iil1-
`lstered. Some ofthesefsctorsfl1nta.Efectdr'ugdisso—
`lution briefly are dismissed in the following parts-
`whereas others will be discussed in
`sucoeeclingchapters in vdtich they-are relevant.
`of a
`The cheuiical and physical
`drug substance that can affect drugidrug product
`safety,e£ficacy, andste.bilityrrmstbe-careh:1lyde-
`I-'DAa_pprovalertdtl1en subststriedartdcontrolled
`throughoutproduct manufacture.
`Surface Area
`When at drug particle is reduced to elargcr num-
`ber of mullet particles. the total surface area cre-
`For drug substances that are
`ated is
`poorly or slowlysoluble,-. this generally results in an
`increase in the rim of dimo1ution."l'l'1i.s is eitplained
`in the Physical Pharmacy C‘apsule,"'TParticle Size,
`‘Surface Area and Dissohlfion Rate.‘
`Increased therapeutic response to orally ad-
`been reported for a number of drugs, among them
`theoplryiline, a xarrlhine derivative used to treat
`bronchial asthma; griseorulvin, an antibiotic with
`arriifungel activity; sulfisoxazole, an enlzi-infective
`sulfonzunide, and nitrofiucnsoin, a urinary anti-
`infeciive drug."Ib actw‘ ‘e increased surface area.
`pharmaceutical manufacturers frequently use mi-
`m‘onirsd.powcle1s. in their solid dosage form prod~
`uds. Mlcronized powders consist of drugpartlclss
`reducedinsize to aboutsmicrons andsrnallei-.A
`sllghtveiistion orithisis-socorriplisliedbyblendiaig
`and rncltingthe poorly water-soluble powders with
`a water-soluble polymer, such as polyethylene gly-
`col (PEG). In the molten state and ifthe d1'
`solves in this carrier (PEG), a. molecular dispersion
`ofthe drug_i.n the csn'

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