Editor: Donna Balado
`Managing Editor: Jennifer Schmidt
`Marketing Manager: Christine Kushner
`Copyright © 1999 Lippincott Wflliams & Wflkins
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`dosages, and precautions.
`Printed in the United States ofAmerica
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Ansel, Howard C., 1933-
`Pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delievery systems / Howard C.
`Ansel, LoydV. Allen, Jr., Nicholas G. Popovich. —— 7th ed.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0—683—30572—7
`2. Drug delivery systems.
`1. Drugs—-Dosage forms.
`II. Popovich, Nicholas C.
`III. Title.
`[DNLM: 1. Dosage Forms.
`2. Drug Delivery Systems. QV 785 A618i 1999]
`for Library of Congress
`1. Allen, LoydV.
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`Astrazeneca Ex. 2102 p. 2

`Introduction to Drugs and Pharmacy
`New Drug Development and Approval Process
`Dosage Form Design: Pharmaceutic and
`Formulation Considerations
`Dosage Form Design: Biopharmaceutic and
`Pharmacokinetic Considerations
`Current Good Manufacturing Practices and Good
`Compounding Practices
`Powders and Granules
`Capsules and Tablets
`Modified~Release Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems
`Ointments, Creams, and Gels
`Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2102 p. 3

`Suppositories and Inserts
`Section V.
`I 2
`Disperse Systems
`Ophthalmic Solutions and Suspensions
`Products of Biotechnlogy
`Novel Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Technologies
`Systems and Techniques of Pharmaceutical Measurement
`I 9
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2102 p. 4

`Chapter at a Glance
`Factors Affecting Percutaneous Absorption
`Percutaneous Absorption Enhancers
`Chemical Enhancers
`ltmtophoresis and Sonophoresis
`Percutaneous Absorption Models
`In Vivo Studies
`in Vitro Studies
`Design Features of Transderrnal Drug
`Delivery Systems (TDD3S)
`Advantages and Disadvantages of TDDSS
`Examples of Transderrnal Drug
`Delivery Systems
`Tmnsdermal Scopolcmine
`Tnrmsdermal Nitrogtycerin
`Transdermal Clonfdine
`Tmnsdermel Nicotine
`Trrmsdermal Estmdiol
`Tmnsder-moi Testosterone
`Other Trarisdermal Therapeutic Systems
`General Clinical Considerations in the Use
`of TDDSs
`TRANSDERMAL DRUG delivery systems (TDDSs) fa-
`cilitate the passage of therapeutic quantifies of
`drug substances through the skin and into the gen-
`eral circulation for their systemic effects. The con-
`cept for the percutoneous absorption of drug sub-
`stances was first conceived by Stoughton in 1965
`(1). The first transdermal system, Transderm Scop
`[Ciba (now NovaItis)] was approved by the Food
`and Drug Administration in 1979 for the preven-
`tion of nausea and vomiting associated with travel,
`particularly by sea.
`Evidence of percutaneous drug absorption may
`be found through measurable blood levels of the
`drug. detectable excretion of the drug andlor its
`metabolites in the urine, and through the clinical
`response of the patient to the administered drug
`therapy. With transclerrnal drug delivery, the blood
`concentration needed to achieve therapeutic effi-
`cacy may be determined by comparative analysis of
`patient response to drug blood levels. For t;ransder—
`mal drug delivery, it is considered ideal if the drug
`penetrates through the skin to the underlying blood
`supply without drug buildup in the dermal layers
`(2). This is in direct contrast to the types of topical
`dosage forms discussed in the previous chapter, in
`which dmg residence in the skin, the target organ,
`is desired.
`As discussed in the previous chapter, the skin is
`comprised of the stratum corneum (the outer layer),
`the living epidermis, and the dermis, which to-
`gether provide the skin’s barrier layers to penetra-
`tion by external agents (see Fig. 9.6).The film that
`covers the stratum corneum is comprised of sebum
`and sweet, but because of its varied composition
`and lack of continuity it is not a significant factor in
`drug penetration nor are the hair follicles and
`sweat and sebaceous gland ducts which comprise
`only a minor proportion of the skin's surface.
`The percutaneous absorption of a drug generally
`results from the direct penetration of the drug
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2102 p. 5

`Tnmsdermal Drug Deliueny Systems
`through the stratum corneurn, a 10 to 15 [.LI'fl thick
`layer of flat, partially desiccated nonliving tissue
`(3-4). The stratum corneum is composed of ap-
`proximately 40% protein (mainly keratin) and 40%
`water, with the balance being lipid, principally as
`triglycerides, free fatty acids, cholesterol, and phos-
`pholipids. The lipid content is concentrated in the
`extracellular phase of the stratum corneum and
`fonns to a large extent the membrane surrounding
`the cells. Because a drug's major route of penetra-
`tion is through the intercellular channels, the lipid
`component is considered an important determi-
`nant in the first step of the absorption process (5).
`Once through the straturn corneurn, drug mole-
`cules may then pass through the deeper epidermal
`tissues and into the dermis. When the drug reaches
`the vascularized dermal layer, it becomes available
`for absorption into the general circulation.
`The stratum corneum, being keratinized tissue,
`behaves as a semipermeable artificial membrane,
`and drug molecules penetrate by passive diffusion.
`It is the major rate-limiting barrier to transderrnal
`drug transport (6). Qver most of the body, the stra-
`tum comeum has 15-25 layers of flattened comeo-
`cytes with an overall thickness of about 10 you (5).
`The rate of drug movement across this skin layer
`depends on the drug concentration in the vehicle,
`its aqueous solubility, and the oil/water partition
`coefficient between the stratum corneum and the
`vehicle (7). Substances that possess both aqueous
`and lipid solubility characteristics are good candi-
`dates for diffusion through the stratum corneum as
`well as through the epidermal and dermal layers.
`Factors Affecting
`Percutaneous Absorption
`Not all drug substances are suitable for transder-
`rnal drug delivery. Among the factors playing a part
`in percutaneous absorption are the physical and
`chemical properties of the drug, including its mol-
`ecular weight, solubility, partitioning coefificient and
`pKa, the nature of the carrier—vehicle and the con-
`dition of the skin. Although general statements ap-
`plicable to all possible combinations of drug, vehi-
`cle, and skin condition are difficult to draw, the
`consensus of the majority of research findings may
`be summarized as follows (2-11).
`1. Drug concentration is an important factor. Gen-
`erally, the amount of drug percutaneously ab-
`sorbed per unit of surface area per time interval
`increases as the concentration of the drug sub-
`stance in the TDDS is increased.
`2. More drug is absorbed through percutaneous
`absorption when the drug substance is applied
`to a larger surface area (e.g., a larger‘ sizeTDDS).
`3. The drugsubstance should have a greater physic-
`ochemical attraction to the skin than to the vehi-
`cle in which it is presented for the drug to leave
`the vehicle in favor of the skin. Some solubility of
`the drug in both lipid and water is thought to be
`essential for effective pcrcutaneous absorption.
`In essence, the aqueous solubility of a drug de-
`termines the ooncentration presented to the ab-
`sorption site and the partition coefiicient influ-
`ences the rate of transport across the absorption
`site. Drugs generally penetrate through the skin
`better in their unionized form. Polar drugs tend
`to cross the cell barrier through the lipid-rich re-
`gions (Iranscellular route) whereas the nonpolar
`drugs favor transport between cells (interceliular
`route) {6).
`4. Drugs with molecular weights between 100 and
`800 with adequate lipid and aqueous solubility
`can permeate skin. The ideal molecular weight
`of a drug for transclermal drug delivery is be-
`lieved to be 400 or less.
`5. The hydration of the skin generally favors per-
`cutaneous absorption. TDDS act as occlusive
`moisture barriers through which the sweat from
`the skin cannot pass, resulting in increased skin
`6. Percutaneous absorption appears to be greater
`when the TDDS is applied to a skin site with a
`thin horny layer than with one that is thick.
`7. Generally, the longer the period of time the
`medicated application is permittecl to remain in
`contact with the skin, the greater will be the to-
`tal drug absorption.
`These general statements on percutaneous ab-
`sorption apply to skin in the normal state. Skin that is
`abraded or cut will permit drugs to gain direct access
`to the subcutaneous tissues and the capillary network
`obviating the designed function of the TDDS.
`Percutaneous Absorption Enhancers
`There is great interest among pharmaceutical
`scientists to develop chemical permeation enhancers
`and physical methods that can increase the percu-
`taneous absorption of therapeutic agents.a
`Chemical Enhancers
`By definition, a chemical slcin penetration en-
`hancer increases skin permeability by reversibly dom-
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2102 p. 6

`aging or by altering the physicochemical mature of the
`stratum corneum to reduce its ritjjfusioncl resistance
`(12) . Among the alterations are increased hydration
`of the stratum comeum andjor a change in the
`structure of the lipids and lipoproteins in the inter-
`cellular channels through solvent action or denat-
`uration (4, 13-17).
`Some drugs have an inherent capacity to penne-
`ate the skin without need of chemical enhancers.
`However, in instances in which this is not the case,
`chemical permeation enhancers may be effective in
`rendering an otherwise impenetrable substance use-
`ful in transderrnal drug delivery (17). More than 275
`different chemical compounds have been cited in
`the literature as skin penetration enhancers includ-
`ing acetone, azone, dirnethylacetarnide, di.methyl-
`formamide, dirnethylsulfoxide (DMSO), ethanol,
`oleic acid, polyethylene glycol, propylene glycol and
`sodium lauryl sulfate (13—15).The selection of a. per-
`meation enhancer in developing aTDD5 should be
`based not only on its efficacy in enhancing skin per-
`meation, but also on its dermal toxicity (low), and its
`physicochemical and biocompatibility with the sys-
`tems other components (16).
`Iontophoresis and Sonophoresis
`In addition to chemical means, there are some
`physical methods being used to enhance trans-
`dermal drug delivery and penetration, namely,
`iontophoresis and sonophoresis (6,15,13-23). Ion-
`tophoresis involves the delivery of charged chemical
`compounds across the skin membrane using an
`applied electrical field. A number of drugs have
`been the subject of such iontophoretic studies,
`including lidocaine (18), dexamethasone, amino
`acidslpeptideslinsulin (19-20), verapamil (6), and
`propranolol (21).'l‘here is particular interest to de-
`velop alternatlve routes for the delivery of biologi-
`cally active peptides. These agents are presently
`delivered by injection, because of their rapid me-
`tabolism and poor absorption after oral delivery.
`They are also poorly absorbed from the transder-
`mal route, because of their large molecular size,
`ionic character and the general impenetrability of
`the skin (20). However; iontophoretic-enhanced
`transclermal delivery has shown some promise as a
`means for peptideiprotein administration.
`Sonaphoresis, or high-frequency ultrasound, is
`also being studied as a means to enhance transder—
`mal drug delivery (22-23). Among the agents ex-
`amined have been hydtocortisone, lidocaine, and
`salicylic acid in such formulations as gels, creams,
`and lotions. It is thought that high—frequency ultra-
`Tmrrsdennul Drug Delivery Systems
`sound can influence the integrity of the stratum
`corneurn and thus affect its penetrability.
`Percutaneous Absorption Models
`Skin permeability and percutaneous absorption
`have been the subject of numerous studies under-
`taken to define the underlying principles and to
`optimize transdermal drug delivery. Although many
`experimental methods and models have been used,
`they tend to fall into one of two categories: 1) in
`vivo, and 2) in vilro studies.
`In Vivo Studies
`In vivo skin-penetration studies may be under-
`taken for one or more of the following purposes (24):
`1. To verify and quantify the cutaneous bioavail-
`ability of a topically applied drug;
`2. To verify and quantify the systemic bioavailabil-
`ity of a transderrnally delivered Clrug;
`3. To establish bioequivalence of different topical
`formulations of the same drug substance;
`4. To determine the incidence and degree of sys-
`temic toxicologic risk following the topical ap-
`plication of a specific clrugldrug product; and
`5. To relate resultant blood levels of drug in human
`to systemic therapeutic effects.
`The most relevant studies are performed in hu-
`mans; however, animal models may be used inso-
`far as they may be effective as predictors of human
`response. Animal models include the weanling pig,
`rhesus monkey, and hairless mouse or rat (24-25).
`Biological samples used in drug penetrationidrug
`absorption studies include skin sections, venous
`blood from the application site, blood from the sys-
`temic circulation and excreta (urine, feces and ex-
`pired air) (24-28).
`In Vitro Studies
`Skin permeation testing may be performed in
`vitro using various skin tissues (human or animal
`whole skin, dermis or epidermis) in a diffusion cell
`(29). In vitro penetration studies using human skin
`are limited because of difficulties of procurement,
`storage, expense, and variability in permeation (30).
`Excised animal slclns may also be variable in qual-
`ity and permeation. Animal skins are much more
`permeable than human skin. One alternative that
`has been shown to be effective is shed snake skin
`(Elaphe obsolete, black rat snake), which is nonliv—
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2102 p. 7

`Tmnsdernral Drug Delivery Systems
`ing, pure stratum corneum, hairless, and similar to
`human skin, but slightly less permeable (BIZF31).
`Also, the product Living Skin Equivalent
`Testskin (Organogenesis, Inc.) was developed as an
`alternative for dermal absorption studies. The ma-
`terial is an organotypic coculture of human dermal
`Fibroblasts in a collagen—containing matrix and a
`stratified epidermis composed ofhuman epidermal
`keratinocytes. The material may be used in cell cul-
`ture studies or in standard diffusion cells.
`Diffusion cell systems are employed in vitro to
`quantify the release rates of drugs from topical
`preparations (32). In these systems, skin mem-
`branes or synthetic membranes may be employed
`as barriers to the flow of drug and vehicle, to sim~
`ulate the biologic system. The typical diffusion cell
`has two chambers one on each side of the test dif-
`fusion membrane. A temperature~controlled solu-
`tion of the drug to be contained in the TDDS is
`placed in one chamber and a receptor solution in
`the other chamber. When skin is used as the test
`membrane, it separates the two solutions. Drug dif-
`fusion through the skin may be determined by per
`iodic sampling and assay of the drug content in the
`receptor solution. The skin may also be analyzed for
`drug content to show drug permeation rates andfor
`drug retention in the skin (29).
`The USP describes the apparatus and procedure
`to determine the drug dissolution (drug release) of
`medication from a transdermal delivery system and
`provides an ”Accepta.nce Table” against which the
`product must conform to meetthe monograph stan-
`dard fora given article (33), Commercial systems are
`available that utilize transdermal diffusion cells and
`autosarnpling systems to determine the release rates
`of drugs from transdermal systems (34).
`Design Features of Transdermal Drug
`Delivery Systems (TDDSs}
`Transderrnal drug delivery systems (also often
`called transdennal"patches”) are designed to sup-
`port the passage of drug substances from the sur~
`face of the skin, through its various layers and into
`the systemic circulation. Examples of the configu-
`ration and composition of TDDSs are described in
`the text, presented in Table 10.1 and shown in
`Figures 10.] through 10.4. Figures 10.5 through
`10.8 depict the manufacture of TDDSs. Technically,
`'I'DDSs may be categorized into two types, mono-
`lithic and rnembrane—controlled systems.
`Monolithic systems incorporate a drug matrix
`layer between backing and frontal layers (Fig. 10-3).
`The drug-matrix layer is composed of a polymeric
`material in which the drug is dispersed. The poly-
`mer matrix controls the rate at which the drug is
`released for percutaneous absorption. The matrix
`may be of two types; with or without an excess of
`drug with regard to its equilibrium solubility and
`steady~state concentration gradient at the stratum
`corneum (21,35). In types having no excess, dnig is
`available to maintain the saturation of the stratum
`corneum only as long as the level of drug in the de-
`vice exceeds the solubility limit of the stratum
`corneum. As the concentration of drug in the de
`vice diminishes below the skin's saturation limit,
`the transport of drug from device to skin gradually
`declines (35). In systems that have an excess amount
`of drug present in the matrix, a drug reserve is pres-
`ent to assure continued drug saturation at the
`stratum corneum. In these instances, the rate of
`drug decline is less than in the type having no drug
`In the preparation of monolithic systems, the
`drug and the polymer are dissolved or blended to-
`gether, cast as the matrix and dried (21).The gelled
`matrix may be produced in sheet or cylindrical
`form, with individual dosage units cut and assem-
`bled between the backing and frontal layers. Most
`TDDSS are designed to contain an excess of drug
`and thus have drug-releasing capacity beyond the
`time frame recommended for replacement. This
`ensures continuous drug availability and absorp-
`tion as used TDDSs are replaced on schedule with
`fresh ones.
`lvlembranecontrolled transdermal systems are
`designed to contain a drug reservoir or”poucl1”,
`usually in liquid or gel form, a ratemontrolling
`membrane, and backing, adhesive, and protecting
`layers (Fig. 10-2). Transderrn—l'*-Jitro (Novartis) and
`Transderrn-Scop (Novarlis) are examples of this
`technology. Membrane—controlled systems have the
`advantage over monolithic systems in that as long
`as the drug solution in the reservoir remains
`saturated, the release rate of drug through the con-
`trolling membrane remains constant (21-22). In
`membrane systems, a small quantity of drug is fre-
`quently placed in the adhesive layer to initiate
`prompt drug absorption and pharrnacotherapeutic
`effects on skin placement. Membrane-controlled
`systems may be prepared by preconstructing the
`delivery unit, filling the drug reservoir, and sealing,
`or by a process of lamination, ‘tvhich involves a con-
`tinuous process of COI'|5tI'llCtiOI'l;‘:dDSing and sealing
`(Figs. 10.5 through 10.8).
`In summary, either the drug delivery device or
`the skin may serve as the rate-Controlling mecha-
`nism in drug transport from transderrnal systems.
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2102 p. 8

`Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems
`Table 10.1. Examples of Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems (4044, 47--51)
` Therapeun'c Agent TDDS Des1‘gnlConten ts Comments
`Four-layered patch: (1) a
`Transdennal therapeutic systems
`(Boehringer Ingelheim)
`backing layer of pigmented
`designed to deliver a therapeutic
`polyester film; (2) drug
`dose of the antihypertensive
`reservoir of clonidine,
`drug clonidine at a constant
`mineral oil. po1y1'sol:vut-ylene,
`rate for '7 days, permitting
`and colloidal silicon
`once-a—weel< dosing. TDDS
`dioxidef (3) a rnicroporous
`generally applied to hairless or
`polypropylene membrane
`shaven areas of upper arm or
`controlling the rate of drug
`delivery; and [4] an
`adhesive formulation of
`agents noted in (2) above.
`Estraderm (Novartis)
`Vivellc (Novertis)
`Clirnara (Berlex)
`Duragesic (lanssen)
`Four-layered patch: (1) a
`tmnsparent polyester film;
`(2) dnig reservoir of estradiol
`and alcohol gelled with
`hydroxypropyl cellulose;
`(3) an ethylenewinyl acetate
`copolymer membrane; and
`(4) an adhesive Eonnulation
`of light mineral oil and
`'I'h.ree—layered patch: (1) a
`translucent ethylene vinyl
`alcohol copolymer film;
`(2) estradiol in a matrix of a
`medical adhesive of
`polyisobutylene and ethylene
`vinylacetate copolymer; and
`(3) a polyester release liner
`which is removed prior to
`Tl-u-ee—layered system: (1) :1
`hranslucent polyethylene film;
`(2) actylate adhesive matrix
`containing esiradiol; and
`(3) a protective liner of
`siliconized or fluoropolyrner-
`coated polyester film which
`is removed prior to use.
`Fourdayered patch (1) a
`backing layer of polyester
`film; (2) drug reservoir of
`Eentanyl and alcohol gelled
`with hydroxyethyl cellulose;
`(3) a rate-controlling
`ethylene-vinyl acetate
`copolymer membrane; and
`(4) a fentany1- containing
`silicone adhesive.
`Transdermal system designed to
`release 17B-estradiol
`continuously. The ti-ansdennal
`patch is generally applied twice
`weekly over a cycle of 3 weeks
`with dosage Erequency adjusted
`as required. The patch is
`generally applied to the trunk
`including the abdomen and
`buttocks, alternating sites with
`each application.
`Use and application is similar to
`the Estraderin TDDS.
`Use and application similar to the
`Estraclerm TDDS. System may
`be applied once weekly.
`Ttansdermal thertipeufic system
`providing continuous 72-hour
`systemic delivery of Eentanyl, a
`potent opioid ana.lgesic.'l'he
`drug is indicated in patients
`having chronic pain requiring
`opioid analgesia.
`con firmed
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2102 p. 9

`Transdermal therapeutic
`systems providing
`continuous release
`and systemic delivery
`of nicotine as an aid
`in smoking cessation
`prog;rarns.'1'he patches
`listed vary somewhat in
`nicotine content and
`dosing schedules.
`Tmrrsdennel Drug Delivery Systems
`Table 10.1. Examples of Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems (40-44, 47-51)
`Therapeutic Agent
`Habitrol [Novartis
`Multi-layered round patch:
`(1) an aluminized backing
`film; (2) a pressure—sensil:ive
`actylate adhesive; (3)
`methacryclic acid copolymer
`solution of nicotine dispersed
`in a pad of nonwoven viscose
`and cotton; (4) an acrylate
`adhesive layer; and (5) a
`protective aluminized release
`liner that overlays the
`adhesive layer and is removed
`prior to use,
`NicoDerm CQ
`(SmithK.lI'ne Beecham
`Nicotrol (McNeil
`Prostep (Lederle)
`Multi -layered rectangular patch:
`(1) an occlusive backing of
`acetate copolymer; (2) drug
`reservoir of nicotine in an
`ethylene vinyl acetate
`copolymer matrix: (3)
`rate— controlling membrane
`of polyethylene; [-=1)
`polyisobutylene adhesive;
`and (5) protective liner
`removed prior to application.
`Multirlayered rectangular patch:
`(1) outer backing of laminated
`polyester film; (2) rate -
`controlling adhesive,
`nonwoven material, and
`nicotine; (3) disposable liner
`removed prior to use.
`Multi-layered round patch:
`(1) beige-colored foam tape
`and acrylate adhesive; (2)
`backing foil, gelatin and
`low—density polyethylene
`coating; (3) nicotine-gel
`matrix; (4) protective foil
`with well; and (5) release
`liner removed prior to use.
`Deponit (Schwarz Pharma) A three-layer system: (1)
`covering foil; (2) nitroglycerin
`matrix with polyisobutylenc;
`adhesive, plasticizer and
`release membrane; and
`(3) protective foil removed
`before use.
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2102 p. 10

`Tmnsdermal Drug Delivery Systems
`Nitro-Dur (Key)
`Table 10.1. Examples of Transdennal Drug Delivery Systems (40-44,, 47-51)
`Tlieraperttic Agent
`Nitroglycerin in a geI—lil<e
`matrix composed of glycerin,
`water, lactose, polyvinyl
`alcohol, povidone and
`sodium citrate sealed in a
`Transderm —Nih:o
`Transderm Scfip
`Testoderrn (Alza)
`Four-lajrered patch: (1) backing
`layer of alurninized plastic;
`(2) drug reservoir containing
`nitroglycerin adsorbed on
`lactose, colloidal silicon
`dioxide, and silicone medical
`fluid, (3) an ethylenelirinyl
`acetate copolymer membrane;
`and (4) silicone adhesive.
`Four-layered patch: (1) backing
`layer of aluminized polyester
`film; (2) drug reservoir of
`scopolamine, mineral oil, and
`polyisobutylene; (3) a
`microporous polypropylene
`membrane for rate delivery of
`scopolamirie; and (4) adhesive
`of polyisobutylene, mineral
`oil, and scopolamille
`Thr-ee—layer patch: (1) backing
`layer of polyethylene
`terephthalate; (2) matrix film
`layer of testosterone and
`ethy1ene—viriy1 acetate
`copolymer; and (3) adhesive
`strips of polyisobutylene and
`colloidal silicone dloxicle.
`Five-layer patch: (1) backing
`film of ethylene vinyl acetate
`copolymerlpolyester laminate;
`(2) drug reservoir gel of
`testosterone, alcohol, glycerin,
`glyceryl monooleate, methyl
`laurate gelled with an acrylic
`acid copolymer: (3) a
`rnicroporous polyethylene
`membrane; (4) acrylic adhesive;
`(5) an adhesive polyester
`TDDSs designed to provide
`the controlled release of
`nitroglycerin for treatment
`of angina. Daily application
`to chest, upper arm or
`TDDS for continuous release of
`scopolarnine over a 3-day period
`as required for the prevention of
`nausea and vomiting associated
`with motion sickness. The patch
`is placed behind the ear. When
`repeated administration is
`desired, the first patch is
`removed and the second patch
`placed behind the other ear.
`Also FDA-approved for
`prevention of nausea associated
`with certain anesthetics and
`analgesics used in surgery.
`The patch is placed on the scrotum
`in the treatment of testosterone
`The patch is placed on the back,
`abdomen, upper arms or thighs
`in the treatment of testosterone
`AstraZeneca Ex. 2102 p. 11

`Transdem-ml Drug Delivery Systems
`lithe drug is delivered to the stratum corneum at a
`rate less than the absorption capacity, the device is
`the controlling factor; if the drug is delivered to the
`skin area to saturation, the skin is the controlling
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`Fig.10.1 Depiction ofa fomlayererl therapeutic tmnsdermal
`system slmwing the continuous and controlled amount cfmed-
`icatirm released from the system, permeating the skin and en-
`tefing the systemic circulation. (Courtesy oflilzo Corporation.)
`factor to the rate of drug absorption. Thus, the rate
`of drug transport in all TDDS5, monolithic and
`membrane, is controlled by either artificial or nat~
`ural (skin) membranes.
`Transderrnal drug delivery systems may be con-
`structed of a number of layers, including 1) an oc-
`clusive backing membrane to protect the system
`from environmental entry and from loss of drug
`from the system or moisture from the skin; 2} a
`drug reservoir or matrix system to store and release
`the drug at the skimsite; 3) a release liner, which is
`removed before application and enables drug re-
`lease; and 4) an adhesive layer to maintain Contact
`with the skin after application. TDDSS are pack-
`aged in individual sealed packets to preserve and
`protect them until use.
`The backing layer must be occlusive to retain
`skin moisture and hydrate the site of application
`drug reservoir
`control membrane
`adhesive layer
`protective peel strip
`Fig. 10.2 The Tmnsdenn—N1'tro Thirtsdenml Therapeutic System {Summit}. The patch delivers nitroglycerin through the skin
`directly into the blood stream flir 24 hours. Trartsderm-Nitra is used to treat and prevent angina. The sfitenr cartsists ofa water-
`resistant backing layer, a reservoir of nitroglycerin, followed by a semipemeablz membrane to control precisely and predictably the
`release cfmerlicine, and an czzlheszoe layer to hold the system onto the skin. The adhesive layer also contains an initial priming dose
`ofnitroglycerin to insure prompt release and absorptimi afthe medication. (Courtesy ofSmmnit Plmnrmceu tlcals lNooarfis]).
`Fig. 10.3 Nitro—Dur Tramsdermal lnfiasicm System, depicting the canslmdion ofthe product. (Courtesy ofKeyPham1aceutiozls, inc.)
`Astrazeneca Ex. 2102 p. 12

`Tmnsdennal Drug Delivery Systems
`(1) Film Backing
`(2) Drugmdhesive Layer
`(3) Protective Liner
`Fig. 10.1} Depiction ofa two-layered mmsdemml drug delivery system, excluding the protective liner which is removed prior to
`enabling increased drug penetration. Preferred back-
`jng materials are approximately 2-3 mm in thick-
`ness and have a low moisture vapor transmission
`rate of approximately <20 g!n13f24 hr (36). Fihns of
`polypropylene, polyethylene, and polyole-fin which
`are transparent or pigmented are in use in TDDS5
`as backing liners.
`The adhesive layer must be pressure sensitive,
`providing the ability to adhere to the skin with
`minimal pressure and remain in place for the in-
`tended period of wear. The adhesive should be
`norkirritating, allow easy pee1—off after use, permit
`urnimpeded drug flux to the skin and must be com-
`patible with all other system components. The ad-
`hesive material is usually safety tested for skin
`compatibility including tests for skin irritation, skin
`sensitivity and cytotoxicity (37). In some TDDSS,
`:tl’lE drug is contained within the adhesive layer.
`Polybutylacrylate is commonly used as the adhe-
`sive in TDDS 5.
`The drug release membranes are commonly made
`of polyethylene, with microporous structures of
`varying pore sizes to fit the desired specifications of
`the particular transdennal system.
`Included among the design objectives of TDDSs
`are the following (2,8,35,38—39).AT'DDS should do
`the following:
`1. Deliver the drug at an optimal rate to the skin for
`percutaneous absorption at therapeutic levels;
`2. Contain medicinal agents having the neces-
`sary physicothemical characteristics to release
`from the system and partition into the stratum
`3. Occlude the skin to ensure the one-way flux of
`the drug into the stratum corneum;
`4. Have a therapeutic advantage over other dosage
`forms and drug delivery systems;
`5. Have components as adhesive, vehicle, and ac»
`tive agent which are not irritating or sensitizing
`to the skin; and
`6. Adhere well to the patients skin and have a
`patch—size, appearance, and site-placement that
`encourages patient acceptance.
`Fig. 10.5 Pilot scale manufacture of tmnsdermal patches.
`(Courtesy 0fElan Canmratian, pic.)
`Advantages and

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