`MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: 008: All Materials (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
`008 All Materials (NR)
`MARC 21 Bibliographic Full
`September 2011
`Indicators and Subfield Codes
`This field has no indicators or subfield codes; the data elements are positionally defined.
`Character Positions
`0005 Date entered on file
`06 Type of date/Publication status
`b No dates given; B.C. date involved
`c Continuing resource currently published
`d Continuing resource ceased publication
`e Detailed date
`i Inclusive dates of collection
`k Range of years of bulk of collection
`m Multiple dates
`n Dates unknown
`0710 Date 1
`19 Date digit
`# Date element is not applicable
`1114 Date 2
`19 Date digit
`# Date element is not applicable
`p Date of distribution/release/issue and
`production/recording session when different
`q Questionable date
`r Reprint/reissue date and original date
`s Single known date/probable date
`t Publication date and copyright date
`u Continuing resource status unknown
`| No attempt to code
`u Date element is totally or partially unknown
`|||| No attempt to code
`u Date element is totally or partially unknown
`|||| No attempt to code
`1517 Place of publication, production, or execution
`xx# No place, unknown, or undetermined
`vp# Various places
`[aaa] Threecharacter alphabetic code
`[aa#] Twocharacter alphabetic code
`1834 Material specific coded elements
`3537 Language
`### No information provided
`zxx No linguistic content
`mul Multiple languages
`38 Modified record
`# Not modified
`d Dashedon information omitted
`o Completely romanized/printed cards romanized
`r Completely romanized/printed cards in script
`39 Cataloging source
`# National bibliographic agency
`c Cooperative cataloging program
`d Other
`sgn Sign languages
`und Undetermined
`[aaa] Threecharacter alphabetic code
`s Shortened
`x Missing characters
`| No attempt to code
`u Unknown
`| No attempt to code
`MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: 008: All Materials (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
`Field 008 character positions 0017 and 3539 are defined the same for field 008 in the MARC 21
`bibliographic format, regardless of record type. The definition of field 008 character positions 1834 varies
`according to the Type of record code in Leader/06 and Bibliographic level code in Leader/07. Certain data
`elements are defined the same in more than one 008 field configuration. When similar data elements are
`defined for inclusion in a field 008 for different record types/bibliographic level, they generally occupy the
`same field 008 character positions.
`0005 Date entered on file
`Computergenerated, sixcharacter numeric string that indicates the date the MARC record was created.
`Recorded in the pattern yymmdd.
`Pattern yymmdd is yy for the year, mm for the month, and dd for the day. The date entered on file in
`008/0005 is never changed. The date and time of latest transaction information in field 005 changes each
`time a transaction is made to the record. The latest transaction information enables an organization
`handling more than one version of a record to identify the most current version. The fill character (|) is not
`allowed in any of these positions. Field 008/0005 is usually system generated.
`06 Type of date/Publication status
`Onecharacter alphabetic code that indicates the type of dates given in 008/0710 (Date 1) and 008/1114
`(Date 2). For continuing resources, the code in 008/06 also indicates the publication status.
`The choice of code for 008/06 is made concurrently with a determination of the appropriate dates for
`008/0714. For most records data is derived from information in field 260 (Publication, Distribution, etc.
`(Imprint)), field 264 (Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice), field 362
`(Dates of Publication and/or Sequential Designation), or from note fields.
`Dates are represented by four digits. Missing digits in the date are represented by the character u.
`For continuing resources, 008/0710 contain the beginning date of publication (chronological designation)
`and 008/1114 contain the ending date. For reprints of serials and for reproductions of serials being
`described in the body of the entry, the beginning and ending dates of the original are input in these
`character positions.
`Precedence of codes (monographic items) When more than one code applies to a bibliographic item,
`use the table below to determine the appropriate code to use. The codes listed first take precedence over
`codes listed subsequently. The left column covers single part items and multipart items completed in one
`year. The right column covers multipart items for which a span of dates is required.
`Single part/multipart items
`complete in one year
`b B.C. date
`r Reprint/original date
`e Detailed date
`s Single date
`p Distribution/production date
`t Publication date and copyright date
`q Questionable date
`n Unknown date
`Collections/multipart items complete
`in more than one year
`b B.C. date
`i Inclusive date
`k Range of dates
`r Reprint/original date
`m Initial/terminal date
`t Publication date and copyright date
`n Unknown date
`Legal characters Date 1 and Date 2 each usually consist of four digits (e.g., 1963). When part of the
`date is unknown, missing digits are represented by the character u (e.g., "19??" would be recorded as
`19uu). If the date is totally unknown, the millennium may be inferred (e.g., 1uuu). For Common Era
`(C.E.) dates of the first millennium, the year is right justified and unused positions contain zeros (e.g.,
`MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: 008: All Materials (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
`(C.E.) dates of the first millennium, the year is right justified and unused positions contain zeros (e.g.,
`"946 A.D." would be recorded as 0946). When Date 1 or Date 2 is not applicable, such as when Before
`Common Era (B.C.) dates are involved, blanks are used (e.g., ####). For active serials (i.e., when the
`serial has not ceased publication) and incomplete multipart nonserial items, the date in 008/1114 is
`represented by 9999 to indicate that the year is not yet available. The fill character (|) may also be used in
`008/0614 when no attempt has been made to code dates, but its use in 008/0710 is discouraged. Many
`MARCbased systems rely on nonfill characters in 008/0710 for retrieval and duplicate detection. When
`fill is used in either 008/0710 or 008/1114, it should be used in all four character positions, thus a
`combination of fills and any other character in either of these positions should never occur.
`b No dates given; B.C. date involved
`One or more dates associated with the item are Before Common Era (B.C.) dates. B.C. date
`information can be specifically coded in field 046 (Special Coded Dates).
`Each character position in fields 008/0710 and 008/1114 contains a blank.
`008/0710 ####
`008/1114 ####
`##$c[150100 B.C.]
`c Continuing resource currently published
`Currently published is defined as an item for which an issue has been received within the last three
`008/0710 contain the beginning date of publication; 008/1114 contain the characters 9999.
`008/0710 1984
`008/1114 9999
`##$aNew York :$bXerox Films,$c1984
`008/0710 1953
`008/1114 9999
`##$aChicago :$bUniversity of Chicago Press,
`1#$aBegan with vol. for 1953.
`008/0710 195u
`008/1114 9999
`##$aDescription based on: Vol. 2, no. 2 (Feb. 1956).
`[Date of first issue is unknown.]
`008/0710 19uu
`008/1114 9999
`##$aNew York :$bWiley Interscience,
`##$aDescription based on: 1981.
`[Date of first issue is unknown but can be estimated.]
`008/0710 1uuu
`008/1114 9999
`##$aNew York :$bDoubleday,
`MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: 008: All Materials (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
`##$aNew York :$bDoubleday,
`##$aDescription based on: 1901.
`[Date of first issue is unknown and cannot be estimated.]
`d Continuing resource ceased publication
`New issues of a continuing resource have ceased to be published or that a change in author or title
`has caused a successive entry record to be created. When a new title supersedes a previously existing
`one, the earlier title is considered dead and coded d in field 008/06. An item is considered to have
`ceased publication only when there is clear evidence that it has. Generally, a period of more than
`three years during which no new issue of a continuing resource has been published is considered
`evidence that it has ceased publication.
`008/0710 contain the beginning date of publication; 008/1114 contain the date the item ceased to
`be published.
`008/0710 1928
`008/1114 1941
`##$aBerlin :$bVZG,$c19281941.
`0#$aVol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1928)v. 14, no. 2 (Feb. 1941).
`008/0710 1uuu
`008/1114 1958
`##$aNew York :$bAmerican Statistical Association,$c 1959.
`0#$a 1958.
`008/0710 19uu
`008/1114 1929
`##$aBoston :$bThe Society,$c 1929.
`[Beginning date is unknown but can be estimated.]
`008/0710 1945
`008/1114 19uu
`##$aChicago :$bThe Association,$c1945
`##$aNo more published?
`[Ending date is unknown but can be estimated.]
`e Detailed date
`Detailed date which contains the month (and possibly the day) in addition to the year is present.
`008/0710 contain the year and 008/1114 contain the month and day formatted mmdd.
`If the day is unknown, uu is used; if the detail on the item indicates only the month, blanks are used.
`For visual materials, this code may be used with televised material to give the date of the original
`008/0710 1983
`008/1114 0615
`##$aWashington, D.C. :$bDept. of Commerce,$cJune 15, 1983.
`MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: 008: All Materials (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
`008/0710 1977
`008/1114 05##
`##$cMay 1977.
`[Day is not applicable because the publication is identified by month only.]
`008/0710 1976
`008/1114 11uu
`##$aU.S. :$bTriangle Film Corp.,$cNov. 1976.
`[Day of month is unknown.]
`i Inclusive dates of collection
`008/0710 and 008/1114 contain the inclusive dates applicable to a collection. If the inclusive dates
`are represented by a single year, that date is given in both places. A collection, whether or not it
`consists of individually published items, is not considered to exist in a published form. Multipart
`items are not treated as a collection (see code m).
`008/0710 1765
`008/1114 1770
`008/0710 18uu
`008/1114 1890
`008/0710 1988
`008/1114 1988
`k Range of years of bulk of collection
`008/0710 and 008/1114 contain the range of years applicable to most of the material in a
`collection. If the bulk dates are represented by only a single year, that date is given in both places. A
`collection, whether or not it consists of individually published items, is not considered to exist in a
`published form. Multipart items are not treated as a collection (see code m).
`008/0710 1796
`008/1114 1896
`008/0710 1854
`008/1114 1854
`m Multiple dates
`008/0710 and 008/1114 contain the range of years of publication of a multipart item. If both dates
`for a multipart item are represented by a single year, then code s is used. The code is also used for a
`single part unpublished item that has been executed over a period of time, such as a painting.
`MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: 008: All Materials (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
`single part unpublished item that has been executed over a period of time, such as a painting.
`008/0710 usually contain the initial (or beginning) date and 008/1114 the terminal (or ending) date.
`008/0710 1972
`008/1114 1975
`##$aParis :$bÉditions du Cerf,$c19721975.
`008/0710 uuuu
`008/1114 1981
`##$aBoston :$bMacmillan,$c [1981]
`[Multipart item for which the earliest volume is not held.]
`##$aParis :$bHachette,$c[197]1987.
`[Multipart item for which the publication date of the first volume is
`##$aNew York :$bDover,$c1943[197?]
`[Multipart item for which the publication date of the last volume is
`008/0710 1943
`008/1114 1945
`##$aLondon :$bGollancz,$c19431945.
`[Single part item for which the publication date spans more than one year.]
`008/0710 1998
`008/1114 9999
`##$aBrescia : $bLa scuola,$c<c1998 >
`[Multipart item for which the publication date is ongoing.]
`n Dates unknown
`Dates appropriate for 008/0710 and 008/1114 are unknown, (e.g., when no dates are given in field
`008/0710 uuuu
`008/1114 uuuu
`MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: 008: All Materials (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
`008/0710 uuuu
`008/1114 uuuu
`[Naturally occurring object; field 260 is not present in the record.]
`p Date of distribution/release/issue and production/recording session when different
`Both a date of distribution/release/issue (008/0710) and a date of production/recording (008/1114)
`are present because there is a difference between the two dates. For computer files, code p is used
`when there is a difference between the date the file first became operational for analysis and
`processing in machinereadable form (i.e., production date) and the date the file became available to
`the public, usually through an established agency (i.e., distribution date). For moving images, if a
`work with identical content but in a different medium has a later release date than the original work,
`code p is used (e.g., a videorecording released in 1978 that was originally produced as a motion
`picture in 1965).
`##$aWashington :$bU.S. Navy Dept.,$c1967 :$bDistributed by National
`Audiovisual Center,$c1982.
`q Questionable date
`Exact date for a single date item is not known but a range of years for the date can be specified (e.g.,
`between 1824 and 1846).
`Earliest possible date is given in 008/0710; latest possible date in 008/1114.
`008/0710 1963
`008/1114 1966
`##$aNew York :$bHippocrene Books,$c[between 1963 and 1966]
`008/0710 18uu
`008/1114 19uu
`##$aAmsterdam :$bElsevier,$c[19th and early 20th century]
`[Decade is unknown for both earliest and latest date.]
`r Reprint/reissue date and original date
`008/0710 contain the date of reproduction or reissue; 008/1114 contain the date of the original, if
`known. 008/1114 contain code u ("uuuu"), if unknown.
`If multiple dates are available for the original publication, 008/1114 contain the earlier date. With
`original photographic material, the work being described would be a later photoprint made from an
`earlier created photonegative. With original prints, the work being described would be a restrike
`made from the (usually deceased) artist's earliercreated plate or block.
`008/1114 1857
`##$aBoston :$b[s.n.,$c1983?]
`##$aOriginal version: Pittsburg, Pa. : W'm Schuchman & Bro. Lith.,
`MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: 008: All Materials (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
`008/0710 1966
`008/1114 uuuu
`##$aReprinted from Green Howard's Gazette.
`[Original date of publication is unknown.]
`008/0710 uuuu
`008/1114 1963
`##$aNew York :$b[s.n.,$cn.d.]
`##$aPreviously published in 1963.
`s Single known date/probable date
`Date consists of one known single date of distribution, publication, release, production, execution,
`writing, or a probable date that can be represented by four digits. The single date associated with the
`item may be actual, approximate, or conjectural (e.g., if the single date is uncertain). Code s is also
`used for a single unpublished item such as an original or historical graphic when there is a single
`date associated with the execution of the item.
`008/0710 contain the date; 008/1114 contain blanks (####).
`008/0710 1977
`008/1114 ####
`##$aWashington :$bDept. of State,$c1977.
`008/0710 1981
`008/1114 ####
`##$a[Darmstadt] :$bTetzlaff,$c1980 [i.e. 1981]
`008/0710 1969
`008/1114 ####
`##$aLondon :$bHarcourt, World & Brace,$c[1969?]
`008/0710 1983
`008/1114 ####
`##$a[Yerushalayim :$bE. Fisher,$c744 i.e. 1983 or 1984]
`[NonGregorian dates with no single Gregorian equivalent.]
`008/0710 1946
`008/1114 ####
`##$aBerlin :$b[s.n.,$cca. 1946]
`008/0710 198u
`008/1114 ####
`MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: 008: All Materials (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
`##$aNew York :$bHaworth,$c[198]
`008/0710 19uu
`008/1114 ####
`##$aNew York :$bS.R.A.,$c[19]
`Span of dates associated with a single item of uncertain date is coded as questionable (code q).
`Multiple certain dates needed for a single item are coded as multiple dates (code m). Single or
`multiple dates associated with a collection are coded as either bulk dates (code k) or inclusive dates
`(code i).
`t Publication date and copyright date
`Date of publication/release/production/execution is present in 008/0710 and a copyright notice date
`or phonogram copyright notice date is present in 008/1114. Deposit dates (i.e., those preceded by
`"D.L." (Dépot légal), etc.) may be treated as copyright dates.
`008/0710 1982
`008/1114 1949
`##$aLondon :$bMacmillan,$c1982, c1949.
`008/0710 2002
`008/1114 2001
`##$aNew York :$bEpic,$c2002, p2001.
`008/0710 198u
`008/1114 1979
`##$aRio de Janeiro :$bDelta,$c[198?], c1979.
`u Continuing resource status unknown
`Used for continuing resources when there is no clear indication that publication of the item has
`008/0710 contain a beginning date of publication; 008/1114 contain the characters uuuu since no
`ending date is known.
`008/0710 1948
`008/1114 uuuu
`008/0710 19uu
`008/1114 uuuu
`##$aDescription based on: 1983.
`008/0710 1uuu
`008/1114 uuuu
`[No information is contained in the source record.]
`MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: 008: All Materials (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
`[No information is contained in the source record.]
`| No attempt to code
`0710 Date 1
`A date specified by the code in 008/06 (Type of date/Publication status).
`Determination of dates for 008/0710 is made concurrently with the choice of code for 008/06. See the
`section above on 008/06 for examples and input conventions related to coded date information. The use of
`fill characters in 008/0710, although possible, is discouraged since the data in Date 1 is used for retrieval
`and duplicate detection in many systems. When fill is used in 008/0710, all four positions must contain
`the fill character.
`19 Date digit
`# Date element is not applicable
`u Date element is totally or partially unknown
`|||| No attempt to code
`1114 Date 2
`A date specified by the code in 008/06 (Type of date/Publication status).
`Determination of dates for 008/1114 is made concurrently with the choice of code for 008/06. See the
`section above on 008/06 for examples and input conventions related to coded date information. Four fill
`characters (||||) are used when no attempt has been made to code these character positions.
`19 Date digit
`# Date element is not applicable
`u Date element is totally or partially unknown
`|||| No attempt to code
`1517 Place of publication, production, or execution
`Two or threecharacter alphabetic code that indicates the place of publication, production, or execution.
`Place code is an authoritativeagency data element. Code from: MARC Code List for Countries. Choice of
`a MARC code is generally related to information in field 260 (Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint)).
`The code recorded in 008/1517 is used in conjunction with field 044 (Country of Producer Code) when
`more than one code is appropriate to an item. The first code in subfield $a of field 044 is recorded in
`008/1517. Three fill characters (|||) may be used in place of a valid code, but their use in 008/1517 is
`discouraged. The data in this field 008 data element is used for retrieval and duplicate detection in many
`systems. When fill is used in 008/1517, all three positions must contain the fill character.
`Twocharacter codes are left justified and the unused position contains a blank (#). For items reprinted in
`the original print size, the code is based on the jurisdiction where the reprint was published and not on the
`jurisdiction associated with the original place of publication.
`For sound recordings, the code represents the place where the recording company is located. For still
`images that are original or historical graphics, if geographic information can be deduced (as with some
`photographs), a place code is recorded in this character position. For archival moving images, the code
`represents the country of producing entity from field 257. For massproduced videorecordings, the code
`represents the place of publication in field 260 (Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint)).
`##$aBurbank, Calif. :$bColumbia Tristar Home Video,$cc1996.
`[Video published in California of a film coproduced in France, Spain and
`MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: 008: All Materials (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
`008/1517 nyu
`##$a[New York ] :$bGardner & Co.,$cc1899.
`008/1517 nyu
`00$a[Portrait of Cyrus Patten] /$cAnson, New York.
`[A single unpublished graphic item.]
`008/1517 xx#
`00$aVanity Fair /$cF. Depero.
`[An unpublished graphic item where geographic information cannot be deduced.]
`008/1517 ja#
`##$aTokyo :$cShobido & Co.,$c1919.
`[A collection consisting wholly of published items.]
`When the place of publication/production/execution is totally unknown, code xx# is used.
`008/1517 xx#
`##$aS. l. :$bs.n.,$c1983.
`[Place is completely unknown]
`008/1517 xx#
`00$a[Hope diamond]$h[realia].
`[Field 260 is not present in the record]
`When more than one place is involved, the firstnamed jurisdiction is coded in 008/1517. The code for
`the first jurisdiction is repeated in field 044 (Country of producer code), followed by the codes for the
`other jurisdictions.
`008/1517 enk
`##$aLondon ;$aNew York :$bAcademic Press,$c1979.
`For visual materials and music, if the work is a multicountry production, the code for the first country is
`recorded in 008/1517. The code for the first country is repeated in field 044 (Country of Producer Code),
`followed by the codes for countries of other bodies involved in the production. For serials and
`integrating resources, the country code reflects the place of publication of the latest issue, part or
`iteration. If the record is updated at a later time and the place has changed, the place of publication code is
`updated. For mixed materials, the code represents the repository where the material is assembled.
`xx# No place, unknown, or undetermined
`No place of publication, production, etc. can be provided; the place is unknown, or it is
`undetermined. Examples of such items are: 1) naturally occurring objects; 2) ancient manuscripts.
`vp# Various places
`Various places are associated with different parts of items, generally a collection.
`[aaa] Threecharacter alphabetic code
`[aa#] Twocharacter alphabetic code
`1834 Material specific coded elements
`See one of the material specific 008/1834 sections
`3537 Language
`MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: 008: All Materials (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
`3537 Language
`Threecharacter alphabetic code that indicates the language of the item. Code from: MARC Code List for
`Languages. Choice of a MARC code is based on the predominant language of the item. Three fill
`characters (|||) may also be used if no attempt is made to code the language or if nonMARC language
`coding is preferred (and coded in field 041 (Language code)).
`For language material (i.e., books and continuing resources), the language code is based on the text of
`the item. The term text refers to the principle work(s) included within the publication, excluding the
`preface, introduction, foreword, appendices, etc. For computer files, the language associated with the
`data and/or the user interface (e.g., textual displays, audible output in a language) determines the code
`used in 008/3537, not the programming language. (Accompanying documentation in a language other
`than that of the data and/or user interface is coded in field 041.) For maps, the language of names and text
`associated with the map or globe determines the code used. For music, the predominant language of the
`sung or spoken text associated with the score or sound recording is recorded in 008/3537. For visual
`materials, coding depends on the type of material. For moving image materials, the language content is
`defined as the sound track, the accompanying sound, or sign language. For moving image materials with
`no sound or sign language content or, if with sound, no narration, use zxx (no linguistic content). For
`filmstrips and slides, code for the text on the film, the accompanying sound or the accompanying printed
`script (for works with no sound or, if with sound, no narration). For all other still images, including
`original or historical graphic material and opaque and nonopaque graphic material, and threedimensional
`materials, the language content is that associated with the material, i.e., captions or other text associated
`with the item or collection that are part of the chief source of information. For mixed materials the
`language code is based on the predominant language of an item or materials in a collection.
`When only one language is associated with an item, the code for that language is recorded.
`008/3537 spa
`00$aRentabilidad bruta del inversionista en bolsa.$pBonos del tesoro.
`If more than one language code is applicable, the code for the predominant language is recorded in
`008/3537, and the codes for all of the languages, including the predominant language, are recorded in
`field 041 (Language Code). The code recorded in 008/3537 is always the same as the language code
`recorded in the first occurrence of subfields $a or $d (for sound recordings).
`008/3537 rus
`##$aChiefly in Russian; with some contributions in English.
`If there is no predominant language, the language codes are recorded in English alphabetical order in field
`041 and the first one is recorded in 008/3537.
`008/3537 eng
`##$aText in English and Spanish.
`When formulating a bibliographic record for a translation, the code for the language of the translation,
`not the language of the original, is given in 008/3537. (The code for the language of the original is
`recorded in subfield $h of field 041.)
`008/3537 eng
`[English translation of a German title]
`### No information provided
`zxx No linguistic content
`Item has no sung, spoken, or written textual content. Examples of such items are: 1) instrumental or
`electronic music; 2) sound recordings consisting of nonverbal sounds; 3) moving image materials
`with no sound or sign language content, or if sound, no narration; 4) visual materials other than
`MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: 008: All Materials (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress)
`with no sound or sign language content, or if sound, no narration; 4) visual materials other than
`moving images with no printed titles, captions, etc.; 5) computer files that consist of no more than
`the machine language (e.g., COBOL) or character codes (e.g., ASCII) used in source programs.
`mul Multiple languages
`Item is multilingual with no predominant language and the cataloging institution has chosen not to
`specify a language in 008/3537.
`sgn Sign languages
`Primary medium of communication is a sign language, e.g., a book containing pictures of the
`handshape of each letter of a particular sign system, or a videorecording that is signed. The
`particular sign language system is stated in field 546 (Language Note), e.g., American Sign
`Language. The codes for secondary and related languages may be indicated in field 041 (Language
`008/3537 sgn
`##$aAmerican Sign Language, with some text in English.
`und Undetermined
`Language of the item cannot be determined. Also used for works having content consisting of
`arbitrary syllables, humming, or other humanproduced sounds for which a language cannot be
`[aaa] Threecharacter alphabetic code
`38 Modified record
`Onecharacter code that indicates whether any data in a bibliographic record is a modification of
`information that appeared on the item being cataloged or that was intended to be included in the MARC
`Such modifications include: the romanization of data that originally appeared in a nonroman script;
`substitution of characters available for those characters that could not be converted to machinereadable
`form (e.g., special symbols, "¤"); shortening of records because the amount of data exceeded a system
`imposed maximum allowable length. A record is not considered to be modified when romanizing fields in
`the record that are not transcriptions of data from the item (e.g., headings, complete nonquoted fields,
`subscription address, etc.). MARC equivalents for certain letters used in lesser known languages using the
`Roman alphabet are also not considered to be modified.
`Precedence of codes When more than one code applies to a bibliographic item, use the following table
`to determine the appropriate code to use. The codes are listed in precedence order, with codes listed first
`taking precedence over codes listed subsequently. Code # is the highest priority.
`Not modified
`Dashedon information omitted
`Missing characters
`Completely romanized/printed cards in script
`Completely romanized/printed cards romanized
`Codes are assigned a priority (recorded in the order of the following list) that determines which code is
`input when more than one code applies to the item.
`Default recommended:
`# Not modified
`Record has not been modified in any way (e.g., it is not shortened and it contains no characters that
`could not be converted to machinereadable f