Parenteral Medications
`Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
`Edited by Kenneth E. Avis,
`Herbert A. Lieberman, and Leon luchmun
`Ed 0
`M O
`—I O
` "wt?
`Time {hours}
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2103 p.
`Mylan Pharms. Inc. v. Astrazeneca AB IPR2016-01316


`Parenteral Medications
`Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
`Edited by
`Kenneth E. Avis
`The University of Tennessee
`Memphis, Tennessee
`Herbert A. Lieberman
`H.H. Lieberman Associates, inc.
`Consultant Services
`Livingston, New Jersey
`Leon lutbman
`Lachman Consuitant Services
`Westbur}; New York
`Marcel Dekker, Inc.
`New York I Basel 0 Hong Kong
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2103 p. 2


`Library of Congress Cataloging -1n— Publication Data
`Phalmaceutical dosage forms. parenteral medic-art-ions I edited by
`Eienneth E. Avis. Herbert A. Lieberman, and Leon Lachman. -- ‘End ed. _,
`rev. and expanded.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0-B24?-85'if3—-2 (V. 1 :- alk. paper)
`1. Parenteral solutions.
`2-". Pharmaceutical technology.
`Kenneth E.
`II. Iieberman, Herbert A.
`III. Lao-htoan. Leon.
`I. Avis,
`[DNLM:. 1. Infusions. Par'enteraI.. 2. ‘Technology, Pharmaceutical.
`WB 354 P5Sfi]
`RS201._P3TP48 1992
`615'. 19--de2D
`for Library of Dongress
`91 -38083
`This book is printed on acid-free paper.
`Copyright© 1992 by MARC}?-L DEKKEII, INC. All Righu Reserved
`Neither this book not any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
`or by any means. electronic or mechanical. including photocopying, micro-
`filming, and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval -system,
`without permission in writing from the publisher.
`270 Madison Avenue, New York, New York [0016
`Current printing [last digit]:
`ID 9 8 7 6 5 4- 3 2 I
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2103 p. 3


`Parenteral‘ Medications,
`Contents of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms:
`Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Volumes 2 and 3
`Tablets, Second Edition,
`Contents of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms:
`Revised and Expanded, Volumes 1-3
`Contents of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms:
`Ilisperse Systems.
`Volumes 1 and 2
`Chapter I. The Parenteral Dosage Form and Its Historical Development
`Kenneth E. Avis
`I.. The Dosage Form
`I]. History of Parenteral Medications
`Appendix A: Glossary of Terms
`Appendix '13: Highlights in the History of
`Parenteral Medications
`Chapter 3
`Parenteral Drug Administration: Routes, Precautions,
`Problems, Complications, and Drug Delivery Systems
`Richard J. Burns, Michael J. Alters. and
`8aIvatore- J. Tm-no
`I. General Indications for Parenteral
`Administration of Drugs
`11 . Pharmaceutical Factors Affecting Parenteral
`‘Specific Routes of Administration
`Distribution of Pareuterally Administered Agents
`AstraZeneca Ex. 2103 p. 4


`V. Precautions, Problems, Hazards. and
`Complications Associated with Parenteral Drug
`W. Methods and Devices for Drug Delivery Systems
`Chapter -3
`Biopharmaceutics of Injectable Medications
`Sol Motola
`Phyaicochemical and.Phys1olog1ca1 Factors
`Affecting Drug Absorption by Injection: An
`III. Application of Pharmacokinetics to Biopharma-
`ceutic Investigations: Pharmacokinetic Models
`IV. Examples of Biopharmaceuticflharmacokinetic
`V. Regulatory Considerations for Bioequivalence
`VI. Bioequivaience Study of Two Injectable Forms
`of the same Drug
`Chapter 4
`Preformulation Research of Parenteral Medications
`Sol Match: and Shreeram N. Agharkcr
`11.. Drug. Substance Physieochemical Properties
`III. Accelerated stability Evaluation
`IV. General Modes of Drug Degradation
`Preforlmflation Studies for Proteins and Peptides
`VI. Preformulation Screening of Parenteral
`Packaging Components.
`VIII. Preformulation Worksheet
`Chapter 5
`Forrnulstion of Small Volume Parenterala
`Patrick P. Dellucc and James C.. Boylan
`IL Formulation Principles
`III. Container Effects on Formulation
`Stability Evaluation
`Process Effects
`Astraleneca Ex. 2103 p. 5


`Chapter 6
`Formulation of Large Volume Parents-rals
`Levit J. Demorest and Jeffrey G. Hamilton
`Introduction ,
`Concepts of Formulation
`Formulation Development
`Solution Quality
`Chapter 7
`Parenteral Products of Peptides and ?roteins
`Yu~Chang John Wang
`Characteristics of Proteins and Peptides
`Formulation Principles
`Compatibility with Packaging Components and
`Infusion Sets
`Formulation of Market Products
`Chapter 8
`Leif E.
`Diagnostic Products Defined
`Sterile Diagnostics
`Aseptic Manufacturing Considerations
`Validation Program
`Chapter 9
`Glass Containers for Parenterais
`R. Paul Abendroth and Robert N. Clark
`VI .
`The Nature of Glass
`United States Pharmacopeia Glassware
`The Manufacture of Glass Containers
`Chemical Performance
`Mechanical Performance
`The Container and Closure as a System
`Quality Assurance
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2103 p. 6


`Chapter 10 Use of Plastics for Parenteral Packaging
`John M. Anes, Robert S. Nose, and
`Charles H. White.
`II. Fundamentals
`III. Fabrication Processes
`Important Criteria for Selection of Plastics
`V. Plastics Used in Parenteral Packaging
`VI. Quality Assurance of Parenteral Containers
`Chapter 11 Elastomeric Closures for Pa.-renterals
`Edward J. Smith and Robert J. "Noah
`1. Elastomeric Parenteral Packaging Components:
`A Physical Description
`Physical Description of ‘Rubber
`III. Types 01’ Rubber Used in Parenteral Packaging
`IV. Closure Design
`V. Rubber Compounding
`vulcanization Process
`VII. Closure Manufacture and Control
`VIII. Closure Design Qualification
`IX. Regulatory Considerations
`Interaction of Drug Formulations with
`Rubber Closures
`XI. Contemporary Closure-Related Issues
`Chapter 12 Parenteral Products in Hospital and Home Care
`Pharmacy Practice
`John W". Levchuk
`.11. The Preparation of Sterile Dosage Forms in the
`Hospital and in Home Care
`111. Dispensing and Compounding Processes
`IV. Technology of sterile Compounding in the
`Hospital Pharmacy
`1?. Clinical Supply and Use of Sterile Products
`VI. Quality Assurance
`VII. Conclusion
`Appendix: Abbreviated Sequence for Preparing 9.
`Series of Extemporaneously compounded IN’.
`- Admixturas
`. 389
`Astraleneca Ex. 2103 p. '7


`4 P
`reformulation Research of
`Parenteral Medications
`Sol Mo1:o|a*
`Whitehall Laboratories, Hommonton, New Jersey
`Shreeram N. Aghar-Igar
`Br:'stot—.Myer-s Squibb Company, Syracuse. New York
`Preformulation research relates to pharmaceutical and analytical investig‘atione
`tharhoth 5;.-med and sufififi Ermflljtion Eevgpment egomag iiosage
`aracterising speci
`a a
`forms. Exp men s are designed to generate
`pharmaceutically important, physieochemical properties of the drug -substance
`and its combination with selected solvents. excipients, and packaging com-
`ponents. These studies are carried out under stressed conditions of tempera-
`ture, light, humidity-. and oxygen in order to accelerate and detect potential
`reactions. Taking into account early pharmacological and biopharmaceutical
`data, preformulation studies yield key information necessary to guide the form-
`ulator and analyst toward the development of an elegant. stable dosage form
`with good bioavailability. Prior to development of the clinical and marketed
`dosage form, preformulation studies. yield basic knowledge necessary to de-
`velop uitable formulations" for toxicological use.
`Due to important research leads in a highly competitive field, rapid pro-
`gress is essential, and clinical studies should be initiated as soon as possible.
`Thus an expeditious preformulation program {i.e. , one typically taking 6 to
`10 weeks to complete) is generally required.
`If clinical program acceleration
`is desired, it may be necessary to streamline studies and develop crucial de-
`cision-making data in shorter time periods. Should interim results. indicate
`that a more stable or more soluble drug form is needed, expansion of the
`original program will be necessary. Additionally, areas of particular interest
`may arise. such as the elucidation of a reaction mechanism or the investigation
`of unusual solubility phenomena. Such studies may be of prime importance
`and are often addressed either initially or as second-phase prefiormulation
`studies, depending on their potential impact on the overall program .
`‘Current affiliation: Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories, Radnor. Pennsylvania
`Astraleneca Ex. 2103 p. 8


`Match and Aghorkor
`The general subject of preformulation research has been described in de-
`tail by several investj.'gators- [1- 5] and is in wide use throughout the pharma-
`ceutical industry. These presentations have: dealt mainly with studies designed
`for solid dosage forms.
`some specific: applications have been made to certain
`areas of parenteral interest [6,7] . The objective of this chapter is to outline
`methods used in developing preformulation data necessary to characterize
`significant physicochemicsl properties of new drugs important to a paren-
`teral formulation development program.
`Typical physicochemical properties of drug" substances that either characterize
`or may exert significant influence on the development of a parenteral formula-
`tion are listed. in Table .1.
`A. Molecular Structure and Weight
`These are the most basic characteristics of a drug substance and are among
`the first items to be lmown. From the molecular structure the invesfifiator
`can make initial judgments regarding potential properties and functional group
`reactivities. as described in section IV.
`3. Color
`Color is generally a function of a drug's inherent chemical structure relating to
`a certain level of unsaturation. Color intensity relates to the extent of conju-
`gated unsaturation as well as the presence of chromophores such. as -NHZ, -NO 3,
`and -GC|~ (ketone) . which intensify color.
`‘Some compounds may appear to have
`color although structurally saturated. Such a phenomenon can often be due to
`the presence of minute traces of highly unsaturated, intensely °o1ored impurities
`andfor degradation products. These substances may be prone to increased
`color formation under stress conditions of heat, oxygen, and light. A signifi-
`cant color chsngc can become a. limiting factor to the shelf life of a parenteral
`product even before a significant‘ change in chemical stability is noted.
`Table ‘I Physicochemical Properties of Drug Substances
`Molecular structure and weight
`pH solubility profile
`Polymorphism potential
`Melting point
`Solvate formation
`Thermal analytical profile
`Absorbance spectra
`Particle size and shape
`Light -stability
`Hygroscopioity potential
`Thermal stability
`Ionization constant
`pl-I stabflity profile
`Optical activity
` Ex. 2103 p. 9


`Preformulcticn Research
`11 7
`The drug sut;>stsnce's color shcauld be recorded by s subjective description,
`as well as by an objective means such as by comparison with standard color
`chips [8], or by spectrcphctemetric analysis if the comp0und‘s celor intensity
`in soluticn is prcpcrticnel ta concentration. The American Public Health Asses
`ciation (APHA) color standards [93 can be used effectively to quantitate
`changes in solution cclcr with time. Visible absorbance of APHA color stsnd~
`eras (diluted spprcpriatsiy) can be measured spectrcphotometrically [10] t0
`monitor more accurately the color of solution test samples. An example plot
`is shown in figure 1.
`C. Oder
`The odor cf a new drug substance should be examined by cautiously smelling
`the heedspace cf the drug container which has been previously closed to allow
`volatiles ts concentrate. The presence and description of any odor should be
`recerdecl. The substance may exhibit an inherent ecicr characteristic of msjcr
`functional groups present (i.e. . sulfurcus er g:arlic—1ike fer sulfides, sulfexides,
`or sulfliydrykconteizning compounds, or ammcniacal as for amines). A1te1'na—
`tively, e drug‘ may be veid of characteristic odor DI‘ it may have an odor cf
`residual solvent. The presence of :1 solvent odor should be reviewed with the
`synthesis chemist to determine whether the sample has been adequately dried.
`D. Particle Size, Shape, and Crystaliinity
`The particle size of s weter~se1ub1e drug is not of concern unless it exists in
`large aggregates and an increase in rate of solution is desired to reduce menu—
`featuring time. Under such circumstances milling threugh an appropriate size
`sieve [11] may be sufficient.
`250 %

`Q 3
`-'3 02

`3 01
`“:3 Certified APHA Cclcr S1ano:3erti (500 units)
`Figure 1 Typical visible absorbsnce readings at 400 nm ft‘) certified APHA
`color standard (500 units) at various dilutions versus APHA color number.
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2103 p. 10


`Motels and Agharkor
`Particle size and shape characteristics can be determined by microscopic
`evaluation using either an optical microscope, preferably with polarizing et-
`tachments. or by a scanning electron microscope. The morphological charac-
`teristics of the drug substance should be recorded either by a sketch or,
`more accurately, by a photomicrograph which acts as a permanent record for
`comparison with future batches. A good estimate of particle size and particle
`size range can be obtained by viewing several fields of a representative sam-
`ple of drug substance.
`A polarizing microscope is also used to determine whether a compound is
`crystalline or amorphous. Cryrstalline materials retract polarized light and are
`thus visible when polarization attachments in the ocular and objective are
`crossed at a 90° angle (‘crossed polars) , whereas amorphous or glassy sub-
`stances become invisible.
`Optical microscopes usually operate at useful magnifications of up to 1000*
`with a resolution limit in the vicinity of 1 ‘pm. The scanning electron micro-
`scope provides magnifications up to 200,000: with a resolution of approximate-
`ly 25 3. to determine detailed particle surface morphology as well as individ-
`ual particle surface characteristics. Whereas the optical microscope provides
`only a two-dimensional view, the scanning electron ‘microscope adds the dimen-
`sion of depth by tilting the stage to severe] angles of View during operation.
`‘Thus what may appear to be a combination of soioulsr and plate- shaped struc-
`tures under a polarizing microscope could in reality only be a field of flat
`plates of various sizes with some on edge, as shown in Figure 2, This ability
`to resolve various shapes helps the investigator determine whether a -sample
`is morphologically homogeneous. Mixtures of morphological for-ms either within
`a sample or between samples could :indicate the existence of hydrates, solvates,
`or polymorphic forms which could later significantly affect properties such as
`solubility, stability. and biosvsilability.
`E . Melting Point
`The melting point of 8. substance is thermodynamically defined as the tempera-
`ture at which the solid and liquid phases are in equilibrium as described in
`Equation (1).
`solid t-— liquid
`A melting-point determination is a. good first indication of purity since the
`presence of relatively small amounts of impurity can be detected by a lowering
`as well as widening in the melting-point rang-e.. Methods for determining the
`melting range or temperature are described in detail for various" compounds
`[12] . Any peculiar behavior of a substance undergoing melting. such as circ-
`matic change in volume, melting and recrystallization, gas evolution, color
`change. or other physical change, should be recorded and investigated fur-
`ther. Such behavior could be indicative of significant changes, such as a
`polymorphic transition, deaolvation. oxidation, or decarboxylation.
`F. Thermal Analytical Profile
`‘During synthesis and isolation, a sample may have been exposed to changes
`in the temperature environment which may be exhibited as a thermal profile
`Astralenoca Ex
`.2103 p. 11


`Prcformulctton Research
`when the sample is heated between ambient temperature and its melting point.
`When no thermal history exists, the sample will neither absorb nor give off
`heat prior to its melting point. The basic technique used to study this phe-
`nomenon is called‘ differential thermal analysis (DTA). Essentially, the sample
`is heated in the presence of a sensitive thermocouple while a second, balanced
`thermocouple electrically connected in series opposition is heated at the same
`rate in the presence of an inert reference material. The reference substance
`is one that does not undergo thermal transition within the range of tempera-
`tures to be used. The data are plotted on rectilinear paper with the ordinate
`equal to the difference in temperature between sample and reference,
`and the abscissa equal to the temperature T. Although differences in conven-
`tion exist, this treatment will indicate exothermic reactions above and endo-
`thermic reactions below the baseline.
`If a flat signal results, no differential
`change in temperature (AT) occurred between sample and reference. When a
`-sample shows a defined exotherm (heat liberation) or endotherm (heat absorp-
`tion‘) resulting from physical or chemical changes as a function of temperature.
`these phenomena are indicative of phase transitions. Examples of character-
`istic endothermic transitions that can be detected by this technique are:
`sion or melting-. crystalline structure changes such as. polymorphic transitions,
`sublimation. boiling, and desolvation. An exothermic effect is seen when crys-
`tallisation occurs. Examples of thermal analysis profiles of melts with and
`without decomposition are. shown in Figures 3 and 4. Decomposition. upon melt-
`ing is noted when the signal drops below the original baseline following the
`melting endotherm.
`A similar process which examines this phenomena is called differential
`scanning calorimetry (1350). with this technique. the area under the output
`curve is directly "proportional to the total amount of energy ((1) absorbed or
`liberated from the sample. The abscissa is proportional to the rate of heat
`transfer Kdqfdt) at any given time. The loss of surface moisture and a de-
`composition melt is evident in the D56 curve shown in Figure 5.
`The thermal analytical method used to detect the existence and stability
`of solvated drug molecules is called ther-mogrc-vimetric analysis (TGA).
`this technique relative weight loss is studied between the sample and a refer-
`ence durlng the heating cycle. The reference chosen is one known not to
`undergo weight loss over the temperature range desired. Weight loss can
`occur as a result of the loss of sample surface rnoiature or by molecular desol-
`vation or decomposition. Combined DTA and TGA curves for amphoterirfin 5
`showing intermediate phase transitions (DTA) , weight loss, and decomposi-
`tion CTGA) are shown in Figure 6. An overview of thermal analytical methods
`described above is available for further information [17] .
`C . Hygroscoplcity
`A compound is hygroscopic if it picks up a significant amount of moisture
`under a specific condition of temperature and humidity. A high -degree of
`hygroscopicity may adversely affect the physical and chemical properties of
`a drug substance, making it either phsrmaceuticslly difficult or unsatisfactory
`to work with.
`Hygroscopicity studies are usually carried out over a range -of humidity
`conditions relevant to the general laboratory and manufacturing areas as Well
`as uncontrolled storage environment. A low-humidity condition can be used
`Astraleneca Ex. 2103 p. 12


`Motels and Aghurkor
`Figure 2 Microscopic examination of an experimental drug. Views through
`an optical microscope Ca) and a scanning electron microscope (b) at various
`stage angles as noted.
`(Courtesy of E. B. Vedas, Merck Frosst Canada, Inc.,
`Pointe Claire-Dorval, Quebec, Canada.)
`to determine whether a hydrate will lose water under such storage. Saturated
`solutions of certain salts stored in sealed containers, such as desiccators,
`are used to establish well-defined humidity conditions; examples are shown
`in Table 2.
`To carry out a study. samples of compound are accurately weighed into
`tared containers and placed at various humidity conditions for periods up to
`2 weeks. Weight gain or loss is measured at predetermined intervals until
`equilibrium is reached. An assessment is made regarding the relative weight
`gain as well as color and general flowability. Chemical analysis is often per-
`formed should physical change indicate possible chemical degradation. A hy-
`groseopicity classification is shown in Table 3. Thus from hygroscopicity
`studies the investigator can determine environmental humidity conditions neces-
`sary to maintain initial properties.
`If the drug‘ is very hygroscopic or deter-
`mined to be unstable in the presence of moisture, the drug would have to be
`stored under dry conditions and worked with under low humidity. Close ex‘
`amination of the quantity of moisture gained during these experiments is im-
`portant in determining‘ whether hydrate formation is occurring.
`AstraZeneca Ex. 2103 p. 13




`Match: and Aghar-ker
`t i
`em ——I:§—CI-I3
`' H...
`Figure 3 Structure and‘ differential thermal analysis scan of ergonovine rnaleete
`with decomposition [USP reference standard, lot L).
`(From Ref. 13.)
`Flgure a structure and differential thermal analysis scan of Iqetamme.
`Ref. 14.)
`Astraleneca Ex. 2103 p. 15


`"' 2cc
`Figure 5 Structure and differential scanning calorimetry scan of gentamicin
`sulfate (USP 1=efe1'ence standard) .
`(From Ref. 15.)
`3 2%
`Figure 5 Structure, differential thermal analysis. and thermogravimetric aI1al~
`ysis scan of amphotericin 13.
`(From Ref. 15.)
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2103 p. 16
`Preformulatian Research
` /NR2


`Mo tale and Agh arkar
`Tame 2 Saturated Salt Solutions far Humidity Cnntrol
`Percent relative
`Potassium acetate , K(.‘2H3'D2
`Calcium chloride, CaC12 -EH20
`Patassium thiocyanate, KSCN
`Sodium nitrite, NQNO2
`Sodium acetate , NaG2H3O2-3H2O
`Zinc sulfate, $11304 v'?H2D
`Source; Ref. 18.
`H . Absorba nce Spectra
`24. 5
`Molecules with structural unsaturation are able to absorb light within a spe~
`cific frequency range. As mentioned previuusly, the degree of unsaturation
`coupled with the presence of ehromophnres will influence the extent of absorp-
`tion and whether ultraviolet (400-190 nm} 92- visible (800400 nm} light will
`be absorbed, The ifltraviolet and visible spectra. ef cnmpounda in snlution
`are not highly apeeific; however, they are very suitable for quantitative ana-
`lytical work and serve as additional information for camponnd identification.
`The ultraviolet or visible spectrum can be zietermined by placing approximate-
`ly a 10 to 26 pg mJ”1 solution 0f the compound in a 1 cm cell, and recording
`the spectrum Versus the appropriate solvent blank in the spectral range 190
`to 800 nm. An example of the ultraviolet spectrum of chlcrnthiazide is shown
`in Figure 7. Absorbance maxima are evident at 228, 292, and 31!] nm.
`Tabie 3 Hygroseepicity Classification
`Class I-~Nonhy-groscopic: Essentially no moisture increaaes occur at relative
`humidities below 90%. Furthermore, the increase in meisture content after
`storage for 1 week above 90% relative humidity (RH) is less than 20%.
`Class Ilwslightiy hygroscopic: Essentially no moisture increases occur at
`relative humidities below 30%. The increase in moisture cement after storage
`far 1 week above 80% RH is less than 40%.
`Class III-21/Iodemtely hygroscopic: M-Distnre content does not increase above
`5% after storage at relative humiditiese below 60%. The increase in moisture
`ccmtent after storage for 1 week above 80% RH is less than 50%.
`Class I V-‘Very hygroscopic: Moisture increase may occur at relative humidi-
`ties as low as 40 to 50%. The increase in moisture content after storage for
`1 week above 90% RH may exceed 3(}%.
`Source: Ref. 19.
`Astrazeneca Ex
`.2103 p. 17


`Preformulatton Research
`Figure 7 Structure and ultraviolet ebso:-hence spectrum of chlorothesicle.
`(From Ref. 21.)
`Relationships used to compare and quantitate ultraviolet and visible ab-
`sorbsnce of compounds in solution are shown in Equations (2) and (3) .
`In Equation. (2) , the quantity :1, called ebscrptivity, is related to the absorp-
`tion of a. compound of concentration c (in g:'10flD ml) through a sample cell of
`13 centimeters and thus has the units liters per grant-centimeter. when the
`ooncentrafion is expressed in moles per liter , the absorptivity becomes molar
`ahsorptivity E, and is expressed in leters per mole centimeter.
`Both values should be recorded for each solvent system of interest. For
`qusntitative use, either a or e is determined. For a compound in solution the
`molsr concentration of en unknown quantity of the same drug cen be deter-
`mined by knowing the sbsorbance at the wavelength and the cell path length.
`Rear:-anging Equation (3) yields Equation (4).
`The infrared (IR) spectrum (run between 2. 5 and 15 um.) is highly specific
`for each ehernical structure, with small structural differences resulting in
`significant spectral changes. Samples can be prepared as a solution, as a
`dispersion in mineral oil Cliujol mull) , or‘ as n potassium bromide (KB:-) pellet.
`Astra."-Seneca Ex. 2103 p. 18


`Motels and Aghcrkar
`8.!) 9.01.0
`000 550
`Wavenumber torn")
`Figure 8 Structure and infrared spectrum of cefotaxime in KB: with peaks of
`several functional groups identified.
`(Adapted from Ref. 22.)
`After running a spectrum. significant peeks relating to major functional groups
`are identified; spectra of subsequent samples of the same compound are com-
`pared with the original.
`Ii’ IR spectral differences are found, the reason for
`and source of change should be investigated. This technique is used to de-
`tect batch-to-batch variations. as an identity test, and for the detection oi’
`polyraorphs and solvates. KBr and Nujol mull spectra of cefotaxime acid are
`shown in Figures 8 and 9, respectively. Peaks corresponding to various func-
`tional groups are identified by letters a—j on the IKBr spectrum with assigned
`frequencies listed in Table 4.
`1. Solubility
`Solubility is of prime importance for developing solutions that can be injected
`either intravenously or intrarnusouiarly.
`In general, solubility is a function
`of chemical structure; salts of acids or bases represent the dass of drugs
`having the best chance of attaining the degree of water solubility desired.
`Other compound. classes, either neutral molecules or very weak acid and bases
`which cannot be solubilized in water within the desired pH range. may require
`the use of nonaqueous solvents. A list of such solvents used for solubility
`studies as well as eventual use in products is shown in Table 5.
`Solubility Measurement
`The analytical method used in obtaining solubility measurements may vary
`according to the drug moiety.
`If the drug's structure has unsaturated conju-
`gflfifln. enabling‘ it to absorb visible or ultraviolet light. spectrophotometric
`analysis can be performed. A predetermined excess of drug is placed into
`suitable ampuls (or flasks) containing a small volume (2-5 ml) for each solvent
`Astraleneca Ex. 2103 p. 19


`3.0 9.0 10
`I -:jI—-r*
`2000 1800
`800 650
`Wavenumber (cm“)
`Infrared spectrum «ref cefotaxime in Nujol mull.
`(Adapted from Ref.
`6,0 '
`0 4
`Figure 9
`Table 1}
`Infrared Frequency Assignments for Cefotaxime
`Frequency (cm'1)
`3340 (broad)
`—-NH, --NH2
`—C=D lactam
`-C=0 carboxylie, 0--1CiJ--CH3
`—CwNl-I, ~««C—-2N-—, -c==c—
`C=O in ester
`C -«O stretching
`Adapted from Ref. 22.
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2103 p. 20


`Mo talc and A'gharkor'
`Table 5 Examples of Nonaqueous
`solvents Used in the Parenteral
`Product Formulation
`Polyethylene glycol 400 and 600
`Propylene glycol
`Ethyl alcohol
`Fixed oils
`Ethyl oleate
`Bensyl benzoate
`Source: Ref. 20.
`tested. The arnpuls are sealed and placed on a suitable shaker or rotatar at 8
`controlled temperature to-3'. . 25 or 37°C!) for several days to attain equilib-
`rium. At selected time intervals samples are withdrawn by an appropriate
`means (syringe. pipet), filtered through a small micrometer-size (example.
`0..2—0.45 um) filter, and analyzed for drug in solution using the appropriate
`ultraviolet or visible assay methodology. For example, the absorbance is read
`versus a solvent blank at a predetermined wavelength. Using the appropriate
`Beer's law reference curve as shown in Figure 10. the concentration is either
`estimated from the -curve or can be calculated using a previously determined
`molecular absorptivity.
`Solubility determination of compounds that do not absorb ultraviolet or
`vislble light can be attempted by transferring filtered aliquot “solutions onto
`previously tared weighing pans, evaporating the solvent, and drying to con-
`stant weight under low-temperature conditions.
`Due to limits in the amount of new drugs available at the firs’: stages of
`preformulation studies, it is sufficient to determine approximate solubility
`values for highly soluble compounds.
`In such cases a minimal volume of solv-
`ent is used and fixed amounts of drug added (Le. , 150 mg‘-1 ml of solvent).
`Should this still yield an unsaturated solution. a value (e-.g. , 3-15%) will be
`sufficient to denote high solubility at this stage. Equilibrium solubility can be
`determined when more compound is available, it‘ important for a particular
`It is also very important to run solubility determinations at refrigeration
`temperature £.9- 8°C) using solvents demonstrating a high potential for use in
`formulation studies.
`'.l‘h1s.ia done to establish the range of concentration usable
`the range 2 to 25°C without rislclng saturation and crystal growth dur-
`ing stability studies.
`pH-Solubility Profile
`Compounds with either acidic or basic functionality will show differences in
`solubility characteristics with changes in solution pH in accord with their ioni-
`zation constants.
`‘These differences are often large and important in attaining
`Astraleneca Ex. 2103' p. 21


`Preformulation Research
`Absorbance of sample
`Absorbancc 0.4
`Figure 10 Hypothetical Beer's law curve relating absorbance and concentration.
`the concentrations desired for formulations. pH~s-olubilityr profiles can be
`established by running equilibriuun solubility experiments within the range
`3 to 4 13}! units on both sifles of the {mg or pK§1.
`The relationship between solubility of an acidic drug and pH can be de-
`fined with respect to its pKa using Equation (5):
`pH = piia +109;
`piia m negativ

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