CA CANCER] CLIN 2000;50:7'33
`Cancer Statistics, 2000
`Robert T. Greenlee, MPH, Taylor Murray, Sherry Bolden, Phyllis A. Wingo, PhD, MS
`The Surveillance Research Program of the
`American Cancer Society’s Department of
`Epidemiology and Surveillance Research
`reports its annual compilation ofestimated
`cancer incidence, mortality, and survival
`data for the United States in the year 2000.
`After 70 years of increases,
`the recorded
`number of total cancer deaths among men
`in the US declined for the first time from
`1996 to 1997. This decrease in overall
`male mortality is the result of recent down-
`turns in lung and bronchus cancer deaths,
`prostate cancer deaths, and colon and rec-
`tum cancer deaths.
`Despite decreasing numbers of
`deaths from female breast cancer and
`colon and rectum cancer, mortality asso-
`ciated with lung and bronchus cancer
`among women continues to increase.
`Lung cancer is expected to account for
`25% of all female cancer deaths in 2000.
`This report also includes a summary
`of global cancer mortality rates using data
`from the World Health Organization.
`(CA Cancer J Clin 2000,'50:7-33.)
`Mr. Greenlee is an Epidemiologist with the
`Surveillance Research Program, Department of
`Epidemiology and Surveillance, American Cancer
`Society, Atlanta, GA.
`Mr. Murray is Manager, Surveillance Data Systems,
`with the Surveillance Research Program, Depart-
`ment of Epidemiology and Surveillance, American
`Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA.
`Ms. Bolden is Manager, Surveillance Information
`Services, with the Surveillance Research Program,
`Department of Epidemiology and Surveillance,
`American Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA.
`Dr. Wingo is Director of the Surveillance Research
`Program, Department
`of Epidemiology
`Surveillance, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA.
`The authors thank Cheryll Cardinez, Marlo Corrao,
`April Harris, Elyse Luke, and Kate O’Brien for
`their assistance in preparation of this manuscript.
`This article is also available online at http://www.
`Cancer is an important public health con-
`cern in the United States and around the
`world. To provide an up-to-date perspec-
`tive on the occurrence of cancer,
`American Cancer Society presents an
`overview of cancer frequency, incidence,
`mortality, and survival statistics for the
`year 2000.
`Because the US does not have a nation-
`wide cancer registry, the exact number of
`new cases of cancer diagnosed each year
`in the US and in individual states is not
`known. Consequently, we first estimated
`the number of new cancer cases occurring
`annually in the US from 1979 through
`1996 using population data reported by
`the US Bureau of the Census and age—spe—
`ciftc cancer incidence rates collected by
`the National Cancer Institute’s Surveil-
`lance, Epidemiology, and End Results
`(SEER) program} We fitted these annual
`cancer case estimates to an autoregressive
`quadratic model to forecast the number of
`cancer cases expected to be diagnosed in
`the US in the year 2000 (Table 1, Fig. 1)?
`Between 1987 and 1992, the inci-
`dence rate of prostate cancer increased
`85%, followed by a decline of 29% be-
`tween 1992 and 1996.3 The sharp in-
`crease in incidence followed by the de-
`cline in recent years probably reflects
`extensive use of prostate—specific anti-
`gen (PSA) screening in a previously un-
`screened population and the subsequent
`increase in diagnoses at an early stage.4
`assumed that
`the number of
`prostate cancer cases would approxi-
`mate the rates observed prior to wide-
`spread use of PSA screening, and there-
`AstraZeneca Ex. 2008 p. 1
`Mylan Pharms. Inc. V. AstraZeneca AB IPR20l6-01324

`fore, we estimated new cases of prostate
`cancer for 2000 using a linear projection
`based on data from 1979 to 1989.
`Because cancer incidence rates and
`case counts for 1979 through 1996 were
`not available for many states, we could
`not use the methods mentioned above to
`estimate new cases for individual states
`registration of at least 82%; and 4) a pro-
`portion of deaths with medically certified
`cause of death of at least 95% .8
`Selected Findings
`(Table 3). To derive these estimates, we
`assumed that the ratio of cancer deaths to
`cancer cases for each state was the same
`as the ratio for the US .2
`In the year 2000, we estimate that about
`1,220,100 new cases of invasive cancer
`will be diagnosed in the US (Table 1).
`This estimate does not include carcinoma
`We estimated the number of cancer
`deaths expected to occur in the US in the
`year 2000 using underlying cause-of-death
`data from death certificates as reported to
`the National Center for Health Statistics
`(Table 2, Fig. 2).5 The recorded numbers
`of cancer deaths occurring annually from
`1979 to 1997 were fitted to an autoregres-
`sive quadratic model to forecast the num-
`ber of cancer deaths expected to occur in
`the US in 2000. The estimated number of
`cancer deaths for each state was calculat-
`ed with the same modeling procedure
`used for the total US (Table 4).2
`Mortality statistics for the leading causes
`of death (Tables 6, 7, and 12), the leading
`causes of death from cancer (Tables 8, 9),
`and cancer mortality rates from 1930 to
`1996 (Figs. 5, 6) were obtained using data
`from the National Center for Health Sta-
`tistics.5 Incidence rates (Table 10, Figs. 3,
`4), the probability of developing cancer
`(Table 5), and five—year relative survival
`rates (Tables 11, 13; Figs. 7, 8) were ob-
`tained from the SEER program.“ We
`computed global cancer mortality rates
`(Table 14) using data compiled by the
`World Health Organization.7 We includ-
`ed data from countries that have: 1) sub-
`mitted data for at least one of the years
`between 1994 and 1997 using codes from
`the ninth or tenth revision of the Interna-
`tional Classification of Diseases; 2) popu-
`lations of 500,000 or more; 3) death
`in situ of any site except urinary bladder,
`and it does not include basal and squa-
`mous cell cancers of the skin. Approxi-
`mately 1.3 million cases of basal and
`squamous cell skin cancers, 42,600 cases
`of breast carcinoma in situ, and 28,600
`cases of in situ melanoma are expected to
`be newly diagnosed in 2000.
`Among men, the most common can-
`cers in 2000 are expected to be cancers of
`the prostate, lung and bronchus, and colon
`and rectum (Fig. 1). The prostate is the
`leading site for cancer incidence, account-
`ing for 29% of new cancer cases in men.
`This year, 180,400 new cases of prostate
`cancer are expected to be diagnosed.
`Among women, the three most com-
`monly diagnosed cancers are expected to
`be cancers of
`the breast,
`lung and
`bronchus, and colon and rectum (Fig. 1).
`Cancers occurring at these sites are ex-
`pected to account for over 50% of new
`cancer cases in women. Breast cancer
`alone is expected to account for 182,800
`new cancer cases (30%) in 2000.
`For all sites combined, SEER cancer inci-
`dence rates appeared to peak in 1992 and
`decreased an average of -2.2% per year
`from 1992 to 1996.9 Similar declines have
`been seen recently for specific leading
`cancer sites (Figs. 3 and 4).
`Breast cancer incidence rates have
`remained approximately level during the
`1990s; however, they appear to be de-
`creasing in younger women. Decreases in
`colon and rectum cancer incidence rates
`AstraZeneca Ex. 2008 p. 2

`CA CANCER] CLIN 2000;S0:7-33
`began in the mid-1980s, and have been
`observed among both males and females
`in all racial/ethnic groups (with the excep-
`tion of American Indian women in whom
`data were not sufficient to make a deter-
`mination as to the direction of this trend) .3
`Incidence rates of colon and rectum can-
`cer declined significantly between 1990
`and 1996, on average -2.1% per year.9
`A downturn in the incidence of lung
`and bronchus cancer in males began in
`the late 1980s, and between 1990 and
`1996, incidence rates decreased signifi-
`cantly, -2.6% per year. Incidence rates of
`lung and bronchus cancer among females
`are stabilizing, and have begun to decline
`among women aged 40 to 59.9 Prostate
`cancer incidence rates also declined sig-
`nificantly between 1990 and 1996, on
`average -2.0% per year.
`In 2000, an estimated 552,200 Americans
`are expected to die of cancer—more than
`1,500 people a day (Table 2). Most can-
`cer deaths in men (52%) in the year 2000
`are expected to be from cancers of the
`lung and bronchus, prostate, and colon
`and rectum (Fig. 2).
`Among women, cancers of the lung
`and bronchus, breast, and colon and rec-
`tum are expected to account for more than
`half of all cancer deaths in 2000 (Fig. 2). In
`1987, lung cancer surpassed breast cancer
`as the leading cause of cancer death in
`Women and is expected to account for
`25% of all female cancer deaths in 2000.
`Following more than 70 years of increas-
`es, the recorded number of total cancer
`deaths among men in the US has declined
`for the first time, from a peak of 281,898
`in 1996 to 281,110 in 1997. This promis-
`ing change results from recent downturns
`in each of the top three causes of cancer
`death among men. Lung and bronchus
`cancer deaths among men declined from
`a peak of 92,493 in 1993 to 91,278 in 1997.
`Prostate cancer deaths declined from a
`peak of 34,902 in 1994 to 32,891 in 1997.
`Colon and rectum cancer deaths among
`men were highest in 1990 at 28,635 and
`have declined to 28,075 in 1997.
`Among women, the recorded num-
`ber of total cancer deaths continues to in-
`crease, although the rate of increase has
`diminished in recent years. The upward
`trend among females is primarily due to
`sustained increases in the number of
`deaths from lung and bronchus cancer.
`The numbers of deaths from breast and
`colorectal cancers among females, how-
`ever, have begun to decline. Breast can-
`cer deaths were highest in 1995 at 43,844
`and have declined to 41,943 in 1997. Col-
`orectal cancer deaths among women
`have declined from a recent peak of
`29,237 in 1995 to 28,621 in 1997, although
`these deaths reached their all—time high in
`1984 at 29,522.
`Death rates for all cancers combined
`peaked in 1991 and decreased an average
`-0.7% per year from 1991 to 1996 (Figs. 5
`and 6).9 Significant decreases have been
`seen among both males and females, per-
`sons younger than 65 years of age, and
`among whites, blacks, and Hispanics.
`Breast cancer death rates in females
`decreased an average of -1.8% per year
`between 1990 and 1996; decreases were
`more pronounced among white women
`and among younger women. During the
`period from 1990 to 1996, colon and rec-
`tum cancer death rates decreased signifi-
`cantly, on average -1.7% per year.
`Similar to trends in incidence, signifi-
`cant decreases in death rates for lung and
`bronchus cancer have occurred only
`among males (on average -1.6% per year
`between 1990 and 1996); rates among fe-
`males recently have begun to slow and
`appear to be stabilizing. Prostate cancer
`death rates decreased on average -1.6%
`per year during the period between 1990
`and 1996.
`AstraZeneca Ex. 2008 p. 3

`Overall rates of cancer incidence vary
`considerably among racial and ethnic
`groups (Table 10). Blacks have the high-
`est cancer incidence rates: They are about
`60% more likely to develop cancer than
`are Hispanics and Asian/Pacific Islanders
`and more than twice as likely to develop
`cancer as American Indians. Between
`1990 and 1996, incidence rates decreased
`among whites (-1.2% per year), Hispan-
`ics (-1.7% per year), and American Indi-
`ans (-0.7% per year), and remained rela-
`tively stable among blacks and Asian/
`Pacific Islanders.3
`White women are more likely to de-
`velop breast cancer than are women of
`other racial and ethnic groups, and black
`women are more likely to develop can-
`cers of the colon and rectum.3 Black men
`have the highest incidence rates for can-
`cers of the colon and rectum, lung and
`bronchus, and prostate. They are also at
`least 50% more likely to develop prostate
`cancer than men of other racial and eth-
`nic groups.
`Blacks are about 33% more likely
`to die of cancer than are whites, and
`more than twice as likely to die of cancer
`as are Asian/Pacific Islanders, American
`Indians, and Hispanics. Between 1990
`and 1996, mortality rates decreased sig-
`nificantly among whites
`(-0.5% per
`year), blacks (-0.9% per year), and His-
`panics (-0.6% per year); remained rela-
`tively stable among Asian/Pacific Is-
`landers; and may be increasing among
`American Indians.3
`Black women are more likely to die
`of breast (see article by Dignam in this is-
`sue of CA, page 50) and colon and rectum
`cancers than are women of any other
`racial or ethnic group, and they have ap-
`proximately the same lung and bronchus
`cancer death rate as white women. As
`was seen with incidence rates, black men
`have the highest mortality rates of colon
`and rectum,
`lung and bronchus, and
`prostate cancers.3
`Cancer is the second leading cause of
`death among children between one and 14
`years of age in the US; accidents are the
`most frequent cause of death in this age
`group (Table 12). The most commonly
`occurring cancers in children are leu-
`kemias (in particular, acute lymphocytic
`leukemia), tumors of the central and sym-
`pathetic nervous systems,
`soft—tissue sarcomas, and renal tumors?
`Over the past 20 years, there have been
`significant improvements in the five—year
`relative survival rate for many childhood
`cancers, especially acute lymphocytic and
`acute myeloid leukemia, non—Hodgkin’s
`lymphoma, and Wilms’ Tumor (Table 13).
`Between 1974/1976 and 1989/1995, five-
`year relative survival rates for childhood
`cancers at all sites combined improved
`from 56% to 75%.
`Limitations and Future Challenges
`Our estimates of the expected numbers of
`new cancer cases and cancer deaths
`should be interpreted with caution when
`tracking trends over time. These estimates
`may vary considerably from year to year,
`particularly for rare cancers and for states
`with smaller populations. We therefore
`discourage the use of these estimates to
`track year-to-year changes in cancer oc-
`currence and death. The recorded num-
`ber of cancer deaths and cancer death
`rates from the National Center for Health
`Statistics, and SEER cancer incidence
`rates are generally more informative sta-
`tistics for the purpose of tracking cancer
`trends. For example, breast cancer inci-
`dence rates increased about 1% per year
`between 1979 and 1982, increased 4% per
`year between 1982 and 1987, and were ap-
`proximately constant between 1987 and
`1996. Despite the stabilization of inci-
`dence rates during the latter time period,
`the estimates of new breast cancer cases
`increased between 1988 and 1996.
`Our estimates are based on the most
`currently available cancer mortality and
`AstraZeneca Ex. 2008 p. 4

`CA CANCER] CLIN 2000;S0:7-33
`incidence data; however, these data are
`three and four years old, respectively, at
`the time that the estimates are calculated.
`As such, the effects of large changes oc-
`curring in the three— or four—year interval
`between 1996 or 1997 and 2000 cannot be
`captured by our modeling efforts. Finally,
`our estimates of new cancer cases are
`based on incidence rates for the geo-
`graphic locations that participate in the
`SEER program and, therefore, may not
`be representative of the total US.
`Despite these limitations, our esti-
`mates do describe current patterns of
`cancer incidence and mortality in the
`US. Such estimates will assist our con-
`tinuing efforts to reduce the public
`health burden of cancer as we enter the
`21st century.
`1. National Cancer
`Institute: SEER Cancer
`Incidence Public-Use Database, 1973-1996, August
`1998 Submission. US Department of Health and
`Human Services, Public Health Service. Bethesda,
`MD, 1999.
`2. Wingo PA, Landis S, Parker 3, et al: Using can-
`cer registry and Vital statistics data to estimate the
`number of new cancer cases and deaths in the
`United States for the upcoming year.
`Management 1998;25:43-51.
`3. Ries LAG, Kosary CL, Hankey BF, Miller BA,
`Edwards BK (eds). SEER Cancer Statistics
`Review, 1973-1996. National Cancer Institute,
`Bethesda, MD, 1997.
`J Reg
`4. Wingo PA, Landis S, Ries LAG: An adjustment
`to the 1997 estimate for new prostate cancer cases.
`CA Cancer J Clin 1997;47:239-242.
`5. National Center for Health Statistics, Division of
`Vital Statistics. Multiple Cause—of—Death for ICD9,
`1996 Data Public-Use Documentation. (Web site)
`mcd.htm 1999.
`6. DEVCAN: Probability of Developing or Dying
`of Cancer (Software), version 4. Feuer EJ, Wun
`LM. National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD,
`7. World Health Organization: WIIO Mortality
`(Web site) www.who/int/whosis/mort
`8. World Health Organization: World Health
`Statistics Annual, 1996. Geneva, Switzerland, 1997.
`9. Wingo PA, Ries LAG, Giovino GA, et al.
`Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer
`1973-1996, with a special section on lung cancer and
`tobacco smoking. J Natl Cancer Inst 1999,91:
`Continuing Medical Education in CA—A Cancer Journal for Clinicians
`The American Cancer Society is pleased to announce that a Continuing Medical
`Education activity will be included in each upcoming issue of CA—A Cancer Journal for
`for Continuing Medical Education to sponsor continuing medical education
`Starting March/April 2000!
`AMA PRA category 1 CME credits or AAFP Elective hours. Topics to
`include management of cancer pain; malignant melanoma; new treatments for
`smoking cessation,‘ lymphedema; and mind—b0dy integration.
`Save each issue of CA. Review the article designated for CME credit. Complete
`the accompanying CME quiz and program evaluation. Submit by fax or mail
`for CME credit, according to instructions.
`The American Cancer Society, Inc., is accredited by the Accreditation Council
`for physicians.
`AstraZeneca Ex. 2008 p. 5

` Table 1
`Estimated New Cancer Cases by Gender. US, 2000*
`All Sites
`Oral cavity & pharynx
`Other oral cavity
`Digestive system
`Small intestine
`Anus, anal canal, & anorectum
`Liver & intrahepatic bile duct
`Gallbladder & other biliary
`Other digestive organs
`Respiratory system
`Lung & bronchus
`Other respiratory organs
`Bones & joints
`Soft tissue (including heart)
`Skin (excluding basal & squamous)
`Other non-epithelial skin
`Genital system
`Uterine cervix
`Uterine corpus
`Vagina & other genital, female
`Penis & other genital, male
`Urinary system
`Urinary bladder
`Kidney & renal pelvis
`Ureter & other urinary organs
`Eye & orbit
`Brain & other nenrous system
`Endocrine system
`Other endocrine
`Hodgkin's disease
`Non—Hodgkin’s lymphoma
`Multiple myeloma
`Acute lymphocytic leukemia
`Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
`Acute myeloid leukemia
`Chronic myeloid leukemia
`Other leukemia
`Other 8: unspecified primary sites
`*Excludes basal and squamous cell skin cancers and in situ carcinomas except urinary bladder.
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2008 p. 6

`CA CANCER] CLIN 2000;S0:7—33
`Estimated Cancer Deaths by Gender. US, 2000*
`Table 2
`All Sites
`Oral cavity & pharynx
`Other oral cavity
`Digestive system
`Small intestine
`Anus, anal canal, & anorectum
`Liver & intrahepatic bile duct
`Gallbladder & other biliary
`Other digestive organs
`Respiratory system
`Lung & bronchus
`Other respiratory organs
`Bones & joints
`Soft tissue (including heart)
`Skin (excluding basal & squamous)
`Other non-epithelial skin
`Genital system
`Uterine cervix
`Uterine corpus
`Vagina & other genital, female
`Penis & other genital, male
`Urinary system
`Urinary bladder
`Kidney & renal pelvis
`Ureter & other urinary organs
`Eye & orbit
`Brain & other nervous system
`Endocrine system
`Other endocrine
`Hodgkin's disease
`Non—Hodgkin’s lymphoma
`Multiple myeloma
`Acute lymphocytic leukemia
`Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
`Acute myeloid leukemia
`Chronic myeloid leukemia
`Other leukemia
`Other & unspecified primary sites
`1 ,100
`*Excludes in situ carcinomas except urinary bladder.
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2008 p. 7

` Table 3
`Estimated New Cancer Cases by Site and State, US, 2000*
`Lung 81
`Corpus Bronchus Melanoma Lymphoma
`‘ ,533
`‘ ,033
`Dist. of Col.
`New Hampshire
`New Jersey
`New Mexico
`New York
`North Carolina
`North Dakota
`Rhode Island
`South Carolina
`South Dakota
`West Virginia
`United Statest
`1 ,166
`Colon &
`Cervix Rectum
`lfidney Prostate Bladder
`1,4 26
`2,‘ 33
`1,‘ 00
`2,‘ 00
`,‘ 33
`3,‘ 00
`‘ 33
`1 ,200
`‘ 00
`1,‘ 33
`— Estimate is 50 or fewer cases. State case es imates between 51 atd 99 were ounded to 100.
`* Excludes basal and squamous cel skin cancers and in s‘ u carcinomas except Lr'nary bladder.
`T State estimates may 101 add up to United States total due to rounding.
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2008 p. 8

`CA CANCER] CLIN 2000;S0:7-33
` Table 4
`Estimated Cancer Mortality by Site and State. US, 2000*
`Estimated Number of Deaths
`Lung& Hodgkin’s
`All Female Co|on&
`Death Rate
`Liver Leukemia Bronchus Lymphoma Ovary Pancreas Prostate Stomach
`Sites Breast Rectum
`2,503 1,433
`‘ 63
`Jon necticul
`‘ 95
`Dist. of Col.
`‘ 66
`‘ 78
`‘ ,300
`‘ 78
`‘ 59
`‘ 82
`‘ 59
`‘ 55
`‘ 84
`ew Hampshire
`‘ 79
`\lew Jersey
`ew Mexico
`1,803 1,033
`orth Carolina
`orth Dakota
`3hode Island
`South Carolina
`South Dakota
`‘ 68
`‘ 22
`West Virginia
`‘70 552,200
`56,300 13,800
`26,103 14,000
`United Statest
`— Estimate is 50 orfewer deaths. State death estimates between 51 and 99 were rounded to 100.
`* Excludes in situ ca cinomas except ur'nary bladder.
`1' Average annual morta ity rate between 1992 and 1996, age—adjusted to the 1970 US standard population.
`Source: US Mortality 1992-1996, National Center for Health Statistics, Cente s for Disease Control and Prevention 1999,
`Surveillance, Epiderriology, and End Results Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer
`¢ State estimates may not add up to United States total due to rounding.
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2008 p. 9

` Figure 1
`1 0 Leading Sites by Gender. US. 2000
`Estimated New Cancer Cases*
`Lung & Bronchus
`Colon & Rectum 10%
`Urinary Bladder
`Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
`Melanoma of Skin
`Oral Cavity & Pharynx
`Kidney & Renal Pelvis
`All Other Sites
`Lung & Bronchus
`Colon & Rectum
`Uterine Corpus
`Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
`Melanoma of Skin
`Urinary Bladder
`All Other Sites
`*Excludes basal and squamous cell skin cancers and in situ carcinomas except urinary bladder.
`Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.
`10 Leading Sites by Gender, US. 2000
`Figure 2
`Estimated Cancer Deaths*
`Lung & Bronchus
`1 1 %
`Colon & Rectum
`Non—Hodgkin‘s Lymphoma
`Liver & lntrahepatic Bile Duct
`Urinary Bladder
`All Other Sites
`25% Lung & Bronchus
`1 5% Breast
`11% Colon & Rectum
`5% Pancreas
`5% Ovary
`5% Non—Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
`4% Leukemia
`2% Uterine Corpus
`2% Brain & Other Nervous System
`2% Stomacht
`2% Multiple Myelomat
`21% All Other Sites
`*Excludes in situ carcinomas except urinary bladder.
`TThese two cancers both received a ranking of 10; they have the same projected number of deaths and contribute the
`same percentage. Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2008 p. 10


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